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12058032 No.12058032 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12058090


I don't agree with that stupidity and at the same time feel a loathing when liberals say they're "fighting back" when all they ever do is support the status quo and capitalism. The ones fighting back are the ones they villify (Antifascists) along with the further right. Oh no, we must be civil and use the state to stop the state.

>> No.12058107

Who is that image addressing? Those films, like all, were put together by the Jews.

>> No.12058108

It's called 'cringe', anon.

>> No.12058129

you know this is addressing
the Middle or above Teenagers and Young adults in America(majority of them white but a noticeable amount of black and and some East Asians)
their a product of Humans primal urge for conflict
they view them as resistance fighting against an oppressive Fascist Nazi goverment

>> No.12058138

Not even a christfag but these people need jesus.

>> No.12058153

Your post was put together by the jews

>> No.12058156

The "you" in the pic is not addressing the audience of those films.

>> No.12058162

>shill for the continuing destruction of culture and living standards with neoliberalism
>no organised Left standing to offer any hope of getting outside of this
>surprised that people vote for meme rebels of the system in hopes that they could actually crash it somehow

Not an American, but as a commie I would never have voted for Clinton in a million years and I watched the utter incompetence of the Democrats with unabashed glee. Trump is a symptom of the continuing erosion of the american global order and most of his actions are only helping the Chinese step in and present themselves as the new protectors of stability and global trade. We're heading for a Sino-dominated world and hell, I expect them to do better, they've learned their lessons well and know how to play the globalist game.

>> No.12058166

With such a shrewd retort I am defeated, and Hollywood is no longer a Jewish incursion on western civilization. Upvoted and friend request sent.

>> No.12058176

>as a commie
stopped reading right there

>> No.12058191

The answer is right there in the first line. A whole generation raised on a diet of shallow corporate pop-culture. Those are the stories, the mythos, that a large swath of people are now using to interpret the world through. This really wouldn't be a problem except that they can vote.

>> No.12058436

harry potter isn't a revolutionary figure though. he represents the status quo. at the end of the last book they are sending their kids off to hogwarts just like at the beginning of the first book. everything is the same at the end as the beginning. society has not progressed in any way.

>> No.12058461
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Fucking what?

>> No.12058480

>the most cartoonish supervillain in history
These guys have not read much history I take it, or are even aware of countries outside the United States

>> No.12058500

This, HP concludes with a middle class utopia where the numerous fundamentally fucked up things about the Wizarding World are pushed aside and never addressed. Hermione's concern for the liberation of house-elves is basically the adolescent's radical phase which he fondly recalls in his married suburban life while drinking tea. Since Rowling has stated a resemblance of Hermione to herself, we can clearly see her own worldview at work, that of a neoliberal faux-progressive Blairite, outwardly concerned for the poor and opressed, but utterly resistant to any concrete challenge to the neoliberal program, shown in her instinctive horror towards Corbyn's Labour.

>> No.12058510

>middle class utopia
harry potter is very clearly a fantasy about the upper class british boarding schools, and very little else

they even have 'muggles', read: commoners

>> No.12058511
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I mean just look at Mussolini and Gathafi

>> No.12058512

most YA garbage is anti-fascist

>> No.12058513

Read Spengler.

>> No.12058526

I must say, it’s interesting to see someone who can’t read posting in /lit/

>> No.12058579

What the fuck do you think "middle class" is if not people LARPing as upper class you retard.

>> No.12058620

im in fact not a retard but rather intelligent by all accounts

your post also merely supports my post, which makes its framing as a rebuttal kind of gay

>> No.12058624

They fulfil the wishes/desires of most people. That simple.

>> No.12058632

>im in fact not a retard but rather intelligent by all accounts
This could be /lit/‘s new banner.

>> No.12058640

the accounts given of my intelligence have almost all been positive, i cant imagine most of you have had the same experience. you probably imagine yourself to be 'misunderstood' because you have lacked the constant affirmation of your intelligence from everyone around you

>> No.12058704

A combination of the fact that Harry Potter is comprised of cliches that will.likely capture the imagination of an ignorant reader and marketing that.sought to turn crappy pieces of media into a lifestyle.

>> No.12058896

Genuinely laughed.

>> No.12058907

no u

>> No.12058943

Don’t listen to the snobs ITT, those are fun books to read. It makes total sense people like them. Obviously they were heavily marketed and don’t even get me started on Rowling’s public discourse as it’s absolutely bat shit. I know these books had a pretty negative effect on the industry as well but complaining so much about them just makes you seem like a pretentious faggot that can’t deal with reality. Stop getting triggered.

>> No.12058960

I don’t particularly disagree with this analysis other than the fact that China is heading for an economic crisis so huge it’ll effect most other countries who’s exports and economies are too small to wether the crash. They’re even importing labor from Vietnam at this point. If you’re truly a communist you know this is a symptom of them embracing capitalism. So no I don’t believe they’ll have global hegemony but they will become bigger players globally.

If they ever break out of their traditions and gain things like free speech their entertainment industry would eclipse the US in a matter of years as well but so far it just seems more authoritative ( lol thanks communism )

>> No.12059313

China is a mess. Rule of law barely even exists there. Their business networking is abhorrent to westerns. Just go watch the .webm in a China hate thread to see something is absolutely sociopathic about their society; not the perpetrators which are in every country, but by the bystanders who just step over the body. They will hit an authoritarian peak then stagnation compounded by the insufficient birth rate.
This is all rather sad. It was my favorite country, I was even studying Mandarin, but now having traveled some I must find somewhere else.

>> No.12059319

Gen Z is far right if they ever step away from moderate politics

>> No.12059322

cringe but redpilled

>> No.12059328

That's what you get from feeding your kids edulcorated orwell fanfics. Disgusting.

>> No.12059353

Explain to me how antifa is in opposition to the status quo when their “incivility” is perfectly welcome. You don’t think antifa would be shut down if the state didn’t have a use for it?

>> No.12059357

why is the murder rate so low in china despite the poverty
is it just their antlike nature

>> No.12059361

seriously imagine thinking antifa is transgressive, and not basically a pet of the Ivies
these faggots with their scripted and carefully demarcated 'rebellion' are hilarious

>> No.12059373

Are you sure that a goverment of such controlling nature would release actual data about its inner problems?

>> No.12059383

chinese people have a super low murder rate as expats in western countries as well

>> No.12059464

They aren't psychopaths, just sociopath. They aren't trying to kill you, they just don't care if you die. They might even be especially good rule followers. But as it stands, they will cheat you then lie to your face about it while you are literally holding the evidence. (Or hopefully, the incentives created by their current government make them act so.)

I do worry that it isn't merely the current government but something inherent to Guanxi. And even with a revolution that's not going anywhere.

>> No.12059475

Would such a worst case scenario prove that sociopathy is a genetical trait?

>> No.12059497

>harry potter is very clearly a fantasy about the upper class british boarding schools, and very little else

It's a middle-class fantasy about being upper class. The Malfoys represent the "upper class" (caricatured because Rowling knows nothing about it). Compare Rowling's portrayal of a Hogwarts to that of C.P. Snow (who had, you know, actually attended one).

>> No.12059524

But when antifa actually does something, for example blockading ICE facilities, they are shut down.

>> No.12059551

Yes, that would be bad, because there are a billion of them. However, they also would be (are) quite willing to genetically engineer their children. So they might accidentally (or the west might) slip in the genes to fix that trait. Which would be a horrible youth for a generation of their children, but worth in the end.

>> No.12059568
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>insted of study politcs and economy you scaped reality with fantasy for decades and when the guy in power doesn't fit your agenda you "fight back" like you are a super hero inside a fucking movie

Yep, it sounds like the average American to me.

>> No.12059595

I don't have any hopes of China embracing socialism or anything like that, their system offers growth but not much else admirable. I do think that the international left outside of China would benefit in a world with a weak US however, they don't seem interested in sabotaging every half-socialist attempt with regime change and constant sanctions.
In a world without an enduring communist movement outside of Cuba and DPRK, we're reduced to playing geopolitics, but there's little else to hope for yet.

>> No.12059610

Gaddafi is the good guy anon

>> No.12059625

jeb bush is a mess

>> No.12059630

>actually does something, for example blockading ICE facilities
Is that supposed to be a good, useful thing?

>> No.12059635
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>> No.12059637

>raise a generation on a diet of neoliberal propaganda
>make them think they're rebels fighting the power
>actually they're foot-soldiers and useful idiots for the global elites
The greatest of cons

>> No.12059643

Because they were both good.

>> No.12059645


>> No.12059652

What would that accomplish?

>> No.12059670
File: 946 KB, 1400x5552, mandarin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my favorite country
Republic of China is true China, not the pseudo-communist shithole on the mainland.
Also, I've only ever seen videos about the cities, which can be chalked up to Mouse Utopia and Spengler.

>> No.12059682

The people succeeded in disrupting a tyrannical government action, even if only temporarily. If more people took direct action instead of tweeting ORANGE MAN BAD all day we could actually change the country for the better.

>> No.12059700

>disrupting a tyrannical government action
Paying people in exchange for labor? The facility lacking sufficient gender-neutral bathrooms? Imposing a poor architectural design upon the senses of those in the region?

>> No.12059703

Oof, sorry, I thought you weren't an NPC for a minute, that radiant AI got me, won't make that mistake again!

>> No.12059719

facilitating a humanitarian crisis

yeah m8 I think kidnapping children is wrong, how NPC of me. The government itself has now admitted there are hundreds of kids they don't know how to return to their parents.

>> No.12059726

>kidnapping children
youre such a faggot. Theyre illegal, theyre being taken back

>> No.12059731

>I think kidnapping children is wrong
So did the people who set up protections against child traffickers.
>when the tyrannical government get so bad it sends you away from the tyranny
>when they won't just let you work for $4/hour to help prop up their fight for $15

>> No.12059738
File: 440 KB, 1550x864, Moral_Decay_Of_A_Dying_Society.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that cap
So is this what the AnCap fags want?

>> No.12059764

They're literally not lmao, they're being held in detention facilities. I would be far happier if they were just being deported.

They're not being sent back. They are STILL being held.

>> No.12059781

Thats all I want too, just as soon as they get here turn them around kick them in the ass and say see you never. But that would be a "humanitarian crisis" as well. Face it anything other than just accepting everyone wholesale regardless is seen as bad now.

>> No.12059783

I feel bad for them, but these are the risks you take when you enter someone else's country illegally. A very silly white woman tried to enter some Arab petrostate without a visa, and she had her four year old daughter were locked up for four days without proper food or sanitation. You just don't want to fuck around with border police, the ordinary rules of human civility don't apply to them.

>> No.12059792

We are reaching levels of cringe that shouldn't even be possible

>> No.12059794

>when you
Who are you quoting? This isn't black twitter, you fucking child.
Don't care. It's their stupid parents' fault for coming here.
Anti-fa is financed by Soros, like Arab Spring among other instances. Staged riots have occurred since the ancient Roman Republic.
Also, Spengler >>>>>>>>> Marx.

>> No.12059801

When the first HP book was released, some fundamentalists in the UK were going after Rowling for practising witchcraft and being a witch. A decade later mentally ill people all over the globe quote the HP books like they were the Bible.
Face it, Harry Potter has literally replaced Jesus in many people's minds.

>> No.12059810

>They are STILL being held.
Because of legal protections regarding how much needs to be processed. They could have just turned around, but I would also support an easy, fast-paced catch and release program where anyone suspect of being in the country illegally just gets dumped in the middle of Mexico within 48 hours.

>> No.12059871

>Spengler > Marx

Imagine actually thinking this, lmao. Marx was the foundation for a serious economic sociology and historical methodology, Spengler just wrote a bunch of vague nonsense about civilizations having souls, why Greeks and Romans were totally awesome and how we should believe that everything sucks after 1800. His work has achieved precisely nothing for history.

>> No.12059879
File: 75 KB, 281x270, are_you_retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something tells me you actually haven't read Spengler.

>> No.12059889

>a serious economic sociology and historical methodology,
you mean actual lunacy that inspired mass murder

>> No.12059895
File: 319 KB, 799x658, cat_alunya_autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you new?

>> No.12059897
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>I expect them to do better

>> No.12059906

what's wrong with her

>> No.12059913

Fuck off tankie retard

>> No.12059953

Not sure what you're implying with that picture since /leftypol/ and /marx/ are about a hundred times more intellectual boards for discussing actual history and politics. This is literally the level of reactionary thought:

>Culture and Civilization - the living body of a soul and the mummy of it. For Western existence the distinction lies at about the year 1800 - on the one side of that frontier life in fullness and sureness of itself, formed by growth from within, in one great uninterrupted evolution from Gothic childhood to Goethe and Napoleon, and on the other the autumnal, artificial, rootless life of our great cities, under forms fashioned by the intellect. Culture-man lives inwards, Civilization-man outwards in space and amongst bodies and "facts." That which the one feels as Destiny the other understands as a linkage of causes and effects, and thenceforward he is a materialist - in the sense of the word valid for, and only vaid for, Civilization - whether he wills it or no, and whether Buddhist, Stoic or Socialist doctrines wear the garb of religion or not.

>Only the sick man feels his limbs. When men construct an unmetaphysical religion in oppsition to cults and dogmas; when a "natural law " is set up against historical law; when, in art, styles are invented in place of the style that can no longer be borne or mastered; when men conceive of the State as an "order of society" which not only can be but must be altered - then it is evident that something has definitely broken down. The Cosmopolis itself, the supreme Inorganic, is there, settled in the midst of the Culture-landscape, whose men it is uprooting, drawing into itself and using up.

Absolutely being mindblown here my fellow Nietzschean supermen :)

>> No.12059978

>being anything beyond a boring ban-fest circlejerk

>> No.12060013

They ban boring fascists who raid them and post bait threads with no substance. Literally nothing of value is lost. You can ask actual questions and present arguments, I imagine it's incomprehensible to people who think Spenglerian mysticism has anything to offer us today.

>> No.12060019

>having to manually curate your board for it to work
literally rebbit

>> No.12060043
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>Not sure what you're implying with that picture since /leftypol/ and /marx/ are about a hundred times more intellectual boards for discussing actual history and politics.
No it isn't. It's definitely not as bad as /nupol/, but it's pretty bad.

Spengler isn't perfect—his "metaphysical" autism is annoying, though I can't really fault him for it given his influences and who he was, and I don't care for his liking of Nietzsche, but his "Copernican" model of history is vastly superior to Marx (not to mention Hegel, of course). It makes way more sense, and has way more historical-backing.

>Absolutely being mindblown here my fellow Nietzschean supermen :)
Because if I think someone's writings are insightful, I must blindly follow them no matter what, right? As I said, Spengler isn't perfect, but still superior to Marx (really, that isn't hard :^) ).

I don't suppose you've read Adorno's critique of him?

Nice shitposting, you baiting faggot. They're as bad as any board on 8fag, though of course, 4cancer has its own problems, like the damnable Jewgle recaptcha....

>> No.12060112


>> No.12060133

it is always entertaining watching lefties explain why they have to ban all dissent on their sites

>> No.12060227

Genuinely surprised at this decent response.

I wouldn't say Marx has any super convincing model of historical stages, so I suppose I'll concede that. His writings on the development of capitalism are super insightful and greatly developed since his death, but the precise formula of revolutionary classes doesn't apply as much as he wants to in feudalism and before bourgeois revolutions etc. I generally prefer non-marxist historians for ancient and medieval history, but I think marxists are best at post-1700s let's say, the spread of global capitalism and its structural effects.

In my opinion his greatest contribution is the socio-economic methodology (best outlined in The German Ideology) of analysing social relations as historical processes, which arise in co-dependence with the relations of production based on the material expression of life. Specifically Althusser's modification of historical materialism and levels of social structure is, to me, an incredibly powerful framework of analysis that hasn't really been superseded.

>> No.12060239

>His work has achieved precisely nothing for history.
And Marx's historical impact is mass murder and retardation. Not exactly something you want to be bragging about.

>> No.12060504

America should be nuked and we'd never have to suffer its mongoloid denizens ever again.

>> No.12060536

As long as you're shot and strung up on my barn cross beam I'm okay with it.

>> No.12060551

>fighting back



>> No.12060568

I hate commies but have enormous respect for dirty hippies that drop everything to live on some dysfunctional farm and do real communal living. Even if it's always shit.

>> No.12060599

Yeah, just let them and countless others fall into the hands of human trafficking gangs because CNN showed you a pic of a crying Mexican baby

>> No.12060609

>/leftypol/ and /marx/ are about a hundred times more intellectual
*breathes in*

>> No.12060651

>this is your brain on marx
awoo lad.

>> No.12060763
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>> No.12060769


>> No.12060844
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Their preference for these stories indicates a poor relationship with their parents, who’ve never taught them the archetypal themes that children are meant to receive from their parents. They’re stuck in the oral stage, longing for people to nurture them. Out in the real world, they feel defenseless, subconciously seeking their mother while registering anyone who isn’t willing to nurture them as a physical threat

>> No.12062095

>oral stage
Freud fanboys can fuck off. No better than Marxists.

>> No.12062111

Non native english speaker here. I know what the phrase "To a 'T'" means, but where does it come from?

>> No.12062119

>The origins of this phrase are uncertain, but it has been observed in print since at least 1766, and likely was around well before that. The potentially related phrase "to a tittle" is found in a 1607 play, The Woman Hater by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher ("I'll quote him to a tittle"). The T in the phrase to a T is likely the first letter of a word, with tittle being the most likely source.

>> No.12062129

Unironically this. Crazy religious fanboys are way better than these wannabe revolutionary SJW.

>> No.12062306


>> No.12062388

Fundamentalist Christians also said about D&D and Pokemon cards were satanic, and they were right in the end. Their arguments on why were wrong, but they unconsciously pointed the finger at commodity fetishism every single time. Capitalism is the system of the Antichrist.

>> No.12062848

I actually agree with everything you said here but I don’t put the rest of the world before the United States. Obviously there’s huge environmental problems but they won’t go away even if the US reduced it’s carbon footprint to neutral. I’m not interested in comradeship with any other members of the world left. There’s a reason there’s not en enduring communist movement and it has less to do with US hegemony than you would suspect. We couldn’t even kill Castro. Every country on earth is literally becoming more nationalistic and closing its borders and trying to redefine its own culture in the wake of globalism. It’s one of the few things the alt-right is correct about. I’m no blind nationalist but it’s time to sober up and admit to ourselves that world multiculturalism is a failed project, the entire idea of open borders is laughable and a total machination of the so called American left.

I’m not so cold to say fuck the rest of the world but honesty global economies are thriving and that ya absolutely fuck to do with communism. Maybe start cheering for your home team, I say this as someone that loves you as silly as that sounds on this Indonesian basket weaving board but I really do. The United States has done so so much for human rights globally you’re going to have to temper yourself a buy and realize the best way to help your fellow man is honestly in your day to day interactions with strangers, while still being educated on geopolitics ofcourse.

>> No.12063864


They targeted readers. READERS.
You already dead, orang man. HOCUS POCUS.

>> No.12063876


We're a group of people on /lit/ who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end reading some of the hardest, most mentally demanding books. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little mental token saying we did.

We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.

We'll spend most if not all of our free time reading the stats of a fictional character all to imagine a single extra point of damage per second in the literary world.

Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same books over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know every little detail such that some have attained such reader nirvana that they can literally read these books blindfolded.

Do these people have any idea how many bookcases have been smashed, kindles over heated, paperbacks and pamphlets destroyed in frustration? All to later be referred to as bragging rights?

These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our publishers? Readers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've read worse things written by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty typewriter. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.

Readers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challenge us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another chapter.