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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 270 KB, 600x418, The-Life-Changing-Magic-of-Tidying-Up-Marie-Kondo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12032585 No.12032585 [Reply] [Original]

Onichan, clean your room ^-^

>> No.12032608

Actually she says it's important to distinguish cleaning from tidying up. So tidy your room, bucko-chan.

>> No.12032627

What's her stance on pronoun usage?

>> No.12032640

>Japanese person writes a book about cleaning
>Now its ancient Japanese secret technique

>> No.12032645

Japanese is a pro-drop language, so I guess neutral.

>> No.12032653

I'm digging the 12 Rules for Life rule 63 manga

>> No.12032667 [DELETED] 

I can't fap to peterson but now!

>> No.12032668

>he doesn't know how to market himself

Protip: if you're a minority in America, take advantage of that to sell your shit as "exotic". You could write a book of basic recipes or health advice just pepper in some stories about your grandmother giving you wisdom or some mythological tale about a monkey and a lion from 3000 years ago.

>> No.12032672

>I can't fap to peterson
Loser, try harder!

>> No.12032675 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 1.22 MB, 854x480, 1541366525268.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try now

>> No.12032677

>tfw she will never declutter the sperma from your fossilized prostate

>> No.12032714

>ywn grab your katana and save her from the oni in the underworld

>> No.12032751

>tfw she will never declutter the glut from your bog body-like testicles

>> No.12032761


>> No.12032774

To be fair, Japanese people is very organized.
Unlike american slobs

>> No.12033309
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>> No.12033364

>falling for an alliterative/rhyming month meme
I hope you also enjoyed Dry July, Sober October, and No Fap February.

>> No.12033388

i found the shinto type stuff really cute in a weird anime way. she greets her apartment when she comes home and she thanks posessions for being good boys

>> No.12033443


>> No.12033447

>reads JBP
haha get a load of this pseud. cringe and bluepilled.

>reads Kondo
;w; im sowwy mommy, i'w make ewwything wook sqweeky cwean !! :33

>> No.12034118

sober october actually was nice, i lost weight bc i stopped my twice a week heavy drinking.

problem im having with NNN is that its not just no fap, its no nut. i had to turn down a succ from tinder grill bc of it today, she was confused that i told her i just wanted to make out

>> No.12034123

yeah thats pretty autistic, miss me with that gay shit
based and redpilled

>> No.12034138

If dubs I'll fap to this qt.

>> No.12034143

Last opportunity.

>> No.12034144

here you go my guy, go wild. she looks like my waifus

>> No.12034146

Huh. I didn't got dubs, but I might fap a-anyway...

>> No.12034277

She's popular in Japan too you dummy, she didn't set out to swindle white piggus.
Her love of tidying up is pure and honest.

>> No.12034318


>> No.12034402

The Chad Kondo
The Beta Peterson

>> No.12034405

why are they so cute!

>> No.12034466

I want to impregnate her and not take responsibility

>> No.12034475

she looks just like my jav girls
can she really write a book??

>> No.12034517

Jordan Peterson is good.

>> No.12034687

big brain post

>> No.12034791

awww a cute

>> No.12034805

being clean and orderly is for bugmen

real big thinkers ruminate in their filth

>> No.12034809

Does this book have any tips for vomit stains in carpets?

>> No.12034866

i ship her and peterson so hard

>> No.12034870

Does she do porn?

>> No.12034905

t. agent of chaos

>> No.12034973

Clean my room instead if you know what I mean :^)

>> No.12035503

The funny thing about the exotic, orientalized image of Japan, is that the Japanese eat it up the most.

>> No.12035521

why did the post make me laugh

>> No.12035719

Because you're mildly retarded anon.

>> No.12035761
File: 23 KB, 398x500, 1536084420211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mind—as well as my room—were once so cluttered that I was unable to use my time effectively and I could not do what I love, now thanks to Mari-san I turn on the TV and I see clutter, I browse the internet and I see clutter, I see my hoard of books I'll never read and I see clutter; I see a hot girl in the street, I stare mindlessly at her breasts, and I see clutter; I see my cat and I see clutter; I watch autumn leaves being moved around by rain and wind, and rotting, and I see clutter.

>> No.12035766

My mom read this while I was at college and threw away most of my stuff without even asking me, fuck this book

>> No.12035769

and fuck your mom

>> No.12035793

I fucked your mother

>> No.12035796

gb2 raydid nigger

>> No.12035811

Expressing emotions is a real thing even if the objects are inanimate and can't receive them. If you habitually express positive or contented feelings, you will feel much better and more stable, it gives consistent form and righteousness to your self and life. The way she does it is sort of like putting things in their right places. Like you might straighten a painting despite it not needing to be or pet your cat as you arrive home or ensure your shoes are neatly placed/stored, it's very similar.

Yeah, a lot of that stuff is artificial or part of a kind of trendy pseudo-traditionalism, things people participate in despite not ever really being part of their tradition or normality (for the majority if not all). Sadly, a lot of the way they view 'Japanese' things is like European Orientialists of the past.

>> No.12035839

oh, she looks like *THIS *? I figured she was old as hell.

>> No.12035847

how would kondo-chan-sama-sensei react to this predicament?

>> No.12035851

Actually, it would be more appropriate for her to say anon-san. Onii-chan is way too intimate for a grown woman to say to some stranger who visits anonymous image boards

>> No.12035963


>> No.12035968

That suffer from tism apparently.

>> No.12035972

Japanese women look strangely childish and it makes my desire to fuck them a little uncomfortable sometimes.

>> No.12036001

t. Pedo

>> No.12036014

I unironically fold my clothes via her method now

>> No.12036018

That is the joke you autismos

>> No.12036025

You have learned that the plural of octopus is octopi, you can learn the plural of italian nouns.

>> No.12036035

Strangely good thread.

>> No.12036081

>she greets her apartment when she comes home and she thanks posessions for being good boys.
Thefuck. I can´decide If that´s cute or unbearably autisitic. If that happened in an anime I would probably cringe at it, so I´m leaning autistic.

>> No.12036091

Should I feel pathetic that I'm about to use my yellow fever as fuel to lead a more organized lifestyle?

>> No.12036096

Technically, octopuses is the most correct. Octopus is based off the greek root, meaning it should be octopodes, not octopi. Octopuses is using an English plural method rather than a latin one for a Greek root. I personally prefer octopodes, but people will just think you're autsitic.

>> No.12036111


>> No.12036118

Well, checked...

>> No.12036140

In italian grammar there is a rule that foreign and latin words should always appear in their singular form, because articles have a plural form, like il/i for the, so you can use articles to make plurality understood.

>> No.12036150

I'm an artist.
I like clutter.

I have a feeling that if I'd ever realize the dream of having her as my qt jap gf. I'd soon become precisely that to her: an objet to be greeted first, and to be thrown away eventually.

>> No.12036203

Isn't she like 40

>> No.12036474

If I tidy up my room I am sure Kondo-chama will notice me and praise me a lot.

>> No.12036500

This post wins.

>> No.12036506

Self-orientalising is fascinating and very widespread. See also Russians talking about 'muh mysterious Russian soul'. It's a neat irony of nationalism- everybody has to find 'unique', special cultural things to celebrate (generally in highly predictable and similar ways, and often by copying each other).

>> No.12036513


>> No.12036516

Did you know that bukkake was originally a punishment for adultery?

>> No.12036535

That's interesting. I feel though it's more than just nationalism though. Like maybe a response to imperialism/colonialism. I'm keeping this in mind when I start reading authors from the Meiji Period.

>> No.12036536

As a male, is there anywhere I can go in japan to be on the receiving end of one of these? I don't have any false justification for this desire; it is something that has always interested me and I sincerely want to experience it.

>> No.12036550

I don't know. I secretly wish I were a lesbian.

>> No.12036558

Zizek says that what we understand as 'national identity' is almost always adopted from the Other. He talks specifically about Greeks but those are good examples too.

>> No.12036587

I-I-Is there any Peterson X Kondo-chan fanart? Asking for a friend.

>> No.12036593

Go to one of the boards and request it, post back here with your findings!

>> No.12036610
File: 35 KB, 638x195, peterson3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once had big plans to take reviews of Kondo and pretend they were 12 Rules reviews.

>> No.12036624

And where are those plans now? Ah, the heedless wild ambition of youth

>> No.12036640
File: 129 KB, 664x431, peterson2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was funnier in my head

>> No.12036648

This but unironically. Practical advice for everyday problems beats vague archetype bullshit any day.

>> No.12036650

What are you implying?

>> No.12036681

How many Americans have died from getting crushed by piles of porn?

>> No.12036769


>> No.12036784


>> No.12036842

Kind of like that but in chungking express where he talks to all his household items

>> No.12036848

Holy shit, how did I never make that connection. I worked at a fucking bookstore while this was our number one seller for two years

>> No.12037475
File: 146 KB, 700x700, 1-Jordan-Peterson.w700.h700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jordan Peterson is cuter desu

>> No.12037676

that's because orientalism is actually awesome. Edward Said (a faggot who was figuratively and probably literally immensely butthurt) talked shit about it not because it was wrong and bad but because it was right and good. (((Academia))) amplified his faggot whining because it supported anti-European doctrines.

>> No.12037796

Dumb dumb

>> No.12037862

i like the part where she has a 6 month panic attack after eating a bite of ramen

>> No.12037881


>> No.12037908
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to be fair

>> No.12037956


National character is something that emerges from within the in-group.

Nothing to do with the oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOther, you fucking cultural studies hacks.

>> No.12037961

It'd be funnier the other day around.

>> No.12038020

>t. tetsuo nakamura

>> No.12038052


Completely based

>> No.12038149

Neat. I never knew that.

>> No.12038423

I wanted to read that book, but threw it out because it didn't spark joy

>> No.12038435
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>> No.12038537

I am going to beat the shit of you little homo

>> No.12038612


>> No.12038689


>> No.12039234

The book says specifically not to do this

>> No.12039246

cringe but redpilled

>> No.12039550

She wouldn't mind getting rid of anon, because she only keeps things that spark joy in her life

>> No.12040041

yes and?, shes a qt

>> No.12040062

I read this book and very loosely followed its advice.

I do like her thoughts about how buying "organizers" is a sign you have too much shit as you're buying shit to store your shit at that point. Also her thoughts that you should only keep things that "bring you joy" and dispose of things that never do. I did follow her advice on compartmentalizing the process of tidying up a space into smaller tasks like just focusing on clothing to start.

Her advice is mostly aimed at neurotic middle to upper class people with too much stuff for the space they're living in. Which describes /lit/ pretty well and a lot of her advice revolves around getting rid of books you never read and never will read. I got rid of a ton of stuff after reading this and while it didn't make me a clean organized person it did make me a person who was clean and organized more often.

Typical self-help stuff, obvious advice which gives a fleeting sense of motivation, but she comes off as less exploitative than say Tony Robbins and doesn't have the baggage of say Jordan Peterson.

Scapegoating wrong person. Book specifically says not to do this. Your mom is just an invasive control freak.

>> No.12040079


>> No.12040081

if you don't masturbate at least three times a week you can say hello to prostate cancer in your forties, anon, but also masturbation is a good reliever of stress and anxiety, so yknow maybe just go look at some bowsette feet or whatever

>> No.12040104

>He doesn't thank things for their hard work before throwing them away so that they know they did their best
Somewhere in a landfill an old notebook of your is rotting away, crying, because it thinks you didn't love it

>> No.12040109

Does not compute.

>> No.12040114

The funnier thing is the one star reviews from all the salty obnoxious white women in the midwest/south of the USA. Similar reactions to the Kazakstani volleyball player. White women were a mistake

>> No.12040118

As long as you thanked it for trying then that was exactly the point.

>> No.12040325

arigato gozaimasu hon! yorokobi desu nee~~~~!!!~!~! jaa ne!!! ^.^

>> No.12040418
File: 202 KB, 1600x2216, 7199RswceFL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does a Finnish guy selling alcoholism as a technique count?

>> No.12040419
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Would this women trust you, /lit/?

>> No.12041242

Onichan, clean your onahole!

>> No.12041258

I want to sleep on Kondo-chan's thigh-pillows

>> No.12041326

But what if she's my onahole?

>> No.12041355

No woman should trust me, ever. Didn't even click on the image.

>> No.12041356
File: 36 KB, 640x379, durden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based mom setting you free from your bugman existence

>> No.12041371
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wholesome japanese waifu who wants a beautiful and harmonious home for her husband and children in the ethnostate
>mentally ill medicated mutt who preaches individualism and tells people to live by the very neoliberal boomer values that are destroying civilisation and to be an atomised shell of a human while his whore daughter disgraces him

Why not go with Kondo?

>> No.12041492


>> No.12041564
File: 46 KB, 500x698, frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based fins

>> No.12041866

Should I read her?

>> No.12041949

Fuck off and die you fucking scum

>> No.12041992

I agree

>> No.12042007

Then clean her out obviously OwO.

>> No.12042105

What if the books I will never read still bring me joy?

>> No.12042122

Thanks for the core workout anon.

>> No.12042208

Yes. It's short read

>> No.12042362

>Being this pure
How can she exist?

>> No.12042728

NNN should prepare you for Dicks Out December then

>> No.12043530

I don't know.

>> No.12043580

All the advice in this book was useless. Basically, all I had to do is stop being a lazy cunt and my apartment became clean

>> No.12043601
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False dichotomy. Set your own goals; laugh at others' expectations.

>> No.12044282

Can you repeat the question?

>> No.12044300

watching this had my lust for cute japanese girl be sprinkled with equal parts impatient rage and uproarious laugther. amazing content. 10/10.

>> No.12044595


>> No.12044622

(((secretly indulges in truly disgusting fetish orgies to help keep up the façade)))

>> No.12044627


>> No.12044641

Thanks for great book recommendation, based anon.

>> No.12045393

Any lewds of her?

>> No.12045429
File: 116 KB, 640x640, socks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started using her clothes folding method, it's very good. You can store all your shirts, pants, socks, etc. so they're all visible and you can pick one out without disrupting the organisation of the drawer.

>> No.12045469

This picture is pleasing

>> No.12045542

Your sight would fade away before you could open the file and would remain permanently damaged if you insisted

>> No.12045591

What if it's the kind of clothes that get wrinkled easily? Do you just iron them before putting on?

>> No.12045608


>> No.12045618

Then you obviously fold it differently you braindead fuck?

>> No.12045626


>> No.12045627

Just put them on a clothes hanger.

>> No.12045643

What's her stance on Jung?

>> No.12046001

For a collectivistic culture, Japs sure have a lot of words for I.

>> No.12046582

Clean my dick? Onto your face? Okay.

>> No.12046617

Today I jacked off thinking about rubbing my filthy dick on Kondo-chan's face nad then cumming all over her.

>> No.12046622

My goal is to take it very easy.

>> No.12046663

>success is based on other people

>> No.12046678

Note 'to be considered'.

>> No.12046919

I think that's just american localization
her book has nothing to do with muh Japan in Japan

>> No.12046963

except the use of "I" in english is greater than the use of all pronouns in japanese together.

>> No.12048478

>Not using the rotation method
Lazy fucks

>> No.12048764

do women actually have this much superfluous clothes

>> No.12048831

jordan peterson looks a lot cuter these days it seems , is it the meat only diet ?

>> No.12048833

He has cut back on the cider

>> No.12048843

The hell is that

>> No.12049029

ancient japanese spiral tidy technique

>> No.12049075
File: 2.67 MB, 360x640, 1541060670490.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do Japanese girls smell like

>> No.12049212

fish and semen

>> No.12049245
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>> No.12049305
File: 1.20 MB, 746x646, skirt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmation bias+idealizing that which you do not/can not have

>> No.12049319

if you want rice grill, you've gotta go and fly over to da mainland, westernised asians are trash

>> No.12049810

Did you read the NYtimes article about Kondo and the reaction of National Association of Professional Organizers.

Salt, pure salt from a load of ladies who can't get into marketing as well as a cutesy japanese lady.

>> No.12049895

based horiposter

>> No.12049898
File: 42 KB, 334x506, 1525694268395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roasties getting toasties

somebody post that image

>> No.12049920



>> No.12049944
File: 3.41 MB, 500x400, 1526971181154.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“It’s a powerful message for women that you should be surrounded by things that make you happy,” she said, and her and everyone else’s faces engaged in wide-eyed, open-mouthed incredulous agreement, nodding emphatically up and down, skull to spine and chin to chest. “I found the opposite of happiness is not sadness,” Diana told us. “It’s chaos.” Another woman said she KonMaried a bad boyfriend. Having tidied everything in her home and finding she still distinctly lacked happiness, she held her boyfriend in her hands, realized he no longer sparked joy and got rid of him.

>> No.12050272

I'd love to read a book on how to niggerfy my neighborhood. It is an ancient art.

>> No.12050284

men feel the istinctive need to have their cute little nest made with cables and manga so they can feel like they have control over their own territory

>> No.12050339

shoulders indicate benis

>> No.12050438 [DELETED] 
File: 425 KB, 1058x900, 1460280961982.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring either way

>> No.12050461

aesthetically pleasing organisation

>> No.12050856

Wouldn't happen in the first place, because she only does IRL consultations for families and single women.

>> No.12050969
File: 45 KB, 247x229, 1487581319369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“My dream is to organize the world,” Kondo said as she wrapped up her talk. The crowd cheered, and Kondo raised her arms into the air like Rocky.

>> No.12051030

so selfhelp is ok when it's done by nippon mommy. pathetic

>> No.12051033

Glorious Nippon mommy is honest in her singular attempt to help others, and isn't trying to manipulate or swindle a mass public.

>> No.12051069
File: 478 KB, 720x542, 1538874766108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>National Association of Professional Organizers
why is this a thing and who is it even for?

>> No.12051091

And who the fuck cares about the intent? Selfhelp is drivel regardless!

>> No.12051236

>she greets her apartment when she comes home and she thanks posessions for being good boys
Wouldn't that make it more difficult to throw away stuff?
Wouldn't this way of thinking turn you into a hoarder?

>> No.12051262


>> No.12051321
File: 35 KB, 300x450, Zhaozhou_Congshen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A monk told Joshu, "I have just entered this monastery. I beg you to teach me." Joshu asked, "Have you eaten your rice porridge?" The monk replied, "I have." "Then," said Joshu, "Go and wash your bowl bucko."
At that moment the monk was enlightened.

>> No.12051328

Stop spreading lies. Watching porn and masturbation is unnatural and it degrades your mind

>> No.12051331

>masturbation is a good reliever of stress and anxiety,
it only does for like 15 minutes for me then it's back

>> No.12051355

There's nothing unnatural or degrading about masturbation

>> No.12051374

masturbation is good if you do it in moderation. stress release, keeping your dick primed, stimulate your imagination and so on. watching porn on the other hand is an artificial "reward", the brain tells you that you've found a willing mate even if it's just a picture on a screen

>> No.12051375

which is why young men are getting erectile dysfunction in their teens now? fuck off

>> No.12051390

The commoner see it as this, in reality is a pleasure one can easily abandon.

>> No.12051402

please don't sully the chastity movement with an appeal to nature

>> No.12051415

A lot of the basic message of the book is good. Using space efficiently, getting rid of shit you're not using if owning doesn't add anything to your life, etc. But Kondo is a strongly neurotic OCD case and it comes out the more you read about her. A lot of her advice is also from an impractically Japanese perspective, like don't buy anything in quantity. That might fly in Japan where everybody gets a tiny bag of groceries every day after work, but in other places it's not so great.

Also, her book talked about not buying boxes or other things to organize your stuff in. Guess what she's selling now? Her own brand of boxes.

>> No.12051432

That has more to do with xenoestrogens and obesity but porn definitely isn't helping.

>> No.12051439
File: 7 KB, 259x194, Taffy Brodesser-Akner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She is tiny — just 4-foot-8. When I interviewed her, not only did her feet not touch the ground when we were sitting, but her knees didn’t even bend over the side of the couch. When she speaks, she remains pleasant-faced and smiling; she moves her hands around, framing the air in front of her, as if she were the director on “Electric Company” or Tom Cruise in “Minority Report.” The only visible possessions in her hotel room for a two-week trip from Tokyo were her husband’s laptop and a small silver suitcase the size of a typical man’s briefcase. She has long bangs that obscure her eyebrows, and that fact — along with the fact that her mouth never changes from a faint smile — contributes to a sense that she is participating in more of a pageant than an interview, which possibly is what it does feel like when big-boned American interviewers whose gargantuan feet do touch the ground come to your hotel room and start jawing at you through an interpreter.
This piece is dripping with ressentiment.

>> No.12051460

I want to organise better my pc files. does it work well for that too

>> No.12051467

Just do a fresh install. Clinging to possessions is for fags.

>> No.12051487

It doesn't. For split-second decisions like "i'm in tEritOrRy oF cHaos, gotta stay vigilant" archetype things are much more clear and effective than "what was there again on the page 293 of "practical ways of smart living" manual again? yeah this situation isn't like that one though soo what do i do?"

>while his whore daughter disgraces him

How? "Eating beef" isn't an euphemism, she is a young mother who writes a food blog and likes taking selfies, on a whore scale that is pretty low and considering what she was through in her life she didn't go nearly crazy enough with her new-found freedom

>> No.12051503

Yeah I frequently come across chaos dragons, so I find Peterson particularly useful.

>> No.12051506

when i pull my dick and she pulls hers out. this is chaos.

>> No.12051509

>accidental pregnancy
>sweaty nudes and underwear pics
>dyed hair
>not a whore

>> No.12051555

>She is tiny — just 4-foot-8. When I interviewed her, not only did her feet not touch the ground when we were sitting, but her knees didn’t even bend over the side of the couch.

>> No.12051566

Isn't all writing some form of clinging and hoardig?

>> No.12051584

Not necessarily, plenty of people write to get rid of thoughts rather than conserve them.

>> No.12051599
File: 615 KB, 1920x2296, ninio-solo-en-su-cumpleanios-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But thoughts remain there... Both on paper and in your head

>> No.12051631

Not necessarily. When I write stuff down I feel like I have dealt with it and no longer feel compelled to remember.

>> No.12051638

Seeing her in segments with loud big fat American women is like watching different species.

>> No.12052735

I <3 Kondo-chan

>> No.12053416

Not at all. Many females are clearly raised to be feminine, Western females are clearly raised to be pseudo-masculine. Like a child's version of masculinity. They and mass media routinely portray femininity as inferior to masculinity, and promote this pseudo-masculinity for both male and female, but especially so for female as the notion that males are subservient and incompetent is promoted also. Hence, most of them are childish, chauvinistic, entitled, misandrist, and incompetent.

There's no reason why one can't acknowledge this and prefer feminine women of which Westerners are not. And no, some clothing fashion or makeup has nothing to do with femininity nor the biological-based attraction to it.

>> No.12053426

>along with the fact that her mouth never changes from a faint smile — contributes to a sense that she is participating in more of a pageant
It's called civility. Why must they dress it up just because they lack it?

>> No.12053598

>I feel like
Not good enough

>> No.12053922

The thanking possessions makes sense as a technique for helping when you have trouble letting something go. You can acknowledge the object has served its usefulness and thus there is no regret in giving it away/getting rid of it. It helped me get rid of a bunch of old crappy t shirts and nostalgic stuff i never touched (sketchbooks, souvenirs, event t shirts etc). I saved some stuff, but now what I have i really cared about.

>> No.12053945
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>> No.12053971


>> No.12054200

the name is pretty self-explanatory, anon

>> No.12054414

jew hate beauty, order and cleanness

>> No.12054503

Those are some big bones.

>> No.12054539
File: 24 KB, 319x500, death cleaning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>japs write self-help about order
>fins write self-help about drinking
>swedes write self-help about death

>> No.12054542

Why must every woman wear those disgusting leggings or yoga pants or whatever they're called.

>> No.12054548

What's with this national branding? Is there any more?

>> No.12054555
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Apparently the Dutch enjoy doing fuck all.

>> No.12054565
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And Danes like to be cosy.

>> No.12054883

organizers like to organize

>> No.12054893

Funny semiotics on the cover.

>> No.12054910

I read this book and it was life changing desu. I had dysfunctional parents who never taught me how to clean so reading her book was very useful to me and now my stuff is clean

>> No.12056036

For hoarders to feel better about themselves if they put their shit in containers?
Women trying to establish some sort of bullshit scheme to get rich but fail because they suck?

>> No.12056060

seppos why literally can not stop buying piles of chink shit to save their lives

>> No.12056084

thanks for killing me anon, Im finally free

>> No.12056151
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Don't they have like a really troubling suicide rate? I wonder if organizing plays a part.

>> No.12056162
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Not developing a long term health plan and requiring meme month concepts to be best you should honestly kys

>> No.12056379

fuck I want to marry her and have 7 kids

>> No.12056388

It brings me joy to have slight disarray in my room. It is organised chaos.

>> No.12056517



>> No.12056591

She’s Jewish, what a funny coincidence

>> No.12056602
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The Jew fears the Samurai.

>> No.12056653

cutie and the beast

>> No.12056759
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Read it and loved it, will do it tomorrow, th...thanks /lit/.

I wonder what kondo would say about virtual clutter. The clutter in my google drive, the clutter in my email. My first reaction to the idea of chucking all my books was, no worries I've got caliber. But then I remembered how most of my ebooks are unread too, and the weighty feelings I get from thinking about them.

Is kondo's idea about physical space only? Or virtual space as well? If the latter, how far does this logic go? And at one point is it your responsibility to just take ownership of your anxiety?

My first thought was of course that she would advocate cleaning my hard drive and cloud too, but seeing how most of what she preaches seems to be connected to her Shinto philosophy and the physicality of being, I'm not so sure...

>> No.12056766

3000 is the standard for a good outfit, shouldn't socialism promote to eradicate anti consumer practices such as mass produced clothing that self destruct after three uses ?

>> No.12056858

I get her idea. It's not her invention the Japanese have been promoting it for years.
I think the idea is right I mean look around it's everywhere. In every house I ever visited.

I still can't throw away many toys I don't play anymore. But I am starting to throw away books.
I am also supposed to think twice before buying books (or basically anything). But I still bought several books I will never read this month. Partly this is because I began to throw away stuffs I felt I can start buying books again.

Thanks for the thread. I guess I am still not in the right mindset. Need to work on clearing my chairs.

>> No.12057535


The Boisterous Art of American Ignorance Wallowing

>> No.12057796


>> No.12057888

Based dutch

>> No.12058104

Lmao now you actually fucking conned somebody to read it /lit/, and he even liked it prob because it was japshit. I like anime and all that shit but cmon now this is the fucking e/lit/ism board and you're talking about some selfhelp for middle aged women? Time to fuck off this gay site.

>> No.12058114

I let a cute jap chick use my bed a few nights ago, my pillows still smell fragrant from her hair

>> No.12058147

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.12058178

This is all such fucking garbage lmao

She's just a nervous bird who found a coping mechanism. Stop falling for this shit cleaning your room doesnt make anything about you better youre literally just doing X task to take your mind off life

>> No.12058196

That looks relatively normal if that dresser contains the entire wardrobe. Do you wear the same three outfits without change like an autist?

>> No.12058413

Yes, and?

>> No.12058422

>youre literally just doing X task to take your mind off life
Isn't that why you do anything?

>> No.12058492
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>> No.12058498

As well as the Russians. Seems to be a common occurrence among great peoples :^)
I lol'd.

>> No.12058506
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>She was listed as one of Time's "100 most influential people" in 2015.

>> No.12058515

And that's a bad thing?

>> No.12058541
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>> No.12058597

You did it /lit/! You conned someone into reading a book, you jews

>> No.12058623

She would throw away the four kids less deserving to live though

>> No.12058641

marie kondo is the gateway drug to jordan peterson.

>> No.12058661

Jesus Christ you people are bugmen, why would you even keep books in a shelf?

>> No.12058664

>Do you wear the same three outfits without change like an autist?
Unironically yes, and I’m a female

>> No.12058675

I wear basically the same outfit every day. I like suits because they make this socially acceptable.

>> No.12058705
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Post tits or lack thereof.

>> No.12058967

what's jordan peterson the gateway drug to?

>> No.12058991


>> No.12059025
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Would kondo-kun throw away a government that doesnt bring her happiness?

>> No.12059064

-kun is mostly for boys. its either Kondo-chan to denote that shes a girl, or Kondo-sama to show respect to somebody higher up in the hierarchy

>> No.12059076

>During her lecture, Marie demonstrated how the body feels when it finds tidying joy. Her right arm pointed upward, her left leg bent in a display of glee or flying or something aerial and upright, her body arranged I’m-a-little-teacup-style, and a tiny hand gesture accompanied by a noise that sounded like “kyong.”

>> No.12059140
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>> No.12059152

(tr. note: kawaii means cute)

>> No.12059216
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I need millions like her so I can make trillions

>> No.12059246

I want to cum on Kondo-sama's armpits.

>> No.12059266

lewd, rude, and degenerate.


>> No.12059285

She has none. They were mere clutter.

>> No.12059308

yes hello
lobster lady is not for the sexual
ok many thank

>> No.12059314

Men idealize that which they cannot obtain

>> No.12059710

I had a dream about sexually tormenting Kondo-chan and subjecting her to filthy humiliations until she awakened to her animalistic bodily desires.

Kondo-chan is so tidy and angelic, but she still has a pussy, a butthole, and armpits like every other girl in the world. Lewd! Pathetic! Humilliating! The human condition of Marie Kondo! She's so cute and clean, but she is still just an human animal! How can Marie Kondo live with herself knowing she has a lewd and pathetic sweaty female body? It must be impossible for Kondo-chan-sama-san to feel any dignity knowing that she has a butthole, and knowing that other people know she has a butthole. It is mindblowing. God is a pervert. We are all doomed.

>> No.12059759

Based and redpilled

>> No.12059797
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What if all these cleaning routines are just an outlet to vent her sexual frustration and she's internally screaming for someone to release her inner desires?

>> No.12059814

Keep wishing, anon. You'd sooner see the Valhalla than her naked body.

>> No.12059822
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Do they have nice girls in Valhalla?

>> No.12059867

Mostly childish-looking sex-working androids and cyborg-armed lesbian wrestlers. You're not invited though.

>> No.12059966
File: 55 KB, 808x894, 2018 suicides per 100k per year by country.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really.
And organisation is probably cathartic. I think most of their suicide comes from the usual social alienation, particularly pertinent in East Asia, and overworking- mainly in school study, Asian schooling mentality is like that of European 18th century, although, maybe a bit more lax. Euros of that time would often have zero free or relaxation time, sometimes 18hrs of study, that kind of regime is hard to do in contemporary life, but it doesn't stop many institutions from trying. Extreme overwork and poor quality of teaching for many subjects (just rote memorisation) makes the youth inclined to suicide.

>> No.12059970
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Cleaning up your data is great too. I ended up deleting literally everything except for the contact info of about a dozen people. It feels great not to have any possessions to worry about at all. Even digital possessions are a burden because you have to worry about backups and the like.

>> No.12059976

>not having a personal uniform

do you even autism?

>> No.12059989

She's feminine, good looking, and advocates taking ownership and personal action to get a healthy and happy lifestyle for yourself.

She will almost certainly be an alt-right hero within the month.

>> No.12060009

>European 18th century
Sorry, I meant 19th century, or at least, right up to early 20th century. Probably the same in 18th century anyway but significantly less education, obviously, wasn't yet a more universal thing.

>> No.12060058

This is my favorite anime.

>> No.12060152
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>tfw no konmari sex slave

>> No.12060181


Do you think she takes her translatrix to Huffburg?

>> No.12060502


Do you think she makes her say "it tickles" in English?

>> No.12060646

>my country is not there

Also: didn't know Chad is a country.

>> No.12060654


Get rid of your sexual frustration y'all

>> No.12060677




>> No.12061173

You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.12061390

Being sad at that which you cannot change is at first understandable, then mere obsession. In what receptacle you will drain your balls is no relevant matter.

>> No.12061406

nigger, how is -kun not only for boys? you fucking retard

>> No.12061453

Shall we make another marikon appreciation thread when this one expires? So our existence will feel twice as miserable.

>> No.12061466

yes. my dick needs more konmari-sama discussion

>> No.12061637

I watch anime too, -kun is used for girls sometimes

>> No.12061710

So this book is actually worth reading? My rooms a fucking mess rn

>> No.12061721
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>> No.12061784

why am I able to smell this image?

>> No.12061839


>> No.12062245

It's used in the context for a superior to a subordinate.
I remember watching Patlabor. The precinct head was using Nagumo-kun when he addressed her. This was because he was a higher ranking officer and she was a captain.

>> No.12062287

It might, it might not. People who enjoy seem to become borderline cultist of Kondo-ism.
Those who don't enjoy it proclaim she is a crazy hack, especially with the neo-shintoist mindset that things have feelings and spiritual aspects so need to be taken care of or thanked

>> No.12062332

you're a fuckin retard

>> No.12062359

tranny slash soiboi or womanlet

>> No.12062387

that's not a girl's movement

also confirmation bias is a pseudo analysis and all my friends who said "grass looks greener effect" were wrong

>> No.12062391


>> No.12062401

hating jew

every lefty analysis of anything feels like this

>> No.12062406

she basically hates everything good

>> No.12062424
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>> No.12062439

-kun can be appropriate for girls if you're an older male. -chan is creepy as fuck unless you're friends or family. -sama is overly formal. -san would be usual in this context.

>> No.12062488

seems more like senior to junior in general

>> No.12062539

bye faggot

>> No.12062578

on /lit/ and never heard of sublimation

>> No.12063081

What kind of ape is proud to inflict mediocre books upon themselves.

I will shelve maybe the best 2% of what I read. I won't purchase anything that does not deserve a second reading, as a baseline criteria.