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12057400 No.12057400[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any books on why the left abondened the working class to rot in favour of pushing homosexuals, women, muslims, africans, fat people, and transexuals?

>> No.12057404

You have such strong views, you must have read a book to back up that opinion.

>> No.12057410

not a book, but read moldbug

>> No.12057421

Which part?

>> No.12057431

The goal of leftism is to further spread chaos and discontent. Minorities and the "oppressed" are the perfect tools to further their own selfish, individualistic goals. In a chaotic society no one will be able to enforce actual standards or other qualitative measures, only those who get caught for not abiding to some arbitrary and ever growing list of laws that is less about order and justice and more about control and crushing dissent will be punished.

>> No.12057465

He has some interesting ideas, but most of his texts that I`ve read are overly long and full of trivial filler before reaching any kind of a point. Typical STEMlord garble. I have no idea how he garnered so much influence.

This critique sums it up.

>Even after this effort, it has not proved easy to engage with the Dark Enlightenment. Yarvin’s writing, which is the best among its thinkers, has numerous debilitating deficiencies. First, the organization is atrocious; while any given paragraph is usually written reasonably well, and the flow of discussion is more or less in one direction, there is no clear organization on argument. It is mostly musings, bordering on conversation, something the blog format tends to encourage. Musings have their place, but they have no point in political manifestos, and the reader suspects obfuscation. I haven’t read any Lenin, yet, but I’m very sure Lenin didn’t muse in his writings. Second, the snarky tone of ironic superiority grates on the reader, both just because it’s a bad tone, and because there is no reason for the reader to believe that Yarvin has earned it. Third, he beats metaphors to death; if I have to hear about the Matrix’s “red pill” one more time I’m going to scream.

>> No.12057471

The entire collected works of Marx and Engels back up his opinion.

>> No.12057475
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>implying it's not your (female) opinion
You can't hide your vagina forever. Eventually the smell seeps through your panties.

>> No.12057493

Establishment libs and neocon scam artists have all abandoned the majority in favor of minority issues due to capitalism's corruptions. (Hint: far left is closer to libertarianism than your masters would have you believe)

>> No.12057500

They flew too close to the sun and got burnt. They played with liberal ideas and unwittingly became assimilated by liberalism in the process; liberalism, the harbinger of the capitalist hell-future they were suppposed to be fighting against.

>> No.12057502

this is a mega shitpost. Oh my god

>> No.12057552

>Any books on why the left abondened the working class to rot in favour of pushing homosexuals, women, muslims, africans, fat people, and transexuals?

A new generation raised on different values and viewpoints

>> No.12057578
File: 26 KB, 329x499, 3F67D926-541E-472B-A891-AE0C41C6C314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an interesting book. This guy predicted the Red Wave in 2010 way before anyone.

His theory is that Political Coalitions are like Water Balloons. You push on one group and it pushes out other groups.

So basically Obama relied on maximizing Black and Single Women turnout. By doing so the Democrats lost way more White Men and Married Women because they were no longer pursuing these groups interest. Later Gays and Trannies were added to the Democrat Coaliton in huge numbers making it even harder for Dems to offer a platform that helped Normal People.

No coalition can seek every groups best interest. I think his theory is correct. His book is very convincing

>> No.12057616

libido dominandi: sexual liberation as political control by e micahel jones

this is exactly what you're looking for OP

>> No.12057657
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>less about order
penis washer detected

>> No.12057671

radicals were roped into blind support of ethnonationalist China and the USSR which became a totem enemy for the entire Western World. Reformists took over in developed nations and were naturally traitors to the revolution. Half of these covert Trotskyites became neo-cohens and the rest resigned themselves to cheering on woke capital. Focault and Deleuze are the clear example of the latter, devolving into egoist cultism and esoteric neo-liberal propagandizing. The Left were not equipped to deal with techne or finance capital as we know it today.

>> No.12057887

Leftists can't meme, they overdo it.
Remove the texts, fix Jordan his eyes or have him have another retarded face and tada it's fixed.

>> No.12057893
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Sounds like a summary written by a woman or pic related

>> No.12057896

Tell your mom to stop being a dirty bitch and wash her stinky puss.

>> No.12057897


>> No.12057899

Liberals aren't left

>> No.12057916

>guardian isn't left wing
>communist/socialist parties aren't left wing

>> No.12057917

To destroy the white race
Culture of critique Kevin MacDonald

>> No.12057918

BAAAASED but not redpilled

>> No.12057920

Well, they decided to support the most oppressed folk, that's all. It's not like they completely abandoned the working class though.

>> No.12057924

>most oppressed folk
And in what way are they "oppressed", they are parasites destroying an otherwise healthy society.