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12049215 No.12049215 [Reply] [Original]

How do I unlearn this

>> No.12049228

Only We can unlearn this. Together, as a nation.

>> No.12049251

you cannot go back. once the real redpill is lodged it cannot be removed

>> No.12049253

you don't the power of the masses and We will teach you why that is wrong. We are sorry

>> No.12050417

Just wait a bit, you'll soon forget about it.

>> No.12050433
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>> No.12050448


>> No.12050512
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There's no going back into the cave, anon.

>> No.12050529


>> No.12050534

What works do you guys recommend besides ISAIF

>> No.12050551

The Turner Diaries.

>> No.12050560

Turn yourself in to the SPLC for reprogramming. You'll be a good goy again in a few weeks.

>> No.12050571
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get rekt faggot

>> No.12050652
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Wisdom of the ages:
>What has been seen, cannot be unseen.

>> No.12051650

By meeting people and having them like you.

>> No.12051693
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>6. Almost everyone will agree that we live in a deeply troubled society. One of the most widespread manifestations of the craziness of our world is leftism, so a discussion of the psychology of leftism can serve as an introduction to the discussion of the problems of modern society in general.

>7. But what is leftism? During the first half of the 20th century leftism could have been practically identified with socialism. Today the movement is fragmented and it is not clear who can properly be called a leftist. When we speak of leftists in this article we have in mind mainly socialists, collectivists, “politically correct” types, feminists, gay and disability activists, animal rights activists and the like. But not everyone who is associated with one of these movements is a leftist. What we are trying to get at in discussing leftism is not so much movement or an ideology as a psychological type, or rather a collection of related types. Thus, what we mean by “leftism” will emerge more clearly in the course of our discussion of leftist psychology.

>10. By “feelings of inferiority” we mean not only inferiority feelings in the strict sense but a whole spectrum of related traits; low self-esteem, feelings of powerlessness, depressive tendencies, defeatism, guilt, self- hatred, etc. We argue that modern leftists tend to have some such feelings (possibly more or less repressed) and that these feelings are decisive in determining the direction of modern leftism.


Holy shit

>> No.12051789

nigga was truly redpilled. impressive

>> No.12051823
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uncle ted is more relevant than ever.

>> No.12051902

Between 2018-2020 we will have a Ted 2.0 and even though he's right about a lot of things it will come straight back to this board, the site will be shut down and internet logins will be instituted by governments. I can guaran-fucking-tee MKultra aint got shit on weaponized autism and I will blame all of you when my government approved login has it's privileges revoked for hate speech.

>> No.12051912

How can Teddy offer deceleration if his model is accelerationist?

>> No.12051963

Uncle ted isn't relevant at all. He's right about everything. But ai is the future

>> No.12051984

You should listen to what actual AI experts have to say on the subject instead of Sam Harris and a few other humanities fags.

Some artificial God being accidentally spawned from an MIT lab is not going to happen any time soon. Collapse of the global industrial system has a way higher probability. It is nearly inevitable for obvious reasons while the type of AI that could do more than the current 'machine learning' gimmick is still a sci-fi scenario.

>> No.12051998

Fucking hell you guys, you can find plenty of similar ideas in

>Edward Abbey
>Aldo Leopold
>Wendell Berry

Without the "let's send bombs in the mail to maim or kill innocent people to get published because I'm too boring and derivative to get published like a normal writer"

Quit being edgelords

>> No.12051999

>Collapse of the global industrial system has a way higher probability.
Care to expand?

>> No.12052002

Some of the AI experts do say theyre worried about it


>> No.12052007

>ai gods aren’t going to be coming along anytime soon so ai can’t be the future lol

>> No.12052010

not OP but society becomes more fragile as it grows in complexity, that's part of why the bronze age collapse happened.

>> No.12052018

it depends on how 'redundant' society is, it can be extremely complex but if it has multiple versions of each part then failure modes arent so serious

>> No.12052024


>> No.12052031

hi scott

>> No.12052060

not Scott but I do find him endearing

>> No.12052129
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i bet that you think that you're redpilled or blackpilled or some kind of colorpilled for seeing that the technology has changed the society itself. what you've done is equivalent to giving up! you think that it's impossible to life vicariously! in this technological world. but, you're wrong and we need more tech to get there.

>> No.12052242

based #accelerate'or

>> No.12052309

Climate change, crop disease, massive insect death through pesticides and environmental destruction in general, plague tier antibiotic resistant pandemics that we have no defense against (I would put my money on this one if I had to pick one), world war, nuclear war, natural disaster in the form of maybe volcanic eruption or just a solar flare that wrecks the whole electrical grid and sends us back to the 18th century.

If the industrial system collapses it is likely that we will not be able to build it up again since we are at the point where we have depleted the necessary resources to the degree that we need high tech to extract what is left. You can't just scoop up oil with a bucket like we started out the first time around.

Given how interwoven global civilisation is now and how complex and fragile it is a major disaster could very well put a permanent end to the industrial era on the scale that we know it.

>> No.12052764

There's a difference between being an enlightened dialectical accelerationist and being a blue-pilled techno-optimist because you drank the cool-aid.

>> No.12052908

AI is meme.

Imagine how many philosophy papers are being written, and how many board meetings are being held, about something that doesn't and will never exist beyond marketing stunts.

>> No.12052918

The same way you unlearn any form of nihilism.

>> No.12053399


>> No.12053674

>>12052908 #
Why do you think Google asks you to select images of traffic lights and bicycles each time you want to shitpost here? Machine learning is overrated but it's definitely a thing.

>> No.12053729

Friendly reminder that Prometheus is literally Satan.

>> No.12053749

Shut the fuck up tree boy, these shit threads actually never really discus what he writes. Just same bullshit of ''he is right'', ''he kill people'', ''planet is fucked''.

Never exploration of essential concepts of wild nature, Power process, ''freedom'', revolution and relationship with other anticiv thinkers. perhaps pussy foot faggot '''eco''' thinkers like Linkola jackoff or Thoreau.

>> No.12053770

Read an actual book

>> No.12053907

You should read the manifesto because even if technology MIGHT solve its own problems (it can't do it eternally anyway) we don't want that. There will be a day where we will edit our own genes to conform to society's demand. Is this what you want? To turn yourself into a docile drone just for technology to prosper? lol

Anti-tech has nothing to do with nihilism. It is absolutely not ideological. This is what everyone fails to see. It's about destroying technology before it destroys us. Its aim is purely material. You could talk about the end times all you want, the second coming of christ, enlightenment and all that shit, but while you sit on your ass and meditate the planet is being destroyed at an alarming rate. So while you enlightened redditors pray and sit together around the bonfire about how life ought to be when we're all spiritually aware, you'll be thankful when we actually take the necessary steps to buy you some more years to live so you can preach whatever juvenile ideology you want. Point is, as long as technology exists, life on earth is at stake, and we won't sit on our ass and witness our own extinction.

>> No.12053910


lmao you dumbfucks are funny. You never address Ellul. I mean it's easier to delegitimize the works of a terrorist.

>> No.12053914
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It's not okay to be a Luddite

>> No.12053919

t. industrial society

>> No.12053951

I'm not the kind of person to argue political identity and this scares me.

>> No.12053960

Is it? I thought ted advocated for a simple abandonment of contemporary postindustrial society. Accelerationism isn’t necessarily that as much as it is letting the machine exponentially speed up so that the stresses of its own operation beat it down and it collapses.

>> No.12053961

go tent in the woods for a month and realize how much you miss laundry machines and internet

>> No.12053974

He was so clearly right about this. I grew up in a milieu absolutely dominated by these tendencies and I could tell from the age of about 13 that they were all fucking lunatics. Literally incapable of appraising a statement for its truth content, everything is filtered through moral hygiene which is never explicitly spoken. They are really and truly Puritan freaks of the first order, a complete aberration culturally, socially, religiously, intellectually, and they dominate our entire society.

All that matters to these people is whether something is racist, or sexist, or the next ism* they are given to imbibe down the line. They are not psychologically capable of interpreting the question 'is it possible that races or sexes differ in average cognitive functions', this question literally cannot exist in their minds.

>> No.12053984

It's INSANE that every single urbanite think that the entirety of the human specie consists of appartment dwelling castrated drones working in the service industry. EVERYTIME we have these threads, some urbanite chips in and act like all of us are media addicts, fast food eating consumerist.

It's literally a mental illness. Ted was absolutely right. It's not 'leftism' though it's 'urbanism'. Well guess what, I just spent the night in the forest with a friend, we slept in a tipi. I'm back at my house now but he hasn't gotten out of the forest for 5 days.

>> No.12053991

wait I just realized there was no point in giving an exemple as urbanites cannot understand going outside as something other than a larp or an excuse to take instagram pictures.

>> No.12054018

grab a native and put them in a city for a month and see how much they miss their original life.

>> No.12054019

leftism and urbanism are different things. leftism should, strictly speaking, be categorized as a mental illness, being that it asks you to blatantly deny reality, urbanism is just ignorance of what life has to offer outside a small selection given to the urbanite, or an inability to understand the charms of nature for whatever congenital or developmental reason.

>> No.12054147
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>> No.12054148

>It's about destroying technology before it destroys us.
Define "destroy technology" and "technology destroying us," because I am 99% positive that non-nihilists want the latter to happen, making you a nihilist in today's world for not wanting it to happen.

>> No.12054396
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this image

>> No.12054469

lol i can remember reading this on /b/ circa 2009 in 'fuck yeah humanity' threads

>> No.12054490

Satan emancipated humanity from tyranny.

>> No.12056032

What solutions do those authors offer to the dangers of technology?

>> No.12056046

>he thinks moot 2.0 isnt working on blockchan
Not gonna make it

>> No.12056049

>wants to discuss a thing
>instead complains that nobody discusses it instead of just starting the conversation on his own
That being said. I'm interested in your POV on anti tech and its relationship to other anti-civ groups. I've been thinking about it recently but havent gotten around to formulating any actual thoughts on it

>> No.12056094
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Start from scratch in the Darwinian sense.

>> No.12056143

i hate this nigger he ruined my life

>> No.12056156

reformist deviation, except for henry david

>> No.12056165

when we reach the carrying limit of the planet the environmental effect will be swift and cascading. like, not "oh gee, i think we're fishing too much better cut back" but "where'd all the fish go?" in a year or two

>> No.12056170
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Hey! HEY!

Get off my lawn!

>> No.12056201
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Anyone here read some Linkola? Would his work supplement Teddy.

>> No.12056213

>you guys should only read authors who don't have enough backbone to take their own beliefs to their logical conclusion

>> No.12056227

Humanity will never escape from the laws of nature. Satan just made humans aware of there suffering.

>> No.12056242

lol what is wrong with ameriburgers?


absolutely b a s a d o

>> No.12056252

Are you really suffering when you don`t realize you are in fact suffering? What if you derive masochistic pleasure from suffering?

>> No.12056257

lol ted singlehandedly BTFO every leftist in existence

>> No.12056266

Urbanism creates rootless cosmopolitans that are leftist by default.

t. lifelong urbanite who can only be at peace when between four apartment walls in solitude.

>> No.12056333

>tfw the world is your lawn

>> No.12056339
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He's even more based. He recommend nuking every metropolis and killing all the cats.

>> No.12056419

This strokes my misanthropy in all the right ways.

Killing cats is Varg approved.

>> No.12056543

Fucking brutal
I like you

>> No.12056624

I love this guy. Where do I meet people like him? All the ''environmentalists'' I know are just yuppies who wish to justify their vast consumerism.

>> No.12056633

>killing all the cats.
that's not misanthropy that's miskoty and blasphemous

>> No.12056641


>> No.12056642

Killing cats because they are essentially vermin (no matter how perfect they are) that devastate woodland ecosystems

>> No.12056643
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>> No.12056648
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the woodland ecosystems can eat a dick