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12045911 No.12045911 [Reply] [Original]

This is unironically scary

>> No.12045914

sounds like the sort of mindless thing a woman would do

>> No.12045917

Imagine writing in a library book

>> No.12045918


>> No.12045922

A lot of grils are on psychiatric meds.
If they say something nutty, they probably are nutty.

>> No.12045930

What is nutty about this? Sometimes I even forget that I’ve read books at all, reading it is like reading it for the first time again

>> No.12045936

Batshit insane roastie detected

>> No.12045940


Please, recount to me the name and plot of the second book you read in 7th grade.

>> No.12045948

Why would you
1) Be re-reading children's books
2) Why would you write annotations in a children's book

>> No.12045955

The Pearls of Lutra by Brian Jacques. The first was The Black Arrow by Stevenson.

>> No.12045961

Take your meds.
You’re hysterical.

>> No.12045969

I understand not being able to remember all the plot points of books you've read before but if you can't remember if you've read a book, to the point where you aren't even unsure of it and second-guessing yourself but simply shocked to find out you have, you should seek help.

>> No.12045993

Roll of thunder hear my cry, features blacks being lynched and a poor black family on a unprofitable cotton farm.

>> No.12046000


Imagine annotating the annotations of a crazed woman in a library book--heaping harsh criticisms and scorn on her pedestrian takes.

>> No.12046003


>> No.12046005


>> No.12046872

there's a difference between knowing exactly when and where a book was read and knowing if you've read the book at all. If you read a book title and have trouble knowing if you've read it or not, you have a problem.

>> No.12046883

If you put enough effort into reading a book, you’ll retain the key info forever (unless someone drops an anvil on your head)

>> No.12046898

Look in the mirror.
You're pretentious.

>> No.12046932


know what books you should or shouldn't write on, and most of my notes are still useful to myself

>> No.12046936

fucking pleb

>> No.12046941


leave it to a woman for truth twisting

imagine dealing with that shit verbally, in real time, where you can't quote what they just said and pretend like they never said it

>> No.12046953

contraceptives have untold effects you virgin plebs. it increases the 'woman fickleness' and general just being a woman. you can tell the difference between a girl who is on shots or not

>> No.12046964


>> No.12046990
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>writing in a library book
Godamn, I try to tell myself that its not really worth having conviction in any specific beleifs but between this and the webm of that guy jizzing over a library book, it really pisses me off.

>> No.12047022

autonomous people

>> No.12047038

Are you implying that a seventh grader can only read children's books?

>> No.12047041

Digits confirm

>> No.12047055

Unironically had to read this in 3rd grade. The teacher had to explain what "nigger" meant

>> No.12047078

>writing in a library book
>not being able to remember whether you've read a book or not


>> No.12047137

The Black Arrow, St. Ives, Kidnapped..
thoroughly based 7th grade self on display here

>> No.12047427

god this gets my dick hard

>> No.12047454

>Reading childrens books in the 7th grade.

>> No.12047569

If you named any book I could tell you if I had read it at some point in my life

>> No.12047838

>remembering when and where you read a book is the same as remembering you read a book
Nice false equivalency/false dilemma here kiddo.

>> No.12047941

After twenty years I might pick up some genre trash and realize I've already read it a few chapters in, but there is no way in hell I'd completely forget a book I've taken notes on.

>> No.12047971

This happened to me a few years ago, after I did fell for the 'start with the greeks' meme (which was great)
After reading the orestia, I found a copy of a 10 year old school notebook with my notes detailing aeschylus and the other Greek tragedians that I'd entirely forgotten about. It was surreal to see evidence that I'd already known this 'new' information before.

>> No.12048161

>traces of a reading which has left no trace.

This tweet is honestly worse than defacing whatever book she wrote in, or even forgetting she read a book. It's a little bit painful to read.

>> No.12048284
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I annotate books from my university library but to be fair I'm the only person who has ever got them out of the library in the 20+ years they've been sitting there.

>> No.12048616

I did this to a copy of Chon Tejedor's "Starting with Wittgenstein" and it's so fucking painful I've never tried to read that book in the years since.

>> No.12048623


I actually like to find notes on library books. It's interesting to know what other people thought was important in a book, even if it's stupid.

>> No.12048633
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>notes only go on for 5 or pages and then stop completely
>second half of the book is noticeably less worn than the first
I love seeing plebs getting filtered

>> No.12048647

Although I have done that with films or tv shows but only trash ones

>> No.12049593

ITT: People whose work doesn't involve reading hundreds of books in order to produce a couple of papers every week.

Of course you don't remember everything you read when you have to whip through hundreds of books every month.

>> No.12050028

It was probably The Pearl by Steinbeck

>> No.12051057

fucking wonderful, really, marvelous post chap

>> No.12051093

Muh postmodern 4th dimension storytelling.
Also you are retarded.

>> No.12052181

one of them cat books

>> No.12052456

Life As We Knew It

The moon moved closer to the earth.

>> No.12052536


>> No.12052894

> be me
> go checkout book at the library
> can't find it, even though its in the catalog.
> librarian can't find it, says it hasn't been checked out ever

How long do you think its been missing?

>> No.12053412

>The Hobbit
> Bunch of short Jews with big noses and iron yarmulkes searching for gold and treasure and the Promised Land while filthy gentiles try to ruin their ancestral claim.
I got a D on that book report.

>> No.12053494

Women are children

>> No.12053583
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>> No.12053597

Based /pol/ expat

>> No.12053635

>tfw you actually remember perfectly well
I remember I bought Eragon and Life as We Knew It (book about the end of the world via an astroid hitting the moon)
Dunno which I read first though, probably the one with the dragon, knowing me.
Holy shit, literally the same.
Must've been on some "recommended for 12 year olds" list or something.

>> No.12053675

Bullshit you fucking fraud, anyone who does this for a living is responsible for sourcing their material so anyone with a brain should remember a title at the least if they were required to write it down and cite it. Fuck you brainlet

>> No.12054404


it was about a boy who had some kind of angel/man with wings in his garage (or something like that), and his mother had died and his dad had a new gf.

dont know how it ended because i dont think we actually finished it

>> No.12055727
File: 405 KB, 1024x1024, 556F18E2-8AD2-49D5-9670-C8B335B53D60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically Harry Potter. Anon I wish I could forget that.
Predictable result of commie teachers letting students pick the next book. At least I was in the (large) minority that voted for the other option.

>> No.12056182

>The TEACHERS at HOGWARTS were armed. yet Students Still died there. Think about that
That's my favorite sign in that pic. It's so dumb I think it lowered my IQ by a couple of points.

>> No.12056204
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>> No.12056371
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>> No.12056384

This one would be funnier if the quotes floating above the Western Canon Chad were just ridiculous, rather than quite dumb.

>> No.12056405

The first post, doesn't it just mean she reads a lot and probably reads quickly (yes, perhaps "speed reading"). Why is this bad? There's so much material out there. Isn't there someone value in being able to cover ground quickly, if only for a first pass?

The second one is dumb because she wrote in a book she didn't own.

>> No.12057157

the next pale fire

>> No.12057162

She's paying so little attention to reading that she can't even remember that she read the book

>> No.12057220

There's a difference between total recall and contingent recall. Even if you couldn't tell what you read from memory, faced with the book you'd easily recall reading it before and it's plot simply from seeing it again

>> No.12058490

Ender, kid that's 2smart4u who fights bugs but the bugs are a hivemind so Ender gets all angry.