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12054230 No.12054230 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on Schopenhauer? Is he worth reading?

>> No.12054240

He is incel 101 reading.
Once you read him you can convince yourself (delude yourself) into believing you don't want women anyway.
Then you can start sucking cocks and feel good about it.

>> No.12054246

what schopenhauer is trying to say is that women are teenagers, maybe the Germans didn't have that word

>> No.12054252
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Sounds great, brb gonna order his Penguin Classic book on amazon

>> No.12054254

I dont understand you guys who think misogynists are incels. How exactly do you date a woman and not become sexist, youd have to be actually completely retarded. Each subsequent woman makes it more clear that it wasnt an isolated case but their actual nature

>> No.12054267

Most misogynists are men that are losers with women. Just as most man hating harpies are losers with men. Basic ressentiment. Either that, or they are homosexuals. Faggots tend to hate women because they're failed women.

>> No.12054273

read hegel instead

>> No.12054292

but it's not a matter of opinion, women are literally retarded. It's not about hating them, it's about seeing that they're retarded, and I dont understand how you can possibly date a woman and not understand this.

>> No.12054389

You mean women aren't like men? No shit mate. If you want to love a man become gay.

>> No.12054417

Most men arent misogynists, most men dont really sing womens praises either. I think theres just a mutual understanding between normal not cucked dudes that women are just lesser men and having them around is just nice more so for the visual aspect and practicing on your girl talking skills.

>> No.12054423

most homophobes are gays
most racists have a cuck fetish
people with a nice car have small dicks
the world can be so simple if you just want it enough.

>> No.12054426

You have them around to relax, make babies, and live a normal life. That's what I love most about women, I can switch off my brain and chill doing normie stuff (while actually having a nice time).

>> No.12054427

He's the patriarch of incels and the founding father of MGTOW.
>Waaaah women don't like me, so...so they're just stupid children! It's our sex drive that ruins everything.
His mother was a royal cunt, so he never had the chance to see what a blessing a good woman can be in a man's life.

>> No.12054428

You dont understand women because you are blinded by your own masculinity. You call them retarded because you cannot possibly perceive their strengths. This is not a failing of the woman but of the male loser.

>> No.12054432

Yeah he's very original thinker, still you should start with the Greeks though
ignore this wymyn

>> No.12054436

Theyre not just different they are literally retarded. They are incapable of rational argument about a majority of subjects, they respond completely illogically to behavior, for example if you hit them and cheat on them they are nicer to you, they are frivolous to the point of being like children- i have met 8 year old boys more contemplative than women, they constantly create problems for themselves by being randomly unhappy about normal situations as a matter of course.

They are literally not really human, no matter how nice it is to be around them and forget about reality for a while

>> No.12054441

ITT: no one has actually read schopenhauer

>> No.12054449

Mods pls

>> No.12054455

read the metaphysics of love

>> No.12054456

Did you ever think that maybe your definition of human is too narrow? Woman are obviously human, just not men. My suggestion to you, if you want to salvage even the semblance of a happy life, is to learn to appreciate women for their feminine traits instead of comparing them to men, because they're not men. Even if you don't want to marry a woman, in order to function in this world you need to recognize that women have their place in the order of things. Anything short of that, and you'll be living in a pessimistic delusion just like our buddy Arthur.

>> No.12054457

Show me an incel that looks like a male model and has normal social skills.
Go to where these people congregate, most of them are not attractive people and are not socially well developed, which is why they have problems with women. Likewise, go look at the most extreme feminist department or group, most of the women are not exactly lookers.

>> No.12054458

Yes, but I care for his worldly wisdom stuff more than his metaphysics.

I would start with an essay collection if I were you.

>> No.12054465

Exactly what I said above. These fags shit on women for not being exactly like men.

>> No.12054472

Mods pls

>> No.12054473

Teenagers are a marketing invention from the 50s to sell records and jeans, they didn't exist before then.

>> No.12054475

t. cuck who couldn't grasp his fully metaphysical thought

>> No.12054479

>blinded by your own masculinity.
it's funny how it's always fags and xtians agreeing on these things.

>> No.12054484

What happened to 4chan, that would make some unironically type that? How is 4chan now any different, unironically, from reddit or tumblr?

>> No.12054496

Reddit and tumblr actually delete racist and sexist posts and ban the posters, 4chan doesn't. The faggots are still everywhere on here though

>> No.12054500

>What happened to 4chan
reddit invasion in 2016. Now it's full of magapedes, women and grandmas. Thanks you, /pol/

>> No.12054504

Incels and mysoginists are 2 different things. There is a lot of overlap, but not always. A buddy of mine started to hate women after being pretty successful on tinder and realizing that almost all of them have the same stupid hobbies and interests and that he could fuck them too easily by pretending to be interested in them. I'm not a huge fan of women as a whole but I've argued that his experience is with the bottom of the barrel women who would actively use tinder in the first place. He agrees with me, but unfortunately both of our experiences with women made us realize that the ones that are worthwhile are just too hard to find

>> No.12054507

Hey why dont you fuck off, hack

>> No.12054511

I don’t know about you but mods have given me temp bans for sexist posts

>> No.12054515

You are desperately trying to convince yourself that the reason you hate women is due to some profound moral or philosophical insight, when in reality it's some form of ressentiment.

>> No.12054524

God can mods pls permaban these robot threads.

>> No.12054530

Could you permafuckoff to reddit ?

>> No.12054546

The mods have literally never banned me which is some sort of mystery to me because i make posts like>>12054436 pretty often, and about a variety of subjects, mostly rampant blogposting which is clearly fiction

I actually do believe all that about women though, and it comes directly from dating them. I accept that i am biased because Im an 'abuser', as in I hit my gfs and yelled at them a lot, but I still think my basic view of them is correct.

>> No.12054562

The biggest irony in this thread is that all the incels calling people cucks are pencil necked dweebs that would get rattled by a jab.

>> No.12054603

big if true

>> No.12054632

>>>12054504 (You)
>You are desperately trying to convince yourself that the reason you hate women is due to some profound moral or philosophical insight, when in reality it's some form of ressentiment.
No I'm not. I dont hate women. I just dont like a lot of them. Not from some philosophical insight, just that whenever I went on dates I was never particularly interested in most of them. There were some that I really did like, but like I said, its few and far between. I'm not even sure where you thought I was trying to be philosophically insightful considering I was just sharing the experience of my friend and even arguing against his dislike of women, considering that most of his experience with them is through a hookup app, that he himself is using. I think you're the spiteful virgin here and that you're just projecting what you used to think about women onto other anons. You feel like you know what were thinking because you used to think the exact same way

>> No.12054638


>> No.12054644

Enormous if big

>> No.12054653

true if enormous

>> No.12054657

A favorite, but less so over the years. After getting older his pessimism strikes me as indulgent if not psychologically dangerous, if not blatantly unsupported philosophically. Even if he is somehow right about the nature of consciousness as it relates to the sensible world, and of fundamental metaphysics, there is no reason to tack on some cranky pessimism on top.

>> No.12054704

Why does every schop thread devolve into this because of one essay?

>> No.12054712

Because his ideas about women, which were relatively innocuous at the time, are basically heresy for our modern feminized world.

Even very masculine men are currently retarded about women. Women have really won society in the past couple centuries, the extent of their domination is hard to even understand.

>> No.12054719
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I’d say an even bigger irony in this thread is that all the white knights who call other men “incels,” are themselves virgins.

>> No.12054727

incel doesn't mean 'guy who doesn't get pussy', those guys are abundant among progressives, it means 'guy who says negative thing about women while not getting pussy'. For a lot of people it seems to mean 'guy who says negative thing about women even if he does get pussy' which is a direct contradiction of its basic meaning but this is unsurprising from the people who brought us 'white privilege' and 'bigotry' in their present usage.

>> No.12054729

Who cares what else he has to say, he didn’t like women therefore he’s a fucking incel and we shouldn’t listen to him. Read women philosophers instead, incel.

>> No.12054784

Except I'm not a virgin, but you are a pencil necked incel.

>> No.12054802

All men hate women. They hate them because men have to improve themselves to be the best possible version of themselves to attract a woman, wheras a woman simply needs to exist to attract men. This relationship however, is not unfair because the man is more intelligent and more powerful, which naturally means more responsibility is placed on him. Women have the privilege of having men come to them through minimal or no effort at all; they also almost solely determine when relationships start and end. This natural relationship is what causes each respective sex to behave the way they do. Men had to develop the traits of logic, competency, hardiness, and self-control to not only prove their ability to provide and protect for women and children. Women depended on men, so they never had any evolutionary pressure to adopt these traits. This is why most men do not understand women's behavior and deem them illogical, their way of thinking evolved differently, though not completely.

Incels have arrived at the same conclusion that all men make, albeit with much more anger. Where they make their mistake is when they decide to blame the woman for what nature has formed her to be. This mentality comes off as pathetic not only to women, but also to men. Whatever feminists choose to believe, they cannot change what they respond to instinctually. Instinctually men who blame women for being women are put on the same level as those who blame the dog who defecates on their carpet for lack of training. Namely, that it is every man's responsibility alone to lead women, to provide a guiding hand so that women, so unequipped to navigate life's responsibilities do not regress to animals.

This is why we are all disgusted by and shun incels. They express a fundamental inability to fulfill their duties and blame it on the innocent ones. Like a parent who blames his infant child for his own incompetence.

>> No.12054812

>because men have to improve themselves to be the best possible version of themselves to attract a woman,
wildly untrue

Ive been misogyny-posting all thread, but I will give women this- they are deeply unshallow about who they fuck. They can sense honesty of character with an insanely sharp precision. By honesty of character I dont mean being honest but being unabashedly what you are

>> No.12054851

it's funny that the majority of chads that i know are mysoginists themselves.

yeah, whores. the guy who cummed in your face and dumped you right after is more hateful towards women than internet virgins. what a surprise. not every misogynist is a virgin, in fact, the majority is not.

>> No.12054858

elaborate please

>> No.12054887


Indeed I might have given women too much credit. However, what I said does apply when men want to attract a woman who commands a high price on the sexual marketplace. The women who has this freedom to be picky and have high standards is only able to because she has won the genetic lottery, and perhaps only partially through a comparatively minimal amount of effort invested.

>> No.12054924

Except I’m not a pencil necked incel, but you are a white knight virgin.

>> No.12054944

We both know you're a sub 200lb dyel manlet

>> No.12054949

I love women but you have to admit theyre a fucking meme gender

>> No.12054960

this guy fucks

>> No.12054977

We both know you’re a sub 75lb lanklet

>> No.12054995

>be genius that changes philosophy
>only thing anyone cares about two centuries later is a quote you wrote on wahmen

>> No.12055058

eat me you bulldyke

>> No.12055133

I've been reading threads like this for a while. What is always startling to me is the sheer aggression and cruelty in the way people here talk about these issues. Often it's directed upon themselves.
Whatever you are, whatever women actually are or are not, there is no justification to be so scornful and hateful to oneself.
What really make the difference usually between happy and unhappy people ( or supposed "chads" to "incel", if you insist) is this sex dependent validation for oneself. That is where true happiness and confidence primarily arise from - the notion of a given outcome independent compassion for oneself. You might find all of this to be too sentimental, but it is what i think.

>> No.12055310

Women have a tremendous ability to tolerate inevitable bullshit. They're much better at taking pleasure from simple, repetitive, positive tasks. And they're much more likely to be content with putting aside their pride. Excellent qualities for administration (distinct from leadership) and mothering.

>> No.12055459

Schopenhauer got tons of pussy.

>> No.12055487

one of the only philosophers that is worth your time

>> No.12055515

Date better women dum dum.
Not hotter. Maybe even go less hot to get a smart, reliable woman with a sense of humor and adventure. They do exist, they're just not always at the clubs or on the apps, and often the seem less available because they're busy. But I have dated several, so they are out there. Things didn't work out with me and these women because I'm unreliable and probably have an undiagnosed cognitive impairment. But I've dated several so I know they exist. One girl I fucked in college, whom I rejected because I thought she wasn't hot enough...she looks great and has a healthy kid and husband, and she and her husband are both physicians.

>> No.12055572
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he’s the basedest

>> No.12055593

>he thinks being over 200 lbs but barely being able to push 1/2/3/4 is a mark of fitness or dominance
>has probably never played a contact sport at an elite level or trained any type of combat sport either

>> No.12055631

Imagine defining yourself by your genital, one of the biggest spooks out there desu.

>> No.12055635

That's not rand or plato desu.

>> No.12055637

or even worse, imagine thinking you're a girl when you're actually a guy

>> No.12055642

wtf i love having mixed race grandchildren now

>> No.12055650

I didn't become a misogynist until I started dating

>> No.12055656

It means involuntary celibate.

>> No.12055658

More like until she dumped you for being an ass.

>> No.12055665

>Just be yourself

>> No.12055822

Same. Only when I became a misogynist did I start to have healthy relationships.

>> No.12055856

Only because he fucked prostitutes. No attractive woman would willingly fuck him
You're what's known as beta male.

>> No.12055860


>> No.12055864

>going on dates
Never been on a date unless it was with my gf.
Fucking Americans, you fellas are cucked.

>> No.12055876

>Never been on a date unless it was with my gf.
what does that even mean?

>> No.12055884

It means you make a woman be yours before you go out on dates somewhere.

>> No.12055897

how do you make her yours without meeting her?

>> No.12055903

You talk to her, which isn't the same thing as going on dates.

>> No.12055915

and where do non-americans talk to girls?

>> No.12055920

In the streets, online, over the phone. This isn't rocket science lad.

>> No.12055923

Oh and in your fucking house.

>> No.12055928

so you make a woman yours in the streets, interesting. where are you from?

>> No.12055938

No you complete nugget, you get their numbers. Her Majesty's Great Britain.

>> No.12055948

>Her Majesty's Great Britain.
Britain belongs to the New York TImes actually

>> No.12055950

You don't convince me.

>> No.12055969

Would Schopenhauer and Stirner be best buds?

>> No.12055982


>> No.12055998

This is clearly a critique on blind patriotism, you tards.

>> No.12056007

Fuck this is how I’ve always felt. I never understood people taking credit for their nation’s or their ancestors’ achievements. They literally had no involvement, it’s just a luck of the draw where you were born.
I can understand interest but not pride.

>> No.12056010

That's because you're American. You've let your women get away with murder, more so than us.

>> No.12056013


>> No.12056020

I'm German actually, I was just curious where this goes.

>> No.12056021

pride is not the word id use but i feel something or other when i look at western european history that I dont feel when i look at other people's history. A kind of joyfulness that it happened I guess, and a sort of understanding or familiarity with it

>> No.12056029

Your women are manlier than ours. You have my sympathies, Gunther.

>> No.12056033
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>> No.12056041


>> No.12056178

plato is merely a catalyst to Kant and Schophauer, nothing more.

>> No.12056195

I don’t understand. Are you implying I’m a MAGApede? Aren’t they nationalists?

>> No.12056223

the centipede meme was the exact moment that the Trump campaign went from entertaining to embarrassing

the best meme will always remain Jeb and his little turtles and Trump saying 'Jeb is a mess'

>> No.12056231

Back when being an intellectual actually meant something, the guy was a quasi celebrity.

>> No.12056267

rand anon? really?

>> No.12056272

same but it's a clear distinction, dating in America/some of Europe. I would never marry and American I whole heartily believe that now that i've traveled and dated women with traditional values in other countries

>> No.12056452

>traditional values

Pick one.

>> No.12056459

i'd take a us mormon girl over any euro peasant cunt

>> No.12056472

depends on the tradition faggot

>> No.12056476

Mormons are immensely different that the average American girl, which is exactly my point

>> No.12056478

The Hindu Brahmins had arranged marriages between like 5 year old girls and 20 year old men. The marriage would be consummated when the girl hit puberty

You can see why Indians are a problem. THese were their upper class

>> No.12056488

It was no different in the middle east.

>> No.12056691

Whatever makes you sleep at night anon

>> No.12056718


>> No.12057033

this is the worst thread on the entire fucking board

>> No.12057186

Thanks it’s a real accomplishment