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File: 53 KB, 2281x2303, letter_c_PNG47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12051360 No.12051360 [Reply] [Original]

Name a more useless letter in the English language. I'll wait.

>> No.12051363


>> No.12051397


>> No.12051400


>> No.12051421

Not only does my name begin with a C, but my astrological sign, religion and favorite holiday as well. Also my favorite party game (which I've never played).
Neither Celeste nor incest can be adequately.. felt without a C. I mean Seleste? Insest? Gross.

>> No.12051423


>> No.12051430
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12051433


>> No.12051435

Z or x

To say c is to just want replies because you needed validation today or some form of human interaction and remain an obviously sad distorted human that doesn't actually confront his problem
Here is your (You)
Hope it got you high before the end of this sentence

Oh and look what two letters I managed to not use

>> No.12051457

In Attic Greek it's not even a letter (H is long e = ay, or the vowel 'eta') but a left curving 'aspiration mark,' or backwards apostrophe.

>> No.12051481


>> No.12051499
File: 48 KB, 480x535, Umaru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In italian the letter Q is actually useless. No word would present ambiguity in prononciation or meaning by replacing each Q with a C. We keep it 'cause it's cute and because book of Ecclesiastes is oft called with its hebrew name Qoelet in Italian bibles (I know it seems like a silly reason, but the Vatican wants that letter in our alphabet to control our minds).

>> No.12051601

Fuck you Chris

>> No.12051619


>> No.12051705


>> No.12051839


>> No.12051860


>> No.12051865


>> No.12051881


>> No.12051987

It's obviously Q.

>> No.12052970

all capital letters are useless

>> No.12052973

Q is literally a waste of space.

>> No.12053824


Q and C are superior symbols and should replace it everywhere

>> No.12053863

long S

>> No.12053873

What's the cause of your contempt, curmudgeon? Can't concisely conceptualize creative contemplations? Childish conciousness conseceutively cowers concurrent to the crappy, crummy craft of your capacity.

>> No.12053874


It's made evident by your use of the word cute. Making the Q sound perfectly without it's inclusion.

Fuck the Q.

>> No.12053921


Quite or kweit, anon?

>> No.12053925

We don't have aspiration marks in English, bucko.

>> No.12053954


>> No.12053965



>> No.12053968

I was speaking about italian language you fuckwits. Qute would read as kwoot, and cuill as kew-ill. English is DOOMED to have a Q in its alphabet. English phonetics are a fucking disaster anyways.

>> No.12054235

>English phonetics are a fucking disaster anyways.
Are English phonetics actually noticeably bad among other languages?

If so, what made them this way?

>> No.12054287

Party game?

Halloween > Christmas

>> No.12054346

it's functionally the same in french

i soupçonne this post

>> No.12054368

Y(consonant) absolutely.

"year" must be jear.
"you" must be jou.
All french gay j words like "journal" should have their J added with some additional marks like hacek or ^. Or simply use "zh, dsh, dsj or dj".

Y(vocal) is allowed for Greek loanwords.

>> No.12054403

But Y sounds different than J.

>> No.12054418
File: 191 KB, 1200x1600, 1406055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Languages with a phonetic writing system usually have less (or as much) symbols than they have sounds. Some languages, like italian and japanese, have comparatively fewer sounds, so there is less room for confusion. English for a foreign learner presents a lot of difficulties because a letter is not pronounced always the same (especially vowels) and there are lot of situations where a word is read differently than how is written (like business wich reads like buisness or be-sness and not like bu-si-ness). And the 'th' sound (as in path) is a nightmare for italian learners, but I digress.

>> No.12054419

>what made them this way?
I'd guess written and spoken languages evolve separately.

>> No.12054492

It's not actually so. It's just because others have to learn English and they don't realise how unphonetic their own languages are, just as English-speakers often don't as they've, through trial and error, somewhat adjusted to its intricacies.

>> No.12054495

Yeah, Spanish speaker here. My language has five vowel sounds (a:a, e:e, i:i, o:o, and u:u), concise, right? while English has like 12 or 14. The oo in shoot is different from the oo in book, the u in buck is different from the u in unique, etc.

>> No.12054550

Let's all agree french is the worst with all their oeux ai œ aux.

>> No.12054604

You don't seem to get it at all.

>> No.12054613


>> No.12055394

Q or X

>> No.12055436


>> No.12055452
File: 54 KB, 450x450, 1526768883621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no need to be rude.

>> No.12055460

It's an O with her penis out. It's hilarious.

>> No.12055478

M in the lower case can fuck off

>> No.12055482

>The oo in shoot is different from the oo in book
In Scotland and northern parts of England they always use the first sound

>> No.12055490

>her penis out
Didn't Quite expect that one

>> No.12055517

Who cares what some dirty fucking GREEK scuzzball lover of boy-holes thinks about anything, YOU LITTLE NIGGEERRRRRRRR???!!!?????!!!

>> No.12055529


>> No.12056159

Serious question, what the fuck is the difference between K and C?

>> No.12056171


X - its just ks
C- is either k or s
Q- it's kw

>> No.12056238

Yes. Greekfag who speaks some German here, learning English can be a fucking pain in the ass for children because of how inconsistent it is, while in greek the pronunciation of every letter is consistent. Apart from the obvious stuff like how many letters can be silent and how letters like E switch between "ee" (as in feel) and "e"(as in fell), there are some less obvious stuff. For example the words "Understand" and "Amazing" both begin with letters which produce an "ah" sound, but the U "ah" is pronounced a bit differently from the A "ah", while in greek there is only one way to pronounce the sound "ah", with a singular letter, Alpha.
I imagine German students experience similar problems since German is a consistently phonetic language, and I've seen greek students who had learned German first and English later have more problems with pronunciation, since they try to pronounce words phonetically consistently.

>> No.12056300

C hisses, K cannot.

>> No.12056310

W, Y and K are completely useless in portuguese.

>> No.12056313

It even fucking looks stupid.

>> No.12056317

fuCk off Cunt

>> No.12056369


>> No.12056508
File: 309 KB, 1428x2364, Gadsby_page209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look at that awful E! Its horrid form!
A patrician chad can draft a full book without it. Pic is such.

>> No.12056520

ç isn't english

>> No.12056550

>had had

>> No.12056558


fucking cunts

>> No.12056574


>> No.12056630
File: 8 KB, 546x186, NhPmC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In portuguese is 100% W, Y and K. Those letters just entered in our alphabet in 1990 (Portugal) and 2009 (Brazil). There's no 100% portuguese words with them, only foreign words, their variations and proper names.
K always sounds like QU or C
Y always sounds like I
W always sounds like V or U
(in portuguese pronunciations, of course)

Fun fact: i became literate b4 the change so sometimes i confuse where i should put W and Y in the alphabet arrangement
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Ç isn't considered a letter as Ñ in spanish even tho we have a special key to it in the keyboard

>> No.12056729

Truly, Gadsby isn't always a fun study. But god knows, sacrificial acts call for blood.