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12054094 No.12054094[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Modernism is Cartesianism, and Cartesianism is modernism. Thus "post" modernism is not about "going beyond" modernism, but about saving it from the Konservative Revolution. The Konservative Revolution destroyed Descartes, and all postwar French philosophy was about stopping this.

Reposting my twitter thread here for your thoughts

>Those who follow me might have noticed my posts before on Talmudism, "idle talk", postmodernism, etc. My argument was that the principle of all these modes of discourse, was giving primacy to the discourse itself above its subject.

>Well with memes it is just the opposite. They properly function as a means to elucidate the being of their subject, that is, to call attention to it in its unconcealing. The reason "the left can't meme" is because it is antithetical to leftist discourse.

>For Derrida, language is only allowed to be referential unto itself. Meming breaks these chains and shackles the left has placed on discourse. For the left, despite silencing opposition, discourse must still be "dialectical" and "democratic", as it were.

>Memes are authoritarian, they are *decisive* pointing to being in its unconcealing. They brush aside the endless ping-pong of dialectic. In politics, as related by Juan Donoso Cortés, the libs see decisiveness (i.e. "decisionism") as threatening.

>Liberalism is a turn against the decisive, because it means an authoritative conclusion, which means a triumphant and a defeated, or at least an authority and a submission. This simply isn't "democratic" because it means a compulsion, an authoritarianism.

>Even truth itself in the most abstract sense is "fascist" to the lib, because truth is not democratic or consensual. Hense their embrace of relativism. But back to memes: when the left try to meme, they always miss the point.

>To the leftist, discourse is good if it is *productive* (Althusser's work is structured very much around this idea). For the rightist, discourse is good if it is *quality*. This distinction in politics is covered very well by Richard M. Weaver.

>Quality is oppressive to the lib, everything must be about quantity. Everything is fungible, including people, who are all "equal" (the basis of democracy, one vote for everyone). The lib seeks to suppress everything that's not quantifiable or fungible. Even memes.

>So rather than "meme magic", the left tries to reduce memes to formula. This leads to the low quality memes that NPC's are fed by Stephen Colbert, SNL, and so forth.

>> No.12054153

Jesus Christ

>> No.12054192
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Amen, anon

>> No.12054238

Dichotomic politics are so fucking cancer.

>> No.12054248

Politics is innately dichotomic. It's conflict resolution.

>> No.12054506

Finally an excerpt from the my diary desu that I've heard so much about.

It's no Infinite Jest but I guess it's ok, I'll check out a copy

>> No.12054868

Jesus fuck no, you’re retarded

>> No.12054948
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the man is even tripfagging, it doesn't get better than this

>> No.12054955

Modern day propaganda posters we share ourselves

>> No.12055108

Stephen Colbert is feeding memes? When?

>> No.12055680
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Stopped at Konservative