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1205311 No.1205311 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/,

What is the opposite book of this one?
I thought it would be most interesting to read a classic pro-capitalism book, so I can compare the two.

Thank you.

>> No.1205313

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.1205315
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>>1205313 that

and perhaps "the wealth of nations"

>> No.1205317

It may not be what you are looking for but "Democracy in America" by Alexis de Tocqueville is said to be the opposite.

Adam smith might be more what you want though.

>> No.1205320 [DELETED] 

Adam Smith call for redistribution of wealth, to a certain extent at least.

>> No.1205321

Adam Smith called for redistribution of wealth, to a certain extent at least.

>> No.1205327

Yup, though the wealth of nations is still a fundamental text for modern capitalism.

>> No.1205337

there is no capitalist text. it's self organized through a historicly formed property etc system.

the more apt description of stuff like rand or hayek's polemics etc would be anti-socialist or market absolutist etc. capitalism's core is a series of power relations embodied in the absolute right of property and exchange. that is not defended anywhere in those works with rigor.

>> No.1205401
File: 44 KB, 254x390, road_to_serfdom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hayek's road to serfdom. It's a very powerful argument against authoritarian socialism and central planning. however Hayek isn't the crazy libertarian free market worshiper some have made him out to be, he would probably not be classified as a "libertarian" today.

"probably nothing has done so much harm to the liberal cause as the wooden insistence of some liberals on certain rules of thumb, above all the principle of laissez-faire capitalism." - Hayek

That being said, the book attacks authoritarian socialism, not all forms of socialism (libertarian socialism, anarchism, etc)

>> No.1205647

milton friedman
free to choose

>> No.1205655

Smith, von Mises, Rand.

>> No.1205704

Rand does nothing. She only focuses on dumb ass objectivism, she does nothing to contribute to economic thought. Also, I believe she was a corporatist. Von Mises is good though. I have to respect a guy who predicted the great depression down to the month.

Anyway, Frédéric Bastiat is what you are looking for OP. He is definitely the classic free market guy. He was around the same time as Marx, well a little before.

>> No.1205713
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Did someone say corporatism?

>> No.1205718
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did someone say socialism?

>> No.1205725

Do you want it to be a good book as well as pro-capitalist? No such book exists, writers are usually intellectuals, not white trash.

>> No.1205731
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>> No.1205732

Socialism, in my nationalism?!
It's more likely than you think.

>> No.1205735
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>> No.1205736
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>> No.1205737


Ethnocentrism combined with state capitalism. All in the flavor of Social Darwinism.

Nazism is not Socialism, no matter what you beer binging Huckabees think.

>> No.1205743

>Ethnocentrism combined with state capitalism.

>implying that's not what 99.99999% of socialists want

>> No.1205746
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Ill get back to reading now, in my average sized house that I own with no debt. Enjoy your trailer.

>> No.1205813

I wouldn't say all socialists are ethnocentric. Most are pseudo-egalitarian phenomenologists. Ethnicity is substituted for "humanity."

>> No.1205824


That's obviously not true. Just look at national politics. Any European country. Pushing back retirement from 60 to 62 is an outrage that sparks mass protests. They couldn't care less if their "working class brethren" in the 3rd world is working 16 hours per day in sweatshops.

>> No.1205869
File: 123 KB, 500x500, barney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The majority of *real* European countries have centre-right governments at the moment, not socialist ones.