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12052311 No.12052311 [Reply] [Original]

Do great authors ever imitate?

>> No.12052318

Everything is based on imitation to some degree.

>> No.12052350

All the time. They just figure out how to do it tastefully.

>> No.12052354

has anyone ever met a girl at a museum

>> No.12052359

I have been to several museums with my gf, and also with some girls I have dated. So to answer your question, it's a strong yes.

>> No.12052361
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>has anyone ever met a girl

>> No.12052378
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Define "met","girl", and "museum" and my answer might change to a "maybe".

>> No.12052447

Everything great is based on influence
Read the anxiety of influence by Harold Bloom

>> No.12053543


You can tell the one in the middle is absolutely vacant.

>> No.12053545

Proust imitated the prose of several famous authors before settling on his own

>> No.12053590

This. For an example, check out Keats’ Hyperion, where he imitates Milton’s epic verse.

>> No.12053787
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It takes 10000 hours to reach mastery of a skill. Before is mere apprenticeship.

>> No.12053801

All the time. Style, plot, characters, etc.
Most great novels are imitation (in parts. Sometimes fully) of earlier great works by other authors.
It's more about inspiration than plagiarism.
It's an inevitable road in the path of having your own voice.

>> No.12053818

I've stalked a girl at a museum before if that counts

>> No.12053826

Michael Caine from Dressed to Kill, is that you?

>> No.12053937

fuck off gladwell

>> No.12053994

What does meet mean
I live in a big cities with a lot of museum and I often see girls by themselves there but I never approach them

>> No.12054041

i didn't meet her there but i had a first date with a girl at an art gallery once.
it was pretty cool. it was a photography exhibtion at tate modern. we made up our own stories about the photographs. hers were all rude and funny so i knew she was the girl for me. i still miss her.

>> No.12055193

Can imitation be done effectively as a creative writing excercise?

>> No.12055207

man how are they so ugly

>> No.12055213


Yes in germany, i saw her 2 days in a row, she was staring at me and said i looked like one of the spanish paintings. We talked the 2nd time, it was really fate. Nothing ever came of it though, i wanted to go be with her but she told me to enjoy the museum

>> No.12055214

Hunter S. Thompson re-wrote The Great Gatsby and Farewell to Arms to get the feeling of how a great novel is written.


>> No.12055311

Kinda, there was this girl from last.fm I had a crush on but she was from another state.
When visiting said state once, I saw her at a museum but I don't think she recognized me with long hair and I was anxious enough with a bunch of other shit so I just pretend I didn't see her

>> No.12055408
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Is it socially acceptable to go to a museum by myself?

>> No.12055418
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Yea, your grandma

>> No.12055438

>hand improperly positioned on left, should be resting on stomach, not folded across it
>head tilted to face the viewer directly on right, rather than being in profile
>middle has no dick exposed, also missing gash in torso
3/10 you barely even tried

>> No.12055453

That's copying, not imitation. I tried copying pages from a novel on my pc and it felt soon like a chore, no more "getting the feeling" than you would get with an attentive reread.

>> No.12055503

Give into your craving for beauty and immerse yourself in the joy of art you infantile flea

>> No.12055542

yeah man, i go to the museum by myself all the time. no one really even notices it and there are lots of other people by themselves usually

>> No.12055553

>nobody notices that you're by yourself
>I notice there are lots of people by themselves

>> No.12055576

sh-shut up

>> No.12055584

you know great authors make threads about books with specific questions in the OP that demonstrate knowledge of the aforementioned literature instead of pseud generalized veiled gossip and venting threads like you, faggot

>> No.12055887

*yawn* whatever nerd

>> No.12055898

Most of them have a strict no singles policy these days

>> No.12056551


the invocation of the muse is imitated through the millennia since homer by poets like plato,virgil,dante and milton

imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

>> No.12056562

they don't imitate, they copy

>> No.12056571

The Aeneid is a giant imitation but I like it better than Homer. I didn't know it was going to be ridiculous, like 3 pages in and we have gods turning the sea inside out and whatnot

Im reading it in Latin, a language I do not speak, so each page takes like 20 minutes to read

>> No.12056594

why do you like it better than homer?
is it because you can read it in latin?

>> No.12056596

it feels denser, in Homer there is a lot of stuff where my basic reaction is just 'ok lad, let's continue'

>> No.12056635

i felt the same for a while but i returned to homer again and although fantastical at times the reality of the deepest truths of the human condition portrayed in it began to dawn on me and its humbled me to my core.

>> No.12056637

do you really think? What sorts of truths are we talking about anon

>> No.12056669

truths about conflict,family,societal decay,the aging process

>> No.12056727

like hemingway and his iceberg theory style writing.something visceral is found between the lines in homer that's not explicitly said.

>> No.12056752
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Once. I was in the Hungarian National Museum in Budapest and I was in the Franz Liszt room. In the room was only me and the girl and as I leaned in to look at Liszt's piano, I accidentally set off the alarm and it was so loud that I slipped and fell back and as I fell I grabbed onto the velvet rope thing in front of the exhibit and pulled it down onto of myself. The girl bursts out laughing at this point. The alarm is still going off at this point and then a guard comes in and starts yelling at me in Hungarian and then when he sees the girl laughing at me he suddenly gets really sad and helps me up and when I try to help him put the velvet rope thing back he just pushes me out of the way and gestures for me to leave the room. As I walk out I can still hear the girl sniggering. All the while Liszt's transcription of Liebestraum is playing in the background https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpOtuoHL45Y

>> No.12056934
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>> No.12057344
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>> No.12057363

ALL great authors imitate. It's not as if they can invent a new language whole cloth.

The greatest invent several new words or phrases, at most.

>> No.12057452

>be me, 17
>love bob dylan very much
>write "Bob Dylan" on white Tshirt and wear it around Washington DC while on vacation
>in natural history museum or something
>just sort of looking around by myself, room full of cool rocks and crystals
>qt3.14 blonde girl comes up to me and shoves my arm playfully
>I assume she has mistaken me for someone that she knows
>she says "I love your shirt"
>I am confused for minute but then remember I'm wearing the ol Bob D Tee
>I mutter oh thanks or something
>she says "yeah i love Bob Dylan so much"
>she looks at me expectantly, I dont know what to do, stand for several seconds of tense silence like a sperg-supreme
>say W-well t-thanks aha and speedwalk away
>still feel the glow of her touch on my arm. think about her the rest of the day
>listen to Blood On the Tracks on the car ride home
>whenever i hear Tangled Up In Blue and Simple Twist Of Fate it reminds me of that moment, the highlight of my life
>tfw had something truly miraculous happen
>tfw blew it because I'm a khv sperg
>tfw still khv 6 yrs later
I don't listen to Bob Dylan anymore

>> No.12057455

this story gave me melancholy

>> No.12057470

Should've asked for her number

>> No.12057478

This made me really sad. Anon I hope you act on things now instead of sperging.

>> No.12057523

I have a similar story, but it involves JAY Z & Linkin Park: Collision Course

>> No.12057728


>> No.12058043
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>> No.12058250

Does a girl's corpse count? If so, yes.

>> No.12058257

no but one time i met the pianist alfred brendel

>> No.12058259

All great authors are simply imitating the Bible in some way

>> No.12058290

"One author pilfers the best of another and calls it tradition" Bacchylides

>> No.12058294

All the time.

>> No.12058302

i had a date on a museum once, but the girl was batshit crazy so i stop talking to her after that day.

>> No.12058309

why aren't they naked

>> No.12058311

it's okay, anon. you need to learn to aprecciate your own company and stop caring about what other people will think.

>> No.12058318

even when i go to a museum with someone else, we end up separating naturally because we'll want to see different things and go at a different pace

>> No.12058334

read Bloom

>> No.12058342

>fitzgerald and hemingway
I expected the man to have a less basic taste tbhqh

>> No.12058351

based and, dare I say it, redpilled

>> No.12058535

They don't look white.
the action of using someone or something as a model.
a thing intended to simulate or copy something else.

>> No.12058651
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I have a symilar story involving mogwai and a young black princess on a tram whose eyes I met while mine were still glowing at the fresh memory of her miraculous bottom

>> No.12058850

nice tale, quirky and relateable

>> No.12058855

lord almighty