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/lit/ - Literature

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12050741 No.12050741 [Reply] [Original]

Can I just pick this up and start reading it or do I need specific prerequisite knowledge?

>> No.12050809

Yes. No.

>> No.12050834

No. Yes.

>> No.12050853

You'll get more out of it if you understand basic math and know some Roman and Greek history

>> No.12050907

For this, I'd recommend Timelines of World History by John Teeple. It's fairly cursory, so you can supplement it with more "authentic" (and rigorous) stuff like the writings of Thucydides.

Don't worry about just diving right in, though. God forbid I should stop you from reading.

>> No.12051314

I read pic'd before reading the unabridged. As I recall the Introduction is pretty good, and the abridgement not so bad as far as abridgements go, maybe about 350 or so pps missing-

>> No.12051587

From memory it's pretty much a propaganda book meant to wake everyone up so even normies can pick it up. You aren't a normie are you OP?

>> No.12051592

Yes. Yes.

>> No.12051597

Not even fucking vaguely what it is. It's a philosophy of history that covers a huge breadth of topics, from mathematics to painting to architecture, whose only message politically is 'there is nothing you can do to change the course of history'

>> No.12051605

You are either extremely disingenuous or suffering from early onset dementia. It isn't a political book nor is there anything to "wake up" to.

>> No.12051607

>understand basic math
define basic

>> No.12051616

Good evening Fascists, I like when you guys come out of the shadows from time to time. You're right of course.

>> No.12051623

top tier pol bait m8

>> No.12051624

>being this stupid

>> No.12051628
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>> No.12051641


>> No.12051643 [DELETED] 


>> No.12051644
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Good evening /pol/.

>> No.12051704

Sorry Professor F... I know I was an edgy alt-right teen when I started uni but you have enlightened me with your liberal philosophy and african literature novels.

>> No.12051720

what did he mean by this

>> No.12052108
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>Am I allowed to eat steak before eating beans?

>> No.12052127
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You claimed that a book about an extremely influential theory of history written by a man who criticized the 3rd Reich when it was in power should be disregarded as "fascist propaganda" despite the fact that it was also tremendously influential to the post-modern project. You're fucking dumb.

>> No.12052133

Good thread.

>> No.12052136

ur girlfriend

>> No.12052138
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>> No.12052147

How can a Spengler thread be this bad, and everyone in it wrong by a huge margin. /lit/ is truly the lowest-IQ board.

>> No.12052151

Why don't you enlighten us then?

>> No.12052153

You need to spam it on /lit/ for least three weeks before pretending that you've read it.

>> No.12052173

I was wrong about it being a propaganda book in style or prose but you're actually trying to claim Spengler as one of yours? You're bigger buffoon than I am.

>> No.12052175

joke's on you, i'm a virgin

>> No.12052177


>> No.12052183

>extremely influential theory of history
Unfortunately not.
>post-modern project
Illusory and antithetical to Spenglerian thinking, in Spenglerian terms there is no tangible differentiation between the thought-form of post-modernity and for example the reformation.

>> No.12052193

Spengler talks a lot about how math affects the perception civilizations have of the world around them. You have to know at least some concepts such as Infinity and zero. Also integrals and derivates.

>> No.12052199

>"One of yours"
How big of a faggot are you? Philosophy isn't sports. You don't pick a team and mindlessly route for them. Wildly different schools of thought influence each other all the time.

>> No.12052218

Spengler's deconstruction of Whig history and the Classic - Medieval - Modern paradigm was very influential to early PoMo thinkers.

>> No.12052228

The very notion of post-modernity implies a sequential progressive idea of history.

>> No.12052231

>Also integrals and derivates.
oh well

>> No.12052245

No, it doesn't. Post-Modernism is simple the inherent critique of all the Meta-Narratives of any societal super structures - One of which is the view of history as progress.

>> No.12052251

Which is absolutely indistinguishable from the wider thoughtform of western civilization.

>> No.12052255

They do for sure but it's pretty common for people to try and claim authorities figures, if not in whole but in part. Hell you've got Nazi's trying to claim Trump and Molymeme, it's very common. Liberals and Communists fight over the same intellectuals all the time, I've just never heard anyone try to claim Spengler. I can understand Hegel influencing both camps but geez louise.

>> No.12052263

How so? And I don't want some cryptic reference to Icarus. Tell me how the Post-Modern project is indistinguishable from the the Occidental project which it deconstructs?

>> No.12052271

That's exactly what I was arguing against. The other poster was trying to discredit Spengler as a simple ebil Nazi which he is not.

>> No.12052275

Those are very basic concepts and can be understood in a couple of youtube videos. If you understand basic polynomial equations.

>> No.12052279

They're more simple than you think. The slope of distance over time is velocity. Velocity is the derivitive of distance over time. The slope of velocity is acceleration. Conversely, the area under the curve of the acceleration graph is the integral and this is the velocity. And the area under the velocity curve is the distance over time.

>> No.12052284

The western thoughtform is categorized by the sensation of limits, Spengler uses the similes of the forest (which ends and begins at an arbitrary point), calculus, polyphony (i.e. modulation) and so on. This of course invariably leads to nihilism as one soon discovers that either a) limits are arbitrary, therefore b) limits are infinite and c) there is no endpoint and therefore thing to discover. Post-modern thought is just a more advanced expression of this basic thoughtform and thus in itself inherently western.
He isn't wrong, Spengler did influence quite a few important intellectuals of that era.

>> No.12052316

OP here, I'm sorry I posted this thread, I was drunk and a little upset about finding out my gf was spending the night with her poly bf tonight instead of them both coming over to my place like we agreed. This thread was really just a way of expressing my anger, I fully acknowledge it is incoherent and false.

Sorry for the trouble.

>> No.12052365

This thread is getting much much better in quality of conversation and I do apologise for shit posting earlier. My client cancelled our 10 o'clock and I was bored but that's no excuse.

Very influential for sure, I would say though he heavily influence the race based idealogues to a larger extent but I might be wrong.
Definitely not simple, maybe not even a straight up Nazi but there is that connection and flow on into prominent people that came afterwards, I'd say more Fascists than Communists for example hold Decline of the West dearly to heart but intellectually you can see he influenced a lot of people. Maybe not as much as Hegel but yeah I get your points for sure.
> The very notion of post-modernity implies a sequential progressive idea of history.
> Post-Modernism is simple the inherent critique of all the Meta-Narratives
Wew much better than the Evola threads of late.

>> No.12052379

You unironically need to have a firm grasp of mathematics.

>> No.12052392
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absolute state of /lit/

>> No.12053495
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Proud of you for making God proud Anon

>> No.12053504


>> No.12053506
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just read it. you can read Nietzsche and Goethe first if you want, but reading all pre-requisites before starting a book is just a meme, and Spengler writes pretty clearly anyway

>> No.12053524


>> No.12053650

there is no "post-modernity"
only postmodernism, a name given to a loose collection of thinkers and artists
even then, it's the downfall of various 20th century 'modern' regimes, as perceived by that group, that gave it the misnomer

>> No.12054318


>> No.12055976

literal /pol/ tier delusions

Its basically a racist/sexist/islamophobes bible

I DONT recomend

>> No.12055977

weak bait

>> No.12055987

>The western thoughtform is categorized by the sensation of limits, Spengler uses the similes of the forest (which ends and begins at an arbitrary point), calculus, polyphony (i.e. modulation) and so on. This of course invariably leads to nihilism as one soon discovers that either a) limits are arbitrary, therefore b) limits are infinite and c) there is no endpoint and therefore thing to discover. Post-modern thought is just a more advanced expression of this basic thoughtform and thus in itself inherently western.

yes, exactly this, it's exactly what I've been saying