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12049924 No.12049924 [Reply] [Original]

Humanity is doomed, society grows evermore debased; technology only makes things worse.. Whatever eventual end this comes to is dubious at best..
What's the /lit/ way to deal with this?

>> No.12049933


>> No.12049936


>> No.12049947

homesteading, mastering the virtues, deleting your twitter account

>> No.12049951


>> No.12049954

Stoicism is the only correct way to deal with all situations.

>> No.12049971
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This, but also HH.

>> No.12049978

1. Expand your knowledge
2. Go where life takes you
3. Rocky Balboa

>> No.12049986

>What's the /lit/ way to deal with this?
Read books by non-depressed people like studies and reports on recent discoveries and anthropological models. It will get you in a better mood rather quickly.

>> No.12049992

>I dont understand scientific progress, woeth me
pick up a biology/chemistry 101 book before you make even more a fool out of yourself

>> No.12050075

grab a gun and kill your local politician of course!! the Only course that makes sense!!
What a caterpillar calls the end of the world, we call a butterfly, please a call to action gentleman.

>> No.12050086

leave the internet, don't do anything to have fun, just live in a cave and pray and don't masturbate of course

>> No.12050123

>Humanity is doomed
But God is not, so good will win. Humanity proved too corrupt and stupid to pass the great filter - psychological manipulation and judaism - and is now headed for extinction.
Everything since 1914 has been cursed.

>> No.12050134

We might be a dying butterfly though

>> No.12050179

Unconditional accelerationism non-praxis paired with a negative hedonist approach to life for your own good in the meanwhile.

>> No.12050321

Why do you "religious" people only come out of the woodwork once there's a groupthink founded in hatred going around painting the world as doomed? It's almost like you smell it out and are just lurking and waiting to jump on the opportunity to shovel your shit into everyone's faces.

>> No.12050332

>muh chaos
>neopositvist dialectic
And there is your problem bucko.

>> No.12050335

The Benedict option

>> No.12050337

Joining a monastery

>> No.12050338

>those strawmen
The way you think is fucked.

>> No.12050341

Modern life is many times better than any that preceded it. It even affords you the luxury of considering such a stupid and useless view and actually worry about it, so lacking are you in real problems. Anyone who suggests they'd rather live in the middle ages or something is a disingenuous retard.

>> No.12050347

Read The Sound and the Fury, realize that that's just the way life is, and then find a way to enjoy yourself. Nature does it for me. Don't be a Quentin, be a Jason III

>> No.12050353

Just pointing out your intentions mate, also i'm not the same guy that you responded first.

>> No.12050368

How do you know what my intentions are at all? Stop making up bullshit strawmen and believing you're right for it, moron. My original point still stands.

>> No.12050375

And yet the people that lived then had no idea about life today, where more people commit suicide, become depressed, go on killing rampages, and otherwise suffer unprecedented mental illnesses.

>> No.12050379
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Idk, suicide with a well written letter? I’m just going to ride this bitch till the end and see where we end up.

>> No.12050382

As above, so below.

>> No.12050384

What will be, will be. You can't predict the future. And while the future is sure to be rocky as civilization proceeds always two steps forward and two steps backward or even two steps backward and one forward, The forces and momentum at work today is inevitable.

The best we can do is the best we have always done; adapt, continue, persevere.

>> No.12050390
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>civilization proceeds always two steps forward and two steps backward

>> No.12050424
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stop being a humanist

>> No.12050440


>> No.12050441

I'm not mentally ill. I prefer living in a time where depression is apparently the worst thing ever rather than worrying if my infected papercut will kill me.

>> No.12050446
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History will cycle back after the ecological collapse. A time worth living in if you can survive it.

>> No.12050486

Let me corrify, because you apparently not figure out. The first SETENCE is what motivates a religious/christian to start pointing something, you assume because they are assholes, but in fact the main rethoric or cause is trying to teach the POTENTIAL OF A TRUTH, that is in all religions, and that is usually a good thing (with the correct people) for the soul of a man. Anyways in the SECOND you implicate that the premise of a world not being chaotic is somewhat retarded, that COULD be truth, but most of "religious people" know that is someway the evil/Satan (tries to) manage this world. So if you negate the first and you dont belive in the "deeper" causation an important part of methaphysics, your are mostly showing sympathies (or are) neopostivist, and we know how these guy fuck up philosophy.

>> No.12050494

Take a walk outside, man. Things aren't that bad. They certainly could be better, though, so why don't you start working to make them so?

>> No.12050503

reading more obviously

>> No.12050566
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That's exactly my point. The "West" is sick and decadent and stuck in a positive feedback loop that gets worse by the day. This explains the rise of ultra-conservative and reactionary groups in some countries around the world, and it's where you get the school shooters and rampage killers. This is a realization that's been around in its current form for probably over a hundred years and it's very obvious in literature all over the world, from the United States to Europe to Japan (chief among them might be The Sound and the Fury and The Setting Sun, but again the motif is everywhere).

As technology and modern ideology invade life, meaning and understanding trade places with comfort and ridiculous egalitarian "objectivity" notions. Human interaction has already become forever malformed by technology under our noses. Institutions that are supposed to serve the public good (that is, yours and mine) like law enforcement and justice and government become robotic monolithic institutions that forsake any understanding or human element. Input facts, output judgment. The human is forgone. You see this in all big cities, and of course it's no great mystery why this is where all the fucked up people come from. It's not overstating the problem to say that mankind has become infected and the treatment will not come before the realization that the illness exists comes (ie when the feedback loop becomes too titanic to ignore). WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY where nobody knows or thinks about the endgame that they argue for, even when it's plain and obvious and out in the open.

As that literature I mentioned might tell us, the best way to live in light of this is to acknowledge it and try to rise above it. Find something or someone you love and live for that.

For me, it's Costa Rica (not that the country doesn't have it's own share of brutal problems).

>> No.12050569

I think you're the one who is sick and decadent, my friend

>> No.12050575 [DELETED] 

Write a manifesto.

>> No.12050578

>(chief among them might be The Sound and the Fury and The Setting Sun, but again the motif is everywhere).
Uh, The Sound and the Fury is a story about a southern family that destroys themselves by sticking to ridiculous old traditions that mean nothing

>> No.12050579



>> No.12050585

No, society is better than ever. Men can become women and old white dudes are about to go extinct. It's like two weeks before christmas and the only ones being sad are incel poltards that are going to be replaced soon.

>> No.12050597

>This sociopath rant

>> No.12050619
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>less poverty than ever
>less hunger than ever
>less violence than ever
>less discrimination than ever
>more science than ever
>more entertainment than ever
>more services on offer than ever

You have to be silly to not consider yourself to live in the early phases of utopia.

>> No.12050645

While he is baiting he’s got a point. We have achieved a level of control that is equal to that of demigods. We can change our gender, construct buildings larger than any mountain, have food available at the dial of a phone, and we have weapons that can lead to the extinction of every living creature on the planet. We are the strongest being in the known universe, and it’s beautiful

>> No.12050677

>you assume because they are assholes
No, I assume they are unconscious of what drives them. Their religious views require misery in order for them to be valid in the first place; that's why these people come out and start talking about their religion only when things seem grim in the world. When people are happy and healthy, they don't care about anyone telling them "the end is nigh" and "heaven will come."

What I meant was more along the lines of Newton's third law. Basically, as the intensity of joy in the world increases, so does the intensity of misery. These things never happen on their own.

>> No.12050680
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>Idealizing the past

>> No.12050689

>Hey we have power, so that means we are beatiful
So, what?. A wasp can exterminate an entire ants nest, that is their world, so you find wasps beautiful?
>Empower the especies=Power as an end
See above, in fact without God man would never be beautiful, you need to take a look to virtue ethics and find what is trutly beautiful in this temporal stance is what a man takes to be someone better, even if its really difficult.

>> No.12050697

Power has the ability to create beauty, just as god made us we make art. Maybe we’ll remake our very own eden to spite him

>> No.12050706

I hate that dumb fucking neolib apologist so fucking much, if I was more conspiratorially inclined I'd accuse him of being a cia plant. What an anti-humanist moron that man is, what a fucking tool.

>> No.12050712

Que? He's more like the supreme humanist.

>> No.12050731

> le enlightment man
I'm going to stop you right here

>> No.12050732
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Do you like me, anon?

>> No.12050744

This is bait, but anyways we can make beauty, but we arent beauty, our idelizations lead us to know what is really the good thing to do, but "Muh God has power and he make us, so that means that beauty is related to power" You are dissmising the fact that God forgives us for our sins uncondiniotally and that is what it makes him the most beautiful thing ever. Is not a matter of potential in actions, is a matter willigness.

Yeah i agree with you pointing out the hypocrisy, but does that mean they are wrong?

>> No.12050751

>Yeah i agree with you pointing out the hypocrisy, but does that mean they are wrong?
Sorry mean to you.

>> No.12050769

>Yeah i agree with you pointing out the hypocrisy, but does that mean they are wrong?
Yes. We should not think of unconscious people as being right about the conscious world, and if what they're touching on HAPPENS to be right, it is for the wrong reasons. The only thing they can be said to be right about is that there is misery in the world. Their solution is completely wrong though.

>> No.12050776

why doesn't he buzz shorter or shave? this patchy radiation victim fuzz makes no sense.

>> No.12050785

Probably not the best word choice on my part, I meant he discounts people's humanity by reducing them to mere set of metrics to be improved. It's the same fucking thing the economists do, just not give a shit about anything as long as gdp per capita continues to tick up.

>> No.12050786

That's a yikes from me. There are some good products of modernity but please stop being a reductionist. There is more to life then consumption.

>> No.12050788

>unconscious people as being right about the conscious world,
Thanks for confirming my suspicions, neopositivist friend. At least you know something of virtue ethics in the first place? I know that protestants dont like to point out the dialectics behind their thoughts, but is really that bad in the US?

>> No.12050797

>Humanity is doomed
If by this you mean the human race then you are being dramatic, since the existence of man on earth is bound to come to an end eventually. If you mean humanity as an idea is doomed then this is to misunderstand it since it has a spiritual and not a material basis.
>Society grows evermore debased
Again, society is an idea, a sphere of activity which men enter into at a certain level of understanding; it cannot be harmed or degraded as an idea anymore than the idea of humanity. What you are describing is the prevalence of unsocial behavior which has come to light within our societies for various reason, for instance, the positively anti-social feminine sensibility which indeed debases and humiliates the laudable forms and structures man has conceived and build. Yet these debasing forces were always present and have not suddenly come into existence, only in the past women and other societal parasites did not wield so much coercive power of man and so the deadly, debasing powers lurking in the unconscious world were not allowed to develop in the ways they have.
>Technology only makes things worse
Yes, but only because it is in the careless hands of unreason.

>what's the way to deal with this
Enter into seriousness and solemnity, which is masculinity, and thereby pierce the cloud of obscurity which hangs over society. It is not likely that you have become sharp enough, since a condemnation of humor and silliness is required, and furthermore, sarcasm and bitterness, which are positively unmanly and childish, which /lit/ and indeed 4chan in general cannot outgrow, being that it is secretly too cowardly, and moreover unwilling to take itself seriously, which is the acutest hypocrisy, and therefore modern man's doom is undeniably one of his own making. This you cannot rebuff, and your own post is something all too base in itself and thus, something to be overcome. How to overcome? Refine in yourself the deadly seriousness of a man who's soul shines forth with the foreboding light of eternity, a bane to all cowering and crooked beasts of unreason. If your soul is marked by consistency and therefore self-knowledge, the mind becomes the translucent vessel for otherworldly fame, and by this your worldliness will have vanished and such tangential cares will have dropped out of sight.

>> No.12050800
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Societies have its good times and bad times. Sometimes its not just societies but the whole planet.
Learn that this is a normal process and it has happened countless of times and it will happen countless more.
From the earliest civilization to the modern day one, not one of them can last through the pressure of time, they all crack.
I personally think we are at a stage that is the end of this saga, and eventually a next one will pop.
>I wonder if a religion has something similar to this.
That's my take on it, just live with it.

>> No.12050804

Because he's above conforming to the beauty standards of the goyim.

>> No.12050811

Have you read the novel? Because that is a very poor and misguided interpretation if I've ever heard one. The bullshit that many academics push about this novel somehow being a critique on the Southern antebellum/post-Reconstruction way of life is exactly that: bullshit, and I hope that is not what you are arguing the novel is about.

You're right in that their old traditions mean nothing, but that's exactly Faulkner's point: no traditions mean anything. This is everywhere within the novel and primary within the soliloquy that the novel derives it's name. There is no inherent meaning in traditions or values, and yet man cannot help but place meaning in and live for these traditions and values, and it is what Faulkner would argue is something profoundly beautiful. That is the tragedy, and a very heavy motif in the novel. Even when Quentin is told this by his father, he cannot accept it. Even Quentin's father in all probability cannot accept it in relation to Caddy. This is in spite of all the pain and despair that it causes them.

What is it NOT doing is saying anything about the Southern values themselves, as is very clear on a read.

>> No.12050819

>There is more to life then consumption.
Which of them are you deprived off by the status quo?

>> No.12050826

One word: "Decadence"

>> No.12050828


>> No.12050829

Why aren't you offering an argument at all?

>> No.12050866

Mr Eliot! up well past your bedtime again come along now you’ll wake up the others and we don’t want Carruthers up mulching and moaning abroad at these hours it beggars belief how you find energy to keep up these nocturnal walks no this way Mr Eliot that’s it no not Amis’ room there we go down on there no left foot first yes no Mr Eliot there now get some sleep no no yes none of your times and tubers now rest rest yes think of Macavity thats right there’s no one like goodnight

>> No.12050998

The New Testament

>> No.12051146

t. self-serving liberal

>> No.12051148

>Because that is a very poor and misguided interpretation if I've ever heard one.
it's not an interpretation, it's literally the plot of the book, you're the one going off on your own person rants of what it all means (nobody cares btw)

>> No.12051222

But it's not. How exactly do they destroy themselves by "holding onto ridiculous old traditions that mean nothing"? Please be specific :)

Not to mention you're the one that apparently thinks the novel is "about" only what literally happens on the most surface level.

>> No.12051240

the best part about this is that once white dudes are gones so all the institutions that niggers, women, mexicans and other racers want to so much will be gone and your chinese overlords will enslave you once again or maybe the muslims thus continuing the eternal cycle.

>> No.12051246

>less poverty than ever
Demonstrably false.
>less hunger than ever
Demonstrably false.
>>less violence than ever
Arguably false.

Pinker is all about extreme gerrymandering of data, he cherry picks and then uses convenient definitions to present a picture he wants to present.

>> No.12051551

>less poverty than ever
>less hunger than ever
>less violence than ever
>less discrimination than ever
Even if they were true, none of these are positives, because it would mean that there is more mediocrity in the world. These things increase as inequality increases, and inequality increases wherever life is at its highest.

>> No.12051579

Please demonstrate.

>> No.12051611

For example, he likes to present things as proportions of the global population, rather than the raw numbers. So you can be tempted to say slavery is at an all time low today, and that sounds really fucking positive, and proportionally it might be true, but then you look at the fact there are an estimated 70 million slaves in the world today and it becomes a lot less impressive. For reference there were about 4 million slaves in the US in the 1860s.

>> No.12051633
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who cares lmao

>> No.12051687

By that logic we should make humanity go extinct because it would have the lowest absolute number of slaves.

>> No.12051694
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Even if you grant that is all true proportionally (and only the first three are unequivocally bad) he's still talking about averages, both geographically and through time. We don't live in a world of averages, if shit hits the fan we get hurt even though the numbers don't.

The mechanisms of wealth concentration have never been more vicious or efficient. The factories Marx studied and the (re) concentration of industrialised capital looks like a fucking joke compared to the world now compared to a financialised neoliberal west and China under neoliberalisation.

The potential for famine through climate change and the interruption of complex systems has never been greater nor more potentially destructive. Unstable monocultures and soil erosion to uselessness in 60 years is not fucking progress.

Less violence than ever. Only in Europe and the States, only if you discount political coercion, and things got pretty dicey there in the Cold War. I don't think 50 years of staring each other down with world-ending superweapons and your vassals fighting proxy wars counts as peace. If you think a nonzero chance of total annihilation across several years has an expected utility of more peace than the actual wars before it with worse tech, you need to learn stats.

Less discrimination? Maybe superficially but class discrimination is getting worse, see the first point.

More science? Who gets to see the fruits apart from mindless entertainment? For instance, have you seen how much healthcare costs in the US? Do you think getting to play Diablo on mobile while the world burns is worth it?

Entertainment/services? Distractions for the plebs, big fucking deal. Jobs didn't let his kids spend time on computers. Facebook execs don't use Facebook like the masses.

>> No.12051696

And also the lowest amount of suffering. You're not wrong.

>> No.12051769

Only if you're a utilitarian cuck like Pinker.

>> No.12052399
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>> No.12052409


>> No.12053723

>when you think america is the whole world

>> No.12053731

too bad god isn't real or else you might've been on to something

>> No.12053736

>idealizing the future

>> No.12054480

The opposite actually. The world is getting better, America is getting worse.

>> No.12055180

>technology only makes things worse
>access 4chan

>> No.12055186

It checks out chief

>> No.12055203
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>deleting your twitter account

>> No.12055250

Stop caring about things you have no control over.

>> No.12055257

Any fun anthropological models out there?

>> No.12055271

>What's the /lit/ way to deal with this?
Realize you came to the entirely wrong conclusion if this is what you actually believe, and start over at the Greeks. Add some Eastern shit in there to round stuff out.

Except that's completely wrong. America's progress simply isn't exploding anymore, and the rest of the world is catching up.

>> No.12055343

Oh my god, this whole post just reeks of some low IQ autodidact bullshit. Get off google.

The mechanisms of capitalism and democracy have given you more free time than you would have had at any other point in history. You trade 40ish hours a week of your life to survive much better than devoting all of your life's effort would have afforded you less than 100 years ago. That some people are hyper-rich and you work making those people richer doesn't change this fact at all. For someone who wants to ignore the numbers to talk about reality, you're certainly not doing it.

Less violence than ever, globally, as proven mathematically. You can gyrate as much as you want about something vague like political coercion or how "Not fighting is actually just fighting!", but the reality is that fewer people per capita die to violence or are the victims of violence now than for most of recorded history. The only violence that has gone up is human trafficking, and only because the double-edge sword of technological advancement has simply made it easier to traffic people.

Yes, less discrimination. Considering your first point relies on a vague and tenuous value judgement in the first place, you don't even have a point. There's nothing superficial about improving protections and sovereignty the world over unless you're simply handwaving things that are inconvenient to your argument.

"Where are all the benefits of science?" he cries, blissfully unaware that 100% of the things around him only exist because of scientific advancement. "Nothing but hedonism and base consumption!" he exclaims, making this judgment based on knowledge he only has access to because of scientific advancement, that he has had the free-time and privilege to learn afforded to him only due to scientific advancement.

Literally the only actual points you've got are the damage to the environment (which we're working on while you screech doom) and hedonism, which isn't any different than ever.

>> No.12055566

>and the rest of the world is catching up.
>seppos actually think like this

you were always a bit of a shithole when it comes to living standards.

>> No.12055575

>he thinks twatter isn’t a serpent tightly coiled around his heart injecting necrotizing venom with every tweet

>> No.12055746
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>Science made the world shit
>"But look anon, you wouldn't know that the world was made shit through science if we didn't have science!"
This part was just obscene.

>> No.12056533

The free time statement is objectively false when comparing modern life with primitive hunter gatherer societies. One can even argue that to many of them, work as a concept doesn't exist, as literally all their activities for survival would be considered leisure activities by most people today.

The main problem lies in the fact that modern labour is both vacuous and devoid of meaning for the vast majority of people. Of course, as a general symptom of the greater vacuousness and unimportance of the modern individual. No one cares about you, or me, or anyone but themselves.

>> No.12056690

i do not use social media unless /lit/, but not having twat isn't going to make you woke.

>> No.12056701

>Humanity is doomed, society grows evermore debased; technology only makes things worse
t. amish old rag

>> No.12056709

>Whatever eventual end this comes to is dubious at best
trying too hard

>> No.12057228

lmao cannot refute his take

>> No.12057286
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>> No.12057299

>Humanity is doomed, society grows evermore debased; technology only makes things worse
ITT shit people have been saying since fire was invented

>> No.12057303

go to bed buckminister

>> No.12057318

>Humanity is doomed, society grows evermore debased; technology only makes things worse.. Whatever eventual end this comes to is dubious at best..

You realize all the doomsayers die off and all the successful people live on?

It happens all the time. You're literally part of the lineage of the people who looked at the doomsayers and said, "The fuck is their problem?"

>> No.12057323

successful people don't die off?

>> No.12057324

>boomerposting unironically
Fuck off, fag.

>> No.12057327


Most end up in /pol/.

>> No.12057355


Of course not. Those who said the middle classes could actually get the upper hand?

They weren't guillotined, hanged, shoot or drowned.

The Doomsayers clamoring that a brutal war was inevitable due to the advances if killing technology, in 1913, lived on forever.

Those Doomsayers that said the Empire was going to be toppled by soul-less technocrats?

They didn't starve to death in a Gulag.

Succesful people live forever. Until they die executed, mugged and stabbed, starved, in death marches, shot, or off themselves in despair.

>> No.12057356

haha sunyata? modernity will lead us into an epic self regulated system we can finally become cogitos









>> No.12057386

A swift and total death is preferable to this slow and arduous degeneration.

>> No.12057437

you are a dumb fucker
read this you doomed men >>12057356

>> No.12057443

No YOU are a dumb fucker

>> No.12057457

Realise that all narratives rely on progressing and regressing thrusts and that you've over focused on one of them.

>> No.12057517

>Modern life is many times better than any that preceded it.

Only certain aspects of modern life and in certain locations are better. There are more laws and restrictions now than there ever was before. Modern technology is mostly bread and circus for the common folk. Only the government and the wealthy benefiit the most from it. It made living easier, sure, but it also simultaneously made living more difficult, especially if you're not as privileged. But the media doesn't talk about this. Instead they focus on the "advances" that are irrelevant for the mass majority of people, like freedom for crazies to chop their dicks off and declare themselves women.

>> No.12057584
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what the fuck do we do? relapse into the dark ages for multiple centuries for the resources to restock, and try again? won't it be the same result over and over? there'll be another plato surely, more dogmas and essentialisms, do we just fling headlong into cybernetic collectivity? that really seems to be the only thing that could stop the up and down, but then what? everything remains still? we may as well all be dead in that case, how would it be different? nothing would happen, our sense perceptions would be tickled at maximum efficiency and nothing would happen. everything wouldn't happen. that brings us back to nihilism: what the fucks the point of doing anything? "being" in a good and well-mannered way in it's extreme is the attractive woman with all the benefits, placed factically in the center of the collective. natural law within humans leads to progress and suffering, going outside it leads to schizophrenia and alienation, so what are we even doing?

>> No.12057610

whoever seizes the reins of responsibility and nukes the planet would be a saint.

“god has been very kind to us this day.”

-Stonewall Jackson, after the battle of Antietam

>> No.12057693 [DELETED] 

take it with a grain of salt and enjoy the little things, which are bigger than you think

>> No.12057725

that's fine but no way I'm having kids.

>> No.12058019


There is no hope for you.

>> No.12058040

I'm sincerely embarrassed for you.

>> No.12058203


Yes, less discrimination. Considering your first point relies on a vague and tenuous value judgement in the first place, you don't even have a point. There's nothing superficial about improving protections and sovereignty the world over unless you're simply handwaving things that are inconvenient to your argument.

Fuck off with your Kissingerism, not even Kissinger believes in it.

>"Where are all the benefits of science?" he cries, blissfully unaware that 100% of the things around him only exist because of scientific advancement. "Nothing but hedonism and base consumption!" he exclaims, making this judgment based on knowledge he only has access to because of scientific advancement, that he has had the free-time and privilege to learn afforded to him only due to scientific advancement.

"You FoUNd OuT yoU WerE aliENateD bY AlieNAteD MeaNs U R not AlieNATEd lol"

>> No.12059385
File: 117 KB, 900x920, y666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how bad is it exactly?

>> No.12059410

>The mechanisms of capitalism and democracy have given you more free time than you would have had at any other point in history. You trade 40ish hours a week of your life to survive much better than devoting all of your life's effort would have afforded you less than 100 years ago.

Lol imagine fucking believing this. Jesus Christ.

Survival is NOT work you fucking troglodyte

>> No.12059442

>The mechanisms of capitalism and democracy have given you more free time than you would have had at any other point in history. You trade 40ish hours a week of your life to survive much better than devoting all of your life's effort would have afforded you less than 100 years ago. That some people are hyper-rich and you work making those people richer doesn't change this fact at all. For someone who wants to ignore the numbers to talk about reality, you're certainly not doing it.

yep that's a yikes from me desu

>> No.12059456

bhahaha off yourself technophile
It's hillarious watching techno-optimists and their delusions when every single paper being published points to the collapse of the industrial system in less than 8decades. but whatever. Techno-optimism is synonym with I dont read shit, I dont know shit, I don't have a degree in STEM and when I come home the first thing I do is numb myself with technology.

All the anti-techers I know are 40yo with doctorates in scientific fields hahahaha

>> No.12059470

>this whole post just reeks of some low IQ autodidact bullshit.
>violence is always bad

I have 150iq, not even going to argue, just flexin on you technophiles

by the way "The only violence that has gone up is human trafficking" IT'S THE MOST DISGUSTING, OPPRESIVE FORM OF VIOLENCE HAHAHAHAH YOU CANT MAKE THIS UP 'its alright we dont knife eachother! we simply nuke a million people at once. yup, violence has gone down'

>> No.12059506
File: 190 KB, 442x600, the_kind_fuhrer_by_ingyaningya-d47i59k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Spengler.

>> No.12059675

honestly. if the most expendable people just started dying, would that be what would let science catch up?

>> No.12060204

Varg? Is that you?

>> No.12060211

Knowing people have always thought that and most of history has been even more fucked up. So perspective.