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12047472 No.12047472 [Reply] [Original]

I seriously hope you guys don't read Lovecraft. Literally the Hitler of writing.

>> No.12047482

>paranoid SJW hack author lives alone with her cats, in an ancient and stately manor house of late 18th century type
>walks by her mantle every dreary morning and stares at the statue of Lovecraft perched there, its somewhat oversized features and inhuman contours vaguely grotesque to the eye
>sometimes she swears she feels its eyes still at her back as she passes on, a hideous foreboding feelings that creeps up her spine and sets her shoulders on edge
>what's more, each time she examines it, the statue's expression seems to have changed; just enough to merit notice, but sufficiently slight as to dissuade a rational mind from such fantastic thoughts
>the noxious presence gets stronger and stronger with time, even emitting an eerie phosphorescence on some humid, summer nights, until she can feel its demonic miasma suffocating her, enveloping her while she tweets about white privilege on the toilet
>finally, in a fit of desperation, her mind frayed and exhausted by the abominable dreams which have come to visit her each night, she marches to the statue, with indefatigable purpose
>shouting with all the strength still left at her command, she confronts the bust of lovecraft, whose presence seems to fill the room, and whose gaze now seems squarely fixed on its swarthy interlocutor
>though minutes pass, there is no answer
>turning to leave, perhaps even to leave that once-forgotten place for good, she hears the unmistakable utterance of a new englander's tongue from the mantle behind her

>> No.12047484


>> No.12047487

Who cares, we don't read fiction around here, faggot.

>> No.12047488

absolutely based

>> No.12047496
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>> No.12047536

Shitty bait

>> No.12047558

based and redpilled

>> No.12047592

The weird schism in le nerd culture thats been going is some weird shit to witness

>> No.12047624

There is no nerd culture anymore retard. Get with the times

>> No.12047638

I like the minstrel bust of Lovecraft; second pic in.

>> No.12047639

HPL hated everyone, he mocked german kaiserism and wrote about the dutch being inbred degenerates

>> No.12047642

It’s like real life has become a parody of itself. I mean, Lovecraft wasn’t the world’s greatest writer and could be pretty labored/corny at time, but he created one of the most unique and iconic modern mythos. He’s a classic writer in modern sci-fi and fantasy, influencing authors as respected as Borges, who begrudgingly said that he had a certain genius to create the aesthetic of the “Lovecraftian”, labored plots and prose aside

These people are basically proudly saying “I value politics over artistic merit while calling myself someone interested in art.”

>> No.12047653

Why are there so many of these people? What went wrong?

>> No.12047658

art is harder to get into than politics

politics is maybe the easiest thing in the world to get into because you are literally told what youre allowed to say and you just have to repeat it it all the time at the right moments

>> No.12047666

Universities became leftist training centers.

>> No.12047687

>married a jew
wow really gives the noggin a joggin, eh?

>> No.12047931

Very good, anon.

>> No.12047981

>But I, thank the Gods, am an Aryan, & can rejoice in the glorious victory of T. Flavius Vespasianus, under whose legions the Jewish race & their capital were trodden out of national existence! I am an anti-Semitic by nature...The Jew is an adverse influence, since he insidiously degrades or Orientalizes our robust Aryan civilization. The intellect of the race is indisputably great, but its nature is not such that it may be safely employed in forming Western political & social ideas. Oppressive as it seems, the Jew must be muzzled.
>can't be anti-Semitic because he married a Jew
REALLY gives the noggin a joggin

>> No.12048010
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Fuck niggers.

>> No.12048044

Pretty sure Hitler was the Hitler of writing

>> No.12048054

Your comment's kinda funny, 'cause it shows just how little you know about Lovecraft.
You don't even really need to know anything about his life or correspondences with friends about race to know his opinions. Even reading just a few of his stories reveals his feelings about "degenerate races."

>> No.12048074

Also, since OP is clearly just trying to be inflammatory to get the ball rolling around Lovecraft:

He's got a sort of inverted Huck Finn problem with his writing - Where Huckleberry Finn was against racism thematically but is difficult to read because Huck just can't stop using the N-word, Lovecraft's work has a lot of interesting surface aspects mythos and describes a world with a terrifying outlook and aesthetic (if you can manage to appreciate it after you parse his awful prose), but is difficult to read because his work is thematically (often quite overtly) racist if you look past its surface.

I still got love for his writing, but I understand why people feel uncomfortable with someone who wrote about carribbeans a degenerate race as the face of their awards ceremony or organization.

>> No.12048233

>I can understand people being uncomfortable with contrary thought in field that requires an extreme amount of tolerance to achieve in
Racism isn't going to be the most out there shit you're going to see yet somehow it's the most controversial. Why, because anti-egalitarianism is somehow still contrary to the postmodern zeitgeist that actively calls into question the enlightenment values that made up the modern zeitgeist? No really I'm struggling to understand this issue beyond just out of touch plebs not getting what they're reading.

>> No.12048340

Anybody else think its a bit funny how Jews are so self centered they had to make up their own word for being racist specifically against jews and continue to use it to this day?

>> No.12048604


>> No.12048619

>writer of some of the most disturbed and revered horror in the somewhat modern age
>not having flaws
Why can't people realize this?

>> No.12048625

>world fantasy award bust
>it is not Tolkien
The only reason not to read Lovecraft is that he's honestly not that good. What was new and exciting 1920 isn't necessarily worth reading 100 years later.


>> No.12048651


>> No.12048668

The biggest anti Semites are Jews

>> No.12048689

>Never recanted his beliefs
He did somewhat did though. His earlier stories make /pol/ ramblings on race mixing seem sane but in Shadow Over Innsmouth the ticket seller mentions that Innsmouth that the rumors of Innsmouth being inbred and shit are probably true but it doesn't bother him.

>> No.12048829


>> No.12048837

I think it's defensible to stop glorifying him through awards. But it's silly to try and disavow all his work just because he wasn't a nice guy.

>> No.12048841

Also he sucks and writes ghost stories for kids.

>> No.12048846



>> No.12048856 [DELETED] 

Hitler didn't kill enough Jews

>> No.12048861


>> No.12048880

Hitler was the Hitler of literature

>> No.12048901

>be me
>don't hate niggers
>read Lovecraft
>don't hate niggers
>read articles about Lovecraft
>suddenly develop a disgust for niggers

>> No.12048903

Pretty sure he actually distanced himself from his shitposting shenanigans later in life in some of his letters. Not that the people who wrote the articles in the OP would ever care to look it up.

>> No.12048913

>The professor had been stricken whilst returning from the Newport boat; falling suddenly, as witnesses said, after having been jostled by a nautical-looking negro who had come from one of the queer dark courts on the precipitous hillside which formed a short cut from the waterfront to the deceased’s home in Williams Street.
Seriously what did he mean by "nautical-looking negro"

>> No.12048916

A negro of the maritime sort.

>> No.12048926

Knowing that Lovecraft angers the type of people that would write these articles just makes me want to read him more, honestly.

>> No.12048928

Jokes and niggers aside, this desu

>> No.12048929

a boat negro

>> No.12048930

A darkie of the sea-faring variety.

>> No.12048938

A pontoon coon

>> No.12048940

A wharf woggle

>> No.12048942
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Something like this, I imagine.

>> No.12049048

Lovecraft was the nicest of guys. A scholar and a gentleman. No matter his beliefs he could never become spiteful or inconsiderate in public or in person

>> No.12049051

“Vile” seems to be the soulless bugman’s favourite word. They use it all the time.

>> No.12049057

It’s all been downhill since we let women vote.

>> No.12049064
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>> No.12049065 [DELETED] 
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Fuck niggers.

>> No.12049085

I don’t read Lovecraft because he’s just prohibition Stephen King

>> No.12049092


>> No.12049093


>> No.12049095

he loved, I can barely bring myself to say it, anglos

>> No.12049098

a gay ocean nigger

>> No.12049202

Actually, Lovecraft's racism would have been fringe even for his times.

>> No.12049214

Racism was very common in the early 20th century, but Lovecraft was much more racist than average for the time.

>> No.12049225

Seems like standard shit to me, not liking miscegenation negative views of jews and most minorities. Maybe writing about it and naming his cat niggerman are over the top but i doubt many at the time would disagree the general sentiment

>> No.12049235

People who have studied him serious, such as Houellebecq, have stated he was far more racist than average for the time.

>> No.12049249

Not that I personally give a fuck.

>> No.12049284

Based and redpilled, other explanations are senseless.

>> No.12049286

The thing that frustrates me about this is that it's like yes he's racist as fuck and yes you shouldn't separate the art from the artist but it's also worth understanding how and why racist people think and see the world and it's valuable as a time capsule for that specific flavor of racism in that specific point in time

Erasing the ugly parts of history is the same as saying they never happened and it's fucking stupid

>> No.12049291

fuck niggers

>> No.12049300

t. lefty soiboy

>> No.12049301

it's the spice of life

>> No.12049314
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Cringe and bluepilled: hating Lovecraft because of racism and antisemitism

Based and redpilled: hating Lovecraft because Object Oriented Ontologists love him

>> No.12049324

I don't think it's wrong to separate art from artist.

The difficult part is that Lovecraft's racism pervades his work. The monsters of his worlds are always summoned by "degenerate" peoples, often foreigners, though sometimes just American hill/swamp people.

And nobody's saying we should burn his books. They're still readily available at libraries. Just that maybe we can use someone else's face for awards ceremonies.

>> No.12049335

Oh that part I absolutely agree with! I'm not talking so much about Lovecraft as in an award, I'm saying more that the fact that his worldview is so intrinsic to his work that it makes it worth analyzing and understanding. It's a valuable literary curio, and his work has resonated throughout culture.

But yeah definitely don't use his face in awards, that's fine.

>> No.12049337

A lot of his monsters are definetely based on his revulsion for the lesser races, and in particular, half breeds. Some of the most well known and grotesque monsters in his stories are the result of miscegenation between creatures and humans. No doubt this stems for his disgust for miscegenation. Rightfully so. Anyone that can look at mixed race couples and offspring, and feel zero revulsion, has literally been indoctrinated by left-wing ideology.

>> No.12049338

desu I have said this theory before but it is precisely because of Lovecraft's racism that he created his unique blend of alienated, pessimistic cosmic horror.
If he was not very racist, he wouldn't have focused on the themes of cosmic insignificance, desecration, etc.

>> No.12049349
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>t. smelly disease-riddled commie basedboys
You write like faggots fresh from reddit eager for upvotes.

>> No.12049357

I'd wager 1000 dollars these faggots are either overweight, skinny fat, or scrawny. Have never been in a physical fight, have never physically intimidated another man, and have female feminist friends. Couldn't do 10 proper push ups or pull ups.

>> No.12049376

And some of his best friends were Jews. Samuel Loveman, Robert Bloch, and I'm sure there was at least one other.

>> No.12049380

Imagine how much of a pathetic, effeminate faggot you would have to be to actually think and post things like this. Or maybe they're just women.

>> No.12049390


his wife was jewish

>> No.12049394

So many daddies

>> No.12049396
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I was thinking the same, it's either women or pic related

>> No.12049402
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>Just that maybe we can use someone else's face for awards ceremonies.
You fags already got your way with that. That fucking hack Daniel José Older successfully pressured the World Fantasy Awards into dropping the Lovecraft bust. Although he failed to have it replaced by a bust of Octavia Butler. Lmao that the idiot seriously thought it was a good idea to replace the most important/influential genre fiction writer of the 20th century with some black woman that's only loved by a handful of leftist sci-fi nerds.

>> No.12049417

very cool anon!

>> No.12049418

Imagine it, though. To actually get upset about an author you like having "problematic" views, and stressing about how you can find a way of viewing that which will allow you to still like his work. It's almost incomprehensible how pathetic it is.

>> No.12049420

>I can't defend my ideas so I'm just going to call you names

Yeah I basically agree. I'm glad he channeled his racist worldview and energy into creating something interesting which reflected himself for the world to enjoy, rather than frittering away calling people names on the internet ;P

>> No.12049429

>>I can't defend my ideas so I'm just going to call you names
I'm not calling you names, I'm telling you why you have the views that you do. Your views are the logical outgrowth of your weak and pathetic physical and mental state.

>> No.12049432


>> No.12049437

I think you're reading way too far into my post. I'm hardly involved in any community, let alone literature awards ceremonies, so removing Lovecraft is hardly "my way."

Just pointing out that the notion that leftists are trying to erase history by putting historical racists back in context is an indefensible position.

>> No.12049442

Assuming you aren't a woman.
But I think you're probably a tranny or a faggot.
And you're no doubt American.

>> No.12049447

why are u pastiching poe instead of lovecraft lol

>> No.12049454

Not that anon but a bunch of Lovecraft's early works are Poe pastiches.

>> No.12049459

if the majority of people who hold your views are weak, effeminate and pathetic, then that is a perfectly acceptable criticism of your views.

>> No.12049477

>I imagined you weak and pathetic, so you are weak and pathetic
Now this is a post I can get behind. Straight to the point

Except I don't think many people do this. I can think of one very fragile and irritating leftist I've known who might be like this, but most mature adults do not struggle to read authors they disagree with.
The only thing that "upsets" me or "stresses" me about reading Lovecraft is his awful prose

>> No.12049479

we live in times where the nature of the virtues is not understood at all and no attempt is made to understand them, yet at the same time the simulacra of virtues live on, allowing people to assume the form of a virtuous person without any of the content. this is more or less what all of modern politics consists of.

as for what went wrong? a lot of things, too many to count, but if you really want to know who's responsible, which group of scheming insidious people are pulling the strings behind this whole thing, laughing as they dismantle what's left of our civilization, i'll tell you. it's the anglos.

>> No.12049496

>My only interaction with liberals is on youtube videos of Williamsburg hipsters

>> No.12049514
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>> No.12049529

Sorry, let me correct myself
>My only interaction with politics in general is left wing and right wing internet echochambers

>> No.12049532

In all seriousness, if you consider either of those articles news, you might want to look in the mirror when you're looking for degenerates in your society

>> No.12049536

Why does everyone get in a tizzy over this? Lovecraft is a complete hack regardless of his belief on anything.

>> No.12049557
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I thought commies prided themselves on being accepting? You brag about being proud of being fat. Why are you denying that leftists are physically weak? I know you faggots love to post pictures of fat and skinny teenage losers in MAGA hats, but we both know I could find a million pictures of embarrassingly unfit leftists. Weaklings are just attracted to your ideology and you know it.

>> No.12049566

>being able to squat 230kg doesn't make you physically superior to someone that can't squat an empty bar, totally a social construct bro!
Lmao. These people live in a dream world.

>> No.12049578

no, it’s “problematic”

>> No.12049598

>I thought commies prided themselves on being accepting?

>> No.12049601

Why do you think I'm either of these things? It's obvious I'm left of center, but I am definitely /not/ a communist.

>> No.12049607

You’re all the same. You autistically obsess over labels within labels but in the end you all want the same thing.

>> No.12049617

>mfw someone unironically follows Wilhelm Reich in 2018

>> No.12049620

>I imagined you're all the same, so it's true

You're living in a fantasy world my dude

>> No.12049623

So I just imagined the last twenty years of diversity quotas, affirmative action and all constant inclusion and tolerance propaganda?
>but but im ackshully a post-neo-trotskyist and those things were pushed by different types of leftists

>> No.12049624

>my dude
my reddit

>> No.12049627
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>america is communist
another braintard for my collection

>> No.12049639

Fuck off, Shekelstein

>> No.12049643
File: 176 KB, 1200x1185, CB610005-1EEF-4018-9E4A-F2E5D54984B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SO DANK to see a fellow discord COMRADE here to BTFO these ALT-RIGHT AMERIKKKANSKKI INCELS.

>> No.12049662
File: 194 KB, 826x1024, 64A61C69-6C4F-45F9-9756-97F9AE3BA9B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come join us over on /r/dankcommunistmemes to see more owning of /pol/tards epic style.

>> No.12049695

Not to mention a lot of the writers shitting on Lovecraft made their names by participating in Cthulhu-themed anthologies and the like. So it's alright to work on the man's turf and profit from it just as long as you denounce him publicly

>> No.12049703
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>create a mythos of god like eldritch malignant beings that can destroy worlds at a whim and that generally have no care for our petty conception of human value or life in general
>not liking black people is the worst thing in the world
Reality is beginning to look more and more like a parody each day.

>> No.12049743

did lovecraft actually write this, though? can't find any bibliographical reference to it

>> No.12049767
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>The difficult part is that Lovecraft's racism pervades his work. The monsters of his worlds are always summoned by "degenerate" peoples, often foreigners, though sometimes just American hill/swamp people.
>And nobody's saying we should burn his books. They're still readily available at libraries. Just that maybe we can use someone else's face for awards ceremonies.

>> No.12049785

His poetry is published in the volume The Ancient Track edited by S. T. Joshi. Here is a link to the Amazon page
If you check the table of contents in the book preview you can see the poem listed as being on page 393

>> No.12049790

cheers m8

>> No.12049865
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>Anyone that can look at mixed race couples and offspring, and feel zero revulsion, has literally been indoctrinated by left-wing ideology.

I'm sure all the children in the world feel zero revulsion playing with their half-breed friends.
As for the adults, I'm sure 99% can't even tell who is a half-breed, unless it's an obvious one like the child of a dark-skinned nigaroo and a pale, ginger whiteoid.

>> No.12050191

And some of his best friends were jews

>> No.12050371

you can be friends with people from other races and still be a racist, nonsensical argument

>> No.12050381

Hewlett-Packard Lovecraft

>> No.12051022

That statue is so damn ugly that I'm pretty sure that Lovecraft would be happy to have it discontinued.

Also: On The Creation Of Niggers - Poem by Howard Phillips Lovecraft
>When, long ago, the gods created Earth
>In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
>The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
>Yet were they too remote from humankind.
>To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
>Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
>A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
>Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

>> No.12051037

fucking based

>> No.12051045

>basing the entire moral and religious structure of your society on a statement that almost everybody sees being false right before their eyes and that all scientific data contradict
What did the antiracist left mean by this exactly? To be the biggest laughingstock in history once theyre gone?

>> No.12051074
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>> No.12051112

finally plebbit and nerds no longer will stain lovecraft works i say good riddance, i do not read something because is "nerdy" nor "geeky" like a lot of these plebs.

>> No.12051141

jewish subversion

>> No.12051150

okay this but unironically.

>> No.12051151

the only people who have a right to give a shit about lovecraft hating niggers and jews are niggers and jews
as a white guy what the fuck does lovecraft hating niggers and jews have to do with me reading his books? this is why i can't get on board with these people, why do blacks and jews need saving by white people? that's not my responsibility and anybody who says it is cannot prove to me it is

>> No.12051163

because black people literally cannot feed themselves, somebody has to help them

the fiction is that their lack of being able to feed themselves was somehow given to them by the white man. For example you may hear a progressive state that the Congo is in shambles because white men built an economy there and then gave it to the natives. Not in those terms of course, because then its patent idiocy is made clear.

>> No.12051165

he hated the idea of jews more so than the actuallity of jews

>> No.12051170

being able to turn Wilhelm's wife on by tossing her around like a ragdoll is one of the least arbitrary standards i can think of

>> No.12051171

most racists are like this though. racists take the moral high ground way worse than sjws

>> No.12051174

he still hated jews, he only married that jewess because she had some money and was willing to support his literary career, he essentially sold his arse out to a jewish widow

>> No.12051196

the allure of the jewess is much like a siren song.
back then it would have been harder to spot a jewess without helpful infographics form /pol/

>> No.12051197

even if white man were to blame for every problem the black man has in history, why is it my responsibility to stop that? i'm not the black man's father, go fix your own problems you annoying twat.
i don't agree with "might is right", but I do believe "might does what it wants". if you can't take action into your own hands it's not my inherent responsibility unless i adopt an axiom that requires me to have some idea of nobility. if i don't want to i don't have to, smd liberals.

>> No.12051398

>Lovecraft never recanted
He definitely got less racist as he got older.

>> No.12051426

I think it's pretty funny that there are so many SJWs who write Lovecraftian horror when the entire Cthulhu mythos is based off of Lovecraft's hatred of foreigners

>> No.12051478

I fucking hate politics on all sides

>> No.12051523
File: 171 KB, 182x343, tfw too drunk to read.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u wot m8

>> No.12051763

where the fuck do i find these discords

>> No.12051777

every time someone invites me to a discord I feel this faint sense of repulsion, because it means there are these communities of faggots infesting 4chan with their gay discords that reject the entire point of 4chan in the first place

imagine being so uncomfortable being anonymous you have to congregate with other dumbasses and talk about your experiences on the anonymous site

>> No.12051796

that's because they are moral

>> No.12052212

Liberalism is right wing.

>> No.12052220

Everyone is racist.
Doesn't make them Hitler.

>> No.12052276

t. commie

>> No.12052295
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Ok now THIS is epic

>> No.12052901

I dont want to start a new thread so could someone tell me which of his stories are more like Dunwich Horror and Shadow Over Innsmouth and less like Dreamquest of Unknown Kadath?

>> No.12052906

read the dreams in the witch house and pickman's model

>> No.12052910

Colour out of Space
Thing on the Doorstep
Haunter in the Dark

>> No.12052916

Being too cowardly to state his views in-person is not something he should be commended on my friend.

>> No.12052919
