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12049193 No.12049193[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>STEM bad
>art good
Why do you hate what you don't understand? NPCs won't understand where their insecurity comes from.

>> No.12049195

STEM won't and can't give joy to my life.

>> No.12049207

You won't and can't give joy to anybody's life, not even your own.

>> No.12049213

Since the rise of computers, STEM has become the domain of artless dweebs, and culture as a whole has suffered for it.

>> No.12049216

Are we being raided?

>> No.12049226

TE sucks, S is ok and M is good tier.

>> No.12049232

What the fuck is E anyway, Entertainment?

>> No.12049233

Engineering, which is really just a glorified trade.

>> No.12049244


>> No.12049252
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>> No.12049258


>> No.12049263

I don't know why we lump based science in with the rest of those turds

>> No.12049270
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>Not being /scilit/

>> No.12049272
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I didn't know there was any kind of hatred towards STEM. I thought everyone generally liked STEM. Why wouldn't we?

>> No.12049273


>> No.12049276
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>not being /fitscihisfackdiyoutlit/

I shiggy diggy

>> No.12049275

>why are you concerning yourself with the meaning of meaning?
Well you just answered yourself didn’t you Neil

>> No.12049279
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>tfw mech engineering
>on my 3rd year and its fucking soulless
what do I do bros? I don't know if I can persevere for another year

>> No.12049281

Why do you want a degree in mech engineering in the first place?

>> No.12049282

STEM is great, STEM students are just faggots.
And they think the same of us, it's just bants.

>> No.12049288

The Dawkins and Nye quotes are alright, but Kraus and Negro sci-fi man are vomit inducing

>> No.12049292
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Yes, and philosophy of mathematics is god-tier, as they were intertwined at birth, and inform each other to the very day.

>> No.12049341

Employment mostly. I like cars and nothing else except philosophy interested me, so I took the STEM pill. It was fun at first but now I'm at the point where its interdisciplinary courses mixed in with management courses. And its god damn boring. I should have just been a humanities nigger and slaved for scraps, at least I can shitpost about hegel. This engineering shit just isn't for me but I guess i'll finish it up and see where it goes from there.

>> No.12049353
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>Not living in the woods without a fuck to give
I walked 50 miles to post this from my library computer

>> No.12049716
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The divorce of Art and Science is our modern tragedy. What's more, the absurd amount of specialization required to achieve expertise in a subject has put an end to the polymaths of old. Barring a mighty catastrophe, we will only see the rift widen as we grow older.
It's a bad feel.

>> No.12049718

sentiment seems to tend very much the other way

>> No.12049801
File: 34 KB, 450x298, Kovpak_partisanki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the hate most people have for STEM degrees.
Im also taking electrical engineering and i can confirm most of the arrogance, ignorance and shallowness most STEM students have for anything that is not in their field, and label it as unimportant shit for brainlets. Most students here havent read more than 2 books during their whole life and still run around claiming they are some cultured and literate monks full of wisdom to share and impose on others.

But i've also plenty of times "visited" classes of other degrees such as law, literature and philosophy and its pretty much the same. Each field's students look down on other fields, have never read anything besides what shcool forced them to read, and only think about drinking, partying and obessing with sex. And only see their courses as a means to achive money.

>> No.12049893
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ah, gotcha.

Tho I have to say, it's most interesting when you have people of different disciplines in the same group. The dullest is when you have "groups" of people within a larger group, as opposed to individuals making up the larger group. A group of 3 artists and a group of 4-5 physicists, at a party thrown by econ majors. That will not work. Everyone will despise each other.

But 1-2 artists, a video guy and a graffiti artist, an engineer, an economist, a neuroscientist, and 1-2 business men, one from a fintech startup and the other in consulting, and let's add a geologist in there for good measure - now that is the table I wanna sit at. That is a reality I wanna live.

>> No.12049902
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>> No.12049965

How is this conflict still kicking 400 years later?

>> No.12049991

Good post. I'm in my last year of EE. It's always the "marginal" types (the ones barely scraping by in an engineering discipline) who seek to tear down other disciplines. When you're talented, that talent possesses you. It doesn't allow you time to sneer at other students.

>> No.12049994

good post, also don't forget the false dichotomy between intellectual and physical fitness

>> No.12050000

Just like anything else, if you have no passion for what you're doing then of course you'll be miserable. There are soulless people in stem, and soulless people in philosophy, literature and art. This would be apparent to anyone who made an attempt at conversation with people from other disciplines.

>> No.12050014

What's even the point of studying Mathematics? In Engineering you build shit, in Science you analyse and create shit, in Mathematics all you is jerking off.

>> No.12050020

if you let something suck the soul out of you then it's not because of the lack of passion, but because you are an idiot

source: personal experience

>> No.12050042

Mathematics always needs to be a step ahead of the real world and its applications.

>> No.12050049

Engineer can't into Maths, can't into Science. Maths can into Engineering, can into Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Business, Economics, etc.

>> No.12050050

>everything I don't agree with is NPC

>> No.12050067

It's not that I prefer HASS (Humanities+Arts+Social Sciences) over STEM, but it's obvious that /sci/ is brainlet-tier and /lit/ is far superior in pretty much every respect. I've tried answering in that board but my responses are only ever wow'ed at: they aren't debated properly.

>> No.12050068

This is untrue of many of my friends in electrical engineering. 3 of whom are double majoring in applied mathematics and earning excellent grades.

>> No.12050097

Is this bait? You know that engineers and scientists heavily use math, right? I mean, even social scientists can't do shit without statistics.

>> No.12050126

I think you miss my point.

If you have a degree in electrical engineering, you have to pursue a career in engineering.
If you have a degree in maths, you can pursue a career in business, econ, engineering, biology, physics, chemistry, etc. etc.

Obviously, we're not talking about the HR department of a corporation, or zoology in the field of biology. But almost every single discipline relies on maths both as its foundation, and in how the field advances. A chemist will need someone with a maths degree to calculate stuff. A biologist will need to depend on some pretty advanced mathematics to figure out the angle of some lipid compound interacting with a protein. In business, and in engineering, and in econ, I'm sure it's easy to see how an advanced level of maths is fundamentally useful to know.

So what I mean is not that an engineer can't go into maths, in college. I'm saying an engineer can't apply his knowledge to further advance mathematics. But a mathematician can apply his knowledge to further advance every single field.

>> No.12050161

Yea no shit, I meant pure Mathematics, not applied math.

But most of the time they become boring teachers, not those things you mention.

>> No.12050202
File: 1 KB, 202x192, 8B7E1946-F305-45DC-B66F-B4F49A47494B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit, shit, jerk off, shit
>sees no relationship between theory and practice
1. Ctrl+L
2. R
3. Enter

>> No.12050208

Stem is vital to society's continuation

>> No.12050222

And art is part of the reasons why we should have stemfags doing that so we can enjoy life and art.

>> No.12050233

>Implying you cant do both.
Being a STEM fag and having /lit/ hobbies is the best course of action to get a more amplified view on the world and how it works.

>> No.12050389

and most of the time, people in STEM work in the private industry trying to invent a bolt that will make a new line of toys bendable at the hips.

Most people are stupid. The average person of any group, is just always gonna be dumb. That's beside the point.

>> No.12050393


I wish I could experience feeling this ass blasted

>> No.12050589

looks like we're in the same shithole

>> No.12050649

Is medicine part of STEM? We don't really talk about "STEM" where I'm from, so I'm not sure what it encompasses.

>> No.12050659

Cause STEM is gay. It’s cold and logical, there is no love or passion in it and humanity is anything but logical.

>> No.12050664

>Not taking the STEM and art pill
>Not being a complete human being

>> No.12050683

>Is medicine part of STEM?
>We don't really talk about "STEM" where I'm from
Most people in stem courses dont refer to themselves as "we".
Medicine is still a very pratician degree when taken with heart and enjoyment. But from first hand experience i see that most of medicine students only decided to take that course because of the prestige medicine has and the money it brings based on the stereotype.

>> No.12050716

STEM isn't bad, STEM autists who eschew every other facet of life, especially art and the humanities, are bad.

>> No.12050782

You're right on the money. Mathematics is considered to be the purest discipline of them all by virtually everyone I know in the sciences. We can also conscionably include the study of logic in mathematics, which gives math the widest conceivable range of applications in its class.

If you'll allow someone else a chance to miss your point, however, I'd like to placate my own autism:

>If you have a degree in electrical engineering, you have to pursue a career in electrical engineering.

If your hope is to make a contribution to your field, this is correct. If your hope is finagle your way into making a nice bit of money and improving your quality of life, this isn't necessarily the case (as I'm sure you and many others are aware).

My company's hiring department exhumed a practice called "consulting by degrees," which involves hiring graduates from many different fields to cultivate a wide range of exploitable skill sets. It's a way to advertise a generalist, well-rounded corporate culture, and to have people with very specific areas of knowledge on-hand most of the time. Certain department gatekeepers, many of whom have graduate degrees in mathematics, consider an EE graduate's fairly limited exposure to mathematics to be sufficient qualification for all analyst positions, which are traditionally held only by math grads. Whether this bodes well for the future of my company's analytics is up to the stars.

The above is the case in a lot of places. Engineering is a hot commodity, but not one which has been closely examined.Any STE-M priest will tell you that an engineering degree yields better prospects than a degree in physics, mathematics, other fields concerned with mostly with theory, etc. Because mathematics is assigned the label of "liberal art" by hiring managers, its value as a degree is underappreciated. The mathematics graduate is a musket left behind by a corporate arms race.

The demand for engineering graduates lies in their (supposed) ability to demonstrate aptitude and deal with rigor. If my experiences in undergrad and the working world have told me anything, however, it's that the STEM well was poisoned long ago. Aptitude has become too easy to falsify. Curriculum standards are observed in spurious ways. Even GPA is no longer a reliable indicator of conscientiousness in a new hire. I train STEM graduates daily with no GTK (general tech knowledge) or stress tolerance, and no real idea of why that might give us pause. It is frustrating.

The humanities have also become fairly milquetoast and stagnant. There's just less at (explicit) stake for them.

>> No.12050895

stem is left brain
art is right brain
NPCs can't communicate with their right hemisphere so...