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12039357 No.12039357 [Reply] [Original]

What books can I read that refutes this BS? I just finished it and it reaches a lot. I hear a lot of general criticism but I never looked into it since I never read the book. But now that I have I want to delve deeper but would prefer some actual books instead of forum posts or anonymous ranting.

>> No.12039369

The prologue of that same book

>> No.12039380

I usually skip these. Ill go back to it. Still would prefer some books with an alternate detailed view.

>> No.12039405

There's Greg Cochran's review

>> No.12039456

What is BS about it? It sticks to facts quite a lot. Surely you must be open to changing your worldview upok encountering evidence supporting the contrary or a more tenable thesis than the one you previously held? Saying "It's wrong because I don't like it" is something I'm sure you wouldn't say.

>> No.12039492

>I want to believe in white superiority but this book hurt my feefees

>> No.12039594
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Saved you a lot of reading, you're welcome OP.

>> No.12039597

lol we have like 300 years of colonialism to believe in white superiority

>> No.12039604

>requiring slave labor demonstrates superiority

>> No.12039607

You're missing that anon's points. When one is the slaver and one is the slave, there must by definition be a natural hierarchy of sorts.

>> No.12039617


No, that is a man made hierarchy. Literally invented by the jews to make money.

>> No.12039627

Here's how you refute the book with regards to American and Canadian natives. It's actually pretty easy. If Europeans had never settled in the New World and brought Old World diseases and technologies, it would probably have been Chinese, Japanese, or people from eastern Russia doing it further down the line. It was unavoidable just like the development of "big data" and the modern surveillance state was unavoidable. It was horrible that some native ethnic groups suffered genocide and actual institutionalized discrimination (including treaty-breaking, being forced onto reservations, and actual racism influencing the letter of the law). This was bad, just like the transatlantic slave trade was bad. There have been unfortunate long term consequences for those native ethnic groups that were attacked without provocation simply because they were living their traditional lifestyles on land others wanted. While this is unfortunate and it is good to have empathy for these people, it was also just kind of the way things used to be (and still are in most of the world). The native groups that provoked conflicts against European settlers and other native groups and ended up losing have even less reason to play pity politics because they were screwed over after losing wars that they provoked. Those that were genocided after these wars should not have been genocided, though. Genocide is and has always been bad. This is the way things are, and it the way things have been. There are many opportunities for social advancement in the United States and Canada (far more than there are in Russia, the Islamic world, Africa, India, and most of Asia). You can get a bachelor degree, a leg up in job interviews, and lifelong veterans benefits and all you have to do is serve a couple years on a cushy Chair Force base with AC, free wifi, and fresh food. Pretty easy stuff...

>> No.12039635

A natural hierarchy is based on physical differences. A white weakling with a gun he did not invent is in no way naturally superior to a bbc.

>> No.12040064

How does this relate to Guns Gerns and Steel?

>> No.12040068

>something I already thought of all on my own
Gee, thanks

>> No.12040076

No need to refute something that has a preset belief that the book works backwards through, to justify. Nor something that makes decrees without any legitimate logical or empirical support.

>> No.12040087

How does this refute anything in the book? Have you even read it?

>> No.12040302

>What books can I read that refutes this BS?

> refutes racist claims for superiority

go back to /pol/ and if we catch you outside your ghetto without your pass one more time, you'll be going to the re-education center.

>> No.12040324

Whites and blacks have the same testosterone level, but black men have estrogen levels that are 14% higher. That combined with the fact blacks have an IQ at least 15 points lower on average is the reason every place touched by blacks turns into a violent craphole. Name literally one majority black place you'd want to live in.

>> No.12040329

Chinese history and Asia in general
They had gun powder first and still dropped the ball.

>> No.12040330

I'd argue a natural hierarchy is based on evolutionary fitness, which is not always defined by physical strength. A bird can be as strong as an ox but if it can't open a seed with it's beak, nigga gon die

>> No.12040355
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You should learn about the battle of rorke's drift. 150 British soldiers beat 4000 zulu warriors. The battle even involved melee.

>> No.12040376

Just read actual history books. Grand theories showing how one thing inevitably followed another never stand up to actual empirical details showing all the random fuck-ups, strokes of luck and coicidences.

>> No.12040413

Carnage and culture

>> No.12040468

Actual history books are useless though. Always missing the forest for the trees.

>> No.12040688

Why Nations Fail, Political Order and Political Decay, Clash of Civilizations

>> No.12040700

The same lesson applies to the Falklands. Training methodology is hyper effective in small unit clashes. The zulu had discipline, but they werent at the same level of Imperial troops, and the argentines werent training with snap targeting in the 80s.

Making it racial on either side is retarded.

>> No.12040717 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.12040800

Just look at the crime rates and educational outcomes of blacks and browns no matter if they're in their own countries or White countries. They are not, and never will be the same as us.

Piaget did excellent research on social development that has all been suppressed, but it's out there.

>> No.12040803


>> No.12040806

Which book by Piaget

>> No.12040837

>humans aren't part of the natural world

>> No.12040985

”Natural” ”hierarchies” are a bastardization of the concept of evolutionary adaption

>> No.12041091

As I said, it has been suppressed. You can read about it and find sources here: https://www.eurocanadian.ca/2018/10/jean-piaget-superior-psychogenetic-cognition-europeans-part-one.html

>> No.12041112

do you want to refute the book, or geographic determinism?

>> No.12041115

Funny how Jordan Peterstein never mentions this and he has several lectures on Piaget. Thanks for the read, anon.

>> No.12041167

There's a lot you can criticise about JP. Honestly I think he's actually quite good as an entry level guy, standing up for free speech, being anti-compelled speech, arguing that gender roles are normal and natural and result in healthier, happier people etc.

The problem is he stops at that and says that's all you need. He doesn't address any issues beyond the ones he has said are okay to talk about. He spent nearly three hours talking to Joe Rogan on the topic of the rise of the far right across the western world, but not even once did he mention the demographic displacement and replacement that westerners (read: whites) are going through that might catalyse such a rise. As someone who says he's tackling issues like the far right it seems absolutely absurd that he wouldn't even address the single biggest animating issue for them. He also completely ignores the JQ. He posted a three paragraph comment on the JQ a while ago along the lines of 'jews have higher IQs so we should expect to see them in positions of power', as if that even comes close to describing or explaining jewish influence and behaviour. At the same time he barely goes near IQ as a means to describe any other racial trends beyond that.

As someone who is seen by many normies as the arbiter of the right I wish his message was more 'young white men take back your fucking countries' instead of 'clean your room'. At this point I'm convinced he knows that he's something of a bottleneck for the far right and is doing his best to keep as many people at his level as he can.

>> No.12041200

You think the book is BS, but you need other books because you don't know why it's BS?

>> No.12041208

Literally done just because he thought it looked cool
Think harder anon, if a zebra cavalry was at all practical, then European colonizers would have tamed them with their "superior intellect" rather than spend money importing Eurasian horses

>> No.12041229

>racial superiority is determined by how violent a race is
Typical philosophy of the degenerated, post-modern mind

>> No.12041230

Yeah it's like that line from IASIP when Charlie says that the smoke from the furnace rises up and turns into stars.
>"That doesn't sound right but I don't know enough about stars to dispute it."
If someone is making a bunch of claims and you're thinking that it's all a bit convenient and shallow and possibly not scientifically accurate but you don't know enough to dispute it then you'll want to go and read up on stuff that does dispute it to realise why you were doubting it to begin with.

>> No.12041269

>>racial superiority is determined by how violent a race is
no, ONE factor in racial superiority (if you wish to look at it that way, personally I don't but take that how you will) is how well that race is able to exert force through the state or military

Eurasian horses took many hundreds of years and countless generations to fully domesticate,. Assuming zebras are somewhat similar then you can expect that to have an entire population of domesticated zebras would take roughly the same amount of time. Of course you can find ones in the general population now that are more easily tamed and can be broken in a single lifetime (the very tip of the bell curve if you will) and those are the ones that get the press exposure because they're cool and interesting. The reason why European colonisers didn't bother to fully domesticate and break in zebras is because it was cheaper and easier to simply import them from the stockpiles of millions that they had back home rather than go through the immensely difficult process of domesticating an entire population of creatures from the wild.

The difference in intellect comes from the idea to domesticate and break them in to begin with. Eurasians recognised the potential of horses and domesticated them over a very long period. Africans, despite being surrounded by able beasts for thousands of years, never decided to.

>> No.12041281

How convenient of you to assume that it takes hundreds of years to domesticate horses
Surely you have evidence to back that up

>> No.12041282

>read Gulag Archipelago guys!
>200 Years Together, what's that?
Guy's a total pied piper, an intellectually dishonest fraud leading good goyim to their graves.

>> No.12041303

The sources here indicate around 500-1000 years for full domestication

>> No.12041308
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>> No.12041348


>> No.12041354

So let's concede that point
Which society is more likely to reach the conclusion that horses (extremely fast and timid animals) are tamable:
a) the ones with slow, easily captured animals available (llamas, alpacas, camels, pigs)
b) the ones without those animals

>> No.12041360

the wikipedia page shows that the domestication of pigs predates the domestication of horses by an absolutely enormous margin, which gives credence to this hypothesis

>> No.12041396

>Name literally one majority black place you'd want to live in.
This is kind of the final straw. Just look at the evidence of who makes nicer, safer, freer, richer, more stable, more productive, more beautiful cities/countries. Sure you can always point to specific examples of white places that are not very nice and non-white places that are quite nice, but overall what is the trend we see? Non-whites want to live in white countries and whites (hell people of any race really) don't want to live in non-white countries. Even the most liberal of people who call everyone to the right of Lenin a racist would still much rather live in a white country than a non-white country.

>> No.12041508

Seychelles is pretty nice

>> No.12041686

Peterson also loves Solzhenitsyn, yet refuses to address his final and most suppressed work, 200 Years Together.

Really gets the old noggin' joggin'!

>> No.12041800

I think the problem is in how you phrase it. You shouldn't want to dispute something you're not sure of, you should want to learn how true it is. Wanting to dispute something you're not even sure is wrong is just showing a willingness to believe anything other than what was originally stated, without going through the effort of "disputing" that second work because it agrees more with your sensibilities.
Asking if something is right is different than asking why it is wrong.

>> No.12041892

he's right that nature matters
it just that it matter many times more than he thought, and throughout the entire history of mankind

>Understanding Human History
>The Horse, the Wheel, and Language
>The Biology of Civilisation: Understanding Human Culture as a Force in Nature
>Collapse of Complex Societies (although for his other book that's even worse)
>Human Accomplishment: The Pursuit of Excellence in the Arts and Sciences, 800 B.C. to 1950
>Trust: The Social Virtue and the Creation of Prosperity
>The Uniqueness Of Western Civilization
>The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature
>Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Expansion of Europe, 900-1900
>The German Genius: Europe's Third Renaissance, the Second Scientific Revolution, and the Twentieth Century

>> No.12042181
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Got this from /pol/

>> No.12042206

And what a coincidence it is that he permanently advertises these two authors, all you guys had to do was dig in a bit into them, get redpilled and say thanks.
But no, the man has to say it all directly and destroy his life.

>> No.12043581

Middle easterners and native americans were building temples and huge cities for centuries while caucasions were still living in huts.

Burkina Faso under Thomas Sankara's leadership. There is a reason he was assassinated, because he wasn't giving into the corruption. This is the case for any honest, post-colonial leader who legitimately cares for their people.

>> No.12043613

Anybody actually debating which race is superior is retarded. Only a human can subjectively make that decision. There is no objective criteria to which race is superior or inferior, it's just a game of measuring dick sizes.
>I have more neurons
>I have more muscles
>I have a bigger dick
>My spleen is bigger and more fit for sea diving
Yes, races have their genetic differences, but arguing is pointless. The races that aren't fit to live can die on their own. No intervention should be needed, anybody who wants to eliminate a race or wants to prove their race is most superior is dealing with underlying insecurity

>> No.12043818

>he likes colonialism

And those crackers invented the fucking computer, language and keyboard you're using lol

>> No.12043823

Use an archive you stupid nigger. Lurk more.

>> No.12043842

read the foreward to jared taylor's work on ethnic identity and historical revisionism

>> No.12043862

>choosing your conclusion before conducting research and then conducting research only to prove your pre-supposed conclusion
fuck you

>> No.12043928
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>says it's BS
>doesn't know how

>> No.12044209

>Nothing is superior
>Uses the word "retarded"

>> No.12044438

>implying retarded people are inferior
Ever heard of retard strength, you retard?

>> No.12044587

>Middle easterners and native americans were building temples and huge cities for centuries while caucasions were still living in huts.
This, some of the Pyramids were built at the same time as Stonehenge. The last 400 years are a blip in the grand scheme of things, just because the west has been ahead doesn't mean they're inherently superior anymore than it means that the Egyptians were superior to the celts.

>> No.12044604


How is that the 'final straw'. The whole point of the book is that white civilisations have developed faster due to geographical advantages

>> No.12044631

I don't want to undermine those efforts by the British troops. But they were in a fortress against an opponent with no siege weapons. 4000 Zulus? Maybe, but history is written by victors. Winning hand to hand combat is easier when the enemy has been scaling your wall and can't get all their numbers up at once. Having said all that, I have a ton of admiration for the British Empire and the culture instilled within their army and navy.

>> No.12044662

That's wrong, though, because it assumes that all of the deaths from diseases were totally unavoidable and weren't the result of specific events or otherwise exacerbated, same for mass colonization and conquest as a whole.

A good example of this is the Conquest of Mexico: You only see the 95% population losses after 80 years of conquests and occupatons, which led to constant exposure, instability, warring, and drops in sanitation quality (Mesoamerican states had whatt was probably the best public health and hygine standards/practices of any pre-modern society).

The Spanish only were able to have continued occupation and military success due to the initial smallpox epidemic being as bad as it was, which only was the case because it struck ground zero in the Aztec capital, which was one of the largest and most densely populated cities in the world and had a huge amount of trade and diplomats going through itt, spreading the outbreak across the region rapidly: Said outbreak almost never happened there or potentially at all, and only did bcaause one of them men who arrived on the coast with Narváez to arrest Cortes for treason had smallpox and Cortes was able to narrowly convince them to join him instead of arresting him, and prior to that Cortes's entire expedition easily could have been stamped out had he not miraculously came across shipwrecked Spaniards who had learned maya who acted as translators, had the republic of tlaxcala not decided on a whim to spare and ally with him after they inttially BTFO'd his force, and had Montezuma II been more cautious and ambushed his men and the Tlaxcalaa when they entered Tenochtitlan.

If Cortes didn'tt luck out those times or the smallpox infected individual didn't go further inland, you either wouldn't see that initial smallpox infectin at all or it wouldn't have been as devastating, and you never see tthe Spanish conquest occur and as such population losses from old world pathogens are likely reduced as well since contact would be more gradual and indirect.

This, and how the conquestt of mexico easily could have never happened, is something I go into in far more detail here: >>>/his/5526329 . The fact it DID happen is actually way more unlikely and contrived then it not, had stuff gone even a bit differently you'd probably see Mexico and probably Peru turn out like Japan, and while other parts of the Americas that didn't have urban state societies likely still would have been colonized, they probably would not have been to the same extent.

>> No.12044719

Oh hey, Godwinson. Didn't think I'd see you around here.

>> No.12044738

>peterson is secretely trying to redpill us bro! 5-d chess, like cheetoman!

>> No.12044766

>white people are weak
>black people are strong

Except in reality Africans are 95% skinnyfat and short

You've been watching too much porn

>> No.12044911

Jesus christ that text is a trainwreck. You retards need to learn the difference between correlation and causation as well as the diffrence between valid and sound arguments.

>> No.12044913

>If Cortes didn'tt luck out those times or the smallpox infected individual didn't go further inland, you either wouldn't see that initial smallpox infectin at all or it wouldn't have been as devastating
Charles C. Mann disagrees. He claims the stories about advanced, highly populated Amazonian nations were true, they were just wiped out so thoroughly by disease that they're now myths. His argument is convincing.

> you'd probably see Mexico and probably Peru turn out like Japan
No, they'd be semi-shitholes just like in this timeline, except speaking Nahuatl and Quechua.

>> No.12044923

>No, they'd be semi-shitholes just like in this timeline, except speaking Nahuatl and Quechua.
To be fair, that'd be pretty cool.

>> No.12044934

Yes. They'd be Roman Catholic in that timeline too, so literate and shit. Having a large, populated, Nahuatl-speaking nation with a literate tradition would be cool.

>> No.12044980

Any chance that the unique geography of Europe shaped the genetics of Europeans?
Europeans are clearly distinct from the rest of the world in their skin colour, eye colour, hair colour, and also less obvious stuff like facial structure and skull shape, bone and muscle density, body proportions, even stuff like hair texture and vocalisation.

Is it really that difficult to make the jump and assume the unique geography of Europe and the unique ways in which Europeans were forced to live had an impact on their brain genetics and their behaviour?

The harsh, cold, inhospitable climate selected for certain traits and behaviours that have consequences today, in that they gave Europeans different inherent behavioural traits that for example might make them better at organising societies into nice places to live and inventing things.
And that by mindlessly just importing millions of non-Europeans you are throwing these thousands of years of societal progress, the work of thousands of years of biological isolation and natural selection, down the drain.

>> No.12045055

Yes and name once place that wasn't stripped of its minerals and forced into industry by the Europeans that is nice to live in now.
I'm from Wales one of the original colonised and stripped places and the place is a shithole

>> No.12045113

some guy on goodreads wrote a very decent criticism on geographic determinism (?) in this book.. i’ll post it if i find it

>> No.12045219


and this

you are denying the results of years of scientific studies because you cant accept whites arent genetically superior
facts dont care about your feelings sweetie

>> No.12045446
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>Why Nations Fail
I'm doubling up on this one

>> No.12045484

Geography/climate almost certainly drives some part of evolution, but the thing people don't want to talk about is how much recent evolution has taken place due to the new conditions of agriculture and civilisation. Living wild off the land in Europe is pretty much the same as it is in North America, but living in a complex system with 10,000s of people, all reliant on a few staple crops is very different, add in a bureaucracy, money, the military, legal justice, executions etc. and you've got a whole bunch of new evolutionary pressures and things are inevitable going to change. Suddenly being smart pays off big, perhaps more than just being strong and healthy.
The longer a people have had agriculture, the longer they've had complex society, the further they drift from the hunter gather archetype. European hunter gatherers were wiped out because they couldn't adapt to farming.
>The method identified other favoured polygenic traits, including larger head sizes in infants and larger hip size and later first menstruation in women. Taken together, the findings hint at a larger story about how a demand for bigger brains in humans has physically shaped the species, even in modern times.

>> No.12045600

Except our genius doesn't extent beyond exploiting economic niches, breeding like any unrestrained animal, and hoarding/wasting vast amounts of natural resources faster than they can be naturally reproduced. We as a species leave very little to imply genius of grand foresight as evident by our domination of the entire biosphere with no future plan of how to properly take care of ourselves. In the larger time frame all I see remaining of civilization is a layer of plastic and lead buried over and nothing more intelligent than slime inhabiting the earth for eons.

>> No.12045603

>Got this from /pol/

Put it back and forget where you left it!