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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 37 KB, 609x609, 1540286780611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12033404 No.12033404 [Reply] [Original]

books on/about depression

>> No.12033414

*hugs OP*

>> No.12033422

*rejects your attempt at intimacy in order to hide fundamentally flawed self*

>> No.12033438


>> No.12033458

rude and mean

anon, you're welcome :^)

>> No.12033501

mein kampf

>> No.12033517


>> No.12033737

Is this what Gallo did 4 times with 4 different women in the Brown Bunny?

>> No.12034078

No longer human

>> No.12034238

dont bother, she would ruin your illusion of some pure beaten girl

>> No.12034243

couldnt be more wrong
danzo isnt depressed, he is distant from humanity he himself doesnt even feel sad about being raped as a kid - his suicide and their previous attempts wasnt because he was "sad"

>> No.12034263

I expect all girls to be massive whores at this point. She has her boob out too so of course she's a whore.

>> No.12034312
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>there are people who have never been hugged


>> No.12034329

she's some russian girl who takes pictures with her fake cuts and has a bunch of punpun shit in her room
you will have a better time finding real women to talk to or jerkiing off

>> No.12034333

i know this feeling why wont someone just hug me, not a hug in a manly way when im drunk but a genuine embrace and a sign of care, why cant i just have that, why cant i just have that one thing. part of it is the desire for the woman to make me whole but i feel like giving in to this desire will poison me slowly

>> No.12034346

Although I only read the beginning I got The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath when I asked someone else the same question.

A book which I completed is Girl, Interrupted by Susan Kaysen. Girl, Interrupted is more about B. P. D. and going through the system. A big part of the book is she was committed after just 1 therapy session meaning it was unjustified, and she doesn't talk much about depressive thoughts.

>> No.12034354

I have only been hugged by my mother and occasionally my father. It’s nice when they do it because it’s in a familial-love-kind-of-way but I long for a romantic hug

>> No.12034356

Do you not know what depression is?

>> No.12034400

i've had clinical depression and taken medicine for it on and off for 4 years

>> No.12034836
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>> No.12034890

Unironically the short stories "The Planet Trillaphon as It Stands in Relation to the Bad Thing", "The Depressed Person", and "Good Old Neon" by DFW

>> No.12034962
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>realize that I actually have never been hugged or at least can't remember the last time it happened

>> No.12035423

Damn... imagine if her hair wasn't blue... fvck

>> No.12035449


NPC and bluepilled

>> No.12035453

medically impossible as babies without himan contact die

I've been hugged once in highschool, some girl came up to me, hugged me and then walked away to her seat as the class started
I wonder what that was about

>> No.12035456

desu then the pic wouldn't be as good and she wouldn't look as attractive, although on the other hand she wouldn't be a slut but I don't see how that matters anyway as you'll never interact with her

>> No.12035462


>and she wouldn't look as attractive

Unironically kill yourself

>> No.12035469

l see you lack imagination, aphantasia perhaps? Is this why all your artistic endeavors have flailed? lol, or perhaps you haven't even attempted I guess a wise choice

>> No.12035478

source on this bihhh.. im callin buushiit

>> No.12035484
File: 90 KB, 486x960, Teleports+behind+you+nothing+personal+kid+_d8011618866daf176e56a9be175628c3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nothing personal kid

>> No.12035486


>> No.12035493

The Mindful Way Through Depression
Here's a pack with the PDF, audiobook as well as the practical course. http://www.mediafire.com/file/stl5ctg1ptogszt/MWTD.zip/file

>> No.12035495

show me the source of gtfo jew

>> No.12035533
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It's a narcissist. Any effort casted in their direction will be redirected into emotional support with a chance to get the supplier hooked into a codependent/predator relationship.

Fuck "depressed" people.

>> No.12035553

is anhedonia a form of depression?

I think thomas ligotti has it and me by reading his books got it too now.

>> No.12035573

yeah, that sounds about right.

>> No.12035587

Anhedonia is a major symptom for most with a depressive disorder, and invariably leads to depression in those who experience it.

Once you stop feeling pleasure it gets hard to focus on anything other than pain.

>> No.12035612

>and invariably leads to depression in those who experience it.
That's not true. Anhedonia is very common among schizoids but not all schizoids develop depression.

>> No.12035639
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can you imagine ha ha

>> No.12035885
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Is this book a meme? I've heard mixed things about it.

>> No.12035994

wow thanks guy

>> No.12035998

spoken like someone who has never had depression
nice sweeping generalization too

>> No.12035999

she was dared to it

>> No.12036055


It's a consequence of Reason.

>> No.12036065

>on the other hand she wouldn't be a slut

oh it's the hair dye that makes women sluts... and here I thought it was the enjoyment of copious coitus

>> No.12036071

>muh depresshun

nigga this shit is literally a meme bro, stop with this fucking bitchin and sobbin and get a fuckiing grip on life , you fucking retard

>> No.12036079

sluts like wearing chokers, piercing their face, getting tattoos and dying their hair - at least statistically

>> No.12036084

I'll cherish it forever

>> No.12036136

Trips of truth: happened to me once too.

>> No.12036151
File: 64 KB, 797x797, 35617124_398509973987410_7724413254956482560_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

October and November are terrible. December won't help us.

>> No.12036163

encyclopedia of psychiatric diagnosis and treatment
notes from under ground
nurses desk reference on pills
also sprach zarathustra
go ask alice
my immortal
the lyric booklet to slipknots first album

>> No.12036164
File: 12 KB, 300x260, 1539189969352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suicide rate's are always the highest around Christmas. While most people are opening their presents, some are opening their wrists.

>> No.12036165

>I'm so depressed ;_; btw here's my breast but don't hit on me
Ban w*m*n now.

>> No.12036169

The fact that most suicides take place around forty makes me anxious. I'm bored of all this shit already. Imagine how mundane it'll get as you grow older.

>> No.12036170

where is she saying that she's depressed idiot? It's art anyway dumb incel

>> No.12036176
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it gets worse

>> No.12036183

Depression isn't real you pussy attention whore, wash your dick

>> No.12036191

>that 16-25 downward line


>> No.12036213

myth of sysiphus
the dice man

>> No.12036218

why am i supposed to pretend i don't want to cum inside every woman i meet, again?

>> No.12036222

social norms

>> No.12036288

it's got lots of stickers and gadgets on the cover so you know it's totally legit

>> No.12036289

Yeah, you've got it right anon. Anhedonia is the negation of both pleasure and pain, positive feelings and bad, until life is like an incredibly viscous sludge that refuses to change in any way regardless to the amount of medicine you plug yourself with. It really feels like I live in another world from people now, where the months drop like flies and it's not even something to be upset over. The last time I felt a real emotion was December of 2016. What I feel now is like 1/100th of the strength. It's complete neutrality. Almost like purgatory.

What's interesting is that no matter how many times I try to show people this thing my life has become, they never react. I guess they think I'm being metaphorical, because it appears to me 99.9% of people just cannot comprehend a world that does not bring them feeling. I'm not a schizo - perfectly sane, was normal once - my life just changed and I don't know if I'll ever make it back.

>> No.12036312

Depresseed individual here, >>12035533 is right

>> No.12036370
File: 25 KB, 568x568, serveimage2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was depressed.
I read this book, and then I wasn't depressed.

>> No.12036422

David D. Snrub

>> No.12036464
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>they never react.

Other people aren't illusory in the sense that they don't exist. They are illusory despite their existence.

>> No.12036465

The book will teach you cognitive behavioral therapy, it's like a therapist in a book.

>> No.12036580
File: 271 KB, 1302x2083, 815oo40CfOL (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not read it yet but i've heard this is good

>> No.12036614

Listened to the audiobook. Didn't cure my depression but it was informative. Started doing the Handbook, hopefully it will do something.

>> No.12036665
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>There are Hypocrisies of several kinds in our Afflictions. In one sort, we pretend to lament the Loss of some Friend exceeding dear to us, and all the while this Lamentation is only for our selves. We are troubled to think our selves less happy, less easie, less considerable, and less valued, than we were before. Thus the Dead carry the Name and the Honour of those Tears, that are shed only upon the Account of the Living. And this I call Hypocrisie of one kind, because in these Afflictions, People impose upon themselves. There is another kind, not so harmless as this, because that imposes upon all the World. And this is the Affliction of a sort of Persons, that pretend to a Decency, and a never dying Concern in their Grief. When Time, the Waster of all Things, hath worn off the Concern they really had, then they will needs be obstinate in their Sorrows, and still carry on their Complaints and their Sighs. They put on all the Characters of Mourning and Sadness, and take a great deal of Pains by all their Actions, to make the World believe, their Melancholy can never have any rest, any cessation, but in the Grave. This dismal, tiresome, and solemn Vanity is most usual among ambitious Women: Their Sex hath shut them out from all the common Ways that lead to Honour, and that makes them attempt to signalize themselves, by all this Pageantry of an Affliction, too deep to admit of any Comfort. There are yet another sort of Tears, that have but shallow Springs, quickly and easily flow, and are as easily dried up again; these are such as weep to gain the Reputation of Tenderness and good Nature; such as cry because they would be pitied; such as cry because they would make other People cry; and, in a Word, such as cry, only because they are ashamed not to cry.

>> No.12036700


>> No.12036708
File: 384 KB, 671x1047, 1541336678093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a good CBT book but it only helps if your life is already decent.
It will work for most normies on here that feel better after changing their diet or trying meditation for a week i.e. people that get stuck in negative thought loops and patterns and a little bit of self-awareness and change in habits is enough to jump-start their mood.

It's pretty useless if you're actually mentally ill or dealing with a personality disorder or have a shit life in general.

>> No.12036725

I have had it. Then I realized I was operating under the assumption life wasn't about misery. It absolutely is. You either get comfortable with it, and develop some genuine, self-love, in the process, or you make yourself and others hurt.

>> No.12036734

What do the colours mean?

>> No.12036740

are you fucking retarded

>> No.12036744
File: 150 KB, 650x1040, Anatomy-of-Melancholy_2048x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This desu

>> No.12036749

But I'm deeply flawed too, so I still love you OP

>> No.12036760

>tfw I have only been hugged by my mom
It's better than nothing I guess

>> No.12036809



>> No.12036815

Darkness Visible

>> No.12036824


>> No.12036827
File: 38 KB, 364x500, 51iNczG2MNL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need a /self-help/ sticky. The volume of self-help or /r9k/ tier threads is ridiculous.

I don't know how this oprah winfrey style literature=self-help bullshit has seeped onto /lit/ but its is strange how it correlates with the influx of /pol/ and T_d refugees

>> No.12036836

There is one already in /adv/, where it belongs.

>> No.12036841

Reminder not to talk to psychiatrists and never take their medications. All antidepressants INCREASE the risk of suicide, carry significant withdrawal symptoms, and ironically only help a small minority of users.

The only things that have been proven to improve happiness:

1. Close relationships. Most people have at least one person (mom) they can talk to. If you have abusive parents and no friends, you might not. In this case, you may need to start with a therapist. If you have close friends, visit your friends. The happiest cultures, like traditional Italy and traditional Japan, place a lot of emphasis on spending time with family and eating together

2. Exercise. The evidence for exercise improving happiness is overwhelming, and far more convincing than the evidence for any so called “antidepressant.”

3. Pro-social or charitable activity. Giving things to people in a sincere spirit of generosity raises happiness levels. If you have money and friends, and easy way to do this would be to go out with them and buy them food and drink. But since a lot of us here don’t have friends and money, the alternative is to volunteer your time to a charity.

4. Spirituality. People that go to church, pray, and meditate are happier than people who don’t.

5. If you try to do these things and really can’t, consult a therapist. Do NOT consult a psychiatrist. They will make you dependent on neurotoxic chemicals that could make you suicidal, homocidal, give you akathisia, erectile dysfunction, and might be impossible to stop.

Finally, I would argue that it is not helpful for you to characterize yourself as, “having depression.” This implies that there is some sort of virus inside of you.

>> No.12036849

mods or janitors should delete or move bawwww threads to /adv/ /r9k/

>> No.12036858

These places are shit in terms of intellectual discussion. Most people post this shit here because the average reply here will be much more high quality than /adv/ or /r9k/.

>> No.12036867
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what sort of spastic is looking for life advice from
the chans???

>everyone born after 1989 needs to be forcibly steralized
you fucked it up, dropped the ball

>> No.12036870

Jesus Christ if only I knew how much worse things were going to get. I would have killed myself right then and there.
I'm only at 22

>> No.12036876

For some people, this is the only support network they have.
Even if the average zoomer can't be bothered to even format their reply correctly, at least the replies are more nuanced then what your mom or family will tell you ("be yourself and shake the managers hand").

>> No.12036879

you're very right, i didn't consider that, but would you say theres a solution if the person is able to couple this sort of behavior management with a goal or purpose that would lead them out of the rut they're in? or do you feel i am miss-characterizing it as i have never experienced it so i cannot say

>> No.12036884
File: 85 KB, 1065x979, DehaiQFWsAERzyf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was hugged for the first time recently by a coworker that is leaving. It surprised me and I recoiled from her slightly. The look of pity and confusion in her face killed me.

>> No.12036886

It's better than a book because it's PANTERA:

>Out of my mind,
>gun up to the mouth
>No pretension, execution, live and learn , rape and turn
>Fret not family,
>nor pre-judged army
>This is for me,
>and me only, cowards only
>Try it

>Don't you try to die, like me
>It's livid and it's lies and makes graves
>Graves descending

>It's not worth the time to try, to replenish a rotting life
>I'll end the problem, facing nothing, fuck you off, fuck you all
>Tortured history, addict of misery, this exposes me
>for weakness is a magnet - watch me do it

>Don't you try to die, like me
>It's livid and it's lies and makes graves
>Graves descending down

>Why would you help anyone who doesn't want it,
>doesn't need it, doesn't want your shit advice
>when a mind's made up to go ahead and die?
>What's done is done and gone, so why cry?

>> No.12036985

Well, depends on the severity. Like I said, CBT is pretty good for mild or less serious depression.
Depending on your life situation, it might be very difficult to stabilize your mood or set goals when you have dysfunction in every part of your life.
At the end of the day, it's just a tool. And maybe you could use an axe to dig a tunnel through a mountain, but I still wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.12037299

I bet you're such a fucking ogre.

>> No.12037323

Please do not bully our hugless anons

>> No.12037577

Sounds like you're projecting your own experience with the disease onto other people.

imo depression is almost completely biological and all the explanations and causes we come up with are just our pattern recognition striving to find some reason behind it. I don't buy that it's from chemical inbalances either, but I believe that the basis is biological and all the other feelings and conceptions spring from that. I could be wrong.

>> No.12037610

>imo depression is almost completely biological
>I don't buy that it's from chemical inbalances either
>but I believe that the basis is biological

are you schizo? what do you think excess/deficiency of a chemical is other than biology?

>> No.12037630

There's a lot more connections to depression than just the chemical imbalances. For example, they're finding correlations between the gut microbiome and various mental illnesses, including depression. There's been studies on the benefits of exercise as well. Depression is a multifactorial illness, and I think the wild varience in effectiveness of antidepressants between people proves this.

>> No.12037680
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>> No.12037686

Based Phoebe

>> No.12037704

for fucks sake, those are just statistical connections, a chemical imbalance sounds like a buzzword, but honestly you have no idea how medicine works if you think it's not the only way actual working drugs are made
you have this meaningless noise of various things with some tenuous connection to depression, but in the end you want to arrive at a simple statement, for example that the immune system impacts the brain via inflammation markers and cytokines (i.e. chemicals duh) stimulating sickness behavior, but no you have to give it this flowery language of a multifactorial non-linear incomprehensibly complex illness because you're a fucking pseud

>> No.12037738

Oh god I am so lonely and horny. No man has ever been as lonely and horny as me.

>> No.12037747

I wish I could still get horny, feeling too shit these days

>> No.12037756

desu we agree on more than you realize. When I say "chemical imbalances," I was referring to the conception most laymen have of depression: "you're just low on serotonin bruh." If I were talking to someone completely clueless on depression, inflammation is one of the things I would mention. Inflammation can be treated with more than drugs but I digress.
Also, you're using a lot more "flowery" language than I did. For example, I didn't imply anywhere that it was "incomphrensibly complex." I just mentioned there's other factors besides muh serotonin.

>> No.12037927

>the lyric booklet to slipknots first album

into the trash

>> No.12037935

what about new year's eve?

>> No.12037940

who is that guy in the pic?

>> No.12037945

>place a lot of emphasis on spending time with family and eating together

only faggots do that

>> No.12037998

>tfw so deprived of human contact that the psych ward nurse putting her hand on your arm makes your heart flutter

>> No.12038261

>working antidepressants
Cringe. There’s no such thing as an effective antidepressant. They’re placebos, as shown by every non-pharma funded study.

>> No.12038296

La Rochefoucauld

>> No.12038378

This. I'm not saying it'll work for everyone but I've had more success with St John's Wort, fixing my diet, and ending my NEETdom than I ever had with antidepressants. They were worse than placebos for me, they made me much worse and I actually hallucinated on them from time to time. I'm glad that they work for some people, but you can tell anyone pretending that antidepressants is a silver bullet is not up to date on any research.

>> No.12038388

Get the foreigners out
Get the wogs out
Get the coons out
Keep Britain white
I used to be into dope nigga now I'm into racism
It's much heavier man
Fucking wogs man
Fucking Saudis taking over London

>> No.12038474

Ask the girl why did she hug you or what was the hug for. Say thankyou for the hug before you ask her though. If it's been a long time it doesn't matter, you can ask her if she remembered it. Report back

>> No.12038483

Lovely cat

>> No.12038491

>he thinks the pic is the OP selfie

>> No.12038547

that's a yikes for me, bud.

>> No.12038582
File: 46 KB, 394x465, sylvia_plath1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bell jar desu

>> No.12038592

St John's Wort is really very good. This post is very helpful, thanks anon

>And they sent us along as a surrogate band
>We're gonna find out where you fans really stand

>> No.12038593

Spot the Peterson shill

>> No.12038683

Your operating under the assumption these folks aren't enjoying their depression. Having depression is comfy. Just not the kind of comfy healthy people divulge in.

>> No.12038706

You didn't have depression. I don't care if some doctor told you so.

>> No.12038995

Yes its comfy to hate your life and want to opt out every day, especially comfy when you lose your friends and lose handle of life. Sounds cozy anon

>> No.12039609


>> No.12039720

>no results
>le sigh.
My diary desu.

>> No.12040005

Finished No Longer Human this morning and just made a thread about it

Yozo isnt depressed, hes a fucking mentally ill sociopath who goes around treating those niceist to him like trash, calls them parasites, ugly etc and cant even go to the shop without having a meltdown, oh and he had plenty of women throw themselves at him, yeah such a hard fucking life.

/lit/ is so full of edgy faggots I swear to God, you idiots recommended me No Longer Human as some "deep insight" into depression (of which I have) and no, Yozo was just an asshole.

If you seriously think No Longer Human is about depression literally kill yourself

>> No.12040011

The squished tit is nice but the face and purple hair are disgusting.

>> No.12040015
File: 894 KB, 1439x883, well_imagine_my_shock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>depressed losers are scum

>> No.12040028

I have depression and serious alcoholism, I have never treated those who have had the best intentions like shit, I have a couple friends but everyone else has moved away, that made it worse.

I didn't know being an insufferable cunt to others was a common symptom

>> No.12040048
File: 1.14 MB, 156x183, Blood Sugar Drained.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pity me!
>Types into cell phone, loaded with all of the applications to help keep the technologically-savvy consumer in-the-know, with access to their entire social network, entirely made up of narcissistic suppliers, games, bells and whistles to keep one entertained for hours, laying in a soft mattress, wrapped in comforters and pillows, in an air-conditioned home, with a fridge full of carbs and fats to help soothe the pain of "existence."

Yes, I have no idea.

>> No.12040061

are you fucking serious?

Are you actually comparing being "comfy" in a warm duvet to being comfy within yourself, what the fuck does having Facebook and a cell phone have to with it.

Fucking hell lad I think /v/ might be more your speed

>> No.12040066
File: 30 KB, 853x1024, balloon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your balloon.

>> No.12040129

>narcissistic injury

Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.12040134

please let my thread die

>> No.12040138
File: 69 KB, 761x900, Beheading Medusa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not until it's been fully exposed.

>> No.12040147

exposed for what
i wanted books about depression, not your shitty mental health advice
if don't have depression, thats fine, and i personally hope you never do, but dont fill my thread with dumb shit you know nothing about

>> No.12040238

what the fuck are those proportions

>> No.12040451

maybe try reading it again, i dont want to attack you but i think you are aggressively coming to a conclusion that you want to see
also you have to realize this book describes dazai in a very critical way through introspective though, he knew that he wasnt much of a human and couldnt understand people
he never treated people really badly as much as he says he thought he should since he hadnt had a grasp on common decency as such

>> No.12041288

I got hugged by two different people on separate occasions in the past week after not being hugged in years. I don't understand what's going on.

>> No.12041313

I wish I knew people well enough that they would consider hugging me

>> No.12041332

you think he could have had a bigger dick?

>> No.12041340

the camera is pointing up at him

>> No.12041401

no, look at them arms

>> No.12041421


>> No.12041426

no he’s right, most of you deserve death and extreme suffering. Comfy faggots and people who crave hugs and cuddles should be thrown in volcanos. This world would be infinitely uglier if it was anything like the inner lives of the sick faggots who post here.

>> No.12041435

desu you seem even uglier than your average incel senpai

>> No.12041439
File: 319 KB, 1200x1812, 03CB2F63-D47A-4DFA-B26F-19094F149A95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

low iq

>> No.12041465

most of them, implicitly

>> No.12041474
File: 301 KB, 1108x2043, 1539499567459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice choice of an image where you can't actually see how gorilla sized the arms are

>> No.12041497

Common misconception. Truth is suicide rate peaks in the summer.

>> No.12041506

you must be fun at parties

>> No.12041597

Jesus dude, chill out

>> No.12041882
File: 25 KB, 450x600, 13846417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not that fanciful.

>> No.12041890

Mathilda by Mary Shelley is one of my favorites.

>> No.12041906
File: 46 KB, 384x560, gymnastics homo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

effeminate faggot, go to literally any gym or watch a football game at the D1 or higher level of play retard

>> No.12041933

Ecclesiastes in the Bible.

>> No.12042104

these arms you posted are quite short though, just compare the bicep

>> No.12042273

The cather in the rye by J.D Salinger

>> No.12042298

Perks of beeing a wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
The cather in the rye by J.D Salinger
Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
The Color Purple by Alice Walker

That should be abt it

>> No.12042371

>Anhedonia is the negation of both pleasure and pain, positive feelings and bad
So that's what happens when I stop feeling anything. It always leads to feeling like shit, then that passes and I feel kind of neutral, then the cycle repeats. The only thing that differs is the time scale.
>tfw even my parents only take an interest in my surface emotions

>> No.12042381

So who's this girl anyway?

>> No.12042410

The Sickness Unto Death (hong & hong)
Bartleby the Scrivener
Myth of Sisyphus
Moby Dick

>> No.12042425

Forgot to mention that Hunger is Sverre Lyngstad or whatever his name is and Hypersphere is Chuck Berry but the Nabokov translation is also acceptable.

>> No.12042437

This. Stop being fags and talking about books and tell me who's the cutie.

>> No.12042448

I don't care if she's some BPD manipulating slut. I don't want to fantasize about saving her nor any shit like that. I just want to jerk off to her. Don't be a dick and tell us her name.

>> No.12042808

I'm in the same boat as you, OP. I've been depressed since the age of 7 (I'm 20 now), and suicidal for the first seven years of that range. The most painful thing for me is looking back and realizing that the causes of my depression became manifest. I thought I was disfigured and ugly, and that eventually became true. I thought I had a horrible personality and that no one liked me, and that became true too. I thought I was socially hopeless, and I am still socially hopeless today. But when my depression began, none of these things were true. So I feel like depression robbed me not only of my childhood, but also my future.

As I am now, I am utterly irredeemable. I stopped growing at the age of 12, and I have to wonder if the depression wasn't somehow related. My face used to be nice and symetrical, but now I look like I had a stroke. I don't know how to make friends anymore or relate to people meaningfully, and I've made a habit out of avoiding social interaction. I started working out to boost my self esteem, but I realized that my left arm and left leg are shorter than the right ones. So I can't squat properly, can't deadlift properly, and can't bench properly. The more I work out, the more pronounced the imbalance becomes.

The worst part is that I keep getting worse. I look more and more disfigured and my social skills atrophy with each passing day. If I were in somebody else's shoes and saw myself, I would hate myself. Everything I do comes off as rude, I speak in short blurbs because I don't know what to say. If I didn't know better, I would say that I'm mentally handicapped, but I was normal for a good portion of my childhood.

>> No.12042863

I feel like I'm unique, though, in that I'm not bitter about my afflictions anymore. The "incel" crowd blames the world for rejecting them, but I've accepted that I rejected myself. My issues are internal, and I accept that I am responsible for the way I respond to them. I love people, and I wish that someday I could be more like them.

I've tried to develop a personality again and "exist" as a person, but I don't think I'll ever succeed. At this point, I've kinda resigned myself to this sad shadow of a life, as every attempt I've made to escape reinforces my negative self-image. All I can say at this point is this: get treatment for your depression before it takes over your life. Given enough time, it will project those negative thoughts into your reality, and you will be irreversibly changed. It feels like the depression killed who I was, and is walking around wearing my skin like a suit. Still, I love life, if only for being able to see how normal people choose to live it.

>> No.12042870

took way too long

>> No.12042952

>tfw brown line

>> No.12043645

Name of the girl ?

>> No.12043854
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She's just another instagram attention whore. Don't waste your time with her.

>> No.12043883

their only song that I still listen after many years t b h

>> No.12044082

Don't be greedy and give name. Can't you see I'm thirsty?

>> No.12044185
File: 496 KB, 750x934, f77bef5800dfab2408412a3e4fcabe925c26002c3086f13f45b6174b29e779d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't. You don't seem to understand this girl is just another vapid attention whore. Why would you give attention to someone like her?

>> No.12044213

the other anon is a gay cunt
here is her insta, lads

>> No.12044253

I dislike being hugged, I think my ex is the only person I enjoyed hugging, but everyone it makes me anxious and all that contact eww

>> No.12044257

Also I'll add a man asleep to books about depression

>> No.12044265

thank you anon, very cool

>> No.12044266

I wasn't even that high up at 16 this isn't fair.
I feel like 30-40 is that time where you realise you aren't good by to make your dreams happen and you possibly have a couple of kids and a failing marriage. Glad I will miss both of them

>> No.12044931

In what regard?
Flawed regarding a certain direction?

>> No.12045614

>is woman
>has misshapen ears

Every time.

>> No.12045710

My ex was a drug addict and she's a happy and good person now. Everyone has flaws. Some carry more weight than others though. I didn't understand at the time. There's a book rec at the end of this video
and maniac on netflix was pretty good

>> No.12045718

Oof. You ever start feeling antsy after making eye contact with someone for kind of a long time?

>> No.12045810
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>making eye contact

>> No.12046335

No seriously am i not seeing it eother like i get they mean happiness but what does each color represent.

>> No.12046350

I nearly have a heart attack whenever someone smiles at me.

>> No.12046370
File: 64 KB, 640x1024, 1518437749102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read what it says on the image

>> No.12046483

Each color line is a different study. Hope that helps :) Have a great day! :)

>> No.12046537
File: 86 KB, 600x407, 1465693765163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4. Spirituality. People that go to church, pray, and meditate are happier than people who don’t.

>> No.12046563

The reality is if you need the medication you're at the point where you've already attempted suicide

>> No.12046588

something oddly calming about reading this
thanks anon
as weird as this may sound, i kind of admire how you handled it, i hope one day you might feel better

>> No.12046885

why does Russia produce the biggest cuties?

>> No.12046896

woah! epic, based, AND redpilled post bro. you really btfo'd depression.

>> No.12047574

Because russian girls are all crazy.

>> No.12048514

if u ever feel depressed, just dab on it

>> No.12048550

She looks a lot like my ex. If her features were a little smoother, breasts a little smaller, and she had a dragon tattoo on her arm they'd be like twins. Ex was a depressed BPD and likely a nymphomaniac.

>> No.12048884

wooow really no one even said "thank you"
fuck you all you pieces of shit

>> No.12049210

She looks so soft. I want to hurt her.

>> No.12049229


It's pretty good. The author has an open pro-pharmacological bias but it's mostly balanced and understandable considering that's what saved his life (If you don't already know the author was left nearly catatonic and had to be hospitalized, so it wasn't just meme depression).

>> No.12049472

In my experience, books about depression only serve to reinforce the delusion of the depressed mind, so don't go overboard with it. With that said, I understand the desire to find some sympathy in books. No Long Human by Dazai Osamu is one such book. No happy ending, so don't expect that.
t. Formerly depressed anon

>> No.12049494
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>No Long Human
manlet uprising when

>> No.12049515

Happiness is an illusion. I guarantee those 50 somes have quite a bit going for them other than 'happiness'.

>> No.12049558


>> No.12049759

>Only 20 years more and it would start to get better
Fuck yes!

>> No.12050010


>> No.12050070

>No long human

Oh boy.

>> No.12051002

Robert Sapolsky, most of his work

>> No.12051054


>> No.12051371

photo where she shows boobs???

>> No.12052036


>> No.12052063

I think that's what op needs

>> No.12052085

I reckon it was a bet

>> No.12052120

I can't remember last time I was "happy" tbqhwyf

>> No.12052132

Doing god's work anon

>> No.12052270

>Not instinctively recoiling from the predatory advances of emotionally vampiric disease infested meatbags

>> No.12052382

One pretty good theory about depression is that it's a behavioral shutdown in terms of behaivoral investment theory, and this thus can happen across the various principles of the theory. (When the costs are more than the gains there there is no point in the exertion of effort, after all entropy will keep increasing, and even though the system is open is not receiving resources to keep itself, and so depression occurs, Sure sometimes it happens as an evolutionary adaptation, someitmes it happens as part of the developmental process, sometimes it's part of the learning of the animal, but it's always related to a behavioral shutdown

>> No.12052489

As someone who suffered from serious psycotic depression, reading doesn't get rid of your condition. A lot of people who are simply sad for x amount of environmental factors think they have depression but don't. If you are seriously depressed the only way to change this is experimenting with drugs.

If nothing helps then realize you have the ability to be miserable as anyone else can in life. In which case I would suggest looking at religion or some form of asceticism to make peace with yourself.
>Inb4 muh nietzchean will to power
Nietzche failed to change anything about himself. He was always a bitter intellectual distancing himself from his problems through near infinite intellectualization of his scenario. In the end he changed nothing about himself.

>> No.12052599
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Thank you