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12034636 No.12034636 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain to me why objectivism and Ayn Rand are garbage but explain it like you would to a 6 year old?
I've never read her books and I can't understand the philosophical jargon on wikipedia

>> No.12034662

She wasn't a philosopher, and so wasn't cohesive.

>> No.12034678

that's the general consensus I usually see around here but what I meant was can anyone explain to me what it actually is

>> No.12035909

No one comes up with anything entirely new. Everything is built off the work and ideas of previous people. To pretend you're entirely self-sufficient intellectually is to believe a lie.

>> No.12035926


>> No.12035927

Care to provide a counter-argument?

>> No.12035936

fuck you

>> No.12035950

Jokes, for one. And if you're a formualist wanker then folk tales. Lots of originality in the world, but yes, we do respond to particular archtypes and forms in stories. Those came from somewhere before language captured them. Whether your originality is new or nought, is neither here nor they're.

>> No.12035965

Not even Ayn Rand claimed to come up with anything entirely new. She repeatedly made the point that she was intellectually indebted to Aristotle.

>> No.12035979

The only "truth" that exists is nihilistic materialism.

>> No.12035982

But meaning is inherent to materialism. Why would we expect the grand meaning to be void? Isn't that a copout?

>> No.12035987
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>> No.12036172

Most of what Ayn Rand said is Aristotelian virtue ethics and logic, manipulated to give excuse for selfishness and arrogance.
In other words, they believe that since they accept that one thing, and not something else, is all that can be equal to itself (A = A), they have the right to keep wealth to themselves and not have to share it with anyone else or pay taxes.

>> No.12036184

Think of it this way: if you call a bush out by its name, do you think it will respond to that name? If atoms could speak, would they talk about the rings of neutrons, protons, and electrons in them? Do human beings instinctively know about the names of the elements which their bodies are made of? What if purpose is actually a human creation projected onto what we see?

>> No.12036440

It's just the projection of Rand's hideous, selfish, demonic jew soul onto the altruistic, honor-bound society of Europeans she both worshipped and resented.

>> No.12036573

But doesn't Roark build affordable public housing that contributes to a greater sense of communal living through inspired design, as contrasted to the social-climbers who spout the importance of helping your fellow man while actually just repeating stale architectural memes and selling their humanity for just a little more money?