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File: 177 KB, 1200x800, GettyImages-550172113-1200x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12031455 No.12031455 [Reply] [Original]

I'm so scared we will lose him soon. I feel physical anxiety about it.

>> No.12031468

Osugi'd when?

>> No.12031495

This is Chomsky, right? It’ll happen eventually. He’s like 90+. Just gotta accept it. If you’re a fan (I’m presuming you are) just appreciate him while you still got him.

>> No.12031542

He's a psuede.

>> No.12031566

>2018 anno domini
>having worldly attachments

>> No.12031604

Chomsky single handedly saved the entire american continent from being an intellectual wasteland

>> No.12031641

just heard him on democracy now

nigga will be missed

>> No.12031646 [DELETED] 

Try the redpill, numale cucks. Leftism is a mental illness. Chomsky, the kike, will not be missed. We will be closer to save our white world without him

>> No.12031676

>Chomsky, the kike, will not be missed.
I imagine this is what an italian mafioso would say this before taking out the boss of the jewish gang.

>> No.12031722

>when high level left thinkers like chomsky, fisher and even zizek at this point were neglected by the left, closing their only way for reliable thought in the upcoming right on steroids.

>> No.12031821

>not right wing

>> No.12031881

he only became more right as time went on because his audience cant face the errors hes addressing. increasingly saying that having some integrity nowadays will automatically media pidgeonhole you into the right. the same with chomsky and fisher. 'right wing' has better use of their thought nowadays.

>> No.12031906

>commie cucks
>right wing
makes you think

>> No.12031956

Chimsky is and always will be a faggot.

>> No.12031958

real life isnt a history book of internet buzzwords. if you dont notice how mixmatch and scattered thought is in the internet era youre just a meme on a hard drive. ever wondered why 'commies' are anti fascist while being supported by the dominant fascist media? ever wondered why 'rightwing' are the ones who push for humanist health and battle degradation in the face of technology? the whole while being painted as 'anti-democracy'? lay off the memes

>> No.12031966

chomsky is the next freud. hes redundant but he hits a deep nerve that makes everyone hate him.

>> No.12031967

>dominant Fascist media

>> No.12031981

you ever wonder who owns the majority of telecommunications, news and entertainment industry?

>> No.12031985

Mourning the loss of a subversive jew is so not /lit/. Take garbage like this to reddit.

>> No.12032052

ah it's the jews again, isn't it

>> No.12032084

Fascism was a jewish movement, after all.

>> No.12032086

>It's another episode of "anon realizes who he's arguing with"

>> No.12032087
File: 71 KB, 377x443, 1536012690807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chomskys position on anything can be boiled down to "america/the west/capitalism bad"

>> No.12032094

he's literally not wrong though

>> No.12032096

Don't worry, we have Jordan Peterson now.

>> No.12032114

Unironically this

>> No.12032121

compared to what? everything has faults and yet some things can still be far better than others
capitalism>everything else
the west>everywhere else

>> No.12032125

He's most wrong in linguistics. Everything he criticized Skinner for was already conceded by him in Verbal Behavior already.
Recent research has vindicated Skinner. Chomsky failed in his own field. He is just a pseud that acts like a know-it-all but actually is an idiot.

>> No.12032126

chompsky honk

>> No.12032156

can you point me in the direction to more scholarship, genuinely curious

>> No.12032158

I want to give Noam Chomsky the handjob that causes his death

>> No.12032167


>> No.12032218


Listen to this with an open mind, if you think he's a pseud, please. Fine talking points to bring up on the brink of death if you ask me. A virtuous campaign.

>> No.12032272


He can't because he's full of shit who thinks he's smarter than a well established scholar that lived a full life. Yes, Chomsky made plenty of mistakes, but to dismiss all of his ideas is ludicrous. Most scholars have made plenty of mistakes and some even lost their grace after making them but Chomsky hasn't made any grave mistakes that as the poster said made him "fail" his own field.

>> No.12032507
File: 14 KB, 116x116, 49015CD2-EE0B-47B8-8AF7-379EC9EADF2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12032511

>chomskys position on anything can be boiled down to "america/the west/capitalism bad"

With nary a mention of the leading jewish role in the development of that whole paradigm and who it servers (jews and israel).

That's why he's a subversive fraud, or just your typical jewish intellectual swindler.

>> No.12032528


>> No.12032544


I feel the same way about Rush Limbaugh

>> No.12032552

does anyone know why these posts occur in the first place?

I’m thinking something under the surface might be going on, like people encouraging Nazi movements in the far right mentalities. Sure, Jews are extremely controlling, but there are other forms of influence, so you don’t have to worry so much.

Honestly, it’s literally NOT always the Jews, and you should recognize that

>> No.12032554

Taste the pain!

>> No.12032566

Reminder that all socialists are intellectually bankrupt.

>> No.12032572

Instability breeds populism. People like him look for someone to blame, because quite clearly it's not THEIR fault that their country is crumbling down. It's those pesky IMMIGRANTS AND JOOZ. You shouldn't try to rationalize with these people, you won't get very far. They'll just shout while plugging their ears "FAKE NEWS. IT'S THE JOOZ".

>> No.12032589

Right but the Republican Party at least doesn’t support homosexuality.

I’ll agree it’s definitely not the Jews

>> No.12032597

I miss the time when /lit/ universally hated this hack.

>> No.12032623

Your post upsats me, but I have no energy to pointlessly argue with you.

>> No.12032649

I'm not a socialist or a "leftist". The "JEWS" debate is just moronic and is filled with misinformation spread by people that seek power via misdirection and populist antics. They exploit the people that are too lazy to actually research these "statements" by themselves. I can already see some guy posting 20 absurd charts and dumping information about how JEWS ARE BEHIND EVERYTHING, HERE'S PROOF. So yes, I am as sick of this argument as you but from the other side.

>> No.12032717
File: 319 KB, 942x1148, California dreaming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They'll just shout while plugging their ears
Uh huh.

>> No.12032727

>I can already see some guy posting 20 absurd charts and dumping information about how JEWS ARE BEHIND EVERYTHING, HERE'S PROOF. So yes, I am as sick of this argument as you but from the other side. >>12032649

Like cockwork.

>> No.12032737

In with the old out with the new. At this time I feel that Chomsky just repeats himself. We get it, America is the great satan. Of course of course, we should do this and that, Trump bad, fascism blah blah.

>> No.12032745
File: 6 KB, 227x222, thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In with the old out with the new

>> No.12032790

Keep ignoring the problem. I'm sure the left's crack team will solve the issue eventually.

>> No.12032797


>> No.12032805

Black and white are terrible group identities.
Just look at europe and africa if you believe that. Not one state is equal to another.

Same shit in the US. White were never equal to one another and you have group of white who are much worse than another. Southerner for exemple, were litteraly nigger-tier until fairly recently. Funnily enought, most black originate from the south, and shares many of their culture with it, while immigrants or a few blacks minorities perform much better, sometime even better than the average white.

TL;DR: the gap is mostly because the majority of black perpetuate a garbage thug culture.

>> No.12032822

>I'm not a socialist or a "leftist".
Literally says that at the start of the post. Jesus fucking Christ, can you stop scapegoating and lambasting everyone but your own "correct" ideals.

>> No.12032827

Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose

>> No.12032833

I can attest. These days for most white men living in most parts of the west the "identity" undermines them if anything, since it is socially acceptable to attack and vilify them.

Also a huge difference in temperament exists between African blacks and African American blacks. But African Americans are very successful in entertainment and music set many worldwide trends for what's cool and hip. African blacks are typically much more reserved and conservative, having grown up in extreme poverty and having embraced religion at an early age.

The truth is almost everybody has it bad in one way or another these days, except for the truly powerful and wealthy across racial or ethnic or cultural lines. But when has that ever been untrue?

>> No.12032847

>It's Capitalism, not the Jews.
Two sides of the same coin.

>> No.12032881

How the fuck did you even manage to strawman capitalism from that post? Talk about catapulting to conclusions. No, I'm not blaming capitalism or fascists or any group of people. All I'm saying is that I'm sick of the half-baked "arguments" about how Jews are evil and are "subversive (based)". Can you look yourself in the mirror and realize that blaming others for the shit you took in your living room is your own fault and not the immigrant 's next door.

>> No.12032892

well that really is the world post 1945 now isnt it

>> No.12032896

>But African Americans are very successful in entertainment and music set many worldwide trends for what's cool and hip.

That's another common point with southerner/redneck. The south was overepresented in term of musicians and sportsmen, while the north had almost all the intellectual and scientists.

>African blacks are typically much more reserved and conservative, having grown up in extreme poverty and having embraced religion at an early age.

I wouldn't say it's true. We have a lot of religious africans and arabs in my country, yet it doesn't stop them from having a victim, revengeful culture and being a blight on our suburb.

>The truth is almost everybody has it bad in one way or another these days, except for the truly powerful and wealthy across racial or ethnic or cultural lines.

Basically this, but even they can get fucked.

>> No.12032907

Why do lefties hate southerners so much? Other then being philosemetic and obese, I don't see anything wrong with them.

>> No.12032916

>Hillary Putnam
>Marvin Minsky
>Hubert Dreyfus

All recently dead, and several others I've missed. Chomsky and Searle are our last hope.

>> No.12032928

I’m with you anon his mind make the world a stupider place

>> No.12032932

I haven't mentioned anything about my ideals. I'm just pointing out the obvious problem that caused most instability in the US (and a very similar problem occuring in Europe). This seems like some grand mystery to a lot of people, but I'm not sure why it should be. It's pretty easy to predict what things are going to be like in 25 years.

>> No.12032934

theyre the types that overdosed on cold war ideology and think public school is communist

>> No.12032950

One of their sides scapegoats. Thats it really.

>> No.12032955

Don't need to know anything about your ideals to understand you're an ignorant man. Keep using scapegoats, anon. I'm sure it'll get you very far in life if you refuse to blame yourself.

>> No.12032956

>African blacks and African American blacks
Mostly selection differences. If you mainly permit only wealthy, qualified Africans to immigrate then of course there will be substantial differences. Compare non-selective African immigrants like Somali refugees. Hispanics, of course, hardly go through any selection filter.

>> No.12032967

Hopefully next year, or 2020. Thank goodness he's about to kick it and keel over. The anarchy within his body when the worms and grubs, bacteria and Earth devour him in utter chaos, he can have his pseudo utopia.

>> No.12032977

Born December 1928, so a few weeks shy of 90.

>> No.12033009

I like Chomsky the linguist, hate Chomsky the philosopher.

>> No.12033016

communist authoritarian.

>> No.12033019

>America not an intellectual wasteland
Are you and I living in alternate dimensions?

>> No.12033024

He hasn't had a new idea or any influence in a long time. Who cares?

>> No.12033030

I'd love to know how you explain the world around you.

>> No.12033040

With my big liberal brain.

>> No.12033053

>Hillary Putnam
Good riddance tbqfh

>> No.12033075

Huh? No, the media doesn't support communism.

>> No.12033082

When he croaks it'll be complete anarchy on this board

>> No.12033164

>tfw chomsky woke me to capitalism as the root of all evil

rip in piece based lefty intellectual

>> No.12033169

>Chomsky set me on the path to serfdom
repent, before it's too late

>> No.12033199

>le monopolies are bad except when it's the government meme

>> No.12033230

>implying limited resources and acts of war shouldn't be owned collectively

fucking bootlicker

>> No.12033233

>identifying with a collective
useful idiot

>> No.12033267

When he dies I will legit masturbate during his funeral

>> No.12033294

>that time sam harris and his brainlet cultists got BTFO by chomsky and they released the emails for all to see

>> No.12033340

>that time when Chomsky was more stupid than Samy Harris
Even your lefty friends recognize Chomsky was an ass in that debacle. If anything is cultish, it's thinking that Chomsky BTFOs anyone when he refuses to engage and hides behind his resume.

>> No.12033350

>i am an island

>> No.12033396


>refuses to engage

They had a lengthy email exchange, Harris just accused Chomsky of not considering the intentions of the American state vs. Islamic extremists, which he directly responded to with like, 15 paragraphs.

>> No.12033401

>supporting your competitor's progeny

>> No.12033669
File: 600 KB, 650x994, solzhenitsyn jews in soviet government.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are u implying the US was 'the good guys' in WW2?
if the US is the evil nation that chomsky says then their evil didnt start after 1945, it goes to before the first ww
on the whole i would argue WHY is the US 'the bad guy' and has all this shady shit going on behind the scenes all the time but then youd just find out its unironically the jews jewing agian

>> No.12033693

>Kafka died at 40
>Poe died at 40
>Kierkegaard died at 42
>Orwell died at 46
>Wilde died at 46
>Camus died at 46
>this communist will make it to 90
Why is the world so cruel?

>> No.12033698

is there a single country in history that can be considered a 'good guy'?

>> No.12033701

The short answer is no.

>> No.12033710

Pushkin died at 37 and Lermontov at fucking 26

not a writer but Mozart's death at 35 is another tragedy

>> No.12033747

By lying about the Cambodian genocide and making up numbers about the death toll of the Iraqi sanctions? There are plenty of laudable American intellectuals; Chomsky isn't one of them.

>> No.12033803

He's as wrong as that other faggot, Howard Zinn.

>> No.12033810

Thinking about Mozart dying gets me down every time. It can't be overstated what a prodigious genius was lost.

>> No.12033811
File: 78 KB, 1300x957, laughing-man-sunglasses-pointing-finger-you-summer-style-emotions-people-concept-61697924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good riddance! Am I right, boys? hehe!

>> No.12033865
File: 3.88 MB, 4500x4602, I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is most definitely the jews. They have taken nepotistic control of all of the west's essential institutions and are currently using them against whites, which is why whites have to remove them now, as they've been removed oh so many times before.

>> No.12033870

who's gonna replace him?

>> No.12033990

Orwell was a staunch lefty, going so far as to fight for it in the Spanish Civil War.

>> No.12034003

I think that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard in my life, and that image has been debunked countless times.

>> No.12034005

Camus was a communist too.

>> No.12034012

I'm not even a lefty, but I hate seeing retards on the right equate anti-authoritarianism with anti-leftism, it's a very America centric view of politics that brainlets need to abandon.

>> No.12034024

it's because in the current year the people arguing for 'freedom of speech' or 'freedom from the government' or whatever are all on the right outside of hardcore anarchists

>> No.12034055

>dude don't criticize his credentials he's a scholar

>> No.12034058
File: 374 KB, 1200x1600, 1531656676615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello I'm not that anon but I have a question for you and the others. Whenever someone provides evidence that it's the Jews, you guys just shout him down and tell him to go back to /pol/ and pat each other on the back for not being Nazi retards like that guy. So my question is, where is your evidence that it's NOT the Jews? I've never seen it. I am interested to hear your counter argument.

>> No.12034084

It has not been "debunked". The information there is objectively true and all six major media corporations are owned by kikes as well.

There is no counter-argument. You're responding to a jew defending his tribe.

>> No.12034089

almost none of the people who criticize nazis online are jews

>> No.12034100

>gnome chumpsky
I don't give a lovey mother fuck ass nigga

>> No.12034106

Explain how it isn't the Jews then.

>> No.12034111

>I am an island because I take issue with being forced into a "collectively owned" act of war

>> No.12034122
File: 71 KB, 678x381, Actil-Celebrate-Israel-Parade-New-York-678x381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A large percentage are assuredly jews. Jews have an internet defense force called the hasbara specifically devoted to defending jews online.

>> No.12034129

i know there are various jewish leagues of sorts that do things like that, but criticizing nazis is basically the national pastime of everyone to the left of, well, nazis.

>> No.12034220

You're not going to get an explanation from them because there isn't one. Literally their whole argument is
>durrrrr go back to pol you nazi

>> No.12034241

Humans are capable of great greed and ignorance. Greed and ignorance leads a refusal to address social problems that need being addressed.

That's literally it. Any other explanations are just further elaborations on this plain concept. The Jews are just as much a victim of social turmoil as you are.

>> No.12034254

That's because jews own 94% of western media and project their thoughts onto "the left." Leftists, as well as mainstream conservatives, are intellectual surrogates of the jews. The jew engages in crypsis as a strategy. It pretends to be its host then promotes things that are bad for it in order to weaken it and redirect resources to itself.

>> No.12034265

>The Jews are just as much a victim of social turmoil as you are.

Jews are not victims, they are aggressive swindlers who pretend to be victims in order to fool their hosts. The jews murdered tens of millions of people last century in Russia and most whites don't even know this while worshipping the alleged six million. Jews are liars, never be fooled by their victim narratives.

>> No.12034269

Conformist. This is a goth board, we love all things Chomsky.

>> No.12034273

The world's current malaise is due to countless millions of factors, trying to funnel it down to a single, all-encompassing cause is not only reductionist, it actually makes the problem worse.

Jewish people are not responsible for imperialistic capitalism.
Jewish people are not responsible for overconsumption of resources and environmental degredation.
Jewish people are not responsible for social issues resulting from centuries of inter-ethnic tensions.

There may, in certain instances, be SPECIFIC JEWISH INDIVIDUALS involved in these trends, but they are not the only ones. There are also specific white individuals, specific Chinese individuals, specific Arab individuals, specific Indian individuals, and so on.

>> No.12034274

>everyone who makes fun of my /pol/meme ideology is a jewbot

>> No.12034284

>Jews are not victims, they are aggressive swindlers who pretend to be victims in order to fool their hosts
Jews are not a monolithic entity, just as white people aren't a monolithic entity. Ever notice how white people have killed millions of other white people? That's because they're not a single group. Neither are Jews.

>The jews murdered tens of millions of people last century in Russia
That was not "the Jews", that was authoritarian Bolshevism.

>and most whites don't even know this while worshipping the alleged six million.
The Holocaust happened.

>Jews are liars, never be fooled by their victim narratives.
Some Jewish people are liars, some Jewish people are honest. Some white people are liars, some white people are honest.

>> No.12034298

Chomsky is an obscurantist hack. Beneath his cool rationality is just an opportunistic merchant.

>> No.12034303

>Jewish people are not responsible for social issues resulting from centuries of inter-ethnic tensions.

Jews ran the slave trade while being the main people through media and academia promoting racial tensions.

They are twisted people, do not be fooled.

>> No.12034309

>Jews are not a monolithic entity

Stopped reading there. Jews are the most inbred, tribal people alive. Everything is about the group so they are as monolithic as a people can get.

>> No.12034315

Fuck off Jordan Peterson

>> No.12034320

>Jews ran the slave trade while being the main people through media and academia promoting racial tensions.
No, they did not. Some Jews were involved in the slave trade, yes, but many times more Brits, Frenchmen, Spaniards, etc. were involved in it, for explicitly British, French, Spanish, etc. goals.

>the main people through media and academia promoting racial tensions.
Sure, all of those people advocating for "peaceful ethnic cleansing" and white ethno-states are Jewish, right?

>Jews are the most inbred, tribal people alive
Explain Neturei Karta then.

>> No.12034351


I have been actively hoping for him to peacefully pass away in his sleep without any foul play for about the last year or so. Nothing would be sweeter than for this man to die while Trump is president. Let us hope that the House is held, and that the trauma of this pushes his frail body to succumb.

I harbor similar sentiments toward a certain associate justice.

>> No.12034355

>jews are inbred and tribal
>jews are nomadic and perpetrators of miscegenation

pick 1 you schleprock

>> No.12034369
File: 277 KB, 647x861, 1459380787637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews dominated the slave trade and sold whites into slavery as well. This is just a fact.

>Bachrach describes the Jews of Lyon as “militant, aggressive, and powerful,” and notes that Louis and his officials “apparently ignored gross violations of the law by Jewish slave traders who bought and sold Christian slaves and kidnapped and castrated Christian youths for the Muslim markets in Spain.”[9] Jewish slave trading was of course nothing new, nor was it unusual for European elites to permit Jews to trade in slaves. Pope Gelasius (reigned 492–496) had formally allowed Jews to bring slaves into Italy from Gaul, and Charlemagne had also allowed Jews to engage in slave trafficking during the middle of the eighth century.[10] The Spanish Jews of the tenth century made most of their wealth selling Slavonian slaves to the Caliphs of Andalusia.[11] William Phillips argues that by the time of Louis the Pious, Jews “predominated” among the slave traders supplying Muslim Spain.[12]


Jews are a sick and hostile people who need to be kicked out of all white countries.

>> No.12034375

Jewish inbreeding and hyper tribalism are the result of being a gypsy tribe who is reliant on others for sustenance and protection.

>> No.12034387

He would've told Chomsky to fuck off. Orwell was 100% against totalitarianism. The Spanish civil war and the atrocities of WW2 shook him out of his commie apologetics. It's clear you haven't read Homage to Catalonia or his post-WW2 work.
Lmao, is this a joke? Am I getting trolled? Camus's entire fucking philosophy was "live in the moment. Never ever forget the universe is pure chaos and your existence could end any moment." He believed the commies and their endless struggle towards a worker's paradise was a delusion that made about as much sense as strictly following a religion to go to a perfect afterlife. He was a leftie but he openly critiqued his commie contemporaries.

Am I the only one in this conversation who actually reads?

>> No.12034407
File: 69 KB, 569x784, F37F9ACD-FD74-407E-A84E-D69B4868D309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just seems far too easy to put the blame on a specific race of people. Like, you’d think it was a smaller group of people who control the world. What’s the Jews end game? It’s just so simple to say that they control everything. Did the Jews get trump elected too? Or is that the glorious victory of the subversive right and might of /Pol/? If the they can do that, then what power have the Jews for anything? Did the Jews do 9/11 and the Cuban missile crisis? Did the Jews invent Christianity to enslave the word for 2000 years? It just seems like such a simple cop out. Wouldn’t a really good conspiracy theory seem more plausible?

>> No.12034420

Your image confuses me. Please explain the joke.

>> No.12034431

>jews control the world
>jews control everything

Whites who understand the jewish problem never say the above, which are obvious strawmen, only jews trying to deflect attention away from jews do.

>> No.12034436

Culture of critique is baiting racist psychology explaing the Jewish menace. The last panel of the comic is a jab at the idea of normalizing the book, touting that people give legitimate credence to its scientific merit proving the Jewish conspiracy.

>> No.12034446

I’m not Jewish. Holy shit am I Jewish? Is this part of the question? Is it like a vampire bite? Will I start to crave the taste of foreskin?

>> No.12034459

me too

>> No.12034460

>Jewish conspiracy.
This is another frequently used jewish strawman.

Jews conspire and often conspire openly to increase their power. Them calling people who notice or expose this "conspiracy theorists" is merely them projecting their behavior onto the goyim.

>Culture of critique is baiting racist psychology

It most definitely is not. The Culture of Critique is a three-book series, and the first two were praised by jews. It was only once MacDonald because more aware and critical in the third book that he suddenly became persona non grata.

The CofC is an essential read for all whites who are new to the jewish problem.

Pdf link here:


This poster is a jew. Pay attention to the tricks he's using that I am highlighting here.

>> No.12034472

Look, mate, that doesn't prove anything, other than that "Jews were also involved in the slave trade." Not only that, but the medieval slave trade and the Trans-Atlantic slave trade were two very different things.

Europeans engaged in the slave trade, and Europeans dominated it. I'm not sure why you even care, considering you probably don't like black people either.

>Jews are a sick and hostile people who need to be kicked out of all white countries.
No, Jews are just the same as any other group of people. You might as well say "all whites believe in Jesus and all of them support bombing Syria", even though this is obviously untrue.

>> No.12034482

You all underestimate the power of media in the age of metadata and cgi. A few can totally control a population of idiots. There is a specific trait to their art that makes culture erode itself. Smart notable jews know their own kin well. frankfurt school is anti jew. freud is anti jew. chomsky is anti jew. if you dont get the metaphysical tapestry of this, you are probably less literate than you think. this is nothing new. it has a track record reaching back to earliest recorded history. and when you find yourself getting triggered defending ideas that have nothing to do with you, consider yourself a carrier of that metaphysical virus. fucking plebs

>> No.12034484

I'm happy to take this anon's >>12032125
view as true because it comforts my biases.

>> No.12034491

>Europeans dominated it
Jews dominated it, it's a fact, and they've even admitted it openly as in the Atlantic article here:


Poster, if you are not jewish, you need to stay out of these discussions until you are willing to approach the jewish problem in an honest manner. You only waste the time of people like me who can mop the floor with midwits like you until the sun comes up. Just take a seat on the bench or go back to re+dit until you're ready.

>> No.12034492

>This is another frequently used jewish strawman.
No, it's a very real and very dangerous social phenomenon where people like you choose to blame Jews for the world's ills instead of critically trying to understand the root causes of the problems.

Jews conspire and often conspire openly to increase their power. Them calling people who notice or expose this "conspiracy theorists" is merely them projecting their behavior onto the goyim.
Funny, this sounds exactly like far-right tactics to get people to unwittingly support fascism.

>and the first two were praised by jews.
[citation needed]

>It was only once MacDonald because more aware and critical in the third book that he suddenly became persona non grata.
No, the entire work is full of pseudo-scientific and fallacious arguments. Anyone with even an inkling of loyalty to Truth recognises its insidious nature.

>The CofC is an essential read for all whites who are new to the jewish problem.
There is no "Jewish problem."

>This poster is a jew. Pay attention to the tricks he's using that I am highlighting here.
I'm not that poster. I am also not a Jew. You, on the other hand, are a white nationalist using very obvious gaslighting techniques.

>> No.12034504

>the root causes of the problems
... Are jewish nature, we know this.

>I am also not a Jew.

This is even more pathetic. Jews hate you and view you as their enemy. They call your types "shabbos goyim". Do you know what that means? It means good cattle.

You need to inform yourself or stay out of these discussions in the future.

>> No.12034508

>89 years old
>still writes books
he'll be fine

>> No.12034513

Again, your link doesn't even say "they dominated it", just that "they were involved in it" and that they had a higher per capita ratio of slaves than other ethnicities. This doesn't mean anything though, as Jews were an extreme minority in the US and the absolute majority of slaves were still owned by whites.

>Poster, if you are not jewish, you need to stay out of these discussions until you are willing to approach the jewish problem in an honest manner
It's literally the other way around, you continue to be dishonest and push false facts for the sake of racist ideology. Until you are willing to accept that your Jewish boogeyman is not the cause of the world's problems and that social issues require a much more nuanced view to adequately address, then you will continue to have your arguments debunked until you learn the Truth.

>> No.12034522

>... Are jewish nature, we know this.
There is no such thing as "Jewish nature." The world's problems have a million other, more accurate, causes.

>This is even more pathetic. Jews hate you and view you as their enemy. They call your types "shabbos goyim". Do you know what that means? It means good cattle.
You know who also hates me? Far-right people who call me a "cuck" for not "waking up to the JQ" and wanting to believe in their racist ideology.

>You need to inform yourself or stay out of these discussions in the future.
This is 4chan, free discussion is allowed. You do not get to dictate who engages in discussion with you. If you wish to not hear from me, simply stop replying to me.

>> No.12034524

Basically this poster >>12034460 is the bird in the comic

>> No.12034530

Do not even pretend you read that article that fast. See how intellectually dishonest you are? You are via a Pavlovian reaction defending your own enemy because you are uninformed and naive.

Jews are the source of the problem. They are the main people running formerly white institutions, promoting anti-white propaganda and mass immigration, and they are who need to be removed from white countries. Period.

>> No.12034533

Okay, so how do we solve the problem?

>> No.12034542

>racist ideology.

"Racist" is a fake jewish word brought over from the Soviet Union, which jews ran and where they murdered countless millions. Read about the origins of the word here:


>people who call me a "cuck" for not "waking up to the JQ"

... Probably have a point. Give it a shot, but keep your mouth shut until then. You are out of your league.

>> No.12034545

>Do not even pretend you read that article that fast. See how intellectually dishonest you are? You are via a Pavlovian reaction defending your own enemy because you are uninformed and naive.

>"If one were to inquire more neutrally into what role Jews played in the Atlantic slave trade, one would find that it was a considerable one during the formative years of the trade, in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and a very small one when the trade reached much greater volume, in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. This change in the role of Jews relative to the roles of other Europeans had to do with shifts in power and culture that occurred among various Atlantic-European nations over a period of some 500 years. The trade was dominated first by the Portuguese, then by the Dutch, and then by the English and, to a much lesser extent, the French."

Literally from your article.

>Jews are the source of the problem
They are not. Human greed, ignorance and narcissism are the problem. Killing innocent Jewish people will not get rid of greed, ignorance and narcissism. If anything, it will make these problems worse. You are not looking for solutions. You are looking to direct your anger onto scapegoats.

>> No.12034547
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How it has been solved 359 times before.

>> No.12034548

It's honestly sort of impressive how much effort the antiJew poster puts into his posts. Im convinced it's the same guy every time because of the way he writes

>> No.12034553

>"Racist" is a fake jewish word brought over from the Soviet Union, which jews ran and where they murdered countless millions. Read about the origins of the word here:
No, racism is real and has had catastrophic effects on human societies. Case in point: You hating innocent Jewish people.

>... Probably have a point. Give it a shot, but keep your mouth shut until then. You are out of your league.
No, they have no point, you have no point, and I will continue to expose your dangerous lies so long as you promote them. You are out of your league.

>> No.12034555

>Killing innocent Jewish people

Again more typical jewish strawmen. You are a dishonest person and you should feel embarrassed.

>> No.12034556

Looks like it hasn’t worked if it’s been done 359 times.

>> No.12034560

Anti-Semitism is real and has caused millions of innocent people to be killed.

>> No.12034564
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"Racism" is a healthy biological reaction. That fools like you think you can eradicate it is beyond absurd. It is not a real word, but even if I were to accept the standard jewish definition, it would only reinforce my point, as no one is more "racist" than the jew.

>> No.12034568

>That fools like you think you can eradicate it is beyond absurd
I literally never said that. Don't put words in my mouth.

>It is not a real word, but even if I were to accept the standard jewish definition, it would only reinforce my point, as no one is more "racist" than the jew.
Racism is real. Black people suffer under it. Jewish people suffer under it. Even white people suffer under it.

>> No.12034571

Information was not what it is now. Hopefully it will be permanent this time.

Jews killed upwards of 66 million Russians last century. Their entire religion revolves around genocide. They are psychopaths, so what you call "antisemitism" is a natural and healthy reaction to their behavior. It is a requirement.

>> No.12034573

Where do you guys think antijew is from? I think English is his second language, there’s just something about the way he writes that seems clunky. Maybe German?

>> No.12034575


It is what it is. Maybe people will actually start paying attention to what he said once he's gone.

>> No.12034576

>Racism is real. Black people suffer under it.

Black people are 12% of the population of the US and commit over half of all violent crime. It again is only natural to discriminate against them due to their dysfunctional nature and resultant behavior.

>> No.12034578

>hopefully it will be permanent this time

That sounds a lot like doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result.

>> No.12034579

>Jews killed upwards of 66 million Russians last century
That was not Jewish people, that was Bolshevist authoritarianism.

>Their entire religion revolves around genocide
It does not.

>They are psychopaths
They are not.

>so what you call "antisemitism" is a natural and healthy reaction to their behavior
It is not.

>It is a requirement.
It is not.

>It again is only natural to discriminate against them due to their dysfunctional nature and resultant behavior.
This makes the problem worse, not better.

>> No.12034584

Jews hate *you*. The difference between you and I is that I am aware of it. I am also American with a graduate education, while you are, what, a 19 year old incel who's obsessed with call of duty?

>> No.12034593
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Life is group struggle. What do you expect? We learn and we get better.

>That was not Jewish people, that was Bolshevist authoritarianism.

Jews led the bolshevik revolution, which was also financed by jews like Jacob Schiff, and comprised 86% or so of the government.

>> No.12034595

I always wondered what would Kirke be if he had been born in this era. The other guys would more or less have similar lives

>> No.12034600

Lmao you fucking zoomer. It’s called the god damn United States of America. I have a fucking law degree you cuck. Next time you learn a language, pro tip, learn how to use it conversationally. This may be hard when you don’t have any friends (I genuinely assume you don’t have any friends).

>> No.12034606

You also need to provide counter arguments if you expect to be taken seriously here.

>> No.12034609

No one takes anyone seriously on this Nigerian pasta making forum.

>> No.12034615

I am fluent in 3 languages. You lost the discussion, move on and stay out of these conversations in the future like I told you. If you aren't willing to inform yourself, you only do a disservice to those with whom you are trying to engage.

>> No.12034616

>but I hate seeing retards on the right equate anti-authoritarianism
Guy was socialist you mongoloid

>> No.12034633
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Have you ever thought about not being a fucking crazy person on the Internet? Are you larping? Why would you lie on the Internet?

>> No.12034640

I just looked at those sources. The first one has this gem of a quote:

>In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin. They too, of course, were gradually eliminated in the next purges.

So you mean to tell me the Jews were so in control of Bolshevik Russia that they decided to purge themselves? Really makes you think.

That post didn't provide any "arguments", it just made a bunch of baseless claims that are easily dismissed by anyone who actually cares about Truth.

>> No.12034654

i made pasta this evening because i had so few groceries

I minced a truly enormous quantity of garlic and sauteed it in olive oil, then simmered some chopped canned tomatoes and added a lot of pepper

for some reason this very simple combination is absolutely based

>> No.12034656

I am simply correcting you, on the jewish problem and about speculation related to myself. The issue is whether you will learn from your failure here, educate yourself on the JQ, and stop carrying water for your enemy. I can't control that, I can only suggest you take my advice and be wiser in the future, meaning that you stay the fuck out of these discussions until you're up to speed like I told you before.

>> No.12034664

Jews were purged by Stalin later, though plenty remained in control until the Putin years. Jews cannot actually run anything, as they are nomadic swindlers who wouldn't be living in white countries if they could build these institutions on their own.

>> No.12034672

suck his jew dick while you still can boyo

>> No.12034676

So Jews secretly control things like communism, the media, and so on, yet they're incapable of controlling things? Which one is it?

>> No.12034691

That honestly sounds like the way people talk about white people.

People will say "whitey keeping us down", but then you ask them about who really knows what they're doing, they'll say things like "not whitey, that's for sure."

>> No.12034693

Jew and communist were synonyms until very recently, and their control of the media is well known. Their inability to successfully run white-built media institutions is apparent from the sweeping distrust of the media jews only recently gained a stranglehold of.

They may be good at acquiring power in certain circumstances, but they are a disaporatic middle eastern gypsy tribe. They've never run anything. Even with total control in the Soviet Union they lost much of it within decades, and they are about to undergo a similar purge in the west as more people come to understand what I am explaining itt.

>> No.12034704

That is the way jews talk about white people. This is a struggle between white men and jewish men. Jewish men have recently infiltrated white institutions and replaced white men with other jews while promoting diversity and feminism policies. They view us as their enemy, so they project all of the anti-white propaganda onto the masses out of fear of the coming backlash, as white men become aware of what is going on. That's how nature works.

>> No.12034726

>Jew and communist were synonyms until very recently
So then what about all the capitalist Jews, like the Rothschilds, Marcus Goldman, etc.? Are capitalist Jews communists? Or are communist Jews capitalists?

>the media jews only recently gained a stranglehold of.
I thought "the Jews" had run the media forever. Hollywood has always had a strong Jewish presence, right up until the earliest days.

>They've never run anything
Again, you're saying they're good at acquiring power, but then say they can't run anything? So they just get power and squander it? In which case, why worry about them? Or they can't get power but want it? In which case, why worry about them?

>> No.12034736

>This is a struggle between white men and jewish men. Jewish men have recently infiltrated white institutions and replaced white men with other jews while promoting diversity and feminism policies. They view us as their enemy, so they project all of the anti-white propaganda onto the masses out of fear of the coming backlash, as white men become aware of what is going on. That's how nature works.

That honestly sounds like more of a struggle between white men and white men. White men oppose feminism, whilst other white men promote feminism, for instance. Then when they disagree, they start viewing each other as enemies. Look at how white Republicans get angry at white Democrats, and white Democrats get angry at white Republicans.

>> No.12034760

>what about all the capitalist Jews
Jews are not ideological like whites. Whatever they think is good for jews, they will promote. The jewish bolshevik revolution again was financed by jewish banker Jacob Schiff. The move from communist fervor to neoliberalism in the second half of the 20th century has largely to do with communism's utter failure in the west, as well as it being best for jews.

Jews have always had a lot of power but they were kept out of total power by the former European aristocratic class that was broken down after decades of jewish agitation and subversiveness.

> So they just get power and squander it? In which case, why worry about them? Or they can't get power but want it? In which case, why worry about them?

The jew is a psychopath who comes from a desert cult that has brainwashed him to believe he is destined to control the world and that non-jews are oppressive cattle. Thus when the jew acquires power he immediately uses it to try and kill the host. Does this sound like a level-headed people who are good at ruling things and have a viable long-term strategy that leads to the betterment of anyone other than themselves?

>> No.12034764
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>white men promote feminism

Jews promote feminism.

>> No.12034781
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Some Jews do, yes, but so do some white people. White people, I've realised, disagree a lot with other white people. It's a shame, I think white people act very cruel towards one another.

>> No.12034794
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But again, that's due to jews owning 94% of the media in white countries and being, for instance, 67% of the graduate school students at formerly white, policy-dictating universities like Harvard.

These white people you're referring to are not expressing their own opinions, they are repeating things passed down to them by jews.

>> No.12034797

dweeby chimp

>> No.12034798

Good. Stupid old fuck can die. Fuck you too you push.

>> No.12034859

Wouldn't be the first time the left-wing made disastrous mistakes within their own movements to undermine their own ideas.

>> No.12034867


Why are Americans so stupid?

>> No.12034880

cool thread fellas

>> No.12034899

And what makes you think the white people who oppose Jews are expressing their own opinions, and not opinions that have been passed onto them by someone else?

>> No.12034908

How is that comment wrong

>> No.12034939

Most are because that's just how it works. The most important thing here though is that it's intelligent whites like me who have those whites' best interests in mind passing it on, and not hostile alien semites.

>> No.12034967


>undergrad pseude edgelords actually believe this

>> No.12034970

Lol what age were you when you realized he was full of shit? I was 15. Fuck this intellectually dishonest hypocrite.

>> No.12034985

What nerve is that? He’s an idiot, so yes fools do strike a nerve in a way.

>> No.12034994

This desu, it’s ironic he’s only taken seriously now in Eastern Europe

>> No.12034999

Let’s face it, they’re the same coin

>> No.12035006


>> No.12035014

This fuck. He really has no insight into human nature given his field of study stature as a public intellectual.

>> No.12035019

Chomsky can’t consider intentions because he has no idea how people act in the real world. He lives in more of a fantasy land than George RR Martin.

>> No.12035022

Glad to know there are some people that have a brain posting

>> No.12035028

Utterly destroyed

>> No.12035060
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based and redpilled

>> No.12035063

>it’s my job to spew other people’s prewritten ideology
>I am the smart

>> No.12035480

Who will support brown dictators now?

>> No.12035527

>The history of the writing of Verbal Behavior (Skinner, 1957), Chomsky's review (1959), and MacCorquodale's rebuttal (1970) are briefly summarized. Chomsky's recent reflections on his review are analyzed: Chomsky's refusal to acknowledge the review's errors or its aggressive tone is consistent with his polemical style but comes at a minor cost in consistency and plausibility. However, his remarks about the place of Skinner's work in science reveal misunderstandings so great that they undercut the credibility of the review substantially. The gradual growth in the influence of Skinner's book suggests that its legacy will endure.


>The year 2007 marked the 50th anniversary of the publication of B. F. Skinner's "Verbal Behavior", a book that by Skinner's own account was his most important. The received view, however, is that a devastating review by a young linguist not only rendered Skinner's interpretation of language moot but was also a major factor in ending the hegemony of behaviorism in psychology and paving the way for a cognitive revolution. Nevertheless, in taking stock of "Verbal Behavior" and behaviorism, both appear to be thriving. This article suggests that Verbal Behavior and behaviorism remain vital partly because they have generated successful practical applications. (Contains 2 figures and 2 footnotes.)


He was and remains a pseud, just like you are. His seminal academic work that put him on the map was appallingly poor and was just empty pseudo-intellectualism of his day, embraced only because it was new and exciting. Meanwhile, he didn't even understand what he was criticizing or the fact that predemonantly all of his criticism was already conceded by the author. Looking at the critique, it's like he was some hack who happened to take a bunch of dexamfetamine, which would explain it's more a combative, meanspiritited polemic than an academic work. Anyone who takes this hack's opinions on anything seriously is a disgrace. He isn't a Renaissance man. He is is an empty academic who only impresses undergrads with a mid-to-sort-of-high IQ, that otherwise meanders into fields he has no business in under the mask that he is some learned genius "scholar".

>> No.12035551

Wtf happened here

>> No.12035552

I have no idea about the veracity of the Skinner thing, but I notice a lot of parallels between B. F. Skinner and Benjamin Whorf/Edward Sapir, namely in that you only ever learn about them and their theories through other people who refute them by putting words in their mouths. It's not as bad now. When I was at university, the wikipedia article (for instance) on Ben Whorf and linguistic relativitySapir-Whorf hypothesis was basically nonstop nonsense perpetuated by uncharitable secondary sources and out-of-context quotes.

>> No.12035555

It's so frustrating and rage inducing that he became such a saintly and authorative figure.
He's like a fucking Rabbi.

>> No.12035640

>“When Skinner tells us that a fascinating hobby is ‘reinforcing’ [writes Chomsky], he is surely not claiming that the behavior that leads to indulging in this hobby will be increased in probability.” That is precisely what I did claim. “Rather he means that we enjoy the hobby.” That is precisely what I did not mean. (Skinner, 1983, p.320)

>> No.12035689

Fuck this wannabe polymath

>> No.12036427


>> No.12036591

>Chomsky's refusal to acknowledge the review's errors or its aggressive tone is consistent with his polemical style but comes at a minor cost in consistency and plausibility.

This really sums him up as a whole.

>> No.12037771

I wish he cleared his throat for once before speaking

>> No.12038094
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Chomsky is an hack, but so is Skinner.

In fact, pic related is the only non-hack that I know of, and I know about everyone.

>> No.12038229

What other country would be a better superpower and leader in the world? China? Russia? America is the best possible choice out terroble choices.

>> No.12038260

>being this venomous over people you've never met
Why do fags on 4chan do this?

>> No.12038282

China is the only Communist power left, so China.

>> No.12038285

I'm not a commie, but I know that no serious commie considers china communist in any meaningful sense.

>> No.12038293

That's just what they want the capitalists to think.

>> No.12038295

China is basically 19th century capitalist England.

>> No.12038308

You just don't see the long-term plan. Communism will win eventually.

>> No.12038318

You have to work on your baiting skills, comrade.

>> No.12038356

isnt that literally why chomsky is popular

>> No.12038363


>> No.12038498

You see this is such a classic position of communists, whenever you point them to a communist country they deny that the country is communist

>> No.12038503


>> No.12038519

Capitalists also do this

>> No.12038549

Jews moved into the empty spaces left by the masons in the last few centuries if I'm not mistaken. It's not just them (mostly diaspora), but they're definitely dominant in the west. That seems to be changing though.

>> No.12038554

The EU

>> No.12038556

i dont see people talking about the masons much. If you like subversive secretive groups the masons have the jews beat by a mile

>> No.12038573

Yeah and after seeing what commies in action were like he wrote Animal Farm, what's your point

>> No.12038624

I live in Texas and all the Mason lodges are just clubs for middle class negroes.

>> No.12038639

You see. I never thought there was any Jewish conspiracy. I just dislike their nepotism. Same applies to any nepotism really. I'm just a bitter person.

>> No.12038646

That doesn’t make you bitter

>> No.12038670

Here's Chomsky's trick:

>find 3030430 left-wing contacts around the world
>ask them to tell you what left-wingers in each of their countries are currently sperging about
>sprout their spergs

That's his actual method. I only realized it a few years ago when he started talking about the situation in my country - Brazil. I immediately noticed everything he says comes from left-wing newspapers and he has very little idea of the reality of my country.

I would love to see Chomsky debating (in written form, of course) judge Sergio Moro about whether Lula's should've run for president or not. Chomsky's little ass would be destroyed in a matter of but a few paragraphs.

>> No.12038686

>a left wing thinker spouts left wing beliefs
And in other news, water is wet.

>> No.12038694

>reality of my country
Until they make a breakthrough in cloning Adolf in the jungles of your country the realities there don't mean shit.

>> No.12038696

Where do I start with him, fellas? The New Mandarins seems like a good place to dip a toe in.

>> No.12038699

The point is that he offers nothing new.

For instance: in Lula's imprisonment case, it's quite obvious he didn't read Sergio Moro's sentence, he just read some left-wing articles and repeated them ad infinitum, that's all.

He does the same when trying to refute the science of IQ:


>> No.12038700

what are your opinions on your recently elected thot patroller

>> No.12038714

Well, Chomsky's been talking about it, meeting with one of the candidates, marrying our women etc.

>> No.12038752

Joke opinion or serious one?

>joke opinion

Hahaha, tá com medo, petista safada? Pinochet 2.0!!!

>serious opinion

Bolsonaro himself is not a very smart man, just your average uncle Joe, but with army experience and a deep knowledge of how politics works. However, he is *very conscious* of his limitations, and therefore has surrounded himself with a strong team of ministers who have a good chance of turning Brazil into a liberal economy, making deals with countries such as Israel, Japan and the US instead of Cuba and Venezuela. On the other positive side, he selected judge Sergio Moro to be his Justice Minister, which shows a very real willingness to fight corruption to the very marrow of its bone. Therefore, he has two very strong arguments in his favor: economical liberalism and systematic fight against corruption.

The negative sides are his authoritarian personality (which has been tamed very well by external political necessities, so that in my personal view it's really ceased to be a threat already) and the overall unpredictability of his future administration.

>> No.12038768

Interesting, I knew nothing about the man, my entire knowledge of him was from the webm where he calls the reporter a slut and says she doesnt deserve to be raped by him.

What level of corruption is Brazil, like Russia tier or are we talking Africa levels?

>> No.12038810

Africa levels, probably. In fact, PT financed quite a few African dictatorships, including some very random ones.

Bolsonaro's webm needs context. Let me explain.

In 2002 or so, a 17 year old guy named Champinha raped a girl for five days straight, then beheaded her. Since he was *just 17*, he didn't go to actual jail, even though his partners-in-crime, who were older but much less active than him in the crime itself, all got very large sentences. Instead, Champinha got sent into some sort of rehab thing for youths, and nowadays he is in a mental institution, living a normal life just like other mental health patients.

Well then, Bolsonaro didn't like this, because he thought Champinha deserved to be judged as harshly as someone who is older than 18, since his actions indicate he knew perfectly well what he was doing. So we has giving an interview to some random reporter, when Maria do Rosário, a PT (Partido dos Trabalhadores - Worker's Party) deputy, suddenly emerged and called Bolsonaro a rapist (!) because he was defending a harsher punishment for a rapist. Why did she call him that? No one knows, but Bolsonaro got very mad, and, since he's well-known for his dirty mouth, said that [even if he were a rapist] he wouldn't rape her because she's not worthy of it [since she's very ugly].

>> No.12038835

>when Maria do Rosário, a PT (Partido dos Trabalhadores - Worker's Party) deputy, suddenly emerged and called Bolsonaro a rapist (!) because he was defending a harsher punishment for a rapist. Why did she call him that? No one knows,
top lel these people are constantly entertaining.

Well hopefully his government can do something about the corruption, it really is a cancer on a country that just makes nothing work properly

>> No.12038885

How does he keep getting away with it? Even his linguistic critiques are exactly as you described. He seems to only be called out years after the fact, yet by then he's too busy dabbling in another field. He is a serial pseud. A polyseud.

>> No.12039208
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>> No.12039251

imagine being so disgusting that you get ejected from 109 countries and need to pass laws to try to make normal people stop hating you

>> No.12039261

>evolution stopped at the neck

>> No.12039319

He was still a socialist. He was anti-Communist and particularly anti-Stalinist even when people were accepting the Soviet Union as a political necessity because they were allies against Germany, but he was always a believer in Socialism

>> No.12039334


>Implying anyone really understands geopolitics

>> No.12039411

there is not a single jew other than him that I like, admire or respect. Before him it was Kubrick & Fischer. Einstein is a fraud and Marconi (among others) complained about it, everybody in the scientific community knew he abused his patent office position to steal other's works, including relativity and the famous formula

>> No.12039415

>Harvard professor bad
>Rotten neocon good

nigga you high

>> No.12039475

Who cares, he's an idiot when it comes to politics, and that's the only reason people even know about him.

>> No.12039810
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> the left are the real fascist
All that talk that antifa was a terrorist organization, was in reality pro-antifa

>> No.12039820

>Jews moved into the empty spaces left by the masons in the last few centuries if I'm not mistaken.

You're definitely mistaken.

>> No.12040023

He's a midwit in his field and a FUCK AMERICA dimwit when talking about politics.

>> No.12040179

Thank god I posted this message at the start of the thread, before americans came and proved my point. They are utterly retarded, beyond redemption.

>> No.12040210

>told Chomsky to fuck off

Over what? Chomsky clearly isn’t a Stalinist, he dislikes bourgie state authority. The only reason he even tolerated or advocated for movements like Chavez or PT in Brazil was because he considers himself to be working within what is possible. He decries them now for fucking up (even though he supported Lula over Bolsonaro for the same reasons above, the practical advantage of having Lula in power who is just a social democrat over Bolsonaro).

>> No.12040215

But it's not communist, you can do that just by looking at its policies. China is becoming more capitalsit every year.

>> No.12040220

Much worse than the U.S.
Won't exist in a few decades.

>> No.12040527


China is more like Catholic Europe, but if the Catholic Church chose the king. The party is made up of scholarly, technocratic elites (not in the western sense) who have to rise to the top through systems that test their relative competency the whole way through. Chinese business is probably more beholden to the party than the other way around. However, there is significant overlap which would be considered corruption.

>> No.12040992

No shit he was a socialist. My point is Chomsky is a communist apologist piece of shit and Orwell wasn't. Well, he wasn't after the Spanish civil war.

>> No.12041044

I meant it's 19th century England in its brutality, lack of workers right, etc. Not in its state organization.

>> No.12042055

already got the champagne baby

>> No.12042214

Death is the fate of all mortals, anon. Get used to this fact.

>> No.12042523

what he says is very uninteresting.
he's also very thick headed and clueless about socialism, like almost all anarchists

>> No.12042534

He's like the far-left's version of Ben Shapiro, as in whenever he isn't debating retards or saying inane shit he's destroyed, combined with Ben Carson's being an intellectual heavyweight in one area and at the same time being waaay outside of it.

>> No.12042986

I'm gonna be so happy when we exit last centuries ghost of politics..

>> No.12043112

>he still thinks that capitalism and the death of the Faustian spirit is the Jewish spectre's fault
Why can't dumb niggers read Weber?

>> No.12043390

>as in whenever he isn't debating retards or saying inane shit he's destroyed

I have never seen this happen. Everyone who claimed to have bested him merely exaggerates and misinterprets what he actually said.

>> No.12044180
File: 61 KB, 662x845, 1537991576467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plz go back to hillbillies' land drumpfer

>> No.12045295

Low IQ stylometry detected.

>> No.12045303

What? Why wouldnt it be? If you analize it like a fucking 8 years old with an underdeveloped sense of morality then no

Ffs colonization and war isn't "bad", a country shouldn't be harmless and powerless, for a country to destroy or colonize a more savage nation means an act of """good""" if you want to analyze it using bad or good schemes.
Because the real question for every country is if they are in the side of civilization or in the side of savagery, every other thing is irrelevant

>> No.12045367

Could you send me a source of the made-up death toll?

>> No.12045592

His debate with Focault is an example

>> No.12045682

And he's never admitted defeat once in his life, even when it's painfully obvious he's severely misunderstood the people he's criticized. like Skinner

>> No.12045958

chomsky is the final boss of editorials

i don't know why you will miss him. he has been saying the same thing for decades and he is now on end-game scenario.