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/lit/ - Literature

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12031063 No.12031063 [Reply] [Original]

I feel as tho /mu/ and /tv/ have strong answers to this question in their forums but then when it gets to /lit/ aside from memers like Peterson and maybe some fiction writers like Franzen, who does /lit/ respect the most?

I'm mostly curious about novelists and poets, as I know if I ask nonfiction you'll probbaly list like political thinkers and stuff who I already know. Tho if there are more philosophical writers I'm curious about them too

Just wondering go raibh maith agut lads

>> No.12031119

Michel Houellebecq

>> No.12031159

Yeah I should have mentioned him in my post. Submission seems to be one of the few modern novels /lit/ has any respect for lol

>> No.12031173

Honestly /lit/ is almost completely ignorant of good contemporary writers. It’s trapped with its head up its own elitist ass but doesn’t realize it’s completely cut off from the world. Lit just reads and pretends to read the same 10-15 classics over and over and anything recent which they’ve heard about it just stuff from award longlists

>> No.12031185

There are none. Literature is a dead art and everyone with any real talent has moved on to writing for movies, tv series, and games.

>> No.12031188


>> No.12031200

>There are none. Literature is a dead art
Pretty much this. When the only worthwhile topic to write about is how everything's shit and only going to get worse (because it's true), you're not going to get much good literature.

>> No.12031207
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Well if they're so ignorant who is around? Like what happened to this whole new sincere movement DFW predicted? Unironically I think Franzen is a fantastic popwriter idc what /lit/ says

But this decade aside from Franzen and Houllebecq I see nothing, particularly no coherent movement. I read Zadie Smith's Spring Time and it was a shite

That's partially what it appears to me yeah

Haven't heard of him I'll look him up thanks

>> No.12031217

We won't know until they die and are rediscovered 20 years later

>> No.12031278

>aside from memers like Peterson and maybe some fiction writers like Franzen
what the fuck lol? go away tourist..

>> No.12031295
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u wot, I literally don't know what you mean. I know Peterson and Franzen are plebtier but they're a couple of the only popwriters I actually know and enjoy

----------Hence why I'm asking you guys for any recommendations for better writers--------------

>> No.12031394

peterson is 2 minute hate on /lit/ and Franzen is discussed only sparingly, often with a kind of affectionate mockery. just triggering my autism anon by implying WE do not discuss contemporary writers enoiug!!!

>> No.12032025

That is some serious argument right there. You better explicate your stance.

Though contemporary lit is indeed shitty, i don't think it says something about the potential of it. It's just wrongly directed effort and sometime just a pure lack of it.

Technological changes are taking away some of the merits that this medium used to possess exceptionally but they don't leave it completely bareand devoid of anything ( or "dead" for that matter).
Also - the pase of social and psychological changes that they carry with them is very rapid and lit on the other hand is a very slow medium and so it is a greater challenge in a way then previous generations.