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/lit/ - Literature

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1202531 No.1202531 [Reply] [Original]

Read this in one sitting today.

All I have to say is holy fuck.


>> No.1202537

what a wonderful waste of time

>> No.1202541


>> No.1202543

4 realz, can you tell me one thing you took from the book? something to warrant the time spent?

>> No.1202548

It was a damn good read ? I'm not going to day it changed my outlook on life or anything, but for what it was it was extremely well done.

Care to comment on any of his other works then ?

>> No.1202557

Was just curious, never cared much for King. He has done some incredible things as an author though, to write so accessibly and retain an adult audience is impressive. Popular fiction seems to have disappeared or gone full retard, but King manages to sell millions and retain his soul (for the most part). Glad you enjoyed the book.

>> No.1202631

Appreciate it.

Also, bump.
Also, King thread.

>> No.1202638

OP, congrats on levelling up to 7th grader /lit/

>> No.1202639

lol good one.

What's your point ?

>> No.1202669

I haven't read it yet. I suppose you suggest it? I should get back into King actually...

>> No.1202672

Better than movie?

>> No.1202752

Hell to the yes.
Haven't seen it, from the look of the trailer I'm thinking the book will shit all over it.

The book literally increased my heart rate towards the end.

>> No.1202767

It's one of my least favorite Stephen King books, but it's not too bad.

>> No.1202777

Hey King thread, what's the best King book?

And no, it's not the Dark Tower series. I thought that kinda sucked.

>> No.1202840

The book is good.
Best King book, in my opinion: Tommyknockers thought IT is the scariest one

>> No.1202906
File: 65 KB, 425x450, No Fun Allowed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

average /lit/ person: hurr duurrr King isn't deep enough and it's too popular for my pretentious taste! Bring more Dostoyevsky and stop enjoying your books!

>> No.1202920
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I'm finishing IT and so far it was great. It was my first Stephen King book and I'll definitely check out some more. Actually... I just bought Bag of Bones and can't wait to start reading.

>> No.1202925

No, the average /lit/ person is a stupid coon like you.

>> No.1202950


Isn't it nice when a person can be conceited, racist and stupid all in the same sentence?

Go back to /b/, kid. We don't need adolescent angst and aggression here.

>> No.1202957

I thought Cell was pretty good, currently reading Thinner and I think that one is pretty amazing, too.

>> No.1202964


I've been here longer than you, you fucking windbag.

>> No.1202971



>> No.1202978


oh lol. Really? You've "been here longer" than me? Jesus fuck, are you actually a kid? I was just being condescending but you really are underage. Well, then you better go back to school before your parents find out you skipped today.

>> No.1202982



>> No.1202983


Keep begging, coon.

>> No.1202996
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Okay. You probably think you are trolling, so I'll just let you know now, before it get's embarrassing; You aren't doing very well at it.

>> No.1203007


No, I'm not trolling. It gives me no pleasure to have to put you in your place.

>> No.1203009
File: 53 KB, 704x720, guesswhatididguys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, little guy. Whatever you say.

>> No.1203015


You like Stephen King and despise literature. You will never have the right to condescend to anyone.

>> No.1203018
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>> No.1203022
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Well, you are a stupid doody face and I am so cool, I am 2 kool 4 skool.

Who's better now, mister poopy face?

>> No.1203068

And now back to the thread
Also Pet Cementry and Call are pretty good
Call = Stephen King writing the zombie apocalypse, what more can one possibly want?

>> No.1203071


This won't save you.

>> No.1203081



>> No.1203114

I apologize

>> No.1203629

lol flame war.


>> No.1203646

all downhill from that one, op

>> No.1203678
File: 41 KB, 449x337, 1224809875090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Maximum Overdrive
>mfw when King is a AC/DC fan
>mfw when the entire soundtrack in Maximum Overdrive movie is AD/DC

>> No.1203741

It is his scariest work, but that ending, blah
Salem's Lot is my favorite, his vampires are fucking great