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12029749 No.12029749 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12029865

There is only one Christ and Messiah. That is Jesus Christ.

>> No.12029773

Jesus was nothing but a fucking kike, lets nail him to the cross with ten-inch spikes.

>> No.12029779


Your mouth is just another asshole. Irreverent swine, you'll get yours.

>> No.12029787

Jesus was nothing but a hebe, a penny-pinching scum. He never had a job, just another jewish bum.

>> No.12029789

You wouldn't even bother reading the Gospel of Thomas, nor would you even consider his teachings. You oust yourself as nothing but another subhuman contrarian, content with spewing bullshit about a figure whose life altered history forever. You are among the masses that do not know of what they speak. Understand this, and grow out of your pitiful reflexive and conditioned responses.

>> No.12029796

The gospel of thomas has no actual credibility. The only credible gospels are that of Mark John Luke and Matthew. You are spreading lies. Even more so with this solar and cosmic nonsense.

>> No.12029798

His GLORY endures forever, while you will die in banal obscurity with your pornography and trite misgivings. Repent and open your unclean mind to gnosis.

>> No.12029805
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He was a fugitive, witch-doctor, born in an impoverished stable among other filthy cattle and practiced illegal necromancy.

Predicted fulfillment of Balaam's prophecy and failed his messianic mission for the Jews, thus was supposedly worshipped by three Magi of Arabia.

You call him the son of God, I call him the Son of 1000 men.

On a mule rides the Swindler.

>> No.12029811

The prophets of the old testament all predicted the coming of Jesus.
Zechariah 9:9: “Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.”

>> No.12029817

>You call him the son of God

Which HE is, and YOU are a nobody. Everyone will know this sooner or later. You aren't proving anything to anyone except to yourself. This thread was a thread of praise for the Christ and his teachings, yet you are so possessed of the compulsion for blasphemy, derived from ignorant egotism, that you can't shut up about it. Your continued contrarianism is a direct consequence of the smallness of your own soul.

>> No.12029849
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Christs may come and christs may go, but Caesar is forever.

>> No.12029975
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>Gospel of Thomas

>> No.12029981
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>> No.12030072

Go cry about it on r*ddit, Atheistcuck. I'm sure there you and your fellow intellectuals can all jerk off at how smart and right you are.

>> No.12030079

Metal as fuck.

>> No.12030082

You are a rapist who raped me. You should prove that you are not a rapist cause I don't have any proof lol.

>> No.12030353

You dobt have to quote a psued book to look intelligent. Theres a similar verse in luke i think

>> No.12030446

>The gospel of thomas has no actual credibility. The only credible gospels are that of Mark John Luke and Matthew.

And that's according to judeochristianity, which is a Jewish corruption of christianity. Go figure...

>> No.12030766
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This. Necromancer Jesus sounds badass.

>> No.12030822

I'm just curious why, if Adam & Eve are believed to be a "thing" by Christians and Jews alike, both religious peoples and their respective races and cultures publicly decry fucking one's own sister if she's hot.

I mean, by their own admission, all of humanity is an orgiastic incest-fest fuelled by sin.

>> No.12030873

Is the gospel of thomas a confirmed gospel? How do we know? What about the gospel of judas?

>> No.12030887

Genesis isn't meant to be taken literally.

>> No.12030912

The Bible is a Hebrew text that has little to do with what Jesus really thought. Why do you think Jesus would have wanted an institutionalized religious text of his philosophy when he was fighting against the priest class of his time? And the Gospel of Thomas is very clear, and also very convincing, of this fact. Reading it is actually a joy, whereas reading most of the Bible is a chore that leaves you feeling disgusting.