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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 108 KB, 545x363, TyBrax23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1202829 No.1202829 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, has reading ever gotten in the way of your personal relationships before?

-do you prefer reading rather than going out and meeting new people?
-has the content or time-spent reading affected your romantic relationships? if so how?
-do friends and strangers judge you by your choice in literature? have you lost any friends for this reason? gained?

Lastly how strongly does literature figure in your personal identity, either day-to-day or on Facebook? Are you "the guy that's into books"?

>> No.1202834

You are a sad, sad person

>> No.1202837
File: 6 KB, 240x160, TyBrax16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how so?

>> No.1202846

- no i prefer going out but can balance the two
- no, when in a romantic relationship time spent reading usually gets shortened
- not really, though i do read often so do most people i associate with as they're on the same university course.

>> No.1202847

Reading can effect your life. Literature can't

>> No.1202869

oh brownbear you're such a consummate everyman

>> No.1202881


Fuck you you retarded fucking tripfag I hope books keep you from ever procreating and spreading your sickly and disgusting genes.

>> No.1202888

>implying it will be books rather than choice

>> No.1202890
File: 146 KB, 336x332, 1283707679778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saging an on-topic thread

>> No.1202892
File: 12 KB, 167x168, shrugging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is about as on-topic as whether pushkin smoked is a question relevant to literature

>> No.1202893
File: 62 KB, 288x382, skhovlksklsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ffffuckk wrong pic

captcha: synonyms faillori
dont sage me bro

>> No.1202894

/lit/ the drinking game:

Take a shot every time D&E makes that stupid 'whether or not Pushkin smoked' joke.

>> No.1202895

No it isn't.

This thread is completely on-topic. Just because you only like discussing certain things to do with literature doesn't mean everyone else doesn't want to see this thread at the top of the frontpage.

>> No.1202899

*within literature

>> No.1202902

This thread is retarded, I don't even care if it's on-topic or not

I want tybrax banned from this board because his/her identity is a disruptive presence

>> No.1202922


i'm glad to see you understand

>> No.1202933
File: 2.00 MB, 535x290, 1283707115156.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh brownbear you're such a consummate everyman
>i'm glad to see you understand

>sage posting ITT
Sure is legit aspie ITT

>> No.1202939

I wish it did, Ty. Unfortunately I'm a terribly undisciplined reader. If a friend moots going out for drinks, I put the book aside. Weeks go by between chapters. It's a terrible curse, being so gregarious. I wish I had some of that dormouse-like ability to huddle indoors and immerse myself in the imagination.

>> No.1202942

Do you not use public transport at all during the week? (Americans are still asleep right?)

I actually do most of my reading on the train & inbetween classes now.

>> No.1202947


I tend to use taxis or walk.

>> No.1203021

This. I read for an hour twice a day on the bus to Dundee

Anyway, it doesn't get in the way of my relationships. Balancing how much you read with how much you socialise etc isn't difficult. Also quite a few of my friends read too, so I'm not considered any different for that reason. I've never lost any friends because of my reading habits or tastes, but I've certainly gained some

>> No.1203029

An hour to get to Dundee? Fifer?

>> No.1203031

>No tripcode

>> No.1203034

I've lost friends, but I'm not sure if it's to do with reading. See I'm also into cinema (which, yes is quite social, but then when you go to see french subtitled films your friends tend not to care, plus I want to see the film, not chat during) and I do enjoy diving into a good video game, however rarely they come by.

I tend to go for a long time without contacting people and my friends are generally busy with work etc these days so it's hard to get them together as well.
Basically if it wasn't for college, I think books would be all I have.

>> No.1203038

Other direction, Carnoustie. Pretty sure you asked me this before actually. Nice place, has a used book sale in the library every couple of months

>> No.1203049

>do you prefer reading rather than going out and meeting new people?
In most cases I would choose reading. Being around people drains me.

>has the content or time-spent reading affected your romantic relationships? if so how?
>Implying I have ever had a romantic relationship.

>do friends and strangers judge you by your choice in literature? have you lost any friends for this reason? gained?
>do friends
No, I have never been judged. But then again I mostly read in the comfort of my own home, not at Starbucks having a grande latte enema.

>> No.1203050

>-do you prefer reading rather than going out and meeting new people?

Absolutely. Why listen to some ignorant person prater on hopelessly about current events when I can, instead, have them dissected by experts or seek out their ultimate causes in books of philosophy and politics?

>-has the content or time-spent reading affected your romantic relationships? if so how?

I suppose in the sense that I've never cared to seek out a romantic partner and instead get my kicks from dreaming of myself brutally fucking Helen or being ravaged by the giants of Brobdingnag, they have greatly affected my romantic life.

>-do friends and strangers judge you by your choice in literature? have you lost any friends for this reason? gained?

I've never had very many friends to lose.

>> No.1203059

>I don't know what a tripcode is

Oh wait you're just ty trolling. Die of AIDS bitch.

>> No.1203061

>Why listen to some ignorant person prater on hopelessly about current events when I can, instead, have them dissected by experts or seek out their ultimate causes in books of philosophy and politics?

All-too typical but still.

saging u mad tybrax?

>> No.1203065

TyBrax, why are you asking about personal relationships, considering that you don't have any personal relationships at all? Why would this thread even matter to you.

I kid, I kid (I think (Like, seriously, why are you asking these questions?)).

I'll go ahead and answer though, as I've been rude.

>do you prefer reading rather than going out and meeting new people?
I read more often than I go out and meet new people, so I don't know if that counts as a yes. Though I've become a bit of a shut in recently, since I want to knock out the last few credits I need for my undergraduate degree.

I will admit that I haven't made any serious/lasting/bromance-quality friendships in the past few years, but I've been in a serious relationship and that's really all of the social interaction that I've been needing. It might sound crazy, but it's true.

Long story short, I wouldn't say that reading has affected my social life, as it's obviously been other things.

>> No.1203066
File: 10 KB, 600x453, lexicographer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has the content or time-spent reading affected your romantic relationships? if so how?
No. I've been in a romantic relationship for the past three-and-a-half years now. The relationships has had a few low points, as any relationship will, but they were not in any way affected by reading literature. My girlfriend and I sometimes get into silly arguments over literature, though really reading is simply something that we have in common, and has probably made us smarter people, as we're always recommending literature to each other, literature that we probably wouldn't have found by ourselves.

>do friends and strangers judge you by your choice in literature? have you lost any friends for this reason? gained?
If anyone is judging me based on what I'm reading, well, I don't really care. Worrying so much about appearances is the mark of a fragile person. And I've met people who pretend to read certain books/authors in an attempt to sound smart, or they'll make a big deal about reading a certain book in an attempt to sound smart, and it's kind of funny that someone's that desperate to appear intelligent, but most of all it's sad.

I can't say that I've gained or lost any friends based on my tastes in literature. If I've gained or lost any friends, it's been due to other reasons entirely.

>> No.1203079 [DELETED] 


Hey dude, have you ever considered being an actor?

>> No.1203082

Hello sub humans, nice day isn't it.

>> No.1203089
File: 29 KB, 349x413, 1267054982167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, why do you ask?

>> No.1203095 [DELETED] 


You live fairly near to where an independent filmmaker I know will presently be shooting. He uses non-professionals a lot (think Bresson, Dardenne bros.), and I've been scouting for potential participants for small roles in his next film.

>> No.1203116

-I don't mind either way, though I am finding myself put off of people because they get on my nerves though.

-I can't comment, but it perhaps might.

-People don't necessarily care what I read. I'm happy with that. My dad says I should read "less serious" stuff though.

>> No.1203120


Ignore your dad, he's dumb.

>> No.1203123



>> No.1203133

I live in St.Andrews, and despite it being a uni town, I'm a townie* and there isn't even that much around here. So I spend most of my days browsing the oxfam used book store and reading at home. Plus most of the people I know are bigots and Townies†

*Townie in the non-university student sense, NOT townie as in track suit wearing uneducated buffoon.

† Townie as in track suit wearing uneducated buffoon football hooligan types.

>> No.1203136

Sounds interesting. Mind dropping me a quick email with some more info? Thanks for the opportunity

>> No.1203141 [DELETED] 


Will do! Talk to you soon!

>> No.1203171


Hello, me again, I've deleted my messages to try and minimise the chances of /b/tards impersonating me in your inbox for the lulz. Talk to you soon.

>> No.1203198

Hey, sorry but I'm no longer interested. If your offer was genuine, then thanks for considering me, but asking for my name, mobile number and photo right away has made me too suspicious to want to participate

>> No.1203208

Books are the one thing I leave blank on my interest column on facebook because I can't stand name-dropping

>> No.1203210

I always carry a book with me, even at social occasions when it would be inappropriate.
Sure, I usually don't -need- it, but you never know man, you never know.

I once ended up with a girl that slept a whole lot longer than me. God, was I happy I had a book to read whilst laying next to her.

>> No.1203214


It was genuine, and remains open if you change your mind. You can add him on Facebook if you prefer. Sorry you got the fear, and good luck with your future endeavours.

>> No.1203218

Fucking seconding this.

>> No.1203223

Thanks, take it easy yourself bro

>> No.1203231

No, not really.

Now, video games. Those have gotten in the way of everything. I barely graduated high school because of them. I took four years to decide to get into college because of them. I've been an aspiring writer since I was 15, but I didn't even really write until I was 22, because it was just easier to play video games all day.

Still, if I let myself get too into a game, I lose days.

I'm trying to re-route that obsession into writing now.

And yes, I'm known as 'the guy who's into books'. Problem was, I'd only read them when I couldn't play video games (such as at school). When school ended I just didn't read them. I still acted like a book guy, and sort of pretended it was still there, but in the past couple of years I've had to re-train myself to really do so.

It kind of sucks.

>> No.1203254

>u mad tybrax?
Not really D&E. The truth is that I'm just upset you choose to post condescendingly in my thread rather than share your own experiences I asked for :(

>> No.1203258

sup mogwai.

>> No.1203284

Tybrax, your threads are always so poor.

>> No.1203293

Beggars can't be choosers. I would happily give up my responsibility to be the lifeforce of this board if stag were to return.

>> No.1203311


I wish you would leave. You can't even just drop the trip because your posts have your disgusting yellow scent all over them. Honestly. You offend all of my senses.

>> No.1203314

Interestingly enough, back in the 'days I was begged by alot of you to take up a trip.

>> No.1203334

>Interestingly enough, back in the 'days I was begged by alot of you to take up a trip.
> I was begged by alot of you to take up a trip.
>begged by alot of you
>alot of you
>"alot of you" really meaning about two people, because nobody actually cares, TyBrax.

>> No.1203337


Your trip isn't needed to identify you.

Your posts simply aren't needed.

>> No.1203342

Thanks for using a trip so I can filter you.

>> No.1203357
File: 10 KB, 396x321, holdit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait! What's Ty's hand touching in my OP?

It's a bottle of water right, right?

>> No.1203388

>-do you prefer reading rather than going out and meeting new people?
Depends on what I am reading/depends on the people I stand to meet. This is obvious and intuitive.

>-has the content or time-spent reading affected your romantic relationships? if so how?
I find I have less time in relationships for reading, and it muddles up my ability to get my reading done.

>-do friends and strangers judge you by your choice in literature? have you lost any friends for this reason? gained?
I recently had a chat with a friend I hadn't spoken to in about 2 years. He is doesn't like the sound of theory on the basis of both ignorance and some sort of idyllic vision of 'just reading' the text. We don't get along very well anymore. If people judge me by the contributions I make in class I think it's fair to say I'm someone who comes across as either well-read, intelligent or "pretentious", depending on where you stand.

>> No.1203406


What? That's quite an odd post you've got there.

Are you saying that the hand holding the water on the far right near the fat chick with tattoo's is your hand?

>> No.1203414

no i'm the guy at the laptop. this was 2 years ago though so i cant remember whether someone slipped me vodka or water in that bottle. i'm trying to work out exactly how many months i've been off alcohol.


i'm always too scared to answer the lecturers questions in class, even if nobody else does.

>> No.1203419

I wish you were scared to answer questions on this board.

>> No.1203435


Oh, ok. I thought you meant that the randome floating hand was yours.

Anyway, that isn't you.

Plus you're a hipster for owning those pics, I see hipsters, a fat chick a floating hand and a pedo.

>> No.1203446

>>Plus you're a hipster for owning those pics
>anyone that saves pics of themselves from facebook is a hipster
cool story, bro. also if you're calling the lady im talking to a pedo, you can just fuck off.

>> No.1203462


LOL as if you have facebook. You need friends for that!

Also no, I'm not saying the lady is a pedo, it's possible, but I was actually calling her a hipster. A hipster that looks like the dried up corpse of Bjork.

The pedo I mentioned is wearing a grey tank top at the back.

>> No.1203467
File: 61 KB, 500x626, TyBrax4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>need a facebook for parties

>> No.1203474


These are all pictures of Tyondai Braxton, not the person you're talking to. The poem who looks like Bjork probably is Bjork.

>> No.1203489


Thank you, Anon.

Also, Tybrax, you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.1203490

-I prefer reading most of the time, going out one or two weekends a month is fine to detox from books.
-Maybe, my last gf liked to read too so she was fine with me writing and reading all day.
-No, never. I don't care what casuals read.

>> No.1203501

Tyondai Braxton, fucking asshole left Battles.

>> No.1203551

tybrax is a fucking loser

fuck this thread and everyone in it