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/lit/ - Literature

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12027500 No.12027500[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>What? You said "Hi" to ME? But I don't even know you! TEEEEEHEEEEEE! Are you one of those creepy pick-up guys who talks to random girls? Like, ew, that's so CREEPY! That stuff is so 2005. Wait, hold still lemme get a snapchat of you to send to my friends...
>*She taps her phone but then looks up*
>Ohmigod, JESSSICA! JESSICA, COME QUICK, IT'S THAT CREEP WHO WAS TALKING TO RANDOM GIRLS! Aww, we thought we'd be scared but he looks so harmless!
>*Jessica and Cynthia run over, laughing hysterically*
>Hahahaha, Stacey already has a boyfriend! He's the Lacrosse captain!
>*Cynthia, with a mock patronising tone* Awww, da widdle boy don't wanna spend his Saturday night playing Fortnite and fiddling with his weewee! He wants a real woman!
>*All three of them laugh hysterically*
>*They Snapchat your face to all their friends and put you in their stories*
>Vice, Reddit, and BuzzFeed pick up on it and you go viral.

>> No.12027508

>I an hero

>> No.12027509
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>> No.12027512

i wish a tall girl would bully me for being a manlet and step on my face

>> No.12027516
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>> No.12027520
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*charges toward you*

>> No.12027523
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I know it's supposed to be ironic, but that's legit how I think every interaction with a girl will end up.
Is this crippling self-doubt or is this my mind protecting me?

>> No.12027536
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>meet girl
>we talk and get along
>ask for her number (first and last time I have ever done so)
>we text a little
>ask her out to lunch
>she makes up excuse
>see her at school the next day
>we hug and say hi
>walk with her to her car and talk
>think it's going well
>say bye and we talk about meeting up soon
>go home and do as any man in the 21st century does and look at her social media
>see on her twitter she just made a post
>"don't follow me to my car and talk to me when I obviously don't want to talk to you"
>pic related

>> No.12027546

If you're thinking about cold approaching then its your mind protecting you

>> No.12027549
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I feel

>> No.12027551

Women have an interesting mixture of simultaneously holding all of the cards, AND thinking they 110% deserve to be holding all the cards and earned that position by being amazing.

In many cases they will actually mock and humiliate men. Also, when they feel annoyed or bored, they are even more likely to do it, because women reflexively displace their resentment for experiencing bad feelings onto the other person and make it that person's fault. Especially if a woman feels embarrassed or humiliated in any way, even over something you have no idea happened, she will also try to utterly destroy you in order to save face in her own mind. For example, if she lets her guard down and enjoys talking with you, but then her friends mock her for consorting with a loser, she'll freak out and displace that shame onto you, and obliterate you without remorse.

Women just don't experience humility or powerlessness until their late 20s, when their looks start to fade and men start to pay them less attention. That's why when you see women on dating apps saying things like
>I'm 28 but I'm still perfect. If you even think otherwise for a second, fuck off you piece of fucking human garbage. I have three kids and I'm fat but that just makes me more AWESOME. I have never put effort into anything and I have no personality but you better LINE UP to worship me. NO FUCKBOYS. NO MEN UNDER 6. NO TIME WASTERS. GIVE ME MONEY NOW!!!
it's actually a sort of hurricane-like weather system generated by the interaction of the "cold air" of realizing she's no longer a hot commodity and the "hot air" of her own insane delusional narcissism and entitlement. It takes women until they're about 40~ to chill out from this and possibly become a real person with character, but by then nobody wants them.

>> No.12027557

I've never made fun of anyone

>> No.12027561

your fault. next time you'll cease all comunications with females that don't obviously want you. there is a myth only virgins believe, the myth of the 'conquest' of females. it's not real. what exists are femals who are already interested in the man, and to make things a little more fun, they make themselves 'hard' to get. but there's no conquest there, she already approved of the male before. with this information, next time you won't waste time with a femal who don't immediately shows affection.

>> No.12027570
File: 11 KB, 220x177, 76538FCF-60D4-4A87-97F9-71C7567E06B2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why i havent had sex in 8 years bros

>> No.12027571
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What a passive aggressive bitch.

>> No.12027573

Wow. That is a total blowout.

>> No.12027578

Maybe not, but I guarantee you have done things like this:
>see her at school the next day
>we hug and say hi
>walk with her to her car and talk
>say bye and we talk about meeting up soon
>"don't follow me to my car and talk to me when I obviously don't want to talk to you"

Whether it was shaming some guy for flubbing some courtship ritual, or mocking failed approaches with your friends, it's always the same. Women innately see men as aggressors and doers, and have no sympathy for them whatsoever when they fail to live up to that archetype. Asking a woman to see a struggling man sympathetically, as a person struggling, is like asking a predator to see its food as suffering. It's just not a category in the predator's mind.

This is why women will never be able to humanize men and have gender equality. They are biologically programmed to see "Men" as synonymous with the successful upper crust of men, and to see everything else as worthless chaff, unformed matter.

>> No.12027577
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>> No.12027583
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>mfw i am worthless chaff, unformed matter

>> No.12027588

Do any of you guys relate this to a previous experience in your life?

>> No.12027589

Never. I don't have friends though. I'll admit it makes me uncomfortable when people occasionally approach me and don't go away when I show disinterest. But I've had people of both genders do this, and don't have an example of feeling receptive to someone I hardly know talking to me to compare these examples to.

>> No.12027591

This. The amount of time I wasted thinking I could convince women to like me is sickening. Women make their mind up within the first few minutes (if that).

>> No.12027594

>In many cases they will actually mock and humiliate men. Also, when they feel annoyed or bored, they are even more likely to do it, because women reflexively displace their resentment for experiencing bad feelings onto the other person and make it that person's fault. Especially if a woman feels embarrassed or humiliated in any way, even over something you have no idea happened, she will also try to utterly destroy you in order to save face in her own mind. For example, if she lets her guard down and enjoys talking with you, but then her friends mock her for consorting with a loser, she'll freak out and displace that shame onto you, and obliterate you without remorse.
I don't think I've ever seen that happen to anyone in real life

>> No.12027598

I've never been this humilliated by women but I dont live in Burgerland. American women are basically assholes.

>> No.12027599

All of you losers read this mans post(>>12027561) and stop posting about non-literature related things

On a plus note this guy is kind of wrong. He doesn’t understand how things work either. I mean, you are SUPPOSED to go a damn good job of convincing her she likes you, and it’s NOT all about looks, no matter what anyone tells you. You have a hand to play in this game, and it is NOT a zero sum game.

Just so you know, though, you should really learn to pick up on nonverbal hints, which she was most likely dropping like crazy the entire time.

This is a mid-to-late twenties board sweetie

>> No.12027606

Only time I ever went on a date, the chick live tweeted it behind my back, ghosted me, then when I texted her once texted me back to fuck off.
On my birthday.
Never asked out a woman again

>> No.12027608

This would literally never happen.

Keep trying anon. Be careful not to be too pushy, but don't give up and you will find a girl who says yes.
Do not give up. Do not let negative narratives about yourself poison your mind. Keep trying.

>> No.12027612

>everything is circuitously the man's fault, if anything goes wrong it must be that the man is really responsible somehow and 'should have known'



>> No.12027617
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Why do women never approach? They seem intimidated by my presence so I never talk to them. Even when I'm asking innocuous questions without any underlying intentions they behave in a protective manner.

>> No.12027618

/lit/ - literature
Whiny incels please fuck off

>> No.12027619

>treating relationships like a game
You're part of the reason why this world is going to shit. I can't wait for the edicts of Sharia law to do away with both the Staceys and (you)

>> No.12027622


>> No.12027624
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>Why do women never approach? They seem intimidated by my presence so I never talk to them.

>> No.12027628

Women are pretty afraid of men, in a different way than men are afraid of women. A male they don't know is a male they don't trust, and a male they don't trust is a potential danger to them. You have to bridge the trust gap with something appealing about yourself.

>> No.12027630


>> No.12027632
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>this is what 4chan's primal fear
really cute when you think about it

>> No.12027641

Stop thinking too much about how to be liked and whether you are likeable and actually engage with women. Try, fail, get hurt, repeat. Until you succeed. But do try, keep trying all the time. It does work. Stop having bitter thoughts about women, those are just excuses not to try because you are afraid of rejection. There are good and bad women, exactly like there are good and bad men and in life you will have to deal with both - there is no way you can avoid this.
But if you want to find a woman you like and enjoy your time being alive having meaningful sex you need to keep trying all the time. Being rejected by one woman you don't even know that well is not a fucking tragedy. It feels bad, of course, but it's not like you will die from it. Get back and try with the next one. It is like exercising: don't overdo it, but do it often. It will get better.

>> No.12027644

beta uprising when

>> No.12027645

Were not going back in time, nothin is a game.

But all social interaction is like a game of poker. The sooner you see this, the happier you will be

>> No.12027651

ive had like 10ish women approach me, most in bars, three i think in the street. This is over like 7 years of being an adult though, hardly a regular occurrence.

>> No.12027652

>But all social interaction is like a game of poker. The sooner you see this, the happier you will be
Realizig that is why I'm sad

>> No.12027658
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When I was a kid, girls at school used to hug me at random and tell me they loved me. I eventually found out they would dare each other to hug guys they found especially creepy/ugly and I was a prime target. One of them also started a rumour I was stalking her because we both walked home and lived on adjacent streets, after which my friends stopped associating with me.
>take uni writing course years later
>smart, cute girl sits who sits right across from me the whole semester handwrites a full page review gushing about my story, telling me she loves it and thinks I'm the best writer in the class
>everytime I went to class after I thought about thanking her, but always backed out because I'm terrified of talking to women
>don't say a word to her all semester
Even my therapist got angry at me

>> No.12027666

I feel like you were not picking up on social cues and are misrepresenting what happened
Its designed to be broad and inflammatory so anyone who has ever had a bad experience with female socio-sexual dynamics gives a pathetic story and makes themselves a totem for this gay mindset, or just outs themselves as a faggot (depending on if OP is a faggot incel or a faggot normalfag)

>> No.12027668

I'm a dyel manlet. I hardly look threatening. I can easily converse with elderly women without any awkwardness but younger women are impossible to decipher because they are intentionally cryptic.

>> No.12027671

>e. I eventually found out they would dare each other to hug guys they found especially creepy/ugly and I was a prime target. One of them also started a rumour I was stalking her
why the fuck do kids do this to each other? Like what is wrong with them. I was always enitrely unware of this shit going on, I knew some of my friends did mean things to the unpopular kids but it was mostly just random mean comments. What provokes this coordinated malice

>> No.12027676

You're a threat by being a young adult male, looks aren't much of a factor there. Old ladies are just much chiller than young women. Most women won't consciously realize they view you this way, but subconsciously they are. It's a correct female instinct to be protective and distrustful around strange men, for reasons which should be obvious.

>> No.12027678

>I feel like you were not picking up on social cues and are misrepresenting what happened
I don't think so, I knew someone that knew her and he told me that that sounds pretty typical of her

>> No.12027687

>they are intentionally cryptic.
theyre not cryptic they just dont even know what theyre thinking. Women are constantly in this state of 'evaluating their own feelings' like their feelings are this nebulous and vague substance which is of great interest to them, and they comb through it to see what's going on in there. If you can provoke sharp reactions in this gay ambiguous atmosphere of emotion they will become intrigued by you, then theystart testing you(they arent even aware theyre doing this) to see if you are reactive and let them assert themselves, or if you maintain a dominant(read: stable, not stereotypically aggressive or masculine) frame of mind, that can provoke further exciting feelings in their gay feeling world that they can go over at their leisure and savor

im not going to back any of this up with anything like evidence so dont bother asking me

>> No.12027691


>> No.12027696

Am woman, can confirm this is more or less right.

>> No.12027701

Hmm then you still missed probable nonverbal indicators of a pathological personality. Its usually fairly easy to tell when someone is socially predacious. Autism is difficult, I suffer through it too anon. Your worst fears about others’ weaknesses are almost always not only founded but intertwined with a network of evil influences and sickly people. Every single person like that in Highschool was exuding horrible energy even when they weren’t torturing or belittling others.

>> No.12027710

Left: No modesty, too tall, body language indicates insecurity
Centre: Greasy hair, '90s jeans, no thank you
Right: Don't even need to say it

Sageing shitpost thread

>> No.12027797

Thinking back on all my awkwardness with girls makes me want to end myself. I don't belong on this world

>> No.12027802

Lies upon lies upon platitudes upon lies.

>> No.12027814

>nonverbal hints
A meme, I'm afraid.

>> No.12027818
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Men like you for who you are and what you make of yourself, anon. Women like the performance but not the actor, and the performance is arbitrary and ritualized to the point that it says nothing about the actor except how good he is at arbitrarily performing that specific performance. Why care about their judgments?

Care about the judgments of people whose brains and souls continued maturing past puberty, that is men.

>> No.12027821

Nah you're juat autistic.

>> No.12027829

kill her
kill her kill her kill her kill her kill her
split her jawbone

>> No.12027848

men don't like me either

>> No.12027859


>> No.12027867

This tbf

>> No.12027868

Nonsense. There is so much more to a conversation than what you’re saying

>> No.12027872

you make this post, and then wonder why you cant get a gf

>> No.12027883

Good thing I will never have the confidence to initiate such a scene

>> No.12027885

Not to the extent that autists on here make out.

>> No.12027898

>Going through this much trouble
If you want my dick just say you want my dick

>> No.12027909

This isn't true for ugly women, which most women are

>> No.12027915

bald men with no jobs and no money who live with their parents don't approach strange women

>> No.12027922

>be dumb kid with no fashion sense and am the biggest slob
>eat with the fat nerds and duel geeks cause it's what I was
>Don't care about bitches, never given attention anyway and only fags ever tried to hit on me
>hair is always super long, past shoulder length
>finally get a hair cut, mom makes me wear contacts
>it's almost like a fashcut, even though I never knew what that was
Multiple girls asked if that was actually me
>are you the guy who snorted salt up his nose? >You look completely different
>punk alt girl stands near me at my locker
>so much fucking autism I have no clue why she's just sitting there
Years later the realization hit me like someone dropped a bag of bricks on my head.

>> No.12027923

This. Make no mistake, even ugly women get certain advantages just by their gender, but its not nearly as extreme as the post implies here. Even decent or attractive women can sometimes have these advantages mitigated by extenuating factors.

>> No.12027946

I forgot to mention, but they're often also compulsive liars.

>> No.12027948

Not him, but women need more formal (positive) freedom to achieve what men can with their effective (negative) freedom. For example, women need compensation for their unattractiveness to employers which comes from fears that they will have a babby. Men have more effective freedom in this sense which needs to be mitigated if there is to be a fair society.

>> No.12027953

At least put 'Books for this feel?' or something, this is completely off topic

>> No.12027957

Women operate on a different, biological driven logic then men. Women do not have anywhere near the amount of testosterone that men do. Furthermore, their underlying sexual mechanisms function differently as a result of this obvious biological difference. Research has shown that the presence of testosterone has the effect of making neutral faces seem more agressive, and a reflexive reaction would be to act in accordance with that agression. Women do not have this. What agression means in most cultures nowadays is synonymous with leadership and enforcement of values. Women are not capable of this to the extent that men are. Feminists may not like accepting reality as it is, but it doesn’t mean that women are completely pointless. Woman are just as important as men, but socially their social functioning is fundamentally different. Where a man may lead and enforce values, a woman acts as an antibody to shit values which are results of weakness in deranged or illusioned men. This is a good thing and we all need it to grow as humans. The problem is when people get too upset because they try to force themselves into an emotional relationship before they are able to handle their own emotional fluctuation.

Tl;dr: men, stop bitching about women who bruise your ego. It’s clear by your conplaining that it’s needed.
Women, stop acting like entitled hoes who feel like they deserve regal treatment from every breathing organism. You have more responsibilities then men; acting like children on a playground is unbecoming of a woman’s potential.

Fuck why do I even come to this site

>> No.12027960

You not believe me if you don't want to, but that doesn't make it a lie. Not like I have anything to gain from lying here.

>> No.12027964


why do women these days want to emasculate men so much

>> No.12027971

cant we just throw them in bags like the saudis

>> No.12027972

They don't. Some think they do because of Jewish brainwashing, but actually don't. You have a warped perception of its commonality because jews have implanted it in your head as a sexual complex.

>> No.12027973

Makes them feel powerful. Masculinity is usually seen as a sign of might, so taking that away makes them feel stronger.

>> No.12027975
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Did anyone else momentarily forget which board they were on?

>> No.12027978

This is /pol/ right?

>> No.12027990

I didn't realize I was on /lit/ until I saw this thread

>> No.12027993

why do I care about society? It's clear the universe and I are fundamentally enemies.

>> No.12027999


>> No.12028006

What’s your next move on the universe?
Surely you want to get rid of your enemies

>> No.12028014

>it's the same every day just like this, just with bait titles and loneliness
>durrrrr /lit/ has changed man
You're right, it has changed. You're years too late dumbass to bitch about it.

>> No.12028018

yes, all there can be is destruction

>> No.12028023

Who hurt you

>> No.12028031

developmental biological processes

>> No.12028036

lot of animosity in this thread for a literature board

>> No.12028037

Become strong anon
Leave humanity behind
There is no other option now

>> No.12028039

This is more /r9k/ than usual. Usually threads this blatant get nuked after ten minutes.
>>durrrrr /lit/ has changed man
He didn't imply that at all

>> No.12028040

It’s because the eggheads had to think about women.

>> No.12028046

understand that women are DEFENSIVE whereas men are the ones who have to 'insert' themselves into the woman.

it's good that you get rejected. keep trying. don't break frame, if they accuse you of being 'creep' or whatever just amplify and agree...

this is basic social cues learned by experience.

>> No.12028049
File: 59 KB, 245x204, 2C577FE0-4DC0-4949-B75E-12ED600A8124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes they are cryptic, but you hit the nail on the head on how they can be (understandably) passive to a fault. I hooked up with a chick, who I had I know no idea was into me. I may be a high-functioning but handsome aspie, but I’m not totally oblivious. She genuinely didn’t give much signs either way. It wasn’t until I bluntly asked if we could Netflix and chill before I went on a long vacation when I found out that she was into me. Low and behold, I learned that she had been feeling insecure from an emotionally turbulent relationship that ended six months earlier and had intentionally tried to hide her feelings as much as she could.
>I was into it, anon, but it was you who made it happen.
on another hand, maybe she was just really bored, or even feeling nostalgic. we used to be great friends before I got into an abusive relationship, became depressed, and dropped off of the face of the earth. moral of the story is that people are complex, and while a lot of people are speaking truth in regards to useful rules of thumb and common female archetypes, you never know what’s really going on in the other person’s mind, especially if you don’t know them on an intimate level. don’t rely on them too often like a robot—you’ll miss out on a wonderful soulmate if you do

>> No.12028050

>They don't. Some think they do because of Jewish brainwashing, but actually don't. You have a warped perception of its commonality because jews have implanted it in your head as a sexual complex.

the plain truth is that women know what they are doing, and actually enjoy emasculating men. feminism has bolstered this boldness in them, and some even hate men. if you are not physically imposing enough -- if you do not register as a caveman in their subconscious --, they will attempt to deride you, kill you by a thousand cuts, as you are not considered fit enough to be in the gene pool. the initial response is always the same.

>> No.12028052

This. Just rape them to keep them thinking

>> No.12028053

>5'2 105 lbs
>ugly bone structure
Fight little man, fight through the night. Do not go into the darkness of their spite.

>> No.12028058

>it's actually a sort of hurricane-like weather system generated by the interaction of the "cold air" of realizing she's no longer a hot commodity and the "hot air" of her own insane delusional narcissism and entitlement.
i actually laughed at this

>> No.12028061

Yes he did. He outright spoke about it.

>> No.12028063

I already left humanity behind. There is nothing there for me now. I think the nightfall outside of my window is just the blackness of space, the light in the windows must be small stars orbiting this box.

>> No.12028064

>don't break frame
what is this new terminology?

>> No.12028065

this is well written. why do you think women get excited by the fact that a guy is 'stable and dominant' for example 'amused mastery' at her attempts to test you?