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12018673 No.12018673 [Reply] [Original]

Do you believe in eternal repetition /lit/ ? I've been having this in my mind for a while and it seems very plausible.

>> No.12018676

very plausible

>> No.12018681

hard not to believe in it once you've been around here long enough seeing the same shitty threads every day

>> No.12018779

i took it as a just a thought exercise. must be the first time in history someone's ever misread nietzsche


>> No.12018788

Not only eternal repetition, but omnirepetition, superpositional, bilaterally introtelescopic. Eat SHIT.

>> No.12018823


In universal existence, the return to the same state is an impossibilty; in total Possibility, those particular possibilities that are the states conditioned existence are necessarily indefinite (or infinite) in number; to deny this is to try to limit possibility and thus limit the universe itself.

One must admit it, on pain of contradiction, and that is enough to prevent any being from passing twice through the same state or experience.

>> No.12018850

pleb here. the question is, if you /were/ to live a recurrent life - pass through the exact same state and experience an indefinite number of times - would you despise or affirm this process?

i was tempted to write it off as just some tony robbins type stuff, but Nietzsche's writing on this is more introspective and sounds nicer

>> No.12018885

Wasn't one of Yeats' theories that time was cyclical? He was inspired by this Nietzche theory, I think.

>> No.12018925

you were right my guy, there's nothing to suggest eternal recurrence is a metaphysical claim

>> No.12018929

it makes more sense than time just randomly beginning and ending at some point i guess

>> No.12018968


Doesn't really matter one way or the other, since you'll never know it wasn't the first time you've lived this life.

>> No.12019177

There is no claim, but it doesn't mean it's not a valid possibility

>> No.12019244


>> No.12019526

If this were true the universe would behave as we expect, it doesn't. The expansion of the universe is accelerating.

>> No.12019687


>> No.12019698

>repeating this shitty life again and again and again
Thanks but no. I'm more than okay with eternal oblivion.

>> No.12019865

It has been on my mind, too and I couldn't believe it at first though but now it makes sense

>> No.12021394

>If this were true the universe would behave as we expect, it doesn't. The expansion of the universe is accelerating.

Eternal repetition/recurrence is imposing behavior on the universe and limiting the experience

>> No.12021400

Yes, I Pythagoras in a past life.

>> No.12021417

I thought about that a lot when I was in the second grade but not much at all afterwards.

>> No.12021576

>mfw normies will never understand what is a cia nigger

exclusive club

>> No.12021807


>> No.12021936

It always sounded to me like the stoic idea of living like you could die at any time, but approached from a more positive, life affirming perspective.

I always thought Nietzsche had more in common with the stoics than he gets credit for (yes I read the part in genealogy where he bashes them).

>> No.12021950

i hope when i die thats just it. going ot heaven for an eternity of forced optimism sounds like the purest form of hell one could imagine

>> No.12021959

Your humanity is showing, and it's pathetic.

>> No.12022311

Eternal recurrence combined with quantum physics would actually mean that it's not returning to the same state, it's always that state, all things happening simultaneously and eternally, the repetition only happening from our limited worldviews, but it will repeat eternally from that view, because nothing actually changes in the simultaneous infinity of the universe.

>> No.12022315

Ecclesiastes 1:9

>> No.12022342

It’s a result of the reality you live in growing increasingly sinful. You believe that because people use this many vices, have this many friends etc that there is eternal recurrence.

This is stupid and doesn’t make sense. I can tell you for 100% certainty this is the only life you have and if you haven’t enjoyed it it’s because your ancestors lost.

That being said, however, we are reaching a new age. An age of multicultural, multiracial accpetance. An age of resisting money, valuing Creation over Darwinism in all its forms etc etc

>> No.12022396
File: 47 KB, 850x400, quote-joy-wants-the-eternity-of-all-things-wants-deep-wants-deep-eternity-friedrich-nietzsche-123-10-82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s a result of the reality you live in growing increasingly sinful.

>> No.12023029


Seems like it's a mathematical problem. What is the nature of infinity to begin with?

>> No.12023299
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You only need to look at nature to see the truth in it.

>> No.12023332

Wow, that's like, totally deep, my dude

>> No.12023342

It's literally what FN means. Can I get your salt in Celtic next time?

>> No.12023395

is the idea that we are reincarnated as the exact same person and repeat the exact same cycle of actions and outcomes with essentially no free will? how does this work on a time scale, are we born again in the same time period that we lived?

>> No.12023425

i think its materialistic determinism. all things are caused by other things and such and such and there is only one way all these particles and chemicals will ever react, since nothing is random. and the universe is a bubble that eternally expands then collapses and everytime it restarts the materials go through the same actions and reactions, from the beginning of "time" to the various chemicals that determine what you think

>> No.12023428

no, don't be stupid. kneechee was a retard in life and father of a billion pseuds in death. yes, myth happens. at the human perception level. it does not reflect reality.

>> No.12023465

i gotcha

>> No.12023755

It would be a rather painful experience thus far, so thanks for the reminder. I have to further improve both my mental fortitude and my efforts, for the process to be a piece of art. If I would manage to /fully/ strive, I would also become who I am. Since we're talking about a potential source of strength that comes from within, I think I want to affirm it. I kiss your eyes btw.

>> No.12023783

Not him, but made me tear up a little. I appreciate it.

>> No.12023787

No, because we all die.

>> No.12024043

I'd rather not.

>> No.12024047

no one in history has ever taken it literally. pathetic, op!

>> No.12024086

>here some stuff that you and/or nobody can test it or disaproved it
>heheh thanks for the money SUCKERS

>> No.12024185

No, and even in its broadest definition it is basically nonsensical.

>> No.12024200

Nietzsche never meant it to be taken literally. It's a thought exercise. Live life as if you would have to relive it endlessly. Think if it were literal, you would be predetermined to be a pleb because you have likely already lived your life; how could you prove otherwise?

Don't read Nietzsche if you're an idiot.

>> No.12024202

Nietsche more like NEETsche amirite?

>> No.12024537

Someone give me a citation proving it if I'm wrong, but having read all his works, I don't get the impression eternal recurrence is a literal metaphysical proclamation from nietz, but rather a thought experiment, used to steer your actions and outlook in a more self-amusing, joyous direction.

>> No.12024591

It's a thought experiment, but it might be more than that depending on how quantum physics continues to develop.

>> No.12024592

Yes. Information will swallow the universe in our lifetime, and this cycle, and perhaps every other variation of this cycle, will occur.

>> No.12024593

NEETshit xdd

>> No.12024634

sounds assumptive & unknowable

>> No.12024644

no, it's a thought experiment irregardless of how quantum physics continues to develop.

>> No.12024674

In Nietzsche's case, yes. I didn't mean in Nietzsche's case. I meant in our case.

>> No.12024697

I don't know anything about quantum physics. I would be interested to hear what insights it might provide into the nature of repetitive being

>> No.12024701 [DELETED] 

nietzsche did not mean it literally. its a thought exercise meant to bring your attention to whether or not you are living the life you want to live

>> No.12024734

I don't know. I'll get back to you in the next life, if it happens.

>> No.12024740

If it happens, your next life is this one.

>> No.12024773


>> No.12024788

i fail to see how understanding the behavior of quantum particles give insight into the nature of time. much less towards any model of time that suggests things reoccur exactly as they had infinitely. any examples you have off hand?

>> No.12024801

They don't have anything to say, this thread is so fucking awful. It is just a thought experiment connected with the idea of a life beyond good and evil, and lived with a good conscience. His entire personal and moral philosophy culminates in the WTP and ER. There is no mechanic in existence that would permit ER to ever be real.

>> No.12024809
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>Quantums allow for anything to be true.

>> No.12024865

>There is no mechanic in existence that would permit ER to ever be real.
that seems just as unknowable as the opposite assumption.

>> No.12024884

>i fail to see how understanding the behavior of quantum particles give insight into the nature of time.
Space and time are a continuum, whatever modern endeavor explores space is going to affect our theory of time. Look up the Hartle-Hawking state for one such recent theory that is challenging and shaping how quantum physicists are viewing the origin and nature of the universe.

Don't jump to conclusions. I'm not just sitting here in the thread all day long.

Who said "anything"?

>> No.12025237

This is a philosophical problem

>> No.12025442

yeah, deje-vu are glimpses of the eternal recurrence

>> No.12025464

No, it's an unsupported cosmological assertion. There's no reason existence should repeat itself. If the universe were to implode on itself (big crunch) and repeat the big bang at intervals, it does not follow that the ensuing distribution of energy should recapitulate itself. In fact, it would be monumentally improbable for that to occur. Like rolling a trillion dice and having them all land on 1.

>> No.12025466

>at seems just as unknowable as the opposite assumption.
It violates the laws of physics and any basic scientific or empirical intuition an intelligent person would have. So, no its nothing like the other proposition.
>Space and time are a continuum
They might actually be discrete, no one fucking knows. Stop filling people's heads with stupid shit

>> No.12025471

That doesn't help when you have infinite time, chum.

>> No.12025492

>They might actually be discrete, no one fucking knows. Stop filling people's heads with stupid shit
Are you serious right now?

>> No.12025503

Planck time. Woo Hoo!

>> No.12025508

Yes very much so.

>> No.12025522

Well, I guess that's your business then, even though it makes you as relevant as a flat earther to this discussion.

>> No.12025525

It reminds me a lot of Zeno's paradox because it seems to rely on the same misunderstanding of limits.

If every sin is committed an infinite number of times, that sin must also be distributed across an infinite number of lives.

I honestly don't see why eternal repetition would add weight to our current life.

>> No.12025776


If he tells you that the superior man should in sexual encounters with his own dad, would you suck your dad's dick?

>> No.12025941

Only if the Multiverse is real. But that means not just repetition, but also that all variants are played out forever.

>> No.12025952

>Do you believe in eternal repetition

universe is infinite and constantly arising out of itself, following natural course

the only thing that goes against this current is the overman,who frees himself from the unending blooming of the universe

so yes, if you are not going against, you are going with, until you beget yourself again and again, until you decide enough is enough

>> No.12026052

Eternal repetition allows eternal fulfillment. If one can achieve any measure of it, sounds pretty hectic to me.

>> No.12026061

Eternal recurrence confirmed


>> No.12026075

In general, I do agree with

I don't think it's something he meant for anyone to dwell on too much. But when I first read that, I thought of it in sort of Spengler terms, in that civilization and humanity were doomed to a cycle of eternal recurrence, even though that's not really the context. Again, it was just a (completely unoriginal) thought inspired by that concept

>> No.12026184

If you really truly believed it and understood its implications thoroughly you wouldn't be here.

>> No.12026499

You are legit retarded.

>I don't think it's something he meant for anyone to dwell on too much.
Not true. In will to power, there are several notes on eternal recurrence, including:

>My philosophy reveals the triumphant thought through which all other systems of thought must ultimately perish. It is the great disciplinary thought: those races that cannot bear it are doomed; those which regard it as the greatest blessing are destined to rule.

>The means of enduring it: the transvaluation of all values. Pleasure no longer to be found in certainty, but in uncertainty; no longer "cause and effect," but continual creativeness; no longer the will to self-preservation, but to power; no longer the modest expression "it is all only subjective," but "it is all our work! let us be proud of it."

>The two extremes of thought—the materialistic and the platonic—are reconciled in eternal recurrence: both are regarded as ideals.

>The principle of the conservation of energy inevitably involves eternal recurrence.

>> No.12026567

You can't have infinite recurrence if your loop is eternal.