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1202215 No.1202215 [Reply] [Original]

I know there are many threads asking this and I'm doing it now too, but I am asking you all because of your brute honesty which is something I want and need.

>> No.1202219

Energy is everywhere around, as well as everything in existence. Science showed us that. Science revealed a lot of things we let fall down by the wayside. One theory I found interesting was how chemicals affect people. When you get down to it everything is made of atoms and atoms are energy. So, when you affect things through chemical reactions you are affecting its energy. This is an insane theory that is rejected by many. I don't reject it though. I love it. It made me the man I am today. It made me a man of science. Thus, as I shut the large metal door to my lab and step down the musty cement steps a smile graces my face. A smile, propelled by the thoughts of all that I will discover this evening. Rounding the corner of the spiral steps my laboratory greets me. Once a dungeon filled with the most arcane of torture tools, now my haven in which I gain enlightenment. I removed all the pointed death appliances myself. My hands were red for an entire week. Now it housed my many instruments. Generators sat against the far walls. Thick cooper wiring ran from them throughout my entire operation. I needed them for more than just my experiments too. Underground meant no sunlight so I needed powerful lights. They lined the stone ceiling. Walking across the lab I basked in their megawatt glow. In the corner next to a few spare chunks of metal sat a black kennel. Inside was Tracy; the fat cat with two different eyes. She had been so alone in the many feline groups. While all the others walked around their metal showcase Tracy sat in the corner.

>> No.1202228


Her eyes called out to me. They were so alluring. One was a crisp green and the other a withered Hazel. She obviously had a death wish. God knows how many years she spent in there. I didn't ask even though I should have. She has been in here for a few weeks. Her belly only got fatter as she watched me perform unspeakable acts in the name of science. Such a beautiful name too, science. Tapping the cage I woke Tracy. Her eyes shot wide and she yawned the way only a cat does. She looked at me with such glee in her eyes. "How are you this evening my little swine?" I say smacking kisses to her. She replies with a gentle purr and slide against the thin bars. With a smile I turn and look around the lab. Carrying her over to the line of vats I looked down the line. Picking the last one I opened the top slowly. The sound of a seal breaking and air flooding in startles her. I console her once more and give her a gentle look. As she closes her eyes to blink I drop her in. I can't tell you moment she began to scream. It happened in milliseconds of contact with the liquid. I closed the top and the gargled screeching was muffled. Reaching around, I pulled the attached lever.

>> No.1202233


One of the generators kicked on and I watched through the small glass opening as Tracy kicked around. I knew the electric hit her because her body simply stopped. It looked like she just gave up. Not at all like thousands of volts just killed every synapse in her brain. Bubbles began to flood the vat and I turned off the power. Opening the hatch I let the fumes escape and waved the remaining cloud away. Reaching into my pocket I pulled out a pair of gloves and put them on. While I loved this part it would be very dangerous to stick my exposed hand into my own chemicals. God doesn't even know what I put in this thing. Lifting the cage I gave a quick look to my beautiful Tracy. Her lifeless soaking body provided little to no excitement. No change at all. Tensing I shook the cage frantically. Her soft west body remained motionless. This is not how it was supposed to happen. This was a mistake.
"Bethany!" I call out to the ceiling angered. This whole night was a waste. I so despise wasted nights. The door at the top creaks as it's opened.
My maid, Bethany, stepped down the winding staircase in her silver gown. Her eyes reflected a deep yellow in the light and her teeth shined like pearls as she spoke. "What is it? Do you need something?" I walked towards and took her by the hand pulling her forward and yanking her to the floor.

>> No.1202236

I saw this story. I talk like this. Everything is a brief sentence. The background is blue. Heil Hitler.

>> No.1202240

ok thats all I'm posting I'm not going to bore you with anymore again I know I'm asking a lot so I don't mind if no one answers. Please and thank you.

>> No.1202248


Fucking god awful story, kill yourself OP.

>> No.1202251


Thank you.

>> No.1202264

I see what you are going for in this but Hot damn you have alot of structural issues you need to work out firstly. Secondly, you use alot of words wrong along with your verbs and nouns which is basic english so I have to wonder if you are even American or know the english language well. If you are American this is just sad.

>> No.1202306

That sucked. A lot. No, I mean it. It sucked hardly.
It sucked so hard that your text could be called a black hole. Dude, that sucks.