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/lit/ - Literature

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12018957 No.12018957 [Reply] [Original]

Stop browsing this shitty ass board, read 20 pages of any book you’re putting off reading, and report back with your experience.

Stop procrastinating.

>> No.12018963

I’m at work

>> No.12018987

Thank you anon. I really want to. But I am weak, and this place is one of my last refuges on the internet where you can find any sensible discussion.
I honestly appreciate you for making those threads, unironicallly.

>> No.12019038

I'm standing in line at the bank; I'm not gonna fucking whip out Catullus while I wait

>> No.12019088

why not anon? Are you too scared to read?

>> No.12019096

I am at work,I can't read anything more complex than shitposts because I am constantly assaulted by my coworker's lame remarks.

>> No.12019124

I would but it's dark now and I have no lamp

>> No.12019154

Thanks for this post OP. I might make STOP a general thread in the future since it feels motivating.

>> No.12019225

Ha! Ha! You'd need something more powerful than that.

>> No.12019232


>> No.12019503

I've already read 120 pages before breakfast and will read a couple more before bedtime. Easy peasy.

>> No.12019562

my ears are ringing.
my ears are bleedin.
my ears are numb from all of your screaming.
screaming words about how you fuck yourself all the time
and screaming about how you fuck her all the time,
how you fuck her all the time.
my ears are ringing but I'm not listening,
my ears are numb but I'm still not listening.....
I'm not listening anymore, anymore, anymore....
anymore anymore

Honeywell - Scream Numb Ears

>> No.12019651
File: 76 KB, 300x250, aa-big-books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keepin' me outta trouble. everyday

>> No.12019809
File: 129 KB, 1400x1641, addicted-to-outrage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started this. 34 pages in 20 minutes. Surprisingly, he's admitting that he's a big part of the current chaos in political, social media, thing that's been driving a wedge between Americans. He compares addiction to drugs and alcohol to addiction to the self righteous outrage generated by social media and internet, and political propaganda.
Promising to be an interesting read.

>> No.12019817

I just read 30 pages of Stoner. Pretty good start, desu

>> No.12019864

Read the 16th chapter of Moby Dick.

I have often said that this is my favorite book, despite not finishing it. I started reading this book when I was working for a National parks service leading short term backpacking trips, and I was a little bit less than halfway through the book when we got caught in a torrential rain that lasted for three days straight practically. Everything got soaked, even my supposedly waterproof stuff. My book got destroyed, but at the time I was having the most intense reading experience of my life, and I have left Moby Dick untouched for a long time because I knew it was the greatest thing I had ever read up to that point, and I didn’t want it to end. I told myself that once I found the perfect book, I’d leave it half unread so I’ll always have the end off out there ahead of me (of course I know the general ending). I’m reading it now and I’m at the part where Ishmael is checking out the Pequoud for the first time. Idk what I’ll feel when I get to chapter 45-50 where I left off last time.

>> No.12019873

I already read the entirety of Botchan by Soseki today and started the name of the rose leave me alone to get drunk and watch hockey

>> No.12019875

Read a little more of confederacy of dunces. About 100 pages left. Idk its kinda dragging the Gus stuff is meh

>> No.12019910
File: 11 KB, 200x250, br.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading the Good Soldier Svejk right now, "the most widely translated Czech novel" and it was great for the first half, but it should have ended much sooner. It's just an ingrown series of in-jokes at this point. The author has dispensed with plot in favor of a series of satirical episodes, each of which is either redundant or obscure. I hate long books that do this.
Thanks for making me read though OP; I'm 20 pages closer to being finished with this.

>> No.12019916

Is Soseki a thing on /lit/? I've never seen him mentioned before. I've been wanting to discuss The Miner with somebody.

>> No.12019920

I was stuck at the DMV all morning so I pulled up Gutenberg on my phone and read a whole chapter of Dorian Grey.

>> No.12019932

You're right, he doesn't seem to get brought up much here. I'd like to discuss it with you but this was actually the first novel of his I've read.

>> No.12020166 [DELETED] 

fear of being judged as being pretentious

>> No.12021346


>> No.12022963

Probably read some tonight if I can

>> No.12023062

I’ve been a good boy and read half of East of Eden this week. It’s really good.
>tfw you want to be a Samuel Hamilton but you’re just an Adam Trask

>> No.12023096

My attention span is shot after a depressive episode where I did nothing but watch youtube and netflix for a couple weeks so I can't do that. I've worked back up to being able to read 10 pages in a sitting. Pathetic but I'm working on it.

Really though I need to get back to editing my novella, I wanted to have it done by the end of September and it's november 2 now and I'm only half through. I have to leave for class soon but I swear I'll work on it once I'm back. And finally write those poems I've been toying with in my head.

>> No.12023123

but i like pictures and memes

>> No.12023202

What class? Also, you can do it!

>> No.12023235

Why do you like Moby Dick so much?

>> No.12023239

do you read fast?

>> No.12023246

~300wpm in english, probably more in my native language (german), speakig about easy literature, nothing one needs to think and ponder about.

>> No.12023250

Melville’s erudition, his love for language, his understanding of drama and archetypes, the fact that it is a book without a bottom, I could spend hours studying a 5-10 page chapter, his talent for metaphor and allegory, the blend of the epic (in the Homeric sense) and the poetic novel, the Man vs Nature and Man vs God conflicts.

Those are a couple of reasons