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/lit/ - Literature

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12013767 No.12013767 [Reply] [Original]

>becomes Christian for the mysticism

>> No.12013785

>thinks mysticism is cool
>succumbs to prelest
>burns in hell for eternity

>> No.12013794

listen virgin, I became Christian because I read online that it's the only way to cure sleep paralysis: by sending the demons back to hell. I hadn't had a thought for religion in over 10 years but my soul was under siege by spooks so I had nowhere else to turn. I became a Christian, weeping at God's word. The next time I had sleep paralysis I saw the demon, cowered and then heard the voice of a plump black lady shouting "GET BACK INTO THE ABYSS MOTHERFUCKER!" then a portal opened and the soulsucker returned its empty realm. never had it since. blesses.

>> No.12013809

Christianity cured my thyroid problem. God bless you, anon.

>> No.12013921
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>becomes Christian because 4chan told me to

>> No.12013960
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>tfw can read and appreciate all mystic traditions

>> No.12014218

love ya

>> No.12014227

>becomes Christian

>> No.12015503

>sleep paralysis
Holy shit someone else gets this. I cured it by cutting out caffeine after 3:00pm. I am tempted to get a coffee and try your way.

>> No.12015511
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>reads Swedenborg once

>> No.12015525

How can I experience mystical visions?

>> No.12015541
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>becomes Christian to practice Satanism
pssh, nothing personnel, Christós.

>> No.12015975
File: 29 KB, 331x499, Catherine of Siena, The Dialogue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's spiritually imprudent to desire or seek mystical visions.

However, you can read the writings of some of the great mystics, such as:

- Catherine of Siena
- Sr. Faustina
- Teresa of Avila
- John of the Cross

Catherine of Siena, The Dialogue (with God the Father), is an amazing book. I particularly like the pic related translation, with a fine Introduction and notes, from Paulist Press, part of their Classics of Western Spirituality series.


>> No.12015988

>secuming to christcuckery
No thanks, i'm not a amerimutt who allows himself to be memed into a semitic religion by some kikes on 4chan.

>> No.12016311

not him, but Teresa of Avila was on my to-read.

What do you think about Revelations of Divine Love? Seems odd you would skip that one in your list.

>> No.12016320

Also check out Hildegard come Bingen. DESU mysticism is for people with a womb.

>> No.12016323

its ok i happen to be a cute girl

>> No.12016324

Hildegard Von Bingen*

>> No.12016326

i was just listening to her earlier today. Her music is so incredibly beautiful

>> No.12016327

Tits or GTFO

>> No.12016331

i would have but since i am now a wholesome christian posting in a christian thread i am no longer able to.

>> No.12016332

That is the only not pirated music on my phone

>> No.12016337

Feet then?

>> No.12016344

what's your favorite piece of hers? I think mine is O tu, suavissima virga


>> No.12016347
File: 3.71 MB, 2232x2615, 07angels-hildegard_von_bingen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*mystical geometry intensifies*

>> No.12016350

>not realizing that many jewish people back in the days denied Jesus as Christ and Messiah.

They held tight to Moses, not realizing Jesus was LORD in the old testament.

>> No.12016352

I have mostly listened to the canticles of ecstasy and can't really sperate the different tracks it is a peaceful overlay for my troubled life some days

>> No.12016381

yeah i cant really keep track of where all her stuff comes from
i also like whatever this is a lot

>> No.12016402

intuitive knowing goes beyond any external sensory impressions

>> No.12016409

>psychism is for people with a womb
fixed for you; seek truly pneumatic knowledge

>> No.12016418

I'm already a mechanic.

>> No.12017391

this is some pretty good stuff

any other spiritual music like this that's good?

>> No.12017404

The distinction isn’t very hard, and the Gnostics (who you’re deriving those designations from) were well acquainted with mystic insight and visions. Guenon will make you incapable of appreciating intuitive union with Spirit. Noesis goes-with myesis.

>> No.12017456
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>> No.12018460

What do you mean by mysticism?

>> No.12018615

western esotericism

>> No.12018631

Belief that union with or absorption into the Deity or the absolute, or the spiritual apprehension of knowledge inaccessible to the intellect, may be attained through contemplation and self-surrender.

>> No.12018646

more like
>belief in the spiritual apprehension of knowledge that is inaccessible to the intellect

rest is just optional bullshit you personally believe in

>> No.12018667

Hello new-age ''buddhist''

>> No.12018686

hello almost satan, I personally detest eastern tradition so you're way off the mark

>> No.12018694

what do bird bones have to do with jesus

>> No.12018713

I unironically want this to be true.

I was kissed by an angel once. I was reading the bible and I felt a very warm presence fly down over my left shoulder, grab my face and kiss my on the lips.

>> No.12018740
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tfw no angel gf

>> No.12018756
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>> No.12018778
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>becomes catholic for the amorality and idiocy

>> No.12018781

>/lit/ still hasn't learn to respect the Bible like you would read Homer without getting all insecure about religion

>> No.12018785
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>be american prot
>become orthodox

>> No.12018918

>having this ready to post

Top kek

>> No.12019569

I am you but more powerful

>> No.12019682

ur a catlick?

>> No.12020685
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>Be Christian
>Befriend Jew
>Have long chats comparing and contrasting our religions
>Swears that Judaism is better when it's basically Christianity with all the truly spiritual aspects taken out and replaced with bureaucratic tradition
>Can't even propagate that well since you have to take a Jew SAT if you're not born into it and they actively don't seek out converts
>Meanwhile Christianity can easily spread via one individual or none at all and for all intents and purposes make the followers immortal if they accept Jesus just once.
>Judaism on the other hand is really vague about the afterlife and basically boils down to "don't worry about it bro just live a good life and try to not get Holocausted."
>mfw Judaism is barely a religion

>> No.12020856
File: 566 KB, 557x605, D8C9F113-8145-4958-BAE6-6168666F51C2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too pleb for kabbalah
No, me
Based and rougepilled
>born catholic by good hindu rebirth
Reading all now. >galacticabrain.gif
>tfw no

>> No.12020866

>tfw you realize Catholicism is gnosticism with a religious face

>> No.12021143

that was a demon

>> No.12021157
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>tfw you've had genuine mystical experiences as a result of your devotion to Christ
>tfw God is not silent

>> No.12021348
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"Christianity is the kindergarten of communism.
-Ayn Rand

>> No.12021353

I've been trying to tell people this. Hold tight to your faith anon!

>> No.12021366

proof that not all who suffered the purges were innocent. no wonder the soviets took out entire families like rats nests.

>> No.12021371

I'm in a mood for a great discussion on Christianity and nobody seems interested. Blah.

>> No.12021384

*shrug* I didn't marry him.

>> No.12021387
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What did you want to talk about, friend?

>> No.12021392

Anything, I was burning with passion like 5 minutes ago now im back to normal. :(

>> No.12021846


>> No.12022096


"I was on welfare my whole life lol." - Ayn Rand

>> No.12022108
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>> No.12022109
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>> No.12022148

>be raised orthodox
>wanted to be catholic instead for the deus vult memes and comfy medieval history
>suddenly orthodoxy becomes popular amongst traditionals
>fall into the hype and LARP as my own faith