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/lit/ - Literature

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12009945 No.12009945 [Reply] [Original]

Have you read the Unabomber manifiesto? I'd like to hear your opinions on it.

>> No.12009965

For fuck sakes, literally this thread happens at least twice a day, often more. Just check the archive or something. Does he have somebody on the outside posting these for him?

>> No.12009983


>> No.12010024

I found it well written and easy to get through. My favorite part in it was the idea of the power process, and how he just spent like a third of the manifesto dabbing on the left. The central point of anti-tech revolution being desirable and possible is something I disagree with though, because it hinges on idealism that runs contrary to the natural human desire for ease and pleasure, and the modern extreme unwillingness to sacrifice. In small groups, I think rejection of technology can be good, for certain mentalities especially - and if there was some kind of "shit hits the fan" doomsday scenario that some primitivists seem to hold faith in, groups such as those would have a lot of power to gain. I'm more interested in primitivism from a moral standpoint though, because I believe that technology has made people much worse than they previously were and will continue to do so for the forseeable future, and I reckon I can become a better man through rejection of technology and ease (though I'm obviously not committed to that idea since I'm typing this on the internet).
Archive??? What that???? Me primitive.

>> No.12010831

There is no fighting Capital.

>> No.12010853

utter nonsense

>> No.12010864

Yes they’re shills or extremely stupid people, or they just want a general and /pol/ and /his/ and /sci/ won’t let them have one
Go back
Don’t be a faggot, post one a week and stop flooding the catalogue

>> No.12010881


>> No.12011044

up until 3 months ago there was absolutely NEVER ANYTHING AT ALL related to ted or luddism on /lit/, but suddenly theres 2-3 of these threads every day
my conclusion is that somewhere about 3 months ago there was either something in mainstream news, mainstream social media/youtube or reddit about ted and NPCs picked up on it

>> No.12011077

Not surprised that a STEM autist would write such wooden, basic ass prose

>> No.12011124

>3 months ago there was either something in mainstream news, mainstream social media/youtube or reddit about ted
It's probably the mail explosives targeting democrats in the US recently.

>> No.12011138
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>STEM autist
No need to be so bitter about being a brainlet yourself, unless you suffer an inferiority complex like those described in his manifesto.

>> No.12011144

I thought it was impossible for /lit/ to get worse but here we are. All you depressive (not actually diagnosed with depression, or any disorders) 16-23 year olds have become obsessed with preserving something which never existed. "The West". It's so fucking meaningless. Talk about your country, only you'd hate to actually become informed on your country. That would mean you'd have to participate, and no /pol/ isn't participation. No, just keep clutching your Bibles and hoping things will become epic like they were during the crusades. Keep wishing to be completely subjugated you fucking rats. Say to yourself the west is the best the west is the best well it used to be the best now it's like the rest. What a nice fucking excuse. Keep posting Ted threads without even skimming his Wikipedia page. Keep clinging to your infantile idealization of history, culture and ethics. You're on a fucking literature board, read some fucking books. Don't finish it and come make a shitty thread here. Read supplemental material and actually think about what you read. I swear to God you retards are so unthinking you get converted by the Wikipedia summary to The Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.12011174


Just because he gives a good diagnosis doesn't mean he gives a good prescription.

>> No.12011184

>resorting to childlike opinions because you worship someone who killed others
Cowards attract cowards, what can I say dipshit. Ted is why the death penalty shouldn’t have been outlawed. What a fucking dipshit coward

>> No.12011205
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>implying things I never said

>> No.12011230

>up until 3 months ago there was absolutely NEVER ANYTHING AT ALL
newfag, or maybe you're just not on at the right times. I definitely see a sizable discussion about ol' Ted at least once a month, and if you check the archives, there's likely a lot more than that too.

>> No.12011241

lol, keep projecting your own self-loathing and ignorance. you're right that a lot of people have an idealized version of the west, accepting what's good and discarding what's bad, but that's no reason to dismiss the entire project. we see the transcendent truths in the western canon, and we want to continue promoting them as much as we humanly could. and you? you have no real alternative. why do you care to tear everything down? so we're all at your level of nihilism and misery?

>> No.12011257

He is right about everything and nobody gives a shit. Fuck off tinfoil hats.

>> No.12011262

>What alternative to the west
Globalism. And we're winning.

>> No.12011289

It’s The Technological Society for dummies

>> No.12011296

Definetly gonna read it. How does it compare to Pentti Linkola? He's one of my favorite thinkers

>> No.12011373

Why do you think I'm OP when I replied to OP?
It has nothing to do with environmentalism or fascism.

>> No.12011398

How does it have nothing to do with environmentalism?
>In conjunction, he issued asocial critiqueopposingindustrializationand advancing anature-centered form of anarchism
Am i retarded????

>> No.12011408
File: 22 KB, 252x395, Nonzero_-_The_Logic_of_Human_Destiny_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Globalism. And we're winning.
WE aren't winning. The premise behind globalism is cooperation for mutual benefit: win-win non-zero-sum logic, as opposed to zero-sum competition. Mutual benefit and correlated outcomes sounds like a lofty ideal, but "too big to fail" is the result of such logic, the logic of a parasite that cannot be uprooted from its host without killing the host in the process.



The parasite is capital and the reduction of humanity to self-interest-maximizing agent-automatons epitomized in game theory - a self-fulfilling prophecy that has created a runaway world based on endless greed and control that is headed towards doomsday. This autonomous movement of the nonliving is winning. The revolution must be not of violence but against money itself, to overturn the whole paradigm of strategy as the basis of human affairs in favor of human needs, and human relationships.

>> No.12011412
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It's great but he's wrong in the sense that anything can be done about the ills he diagnoses.

The systems and tendencies in place have to play themselves out. Whether that leads to all being raped to death by AI Gods or societal collapse and back to the middlel ages remains to be seen.

>> No.12011416

Also mutually assured destruction is nonzero logic. "Too big to fail" is economic M.A.D.

>> No.12011428

Kaczynski's rationale for primitivism is that technological society is degenerate to the individual, undignified, and disrupts the power process - which is his idea that a feeling of well-being or purpose comes from exercising power to procure the essentials of life, more or less. He believes that many social ills come from people unable to complete the power process. It's been a while since I read it so I could be getting some minor things wrong. That primitivism is green is a secondary benefit, at least according what he wrote in the manifesto, where I don't think it was mentioned or at least wasn't anywhere near central.

>> No.12011446
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fuck off Ted nobody gives a shit

>> No.12011448

The diagnosis of the world being an inhuman doomsday device we have made out of humanity is the first step to finding a solution, as a problem must be identified first. Politicians and capitalists have done everything in their power to prevent such a social awareness of us being totally fucked, that all we need is a few minor patches on the system such as more taxes, universal healthcare, and higher wages. What's happening in America is growing awareness of how fucked we are, and this disillusionment has been channeled into this crazy social civil war by opportunistic politicians and rich people. Nothing will change until we stop blaming each other and instead blame the whole system in its entirety, the foundations of our socioeconomic relationships, because that is where the problem lies.

>> No.12011480

>Human need
>Human relations
How do you think we got here? Fucking reactionary scum.

>> No.12011516

>How do you think we got here?

>> No.12011520

We have more than enough to satisfy everyone's needs on Earth, let alone in any advanced country. We don't have enough for everyone's greed.

Abolishing money, state, and class is the only way humanity survives. The real red pill is that capitalism and money is the "great filter," either civilizations evolve past it, or are crushed by it.

>> No.12011530

Yeah that is the point of globalism have you not been paying attention. When capitalism is globalized it will dispell like static

>> No.12011542

>When capitalism is globalized it will dispell like static

By what process? Magic?

>> No.12011554

If finding a solution implies all of humanity coming to consensus on the problem and then peaceably cooperating towards change then that is practically the same as saying that there is nothing that can be done, especially since the system itself is increasingly out of control of individual humans.

Of course there is nothing that needs to be done, the problem will solve itself. You can prepare for collapse, whether by becoming a prepper or getting an exit bag, but that's pretty much all there is to do on the individual level.

>> No.12011556

>either civilizations evolve past it, or are crushed by it.
it's literally impossible to evolve past it though

>> No.12011560

No, entropy

>> No.12011703
File: 420 KB, 683x476, nico.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw capital is an entropy acceleration device that will turn the entire universe into nihil reich asap
>tfw contemporary urbanite bugmen are literally agents of omnicidism without knowing
>tfw accelerationism is just the 4D chess version of antinatalism

>> No.12011741
File: 12 KB, 170x257, Dog_on_a_stick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake news for the (dog lover's) soul

>> No.12011759
File: 23 KB, 324x270, Eris-apple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something else that's accelerating as well.

Source for pic: https://pastebin.com/4s91qRn6

Autonym Memetic Viral Antivirus 2018 Space Taoism Edition: https://old.reddit.com/r/Tao_of_Calculus/comments/9rpnrl/space_taoism_101/


>> No.12011763
File: 440 KB, 1749x819, v23.symbiotic.antigen.2.22.93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong pic, but still right.

>> No.12011784

this really tickles my inner schizoid

>> No.12011790
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Needs more body horror
Down with romantic physicalism!

>> No.12011825

is horse ok?

>> No.12011869

To go over, one must go under, Anon. The void of absolute despair can forge endless courage and a selfless love for life in the fullness of its wonder-horror.

>> No.12011881

I can't decide who are worse, tedfags or landfags

>> No.12011883
File: 57 KB, 546x600, horse-carcass-woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to cut it open and crawl inside

>> No.12011963

>I can't decide which I'd downvote harder if I was on reddit.

>> No.12012317

> But what is leftism? During the first half of the 20th century leftism could have been practically identified with socialism. Today the movement is fragmented and it is not clear who can properly be called a leftist. When we speak of leftists in this article we have in mind mainly socialists, collectivists, “politically correct” types, feminists, gay and disability activists, animal rights activists and the like. But not everyone who is associated with one of these movements is a leftist. What we are trying to get at in discussing leftism is not so much movement or an ideology as a psychological type, or rather a collection of related types.
>leftism is not so much movement or an ideology as a psychological type
I agree with his points about technology, etc. but he just stripped any meaning from the term leftism besides "what I don't like". Was he the first crossposter?

>> No.12012362

You're being uncharitable, the idea of political inclination as having a psychological or biological basis has legitimacy to it and has since been researched extensively.

>> No.12012425

I don't know; I am glossing over the text now, and although he does sum up the "politically correct" crowd very well I find his depiction to be self contradicting.
I finished "Feelings of Inferiority" and it seems that his leftist at once rescinds into despair and anguish at their own sense of incompetence, and yet has a ravenous drive for power and hostility that leads them to "leftist philosophy" which seems a bit contradictory. And to say leftist philosophers attack Western imperialism because they're jealous is a bit silly. Otherwise, he says that fear of failure and falsity further drives them on (in the case of the feminist who feverishly tries to prove women are just as strong as men because of their fear that they might not be), but this can be said about anyone, and if we are to believe late-Freud, most human acts and desires stem from the possibility and likelihood of failure.
He also doesn't mention anyone in particular, so I have no idea who he has in mind when he cites that leftist philosophers insist that everything is culturally relative. This is blatantly untrue, at least for the most famous leftist philosophers (Foucault, Badiou, Chomsky, Zizek, etc.).
I do agree with him on the point that most activists are in it for their own emotional needs (but Badiou formulates it more accurately imo), but he does not seem to entertain the notion that a strong individualism can be maintained in a collectivist society (like the Confucian knight for instance).
hopefully it gets better as I read on.

>> No.12012433

like we expect some sorta good discussion to come out of that reddit infested shithole
25year rule

>> No.12012436

>Anarcho primitivism is idealization of west

>> No.12012443

That description of left comes from his American upbringing

>> No.12012703

A lot of power in ideology comes from unresolvable contradiction. In Christianity, you have 3 in 1 as a common image, but you also have deeper notions like the messianic secret. In leftism, the contradiction seems to be in found in the establishing of identity (and so is not unreasonable in an age of intense individualjsm) - left identity is a vying for power, which is itself a struggle against those who have vied for power: its image is the subjugated class, capable of mobilizing in force because it is deemed so colossally subjugated