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12005155 No.12005155 [Reply] [Original]

closeted conservatives of /lit/, where does one start with conservative literature? what do i read to btfo special snowflake gay tranny postmodern neo-marxists and save christianity and western civilization?

>> No.12005201

The Bible
12 Rules for Life
How to Debate Leftists and Destroy Them

>> No.12005236

You should probably start with a solid background in the western canon.

>> No.12005239

The Holy Bible 100%
I dont have enough faith be an Atheist
Tactics by Gregory Koukel

>> No.12005243

I very much enjoyed Growth of the Soil, which is frequently re-posted as an example of a good conservative novel. It moved me to a state of productive humility which, unfortunately, few overtly politicized works do.

>> No.12005254

read mcluhan desu

>> No.12006166
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>> No.12006186
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You're like a mere little baby. Read George Fitzhugh, a real conservative theorist

>> No.12006207

Not a conservative or fan of conservative theory but Hayek's The Fatal Conceit is a great point to start. It's about theory and not economics, unlike older conservative literature it's still pretty politically relevant today.

>> No.12006209

there are no conservatives here only reactionaries

>> No.12006230

Hey conservatives of /lit/, how long until one of you invents yet another meme NRx or neofascist tendency that (among other things) postulates that Socrates was indeed corrupting the youth of Athens and deserved his punishment?

>> No.12006295

Starship Troopers, duh

>> No.12006361

this also christopher lasch

>> No.12006409
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Any books that focus on conservative ideals while also exploring man's ability to improve and achieve his goals thru the sheer power of his will and intelligence ?
Growth of the soil is a decent suggestion in this regard, but I know there's more

>> No.12006412

my diary deus

>> No.12006694

Maistre's Considerations on France is a logical place to start, as the French Revolution in many ways is the origin of modern conservatism. He's a real treat to read. Almost puts Hitler to shame.

>> No.12007033

>Fitzhugh wasn't a radical

>> No.12008119

Thanks for this.

>> No.12008129

Art of the Deal

>> No.12008370

Books didn't explicitly make me conservative: taking an economics class for the first time did.
Maybe try some Hobbes or Locke

>> No.12009943
File: 64 KB, 638x558, 1525967703992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP Asks for Conservatism
>you tell him to read economics
>and the two books you say are liberals not writing about economics

>> No.12009959

Cringe and bluepilled except for the Bible.

>> No.12009967

You don't really understand conservatism by your OP. You want to be a less liberal liberal, a conservative is a whole other paradigm. You'll probably have to start with fag-tier MAGApedes and Steven Crowder and Shekelpiro and work your way up over the years. There's really no shortcut, you need to know what you oppose before you can oppose it.

>> No.12009981

there is literally no such thing as a conservative intellectual

>> No.12009986

This is the stupidest post. You must be 23

>> No.12009988

art of the deal is just trump listing his schedule and all the lawsuits he has pending

theres not actually any business tactics

>> No.12010027

Bullshit. OPs pic is a conservative intellectual
This guy doesn’t know what economics means
Unironically Walden

Anything else you guys want to know

>> No.12010052
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>> No.12010112

Where does all this "economics classes made me conservative" shill come from? It isn't really until you reach upper division econ courses that ideology begins informing theory. Sure buddy, you took an introductory econ course and learned the definitions of opportunity cost and the production possibility frontier; that doesn't make you Milton Friedman.
Anyways I just don't really understand it because surely there are not THIS many econ majors in the world

>> No.12010895


>> No.12011211

Conservative politicians always claim to be doing things for the "good of the economy" when they're just helping their fatcat friends get fatter for personal gain.
I think larpers either believe this line, or are rich themselves and want lower taxes.

>> No.12012066
File: 152 KB, 457x640, lycurgus_19352_md.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modern "conservatism"
you'll cowards don't even smoke crack

>> No.12013488


>> No.12013508
File: 18 KB, 255x255, bait_no_regrets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do i read to btfo special snowflake gay tranny postmodern neo-marxists
I hope you realize your replying to bait, baitman.

>> No.12013510

*you're, fuck
That fucking word needs to be filtered, kill yourself.

>> No.12013524
File: 37 KB, 537x360, 1443299541282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop replying to thread I don't like guys!
>Stop saying words I don't like guys!

>> No.12013573


>> No.12013578


>> No.12014018

Based and shillpilled

>> No.12014025


>> No.12015489

Unironically this.

>> No.12015501

Manga and Hitler