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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 141 KB, 1241x1134, 477CAC06-73FB-4B04-9AC0-603F5E45A8F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12006523 No.12006523 [Reply] [Original]

Nearly 3 million copies sold! Congratulate this queen itt

>> No.12006527

I am amusing full fart
but you had your ass shut

>> No.12006542

the lower case 'i' really shows humility.

>> No.12007997

i must fart
shut your eyes

>> No.12008008

imagine being named after a currency

>> No.12008054
File: 41 KB, 1051x1185, so-deep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12008075

>Nearly 3 million idiots verified

i am an erection full of thrust
but you had your legs shut

>> No.12008077
File: 67 KB, 960x752, Chicago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12008318


>> No.12008537

This is something you think up to have a chuckle. Or, recite to friends to have a good laugh. Bring it to your mentors, and they'll explain why it is bad. Real editor will advise lending its space on page to better poems.

I still don't believe she is unironically proud of that.

This post is too trivial, and should've not been posted.

>> No.12008755

There should be a game where you have to identify which is which from real and satirical versions of her """""poetry"""""

>> No.12008763

This board should put together a compilation of poems of similar quality - should take no more than a day

>> No.12008769

my shitposts
are already beautiful
little personal poems
gotta catch them all

>> No.12008780 [DELETED] 

This post is too
and should've not been


>> No.12008782 [DELETED] 

>This post is too
>and should've not been

>> No.12008791

I was Lost

now I am
twice found

God I love making up complete bullshit that sounds deep to morons.

>> No.12008798

This post is too
and should've not been

>> No.12008801

You have to break up the lines in odd places and randomly capitalise anon

My Shitposts Are
already beautiful little
Personal Poems
gotta catch

>> No.12008817

I am
A pathetic loser
Please rape
My face


>> No.12008833

Stop culturally appropriating my work, you menstruating poet.

>> No.12008846

I don't get why /lit/ is so triggered by this book.

It's just a book riding the feminist trend. Nobody whose opinion actually matters is thinking this is genuinely good poetry.

>> No.12008859

But how did you know?

>> No.12008865

Feminist poetry IS good poetry. The expression of a a non hegemonic voice is always a positive thing.

>> No.12008866

Because it's "unfair" that trash gets money and praise what legitimate talent doesn't.
Of course, this has always been the case throughout history, but it's always a little frustrating.

>> No.12008881
File: 67 KB, 1080x809, 42984662_2210080369317564_3851496349544884959_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over 2 million copies sold! Congratulate the most influential public intellectual in the Western world right now itt

>> No.12008889

post feet plx

>> No.12008901
File: 1.97 MB, 500x337, azumanga.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime series when?

>> No.12008978

Poetry is the perfect endeavour for women, all external beauty but useless and shallow.

>> No.12009025
File: 121 KB, 700x700, 09-sterling-k-brown.w700.h700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey he's a good actor titface

>> No.12009033

Is Sakaki a Knight of Faith? Petting a cat and getting bit again and again.

>> No.12009154
File: 40 KB, 405x350, cosm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really do look like caterpillars.

>> No.12009157

She doesn't even get stomped by geese.

>> No.12009222

I wish I could tell every girl
How pretty they are
without them calling The Cops

>> No.12009243

Feminists are the hegemonic voice

>> No.12009539

i had cum stains
on my underwear
and bedsheets
but you weren’t fertile
so i washed them
like our love
hung out to dry

>> No.12009557

rui kaur is the most poste about poet in /lit/'s history.

congratulations fuckhead

>> No.12010203

being named

>> No.12010234



>> No.12010277


>> No.12010299

Cash Money isn't a good name?

>> No.12010324

winky winky woo
Winky dink
booby booby
Winky woo

>> No.12010334


>> No.12010336


>> No.12010341

burn it
and then piss

>> No.12010343

And thus we've distilled the essence of Rupi Kaur's poetry to a single letter.

>> No.12010349

I was the internet
you were you
using me
to pleasure yourself
to other women

>> No.12010357

>being unable to separate content and form

>> No.12010371


a fuck- ing

>> No.12010373

i am an arse full of farts
but you weren't there to fuck them out of me

>> No.12010384

Lit is dying, the feminists are at the gates

>> No.12010403

being unable to separate



>> No.12010404

you forgot how
to extend
only react
a mechanical

>> No.12010413

trains are cute!

>> No.12010422

I hate this meme. A pussy can look like roastbeef, so what if roast beef is like the same thing lmao.

>Stars are white,
>my cum is white,
>one is sumpermassive, the other is small
>stars are made out of cum.

>> No.12010535

This is unironically too good for Rupi Kaur tier.

>> No.12011340
File: 292 KB, 1080x2594, Screenshot_20181030_220543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12011364

congrats queen

got nothing on mein kampf, though - six million copies sold, which admittedly seems like a bit of a self-fulling prophecy

>> No.12011374

I'm compiling these into a google doc. Feel free to add more.


>> No.12011379

her poems are literally just 'im a woman lol im special'

>> No.12011391

thats literally all women """""art"""""""" is though.

>> No.12011402


are white

my cum
is white

one is
the other is


stars are made out of

>> No.12011450

At the end there should just be

and I
to mention that i'm also a brown
which makes my
suffering more real
than yours

And 3 million copies here we come /lit/

>> No.12011461

my heart
which is
is full
of pain and suffering
but in a sea
of pain and suffering
all I am

is anon

-anon, 2018

>> No.12011463 [DELETED] 
File: 631 KB, 1500x1552, mvhHy6m4bBg3p5Sa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12011469

This needs to be published with the same art hoe stylings as rupi's shit

>> No.12011573

I am a football
I threw myself into your hands
yet, you fumbled me

>> No.12011607


Further from god we stray
But into yo pussy my dick sways

>> No.12011620

does anybody seriously believe women dont have the upper hand in society these days

there is a tiny little elite of men that have the most power, but for the vast majority of men and woomen it is women that get all the privileges and protections

>> No.12011623

enjoy your toxo

>> No.12011650

literally type it up and create a fake pen name(like george elliot did, for the same reasons you will) and you will be rich my good friend anon

>> No.12011674

>Had a friend who unironically defended rupi because "it's still a form of expression" even if he thinks its shit

I get it, but anyone who defends this shit is still wrong.

>> No.12011724

We’ve done this (or tried to) several times I thibj

>> No.12011746

I can write a poem
just like rupi kaur

but because I have a dick
no one will care

>> No.12011757

relationships are like

always building

just to get shot

>> No.12011830
File: 24 KB, 740x493, 50_cent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12011902

If it wasn't for the awkward line breaks her poetry would indistinguishable from the marketing slogans for womens cosmetics. When the earth has become virtually uninhabitable and our masters have fled the planet the bands of survivors won't be fighting over fuel they'll be fighting over VHS tapes in the hopes of being able to "ironically" enjoy the ad breaks.

>> No.12013293

That's untrue. You should be careful of possessing views like that one.

>> No.12013331

was lost until
came and found

Wouldn't be surprised if this is an actual on of her poems

>> No.12013352

I hate Rupi as much as anyone here but this one from The Sun And Her Flowers is pretty good:

I love you
as the plant
that doesn’t bloom
and carries within itself,
the light of those flowers

>> No.12013373

Views like that one are a legitimate art form.

>> No.12013386

>thinking that corny shit is any good
It's as bad as any of her other poems. Rupi Kaur is not a real poet.

>> No.12013401
File: 82 KB, 750x750, processed_72920396-afe6-4110-85e8-f5cf05b76b8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so it's always other people's fault? that makes life much easier, thanks

>> No.12013408

>that can't be re...
>it is
What the fuck? Why would you validate people's toxicity?

>> No.12013424

Lol, that's what narcissists tell themselves after everyone gets sick of their shit. Of course she preaches it as the truth.

>> No.12013447

I can't stop reading the first line as "i am a museum full o' fart"
Bad phrasing makes foolish art

>> No.12013506

That's some Joyce here

>> No.12013509

Wew lad you got me there, not knowing if this is a truly amazing shitpost or the most fucked up reply I've ever read

>> No.12013512
File: 223 KB, 933x1143, judenskeleton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd write something like this shit because I hated English class back in high, but only if I was desperate, because it's really hard for me to put myself that low, even if it's for a stupid class assignment.

>> No.12013516
File: 316 KB, 1119x1062, fedora_loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol Spengler
military lolis
motorcycle cavalry speeds
high-speed shooting lolis
young blood stained
trauma forever

>> No.12013533



to glimpse quality
in a pan

golden streams


>> No.12013574

a light year is a minuscule unit in comparison to the size of the universe

>> No.12013580

In windows we see
High-heeled mannequins
Of proportions that society
Deems ideal

Look closer still
And see an even greater ideal
Reflected in your curves
In your smile

>> No.12013583

meant for

>> No.12013586

stop whining like a little bitch

>> No.12013611

why open bob
when you can benis in bagina
here it comes, bitch lasagna

>> No.12013617

way to out yourself as a complete and utter retard i guess

>> No.12013988
File: 12 KB, 566x136, fifty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but fiddy's twiddy is gold, ahead of his time really

>> No.12014881

Dear Christ my sides hurt. Good thread lads

>> No.12014930

I'm annoyed for the same reason this guy is>>12008866
Except in this case Rupi Kaur is a particularly egregious example. Her poems aren't just bad they're horrendous and she isn't just getting praise and money she's getting her her butthole licked by publishers and public alike and getting showered in cash for it.

It makes you sad as well when you realise that the average person on the street who buys this shit has absolutely no faculties to judge poetry (or prose for that matter). It's not even that difficult to disregard stuff as shit as Kaur's "poetry", yet people eat it up.

I would argue that because of the sheer exposure that she gets it DOES matter, because a whole generation is going to be raised thinking this is good poetry.

I suppose overall it's blackpilling, but then it makes you very mad that nobody can see it for what it is.

>> No.12014970

I am a curator full of specimens
I draped them over your exhibits.

>They be swimming still

>> No.12014975

That can't be real surely?

>> No.12014980

I laughed

>> No.12014983

t. Russel Brand based

4chan /lit/ poetry anthology when?

>> No.12014988
File: 122 KB, 700x700, 05-harvey-weinstein-3.w700.h700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stars are made out of

Twas ever thus

>> No.12014992

4chan tagline soon

>> No.12014999


>> No.12015035
File: 35 KB, 597x595, rupi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's been done to death, fucking newf4gz.

>> No.12015040
File: 63 KB, 586x759, rupi2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine not having read creme et sugar

>> No.12015054

Pet a Cat when you
encounter One on the street

>> No.12015055

i smell
like beef
oh, woe

>> No.12015076

did nothing

>> No.12015082

i was a hard drive full of kiddie porn but you
were the fbi

>> No.12015104


>> No.12015111

muh dick

>> No.12015122

Imagine looking back on a botched relationship and thinking
>I was perfect, that other fella really dropped the ball

>> No.12015131

a white bear
in a tuxedo

>> No.12015136
File: 119 KB, 225x227, 1539155082380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the oppressor checks for digits

Goddamn fuckin right

>> No.12015148

Fuck I was just there last night

>> No.12015156

unironically affected me more than the op

>> No.12015160

stop being a kneejerk faggot

who gives a shit about the opinions of the kinds of people that think this is good

you sound like a little bitch

>> No.12015170


>> No.12015189

golden man lifts his sword
seven ropes in the ficus
white spume in the sky like
stars on the screen

>> No.12015519
File: 25 KB, 685x385, methode%2Fsundaytimes%2Fprod%2Fweb%2Fbin%2Fea0a02dc-7456-11e7-b8e2-c49520e20944.jpg?crop=2250%2C1266%2C0%2C23&resize=685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12015543

home from work
pull up pornhub
i should be reading
its another day

>> No.12015624

Good shit

>> No.12015639

>Skinny girls BTFO

>> No.12015721
File: 179 KB, 736x742, 8B3C121B-3BBA-4414-8E4F-CFFA80D3034D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At night
I crawl across my Ceiling
as I did upon the floor
All those Men came
Walking the Dinosaur

>> No.12015737


normie ladies are my shitarium full of farts

and i have my nose shut

>> No.12015825

All the people

>> No.12015896
File: 2.51 MB, 286x258, 1529469835022.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12016150

She was looking
kind of
with her finger and her
thumb in the shape
of an "L" on her fore

>> No.12016222

The difference is that stars and semen don't have the same structure, fool. Colour is superficial and common. The meme points out similarities in the structure of the fabric of our world. Hurricanes and galaxies are a closer comparison to oranges and orangutans, you fuck head

>> No.12016241

I choose not to accept
the way things are

I have the courage
to not change myself

and the wisdom
to know they're both the same anyway

>> No.12016469

Nice and

>> No.12016488

I blocked someone on instagram the other day for posting of picture of themselves at a live rupi reading. Not even memeing.

>> No.12016496

i was a reuben full of flavor
but you had your mouth shut

i was wellington's victory symphony
but you had your headphones on

i was a grandmother's moth eaten quilt
but you were wearing a full body wetsuit

i was in extreme pain for you
but you were a big guy

>> No.12016896

i s
moked the ciggy

i s
panked my piggy

all the way home to the bank

>> No.12016909

my heart is like a carrot
but you were no bugs

>> No.12016922

i felt the pinprick of your love
after about a minute of thrusting

>> No.12016960

i am nuclear
i am wild
i am breaking up inside
a heart of broken glass
deep inside
the abandoned child

nuclear -rupi kaur

>> No.12017173


>> No.12017259

keepin the balls empty
and the belly

eight out of ten

>> No.12017267

this is also how thom yorke tweets

>> No.12017310

i am a website full of doujins
but you never got past the sad panda

>> No.12017337

i'm real with my bros but you knows
i stay bussin in these hoes

>> No.12017339

I wanted fame
But I got none
But then
I did
When I wore
A manbun

>> No.12017422

roses are red


shitposts on 4chan

you're a

>> No.12017436

>Over 2 million copies sold!
That's cool. If only he was interesting.

>> No.12017443
File: 65 KB, 176x266, 14941662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The difference is that stars and semen don't have the same structure
Neither do brains and galaxies.

>> No.12017478

lol bitches

>> No.12017529

jingle bells
my feet smells
not unlike an egg

>> No.12017642

i am all
the flowers
in an endless garden
but you are a faggot
with hay fever

>> No.12017664

this is at odds with the behaviour of most cats, I have to assume he's actually referring to groping women

>> No.12017782
File: 82 KB, 987x1024, DnxbT-qX0AEtmQs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, you got me

>> No.12017797

i am a pearl
he was never a good swimmer

-rami malek

>> No.12017817

dingoes at my

>> No.12017954
File: 480 KB, 531x444, oh dread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it wasn't for the awkward line breaks her poetry would indistinguishable from the marketing slogans for womens cosmetics. When the earth has become virtually uninhabitable and our masters have fled the planet the bands of survivors won't be fighting over fuel they'll be fighting over VHS tapes in the hopes of being able to "ironically" enjoy the ad breaks.

You're absolutely not wrong. Especially that first line.

>> No.12018136

you were
a Gentleman Supreme
begging a

>> No.12018347

blue box ascends
shit post defends
poor poetry
of girl with a
vagina so
large, living that
it swallowed me
whole, in a sea
of baited you's
check' em

>> No.12018364
File: 37 KB, 640x640, 1521237644908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12018398

I was a pearl
but you refused
to polish me

>> No.12018410

>when you're an atheist but you still want to believe in sacred geometry

>> No.12018416

My girlfriend, like most women, gets a lot of her opinions from social media. She bought a copy of Milk and Honey at the bookstore and tried to read it. She never really talked about it (as she does when she likes a book) and judging by the placement of the bookmark never finished it. I’ve never teased her about it, but now I have a copy of this joke piece of literature on my bookshelf. She’s reading Infinite Jest now and only has around 100 pages to go.

>> No.12018430

I write
narcissistic trash
with a feminist sheen
so people feel
that calling out
my hack-ass
is morally

>> No.12018458

I am
and beautiful
as my

hurt me
and you'll
be broken
in random
places like



>> No.12018469

shall I
thee to
a summer's

Thou art far
more temperate


>> No.12018473

I was a nobel prize
but you started with the greeks

>> No.12018496

i wonder if
men on the moon felt
if people are polite or just nice
i'm a fake or real
abadoned theme parks
she forgot
they will ever finish that building
anyone will remember me

>> No.12018513

you were found
when i was lost,
and i was lost
because of you


>> No.12018517
File: 303 KB, 1080x1080, rupi dearest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12018540

Ah, there he is.
That motherfucker.
What a tool.

>> No.12018547
File: 141 KB, 1582x1526, 1443672852073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>17.3K notes on Tumblr

>> No.12018561

> REALLY has a girlfriend
The joke isn't on your bookshelf, semfam.

>> No.12018574


>> No.12018580
File: 48 KB, 650x622, muttley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a museum full of art
but you had to shart in mart

>> No.12018597


>> No.12018653


>> No.12018671

Rupi says Women aren't people
Based and redpilled

>> No.12018680

spilled into nap
november no-fap

>> No.12018729
File: 15 KB, 965x854, YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12018754

>i was a grandmother's moth eaten quilt
>but you were wearing a full body wetsuit


>> No.12018787

You've never read poetry.

>> No.12018794

Form is content anon. But I understand liking some content and not all. I love Kerouac's prose but find his sentiments sheltered at best.

>> No.12018801

Rather than bitch about shitty poetry, why don't we link some great contemporary stuff?

>> No.12018858

This is unironically better than anything Rupi Kaur has written or will ever write. I dig it.

>> No.12018861
File: 39 KB, 502x434, contentdefinition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Form and content are intimately related, but they are not the same thing.

>> No.12018878

>TFW a stupid shitpost on 4chins is probably a better critical feminist poem than anything poopi has ever written

>> No.12018881

i am a museum full of feed and seed
but you were chuck

>> No.12019240

life is meaningless
meaning is lifeless
less life is meaning
less meaning is life

>> No.12019250

sleigh kween

>> No.12019284

Form is content. A google definition is worthless to me.

>> No.12019315
File: 806 KB, 1001x823, FB60146E-06E7-426F-B354-74B9F9115B7C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12019317

Unironically very good.

>> No.12019802

made me kek

>> No.12019824

put me in the screencap desu

>> No.12019826


>> No.12019960

you ran away
from me
i smelt bad
i lost that scent

>> No.12019968

the house
was empty
and doors shut
you were outside
go away

>> No.12019982

You is a museum full of art
My sticky mess bursting from the doors.

>> No.12019984

i could have been in the screencap
but you scrolled past my post

>> No.12020030

you call
despite the fact
are obviously

>> No.12020128

Who is this whore of Babylon?

>> No.12020139

steamed hams, you called them,
but it's not like i didn't notice
they were obviously grilled

>> No.12020140

post your novel
ideas pige
not like they're
dragons arguing
going anywhere

>> No.12020158


>> No.12020162


>> No.12020164


>> No.12020181

i t so happ en e d
t he stro king
please e d

>> No.12020187

i've never kept flocks
but it's like i've kept them

my soul is like a shepherd
it knows the wind and the sun
and it walks hand in hand with the seasons

following and seeing

>> No.12020501

Yeah! That's the beat right there.
I'm about to black out with 100 bars on some professional shit.
So don't try this at home yo.
Yo yo yo
My style of rhymin is ancient like Aztecs and Mayans
Because I recognize its all about timin'
Me and my freestyle alliance practicin' African voodoo science
In front of 20 ft. bonfires lookin' skyward
Calculating May 5 2000 the nine planets'll be in alignment
The arrival of the prophet in the cockpit
Of a starship the size of the Hale-Bopp comet
With mercury ion rockets
And a big ass "Canibus comin soon" poster on the side of it
I'm known geographically and intergalactically
That's why I got extraterrestrials that want to battle me
They even tried kidnappin' me
And they would've snatched me
If their craft didn't get trapped in the Earth's gravity
Engines stalled and failed. Crashed into a farmer's field
And that's really what caused Roswell
Undercover operatives workin' for COM 12
Disguised as a nigga signed with a record deal
Lyrically I'm off scale
So all hail or get tossed towards Hell, whatever y'all feel
Briusin' niggas, confusin' niggas like Chip Fu from the Fu-Schnickens
Hit you with nuclear cruiser missiles
Hear the wild wolf growl
Styles stockpiled for miles from the ground to the clouds
Wack niggas want to be down but its not allowed
Interrupt the cipher unannounced and you'll get punched in the mouth
With the southpaw southern fist
I'll bust your shit. Swell your lip and get the Bubba shrimp
Back the tougher shit. What a wimp
You giant Goliath. Niggas get shot with a rubber sling
I'm an experiment gone bad.
My brainwave's on an ????? graph. Yo, I'm stark ravin mad
Your whole scientific staff'll get killed in a nuclear blast
When I throw the ????? flask in my hand
Flammable liquids in the lab explode
And you get stabbed with all the flyin glass
Trained to blow up commercial aircrafts
Trained in chemical weapons class
Just to see how long a nigga's breath'll last
I put him in a leather mask
Spray his ass with a can of ???? gas
Then watch him grab his neck and gag
Watch the nigga choke to death as I laugh
"You want to battle?" is the type of question you should never ask
Nigga, pick a tougher task. See who the fuck'll last
Whoever lose'll get a solderin' iron up the ass
You need to recognize
My hand is quicker than the eye
Quicker than the 5 speed Jamiroquai drives
A lifespan longer than 9 lives. Infinite rhymes that can't die
A nigga with a divine mind
I dedicate this to the wise. Dedicate it to dames
Dividin' myself into 100 ten times
You can't deny the offering's an offer
Flows that glow with aurora's the spark of light
Water fly like a saucer
With the torque of a Porsche

>> No.12020506

Murder a million MCs then autograph all of their coffins
Been gettin' it on since I been born and I'm a live long
And I'm a be gettin' it on till I'm gone
Look at all the stages I been on. All the songs that I spit on
I took an oath to rip everything I get on
A nigga like me should have Carpal Tunnel syndromes
In the wristbones from grippin' microphones this long
I'm just a small fish in a big pond
And gets pissed off whenever I gets picked on
Nigga try to flip and get flipped on
My army march a million strong
Like the nation of Islam with suede timbs on
Extremely hostile
Fully armed troops dressed in frog suits and night vision goggles
A lyrical lynch mob
Shittin' on niggas drawn to a hideous form with horns and a mink on
Duckin' down low like Vietnam fightin' the Vietcong
Screamin' "incomin'" when I see a bomb
Speak to your leader. Surrender your arms
You need about a million more soldiers to even the odds
Plus 800, 000 to even consider a war
And 200, 000 more to even look hard
You better drop your flag and withdraw
My cavalry charge accompanied by a blizzard of wicked metaphors
And smash y'all. Attach y'all to the back of my horse
And drag y'all across the motherfuckin' asphalt
9 out of 10 niggas is frauds
You know who you are always talkin' about your bitches and your cars
Your jewelry and your girls. It's like we from two different worlds
You motherfuckers really get on my nerves
'Cause I'm beyond them, on some futuristic cyborg shit
I close my eyes when I freestyle so I could read what picture crossed in
Then raise my arms like a sorcerer and cast a fireball into the audience
To barbecue your brain organs
You feel like you've been thrown in a microwave oven
I flame broil suckers and hit 'em with some more shit
The raw shit. Call my reinforcements, the four horsemen
Take a big piece of chalk and draw a line across the stage pulpit
I dare a motherfucker to cross it
I'll even call my man Black Rob at two in the mornin
Tell him it's important. Tell him to call Sting 3 way and sing a
Break your camcorders so you motherfuckers can't record it
Call the news, I'll kill your reporters
Start a lawsuit, I'll kill your lawyers
Fuck the soft shit and fuck what y'all think
My album's gold cause my album was the bomb, shit
Y'all niggas got your ass beat cause you asked for it
Got your picture taken and put in a tabloid
'Cause you a man and you like to touch little boys
You fuck 'em in the ass, then you give 'em cash for it
That's some sick shit homeboy
A hundred years ago, they'd have took you to see Sigmund Freud
You fraudulent. Feminine. Fragile as a feather is
With an effortless blow, I'll crack your whole skeleton
You think you're better than Canibus, where's the evidence?
You got below average intelligence and poor penmanship
You need to shut the fuck up cause your breath stink
Take fifty cents and purchase a pack of peppermints
Battlin' me you never win

>> No.12020509

You thought you was the only nigga that could sneak a weapon in?
Nigga guess again
'Cause after I'm finished wreckin this shit
I'm a drink a whole bottle of Henney and go fuck a lesbian

>> No.12020511


>> No.12020564

More feminist and poetic then any of her shit. Good job.

>> No.12020584


>> No.12020592

I kind of like this one

>> No.12020622

>every word must be literature

>> No.12020727

>doors closing
excellent final line

>> No.12020750

You called me
Your diamond in the rough,
ignoring that I shine
through dirt
more clearly than
in light.

>> No.12020767

i made her
a cheese and garlic
to see what would happen

time passes
as we lie
in our lovers embrace
it reaches my nostrils
quite pungent
my dear

>> No.12020784

Then look in whatever dictionary you like. They all clearly say that form is the technical, structural stuff, and that content is the subject matter.

>> No.12021114

Apparently basic knowledge is useless to you. That anon is right, as anyone who knows anything about poetry would tell you, but really, you should have deduced it yourself with rudimentary logic.

>> No.12021117

Yes and dozens of theorists have proved otherwise. Anyone who reads poetry knows that form is content.

>> No.12021182

You can write a sonnet about anything. A sonnet is a sonnet because is has a particular form. The content can be whatever the writer wants it to be.
There is a coherent and useful distinction between form and content.

>> No.12021246

I think we should do both. I've got nothing to contribute though.

>> No.12021285
File: 13 KB, 255x205, PepsiApproves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan has spoken. We will stand behind Milky Honey for as long as our graphics department can implant her with the most powerfulest boobs.

>> No.12021321
File: 316 KB, 1029x657, tiger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When a first grader writes better poems.

>> No.12021350

Hahahaha holy shit that is so bad. Thanks anon and rupy you guys made my day

>> No.12021399

i've thrown my life away
to satisfy my own ego
you desired me once
now are wed to another
i sympathize with lucifer
in paradise lost
my tears are your revenge
for a cruelly broken heart

>> No.12021427

In my little
civil war

we wore period shirts
period pants
shot period guns
bled period blood

>> No.12021545

A black, black cloud
flew over the sun
driven by fierce flying

>> No.12021561

Holy fuck. That tiger poem is actually better. What the fuck.

>> No.12021581

Slaaaaaaaaayy *glomps* ^.^

>> No.12021612
File: 302 KB, 1089x1475, bbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh dik
made fo
white pussy...

>> No.12021617

What have I done
to drive you away? It is
winter, true enough, but

this day I love you.
This day
there is no time at all

more than in under
my ribs where anatomists
say the heart is-

>> No.12021626

A child peers out from behind the leg of his mother

He is asked to greet me

And hides his face

She apologizes

And I do the same

>> No.12021636 [DELETED] 

niggers tongue
my anus

>> No.12021650

When he left
he took all
that made the house
something of him and me

He took every piece
I could hold
to remember

the AIDS
through my body

>> No.12022069

Sometimes I find
in my asscrack
Yet I have not shat
It is an enigma.

>> No.12022223

poopity poopy, scoopity scoopy
just another day, another day with rupi!