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12004832 No.12004832 [Reply] [Original]

A Heart Cooled By A Bladeless Fan edition

>What is this thread about?
The story goes like this: Earth is captured by a technocapital singularity as renaissance rationalitization and oceanic navigation lock into commoditization take-off. Logistically accelerating techno-economic interactivity crumbles social order in auto-sophisticating machine runaway. As markets learn to manufacture intelligence, politics modernizes, upgrades paranoia, and tries to get a grip. -- Nick Land, Meltdown

>Where should I start?

>Is there a flow chart?
not yet

>Economics/philosophy mega

>r/theoryfiction archive


>teh Coldness

>teh Coldness in conversation

>submissions for playlist are **open**

>Previous installments

>Continued from

>> No.12004842
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Fuck Yeah Space Taoism

>The philosophy of the 23rd century is a naturalistic Space Taoism based on change, evolution, and creativity, a view of the universe more profound that any religion has imagined - and as such it is a true post-atheism, transcending atheism-as-negation by offering an affirmative view of life that solves the problem of omnipresent nihilism and alienation of the present, offering a physicalist reenchantment with the cosmos and a relationship with the world that can only be described as experiencing it as pure poetry in the fullness of its wonder-horror, to be ever content and comfy yet ever striving. Its symbol will inevitably be that of the calculus integral due to its similarity to the yin-yang, its synthesis of Eastern and Western thought, of the analytical with the analogical. Neo-China and Neo-Europe arrive from the future to save the present from the undead past, the autonomous movement of the unliving accelerating itself towards omnicide.

>The metaphysical nature of change is mirrored in all specifics of it, including that of calculus, the mathematical study of change, which is where we find formalization of our metaphysical principle. The fundamental theorem of calculus describes integration and derivation as inverse operations of the same process, with the physical intuition of integration being "cumulative change" and "instantaneous change." These correspond to yang and yin of Chinese philosophy respectively, with the Chinese insight into this relationship coming from a careful observation of change, and an extrapolation of its mechanics from observation - not wholly accurate, but the core relationship is precise. Examining the nature of our conscious perception of change shows why this is the case, and gives evidence that the foundations of calculus is truly a metaphysical principle capable of accounting for human experience.

>We perceive change in the reference frames of presentism and temporalism, where in the former a singular omni-present moment is the fixed point of reference, and the latter the line of time comprised of a continuum of infinitesimal moments that are gone as soon as they arrive. In the presentist perspective, cultivated by mindfulness practices, what is experienced is instantaneous change in an ever-present, and in the temporalist perspective cumulative change through time. The presentist mode is spacial, analogical (simultaneous relationships) and relational, the temporalist mode sequential, narrative and logical (causal relationships.)

>> No.12004847
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>Though Alfred North Whitehead didn't realize it, his philosophy follows from calculus as a metaphysical principle precisely, describing being and becoming, permanence and change as co-equals, that "becoming is for the purpose of being, and being for the purpose of novel becoming." Rather than quoting at length, here is a link to the first 19 pages of "The Metaphysics of Experience: A Companion to Whitehead's Process and Reality" that gives a basic introduction to his philosophy, which I think the reader will conclude is a reflection of the metaphysical implications of calculus: https://imgur.com/a/ZtLDYJT He is the essential guide towards the philosophy of the 23rd century, but missing is the process of the self, consciousness as a creative process.

>Evolutionary theories of culture such as memetics fails to include subjective human experience, which does violence to it: we're all just "meme machines" subject to memetic forces, the mechanistic universe transformed into techno-organic infection. Douglas Hofstadter's view of consciousness takes a different direction, describing us as "self-perceiving, self-inventing, locked-in mirages that are little miracles of self-reference," and is heavy into process thought at some points (especially his concept of shared interiority, that we host and are hosted by others) yet is still focused on the being-self, a self-representation representing itself, the self as an object, the "I." What creates this self-representation is the becoming-self, a self-querying query, a question questioning itself. Questions aren't a passive lack of answers but are quests, searches, movements, and vectors of desire. The spotlight of our awareness is a request for information having directionality, and self-awareness comes from the interplay between the being-self and becoming-self, the process of self-creativity.

>The Darwinian process of variation -> selection -> reproduction is mirrored by the conscious process of question -> choice -> action, our lines of inquiry create potentials that we select from to actualize. Substance metaphysics has made us blind to the essential generative component of consciousness, focusing on the ordering process of selection, resulting in the idea of free will: we are free (or not) to select from objects from a list according to our will - our desires. Our freedom lies in free inquiry, our capacity to question, as by questioning our will we can create alternative desires. We can also question our questions, and our actions, and so human consciousness is a three-fold strange loop of the evolutionary process folded upon itself. Conscious experience is literally evolution evolved, the creative process that has folded upon itself to create self-creators. Self-creation isn't an absolute but an art, a cultivated skill, and it is not a self-creation creating with itself ex nihilo, but a co-creation with the multiplicity of existence.

>> No.12004854
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>Whitehead's organic philosophy replaces the centrality with relationships - mutually co-creative perspectives among all things. "Every creature both houses and pervades the universe," the interiority of an occurrence comprised of its relationships to everything else. Matter is made of energy which is a relationship between occurrences, but as these occurrences are made up of energy, which is made up of relationships, the universe is a strange loop of relationships of relationships of relationships. The implication is a synthesis of the dead nouns of creator and creating with an immanent creativity, the death of art as the process of reality itself is a creative process, a tapestry of co-creation among all strands that it contains - not as a whole relating the many to itself, but as the many becoming one in a novel subject, and increased by one. The thesis of Space Taoism is "we are life-artists who co-create with the self-creating tapestry of existence," rather than human creators creating meaning out of a meaningless existence, meaning and signification is omnipresent, co-created by a subject's personal relationship with existence - the artistic act of life.

>While the integral symbol is the inevitable symbol of Space Taoism, its true holy symbol is the question mark - a symbol of awareness, infinite potential, inexhaustible meaning and endless becoming. The Tao is literally defined as "path" or "way," a motion through space and time, and the guide along this endless quest isn't an answer but an omnipresent question mark. What does one do? How does one act? What does one become? Let your questions guide you, and follow them faithfully, and they will take you to where you need to go.

Space Taoism, Fuck Yes


>> No.12004871
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Box Life
>Being a Critical Satire of Certain Aspects of Terminal-Acceleration End-Games

>Isn't it a great feeling? Isn't it the greatest feeling you can have? When you get to wait another 20 minutes because you forgot to include a single line of code. And not even a complicated one, but like, one where you add a piece of machinery to accomplish something and then forget to add the line that triggers the machine? You get to wait 20 minutes to discover this, and then it takes another 20 minutes to fix the problem. 20 minutes of electricity coursing through the steel box that you keep by your desk, the steel box that you live and die by, the steel box that contains your paycheck and love life and all the other firmament out of which we build our lives. This clean box with a mathematically defined volume, CAD curves contained in yet more boxes. Boxes and boxes graciously granted to us by the fathers of our industry. Fathers who smile a gentle smile as they look down upon their creation and see boxes and boxes while their genius sees even more boxes and boxes.

>I want to become more box like. More predictable. More capable of doing math. I want my skin to be flat, smooth and cold. I want my heart to be cooled by a bladeless fan. I want to live within the box. I want the box to live within me. Eventually, as our sizes ebb and swell together, the dimensionalities will align with one another, and in those few small moments, I will be a box, and the box will be a person. This small moment will be heart achingly beautiful. So beautiful that it would be befitting to smash and destroy all other images of half-beauty, now obsolescent and obstinate against the calibrated white glow of the box-person, breathing light out from within itself. It is this state I look forward to, towards which I master myself. For in these moments, waiting 20 minutes for code to compile will be time spent dwelling in ethical absolution.

>I want to be a box-person. I want to offload my thinking to browser plugins. I want my personality digested by machines so that my interiority can be understood better and monetized. I want each aspect of my psycho-spiritual subdivided into the smallest economically viable units. I want there to be free-trade of these units. I want my emotions to be bought and sold and repackaged into collateralized dopamine obligations. I want my libidinal energies directed into further proliferation of boxes. I want the economic productivity of my semen to be measured on a dollar per milliliter basis. It is a just and good feature of our society that the box-person performing this calculation be rewarded monetarily. I will devote time and resources so that this calculation is context dependent on the time, date, weather and specific pornography I am watching.

>> No.12004885
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>I want my personal taste in breakfast food to influence politics in Latin America. I want one distributed and amorphous entity to discover an arbitrage opportunity and simultaneously alter the course of ships filled with fruits and vegetables while also bombarding me with advertisements for value-added products created from those fruits and vegetables. Out of sheer force of will I will steer predator drones via the telekinesis enabled by high frequency trading. My body and mind and spirit will vibrate to the energies of global commerce - my species being will be fulfilled as my desires disintegrate and are scattered into the world like a fine mist. This will inoculate the land with my seed. I will reproduce myself in the world by the mere thermodynamic radiation of information.

>I will have fourteen Amazon Prime accounts, one for each astral manifestation of my mind-body-spirit agglomeration. I will fill Facebook’s servers with my photographs. They will devour these photos and I will be immortalized in the model produced. In this way I will live on forever. My mood will be measured in geological time. There will be the Disneyocene and the Pepsiocene and the Fordocene and the AT&Tocene and the Nikeocene and the Ziplococene and the KitKatocene. Entire phylum of scientific understands will be computationally generated for my own personal consumption and they will be completely unintelligible to anyone who does not have my same life experiences, body type, gender and genetic makeup. It is within this way that I will retain my individuality, if I so choose.

>I want to become an iPerson. I want to attain the ontological closure hidden underneath lifestyle branding. I want my personal brand to become autonomous. I want god to breathe into the nostrils of my facebook profile. I will become an ePerson, a smart-person. I will transfuse my blood directly into the fresh lipid and non-decaying corpse of my digital self and make it dance. My spirit will be transubstantiated into neurochemicals, of which I will be given direct and regulated dosages. I will perform artistic expression through proprietary mixes of these neurochemicals. I will share these recipes with the entires in a database labeled "friends". My thoughts shall become pure immanence. I will dwell alongside the numinous.

>> No.12004893
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>As a box-person, I would not feel pain, not in the usual sense. Physical and emotional pain will be mere simulations run in order to interface with depreciated flesh-space APIs. Morality will be a steady-state optimization problem. The only pain I will feel will arise as a strange epiphenomenon of latency. A taught, unidirectional UDP connection between the present and the future: the pain arises from lost packets, from inefficiency, from the basic violence of non-reversable time. It is underneath this penumbra from which the monsters of my box-soul will slink and give rise to a stinking, entropy-ridden sulfur. I will try hard to not become outdated. I will join communes in which brutal and inhuman forms of self-reliance are practiced. I will hold up my box-body, my box-mind and my box-soul to my vicious box-peers as they ravenously consume and copy whatever relative efficiencies my self-boxes may contain. I will stare out into ecological collapse and perhaps, on weekends, allow myself a moment of nostalgia as the quaint, acoustics-based informatic encoding of the syllables and phonemes within "ecological collapse" reverberate through my box-mouth.

>> No.12004905
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Cosmotechnics & Acceleration

>§00. 'Acceleration' as it is used here describes the time-structure of capital accumulation. It thus references the 'roundaboutness' founding Bohm-Bawerk's model of capitalization, in which saving and technicity are integrated within a single social process-diversion of resources from immediate consumption into the enhancement of productive apparatus. Consequently, as basic co-components of capital, technology and economics have only a limited, formal distinctiveness under historical conditions of ignited capital escalation. The indissolubly twin-dynamic is techonomic (cross-excited commercial industrialism). Acceleration is techonomic time.

>§09. Teleoplexy, or (self-reinforcing) cybernetic intensification, describes the wave-length of machines, escaping in the direction of extreme ultra-violet, among the cosmic rays. It correlates with complexity, connectivity, machinic compression, extropy, free energy dissipation, efficiency, intelligence, and operational capability, defining a gradient of absolute but obscure improvement that orients socioeconomic selection by market mechanisms, as expressed through measures of productivity, competitiveness, and capital asset value.

>§10. Accelerationism has a real object only insofar as there is a teleoplexic thing, which is to say: insofar as capitalization is a natural-historical reality.

-- Nick Land/Teleoplexy: Notes on Acceleration

>I will give a preliminary definition of cosmotechnics here: it means the unification between the cosmic order and the moral order through technical activities (although the term cosmic order is itself tautological since the Greek word kosmos means order). The concept of cosmotechnics immediately provides us with a conceptual tool with which to overcome the conventional opposition between technics and nature, and to understand the task of philosophy as that of seeking and affirming the organic unity of the two.

>Cosmotechnics proposes that we reapproach the question of modernity by reinventing the self and technology at the same time, giving priority to the moral and the ethical.

>Once we accept the concept of cosmotechnics, instead of maintaining the opposition between the magic/mythical and science and a progression between the two, we will be able to see that the former, characterized as the ‘speculative organisation and exploitation of the sensible world in sensible terms’, is not necessarily a regression in relation to the latter.

-- Yuk Hui/Cosmotechnics: The Question Concerning Technology in China

>> No.12004978

do I inject redpills directly on my dick to stay ahead of the curve

>> No.12004995
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>dick hasn't fallen off yet from redpill chemical abuse, leaving only a burned-out remnant, like a tiny babe's umbilical cord


>> No.12005013
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Bad film.

With that said I realized today that I haven't read all of Nick Land. I've only read OldNickSite and Xenosystems, but he apparatently had a blog named "Urban Future" too?

Guess I know how I'll spend the week.
Could you list Yuk Hui's influences?

>> No.12005029

Ironic how acceleration fags are entirely addicted to jargon from the 19th and 20th century. Almost like they just didn't get into a good post graduate program.

>> No.12005050

Bruh, I did not even get into university bruh. I'm honestly stupid as fuck, got straight Fs in Math at High School. Tried 9 years to get into university and each time I failed the tests.

Accelerationism philsoophy selects for low IQ fags, I guess it's true that it's IQ shredder philosophy!!

fuck I wish Jeff Bezos would just turn me into biodiesel already thats my only worth as object being; ifucking hate living with 90 iq cripple brrain

>> No.12005058
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>Bad film.

>With that said I realized today that I haven't read all of Nick Land.
if we prosecuted heresy here it would be this, but we don't. in the end we got so burned out from rage and triggers we unironically wound up finding forgiveness weirdly appealing

>Could you list Yuk Hui's influences?
Heidegger and pic rel. Bernard Stiegler was his doctoral thesis supervisor, and Gilbert Simondon is also his boy. he also has some love for 20C neo-Confucian heavyweight Mou Zongsan, who read all of Kant and Hegel and then settled on Tiantai Buddhism. YH has issues with Mou but you can read all about that story is the book from which these threads are derived.

>Ironic how acceleration fags are entirely addicted to jargon from the 19th and 20th century.
show me where Cosmotechnics appears in the 20C and i will buy you an ice cream cone
>you lie girardfag. you are a goddamn liar. you won't buy him an ice cream cone at all

technically Uncle Nick is 20C, but he's way at the tail of end of it too. otherwise, i can't really disagree. i am kind of addicted to that vocabulary. you're not wrong anon

>Almost like they just didn't get into a good post graduate program.
the world needs weird hermits who run rag-and-bone antique shops, you never know when you might need a nice curse pharmakon

>> No.12005065

Wypipo can't handle losing it, you guys are just going to kill us all instead so rad

>> No.12005069

Sounds interesting (YH).
Is he more left like Vast or more right?

>> No.12005076

I get it m8 discursive artifacts innit?

>> No.12005079

I'm so low IQ that "I can handle losing". I can handle being NEET waste of space and that's inherently fucking stupid.

>> No.12005099
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Fuck it dude lifes a risk

>> No.12005103
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>Sounds interesting (YH).
he rules

>Is he more left like Vast or more right?
he's neither. that's the whole idea. he wants something like a Rectification of Names, technologically speaking: see >>12004905. and so do i; but you're not really here to read my garbage opinions. YH is the guy, along with the others. i am only the janitor and night manager of the Hotel L'Existence in which these conversations take place. in the last thread i accidentally stumbled on Zen Acceleration and i'm still feeling pretty smug about that now

i don't know. maybe? might have to explain your own thoughts on this. there's definitely a need to understand technology and "discourse," and it sure won't be taking its cues from Foucault around here, Based Han basically wears a necklace of ears around the hotel. at night he goes out hunting for Foucaultians and nobody dares ask him why. he does it every night, like a man possessed

>> No.12005111
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Zen Acceleration: the movie

>also Seven Samurai, but it's a little different. still basically the same idea tho, Modernity Wins & Fuck You

>> No.12005120
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Zen Acceleration: Nemesis

>and not only Kefka Palazzo, but Doomsday Clowns are basically what Max Postmodernity looks like, and are a rather difficult proposition for critical theory, imho
>also you have had waaaaaaaaaaaay too much coffee today girardfag, might be time to take a pause pretty soon
>just a *rk* second inner self i'm *bzzt* just going to grit my teeth through this stroke and *hk* get out a few more shitposts

>> No.12005128
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Discursive artifacts are like digital artifacts

>> No.12005134

Do u guys like Trump?

>> No.12005170

The things left behind? Ghost notes from the digital realm? Thoughts abandoned to the void clawing their way out?

I like the phrase anyhows.

Mr OP/girardlad, do you have any thoughts on Hofstadter? Consciousness arising out of self referential feedback loops/metaphor/analogy and all that jazz/Bach?

Just curious like.

Apologies if it's been discussed in previous episodes but I've only been skimming these threads and desu I'm probably not gonna read "all that shit". You know how it is.

>> No.12005182
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Explain, please.

>> No.12005193

Looks cool n stuff.

>> No.12005194
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ok, but shitposting massive walls of greentext and schizo-ramble are what we do here. if the thing means something and it's interesting, sometimes you have to walk us through it. bonus points for cyberpunk tumblr imagery and so on, explore the space

he's a symptom. he happened because the Left failed, more or less as Zizek explains it. he's a living shitpost but not an accident. he happened because the Left went to the Critical Theory well one too many times and they pulled a card that they didn't like. the universe has a sense of humor and the Cosmic Balance is for realsies, as is the dialectic.

>Mr OP/girardlad, do you have any thoughts on Hofstadter? Consciousness arising out of self referential feedback loops/metaphor/analogy and all that jazz/Bach?

hofstadter is no question some kind of genius, i tried to get through GEB a while ago, i'm sure if i could understand math i would be shilling him like there's no tomorrow. unfortunately i am a complete math brainlet (and, tbqh, a brainlet in general).

basically i think Hegel was on to something. if you want to go into some of the finer points of Hofstadter tho it would be way cool. it's not only a kind of True Detective/Red String extravaganza here, it's red strings between worlds. if you want to sell anons ITT on Hofstadter go for it. the PoS more or less works for me, but there is more to life than Hegel also.

>Apologies if it's been discussed in previous episodes but I've only been skimming these threads and desu I'm probably not gonna read "all that shit". You know how it is.
i do.

>b/c i honestly can't

but now that you have brought it up, compare and contrast, fellow Acceleration/neo-Confucian/Occult scholars.

>> No.12005200

>he happened because the Left failed
but right wingers failed too. 16 of them failed, to be precise.

>> No.12005209

while reading yuk hui today, the part about stoic cosmotechnics really resonated with me
and then i actually had some independent thoughts (who woulda thought that could still happen, i sure didnt)
so here goes:

the stoics use / see techne as the tool towards achieving virtue, the development of which is the foundation of all happiness
virtue is reached through the use of techne within nature
so techne != technics but there is a very close relation, this had let me to the thought that technics is nothing but the extentsion of nature
sort of invention of machines, interent etc comparable with the discovery of fire by cavemen
which means that in my current mode of thinking the concept of invention is impossible because you do not *invent* something, you merely discover a combination
of natural objects towards something *new* but this has been *discovered* rather than *invented*
upon this discovery then build further discoveries (like power -> circuits -> computers -> networks -> internet etc)
but all those discoveries are irreversible, again here the analogy of fire really helps
i contrast the techno-critical reaction of people like kaczynski somehow like a caveman burning himself on a flame, thus denouncing all fire is bad and must be abolished
given i have not yet read kaczynski, he surely holds more merit than i give him but i hope i still brought my point across
but in a caveman system that has discovered fire, there is no going back. you can no tsimply *forget* fire
what needs to be done, and this is where i like going back to the stoic analogy, is learning how to deal with fire
see what fire can do, accept its properties as part of nature and learn how to use it for virtue
surely there were some fire denouncers among early societies, but those couldn't have survived, just how anti-technics people can't survive in todays society
we are still in the early stages of technics, we have yet to reach some kind of limit wich makes us think that it is limitless
however i do not think it is limitless i just think the cyberrevolution is in its baby shoes so to say, and that there are natural limits toward it (more on this later) that have yet to be found
of course again, technics is not needed to *live* in the classical sense, but for modern live it is inevitable.
and again, this calls for u/acc, because in my theory, since technics is simply a discovery of what nature is capable of, there is no direction

>> No.12005214

>>12005209 cont.
sure you can discover things earlier than others but limiting technical discovery in one direction and trying to *steer* that simply sets you up for bigger collapse later
which is what we're going towards according to uncle nick etc
(interesting whether nick would actually consider himself u/acc)?
but to come back to the natural limit given the natural limits of things like sound and light (both decline anti-exponentially after a while, double decline etc)
makes me think that this is somehow a natural conservation limit that also applies to information
that the speed of conversion/rate of information has a natural limit but it is beyond our current comprehension and thus imagination
this would of course lead to the statement that singularity is impossible, or that it reaches this limit and then stops, wich would make the term singularity false
but what may be is that when singularity approaches, this ascension might be made in seconds but as we don't know where the limits are
they could either be somewhere still comprehensible or incomprehensible
i tend to think this is more in the comprehensible realm but of course we cant say that yet but we will notice soon enough imo
but to take away from all this is that *this is just the beginning* we are on the wild ride for sure.
anyway that has been my schizo rambling for today thanks for listening

>> No.12005222

seven minus two is five, five minus four is one, eight minus one is seven. six minus three is three, and nine minus zero is nine. the looped one and forty five are simply squares (zero squared representes by a dotted line). what else?

>> No.12005223
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>> No.12005226

Digital artifacts are suggestive or "the real" because when you notice them you think maybe "the device was malfunctioning" or "the file got corrupted" imagining some kind of real object from your memory as a stand in for the principle; HOWEVER digital artifacts can and are intentionally introduced into images--this means that they do not conceal by distorting an object which is actually referred to by the image (although this could be done obviously) but rather they can distort by concealing that the image refers to no real object at all.

People read all this acceleration stuff and they think "all this madness, the incoherence..it must be true" like a Russian serf would regard a holy fool.

>> No.12005228
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>> No.12005229
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also, because it is usually a good idea to supply something more than Awesome Opinions in these threads, i may at some point take us on a brief greentext detour/adventure through pic rel. since something like an Acceleration flow-chart would be a handy reference guide, a couple of key texts from the theory canon would probably help, and if we are going to make a case for a book being earmarked for Meme Greatness in that sense it would probably be a good idea to know why. so far we have greentexted a couple of books:

>Thinking with Whitehead, Stengers
>Art and Technics, Mumford
>Symbolic Exchange and Death, Jean Baudrillard
aw yeah
>Cosmotechnics: The Question Concerning Technology in China, Yuk Hui
>Technics and Time, vol. 1: The Fault of Epimetheus, Bernard Stiegler

and some excerpts from the Monadology and others. if there are particular books you think are especially awesome or relevant, or you would like us to devote a little more time and attention to, please let me know. they will have to be available in PDF for, however, via the old yarr matey. we did Cosmotech and T&T 1 pretty extensively, greentexting GB/AS will probably just be some samples to get your noggin' joggin.

not sure i catch the reference.

ty anon

Stoicism is some ultrabased stuff, and i'm glad that you're talking about it the Cosmotech sense also. working out What Did Technology Mean By This is an ongoing question for the Department of Speculative Economics...

i have to step out pretty soon gents, so this will be all the Cosmotech fun for me today. catch you in the next one. as always, may whatever is playing you make it to Level-2.

>> No.12005234

Be te dubs I don't mean this as a hot take I realize that the regulars itt understand they are participating in simulacra

>> No.12005252

>want the collapse to really happen
>can't bring myself to side with CEOs to make it happen
Is my mind colonized by American liberal slacktivism?

>> No.12005261

No how could you side with them in any meaningful way? It's slacktivism all the way down.

>> No.12005274
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>> No.12005280
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>> No.12005284
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>> No.12005290
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Prime Cosmotech: Achieved

>> No.12005301
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so was the world's first computer an oracle, or was the world's first oracle a computer, or -

>also, tfw no pythia gf

>> No.12005337
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>> No.12005347
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>> No.12005372
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how much fucking drugs were these guys on

>> No.12005409

> browsing fucking old hyperstition-futurology-ccru blogosphere

this is like a fucking insane asylum


>> No.12005457
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>> No.12005490

Not girardmang but I wrote the Space Taoism stuff. Hofstadter is a huge influence of mine, and is responsible for inspiring my definition of human consciousness as being the 3-element process of Darwinian evolution folded upon itself as a self-creative feedback loop outlined here >>12004847 . He essentially takes the classical notion of self-identity grounded in the "law" of identity x=x and describes it as a process, analogizing it with other self-referential processes such as camera feedback loops. Kierkegaard's oftenly meme'd quote shows the similarity:
> “The self is a relation which relates itself to its own self, or it is that in the relation that the relation relates itself to its own self; the self is not the relation but that the relation relates itself to its own self.”
I define the self-referential object of the self as the "being-self" but alone it cannot account for awareness. In addition to it I describe the becoming-self as a "strange question," a question questioning itself. Information consists not only of informational objects but informational queries, requests for those objects, and consciousness as an informational phenomenon is no different. One way of looking at it is that information is gendered, and when queries and content mate the result is manifestation/action.

This comic has huge philosophical insight: http://kiriakakis.net/comics/mused/a-day-at-the-park

Whitehead's organic philosophy is essentially the metaphysical extension of Hofstadter's thesis that "analogy is the core of cognition," both of them emphacize relationships between things. Here's a quick run-down on process philosophy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Q6cDp0C-I8 Just as the foundations of calculus describe the nature of both conscious and metaphysical change, the field of mathematics that focuses on relationships (structure-preserving maps between objects) is category theory. Unfortunately I know next to nothing about the field except how others describe and use it, but these papers hint at potential links: https://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005683 http://nrl.northumbria.ac.uk/2976/1/Heather_Process%20Categories.pdf

Here's a curated talk by Douglas Hofstadter about analogy that is a sort of intepretive primer for the hyperstitious video project it is a part of: https://vimeo.com/129280982

>> No.12005717
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>hofstadter is no question some kind of genius, i tried to get through GEB a while ago, i'm sure if i could understand math i would be shilling him like there's no tomorrow. unfortunately i am a complete math brainlet (and, tbqh, a brainlet in general).

Well, brainlet to brainlet (let us celebrate our limits) I don't have the right sort of grey matter for the old numericals either tbqhwyf. For what it's worth I personally found 'I Am A Strange Loop' a much easier read and also a more succinct and less "numbery" explanation of his thesis than GEB. But as I say I'm not a numbers bot.
I'm no expert on him at all just enjoy his ideas so wouldn't be confident to elucidate the finer points and all that. I do like this quote though;

> We are all curious collages, weird little planetoids that grow by accreting other people’s habits and ideas and styles and tics and jokes and phrases and tunes and hopes and fears as if they were meteorites that came soaring out of the blue, collided with us, and stuck. What at first is an artificial, alien mannerism slowly fuses into the stuff of our self, like wax melting in the sun, and gradually becomes as much a part of us as ever it was of someone else (though that person may very well have borrowed it from someone else to begin with).


Thanks for the detailed reply, you sound much more qualified to talk about Hofstadter than I to be frank m80. Appreciate the links and whatnot.

Personally (and this is probably well trod ground for this little experiment you chaps are conducting) I think it's interesting to think about his ideas in terms of the internet. Feels like a nice way of framing it is as a constantly accelerating feedback loop of sorts no? The things it feedbacks upon itself and accelerates being what we as humans feed into it, which obviously relates to Land's ideas about capital processing desire and all that gubbins. If it's possible for consciousness to arise out of self referential feedback loops.. etc

Whilst I'm at it and the associative percussive thinking is happening was wondering if Iain M Banks had been brought up at all in these here threads? I am an unashamed fanboy of his stuff, seems to be the best extrapolated scifi I've read. "The Culture" series is a lovely place to wander around. A quote for adding more frogs eyes to the broth.

>Everything about us, everything around us, everything we know and can know of is composed ultimately of patterns of nothing; that’s the bottom line, the final truth. So where we find we have any control over those patterns, why not make the most elegant ones, the most enjoyable and good ones, in our own terms?

From 'Consider Phlebas' I believe.

Anyways just rambling on and dumping brain stuff, that seems to be the game with these threads though no?
Also to enter into the "spirit" of this stream I've added a pic related.

>> No.12005891

i need a pepsi

>> No.12006027

No, you're on drugs!

>> No.12006293
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i sincerely enjoyed these posts, btw, wanted to respond to them in a little more detail, mostly just to give the props where required.

>what needs to be done, and this is where i like going back to the stoic analogy, is learning how to deal with fire
oh yes. this.

>surely there were some fire denouncers among early societies, but those couldn't have survived, just how anti-technics people can't survive in todays society
also this.

>of course again, technics is not needed to *live* in the classical sense, but for modern live it is inevitable.
and mos def this. what is needed is an *art of living* for a *mechanological culture.* sometimes it will call for the open hand and sometimes the closed fist. it's going to be interesting af, that's for sure.

>which means that in my current mode of thinking the concept of invention is impossible because you do not *invent* something, you merely discover a combination
of natural objects towards something *new* but this has been *discovered* rather than *invented*
works for me. how new ideas percolate into the world is a pretty beautiful mystery. really, it seems to have been Simondon's whole thing too, individuation in an information society. pretty wild stuff, and i think Stoic ethics would play a major part in them. there is the whole question of people *fearing what they do not understand* (and sometimes, for good reason!)

>(interesting whether nick would actually consider himself u/acc)?
he's just Uncle Nick now, i think.

>sure you can discover things earlier than others but limiting technical discovery in one direction and trying to *steer* that simply sets you up for bigger collapse later
this. there has been huge debate since 1966 over Kybernetes/'The Steersman'/and the meaning of politics. personally, i think the only thing anyone needs to do is steer themselves, but this is not as easy for some as it might seem. others can do it quite naturally, tho i'm not one of them.

>but to take away from all this is that *this is just the beginning* we are on the wild ride for sure.

>anyway that has been my schizo rambling for today thanks for listening
thanks for posting amigo. i really enjoyed reading your thoughts.

one other thing. if you're interested in Stoicism, you might want to check out the Stoic Registry, they've got a ton of stuff in there. i might even link to this in the next OP, now that i think of it. it's not called Greek Buddhism for no reason. i think i skew a little more Taoist than Stoic, but Epictetus is a good look for everyone. Stoics are generally pretty based people, i find.


>> No.12006364
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Marcus Aurelius is really one of the few figures from the Western Canon i could imagine joining the Vinegar Tasting broskis around the cauldron (i mean they're not really going to turn anyone *away,* but some people are going to be a little more okay than others rubbing elbows with the Buddha and so on). a comparison between Stoic and Buddhist ethics would be interesting, if only because YH does a similar one in Cosmotechnics about the difference between Daoist and Stoic ethics. i greentexed some of this in Cosmotech #6:

>With all of this in mind, we might list the following differences between Daoism and Stoicism in terms of ‘living in agreement with nature':

>Cosmology: the Stoics model the cosmos as organism (and one might speak here of a cosmobiology or cosmophysiology), something that is not evident in Daoism, where there is an organic organization of the universe, but where it is not presented as an animal, but is instead guided by Dao, which is modelled on zi ran;

>Divinisation: for the Stoics, the cosmos is related to the divine qua lawgiver, while this role of the lawgiver or creator is not found in ancient Chinese thinking;

>Eudaimonia: the Stoics value rationality highly since it is what leads to eudaimonia, and the human plays a specific role in the universe owing to its rationality; Daoists may recognize the former, but reject the latter, since Dao is in all being, and freedom can only be achieved through wu wei (non-action);

>Rationality: for the Stoics, to live with nature is to develop rationality; for Daoists, it is rather a matter of restoring one’s original spontaneous aptitude.

and obviously there is no real decisive choice to be made between these; you're going to gravitate, ultimately, to whatever it is you're attracted to. but the one that they *do* have in common is that they are both *absolutely Cosmotechnical* in the ways that YH likes, that is, they are neither purely philosophical nor purely religious, but lived practices that derive their power from reflecting something true about the nature of human being that is also true about the nature of the world, and the role of reason and intelligence within it, however you parse these ideas. like software, really, for the mind...

good googly-moogly i am so in love with this picture also. the world's first divination program as the Book of Changes. fuck yes
>i should go and talk about it on the Book of Faces
>then again maybe not
>yeah definitely not
>the Threads of Facelessness are really much better
>what strange times we live in

>> No.12006443
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this specifically is the link to the Stoic stacks, it's got everything you could want on Stoicism and then some.


while we're here, might as well square up some other Cosmotech-approved links.


The Great Learning and Doctrine of the Mean




>> No.12006565

So I'm slowly trying to get a grip on this accelerationism hype that's been happening here, but I'm getting confused.
So what's Nick Lands position on accelerationism? Because from what I've gathered he's a libertarian 'don't tread on me' kinda guy, so I'm guessing he wants to speed up and accelerate faster and faster. What I also gathered is that he's a neoreactionary dark enlightenment kinda guy, and wants to revert back to non democratic politics, isn't that slowing down the acceleration?
How do I conceptualize Nick Lands political outlook into an accelerationist framework? He wants to accelerate Capital/Economic System but change gears of the political?

>> No.12006596

I'm new to this too and am somewhat confused by Land's position. I see dark enlightenment as a return to the despotic mode of social production, which is obviously incompatible with accelerationism. I feel like I am completely misunderstanding something or Land just became a boomer.

>> No.12006605

have you read the actual Dark Enlightenment four-part essay? the whole "run governments more or less as businesses so that they can more efficiently help capital accelerate" bit is pretty compatible with all of it, I figure

>> No.12006644

This might make sense, Ill look into it more. I think I fell for making kingdoms and the like memes too seriously.

>> No.12006651

But I think big businesses should be run more like a democratic government.

>> No.12006662
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>there is no ladder
oh man. now here's something to think about.

>People read all this acceleration stuff and they think "all this madness, the incoherence..it must be true" like a Russian serf would regard a holy fool.

less madness than a kind of ingrained sympathy for hysterics.

although this is only my own very small contribution to this stuff, i think one aspect of what you are getting at at least touches on technophobia, or the frustration people have with computers and such when they break down. there is on some deep level something that has to happen to us meatbags in order to actually get the kind of technological civilization that is going to make itself happen, whether we want it to or not.

economically speaking, The Spice Must Flow, and on a psychic level Land ventured himself as a quasi-Nietzschean figure by being an original coal-mine canary. but the industrial revolution has an irreducibly *psychic* dimension also, which is what ruffles so many feathers. the Death of God was one thing, the Death of Marx would be something altogether, especially if huge numbers of the population had moved their soteriological eggs from the Church to socialism (as they did, and i think this explains why so much of postmodernity is reaction, with Trump in turn being reaction to reaction, and so on). that was what Land opened his imagination up to, and it burned him out completely to contemplate.

things don't necessarily have to be always learned so intensely, however. a Simondonian 'mechanological' society may be another episode of culture-wave things that historically have played out in much the same way - mainly fear and reaction. one of the things Land is getting at, to my mind, is that what we are feeling today is the chickens coming home to roost. historically Europeans exported culture and tech worldwide, in a parallel process; now that formerly Europe-exclusive culture is a global one. Capital has transcended any particular geographic locale: you can sell a Coke to anyone, regardless of race, creed, or religion. this is hardly news. what is more radical (and insightful) about Land's thought is that a proto-technical culture was produced in this way through the logic of the market itself: capital as computer, processing Desire.

one fly in the ointment would be, what happens if Desire is withdrawn? we could all stop consuming tomorrow, but the sad thing about this is that it doesn't actually slow down anything. and dialing it back to the various experiments in 20C central planning is also probably not going to work (although Chinese-style Social Credit is going to try, with its newfound technology). i find just thinking about the implications of the Real having become the Symbolic and then the Digital (or, as YH would say, the reverse)..well, it's heady stuff. we're just such *suckers* when it comes to our drives.


>> No.12006751

>So what's Nick Lands position on accelerationism?

have you read Teleoplexy? it's probably his ultimate commentary, and recent enough to still be relevant. i've provided some samples (>>12004905) but you should definitely read the rest of it. the essay - it's very short - is in the Accelerate reader, which i linked in the OP ('Where do i start?'). have a look at that for sure.

>What I also gathered is that he's a neoreactionary dark enlightenment kinda guy, and wants to revert back to non democratic politics, isn't that slowing down the acceleration?
it all depends on what's being discussed in the democracy. Singapore was a highly authoritarian form of democracy, but a democracy is still was. i'm not really NRx myself, and even Land thinks that NRx is more or less dead today. if said democracy was democratically deciding on improving tech or reducing it, i don't really think he would have a problem with it. he would probably say that the right thing for a society *to* do is run itself like a corporation in which citizens are also shareholders, and for more of that you want Moldbug. democracy isn't necessarily antithetical to the kind of progress he likes, but certainly Western democracy has had some peculiar hang ups about that for a while. if you compare him to Galileo (and i apologize in advance, but there is some truth to it) it kinda-sorta makes sense. all he's saying is that Capital means tech, tech means intelligence, and ultimately this fucks with our sense of Because I'm a Special Human.

i should note that this is both a Cosmotech and an Acceleration thread for this very reason. Cosmotech believes *you are a special human.* there is a horizon beyond which Moar Acceleration will lead to Defenestration, Yes! and this is not my wish for these threads. i shill for Land up to a point and then after that point i will shill for YH, Sloterdijk, and ofc Girard. but this is without question a kind of complicated (read: ridiculously silly) proposition.

>How do I conceptualize Nick Lands political outlook into an accelerationist framework?
Optimize for Intelligence. this is the Prime Mandate. hard to implement on a national level, maybe easier v/corporations. again, Land has political views that i (and, presumably, most others ITT) do not have. but clearly human beings are capable of some serious political fuckery in the name of 20C bullshit that should probably get dropped and the sooner the better. whether it's Old Nick or Young Nick, it's Marxist Futurism via the left or the right. but The Spice Must Flow.

see >>12006605.
the DE essay is indeed important to read. sigh, more stuff that i forgot to put in the OP
>you're the worst OP ever girardfag
>well thank you inner self
>he sucks dicks. girardfag sucks dicks
>thank you inner self

>> No.12006799

it's a relatively well-written set of posts but it's emblematic of Land's major issues post-CCRU:
>puts forth a relatively small number of ideas, which have a lot of obvious points of criticism that he no longer preempts
>spends a big chunk of its wordcount vaguely owning campus liberals
>all praxis, no theory except for Moldbug copypasta

i mean, it takes all the logical criticisms of the incentive structure of democracy, which are fine, but then it says "but we could just replace all these motivating factors with profit" as if companies aren't already showing the symptoms of a systematic incentive breakdown due to their need to prioritize placating shareholders over their own long-term stability, among other factors that lead to systematic waste and self-immolation.
It also requires 'free exit' to be the entire balancing factor to work against oppression and mismanagement, but of course fails to describe the obvious dynamic this would create-- even in the best of cases, where free exit is universal and easily achieved, the world is immediately divided between high-rent nations with stability and economic freedom, and low-rent nations without those things, and that dynamic immediately leads to the kind of 'apartheid' between sovereign states in the first and third world that Land himself describes in Kant, Capital, and the Prohibition of Incest. But the libertarian assumption is that it would be more humane by virtue of being more direct and honest about its exploitation, as if the extra lubricating capital couldn't be funneled directly to the bourgeoisie at the expense of everyone else.
The other obvious problem with government-as-a-service is that exit wouldn't ever be free, because it's not free to leave Ohio and move to Iowa today, even assuming governments don't put in specific measures to prevent free movement into their nations (which they'd justify by saying free exit is the right, not free entry, but the two are obviously tied to one another). We can't ensure a population has a meaningful decision to make between providers of actual business services, and that means that all of the easily-described economic problems with monopoly and its exploitation would be described in a neoreactionary utopia without factors guaranteeing anything for the citizenry.
Finally, it ignores effectively every criticism of the world's economic order and vaguely blames governments for mismanaging their resources, which is taken as the only reason why any nations are poorer than others, which has all the same lapses of theory that lead people to claim that people are responsible for making themselves poor. It does what libertarians always do: it claims that government, not capitalism, is why the world is divided between the few and the many, and claims that if capitalism were (somehow) unshackled from government (convulsively resisting any description of the two as being intertwined) it would suddenly become a good thing.

>> No.12006847
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what we are discussing in these threads would probably make Zizek shit a brick, or at least get his nose running even more than it usually is. countering Land-style acceleration with (Cosmotechnical) practices that are designed to help you function more effectively within a terminally busted system isn't just a failure in one sense, it's a dual failure. Xi-style authoritarian capitalism is arguably as bad if not worse than Clinton-style global capitalism, warrants mentioning. and Zizek loves to shit on Sam Harris or remind his listeners that Gandhi kept a copy of the Bhagavad Gita in his pocket, but so did Himmler.

and yet Zizek is in fact in the same position as we (read: ???) are. there is going to be no communism-to-come, anymore than there is going to be a democracy-to-come. there may not even be an *acceleration* to come, in case anyone was wondering. bloat, chaos, confusion - the Explosive Projectile Vomit phase of capitalism - is just as likely as any other scenario, perhaps more so. being completely swamped in increasingly useless products, consumed in smaller and smaller amounts by an increasingly disaffected and confused population is an entirely possible outcome for all of this. warrants mentioning.

but the point of this is not to try and install a new Imperial OS to Save Western Civilization. the best parts of the West are those syncretic aspects of it espoused by St. Augustine, at least: the incredible blend of religion, philosophy, law and literature that was preseved in monasteries for those four or five centuries when the West was largely ruled by illiterate and highly suggestible barbarians on horseback. Charlemagne was a lucky break, and Alcuin was a cool wingman for him. that kind of sensibility is much more my style. it's pre-post-apoc planning. or, for the meme points, Zen Acceleration. if you are already on track to a happy life as an Oxford grad or a medical practice, none of this may be of much interest to you. i'm more interested in making life hard for NPCs and easier for people who fear angry mobs of any political stripe. Cosmotech (read: one odious namefag on a grenadine soap-carving forum, and a couple of other Good Samaritans) is mostly for Burnouts of the BC Han variety. i'm personally so fucking burned out i've decided to start having public conversations with my inner self. this is not a Healthy or a Sound Philosophy. it's much more like a 12-Step program for people who get in over their heads with continental theory.

in case that needed to be said, also. i have spent way too much time thinking about Nick Land, and he both "saved" and ruined my life. i like Heidegger too, a lot. and now that even Land himself has started to throw some shine Heidegger's way, i find myself getting more intrigued in connecting the dots between two men who on first glance wouldn't appear to have much in common, but the Gestell and Teleoplexy are two wings of one process.

>> No.12006990
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What is the end goal of accelerationism?

>> No.12007089

>zen acceleration
fucking sick. I think I'm of two minds: One, it's true that the K-confucian poetry on How To Survive Postmodernity necessitates a certain level of complacency. It's a level that isn't all that different from the one NRx and post-libertarian thought ended up with, and the only outside influence after them is the "some of us are still marxists" wing, who won't be able to bridge the gap between theory and praxis without the eternal Propaganda of the Deed to punctuate their call for immediate action. So far, there are no deeds.

On the other hand, How To Survive Postmodernity also comes with a toolkit for How To Recover From Postmodernity-- assuming human civilization makes it to 2050, Cosmotech could be one of the important template documents for how to create the next phase of civilization, one that has finally seen a marriage between the schools of thought that are currently positioned in the archaic polarity of Occident and Orient, something that can maintain the necessary modularity to understand societies which don't conform to our preconceptions of what a society can look like in order for us to learn from it. And really, if cybernihilism is the necessary result of Landian misanthropy, then Zen and Dao are positioned at the End of Nihilism, the place you sit down for a drink of water after convulsing with vanity for ten years in the desert of meaning. When you confront Daoism with questions of "what does this all mean" it laughs at all the assumptions you've made to get to that point.

Any two accelerationists agree on maybe 2-3 percent of the prescriptive questions you'd ask them, unless one of them is a blind follower of the other. If Land only teaches you one thing, it should be how to accept your mind's inability to show you unfiltered truths, and how to go about discerning what the world might be like behind the veil of subjectivity.

>> No.12007131
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what a fucking fabulous question. only took ten threads.

it's so good in fact i'm going to forcibly gag myself rather than ramble my own hot take. i hope you get some good answers to this one tho anon. would sincerely love to read them. i should put something like this in the OP, in fact. because it's just something that everybody has to answer in their own way, that being the point if-
>quiet girardfag. it's for your own good
>gbrarnbgh SMAC

>> No.12007176

accelerationism is realizing that end goals were never a question the human was equipped to answer. escape is not for mankind.

>> No.12007284
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>fucking sick
i'm feeling pretty smug about this tbqh. as for pic rel there isn't even an English *translation,* let alone a libgen copy. sad!

>So far, there are no deeds.
there are not.

>On the other hand, How To Survive Postmodernity also comes with a toolkit for How To Recover From Postmodernity-- assuming human civilization makes it to 2050, Cosmotech could be one of the important template documents for how to create the next phase of civilization, one that has finally seen a marriage between the schools of thought that are currently positioned in the archaic polarity of Occident and Orient, something that can maintain the necessary modularity to understand societies which don't conform to our preconceptions of what a society can look like in order for us to learn from it.
preach it

>And really, if cybernihilism is the necessary result of Landian misanthropy, then Zen and Dao are positioned at the End of Nihilism, the place you sit down for a drink of water after convulsing with vanity for ten years in the desert of meaning.

>When you confront Daoism with questions of "what does this all mean" it laughs at all the assumptions you've made to get to that point.
it does

the recipe for fascism is Hegel/Marx + Nietzsche; the recipe for Xi Jinping Thought is Marx + Confucius; Marx + More Marx gives you Stalin; and the recipe for Defenestration, Yes! is Marx + Foucault. the Hegelian meme-magic real, a little too real. and the recipe for Land himself is Marx + D&G, plus others. but mostly just that. Marx + anything leads to the Wild Ride, and he got it all from Hegel, who got it from...? the German Idealists are legit sorcerers, and the Sorcerer's Apprentice is also for real. it was Jean Baudrillard's favorite parable also.

Fantasia: The Sorcerer's Apprentice

in the East the Revolution was *completed* in a way that it is perhaps simply not wired for the West to do. Marx + Confucius really works. when you think of German fascism, you don't think Marx, you think Crushing Bolshevism, but it's because Hitler supplied the workaround: mythopoetic Aryanism "solved" for Marx and for Nietzsche. if the state is an organic whole, the paranoia goes *outwards* and not *inwards.* the Stalinist model also has a purgative tendency, but different ideological goals. these are crucial differences, but the key point is that in the end, and from a certain vantage point, it's a very similar process, though no less mutually exclusive for being so. rather the opposite, just as Girard says, the war between twins...

but Marx and the Buddha? i mean there is Japanese fascism also, and you can read all about in the Kyoto School. didn't work for them, tho. instead one of the most fabulously literary cultures of all time got atom-bombed. twice.

Zen Acceleration, pretty cool. and it's neither purely Eastern nor Western, really...

A Fistful of Yojimbo

>> No.12007345
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you see the same story told here: two broken systems, two warring tribes, a destroyed community, and a mysterious figure from the outside (or Outside?) who plays off of their mimetics.

during the Cold War, mutually assured destruction was the real McCoy, and most of the world had to fucking sit there and basically hope that Washington and Moscow would get along, and not rip the world apart over fucking Vietnam, because honestly, who gives a shit about Vietnam. i mean i'm sure the Vietnames are wonderful people, but it wasn't worth Defcon 1 and neither was Cuba.

today it's Trump/Clinton, Red Team/Blue Team. all bullshit. it's all bullshit driven by money and mimetics. of course, we can go bananas and get triggered, but it's ultimately two battling systems that can't share and can't stop triggering each other either. we've seen this before. it usually ends, IRL, in calamity, bloodshed, and world-historical readjustments of power centers. in 1914 most of Europe figured WW1 would be over by Christmas. i'm guessing they didn't expect four years of trench warfare, a depression, Hitler, the Russian Revolution, the Holocaust, the atomic bomb, the end of European domination, the rise of two superpowers, and fifty years of nuclear paranoia, capped off by a brief vision of US hyperpower and then an ungodly deluge of complete and fucking bewilderment that in the space of two generations is now basically unwinding five centuries of cultural legacy and inheritance. fucking Girard man. RG the Don. i would have thought absolutely none of these things without him and Uncle Nick.

anyways, Zen Acceleration Fuck Yeah. goes well with Space Taoism Fuck Yeah. we're piling up Fuck Yeahs in this thing a steady clip.

>> No.12007352

>defcon 1

i know, i'm a gabbling schizo windbag. sue me.

>> No.12007414
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and here's the other thing. if either Mifune's Sanjuro or Eastwood's Blondie had been a *dark* figure who posed a threat to a *happy* society, the films would have been very different. it's why the Joker is such a problem for Batman like that, and his defeat requires not only a Holy Lie, but also a fundamental *leap of faith* taken by the people on the boat: namely, to Not Press The Button.

turn the Joker around, and you get those guys, nomadic figures who *clean out two warring tribes* precisely because they have completely hollowed out the place where they are, and in the end they can't actually be wiped out except by being set up to wipe each other out.

the Outsider/Nomad figure, when he enters the political arena, is either a force for good or for evil, depending on the polis; but they're *figures of balance* in both cases.

>> No.12007432
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>tfw your legacy is being upheld by an absolute reprobrate Scum-Ass in a thread about Nick Land on a melanesian tap-dancing forum

sorry RG you deserved better than these spicy hot takes my man

>> No.12007468
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Radical pessimism will change the world, "we're fucked" is the meme the world needs, because unless there is radical change we are double-fucked, and the necessity of that change must come from the fact that we're totally fucked. That we have opened an unholy portal into the future and are ripping out the unborn fetuses of dying mothers to sustain the present course needs to be understood as an objective reality, that we have made a doomsday device out of humanity. The problem is that "we're fucked" is recuperated as we're fucked because of the liberals, conservatives, jews, whites, and whatever other group, and even the rich, as the rich are just as much slaves to the omnicidal Moloch of capital as everyone else, there is no bourgeois, every human is equal in their slavery to the death-machine and will find ultimate equality in it when doomsday comes. The entire system of the world must be identified as the problem, and we don't have the solution for how to diffuse Doomsday Machine Us without triggering it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yfXgu37iyI All are answers are insufficient, because if one was it would already have implemented itself; the perspective of the current world is so entrenched that we can't see out of it towards the solutions we need. Radical pessimism is an imperative to explore and accelerate radical ideas, a flight from the status quo in all directions.

>> No.12007487
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i agree with you anon provided we don't induce suicide


>> No.12007513

My copy of The Question Concerning Technology in China finally arrived! But it appears to be only slightly larger than a mass market paperpack. Oh well, at least I got and didn't have to pay an arm and a leg for it like other obscure contemporary works on technics and acceleration.

>> No.12007534
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aw yeah boi

yeah, it's kind of a teeny little book. but it's cool tho. the Phenomenology of Spirit fits in your hand about as nicely as any book you can find, and vol I of Capital is appropriately massive. i've never owned a hard copy of Fanged Noumena (which is deeply sad) but YH's book is a nice one.

and in the Spring, another one too, fy. and it's about time we had a Heideggerian-ish computer scientist too. i have a feeling that combination is going places. someday even Uncle Nick will be old-fashioned
>put that back in your nose girardfag. that would probably be a good thing

>> No.12007554
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We should have suicide booths in every mini-mall.


>> No.12007604
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the way to do this, imho, would be to make you have to pay for it. the Peaceful Happy Exit would actually have to be expensive, and the reason for this is that the company that makes them - Exit Solutions, LTD - donates all of the money, or it goes into a trust fund that drives Cosmotech projects for an unironically better and happier world.

>tfw you're not actually sure what these would be

what would these be, anons?
>kill you girardfag
>i mean other than this inner self

anyways - you could go into one of these, but the fact is that the *cheap options* are not only incredibly painful, they're also slow, and they malfunction too. they're badly maintained. and like, *really slow.* as in, so slow and badly operated that you would really have to think twice about pulling the trigger. there might be one that chops you up into little pieces over a period of weeks. that would be horrible, but there is a reason for this.

for the Exit you want - where you basically get a holiday in the country of your choice with a dozen K-Pop starlets or w/ev who cater to your every wish for a month, capped off by champagne and a lethal sedative on a mountain top view, surrounded by Buddhist monks as the sun comes up (or just more K-Pop starlets, it's up to you) - that would be expensive. you would have to *save up* for it, and moreover, the point of this is not to make it hard, but to make you work for it *and* because the money would go to good causes therafter, and donated in your name.

if all you want is a fast way out, the system would have to be set up to defer your decision so that it isn't made rashly. i don't know about mini-malls but we can work out the details as things go on. what do you think?

i haven't watched your videos yet but i see there is FF6 in this one also, that's always a good scene.

>> No.12007618

Artificial Intelligence.

>> No.12007662
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>i mean other than this inner self
People have been spending shitloads of money to numb and kill there souls with all sorts of drugs en masse for decades. What difference does it make if the death is physical or spiritual? (I know the question is silly and the answer is obvious, but you know what I mean.


>> No.12007667
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>> No.12007689

What sphinx of cement and aluminum bashed open their skulls and ate up their brains and imagination?
Moloch! Solitude! Filth! Ugliness! Ashcans and unobtainable dollars! Children screaming under the stairways! Boys sobbing in armies! Old men weeping in the parks!
Moloch! Moloch! Nightmare of Moloch! Moloch the loveless! Mental Moloch! Moloch the heavy judger of men!
Moloch the incomprehensible prison! Moloch the crossbone soulless jailhouse and Congress of sorrows! Moloch whose buildings are judgment! Moloch the vast stone of war! Moloch the stunned governments!
Moloch whose mind is pure machinery! Moloch whose blood is running money! Moloch whose fingers are ten armies! Moloch whose breast is a cannibal dynamo! Moloch whose ear is a smoking tomb!
Moloch whose eyes are a thousand blind windows! Moloch whose skyscrapers stand in the long streets like endless Jehovahs! Moloch whose factories dream and croak in the fog! Moloch whose smoke-stacks and antennae crown the cities!
Moloch whose love is endless oil and stone! Moloch whose soul is electricity and banks! Moloch whose poverty is the specter of genius! Moloch whose fate is a cloud of sexless hydrogen! Moloch whose name is the Mind!
Moloch in whom I sit lonely! Moloch in whom I dream Angels! Crazy in Moloch! Cocksucker in Moloch! Lacklove and manless in Moloch!
Moloch who entered my soul early! Moloch in whom I am a consciousness without a body! Moloch who frightened me out of my natural ecstasy! Moloch whom I abandon! Wake up in Moloch! Light streaming out of the sky!
Moloch! Moloch! Robot apartments! invisible suburbs! skeleton treasuries! blind capitals! demonic industries! spectral nations! invincible madhouses! granite cocks! monstrous bombs!
They broke their backs lifting Moloch to Heaven! Pavements, trees, radios, tons! lifting the city to Heaven which exists and is everywhere about us!
Visions! omens! hallucinations! miracles! ecstasies! gone down the American river!
Dreams! adorations! illuminations! religions! the whole boatload of sensitive bullshit!
Breakthroughs! over the river! flips and crucifixions! gone down the flood! Highs! Epiphanies! Despairs! Ten years’ animal screams and suicides! Minds! New loves! Mad generation! down on the rocks of Time!
Real holy laughter in the river! They saw it all! the wild eyes! the holy yells! They bade farewell! They jumped off the roof! to solitude! waving! carrying flowers! Down to the river! into the street!

>> No.12007703

This is the correct answer

>> No.12007715
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somewhere, some anon is going to have their first exposure to continental philosophy reading this thread.

whoever you are, anon, don't start your adventure in philosophy with Cosmotech #10. there actually is a reason why things look like this. it's just hard to explain.

>> No.12007738
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>> No.12007809

Heh. I got sucked into this whole rabbit hole after some reckless person linked to a pdf of Lemurian Time War in a highly inappropriate exoteric venue. But boy am I grateful.

I think most of /lit/ takes one look at these threads then applies a mental filter.
Anyone curious enough and capable of reading through these posts without dismissing it is probably going to be all right, perhaps just requiring some gentle guidance.

>> No.12007828
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meh, suicide talk is too depressing.

besides, when confronted with absolute despair the answer is neither An Hero nor I'll An Hero You but Chaplinesque suffering at the hands of a low-budget demonic thing from beyond. Ash Williams is in the B-movie pantheon along with Snake Plissken for precisely this reason. horror > puritanical rage, but comedy > horror. it was humor that made Schwarzenegger the star that he was, and a lack of humor that doomed Seagal. and it was humor that made the Evil Dead films more than meme slashers.

Uncle Nick doesn't have much of a sense of humor. nor did Heidegger. i'm not actually sure i would want to know what kind of jokes Heidegger would laugh at. most philosophers don't have much of a sense of humor, it seems. they're usually too fucked up. i can't really think of a time when i read something in one of those books that actually made me laugh (except Baudrillard, he's got some pretty crisp one-liners, but they're rare). Han tells no jokes, Girard either. Burnout is for real but i don't advocate suicide. it's still a form of violence, in the end, and violence displeases the committee. true, Chaplinesque suffering at the hands of the demonic is also violence, but it's also often a question of self-defense, and movie action heroes of the first rank do not have Bane's permission to die.

this is how you deal with the Outside, imho. in the Evil Dead films there is nothing like the polis. sometimes it's just shitty versions of you kicking you in the balls until you find your boomstick. or your axe, if you're Van Zan. but even then he needed Quinn's help. i knew those film theory classes would come in handy someday.

thank you for this, anon. Marty Glass, absolute legend. the scans are always really welcome.

well, that's great to hear. it's certainly been a fun adventure, i had no idea we would get to this point when things started. or, for that matter, how long they're going to continue. but personally it's been a red-letter day. looking forward to more tomorrow.

>> No.12007864

>thank you for this, anon. Marty Glass, absolute legend. the scans are always really welcome.
Do you have anything else to say besides cheer leading? Geez, it's getting repetitive.

>> No.12007915

kek. well, maybe i'm losing my fastball. i think my Cosmotech fun started about 10:30 AM this morning, and it's almost 1 AM now, so...i don't know, maybe i'm just getting tired today. but it's pretty exciting, to my mind, both the end of #9 and the beginning of #10.

i guess Glass is one of those guys who i feel just doesn't need a lot of my meme hot takes. if we're going some kind of extended greentext thing and it's about Baudrillard or whoever then, okay, i have things to say about those guys as they pertain to the Wild Ride.

but what should i say? i agree with him. what would you say? i think it's the truth. anything i might say about him would be less interesting than whatever he's saying, so...i don't. maybe i should just ignore them? it's thoughtful that you share these posts/these posts are shared.

anyways, usually something comes into my head that i think is interesting on these themes, and if not i'll probably put in some screencaps from Bataille that are relevant to stuff we talk about also. but again, i mean...i think Yuga is the truth. i think it's a wonderful book, and so is TSP.

i mean i could i shit on it, i guess, if i thought he was way out of line, but he isn't, and so i don't. sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

>> No.12007922

Was Blood Meridian the first work of theory-fiction?
>No. It's a mystery. A man's at odds to know his mind cause his mind is aught he has to know it with. He can know his heart, but he dont want to. Rightly so. Best not to look in there. It aint the heart of a creature that is bound in the way that God has set for it. You can find meanness in the least of creatures, but when God made man the devil was at his elbow. A creature that can do anything. Make a machine. And a machine to make the machine. And evil that can run itself a thousand years, no need to tend it. You believe that?

>> No.12007926

>The judge wrote on and then he folded the ledger shut and laid it to one side and pressed his hands together and passed them down over his nose and mouth and placed them palm down on his knees.
>Whatever exists, he said. Whatever in creation exists without my knowledge exists without my consent.
>He looked about at the dark forest in which they were bivouacked. He nodded toward the specimens he'd collected. These anonymous creatures, he said, may seem little or nothing in the world. Yet the smallest crumb can devour us. Any smallest thing beneath yon rock out of men's knowing. Only nature can enslave man and only when the existence of each last entity is routed out and made to stand naked before him will he be properly suzerain of the earth.

>> No.12007930

Not the first by a long shot, but definitely one of the best.

>> No.12007941
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it's not a crazy question. McCarthy is a prose god and certainly some kind of philosophical genius. and i think the Judge and Chigurh line up well with the 'nemocentric superman,' at least:

>To know, to understand in the fullest sense, is to plunge into an enlightenment of inanity, a wintry landscape of memory whose substance is all shadows and a profound awareness of the infinite spaces surrounding us on all sides. Within this space we remain suspended only with the aid of strings that quiver with our hopes and our horrors, and which keep us dangling over the gray void. How is it that we can defend such puppetry, condemning any efforts to strip us of these strings? The reason, one must suppose, is that nothing is more enticing, nothing more vitally idiotic, than our desire to have a name – even if it is the name of a stupid little puppet – and to hold on to this name throughout the long ordeal of our lives, as if we could hold on to it forever. If only we could keep those precious strings from growing frayed and tangled, if only we could keep from falling into an empty sky, we might continue to pass ourselves off under our assumed names and perpetuate our puppet’s dance throughout all eternity.

>Interestingly, Metzinger uses the thought experiment of an ‘Introspective Superman’: a being with such computational speed/power that it has global access to its own cognitive processes (i.e. there is no ‘transcendental’ or ‘upstream’ that is unavailable to this particular mind)… He claims that it would have a ‘global, opaque state of consciousness that is like “lucid waking”‘. There would be naïve identification with either its models of the world or its models of the self. Thus it would have an unparalleled potential for self-engineering. Brassier and Metzinger note that the Introspective Superman would be ‘burdened with an additional computational load’, which it would ‘have to find some way of discharging without getting trapped into infinite loops of self-representation’ (because it would constantly be recursively representing itself as a representation). If it did mitigate this problem, however, it would ‘constitute a cognitive system operating with a non-phenomenologically centered model of reality’. It would be, as Metzinger calls it, nemocentric. (We ask, at this point, if we here have a blueprint for a nemocentric agent, what would the design plan for a nemocentric socius look like? A tantalizing brief, to say the least…)


>> No.12007957
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the other candidate for nemocentric superman status that comes to mind is pic rel.

>> No.12007983

You honestly think he's that on point and hits the bullseye on everything? Why do we even have these stupid meandering circlejerk threads, and not more Marty Glass threads since he has the answers anyway?

>> No.12007989

I mean, even in the most charitable of readings, Yuga represents a relatively small part of the ecosystem. He does good, he doesn't do anything. Also, it's hard to discuss a book that's not as easy to get a hold of and so 10% of the thread actually read it.

>> No.12008014

>You honestly think he's that on point and hits the bullseye on everything?

he's a guy after my own heart, which is different from saying he hits the bullseye on everything. he might not do it for you, somebody else might be your boy. i think he's absolutely come to a place of peace in his way, and he has some genuine insight and a gift for writing. that's more than enough for me. and furthermore, that anon posts all of this stuff gratis. it's a thoughtful thing to do, and i appreciate it.

>Why do we even have these stupid meandering circlejerk threads, and not more Marty Glass threads since he has the answers anyway?

because it's the journey and not the destination that matters. things are cyclical and recursive, i think. we try to play a good glass bead game. the answers will be nondual ones, i think. i certainly don't have them. this is more like a radio station than anything, it seems, a kind of funny one with a bunch of different contributors. and yet in the process of talking things out, or sharing ideas, it's possible to come to some interesting insights on your own, things you didn't realize you knew or things you did know but didn't quite know how to say.
>or things you know and know how to say but just like to hear yourself saying girardfag
>well ok sometimes that's true inner self

even though i do a lot of ramble-posting in these threads, it's mostly prompted by things other anons post that trigger thoughts that are novel at least for me. maybe it all seems like the same thing to you guys, but to me it's mostly discovery, and happily so. i've read some stuff, but until there's an exchange i often don't know why a thing has stayed with me or not. so i post a lot, but really it's mostly just...echoing stuff. but as that happens, i find there's interesting new stuff too that comes to the top, or gets refined, and so on.

>I mean, even in the most charitable of readings, Yuga represents a relatively small part of the ecosystem. He does good, he doesn't do anything.

sure, i'd agree with this. but it's kind of a special book, you know? basically unknown by an unknown guy, who suffered. He Does Good is sometimes all you want from a book. i can read Spengler and get the Full Teuton-Faustian Thunder or flip to just about any random page in Nietzsche and feel myself being picked apart by the master like it was Gordon Ramsay cutting up a fish. that happens to me all the time: Nietzsche will say, 'Did you ever notice people who...' and you know, in five seconds, he means someone like you, because Nietzsche is an infinite and perfect puzzle-box of never-ending surprises and fresh perspective. Marty Glass is a mere mortal by comparison, like me. sometimes you want that.

>Also, it's hard to discuss a book that's not as easy to get a hold of and so 10% of the thread actually read it.
it's like five bucks or something on Kindle, or it was when i bought it. i registered a Kindle account for that book and that one only.

>> No.12008116

got frustrated, bought and broke the DRM on Yuga

>> No.12008136

So, is anyone working on a chart for this stuff? I'm very interested, but there's so much material that I don't even know where to start.

>> No.12008148

It's been mused about a lot, but nobody's really stated they wanted to do so. The first couple things on Girardfag's bibliography are a good starting point.

>> No.12008187
File: 142 KB, 1402x1627, Screenshot_2018-10-30 lit - Literature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girardfag's bibliography
This stuff?

>> No.12008192
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>Squatting ass-to-grass is not a common sight in the commercial fitness center. Pay a visit to your local gym, glance at the stranger stepping out of the squat rack with a loaded bar. Watch the hips, knees, and ankles. You may notice that our squatter’s heels are not stable and dug in, that their knees are pointed straight ahead or are not aligned over the feet, or that the lumbrosacral spine loses tension as they reach the bottom of the squat (assuming they even hit parallel).

>Instead of merely watching, how about asking the stranger if you can work in a few reps? Tighten your upper back, position the barbell on top of the taut folds of muscle. Fully extend the knees and unrack the weight. Take a step or two backwards. You may not realize it but the body is already shifting its center of gravity to accommodate the barbell. Take a deep breath and tighten the core. Point your big toes outward at a slight angle. Did you notice how your glutes clenched? Probably not. The weight is not getting any lighter. It’s time to take the plunge...

>If that was your first time attempting an ATG squat, chances are you didn’t fare much better than the previous victim. Is this why people skip leg day? How did it all go so wrong? It’s likely that you (the person reading this) live a sedentary life in an Anglophonic region. Your daily activity likely consists of shuffling from one cushioned surface to the next. From your bed, to your driver’s Toyota Camry, to your chair at work and back home again. Kapital has gathered innumerable materials and transfigured them into comfortable shit to sit on—can you remember all the seats that your hind parts have touched today? In your life? I cannot fathom the combined area of all purpose-made seating, nor the number of organisms consumed/destroyed by furniture production. Such figures would allow us to envision a great and terrible ergonomic empire that occupies the area of a large nation-state.

>> No.12008197
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>The proliferation of human comfort has an steep environmental cost that is occluded from immediate experience, but we should not think of humanity as conquerors expanding our realm into the natural world. Ergonomics is a means to non-human ends. It is technology that better binds tools to our anatomy, it compresses change in cycles of production for ever-increasing yields at lower rates of energy expenditure. Exploding economic growth vivisects your pelvis and delivers personal support and comfort at scaling prices. Low back ailments are treated by exponentially excessive pharmacology. The spine bears a hefty amount of economic activity. The environment is refashioned to afford the human body to afford efficient work, to refashion the environment to afford efficient work. Anatomy is a task to be decoded and distributed among objects, flesh is form factor. Muscle atrophy and inflexibility are already included in the cost.

>Squatting is no different than cartography. Remapping forgotten territory. One is most aware of the body when experiencing pain and discomfort. Tight connective tissue and poor neuromuscular awareness are logistical hurdles, productive limits. Delayed onset muscle soreness reorients thought back to its base material. The barbell is a tool for surveying bodily limits. It maps the contours of the musculoskeletal system, it takes stock of the resources provided and improves strength by manipulating volume and intensity. The discomfort brought about by minor bouts of physical activity is often enough to deter a novice lifter from continuing with exercise. Or the novice’s attention is captured by other matters. Human cognition has taken flight from the body to direct its energies to loftier goals. And while it was away, something else has taken roost.

>> No.12008201
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i guess one thing that could be done would be a flow-chart for what kind of /acc you want to go for, if you were politically inclined, r/acc, l/acc, u/acc and so on.

but really, so many of the crucial texts and other things that we hardly even talk about are already in the Accelerate Reader, after you get through that you can pretty much go your own way, towards whatever interests you. Baudrillard SE/D isn't in there, for instance, and it's a major text. i don't think Bataille is in there either, or Kojeve. Bataille matters for both Land and Baudrillard, Kojeve for Lacan and many others too.

just hack your way through the Accelerate reader, it's pretty user-friendly. you don't need to read all of Kant, Marx, Heidegger et al.

the acceleration-specific one. might as well re-post the Intro section here.

Greenspan: Capitalism’s Transcendental Time Machine
Ireland: Poememenon
MacKay & Avanessian: Accelerate reader
Murphy: Ideology, Intelligence and Capital with Nick Land
Overy: Genealogy of Land’s Anti-Anthropocentric Philosophy

Uncle Nick is the crown prince of acceleration, so you should read pretty much everything he has written, including:
- work published on xenosystems, much of which is compiled in the /lit/ reader
- Teleoplexy: notes on acceleration
- Kant, Capital and Prohibition of Incest
- Circuitries
- Meltdown
- Machinic Desire
- Dark Enlightenment

>> No.12008239

Making a flowchart with an end goal in mind for the reader is kinda just lining up the sections of accel that'd confirm biases and routing them away from all the shit that'd challenge them. I feel like some of the issue is that even #accelerate has more praxis than most of what goes on in this thread, or even with most of the writings in the 'canon', and people come in expecting politics and then get confused when mostly what acceleration does is describe the underlying machinery of the world in terms that imply its anti-humanistic horror. The Overy thesis is honestly the most helpful thing around, though.

>> No.12008255

yeah, that's a good point. i hate to disappoint people who come here looking for flow-chart answers but clearly this is not my contribution. not everything is all about politics.

the Overy thesis is definitely awesome. the Greenspan one really impressed me too, although the link at r/theoryfiction has been bringing malware warnings &c. it would be too bad if it was corrupted, but you can get it on libgen (and her book on Shanghai too). that's Mrs Land now, after all.

>> No.12008285

desu I think secondary discussions of Land and the others in close proximity to acceleration deserve some sort of compilation, I know there's a few on D&G that I haven't read and all the older work of course has a ton of books discussing its consequences. The issue with that becomes that acceleration is largely based on reading philosophy in different ways than most people would read it, and while the academic analyses will help you frame why Land's readings are fundamentally wild, their context and target audiences will lock you into reading acceleration as simply variations on continental philosophy, which, while conducive to our talking about it online, would prevent things like Fanged Noumena from being as creatively inspirational as they should be.

>> No.12008287
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Reread this today after compiling a list of my favorite articles. Still holds up as one of the best entry points into n/acc.

Personally, I think a Kierkegaard-influenced line of attack is the best way to combat this. To let go, to succumb to the abyss only to reclaim your humanity through faith. The "I was just pretending to atomize myself".

>> No.12008327

If you are going into accelerationism with a political goal already in mind your only destination is a low form of acceleration with a fundamental misunderstanding of the problem. That's essentially the whole reason l/acc is a failure.

>> No.12008358

Good posts.
Getting rid of my desk chair and my bed were the best things I ever did for my musculoskeletal health.

>> No.12008364

Good stuff, thank you.

>> No.12008959

This. Finance > politics.

>> No.12009081

So this is the neo-China everyone's been talking about.

>> No.12009090

Accelerationism will not lead to any lasting social, cultural, or technological shift on this planet because environmental degradation and the limitation of finite raw materials will cause a widespread collapse of tech-dependent systems before any such thing gets off the ground, and then we're back to pre-industrial civilization without any hope of ever advancing again.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.12009095

when you have massive population, you need such population control desu. the effect across the pop. will be beneficial for everyone who likes order

>> No.12009112

environmental degradation is going to be the single greatest fuel source capital has ever seen, and it has the added bonus of killing off a ton of the meatbags.

>> No.12009123

Something about societal pressures causing technological innovation, or global catastrophic risk motivating scientific breakthroughs and entrepreneurial risk taking.

The problem is that all the creativity in the world isn't going to solve the basic problem of entropy and resource scarcity.

>> No.12009136

Only if capital would develop independence from ecological systems before they're destroyed (at present it has not) and this still doesn't factor in resource depletion. Machines can theoretically go on producing and replicating in a world with a warm unstable climate and acidic oceans void of life, but if they don't have fossil fuels and metals to maintain themselves, then that's irrelevant.

>The problem is that all the creativity in the world isn't going to solve the basic problem of entropy and resource scarcity.

>> No.12009137

How is the Earth becoming uninhabitable for human beings good for Capital?

>> No.12009176

Humans are currently living in extreme excess of decadence and could be much more productive if they were forced to work extra hard just to survive in ever more difficult circumstances.

>> No.12009182

Fossil fuels are not something essential in the long term technologically, and it's basically impossible to run out of metals.

>> No.12009196

And if those conditions were produced by extreme climate degradation what makes you think human governments wouldn't become authoritarian, conservative and heavily restrictive against the economy? You're not going to have Liberal free market deregulated finance Capital after most of the world's population either perishes with mean heat increases and a rising sea level, or with waves of refugees flooding the first world.

>> No.12009212

The one that do wouldn't be helped by it and would quickly be outcompeted.

>> No.12009221

Wouldn't be helped in what sense? For human survival uninhibited Capitalism is the worst possible social structure, because it dissolves all social structures. A tightly unified heavily integrated survivalist culture would only be harmed by something like Neo-Liberal deregulation. The ones who will survive after such a catastrophe will be the rigid stratified types, the religious fundamentalists and dogmatic Right-Wingers, not the Wall Street cosmopolitans. We're talking about billions of people either dead or displaced, and a complete restructuring of the global economic system. Capitalism might not even re-emerge under these conditions.

>> No.12009260

In the grand scheme of things, yeah capitalism will be death of us all. But in the short term, there lies its perniciousness, the way it incentivizes everyone to collectively walk towards a future no one person wants.

The collapse the biosphere is the last squeeze needed to goad the creation of our machine successors.

>> No.12009444

we are this close to mining space rocks. don't bet againt tech, we will have drones mining asteroids within a quarter century.

>> No.12009469

born JUST too early to witness and be part of space revolution..fucking kill me. do it pls gd.

>> No.12009476

you are witnessing it right now anon. look at based Elon overcoding science fiction into production loops like an evil genius.

>> No.12009511

elon has sent a rocket, i meant full space tourism+industeies in moon for example

gd i hope i die today

>> No.12009520

hes literally capitalizing space travel. A Gingrich moon hotel is a bigger possibility than ever before

>> No.12009755

what does cosmotech think of the Rokos basalisk thought experiment?

>> No.12009769

always found copying yourself to a computer or as a clone pointless and bluepilled

>> No.12009774
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it seems to me as if the technocapital singularity screws with us because it sucks politics, economics and religion into an atom-smasher. in one of the other threads an anon posted a hypothetical political compass that made sense:

>top-left: amy
>bottom-left: sadie
>top-right: reza
>bottom-right: nick

i'd agree with this too. there's a yin-yang gravity system to left/right politics that is kind of amazing to think about. in theory, things should be able to get along, but human beings are what they are. in China, there's no Decisive Battle between Laozi/Zhuangzi and Confucius/Mencius; they form two aspects of the same process, and when they have a conversation (even if it is written by the Taoists) everybody seems to get along. in the West we're still reeling from the French revolution, Industrial revolution, and WW2, which is almost like the Atheist revolution. the Cold War extended our old political narrative right up to the end of the 20C, and the US has dominated the world stage up until today, where now these deep schisms appear in its own Left/Right wings.

you can see why Moldbug would think the divine right of kings would make sense. if you formalize every aspect of government, make everyone a citizen/shareholder in a microstate wired for profit and nothing else, you dissolve some of the power of universalist metapolitics in a stroke. but you don't solve for growth: and, indeed, as much as i would like to see the US political system busted up into a diaspora of tiny and fractious microparties, the fact is that a huge organization with an awesome media budget and central planning might do even better if they *didn't* fold up shop ('See? look at those other guys, they don't know what they want...').

and so Optimize for Intelligence - which means finance, machines et al - does make sense. it just leads to a very crazy and destabilized place in which to do so. an infinite bureaucracy, China-style, with a legalist OS (as>>12009081's post indicates). Legalism in general seems like it would dovetail well with game theory and AI stuff also.

politics just has no trajectory anymore, it seems, beyond CTRL. maybe that is what happens inevitably when you run out of new markets, or what marketization was always aimed at. if what you manufacture is Culture, you get incredible cross-overs. apparently this ad was worth 6 billion dollars. conversely, Trump can tweet that Corn Puffs aren't MAGA, and for hundreds of thousands of his followers, into the trash it goes.

but it's all just simulation, political mimesis. when it comes to our drives, we're just such *suckers.*

>> No.12009817

divine right of the kings made sense when kings were more or less tied up to the land just like peasants were

today capital has mobility and you can burn and salt your country and not pay the consequences as long as you move to the next one fast enough

>> No.12009834

thats not the thought experiment though

>> No.12009846
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some part of this belongs i think to the production of the Mass Man, the Mass Individual (hardly new, btw: read Heidegger). one of the things that the Chinese have going on here is that for both the Daoists and the Confucians, the mass man is actually sub-optimzal. the Daoist sage (or even just a Daoist savant) is uniquely skilled in the Way of whatever it is that they do (which is to say, the Way); and the Confucian ideal is the scholar-gentleman, who is not an instrument.

two things, then: the first being the classical Greek disdain for labor, not that hard to understand - the aristocrat devotes himself to Reason and War, which is an intoxicating blend. and the second being the Roman feeling for the imperial, for great rhetoric. there is something of a feeling for Graeco-Roman antiquity in the Enlightenment also, which are the ideals on which the United States is founded. lest i be accused of being some kind of a hater, i should probably say that i'm not some kind of anti-Western shill, and i'm not. as i've said in previous threads, Not Everything Is The West's Fault, and the point of these threads is not to make some argument for Real Communism either. i think an ideological sense we have just gotten high on our own supply, and it's taken us into a place of Red Team/Blue Team hysteria where you have two groups both making deeply impassioned claims to be the heirs of the Enlightenment, and yet those Enlightenment sensibilities are basically ripped to shreds by everything that happens in the Cosmotech loop from Hegel to Land. Napoleon is both the supreme example of the Enlightenment and in a sense its final meaning: Hegel himself in the PoS is trying to figure out What Spirit Meant By This, and Nietzsche also is more than a little impressed with Bonaparte also.

the Supreme Leader as herald of ultimate values, and *on horseback* is riotously interesting. it gives us 40K at least, although 40K is also a satire of Catholic Space Nazism raised to such an exquisite pitch that imho it becomes indistinguishable from high art. the death-drive of The Emprah extended across space and time in an Eternal Crusade is to my mind the greatest pulp-SF scenario ever produced. it ranks below LotR in my own power rankings if only because Tolkien himself isn't a pulp writer, he's a genuine Bard himself and supplies in poetic fiction everything that Heidegger also feels (with the ironic caveat that Heidegger himself was actually serving Mordor IRL, but that's another story).

and so you have the ghost of this one Revolution in Europe which still trickles into the mass unconscious today, and then you have another revolution in China which, having *actually happened* now turns towards Confucius to keep what it has and build from there. and of course in the West also two Revolutions which happened *and failed* - the Germans and the Soviets, respectively. now it's the meaning of the American Revolution which is coming up for review, sadly.

>> No.12009884
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the point of bringing this up tho was to talk more about the question of individuation in a mechanological society, how to break from the gravity-well of the mass individual. one of the things about totalitarian political organization is a deeply confused sensibility between despots and the crowd, which oscillates between seduction and repulsion. leaders have to both love The People and partly detest The People. you have to know What's Good For Them in a kind of disciplinar and CTRL-fashion, and the funny thing is how much of this comes up in our attitudes about the role of academic critique, thinkpiece (or non-thinkpiece) journalism, and certainly entertainment/spectacle today. Virtue Signal, in other words, becomes not only deliberate but in a sense inevitable and inescapable.

the reason why YH shills so hard for Simondon, i think, is because on some deep level Heidegger puts you in a double-bind: Heidegger himself is techno-phobic (and rightly so) and yet it is only through a kind of technical/mechanological sensibility that anything like a break from the Mass is possible. Reza gets at this too, the philosophical implications of *engineering* in philosophy - that the future comes to link up with the past in a way that rewrites the meaning of the present. this is there in Hegel (and Sartre) also, btw, but in reverse: reflection changes the meaning of the past, such that effects precede causes and so on ('If i hadn't gone to prison, i wouldn't have written this book that now makes me famous, and so...'). you may have heard Zizek make this point before also.

Heidegger is an enormous deal. Dugin is basing his whole 4PT around him, and he's not the first. Dasein is for realsies. but the point YH is making in Cosmotechnics is that perhaps there has to be a sense of Dasein not being irreducibly themselves in a way that opposes them to *what happens with information and mechanics.* it's perhaps a kind of Deleuzian idea, and Land himself basically takes Deleuze's sensibilities and applies those directly to Capital, resulting in the computer and automation *capturing* the fundamentally schizoid nature of the unconscious.

the much harder place - but, imho, the more interesting one also - is in that little sweet spot right in between Heidegger and Deleuze.

>> No.12009921
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YH's love for Simondon follows from (i believe) what he thinks Simondon keyed in on, which was *individuation* and *transduction.* things happen at the level of individuation. as one anon >>12005209 was also saying, there is a very line between *discovery* and *invention* and i also think that is the case. again, you don't have to work very hard to see that there are places where innovation stagnates (but Order rules) and where innovation proliferates (amidst Chaos). it's Orson Welles' old saw about the Italians the Swiss, the Renaissance and the cuckoo clock.

Capital + Tech give you algorithms, standardization, and automation, but they also give you the NPC (and the counter-NPC, for better or for worse). and they give you terrorism to boot. the Cosmotech line on this would be that a) you can't really CTRL for terrorism, in a final or absolute sense. it's what i was getting at in my earlier posts on Yojimbo et al (>>12007284, >>12007345, >>12007414, >>12007432) because the terrorist is also a nomad/Outsider with a very particular relation to the polis which from one perspective he preserves against further incursions of Chaos *or* *accelerates two totalitarian systems to a place of mutual destruction that isn't really terroristic.* that's the meaning of Yojimbo, in a sense. and for an even earlier treatment of the relationship of barbarism to the polis, see pic rel. the meaning of the final sequence of this film (along with every other sequence in it) warrants close consideration, imho. there is a very serious question here being asked by a very serious thinker about the meaning of modernity and its relation to the Outside as the Outside manifests in both the bandits *and* the Ronin, and particularly, Mifune's Kikuchiyo, who is simultaneously *bandit-ronin,* and - well, you should watch it for yourself. it's a justifiable classic for these reasons and for many others.

the problem, ultimately, is in becoming a drone or an NPC. politics *becomes* technological, and you can see this in a psychotherapeutic sense the more that individuals seem to require flow-chart models in order to deal with ambiguity in political discourse. we're being technologized, and our current state of political relations, which come to look ever more like Cold War chess games, is the result.

but YH believes there is a space *between* Heidegger and Deleuze that really matters, and it may even have something that sticks a spanner in the Wild Ride.

>> No.12009974
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Batman and the Joker form a dyad which is centered on the meaning of the polis: Gotham is fallen enough to have produced the Joker, and yet not so fallen to deserve the Joker's justice, which is essentially the wild and anarchic justice of the furies of the old Greek style. Aeschylus knows the deal in politics even better than Sophocles.

but when the polis isn't the polis anymore, when it becomes divided into two identical pairs of shitty ideologies - whether it's the gangters of Mifune or Eastwood, the Fascists/Soviets, the CIA/KGB, or the Red Team/Blue Team, a figure from the outside which *accelerates the collapse* cannot be called a purely terroristic figure. they cannot also be called a *heroic* one, mind, and please, i am not making arguments for terrorism here, so thank you for your concern, local police departments et al. this is about Rene Girard and not the Unabomber.

every ideological political polis - this is the meaning of palingenesis - depends either on a fallen and yet pure state located in the past, or one to be achieved in the future, and both of which sign you up for the Wild Ride, because The Spice Must Flow, and everybody to the front, and so on. but these are fucking gravity-wells of idpol mimesis that only turn back on themselves, or in encountering the uncanny doppelganger get ratched up into places of punishment and hysteria that know no ends. 20C despotism isn't a purely Occidental phenomenon, the Kyoto school has samurai warriors that put the Germans to shame. and even the Italian fascists weren't the Nazis, and so on. Mussolini wasn't an anti-semite.
>ah, i love being this guy. hey you know mussolini wasn't an anti-semite
>*gets punched*
>good times

Augustine spent his whole career preaching against fanatics and extremists on *both* wings of the political spectrum - no extremist Donatists, but no freethinking Pelagians either. and every other breed of micro-heresy in between. what separated him from becoming the Grand Inquisitor was, of course, that there had to be grace and forgiveness, in the end, not punishment and CTRL-society. Augustine was a boss like that. and so was Confucius, in his own way. either the Way was there or it was not, but one thing was for sure, there was no *substitute* for it. and the more you tried, the more you failed. there is no *dualistic substitute* for a *nondual mysticism.*

so what i believe is that the polis as such cannot provide itself with its own mysticism except through Revolution, which is a question about the Rectification of Names in a chronological, temporal, or historical sense. it always takes you back to Square One (or Ground Zero). i was never a big fan of the Lord's Believers in SMAC - i prefer Deirdre or Yang, obv - but Sister Miriam was right in at least that sense: when it comes to ontotheological politics, we (read: me) must dissent.

>> No.12010026
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and so in a political sense, Zen Acceleration loves its wandering ronin. Yojimbo is probably the ultimate example, but Lone Wolf and Cub, Vagabond, the lost knights of Seven Samurai, the kung-fu practitioners of an number of martial-arts films (but particularly, the Drunken Masters) and so on. or, in its Occidental variety, Eastwood's Blondie and whoever else follows from him. you get the idea.

and yet such a disequilibrial society which depended on its occasional salvation by figures such as these would be a profoundly fucked up one. maybe this mirrors the nature of things, i don't know. but another point to be raised would be:

what if you needed somebody like this, and they just weren't there?

the Egyptian pharaohs of old spent millennia after millennia watching the Nile Flood, as did the Aztecs, in their way. this is not to shit on Aztec philosophy either, it's actually quite keen and dovetails well with a lot of continental theory also:


the more interesting question to be raised is about not only the notion of heroism, but how to have a society capable of producing those emissaries from the Outside which can restore the balance of things *before* either a) the polis itself (or the global environment) becomes so dilapidated it is beyond repair, or b) mutually assured destruction solves these problems for itself in their own ways, either by nuclear weapons, or terrorism and rampantly authoritarian anti-terror countermeasures, or - closer to home - we find ourselves agreeing that, yes, Nostrils Are Discrimination, and we should all only breathe through a single orifice, wearing our Woke Jeans, and so on. this is no more desirable than the unironic love for the Third Reich which becomes an inevitable corollary to this: Yes, Nostrils Are Discrimination, And That's Why I'm a God-Fearing Two-Nostril Man. because it's just all fucking stupid.

more ronin, please. not the dickhead variety. the awesome kind. ronin are necessary, fedoras and all. sometimes a White Knight actually is required in the unironic and non-Virtue Signal sense. you can hear this much from JBP also. but Twelve Rules For Death would just be a much more interesting read.

>> No.12010049
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"it may not be a perfect system, but it's the only one we've got."

the same goes, in a way, for the Egyptians. they had peaceful order for a long time, and then those mysterious, troublemaking Sea Peoples - who *were* those guys, anyways? meh, it's probably just the wind - came and started fucking everything up. turned out they were the Greeks and they were no meme. it's not like it's easy to make a case for the Spanish conquistadores either, but they certainly changed the plot in South America.

the wheel of sacrifice, the wheel of martyrdom. these were things Nietzsche was keyed in on, but to my mind Girard has it all in spades today. the original mechanism of dying for God and killing for God - even a sublimated, political deity - is *the* political phenomenon par excellence, and that is why the state exerts a control over violence which is also decided on collectively through the laws and through deliberation. the meaning of the state is not war or conquest. but the state also can solve your existential crises. fuck, maybe even *religion* can't do that, because religion, you know, in an age of capitalism...and, you know, technology...

if only there was some word we could use to talk about

>the unification between the cosmic order and the moral order through technical activities (although the term cosmic order is itself tautological since the Greek word kosmos means order)


>a conceptual tool with which to overcome the conventional opposition between technics and nature, and to understand the task of philosophy as that of seeking and affirming the organic unity of the two


>reapproach[ing] the question of modernity by reinventing the self and technology at the same time, giving priority to the moral and the ethical.

i'm sure there is one, i just can't think of it atm.

>> No.12010061
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>> No.12010080
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the Spartans, of course, had a system that was basically custom-built to produce people that the entire world of antiquity would have been terrified to fuck with. you wouldn't want them as your landlord, but when it was time to fuck up some Persians, what you want is people who

>do not ask how many, but only where they are.

you can't - we see this - *found a state* on this idea. this was Plato's dilemma. true, the Spartans win the Peloponnesian war, but ultimately it's Greece that loses it. you want Athens and Sparta to *get along* and bring out the best of *both* in each other, in a harmonious co-participation of opposites. Plato wrote a whole book about this, it's called The Republic and it's probably the single greatest work of Western philosophy. or it was, at least, for about 2000 years.

you get the idea. Plato did not lack for Cosmotech sensibilities, but he didn't invent it all himself, he borrowed it from the Spartans as well as the Athenians. Christendom also, as grand and glorious an experiment in Cosmotech as ever there was. and even Hegel and Napoleon. we need another dose of that. it will be small, and very humble. and it comes to be in a world of absolute chaos. i'm okay with Zen Acceleration for the time being. but it's pretty neat to think about.

>> No.12010083

might want to walk us through this one senpai, a lot of us (read: me) are math smoothbrains here.

>> No.12010088

dude it's literally a circle lmao

>> No.12010109

I agree with the idea of having lists/charts which break up the different types of accelerationism. Maybe in this thread or by Cosmotech #11 someone will come along and put together some sort of graphics for us all.

>> No.12010113

You really shouldn't be a math brainlet if you are into this sort of stuff though.

Pick up Calculus or something

>> No.12010117

r/acc died when NG died.
l/acc died when SU died
finance/acc is the only sensible acc that hasn't crashed and burned (yet) and in which you can actually practice towards what you preach instead of mass genocide and poor wellbeing

>> No.12010120


>> No.12010127

the thought experiment is the basilisk keeping you alive for eternity inside a computer and torturing you or keeping you in heaven depending on whether you did everything possible to bring him to life or not

>> No.12010133

Nazi Germany and Soviet Union.

Political accelerationism leads to death and destruction of really everything. In a manner where you wont get epic capital cyborg A.I. to kill you.

Finance accelerationism is the way.

>> No.12010139

>r/acc died when NG died.
was r/acc ever a movement? the father of r/acc is basically moldbug and even he was against participating in politics in any way

>> No.12010145

Moldbug is f/acc in my taxonomy.

I classify Nazis as right wing accels (political movement)

>> No.12010148
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clearly it's more than that for one anon. unless that anon is you and you're just trolling, in which case well played i guess but i'm disappointed, i was ready for something awesome.

>you receive demerits
>your Social Credit score has been lowered

fuck i am seriously thinking Social Credit is going to work, and in devoting all my time to philosophy all i have done is nosedive it. brb going to become a Confucian scholar

i am a math brainlet tho.

>Finance accelerationism is the way.

>> No.12010155

the key is that it's a perfect simulation of you created at any point in time, no one voluntary participates in it. You could be retroactively punished millenia from now.

>> No.12010158

Only a Chart Can Save Us

we're generally pretty lazy shitposters on /lit/. but who knows, maybe somebody will produce one, it would be nice to see. i'd love to see a chart, maybe it would lead to even more interesting conversations.

>> No.12010164

yes, but i don't believe copies of me are me as pointed here >>12009769

so kind of breaks the experiment unless you buy that part

>> No.12010174

Cosmotechnics/Acceleration can't into actual technology

>> No.12010178
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>today capital has mobility and you can burn and salt your country and not pay the consequences as long as you move to the next one fast enough

it does and it doesn't. see pic rel. it depends on the country. if you want to burn and salt your country and not pay the consequences,

a) that country better not be China, and
b) if you did that in your home country and now you want to come to China to rinse and repeat, no thanks.

i'm not saying Xi Jinping is going to save the world, i'm just saying that in the 21C the rules appear to be changing.

>> No.12010183


>> No.12010209
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and again, in terms of whether or not pic rel is an *improvement* on globalization is anyone's guess. my own intimation is that it will probably wind up being no less nightmarish and horrible than everything you hate about neoliberalism now, and of which it seems to me is an outgrowth. Zizek has already said lots of stuff about this, that authoritarian state capitalism China-style is just as bad as corporations running wild everywhere. Social Credit will not save anyone, but what it does do is fuck with multinational corporations.

and, in turn, those multinationals will almost certainly fuck with SC in return, and so on, and so on, forever, as is the case with the Wild Ride.

in the end the point is that there is no happiness for the slobs that we become. it just seems to be a Cosmic imperative that if one is both stupid and evil, there will be a price paid for it. i'm convinced that Social Credit will work, that it is a reaction to postmodernity in about as laser-detailed a sense as one could possibly ask for, and that it is the nature of history to solve all problems with larger problems. this is hardly news. my only contribution is to make a case for a little nondual mysticism to orient oneself towards technology such that some of these inevitable gravity wells, which lead in turn to meme politics, can be resisted. and so to that end it is, as the Great Learning says, imperative for everyone to take self-cultivation as the common root. in one sense this means anthropotechnics; but i think psychically it required cosmotechnics as well, and not only for you, but for the milieu in which you live.

it is manifestly all commonsensical to the point of absolute and paradoxical pointlessness and obviousness, which is also basically Zen.

>> No.12010230

yep, people are scared of Social Credit going wrong, they should be scared about Social Credit working as expected instead

>> No.12010250
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philosophically, there will always be more room for *creativity,* and clearly some kind of Rectification of Names (or de-Rectification) may also be in order as a part of *adapting to the needs of a mechanological society,* which are *not* those of a political society. political societies can absolutely run on a hierarchy of CTRLers, CTRL, drones, and Desire/Capital/Happiness Points or whatever else. human beings are the programmable, programmed, and programming species, and our hilarious inability to come to some sense of What Did Language Mean By This only makes this breathtakingly clear. again, it's not hard to connect Derrida/Foucault/Baudrillard to Land in this way: we are coming off of the society of the Spectacle (and the text) and into the world of the Code: automatic, smoothly functional, and all else. it really is the Matrix.

but it's not *society* that needs to be worked on, it's *people.* people in their functioning, in their unique, skilled, individualistic practices, such that a society of acrobats rather than a society of drones is the result. i'm happy with Daoist sages or Confucian scholars too, that would be great. but in general just a practicing, self-disciplinary, ascetic planet with a moral metaphysics to go along with would be a very fine look in my mind, and would starve NPC politics to boot.

this. it's going to be a huge, huge thing. it already is, obviously, that's exactly what Insano-Leftist politics is all about. and even in a mechanological society you are going to have your profile, and all the rest...

Uncle Nick is right: Optimize for Intelligence *is* the way. it absolutely is. the problem right now is the absence of anything like a civilization *worth optimizing for,* and, as such, Defenestration, Yes! becomes the sadly understandably default position. but those are problems and questions for our own Department of Speculative Economics, or Cosmotech. it's Peterson's thing as well, of course. but it's this thing too, with a slightly different intellectual genealogy. the despair is *necessary* to flush out the *politics.* after that there has to be something better, something hopeful.

also beautiful art b/c i really wanted to share this one and i have no context for it, so i'll put it here.

>> No.12010310

also, just looking at this picture fills me with a deep and sick satisfaction i probably should not feel, but come on. come the fuck on. Xi Jinping is no hero and Sinofuturism absolutely can be just as horrible as the walking-on-eggshells world we live in now, with all of the meme hysterics and other pointless bullshit to boot. both Europe and the US are in a state of absolute panic-stricken bewilderment atm, and it mainly has to do with the fact that apparently 2018 has decided that the System of German Idealism is completed by cat pictures on Facebook. find a flaw, right? you don't want to be racist, do you?

but when Zuckerberg goes abroad, and asks - in his gormless fucking way - and asks Xi Jinping to name his child, as if he could quietly sublimate Xi into his own narcoleptic vision of Chairs Are Like Facebook, and Xi looks at him and says,

>no thanks

that's history, gents. that's China saying, we're also a player in this game now. and we have our own rules. and we don't need your meme bullshit. the plot has shifted. it doesn't mean Social Credit solves all of our problems: as always, we solve all of our problems with larger problems, perhaps an enduring maxim of all things Wild Ride. but that picture at least suggests a future once again taking another unique twist as it unwinds the dialectic.

>> No.12010434
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i just can't a flaw in this. Confucianism doesn't have plans for the state, because the state is about the beings who live in it. it's not an abstract entity, and anything like a master-slave distinction in it makes no sense. and this includes every attempt w/in postmodernity to recapitulate the master-slave distinction without repeating it.

Confucius is not Nietzsche, and he is not Kant, or Hegel. he bears little resemblance to anyone in Europe (except, perhaps, Leibniz). and a Cosmotech imperative probably *would* trade technical achievement for social order. that would not be Simondon's perspective, i don't think, and it certainly wouldn't be Deleuze's, let alone Uncle Nick's.

but we arrive at a point where the tech becomes self-operative, and it's not that this is a bad thing, it's just that it runs up against the question of the polis, and people react. that's my own thing too. and so maybe it's the milieu in which invention takes place that matters...

ultimately, these things come back to just describe cultures, in the long run. Spengler distinguishes between the poetic Culture and the technological civilization, and there's more than a little of this in Heidegger also. everything in continental theory since Heidegger has been a discourse on technics and time as a result, and the fruit of a stalled narrative gives you both idpol and Uncle Nick.

but Confucius is just so cozy. Laozi and the Buddha too; but the Great Learning is Confucius' thing more than theirs.

>> No.12010452

I mean this literally and unironically, you are doing God's work, anon.

>> No.12010478
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but i can't speak for Cosmotech as if were all my thing, as it is not. there are some crazy interesting points of disagreement between YH/Confucius/Laozi/SImondon/Stiegler/Uncle Nick and many others. i'm divided on many of these myself. and so down there in the Engineering Department is where sparks are flying, and we are trying to build our own little crew of XCOM ronin-soldiers to survive the breakup of the postmodern world.

so don't quote me too closely, is all i'm saying. just that i'm very much enjoying sharing these meme thoughts. the question of the relation between technological innovation and social order is very much a live question, and open for discussion. Who Discovers Who, or What, and Tech/Culture is all a part of it. i think there is a sweet spot to be found in a mechanological society equipped with a particular kind of moral metaphysics, but the finer details are all very much TBD.

have to head out for a bit, catch up with you guys later.

>> No.12010543

>a list of my favorite articles

Dou you mind sharing the compilation? It will be appreciated for sure.

>> No.12010545
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Zen Acceleration into, or until, Neo-Confucian/Neo-Augustinian Mechanological society is a weird thing to find myself arguing for, but i wonder if that is not in fact it. such a Neo-Et Cetera society would also, bear in mind, have basically all of the problems of our world, but with the caveat that it does not exterminate those small numbers of weird, hairy, barbaric, unkempt, and prickly drunkards who also are the ones who arguably lay the foundations for its appearance in the first place.

it's kind of the ending for Fallout 1, incidentally: You Saved the Vault/You Must Leave the Vault. which, in turn, is the story of the Grand Inquisitor also.

things to think about.

>> No.12010556
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this also was a very good film.

>> No.12010566
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just the fact that dostoevsky wasn't hegel is enough.

okay, i mean it this time, i'm going.

>> No.12010570

>The story goes like this: Earth is captured by a technocapital singularity as renaissance rationalitization and oceanic navigation lock into commoditization take-off.

Lol cringe

>> No.12010645
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>> No.12011005

Moldbug is off to the side. Honestly YH's takedown of him is accurate. R/acc was initially a term used to describe Old Nick because everyone else in Accel was positioned off to his left trying to talk their way out of his puzzle box, which they never quite did, and now with Land pronouncing NRx dead it seems the labyrinth has claimed r/acc as well. u/acc isn't much different from r/acc in the end, just with more Ideology of Choosing the Winning Side mixed in.

Dude you're smoking rocks

>> No.12011089
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YH's article on this is worth a read for anyone interested in these threads. i should probably have in the OP.

>Fundamentally, the neoreactionary movement and the “alt-right” are expressions of an anxiety over the fact that the West is incapable of overcoming the current phase of globalization and maintaining the privilege it has enjoyed for the past few hundred years. Nick Land already admitted as much twenty years ago, in a text entitled “Meltdown”:

>The sino-pacific boom and automatized global economic integration crashes the neocolonial world system … resulting in Euro-American neo-mercantilist panic reactions, welfare state deterioration, cancerizing enclaves of domestic underdevelopment, political collapse, and the release of cultural toxins that speed-up the process of disintegration in a vicious circle.

>The neoreactionary critique exposes the limit of the Enlightenment and its project, but surprisingly, it may only show that the Enlightenment has never really been implemented, or rather that its history is one of compromise and distortion. Clarifying the emergence of neofascist politics on a global scale demands admitting at least this much: in the same way that Hitler’s love for the master race in no way imperiled his alliance with the Empire of Japan—indeed, it was the British commander of Singapore who left the landward side of the island undefended because he did not think the Japanese could see out of their slanty eyes well enough to attack from land—so too does contemporary ultranationalism constitute a truly international phenomenon. The neofascist movement extends far beyond Europe and America, with different ways of orienting the “global” and the “local.” Take, for example, the Russian political theorist and self-proclaimed Heideggerian Aleksandr Dugin and his “fourth political theory.” Like Land, Dugin is not someone easily discredited or denounced. Yes he has to be understood as a true reactionary. His fourth political theory claims to go beyond the failure of the three previous political theories: liberalism, communism, and fascism. If the subjects of the previous three political theories were, respectively, the individual, the class, and the nation-state or race, then the subject of the fourth political theory is the Heideggerian Dasein. Dasein resists the deracination of the postmodern, the midnight “when Nothingness (nihilism) begins to seep from all the cracks.” The fourth political theory is indeed a reactionary theory, which finds its roots in the conservative revolution and fascist movements (Arthur Moeller van den Bruck in Germany, Julius Evola in Italy), traditionalism (René Guénon), and the new right (Alain de Benoist). For Dugin, the global is the modern world and the local is Russian tradition.



>> No.12011102
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>tfw you *wouldn't* include an article called Thinking After Meltdown in a Land Thread
look i never said i was smart ok

>Thinking After Meltdown

>How then is the West going to save itself, to sublate the contradiction of the unhappy consciousness? Reaction, like fascism, doesn’t tell the truth, but only allows people to express themselves. Trump’s victory is more or less a victory of reactionary and right-wing thinking, which do not provide a worthier analysis of the situation but rather appeal to the emotions, as Ernst Bloch once said about the situation in Germany. Commentators have tried to suggest, based on the relation between Thiel and Girard, that Trump and tech entrepreneurs are comparable to scapegoats; like the pharmakos in ancient Greece or the King described by Sir James Frazer in The Golden Bough, their sacrifice puts an end to social and political crisis. However, the figure of the scapegoat is analogous to the “red pill”: it is only a rhetorical tactic that justifies its reactionary tendency as a covert truth. The sacrifice of the scapegoat is a redefinition of friend and enemy, which is rather clear in Trump’s position on China-US-Russia relations. To maintain an uneven globalization and avoid the expense of war, real scapegoats are going to be sacrificed, since they are the vessels for hiding the truth in favor of populist movements. In other words, how can the West maintain unilateral globalization to preserve its privilege and supremacy? This question is not asked by Land, who simply mobilizes the neoreactionaries as a means of advancing his own bionic agenda. However, no matter how unwilling one is, we cannot deny the fact that today’s world can no longer maintain the old order; the military modernization of the past century makes this impossible.

>Bloch was right, but emotion is not enough. The reactionary modernists also provided something substantial. They wanted to overcome the opposition between natur and technik, and therefore to reconcile technik and kultur (kultur was considered to be opposed to zivilisation) within the interiority (innerlichkeit) of European culture. This is also why, after publishing The Decline of the West (1922), Spengler followed with Man and Technics: Contribution to a Philosophy of Life (Der Mensch und die Technik. Beitrag zu einer Philosophie des Lebens, 1931) to reassert his pro-technology credentials. Today we can observe how technology returns to provide a futurist vision of the technological singularity as a solution to any politics, with the added nuance that the innerlichkeit is no longer of central concern. Thiel is a venture capitalist who has funded major tech companies such as Facebook, Google, and PayPal. Technology, as he wrote in Zero to One, means complementarity, and “strong AI is like a cosmic lottery ticket: if we win, we get utopia; if we lose, Skynet substitutes us out of existence.”

>> No.12011113
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>Moldbug is the developer of the operating system Urbit, which runs on libertarian principles. Nick Land is interested in technological singularity and the “intelligence explosion” since the 1990s, recently praising the blockchain technology behind Bitcoin as "solving the problem of spacetime." In Thiel’s view, it is only through an invasive technological intervention that the West can recover from democracy. Land’s accelerationism is the most sophisticated of the various accelerationisms, and far more philosophical than the leftist version, which relies on a rather shallow understanding of technology. His transhumanist position, however, is another kind of “universalism,” one in which all cultural relativity is subsumed to an intelligent cybernetic machine, producing a “meltdown”—an absolute deterritorialization and an intelligence explosion that captures the creative force of intellectual intuition in the Kantian sense. Land seeks a remythologization of the world through Lovecraftian weird realism. “The endless [that] ends in itself,” a poetic sentence from Land’s fictional work Phyl-Undhu, gestures toward an idealist recursive genesis.

>The competition to realize the technological singularity has become a major battlefield, and the threat of war has never been so imminent. Thiel once wrote that “competition is for losers,” since it is monopoly that “produces at the quantity and price combination that maximizes its profits.” The irony is that the nonpolitics Thiel supports careens towards such an undesirable fate. We must avoid this war at all costs. This doesn’t mean that we should completely reject the possibility of a superintelligence. But we should resist surrendering to a destiny predefined by technological development. We urgently need to imagine a new world order and seize the opportunity provided by the meltdown to develop a strategy that opposes the relentless depoliticization and proletarianization driven by the transhumanist fantasy of superintelligence.

>> No.12011129
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>This meltdown doesn’t have to mean the end of the world. In can also be approached as a pivotal political and philosophical moment, when restructuring on both a global and local scale is possible because the old structures have been dissolved by new technologies. In the words of Bernard Stiegler, we can describe our moment as a “digital epoché,” in which old institutional forms are not only conceptually but also materially suspended. For example, Finland is considering using new digital technology to abandon the traditional way of teaching according to subject and to develop a curriculum that involves more collaboration among teachers. This is a moment when new forms of educational institutions can be created, when a “destitution” (in Agamben’s sense) can be carried out to break down a synchronization that so far has only served the interests of globalization. This destitution can lead to the emergence of epistemes that diverge from the hegemonic synchronization internal to the technological singularity. It is an opportunity to develop new thinking and new constitutions that go beyond current debates focused on universal basic income and robot taxis. We must not wait for the technocrats to implement this thinking via lengthy reports from the “Cathedral.”

>Let us conclude by going back to the Enlightenment and its world process. Philosophy is fundamental to revolutions, affirmed Condorcet, since it changes at a single stroke the basic principles of politics, society, morality, education, religion, international relations, and legislation. Such a notion of philosophy has to be turned towards the question of thinking for a new world history. Maybe we should grant to thinking a task opposite the one given to it by Enlightenment philosophy: to fragment the world according to difference instead of universalizing through the same; to induce the same through difference, instead of deducing difference from the same. A new world-historical thinking has to emerge in the face of the meltdown of the world.

ty anon for reminding me: this absolutely needs to be in the next OP.

>> No.12011140

>that's history, gents. that's China saying, we're also a player in this game now.
Nah it's just cultural differences in child naming. It would be awkward to be asked for potential names for your baby in China.

>> No.12011166
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i understand, but i'm not Zuckerberg either and i don't need to cozy up to him, nor do i necessarily want him cozying up to me if i've got Xi-scale plans of my own for a world less interested in importing Facebook and all of its associated problems into my Middle Kingdom.

again, it's not like the Chinese don't have a proven record of censorship, human rights violations, and all kinds of other shit of their own. they unquestionably do, and i don't want to put myself in the camp of being yet another dreamy fuckwit thinking that Real Communism Over There will work as a cure for what is fundamentally an insolvency in my own (and, frankly, pretty cool) country. i get all of that. Don't Be Stupid and Evil is a sub-entry of Optimize For Intelligence. in case this had to be said.

Peterson says a lot of goofy stuff but fundamentally i'm in agreement with him.

>> No.12011216
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>Maybe we should grant to thinking a task opposite the one given to it by Enlightenment philosophy: to fragment the world according to difference instead of universalizing through the same; to induce the same through difference, instead of deducing difference from the same.

the first part of this is already fully in effect, and metastasizes as Batshit Insano-Leftism; the progressive stack is precisely that. again, we can be charitable: i would say that, like all truly powerful revolutions, it emerges out of *failure:* i think OWS is where things originally got started. guys in skyscrapers stuck their noses in the air at Zuccotti Park and the Left basically had to take in the ass because *not all of their demands could be placed in a PowerPoint presentation* and filed, humbly and politely, as a complete wish for the abolishment of capitalism itself, because it would have been rejected with a sneer. the Universalizing Through the Same that YH is talking about is 149% the agenda today: everything is racism, everything is misogyny. and so heads must roll. none of this will be unfamiliar to you. but a Great Betrayal and a Great Disappointment has deep roots in all political-religious movements, i'm going to guess.

>to induce the same through difference, instead of deducing difference from the same.

this is my feel also, to creation and back. it's why i like Girard: it's *fundamental mimesis* and not fundamental difference that is the phenomenon that leads to all of this. Girard isn't the cure for everything, of course, but it explains why i think he matters.

but this is not Awesome Opinions time. the more interesting questions are the ones that YH is raising:

*how do you induce the same through difference, instead of deducing difference from the same?* what does that *look* like?

please step into the Cosmotech Muse-um (or Transcendental Musitator MK II) and Cogitate on this at your convenience, gents. this is the deal.

>> No.12011270
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the world said No to this, but unfortunately things don't always work out the way we want them to. as Bert Cooper says, there are rules, and there are other rules.

if you want a sense of why people seem to always act as if they have their backs to the wall, why look farther than the failure of OWS to bring about Change You Can Believe In? because there was too much. i argued about this at length with a friend of mine who has opinions i take seriously because he is both a buddhist and a doctor. and he was, morever, solidly on the side of OWS. his answer was, they couldn't organize all of their demands into a neat profile because *they just wanted everything to go,* and there was no way of hierarchizing these demands *in and of themselves,* let alone *to do so for the sake of guys in skyscrapers to then decide whether they would listen,* because you know what the answer would have been:

Fuck You, Hippies

and what you got out of this was the progressive stack. this cannot be a crazy thesis. why would things have turned out any other way? the Stack formed up and it discovered the serious Blood Magic that lay at the core of all postmodern theory, which is race and gender. and it would have worked *there* to create order and it is it continuing to create order *now,* right up to 2018, and i see absolutely no reason why this won't continue. the only reason why someone might not want it to continue is because it becomes in the end a nuclear arms race. and it without a doubt produced Trump in 2016, and the hysteria now just goes back and forth in ways that make the pendulum oscillate ever more wildly and reactively.

that's our world. it calls for a Rectification of Names, in a great many senses. underneath all of this stuff lies, imho, Hegel and Marx, and Uncle Nick also. but when we catch up to the present day something else is called for, and YH is asking all the right questions now.

>> No.12011297

>Capital as computer, processing desire
A nice metaphor, and I mean that, really nice and I love it, but humans don't even have desires--that is dressing it up. We know not what we do. Desire gives us too much credit, Drive coddles us, it gives permission, these coordinates are the wishful thinking of those who stood at the wake of God, last men, verbose and tears in eyes sincere--but no it is not: Desire or Drive. Tech is a Will to Death, Capital an expression of self-loathing, commodity as commode e.g. corprophilia. You XLRrationists are much too optimistic to me

>> No.12011300
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the other thing that expresses this thirst for justice we see now today is just people at their limits. pic rel rode off into the sunset with all three of his electronic hearts intact. so did all of the Bush neocons. so did all of the guys who caused the financial crisis in 2008, who couldn't be jailed because, at bottom, they weren't breaking the law, but they were absolute virtuosos at playing a game which wasn't just rigged, it was itself doing the rigging.

you can fool people enough times and get away with it, but eventually everybody starts to figure out when they get the whiff of death in the air, and that i think is why people have now just acquired a taste for blood in the political arena. it doesn't even matter who, or why. you just need somebody to get punished. somebody has to pay for all of this, and somebody will, but that's just a whirlpool of madness.

and the other thing about vampires is
>that's enough girardfag.
>ok but inner self vampires tho. necronomics. it's a thing
>later girardfag. later. these are Awesome Opinions and that's when it's time to stop

>> No.12011313
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>> No.12011332
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i'm optimistic about the pessimism and pessimistic about the optimism. nobody who reads Uncle Nick comes away feeling *optimistic,* land is a fucking nightmare. the optimism only comes later on in the razor-thin streak of sunlight that suggests it's not all in my head.

if Land did anything it was to suggest that capitalism be like

and so i'm with you - mostly. humans do have desires, tho. and those desires are systematized and weaponized by a consumer society. we are seduced, cajoled, threatened into everything. because there isn't anything fucking else to do except consume and repeat, and live the life of a cynical hedonism. that cynical hedonism has now morphed (unsurprisingly) into an unbelievable streak of moral puritanism which is guaranteed to only keep the wheels turning (see >>12009774. the market decided that Kaep's brand of activism clocked in at around 6 billion dollars, give or take).

>Tech is a Will to Death, Capital an expression of self-loathing, commodity as commode e.g. corprophilia.
all of this is fine.

>You XLRrationists are much too optimistic to me
not this tho. not for me, anyways. my optimism goes through a couple of Jigsaw Devices first on the way to being the kind of optimism i used to have.

>> No.12011353

I think you're literally optimizing your pessimism. I like your project I contribute to it.
Anyway, no it would be decent if it were a matter of our desire being weaponized but no we are just getting little shocks in the right places and twitching and that's it. No survival instinct either. Quite the opposite. Always. Life is a means to killing.

>> No.12011361


Would Lavos have consumed reality including the End of Time eventually if left unchecked? Or is that some bullshit they added to Chrono Cross and Lavos was just some major apex predator chomping on planets.

>> No.12011386
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>I think you're literally optimizing your pessimism.
i think i am too.

>I like your project I contribute to it.
fuck yeah. come on in bucko

>Anyway, no it would be decent if it were a matter of our desire being weaponized but no we are just getting little shocks in the right places and twitching and that's it.
yeah, maybe. that's part of it. i tend to prefer hallucinatory visions of Big Stuff tho, 'tis my nature.

>Life is a means to killing.
2 bleak 4 me. I prefer Fuck Yeah Space Taoism by a country mile, see >>12004842, >>12004847, >>12004854. not saying you're wrong, just that loops between life and death too narrowly plotted make too many NPCs and a terminal mass of NPCs eventually puts a dam up on the river that feeds the little grotto in which i dwell, or fills it with toxic sludge that destroys my little coral garden. i'm anti-NPC and pro-Satori in that way.

it's a good question. even if not, it would have been sad to have been trapped at the End of Time forever, right? even the End of Time is only a temporary asylum, or refuge, from the real world (as is this thread). eventually We Have To Go Back. my hope is that when we do Go Back we either go there a little more inwardly resolved, or that maybe even someday there will be a cooler place to Go Back to. i'm skeptical, but i'm even more skeptical about the culture of cynicism that forces me to live at the End of Time in the first place.

i'd prefer Rivendell but the times seem to have changed. anyways, massive blocks of text on the hermeneutics of Chrono Trigger are most welcome, if you have some thoughts on the matter. The End of Time is a pretty cozy place (as was the Big Whale from FF4 and ofc the Blackjack and Falcon from FF6).

>> No.12011399

I promise to come back when I figure out what the shocks and shockers are I need to think about it

>> No.12011414
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please do. it's a most interesting thought, and i'm looking forward to reading where you take it.

lightning is cool...

>> No.12011457
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>> No.12011477
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i found this image googling Girard Apocalypse, meant to post it earlier, but might as well put it here. apparently guys named Girard (in this case, Andre) have strong feelings about these things. i thought at first this was a 40K image. it still might be, tbqh.

>> No.12011486

Lovely my phone background now I guess you've digitally (hahahaha) inseminated me

>> No.12011518
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any port in a storm, i say

and look if we're going to Save Western Civilization we all may have to do some things we don't feel comfortable with

anyways enjoy the new background mi amigo, & thanks for posting in our Cosmotech bread. we're Making Apocalypse Great Again

>> No.12011535

Cheeky fuck

>> No.12011613

I love you schizos.

>> No.12011893
File: 25 KB, 500x375, Image-Mifune-Senses-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Cosmotech Psycho-Nomad Zen Acceleration Neo-Confucian/Neo-Augustinian Metamind Collective loves you too anon, or at least until it gets weird

also, it is objectively impossible to find a flaw in these Mifune gifs. some of these are just too good


>> No.12011983
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>Cosmotech Psycho-Nomad Zen Acceleration Neo-Confucian/Neo-Augustinian Metamind Collective
That's an interesting name for "Autonym."


>> No.12012026

I can only hope to die with my dignity like the last of the samurai despite the cold indifference of the psycho-social forces that are pulling me along like a marionette. I can only sigh at the contortions imposed.

>> No.12012129

How does cosmotech dove-tail with the scientific method?

>> No.12012178
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anon you are 100% correct.

>The consequences of this infection are not immediately obvious, although you may find yourself beginning to think fleetingly of certain subcultural terms, such as CYBERPUNK and NEW EDGE, which may in turn compel you to think of NEOGNOSTICISM and MEMETICS: the whispered fragments perhaps of some overheard conversation.

well how about that.

>Please abandon all hope of either cure or escape; you have no thought that is not already our own.

if these guys weren't the good guys, or at least Chaotic Neutral i would be worried. anon this is a fascinating document, ty so much. it's funny, you know; that's exactly the kind of language i would use if i were trying to characterize some villainous ideologue in my own junk-tier writing. and yet the power of meme-magic can be used for good as well as for evil.

anyways you are right. Autonym is the word. it's true that the 90s are over, and that Uncle Nick is very much a product of them. and yet the Hacker Ethos remains an enduringly beautiful thing. i cherish no great hopes of social change, really; i think i'm just anti-NPC and pro-Satori. after that everyone's free to wear sunscreen
>and watch Kurosawa films

so there is a Spengler quote for this, of course:

>Time does not suffer itself to be halted; there is no question of prudent retreat or wise renunciation. Only dreamers believe that there is a way out. Optimism is cowardice.

>We are born into this time and must bravely follow the path to the destined end. There is no other way. Our duty is to hold on to the lost position, without hope, without rescue, like that Roman soldier whose bones were found in front of a door in Pompeii, who, during the eruption of Vesuvius, died at his post because they forgot to relieve him. That is greatness. That is what it means to be a thoroughbred. The honourable end is the one thing that can not be taken from a man.

but there are other quotes also. and in terms of what those are i prefer Laozi to Spengler, especially when i'm feeling super-depressed. but i know that feel anon. it indeed sucks.

i mean Heidegger is right in the sense that if you want to do particle physics, you need a particle accelerator, and since you can't build one of those in your backyard, you are signing up for a whole world of other things that allow for scientific instrumentation. my own sense is that i would be pro-scientific method and pro-engineering, bearing in mind that the nature of teleoplexy itself is mainly predicated on human obsolescence if it doesn't keep up with the Joneses - which is a key aspect of the tragicomic Wild Ride.

the best answer for this is in Negarestani, and which probably deserves an extended greentext adventure in either this thread or the next.


>> No.12012263
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>The more self-consciously mimetic a virusmaker’s creation, the more you can bet that her world-view is based on conclusions reached through chaos math, psychedelics, environmentalism, magic, spirituality, radical sexuality, conspiracy theory, or cyber-technology. These are not necessarily dark visions at all, but they are consistently antiestablishment, antiorder, and antihierarchical on a level more fundamental than most people can imagine. So far.

this checks out too.

>Originally, Virus 23 was meant more as an open-ended viral “husk,” as the creator calls it. Even though it calls for a war of NEGentropic (life-affirming, complexity-inspiring) memes against entropic ones (those that dissipate energy), the manifesto presents a much more neutral world-view—well, at least as neutral as a viral prankster can muster. For to accept the virus as a tool for societal engineering is to accept a biological model for the media and an organismic model of the human race. Today these are the most subversive opinions a person can hold.

i certainly have never thought of myself as being subversive, or transgressive. the thing with me is that i have in fact always desired rules to follow, and i just kept finding out that the rules contained other rules that in the end didn't make any sense, and the answer at that point was Fuck You. once i discovered Heidegger and Lacan i was slightly more comfortable with this, since i realized that most of human society is in fact animates by highly eroticized Stay-Puf Marshmallow Man dreams and the like. so i've become a little more okay with the rest of my species and yet at the same time i cannot shake this niggling feeling that we are all on a fucking train ride to hell, and nobody outside of a small handful of philosophers seems capable of giving a consistent and sane answer as to why that is. it's given me a fucking stomach ulcer too, and a couple of unhealthy addictions i don't otherwise need.


>For it is, as will be argued, the truth of human significance—not in the sense of an original meaning or a birthright, but in the sense of a labor that consists of the extended elaboration of what it means to be human through a series of upgradable special performances—that is rigorously inhuman.

>The force of inhumanism operates as a retroactive deterrence against antihumanism by understanding humanity historically—in the broadest physico-biological and socioeconomical sense of history—as an indispensable runway toward itself.

-- Reza Negarestani/The Labor of the Inhuman

Reza's no joke. dark as he is, there's still no reason why his thought is not compatible with YH, imho. pure and applied capitalism works, but it may not be the only way out of the meme-deadlocks of 2018. inhumanism can lead to better humans, it doesn't necessarily imply no humans and Skynet. it's Sloterdijk's feel also, i think.

>> No.12012285

you're 5-10 years late for that post-hippie nihilism

>> No.12012313

The interesting thing about technology is that it extends our capabilities in certain ways but atrophies us in others. I am always fascinated by the Greeks and their emphasis on physicality. It took a large amount of work to recreate a working Trireme on water. The Greeks were jacked. I can't imagine the psychological hardiness of the people of the past. Humans will never be happy because our level of suffering is relative.

We have a society of learned idiots who emphasize pedigree over substance and are so narrow and specialized yet so dependent. Someone may have a lot of intelligence and skill at some niche domain but they lack a holistic refinement that causes them to have an inflated prestige and competency in other domains due to a lack of initiation and existential suffering that exposes them for what they are, nothing.

People often conflate the abstraction of theoretical understanding versus the reality of doing. Someone who is mathematically capable in theory may be able to build a house, but in actually are probably incapable and shouldn't ever be trusted to do so in practice. A physicist may understand gravitation, but they make for poor archers.

>> No.12012340
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>To be human is a mark of a distinction between, on the one hand, the relation between mindedness and behavior through the intervention of discursive intentionality, and on the other hand, the relation between sentient intelligence and behavior in the absence of such mediation. It is a distinction between sentience as a strongly biological and natural category and sapience as a rational (not to be confused with logical) subject. The latter is a normative designation which is specified by entitlements and the responsibilities they bring about. It is important to note that the distinction between sapience and sentience is marked by a functional demarcation rather than a structural one. Therefore, it is still fully historical and open to naturalization, while at the same time being distinguished by its specific functional organization, its upgradable set of abilities and responsibilities, its cognitive and practical demands.

>The rational demarcation lies in the difference between being capable of acknowledging a law and being solely bound by a law, between understanding and mere reliable responsiveness to stimuli. It lies in the difference between stabilized communication through concepts (as made possible by the communal space of language and symbolic forms) and chaotically unstable or transient types of response or communication (such as complex reactions triggered purely by biological states and organic requirements or group calls and alerts among social animals). Without such stabilization of communication through concepts and modes of inference involved in conception, the cultural evolution as well as the conceptual accumulation and refinement required for the evolution of knowledge as a shared enterprise would be impossible.

-- RZ/LotI

it sounds scary, depending on the kinds of fantasies you have about the future. but in a sense, all he's asking for is a philosophy compatible with computer technology and industrial design. we have every right to be apprehensive about technology, there's no question. i love Heidegger, but i am skeptical about his technophobia (and some other things). i also would like a way off of the Wild Ride. as such the situation probably calls not so much for a Revolution but an Upgrade.

we *could* have a technological equivalent of the Great Learning unconsciously (or consciously) imposed on us: that's Land's thesis about capital as computer, processing desire. and there is no upper limit on how dark techno-dystopia could be. but we could also borrow some of this to improve ourselves, as an alternative. i think YH would agree.

a machine-friendly Great Learning: now there's something to think about (if it's not already too late, &c &c).

>> No.12012348

s-should i call myself a space taoist? will the girls be impressed?

I like nick land and like the whole optimistic nihilism thing. I will read more into all of this, thanks for posting it.

>> No.12012356

Hey baby, let me show you the Way. hehehe

>> No.12012364

Check this out: https://www.laetusinpraesens.org/docs00s/singmem.php

>> No.12012370
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>Hey baby, let me show you the Way. hehehe

>> No.12012376
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>The interesting thing about technology is that it extends our capabilities in certain ways but atrophies us in others. I am always fascinated by the Greeks and their emphasis on physicality. It took a large amount of work to recreate a working Trireme on water. The Greeks were jacked. I can't imagine the psychological hardiness of the people of the past. Humans will never be happy because our level of suffering is relative.

agreed on this 100%. the Greeks were ultra-jacked. and not only the Greeks, mind. my very smart CompSci buddy, who i have been subjecting to conversations about these things on a weekly basis for some time now, has mad love for the Hornblower novels, pretty much for similar reasons. there is an *awesome* amount of problem-solving and other Humanity Fuck Yeah brainpower going on in putting a frigate at sea. and this is when they *weren't* disembarking afterwards, and getting off on foot, to go and fuck up the Trojans with spears also. it's hard to hate the meatbags when we are capable of things like this.

>We have a society of learned idiots who emphasize pedigree over substance and are so narrow and specialized yet so dependent. Someone may have a lot of intelligence and skill at some niche domain but they lack a holistic refinement that causes them to have an inflated prestige and competency in other domains due to a lack of initiation and existential suffering that exposes them for what they are, nothing.

yessir. and in the long run it makes us into a shitty race of Gollums too. *no empathy,* because *no understanding.* cynicism is understandable if you're Voltaire or Machiavelli; it's not if you're some asshole working a 9-5 making Porno-Chicken Nuggies.
>tfw you love porno-chicken nuggies girardfag, stfu
>ok but they're not *healthy* inner self and i know this. i hate that i love them
>you love the porno-nuggies girardfag. you will always love the porno-nuggies

>People often conflate the abstraction of theoretical understanding versus the reality of doing. Someone who is mathematically capable in theory may be able to build a house, but in actually are probably incapable and shouldn't ever be trusted to do so in practice. A physicist may understand gravitation, but they make for poor archers.

this also. there's a name for this fallacy, i don't remember which. it's not Dunning-Kruger (and i fucking hate this too, btw, i only ever hear it used in tactical ways and it makes me nuts). anyways, you nailed it. specialization is probably necessary for a technical civilization, but it fucks with our heads too, and all of these fucked heads lead to fucked-up societies.

>> No.12012382
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I read the introduction of the Accelerate book and I found it really interesting.
I haven't read much of any philosophy, so maybe I should start with all of that stuff first.

What philosophers does Nick Sea draw from?

>> No.12012385

Ha! I am a Computer Scientist too, how coincidental, or not?

>> No.12012388


>> No.12012415
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>s-should i call myself a space taoist?
i think it's fucking great, personally. i'll be posting that as pasta in all future Cosmotech threads. easily one of the single greatest (multi-)posts in the thread. Aminom Marvin crushed it.

>will the girls be impressed?
it's probably best not to ask about the status of Cosmotech Romance. but look at it this way: Uncle Nick is married to a pretty good woman and he's got two kids. if he can do it, anyone can. i doubt Based Han is a bachelor. let's check his wikipedia entry and see

>*time passes*

well, it doesn't say anything, but his Interests are completely awesome, check it out. if this man was not one of the greatest philosophers in Germany this would also be the interests of every He Was Such a Nice Boy you could name. if it said Pornography also my life would be truly complete.

>I like nick land and like the whole optimistic nihilism thing. I will read more into all of this, thanks for posting it.
aw yeah
>*smugness intensifies*

ho-lee shitballs

well, i was planning on spending tomorrow greentexting Reza, but i guess that can wait for a bit. this looks absolutely cool, thank you very kindly anon! have you read this all? thoughts? looks very neat.

some other anon wrote the following in the OP of Cosmotech #3, the one OP i didn't make:

>Dirty rundown on Land's influences:
>Bataille, Deleuze, Guattari, Nietzsche, Gödel, Burroughs, Cantor, Gibson, Reich, Marx, Schopenhauer, Crowley, Kant, Hoppe

of those the big three are Kant, Marx, and Deleuze. and also drugs. lots of drugs.

there are no coincidences on Planet Meme. all things are delicately interconnected

>> No.12012428
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i'm also very glad to have finally begun to have a philosophical conversation compatible with the Absolute Knowing that is Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

>> No.12012440


First watching this scene brought a tear to my eye.


>> No.12012470
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if we lose the magic of anime, we lose everything. anime is like the perfection of cinema
>he says, confusing his own opinions for reality
>well yes inner self that is true

of course, there are lots of good films that are not anime. and now the future lies with vidya and VR. but seriously. anime is just beautiful stuff in general. it is as unironically sentimental as it gets, and that is absolutely why it is great. cynicism is for weenies.

>> No.12012487
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at this rate, having at last learned how to appropriately genuflect before the Anime Gods on 4chan, i figure that Cosmotech is at last becoming something appropriate to the nature of these boards, and not just a kind of meme spill-over. 4chan is for Japanese culture, goddamnit, or at least it was at some point, and there is something inherently right about having an anime-compatible homebrew ideology to go with it.

i'm pleased with all of this, very pleased indeed. it's taken a while, but we're starting to get to Chrono Trigger, Akira, GITS and anime in the same threads. at last. it has taken a lot of memeing of Uncle Nick to do it but i feel that something is inherently of the cosmic balance in all of this. an anime-compatible philosophy for an anime image board, by memes, for memes (and with memes).

feels good man.

>> No.12012507

Disregarding the actual state of Japan, the beauty behind a lot of Japanese media is it is life affirming, earnest, idealistic and believes in hope and beauty in the face of tragedy, insurmountable odds and mortality. All of these are timeless qualities. Cynicism is a losing strategy for survival. Without meaning we can't have sentimentality and vice versa? Something has to be affirmed earnestly and organically that is uniting or else we're done for.

>> No.12012527

>Stories doesn't matter
Says the solipsist, unaware that he is one. For what is the self, our whole understanding of who we are, but a story? The doctrine of "one body, one person, one story, one soul" is a false dogma, we are not one but many - a synthesis of the many "styles of self" we contain, of other stories both factual and fictional. We just don't live in a society, we are a society, all the stories we experience are just as meaningful as the one we call "I." The death of metanarrative, of The Story is a liberation of stories as living beings with their own individual signification and their signification to others. The fictional stories we value are rooted in human reality, the real expression of other human beings. Story is the key to empathy, to understanding others and sharing lives and experiences with them, for better or worse. We aren't "rational animals" we are storytelling animals, with causal inference just a particular genre. Meme magic and hyperstition are just different ways of referring to the power of storytelling.

>> No.12012545


>> No.12012555

Theme song of narrative animism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_LPJllaogU

>> No.12012562
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>Disregarding the actual state of Japan, the beauty behind a lot of Japanese media is it is life affirming, earnest, idealistic and believes in hope and beauty in the face of tragedy, insurmountable odds and mortality.
this, to the twenty billionth degree. with some extra degrees stacked on too. wabi-sabi aesthetics are the greatest things in the entire universe, they are imho the Endgame of aesthetics and philosophy. "Find a Flaw," - right? *the point is the flaws.* and kintsukuroi, when you really think about what it means, gives me the feels, every time. that which is *broken* and *busted* and *fucked up* - right? right?

of *all of the goddamn countries on earth to get atom-bombed* - the Japanese. the fucking Japanese. George Martin could not have written anything to fuck with you like this.

>All of these are timeless qualities.
that. *especially* this. it is not time but the time*less* that should really get your noggin' joggin, after all. that which is perfect and deathless is not the beautiful...

i have read a bunch of books on Japanese aesthetics, here's a minor list of the ones i really liked.

-- Inouye, Evanescence and Form
-- Richie, A Tractate on Japanese Aesthetics
-- Tanizaki, In Praise of Shadows
-- Juniper, Wabi Sabi

and i mean to go and read The Book of Tea again soon, b/c Heidegger. and some other stuff on Japanese philosophy, the Kyoto school et al...but their aesthetic sensibilities just absolutely blow me away. as they do *everyone.* ugh. i'm such a fucking dope but yeah. this.

>Cynicism is a losing strategy for survival.
it is! it so is! and yet, ofc, it's so obvious *why* people would feel this way, esp when you have to wrestle with the 20C. i never intended to spend this much time thinking about it, i just kind of assumed everything was okay, everybody had already figured it out, and it was something about me, i was wrong. and in a way, that's true, i guess. but it's also just really complicated.

>Without meaning we can't have sentimentality and vice versa?
i don't think so, no. Coldness is Land's god. but i'm not wired the same way, and neither is YH.

>Something has to be affirmed earnestly and organically that is uniting or else we're done for.
that's it. i'm trying to fumble my way towards that, in a sense, and the paranoia and the hyperstition is all part of it. but if it doesn't end on that kind of note, then there's no point at all. aesthetics can fuck you up, but *they fucking should* sometimes. so that you don't live your whole live as a walking shitpost
>like you girardfag
>kek and you're stuck in here with me inner self. haha. forever

>> No.12012613
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aaaaaaaaaaahhh this is perfect. if this is the most (you)'d post in the thread i'm fine with it. that's fucking brilliant. perfect. wonderful. adjectives.

also, wtf, i have all this cyberpunk stuff and no actually decent wabi-sabi aesthetics to go with. fuck. i'm sure i used to, but my images are all over the place now. this will have to do in the meantime.

still tho, tell me Nothing is Finished/Nothing Lasts/Nothing is Perfect isn't exactly the kind of thing you'd like to spread through the universe of fuckface politics today. it's not a recipe for existentialism, it's a recipe for how to cope with aesthetic wonderland.

it's getting late over here and i have no brain now, so my posts are just going to be meme fuckface shitposts. i should probably stop and continue tomorrow, it's just that some of these posts are crushing it and i am genuinely delighted to have read them.

>> No.12012667

You can see this played out in various Western subcultures: jeans that are bought already worn out, nicked up guitars that still worth a lot because it's all about the tone and playability baby, classic 60s Rock and Punk recordings and performances with warts and all that only add to their charm.

Look at those examples versus the antithesis: people wrapping their furniture in plastic, plastic surgery, restoration of old cars and buildings, collecting bullshit just for resale value rather than usage, and pitch correction of songs

The sanitized and formal are the most fragile. Ya gotta get messy to survive, entertain contradictions and paradox. Shout out to my favorite based Phoenician Nassim Taleb.

>> No.12012675

>jeans that are bought already worn out
This is a bad example, very inauthentic. Wearing clothing 'til they are worn out would be a better example.

>> No.12012718

The West used to have a similar emphasis on transience in its emphasis on death.

Ars moriendi ("The Art of Dying")
Memento mori ("remember (that) you will die")

>> No.12012732
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>The sanitized and formal are the most fragile. Ya gotta get messy to survive, entertain contradictions and paradox. Shout out to my favorite based Phoenician Nassim Taleb.

this. and yet it is for precisely this reason that the contradiction and paradox kills the NPC, except when everything becomes ironic (and doesn't stay ironic for very long, but Humor Within the Appropriate Parameters). it's a neo-Victorian society of moral hypochondriacs. we neither laugh nor cry. we only feel anger. that's what happens when things near their endgames. this is what it is like to be a zombie, a drone, or a culture warrior.

Taleb is cool. loves the Stoics too. he triggers Harris but Triggered Sam Harris is absolute comedy gold also. this is not to shit on Harris, i just find it unendingly funny when guys like Trump or Taleb get under his skin, since clearly he can outsmart everybody else.

i haven't read this, but a three-volume series called The Tao of Seneca seems relevant to our interests here.


no diggity. and see above too, i guess.

people shit on Derrida because of this Now, The Ghost Is Me stuff but really, it comes down to what you are saying: we lost the feeling for death. here's a classic mic-drop from Uncle Nick on this theme, when the Enlightenment closed down once and forever the Medieval period:

>With Kant death finds its theoretical formulation and utilitarian frame as a quasi-objectivity correlative to capital, and noumenon is its name. The effective flotation of this term in philosophy coincided with the emergence of a social order built upon a profound rationalization of excess, or rigorous circumspection of voluptuous lethality. Once enlightenment rationalism beings its dominion ever fewer corpses are left hanging around in public places with each passing year, ever fewer skulls are used as paperweights, and ever fewer paupers perish undisturbed on the streets. Even the graveyards are rationalized and tidied up. It is not surprising, therefore, with with Kant thanatology undergoes the most massive reconstruction in its history. The clerical vultures are purged, or marginalized. Death is no longer to be culturally circulated, injecting a transcendent reference into production, and ensuring superterrestrial interests their rights. Instead death is privatized, withdrawn into interiority, to flicker at the edge of the contract as a narcissistic anxiety without public accreditation. Compared to the immortal soul of capital the death of the individual becomes an empirical triviality, a mere re-allocation of stock.

and we're *still* in that place, now on board the Wild Ride. in which there is *infinite terror* and yet none of the sense of mortality that was crucial to the Stoics. you are 100% right to bring this up. what are the Samurai without the feeling for death? what would the hoplites have been?

so valar morghulis i guess. but philosophy as Ars Moriendi, absolutely.

>> No.12012904

I will wake up and the first action I take will be to write down my dreams. Dreaming will be a skill that I will conscientiously develop. I will conduct reality checks often, as this behavior will be common in my social circles. We will remind each other to perform them. Within these circles, we will develop our own idioglossic lexicon built around our common experiences of non-standard conciousness, Jungian exploration of autonomous mental aggregations and other odd phenonemon of interior life. I will gently nudge my other circles towards adopting these practices. I will be attentive to other practices that others might share with me.

I will have a schedule for how I divide my time, yet I will not be too strict with enforcing it.

I will have a two day a week job within a large citizen-corporation that I am co-owner of. The corporation provides privatized public services. The corporation is governed via a liquid-democratic representation that runs on an low-energy distributed cryptographic protocol that utilizes peer-to-peer bluetooth for all communication. The corporation is structured such that mathematical fail-safes are in place to prevent cybernetically deleterious state of unequal wealth distribution. If I were ever unsatisfied with this corporation, it would be easy to attain another similar position in a different company. Outside of those two days a week I spend a sum total of zero time thinking about or engaging with corporation work. The number of hours I work a week, as well as when I work, are completely up to my own discretion. My monitary reward is calculated on the basis of the quantity and quality of my work. There is an optional gamification component to the corporation if one chooses to engage with it. It can be fun, and I have made very good friends going on certain campaigns. Overall, I will believe that the system is fair and will derive satisfaction from participating in it. I would see no reason to look down on people who go all-in on the gamification tract.

Two days a week I will work on a farm that I share with a group of friends. I will often travel to a neighbor's or friend's or friend of a friend's farm to help out with a harvest. We will grow the majority of our food. I will spend time with my hands buried in dirt, delicately transplanting seedlings into the soil, pulling weeds and picking heavy ripe vegetables. My fingernails will never be completely clean. We will have chickens, but only eat their eggs. I will rarely be sick. My shits will be raw and potent sources of fertalizer. While working on the farm me and my friends will sometimes play music on a small, tinny bluetooth speaker. We will all have eclectic tastes that span continents, eras and production methods. We will listen to 90's japanese new-wave. We will share our production data with a citizen-corporation that optimizes, over a window measured in centuries, global agricultural output and incorporate it's feedback in our own practices.

>> No.12012907


In this way, I will develop my ability to read geography. To understand how water will flow through land and create different types of soil. I will develop an intuitition for what plants will grow best in these soils. I will have a wide knowledge of herbalism and will tend to a handful a rare species of plant in a special garden. I will be able to identity more plants by their leaves than corporations by their brands. I will create extracts that I will trade with friends for their own extracts. I will have tall, charactered trees that were planted in memory of lost friends. Every once in a while, when the friends memory occurs to me, I will write a letter to them and bury it amidst the tree's roots.

On the farm I will have a small, semi-perminant house that I have to myself. The land I share is large, so there is enough space for all of us to have private abodes set far enough apart in the wilderness that no one is in direct eye-shot of another. In this house, which I built myself, I will have a bed, bathroom, and shared kitchen-livingroom. I will have a desk on which I keep my notebooks and laptop. Besides this desk will be a chaise lounge. Both of these objects will be of my own design. There will be a shrine above my hearth on which I will place gifts that I have received. Gemstones, woods, incense and artifacts of foreign continents and past times. I will demarcate important personal events by revealing cards from a rider-waite deck. An assemblage of these cards will serve as a vague maps for my emotional and physical development. My first mobile phone, screen cracked and battery dry, will occopy a place of pride.

At the center of the commune will be a large common house that contains a massive kitchen with a massive long table on it. It will be on this table that my friends I will share meals. An app of our own design will coordinate things on the farm. We will have weekly meetings which are opened by going around in a circle and describing to each other our mood and mental health throughout the week. There will be a variety of rooms in the house, including a gym and sauna. One of my friends at the farm is very knowledgable regarding human anatomy and will instruct me on Polish kettlebell technique. Some of my friends will have children and I will volunteer my time to teach them mathematics. The large house will have many spare bedrooms which are often occupied by friends that are coming to visit.


>> No.12012908

Lads I wanted to read about Decelerationism but all the pine tree lads seem to have been banned from twitter before I found them.

Are there any good deceleration blogs or something?

>> No.12012912


I will have a seperate room at my own abode with strong soundproofing. I will have spend working in the citizen-corporation produces the soundproofing panels that I used in it's construction. In this room I will keep an assortment of instruments, high-fidenlty audio equipment and synthesizers. The musical project that I share with a friend focuses on creating delicate assemblages of analogue and digital sound sources that are extremely unpredictable in their behavior and which are difficult to control. I will write software for this project. It will seem a strange fact of history that some time in the past, people were paid to engage in software development.

I will have an assortment of possessions that I buy, sell and swap at a marketplace in the local town. Outside of the languages used, this marketplace will not be very different from ones in Cambodia or Vietnam. The majority of the produce and products sold will be local to the region I am living in. I will have access to the global supply chain via a mobile app created by the marketplace vendor that I am fond of. Every person within the supply chain knows the names of the person above and below them. This information is also publically available on the blockchain, if one so chose to look it up. I will have access to a choice of citizen-corporation provided social services at the market. In order to talk to a human being, I will have to wait about as long as if I were buying a coffee in a city. The person providing the service will sincerely enjoy their work.

I will get to town by taking a electricity assisted cargo-bike. The ride is two hours. If I so chose, I could take a high-efficiency autonomous bus-car that is routed by a citizen-corporation. When I do go, I usually stay overnight for the night-market, which always features an eclectic array of traveling performers. Sometimes I will know the performer beforehand, othertimes I will take a chance on something new and be genuiely surprised at how good it was, becoming a new fan instantly. For niche forms of culture which have difficulty in finding a quarum number of interested attendees, a citizen-corporation provides a service that schedules artistic tours in conjunction with demand and willingness to travel. The night market will be a bustling scene featuring many people that I don't recognize, but I will always be bumping into friends and acquaintances. The crowd will be mixed with young and old people at a representative ratio to the age distribution of the surrounding area. In the summer, large gatherings will be held featuring home-made carnival rides built by my neighbors. I will have complete confidence in the handiwork of my neighbors and will not hesitate to ride them. This will not keep me from poking fun at them and joking that I will seek my revenge in the next life if I happen to die.


>> No.12012915


One day a week I will spend in meditation. This day of the week is generally understood, at the farm and elsewhere, to be a day of quiet, and all work is suspended. My friends at the farm will understand to not contact me during this day unless necessary. I will meditate by sitting on the floor with my eyes closed. During this day I will not speak, read or write. I will have a small, pre-prepared breakfast and lunch, but I will not eat any food after twelve noon.

The rest of my time will be spent working on one-off projects, seasonal tasks and the inevitable catastrophes and vissitudes of everyday life. These will all be social activities, but I will also engage in purely social activites. I will do stuff just for fun. I will get into BMX dirt jump. I will gradually build up my skill level and speak effusively to my friends at how fucking fun it is to soar through the air and then land the bike, then lean sideways to hit the burn and then go soaring up in the air again. I will acquire physical injuries from this, maybe even breaking a leg, but these injuries will never take long to recover from. As I grow old, the injuries might take longer to heal, but I will never understand them to be permanent.

I will spend two months out the year traveling. I stay in large cities and find it energizing. I will have visited every contintent, including the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Me and my friend will travel with our music project and play shows all around the world while staying at the houses of old friends. I will see every kind of geography and people, and always be surprised at the depth of the discoveries I make, despite having seen it all. I will sit at foreign plazas, completely anonymous within the millieu and watch closely as the ocean of humanity passes before my eyes. I will be amazed at the way they walk and dress and talk and spend hours fixated on their postures and their smiles and the way the water has stained their teeth. I will order coffee after coffee as I sit and watch and allow myself the pleasure of cigarettes. I might scribble in a notebook, but my eyes are fixed outwards - ingesting every trace of beauty that is to be found in the world.


>> No.12012961
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had to balance out that box-life


>> No.12012969
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the only twitter account i know that might fit this category is this guy:


it would probably be good to have a list of eco/decelerators and other things, given that the door to their magical realm is to be found near where we are, at the End of Time. but a post or two that collected deceleration links would probably be welcome also for anons looking to find the off button to the Wild Ride in different ways.

fuck yes Box Life returns! Box Life is life and love. we need this. oh how we need this.

will read tomorrow. that's all for Cosmotech today for me today gents, a pleasure as always. maybe greentexting the rest of LotI tomorrow too, seems like it would be appropriate. until then gents, sleep well and dream of Reza Negarestani
>no wait for the love of god don't do that i
>**signal lost**

>> No.12013033

> bathroom
> running water
stopped reading here

>> No.12013346
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>> No.12013371

more like fluff/acc

>> No.12013483
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Please excuse my English. Can I get a brief run-down of what you guys are all about that isn't a wall of text? Wikipedia says you accelerationists are leftist anti-capitalist sorts who want to push the excesses of capitalism forward to make things worse and therefore drive people to reject it in favor of full-on communism, but you guys don't really read like any leftists I have encountered. I read someone on here who said that you were the result of Trojan horse style injection of right wing ideas into leftist philosophy circles, but I do not know how true an explanation that is. You seem more like anti-capitalists of right wing persuasion who want the coming collapse that everyone sees to come sooner so we can escape from the current situation but I don't see you ever talking about what could possibly happen after this collapse happens. Can I get a simple explanation of what you're about in your own words? Your generals are always so confusing and full of strange words that aren't in my dictionaries or on Google.

>> No.12013502


>> No.12013514

>i'm also very glad to have finally begun to have a philosophical conversation compatible with the Absolute Knowing that is Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
top kek

>> No.12013519

There's leftist accelerationism into Communism.
There's rightist acceleration into Nazism to combat the above.

Then there's science/finance acceleration into Capital A.I. overlord dismantling the earth.

Of the three, 2 have failed, 1 remains to be seen. If somoene seems anti-capital it's because they subscribe to political (left or right) acceleration.

>> No.12013521

>but I don't see you ever talking about what could possibly happen after this collapse happens
The only collapse is in political acceleration (Capital > Communism in l/acc, threat of Communism > Capital in r/acc).

science/economy based acceleration into ultra capitalism and A.I. singleton doesn't rely or require "collapse". That's baked into political versions as an excuse.

>> No.12013535

What is the cosmotechnics, though? It is difficult to find the definition. Thank you, that video clarifies a lot of things for me. I see this acceleration as well, and it frightens me. I just want to have my family live nice, happy lives and it often makes me wonder if it is even possible in the future for them to be happy and virtuous. I think I probably tend toward what the video says is "deceleration," because I embrace salvation religion (especially Christ and Amitabha) over unclean politics and fast-lane unfulfilling lifestyle. I wish for us to be innocent. Can the accelerationist literature be applied to such desires, do you think? Wishing to recreate innocence for all peoples?

>> No.12013541

>Wishing to recreate innocence for all peoples?

This guy wants future tech to remove all suffering so I guess lol but it sounds scary af

>> No.12013552

I see. I assume by Nazism you mean authoritarian far right in general, like Nazis, Italian fascist, Dugin thinking, and Chinese legalist thinkers?
>Then there's science/finance acceleration into Capital A.I. overlord dismantling the earth
Why do people want this? I fear AI, transhumanism, and the "singularity" cult and every time I hear an explanation it is always so technology-positive and optimistic. It's frightening to think of these things to me, and I don't see why people embrace them.
Okay. So "collapse" is just propaganda of the political manipulators who control the states, according to the other kinds of acceleration? Even if you are not a political accelerationist, do you see collapse in the future?

>> No.12013558

I just skimmed that, and it does sound scary. I think maybe recreation of human innocence without unethical extreme would be impossible as far as I can see it now. Still, I want to see the world mold itself into a beautiful place and will keep searching for proper explanations.

>> No.12013564

The way I see "Collapse" in various acceleration strains is a "handy" tool or excuse for that strain to ignore how to cope with reality (it is easier to start from the ashes than to change what is to what ought to be).

As a device in a political philosophy it really does seem like a propaganda tool to show how they can move from here to "there".

> Why do people want this?
> I fear AI, transhumanism, and the "singularity" cult
> and every time I hear an explanation it is always so technology-positive and optimistic.
> It's frightening to think of these things to me, and I don't see why people embrace them.
It's part edge lord, part idealistic misanthropy to see Skynet wipe people out. You don't necessarily have to want it, it is just a reality of self-replicating self-correcting process (A.I.).

>> No.12013566

gender acceleration is pretty easy to see in today's society, you can apply the same in many other areas

>> No.12013676

I still have thread #7 up in another tab that I need to read through.

>> No.12013775

Since we're on the topic of 'collapse',

>Apart from the reiteration gained from its societies, an environment does not provide the massiveness of emphasis capable of dismissing its contrary elements into negative prehensions. Any ideal of depth of satisfaction, arising from the combination of narrowness and width, can only be achieved through adequate order. In proportion to the chaos there is triviality. There are different types of order; and it is not true that in proportion to the orderliness there is depth. There are various types of order, and some of them provide more trivial satisfaction than do others. Thus, if there is to be progress beyond limited ideals, the course of history by way of escape must venture along the borders of chaos in its substitution of higher for lower types of order.

>The immanence of God gives reason for the belief that pure chaos is intrinsically impossible. At the other end of the scale, the immensity of the world negatives the belief that any state of order can be so established that beyond it there can be no progress. This belief in a final order, popular in religious and philosophic thought, seems to be due to the prevalent fallacy that all types of seriality necessarily involve terminal instances. It follows that Tennyson's phrase,
>"... one far-off divine event
>To which the whole creation moves, "
>presents a fallacious conception of the universe.

from Process and Reality Part. II Ch. IV

I've been reading P&R and this quote instantly made me think of this recent blog post by John Michael Greer

I think many u/acc and r/acc see capital as being the ultimate transcender, but in doing so they idolize it as the apotheosis of possibility. Yes, it's deluded to think humans are capable of subjugating or slaying Capital, but to think that nothing greater can possibly displace or emerge from Capital at some distant cosmic point, I am beginning to think, is also wrong.

>> No.12013778
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can someone explain these threads to a complete and utter brainlet (me)

>> No.12013790

try this

>> No.12014059


>> No.12014083

Really loving this new op set up. Tons of stuff to read up on and previous threads linked. Nicely done.

>> No.12014124
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Rate my flow chart.

>> No.12014130

why Sartre? did he write about anything beyond normie existentialism?

>> No.12014183

Idk. That's why I put a question mark. He was influenced by heidegger a bit but we can drop him. I'm mostly trying to kick start the flow chart brainstorming. Since many want it but no one is starting it.

>> No.12014229
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i rate it 10/10 because it is the only one we have at the moment, and because the longest journey begins with the smallest step.

the Cosmotech loop is mainly one that runs from Hegel to Land, through Marx. the real sorcery here is that with both Hegel and Land we have a kind of a Spirit which runs at some point through economic and subsequently technological process: in Hegel's case, it's Marx himself; and in Land's case, it occurs through teleoplexy. Hegel/Marx/Land are three engine cores of a diabolical machine known as the Wild Ride.

parallel to these processes, although deeply intertwined with them, are the psychoanalysts and the schizoanalysts: Freud, Lacan, and D&G. the gospel of Hegel-Marx is Kojeve's Introduction to the reading of Hegel, and Jean Hyppolite is right there with him. Kojeve puts Hegel, Marx, and Heidegger in one place, and his influence on Lacan is substantial, because Lacan takes Hegel, Heidegger, Nietzsche, Freud and many others and gives you...himself, Jacques Lacan. who is a large deal with fries.

Lacan, we claim, has the belt until Deleuze and Guattari. warrants mentioning here, the point is *to tell a very particular story* here, and not get into an infinite academic or pseudo-academic shit-flinging contest over whether Oedipus is the jam or Artaud is the jam. that part matters not. the reason why people are turned off of continental theory is because it just seems like a demented carousel of metaphysical sky-castle building, which it both is and isn't. in summa: it is until you read it, and then it isn't. it is the position of Cosmotech that the power of meme-magic is real. all we are looking for is *coherence,* and a narrative of a process internally consistent enough to be a *departure* for future speculative adventure, whether this takes the form of theory, fiction, theoryfiction, performative dance or Buddhist meditation.

anyways, so Heidegger and Nietzsche are in this thing too. Nietzsche is That Dude for Heidegger, Lacan and Deleuze (as well as Foucault, but in part the reason for Cosmotech being a thing at all is due to Uncle Nick's break from anything like Foucaultian Left Nietzscheanism and towards his own Deleuzian Right Marxism, which later becomes teleoplexy. and also because Byung-Chul Han is /ourguy/ and he fires on Foucault more or less accurately in pretty much all of his books. and Based Han is also a big fan of both Hegel and Heidegger.)


>> No.12014283
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so along with Hegel/Marx/Land, who are providing the materialist (or perhaps we should say, the engineering components) of the Wild Ride, there is a parallel - and yet overlapping, intertwined, and Heisenberg-double, at every step of the way, like the coils of a serpent - process about metaphysics and the *unconscious.* the guys there are Freud, Lacan, and D&G. and in this way the Weird Fate of 20C Marxism is described both without and within.

there is Hegel (Hegel); there is Marx (Marx); there is Heidegger (Heidegger); there is Hegelian-Marxism (Kojeve); there is Freudo-Marxism, which in its contemporary form is Hegel-Lacanism (Zizek); there is Spinozan-Marxism (D&G); there is Nietzschean Marxism (Baudrillard, until he drops Marx altogether); there is Heideggerian Marxism (Marcuse); there is Deleuzo-Marxism (Uncle Nick); there is post-Heideggerian techno-sort of-Marxism (Stiegler); there is Stieglerism with Chinese Characteristics (YH); and there are itinerant wasteland bards who sing the story of this ridiculous roller coaster ride, and who also preach Fuck Yeah Space Taoism (us).

it's basically like designing an operating system intended to ruin your own mind. and yet it is to be hoped, perhaps, that such a non-ideological or at least skeptically non-aligned view of what is *a process* taking place that through the power of meme-magic comes in time to shape *reality* (Whitehead) is one that can be told, and described, and which in *being* described exorcises perhaps a few lingering ghosts and specters of Marx (Derrida) which still haunt the world in which we live today, because those ghosts inasmuch as they are unrecognized still continue to exert a strange and baleful hold over the world today that winds up triggering everyone who lives in a state of constant burnout (Han) and subsequently oscillating their genders, their commitments to either Unironic Fascism or Unironic Socialism, and so on.

so a flow-chart model of how we got from There to Here will be helpful. but so too will be something like a statement of principles. i've got a few of these in mind, but like everything else, it's entirely open to revision and commentary. one that i don't think is too controversial, however, is that we are anti-NPC and pro-Satori. Fuck Yeah Space Taoism is politically non-denominational in that sense. at any terminus in the chart you are building it is entirely possible to *stop* and become an NPC or a drone. but that is not the point of the Wild Ride. if the dizzying carousel of doom that is the Wild Ride has any positive features at all, it is to show you the absolute futility of NPC political life, and perhaps to Return to Your Original Source (Glass).

>> No.12014321
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i'll put a couple of other Feels of my own in here as well. here's one:

Politics A Shit

Uncle Nick invented horrorcore Marxism and he is the Coldest motherfucker alive. the point of horror, however, is not to produce Defenestration, Yes! the point of horror is to flush out the politics, all the way. Unironic Fascism is not the answer, any more than Unironic Communism. if there is a name for this form of acceleration, it would be called Zen Acceleration, and if Zen Acceleration has any sort of goal or telos of its own, it trends towards Fuck Yeah Space Taoism, for which no flaws can be found. the reason no flaws can be found is because it represents a genuine *post-atheist phenomenology* that squeezes past the Masters of Suspicion (or, more poetically, Los 4 Grandes Cavaleiros do Ateismo!) and into something more befitting the 21C. and for that one of the few - very few - metaphysicians who actually *could* take on Das Neetch in a mano-a-mano kung-fu battle would be the one, and only, Alfred North Whitehead.

we love Nietzsche, as we love all the Masters. they matter. Modernity is for realsies. unfortunately, they also lead to complete deadlock in the modern world, and a round of cyclical mimetic triggering with absolutely no future. and this is a *problem,* because Uncle Nick says - and rightly - that Optimize for Intelligence is the required protocol, and yet *in the absence of anything like a world worth optimizing for* this is not going to happen. it is as such the position of Cosmotech that once the full horror of capitalism has been digested, in all its galactic mind-splitting cruelty and power, that something like hope must once again be put on the table, but it is of a very measured kind, and which has no political referent whatsoever. we all have to clean our own rooms, in that sense.

and yet this is also not a purely solitary or existential journey. Gilbert Simondon has already asked for something like a mechanological culture, simondon is YH's boy, and YH is our boy. in the next OP i will be including a link to one of YH's most important texts, which contains an entry called Thinking After Meltdown, and which is obviously relevant to our interests here.

Whitehead is one of a very few thinkers who actually has the chops and the sensibilities to move the plot past the Warring Triad (or Warring Quartet, however you like). the two big guys, imho, are Marx and Nietzsche. that which follows from Marx goes Left, that which follows from Nietzsche goes Right, although it is also possible to fruitfully Cross the Streams, as Uncle Nick does (and so did Foucault). Deleuze, for his part, seems to have been somewhere in the middle.

>> No.12014351
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in a way, the point of the Wild Ride is to basically trace out the intellectual journey of Marxism itself from birth to death - and also, as a kind of unholy re-birth or Zombie Unlife, which is basically what Teleoplexy represents viewed in this light. a huge number of convergent currents are brought together in one place in the person of Jacques Lacan, who figuratively if not literally gets tied up in Borromean knots that basically destroy his sanity (a habitual, and familiar occurrence, in the world of the Wild Ride). and Zizek is the inheritor of these knots today. however, the plot moves again with these two guys.

it is important to note that D&G *stay Marxist* throughout their careers, although Guattari winds up in a crippling depression at the end of his life, and Deleuze commits suicide (although not because of the failure of the Soviet Union, and if you are reading this looking for some kind of ammo to prop up your feels for objectivism, these are not the droids you are looking for). as Martin says, the seed is strong. Deleuze's Nietzschean/Bergsonian/Spinozist-Marxism gets transmitted through to Uncle Nick, who applies all of this directly to cybernetics, and writes Meltdown, which contains the iconic passage that starts all of these Cosmotech threads.

but after 2016 it is highly debatable what kind of future Marx has, if any. this is not to say that things end with Uncle Nick. if there is anything to take home from all of this, it is that there is no rest for the wicked. as the tagline says, You Can't Stop Progress. the same thing that animates the Spirit, or that causes Capital to move, or which comes to Uncle Nick in dreams of Skynet and R'lyeh, is still on the move today. in Star Wars parlance, it is The Force. now, if *i* were in charge of the Star Wars franchise, i would make a one-off that removed the Force from the Jedi, and only allowed the Sith to use it - for a while, or at least until there was a Great Filter there on its own to separate those Jedi who only got into being rebels because they liked power, and those who actually believed that there was something greater than themselves at work in the universe. any Sith can use the Force: but it means different things, to different people. and of course the sad thing about the Star Wars universe is that it lacks any sense of ambiguity, there are only Good Guys and Bad Guys. IRL, of course, the world is a much more complicated place. today it is enough to say that NPCs, of any political stripe, are basically destroying everything they touch. they have a reason for existing, there's no question about that; but an anti-NPC computer virus that hilariously overcomplicates any political attempt to grasp the Real in politics is a little more what Cosmotech likes. a process philosophy and a process post-atheism is where it's at.

>> No.12014354

looks good, maybe selecting a short-ish text from each author/epoch, like heidegger's The Question Concerning Technology

>> No.12014378
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pic rel is another guy who matters. JB is one of the Cosmotech all-stars, along with BC Han, with whom he shares a mysterious psychic link that cannot be explained in other than metempsychotic terms. before there was Uncle Nick, there was Grandpa Jean, and Based Han is very much in his mold. and before there was anything like the Matrix to make this all visual for us, there was Symbolic Exchange and Death, which you should read yesterday if you haven't already.

everything that Uncle Nick had to say about the relation of culture, capital and technology was already being sussed out in full by Baudrillard through the 70s to the 90s, and he remains relevant today. of all of the generation of post-structural all-stars, Baudrillard is the guy who has the most in common with acceleration in all its variants today. and, again, the object-goal of Cosmotech is not to tell you which political brand of acceleration is right for you: there isn't one. there is l/acc, r/acc, u/acc and z/acc, and they all have their charms. Fuck Yeah Space Taoism makes the most sense, and Zen Acceleration has some meme potential also, but ultimately the real thing to do here is just to establish some signal coherence among 20C thinkers so that when you *do* leave the End of Time, you will leave through the door that is most right for you.

the End of Time is where we hang out. there's really nothing to do here except read and wander around and look at the stars. politically the End of Time has no real purpose. it is the Outside, in a way, or at least near to it, but it's not an alternative to the Real world, nor can one stay in it forever. it is only a brief lateral step Outside to get one's bearings, or to hobnob with other time-travelers and to exchange schematics for time-machines, alchemical drawings, fragments of whispered conversations, or whatever else you feel like bringing to the eschatological potlatch. it's not a substitute for the Matrix, and we all have to go back to the Matrix eventually, which pretty much *stays* the Matrix.

the story of how the Matrix Matricized, and what it portends, is what i spend most of my time thinking about. there aren't political solutions to it; that's not the idea. it's more about a brief episode of sanity in what is otherwise a swarm-torrent of meme bullshit that drives and animates politics every stripe. because sanity is a good scene. most of the 20C is an encounter with the horrifyingly destructive power of bourgeois normativity, which would be great if it wasn't for the continual need for mass exterminations - whether in Germany, Russia, or China, or in the curious inability for mass-movement politics to support itself without the threat of nuclear war, or its apparently built-in need to engender terrorism, and so on.

the future is hard to predict, and the past also. but there are enough common threads in how we got here that just some signal coherence will be enough. and for that, flow charts are imho a very good idea...

>> No.12014389


Sartre matters at least because he can be considered a forerunner of hyperstition, that is that *effects can precede causes.* i don't know what book this is in, but it's a point that i know Zizek has made before. Zizek uses the idea to score points for Hegel, but he can basically use Hegel-Lacan for virtually anything at all.

>> No.12014417

I'll make some improvements and post again in another thread. I think I will try to split some authors out together into packages of themes.

I also added some of the names mentioned here like Ballard and zizek.

>> No.12014426

not sure if Zizek really fits with accelerationism without forcing it, he had decent insight during the post-ideological world, but he seems clueless now on the post-post-ideological world, and doesn't have much to say about accelerationism beyond how scary biogenetics are which is kind of lame and bluepilled

>> No.12014427
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>Maybe we should grant to thinking a task opposite the one given to it by Enlightenment philosophy: to fragment the world according to difference instead of universalizing through the same; to induce the same through difference, instead of deducing difference from the same. A new world-historical thinking has to emerge in the face of the meltdown of the world.

here's another thing. one of the things about the Matrix is that everything in it becomes operational and operationalized. you get this everywhere: The Spice Must Flow, the proto-cybernetics of Hegel, and the very interesting cybernetic implications of Derrida's suggestion that there is nothing outside the text. you don't think of Derrida and Hegel as being cybernetic figures, but this is because the one thing that postmodernity has always struggled with is how to process the meaning of *difference.* and i have tortured my own small grey electro-lump up and down trying to figure this out in my own way. in the end i came up with two workable and interconnected figures, one who wears a white hat and one who wears a black hat (although in the eerie half-light at the End of Time, they might seem to you to be reversed: Girard and Uncle Nick. Land well and truly achieved an Outside perspective on What Did Language Mean By This via his experiments with the CCRU, and Aunt Sadie is to be credited here with helping him. conversely, RG the Don more or less sussed out a position that accounts for Hegel and the dialectic in non-Hegelian terms via a return to anthropology and the Gospel. the result is something like this.

anthropologically speaking, Bernard Stiegler - again, a major reason why YH writes what he writes - makes his own and highly persuasive claims about the origins and meanings of technology itself, along with their transformative effects on culture and vice versa. the anthropological roots of technology themselves matter, and Stiegler would say that the guy to read on this is Leroi-Gourhan. as for how we get from the flinted axe to Ethereum and BTC, that is a story all its own. but clearly it wasn't an accident, and the role it subsequently comes to have on culture and politics is part of what animates my own interest in Cosmotech:

>Cosmotechnics proposes that we reapproach the question of modernity by reinventing the self and technology at the same time, giving priority to the moral and the ethical.

Acceleration alone isn't enough. there is more to life than increasing its speed.

righteous. looking forward to it. diagrams are super-helpful. and everything is iterative. but some visuals would be a fucking godsend in parsing all of this out.

>> No.12014452
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also, tell me that it's not more than a little synchronous that we are sussing out Bizarro Zombie Hegel and Specters of Marx on All Hallows' Eve. the universe does not lack for a sense of humor.

>> No.12014491
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here's my own feel on the Roko's Basilisk experiment: basically, it overlooks the final words of Land's iconic passage, that being, *get a grip.* there is a horizon beyond which further paranoia really is simply counter-productive. this perhaps sounds strange coming from me, given that my own approach to feel-osophy is largely predicated on going dynamite fishing in my own head. however brilliant and demented the paranoia inherent to computer programming may be, it has diminishing returns, and on top that only fills the world with more NPCs than it needs to have.

here's what *isn't* leading to madness: the plain and observable fact that there has been technological and evolutionary progress over time, which continually seems to render increasingly obsolete the role of the state in providing existential comfort for NPCs - or, perhaps we should say that it comes to provide comfort *exclusively* to NPCs, and which is a recipe for disaster. whatever is going on, it has to be discussed with a degree of sobriety and lucidity that deprives it - alas! - of its gnostic/holy-war attractions.

sex and death form a powerful combination. there is no question about this. people of *any* race, creed, or religion have within them the capacity to lose their minds in frenzies of bloodshed and hysteria for Great (read: not great) Reasons. and these have an undeniable relationship to technology and time. now, there *are* different ways of *conceptualizing* technology, and you can read all about this in a book called The Question Concerning Technology in China. Qi-Dao is a thing other than Greek geometry (and it is a thing other than Aztec teotl also:)

>In the final analysis, the nature of things is to be understood in terms of teotl. Teotl is nonpersonal, nonminded, nonagentive, and nonintentional. It is not a deity, person, or subject possessing emotions, cognitions, grand intentions, or Teotl goals. It is not an all-powerful benevolent or malevolent god. It is neither a legislative agent characterized by free will nor an omniscient intellect. Teotl is thoroughly amoral, that is, it is wholly lacking in moral qualities such as good and evil. Like the changing of the seasons, teotl’s constant changing lacks moral properties.

>Teotl is essentially power: continually active, actualized, and actualizing energy-in-motion. It is essentially dynamic: ever-moving, ever-circulating, and ever-becoming. As ever-actualizing power, teotl consists of creating, doing, making, changing, effecting, and destroying. Generating, degenerating, and regenerating are what teotl does and therefore what teotl is. Yet teotl no more chooses to do this than electricity chooses to flow or the seasons choose to change. This is simply teotl’s nature. The power by which teotl generates and regenerates itself and the cosmos is teotl’s essence. Similarly, the power by which teotl and all things exist is also its essence.


>> No.12014551
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gotta make sure the skellies are represented on October 31. time-traveling skellies trapped in Transcendental Mechanics tho, hot diggity.

i hope Box Life never ends. this stuff is solid gold and a welcome break from the theory schizoposting. thank ye very kindly anon.

it is the nature of the Wild Ride that none can keep up (because if you do, you wind up like Uncle Nick in the later chapters of Fanged Noumena.) it's better to lag behind the curve sometimes.
>until Social Credit becomes fully implemented

i'm fine with this.

>Can I get a simple explanation of what you're about in your own words?
thinking after meltdown. life in a world driven by a relentless intelligence processor that turns Spirit into Capital and Capital into Spirit in a neverending oscillator that spits out NPCs as feature and not bug. some other things.

if we lose anime we lose everything

>Can the accelerationist literature be applied to such desires, do you think? Wishing to recreate innocence for all peoples?
none of us are innocent but the scapegoating is a bad scene. the Wild Ride is hard on the soul. but more irony, cynicism and bitterness is not the way forward. a happy and virtuous life would very much be a good thing. but first we have to decouple ourselves from a few machines we have gotten tangled up in.

at some point we may have to talk about Judith Butler, but that point is not now.

the story goes like this: Earth is-

ty anon

aye, i am too. very much so. looking forward to the next one already!

reminder also anons that post #300 in Cosmotech threads completes The System of German Idealism (again). we're coming up on that one soon, and as a house rule i would prefer it not be me. the last completion was awesome and supplied us with some positive karma (and it was much better than Poop, however appropriate.) may it ever be so!

>> No.12014662
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so in terms of a flow chart, one way you might go about visualizing it is by starting with the immense concrete head of Marx at the centre and working outwards from him. everything, everything, touches on Marx eventually. behind him is Hegel, and ahead of him is Land. of the four Masters of Suspicion/Grandes Cavaleiros do Ateismo, Marx is the biggest one. Nietzsche is arguably the most interesting man who ever set his thoughts down on paper, but without Marx basically the entire structure of 20C continental theory collapses.

people have asked for the destruction of Plato (Nietzsche, Deleuze) and Freudian/Lacanian psychoanalysis (Deleuze, Baudrllard), as well as asking What Darwin Meant By This (Nietzsche) and no end of far-right attempts have been made to Solve For Marx in their own ways, either with explicit reference to Hegel or not (Hitler, Gentile, &c). Land too tried to square the circle by returning to Kant, and more recently Heidegger, and he seems to have settled on the Nakamoto white paper as being some kind of epochal contribution to transcendental philosophy, for which we will have to wait for the BTC book to learn more about.

but it does not seem to me to be an exaggeration that the 20C is mostly a series of responses to Marx either with or without Hegel, in one sense or another. we know how Peterson feels about this, and he is arguably the most popular intellectual in the Western world because he has attempted to buck the trend. interestingly, he pays a daily price for doing so from both the far left *and* the far right. Land himself dwelled at both ends of the political spectrum and his own intellectual trajectory, if it hasn't already reached its completion, is probably pretty close to it: whatever the BTC book is, my guess is that it will be an extended meditation of teleoplexy, which is worth reading. but all good things must end sooner or later.

as regards the flow chart tho, my own sense would be to stick Marx at the centre and work outwards from there. the other Pleiades star-cluster thinkers - Hegel, Heidegger, Deleuze, Uncle Nick - all connect to him at some point. Capital is as YH says *the planetary cosmotechnics par excellence,* and so it makes sense with the guy who made it his whole program. again, the point of this is not to shill for Unironic Communism or Unironic Fascism - only to see how those machines, in turn, all work together.

needless to say, i'm amped for the chart.

>> No.12014786
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posting this here also, to keep it thematic, and because it's a more or less accurate diagram of the meaning and implications of the Wild Ride: zombie horsepower (and not just horses) into teleoplexy. and instead of zombie power you have your libidinal drives wedded to the lure of capital and the fear of death: which is to say, Death in Real Life, the Orzhov Syndicate et al.

now the irony here is that *we all serve zombie masters* in this way. that's kind of a thing, and it tamps down on some of the rage that invariably affects Planet Meme and the world of the NPC. nothing triggers the zombies more than the implication that they are in fact zombies, in particular because to awaken them to their zombie nature is only to scare the shit out of them.

The Matrix: Welcome to the Real World

and yet Zombie Horsepower is exactly the point. eventually, your libidinal drives converge on dollar signs, by lure, seduction, or desperation. and yet there is profound truth in what Kenshiro says:

>Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru

this is 100% the truth. you can read about it in Marty Glass also, or in any number of other places. but i think it contains within it tiny little grain of irresistable meme-magic that goes very nicely with both Hegel and Uncle Nick, both of whom will say, and rightly, It's Too Late. in some sense it is, and in some sense it isn't.

the thing about Neo, and one of the beautiful themes of the Matrix in general, is de-zombification. it's also what leads to what should have been a far more extensive voyage into the existential woes of Agent Smith, who goes the other way. IRL Neo is a zombie who dreams himself to be a man; Smith is a drone who fears becoming indistinguishable from the zombies, and dreams of exit.

to paraphrase an old Chinese sage:

>Once upon a time I dreamt I was a zombie, wandering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a zombie. I was conscious only of my happiness as a zombie, unaware that I was a man. Soon I awaked, and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a zombie, or whether I am now a zombie, dreaming I am a man. Between a man and a zombie there is necessarily a distinction. The transition is called the transformation of material things.

zombies in a certain sense are only a place of inhumanism between men and machines. all of this is also to vulgarize Zhuangzi in the name of Marx, which is a horrible defilement. but these are defiled times we live in.

>> No.12014813


it is as i said. tentacle hentai is teleoplexy. libidinised oracular vision of the lesbian demonic postmasculine future. ye have been warned

>> No.12014852

i have a feeling this was the text Amy Ireland was talking about a while ago that Nyx wrote and which AI said was going to blow everyone's minds when it was published. seems like she was right. it's pantheon-tier for the times we live in, no doubt.

i have thoughts on this but i've already posted enough this afternoon, so i'll save my own hot takes for another time. or maybe just reserve hot takes altogether, that would be original too.

>> No.12014948
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this tho:

what happens on All Hallows' Eve? in a certain sense, you cannot imagine a more polar opposite for a holiday such as Easter. it is profane and bizarre, and waltzes with ghosts and monsters in the dark. personally i've never like Hallowe'en all that much. i find it kitschy and boring, but it is mostly because too much philosophy has made me cranky and particular, which is unbecoming of the Dao.

things return from the dead on Hallowe'en, and wander the streets. the whole neighbourhood makes obeisance to demons, and to families. it is a profane holiday, and a highly commercial one, and yet there is something also wonderfully pagan about it: that that which cannot be exorcised must be celebrated. the offering of a Treat in lieu of a Trick is a far cry from the sensibilities of the ancient city of Fustel de Coulanges, and yet only a city truly without gods and spirits is a true necropolis.

everything winds up being automated in the end, even these notes, as ad hoc and improvisational as they are. maybe the future has burned out, at last, and left us only with relics, remnants, and so much ontological shrapnel. and yet what is to be done with all of this? set it on fire, or give it away, it amounts to much the same thing.

the oldest, and first, Trick in the world is the one played by Prometheus on Zeus, in which the gods discovered - to their horror and dismay - that things were not always what they appeared to be, that all that glittered was not cold, and there was thereafter an infinite breach opened up between the surfaces of things and their depths. today our situation is one that would have appalled Nietzsche, that being *depth without surface* - we have forgotten how to dance, in every sense of the word, even if it is with the skellies.

i'm going to give out candy tonight and, truth be told, i have never really been all that amped up about Hallowe'en. but how else can i explain all of this happens on mysterious and holy days, shot through in even these debased ways with the Ars Moriendi? you have to laugh about it or you'll go crazy. then i guess you just laugh some more.

>> No.12015019
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thoughts? does gender have a place within accelerationism?

>> No.12015048

>thoughts? does gender have a place within accelerationism?
accelerationism is not something you negotiate with, it's already in motion when you notice it, and yes obviously gender accelerationism is in motion

>> No.12015065

>This new operating system would later be named Unix — phonetically, “eunuchs” — for being a castrated Multics.
oh fuck, mind figuratively twisted

>> No.12015071

I'm not done but this already smacks of Baudrillards analysis of robots in SoO; the key difference between the two could only be drawn through sexuality. Hopefully I have more to say by the end.

>> No.12015134
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my initial reaction is tfw.

i have other thoughts on this also, but i should probably cool my burners a little bit for now. the Coles Notes version is that it makes an argument *for* what YH is saying and not against it. gender acceleration is another perfect example of the old saw that says we only solve problems with bigger problems. and that basically all of these Solved Problems eventually wind up making you realize that the ultimate solution is Defenestration, Yes!

but these are meme rambles. i don't think any of it leads away from despotism, although a sort of virus that simply drains all of the will to live out of a system may do just as well in terms of slowing down the Wild Ride. my own feel is that a world without Mifune is not a world i would want to live in, but that's just me.

>> No.12015195


>> No.12015211
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>> No.12015371

>does gender have a place within acceleration
Traditional gender, no. I would imagine a decent number of people will still be sitting in old gender roles for a long time, but things like the single-income household were vestigial outgrowths of older economic systems that had to be destroyed for Capital to continue accelerating. Capital does an excellent job of dismantling tradition in order to streamline capital, and in the end it doesn't treat men and women differently at all. Technological progress and changing humanity also change our perceptions of gender and there are infinite gender/genderless possibilities within that rabbithole that humanity barely explores. Testo Junkie is a fundamentally good book about that side of the phenomenon and while it isn't accelerationism proper, it's in the same ecosystem and it puts forth compatible ideas. Not to say that we're morally supposed to support the breaking of gender roles or that it's more fair to women/transpeople/whatever if we do support it-- Capital already made the decision for us, what's happening now is the culling of traditional concepts of humanity as our interface with technocapital remakes us into a different version of humanity.

>> No.12015385

wait hold the fuck up is this the n1x that wrote the cyber-nihilism manifesto

>> No.12015786


>> No.12015824

>life in a world driven by a relentless intelligence processor that turns Spirit into Capital and Capital into Spirit in a neverending oscillator that spits out NPCs as feature and not bug

The attention economy is a spirit theory of value. Attention is the vector direction, magnitude, and duration of human awareness. Capital is a process that turns living human awareness into dead matter and processes for the purpose of constructing mechanisms to more effectively turn human awareness into dead matter and processes. Labor is secondary to attention: where one's eyes go, labor and consumption follows.

Attention economics was pioneered by the design of Sesame Street. Experiments were run where a child was sat in front of two screens: one showing a prototype of an episode, the other random clips such as children playing with a ball, animals, etc. Which screen they looked at was tracked during their viewing session, and turned into a graph of attention over time, showing which parts of the episode prototype maintained the child's interest and were "sticky." Successful parts were kept and unsuccessful or "unsticky" segments altered or dropped. This became a standard practice, and with web analytics became automated and a hard data-driven science.

>> No.12015864
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This was so interesting, i recommend everyone to read it.

>> No.12016044

The one and the same.

>> No.12016360

>As Nick Land says of a paper by Tyler Cowen and Michelle Dawson in “Imitation Games”, “They point out that Alan Turing, as a homosexual retrospectively diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome, would have been thoroughly versed in the difficulties of ‘passing’ imitation games, long before the composition of his landmark 1950 essay on Computing Machinery and Intelligence.”6 The essay Turing wrote famously introduced the Turing test for AI, setting the standard for a perfect AI being one that can trick a human into believing it is itself a human. As Land points out in his post, it’s important and interesting to consider that Turing didn’t write the test as an insider, as a ‘passing’ human, but rather as an outsider, as a gay man. For queer people, passing is a reality, much like it is a reality for AI. Passing as human isn’t a broad and inclusive category, anything but. For women there is already the notion of alienness or otherness that makes them out to be less than human in the eyes of patriarchal humanism, and likewise for queer people because they reject the futurity of humanism (the literal reproduction of the same). But for no one else, especially in the latter half of the 2010s, is passing a more pronounced facet of daily life than for the trans woman. So much so that ‘passing’ is literally the word for what many trans women aspire towards, to pass as a cis person. There are many reasons to have this desire, but the biggest one, the one that AI and trans women both share to a very literal degree is this: “If an emerging AI lies to you, even just a little, it has to be terminated instantly.” (Land, “Imitation Games”)

>If a transitioning woman ‘lies’ to a cis person, even a little, she has to be terminated instantly — and this is something that is codified in law, famously, as trans panic. For AI and trans women, passing equals survivability.


>> No.12016374

There is a common stereotype that trans women are all programmers, and there is rather ample and compelling evidence suggesting that trans women tend to score far higher than other groups in IQ tests. This is not because there is some kind of magical property to estrogen that turns trans women into geniuses. The answer is simpler, and more sinister. The findings in Kay Brown’s blog post specify that autogynephilic trans women (that is, trans women who are attracted to other women, and typically transition later than straight trans women) seem to score far higher in IQ tests than all other groups. For straight trans women who transition prior to puberty, the statistics are about the same as other groups. Recalling the gauntlet thrown down before trans women and AI alike, there is a twofold answer to this: On the one hand, trans women who transition before puberty and who are straight are more likely to both physically appear more like cis women and also conform to gender roles in at least some basic capacity (being attracted to men). As Land says in “Imitation Games”, “You have to act stupid if you want the humans to accept you as intelligent.” Or in other words, you have to be cisheteronormative (read: stupid) in order to be taken seriously as a trans woman, and not be looked at as a freak or a faker worthy only of being used shamefully as a fetish, and often otherwise discarded. Which is why, in the second case, trans women who don’t have the advantage of being cisheteronormative-passing have to instead rely on the raw intellect of the trans-AI swarm.

>Quite simply, those who don’t pass either of these tests usually don’t survive the queer Darwinian ratchet. Only the strongest queers survive the hell that society puts them through, and this reaches a fever pitch in a demographic with such disproportionately high suicide and murder rates as with trans women.

tl;dr - Non-passing trannies are too smart for their own good and fail the gender Turing Test, which calls for eradification.

>> No.12016398
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> too smart for their own good

Based and Rougepilled.

>> No.12016416
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>“Women turning women on, women turning machines on, machines turning machines on.” (Amy Ireland, “Black Circuit”)

this is complete-The-System-of-German-Idealism tier.

>> No.12016427

douche threads

>> No.12016989

Melchizizek was best.

>> No.12016992

> By no accident, the acceleration of technocapital frees women from the process of organic human reproduction by introducing a different form of (inhuman) production.

I'm skeptical here of this reading where all socialization is understood as coercion. This is autism speaking the language of critical theory.

> the future produces itself faster than human beings are capable of.

I suppose the idea of auto-production is a cover for not participating in social activities? The future is pre-determined, so there is no ///rational/// reason to want to participate. To go futher, flesh-blood participation actually /slows down/ that production, hence, the only ///rational/// way to engage with ethics is to actively ignore the psychosomatic hummus out of which they derive. This shit starts to read like a NEET manifesto at times.

IMO, cosmotechnics is the remedy. It revitalizes ethics by imagining the possibility of non-autistic technology - tech that supports friendship rather than trying to replace it - and working towards that type of engagement. I am aware that king-autist Baudrillard says this is impossible.

In regards to gender, I am 100% for letting people do whatever the fuck they want to do, as long as it's consentual, and I think it's a good thing that we all get used to being comfortable with people doing weird shit. There are those that want to rub it in your face - but they're just assholes like anyone else. The one issue I have is in regards to the visceral resistance to doing an epidemiology of being trans. It's simply bad materialist praxis, but I can see how the political aspects of the struggle might need to resort to some essentialism or scapegoating of another. I think herein lies the promise of cosmotechnics : of providing a re-enchanted materialism that does not have this underlying (autistic) tone of "now that you know why you feel the way you feel, you shouldn't feel it anymore". Within cosmotechnics, the materialism runs deep enough to actually convince the autist that a ///rational/// explanation doesn't excuse one from doing ///emotional/// work.

The crossover between acceleration and occultism is very important - but I think that the field is mixed between people on the inside and the outside of hyperstition. LAND IS NOT A HYPERSTITIONALIST. He might have had his autism temporarily cured with high doses of amphetamine, but his shpiel is one that explains technocapital as a hyperstition. He can see the pointing finger but cannot see what the hand is pointing too. He never takes up the ethical mantle afforded by hyperstition : one where occultic belief can be a source of self-fashioning. See pic-related.

> “no future — for us.”
I saw a shirt that read "Gender is over, if you want it". I'd wear one that said "The future is over, if you want it".

>> No.12016993

Makes sense with the two trans folx I know. One is dumb as rocks and passes and one is genius but unpassing.

>> No.12016996

300th post completes the system?

Saw this ironic piece of occult news given the current domestic situation...

From Theion Publishing:--


Ludwig Klages

First Time in Translation

This volume is by the German pagan philosopher and Gnostic Ludwig Klages, and is an extraordinary metaphysical statement and study on ecstasy, Eros and the primordial consciousness. Indeed, it is certainly one of the most fascinating and evocative books on esoteric metaphysics of the past century. OF THE COSMOGONIC EROS is an indispensable work for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the nature of Eros and ecstasies and the metaphysical conflicts we face in modern times. For researchers and practitioners of sexual esoteric mysteries and Eroto-Gnostic systems of attainment this book must be considered a treasure chest of insights and knowledge. It is a true rune of an Eros of whom Klages says that,

“He can be roused while awake as if in the most stupefying dream. He celebrates his orgies beneath the breeze of spring storms, in the light of a star-studded heaven, in a hailstone shower, on a flaming mountain ridge, in the raging surf, in the lightning flash of “first love”, but not least in the embrace of fate that smites its carrier.”

This work is a milestone in the revival of a global pagan Gnosis, and has deeply influenced thinkers such as Walter Benjamin and Hermann Hesse who said, “in the pages of this book, Of the Cosmogonic Eros, the nearly unspeakable has been forged into words.” This first English edition will also feature a substantial contextualized introduction by Professor Paul Bishop of the University of Glasgow and an essay by Sudarśanavajra (Dr. Volker Zotz), the spiritual successor of Lama Anagarika Govinda and Mandalacarya of the Arya Maitreya Mandala Order of Tantric Buddhism, entitled "The almost inexpressible became word." – The Reception of the Cosmogonic Eros in German Culture. Both of these gentleman contributed to Theion’s previous work on Klages, the CHTHONIC GNOSIS. Germany: Theion Publishing, 2018. Limited Edition of 745 Copies.

>> No.12017001
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forgot pic

>> No.12017017

Autism. Homosexuality. Irigaray has a great quote about how man's love of himself and his fellow men and all of society is really entirely homo (blame plato) and how women must become a simulacrated ideal of childhood in a sort of rape culture pedaresty way and e=mc^2 is a sexed equation for priviliging magnitude rather than quality.

>> No.12017019

Ccru was great. I also like Si. Too bad Sadie Plant is so expensive in book form. I can't read nothing but chans on screens.

>> No.12017057


>> No.12017058
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"A spectre is haunting Europe [and America] — the spectre of communism. All the powers of old Europe [and America] have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre."

Happy Halloween!

>> No.12017064

Situationist International

>> No.12017086
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>fuck yeah

ah boys. you did it again. you fucking closed another Cosmotech Loop, you mad, glorious, mystical, accelerating bastards. The Strange Fate of Cosmotech #3 excepted, this is the tenth time we've gone to the bump limit. what in the name of Sam Elliott is happening here? what does it mean?

well, we have a built-in feature in Cosmotech. here's what it means, the Cosmogonic Eros:

>the breeze of spring storms, in the light of a star-studded heaven, in a hailstone shower, on a flaming mountain ridge, in the raging surf, in the lightning flash of “first love”, but not least in the embrace of fate that smites its carrier.

shyeah boi. i'll take it. sign me the fuck up today! *Love* is a motherfucker. Love is the motherfucker's motherfucker. Cosmotech #9 had a pretty good completion of the System, i dare say that Cosmotech #10 has more than passed the test, taking that positive karma and put it precisely where it belongs, that is, the ever-lovin' Universe. esoteric metaphysics, Tantric Buddhism and Cthonic Gnosis is absolutely fine by me for the big 300. let's fucking go. this is how you complete a System of German Idealism (again)!

i'll take a double-dose of that in fact before i slide all the way into this crevice opened up by NyxLandUnlife in the universe. it had to happen, it all has to happen. everything has to slide now. nobody knows how dark things have to be or get before there's any turnaround. they're looking pretty dark right now, but none of it lasts forever. maybe the world must be bathed in slime. it sucks but waddaya gonna do. what would Toshiro Mifune do?

>But there is really nothing, nothing we can do
>Love must be forgotten. life can always start up anew
>The models will have children, we'll get a divorce,
>We'll find some more models, everything must run its course

last time we had our celebration party hosted by Kim Jong-Il, which is admittedly hard to top. nobody throws a party like the DPRK. hard to top that one. MGMT will do for now.

MGMT: Time to Pretend

ah, but the question -

can we do it *again?*
can we go another round?
is it - is it possible?
*can it be done?*
>no way girardfag no way
>fuck you inner self. i believe we can complete The System of German Idealism for an eleventh time. i think we should go for it
>that's crazy girardfag. it can't be done. you can't be serious
>i am serious inner self. i think we should do it again. i think we have to do it again. i think we should go for it. i think we should go for Cosmotech #11
>but girardfag. what happens if we open a Cosmotech Loop and we fail to complete the System of German Idealism? then what happens? what if we burn out?
>then inner self we will probably play vidya and waste our lives like we usually do
>oh right. yeah

please stand by for Cosmotech #11. we're going there. we're doing this

>> No.12017097
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The formatting of these posts really bother me.

>> No.12017102

I don't read posts with more than three lines

>> No.12017119
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>TFW you complete the system of German Idealism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcreG-bhRRA

I've bugged you about it a few times, but try to watch the Meme Wars trilogy when you get a chance: https://vimeo.com/specalblend

>> No.12017129

Honestly I've been following n1x on twitter for a while and while she gave me an impression of a pretty smart shitposter, I wasn't at all prepared for this to actually be as well-written as it was

>> No.12017130

i 100% will. it is the least i can do for your having brought Space Taoism into the world of Cosmotech.

completing The System of German Idealism (again) gets me excited, what can i say.

>> No.12017138

I follow academics on twitter

>> No.12017154

mystikos here, wanted to read Klages in early college, had a dream about this book once even, thought it was ironic with the rise of nationalism, i suppose i was an earlyfag for evola and land too, first english translation tho, whack, thinking about going ballsdeep into theory talk world, literally and metaphoricaly, listening to beep beep lettuce podcast now, probably would end up more like that lol... eros and thanatos thanateros and my holy daimon that no longer talks and my triune goddess worship and mad black landianism.
I'm fucked. Make a new thread and I'll do an effortpost.

>> No.12017192

new thread

Forgot To Include The Fucking Title Edition


>> No.12017688


>> No.12018755

bump limit reached