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/lit/ - Literature

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12007793 No.12007793 [Reply] [Original]

What are some /lit/izen careers?
I'm 28 years old and still haven't figured out "what I want to do with my life." Fuck all those overly cheery college tour guides and advisors who promised me I'd figure it out
I don't much care, but I've got to find something to pay my bills.

>> No.12007812

Start caring about something that makes you intrinsically happy and go from there. Now delet this and stop wallowing you faggot

Why the fuck do I even come to lit anymore

>> No.12007813
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I currently work with drug addicts and homeless people. Today I saw a guy almost code on meth/heroin, another guy have essentually a combatative breakdown over his homelessness. I also chatted with a guy with a .385 BAL about the Hobbit, and yesterday a Pentacostal Christian showcased glossolalia for me. I think it's pretty /lit/.

>> No.12007823

>OP's pic
About to send that to my oneitis

Wish me luck

>> No.12007825

Why does it matter?

> I don't know what I want to do with my life
>t. another freshly generated 20 year old NPC

You do in your life what you can. Why wallow not knowing what you want when you most likely will never get it. Focus, on what you CAN do. And do as many things as possible to keep you distracted from your pointless existence until one day you drop dead.

>> No.12007853

The whole point of posting this on /lit/ is that by doing so it implies an idea of the things that make me intrinsically happy without me having to type out a blog-style explanation of who I am as a person

That sounds horrifying, but you do you.

Good luck bro

Fuck that wallowing shit, I can do anything I want
I just want some ideas from more experienced /lit/ bros on what they find satisfying

>> No.12009104

>That sounds horrifying, but you do you.
Horror is a good cure to ennui. Makes you appreciate the good in the world.

>> No.12009198

>I just want some ideas from more experienced /lit/ bros on what they find satisfying
The feeling of mastering a type of situation that once caused you anxiety. That flowstate/yetselfaware-feeling is worth the suffering you have to go through to experience it. It's not just a bit more confidence, nor an emulation of the archetype personae you are trying to exemplify; it's a centering of yourself, a witnessing of your growth. You delve into some narrative and you come out of it a bit more experienced in ways that you don't know until you have one of these self-reflective moments of realization that you have mastered some process and kept your agency in the process. This is not school tests or parents demands, this is a desire not fulfilled being fulfilled now without taxing the nervous system.

>> No.12009421

Faulkner has his power plant job where he’d check the boilers maybe shovel a little coal for a couple of hours, then write the rest of the night.

Raymond Carver used to be a high school janitor who worked overnight shifts. He’d get all his work done in 4 hours then write the rest of the night.

Denis Johnson used to be a hospital orderly and would do something similar to Carver plus the added bonus of stealing drugs from the hospital pharmacy. (sadly those days are gone due to security cameras and hospitals have actually started paying more attention where their opiates are going)

Bolano had his campground caretaker gig.

My job sucks. If I finish my work up early they usually make me help out one of the other mongs

>> No.12010146

I'm an unemployed factory worker.

>> No.12010154

Going into psych but not for another few years. I hope it works cause if it doesnt ive spent 7 years for nothing

>> No.12010170

Seems like night shifts are /lit/

>> No.12010181

To some degree you will regret whatever you do or do not do

>> No.12010200

Basically anything where you can work 30 hours a week and still pay for your bread is /lit/.

That’s at least what Kafka did and he wrote some absolutely swingin piles of paper.

I sell software and it blows ass, but at least I can now control a conversation, have more adhoc ability, and have actually found my writing to be more to-the-point.

anyway don’t be salesfag emulate kafka

>> No.12010204

Bartending, drunk mopey niggers will share their life stories with you

>> No.12010208

Math is the most literary path.

>> No.12011153

You think? I don't see a lot of good in the world anymore, and that's part of the shit that's wearing on me.
I don't have a lot of experience in real, heavy duty horror like that, but I imagine watching people suffer would only make me sadder.

That's some real shit right there. I totally agree.
Self-conquest doesn't pay the bills, tho

Modern economics has killed all that, though. You can't afford a toilet to shit in doing any of those jobs anymore.

How can you be an unemployed factory worker? You're unemployed
Has capitalism really tied your identity so closely with your means of employment that you see yourself as a factory worker even when you don't actually work in a factory?
By that logic, I'm still a college student. I haven't been to college in a decade, but I still see myself as someone eager to study the world.

That's the trick, man. That's what I'm looking for.

I couldn't pull it off. I never had a proper social life to teach me alcohol culture. I couldn't make a drink more complicated than open bottle, pour in glass.

>> No.12011226

>I couldn't make a drink more complicated than open bottle, pour in glass
You do realize that mixing drinks is something you can learn, right? There are books full of recipes for drinks. Besides, the most commonly ordered stuff is usually just one type of liquor, one type of soda, and like a wedge of lime or something.

>> No.12011229

Stay at home dad.

>> No.12011273

General physician. You get in touch with way more stories than you actually want.

>> No.12011295

Network engineer or sysadmin in a mature enterprise environment.

When things are going good, it's about 80% downtime.

>> No.12011590

>Fuck all those overly cheery college tour guides and advisors who promised me I'd figure it out

>> No.12011672

thank god im 23 and i dont fucking know either.i feel better i guess. im planning to go abroad and live in another country for a while (its looking like its going to be dirty ol england); I dont wanna go to college and im not interested in programming. those seems to be the two path for people nowadays. i wanna be a farmer or something like that idk

>> No.12011689

>tfw no ashley gf

>> No.12011761

>How can you be an unemployed factory worker

I'm unemployed, but my last job I worked in a factory.

>> No.12011801

i am the platonic form of a wagie

>> No.12011812

Defense contractor working in Afghanistan for the US. It pays well, and I only work 6 months out of the year, but it gives me existential angst every day.

>> No.12011818

How does one get into that line of work? What sort of experience is required? Where do you apply?

>> No.12011839

>but it gives me existential angst every day.
Do elaborate. How is it different than having existential problems in any other line of work

>> No.12011856

I have a shitty barely above minimum wage in a bakery, thankfully my bills are very cheap so I manage to save a lot.

I'm hoping to find something better next year after I come back from a long trip in Germany to master German, then I'll speak 4 languages and should be able to get something decent.

>> No.12011857

Stocking shelves at a grocery store.

Probably the most /lit/ "career" in this thread

>> No.12011866

How have you not killed yourself? Serious question, I undoubtedly would have.

>> No.12011871
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i just collect zoidbux, walk around for hours and practise u/acc non-praxis and read, shitpost and drink

>> No.12011886

I really want to read him but I'm worried that if I do I'll give in the depression once and for all

>> No.12011928
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Feels good

>> No.12011933

I’m extremely good at social communication and have a girlfriend with DD breasts. Dont ask me why I’m here.

I’m a salesman but I read a lot of stuffs too

>> No.12011935
File: 27 KB, 499x372, CCsrLJFUsAMTjPv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reading pessimists often cheers me up in a way desu, but that's probably because i've already bought into the basic premises and the rest is just the joy of my linguistic superiors framing those type of thoughts in a way that i can't or at least haven't.

>> No.12011938

can you just read for most of the flight?

>> No.12011978

>Modern Economics has killed all that though.

Not true. They all pay decent (especially power plant stuff) and are usually unionized.

>Can’t afford a toilet to shit in.

I make a dollar over minimum and am able to afford my $1000 per month rent without assistance and eat and my job is way shittier than the ones listed. If you want “real job” money, then give up on the whole /lit/ job thing.

>> No.12011996

>You probably won't get you want so don't even try
>Calling others an NPC
Yes anon just follow your program and never strive for anything. There's no worth in struggle on it's own.

>> No.12012109

Why are you here anon?

>> No.12012159

Artisan Baker
did English through grad and no regrets
would do it again

>> No.12012173

>You think? I don't see a lot of good in the world anymore, and that's part of the shit that's wearing on me.
I would say that you're worn down because you've given up on goodness, and your capacity to bring about goodness and come across goodness. There is no good that is not built, maintained, and/or defended. All of the brightness in your life depended at least in part on the labors of others, however distant, however far removed. Realizing this, the best course of action is to be an agent of good, because although no single man can really change the world for the better on his own, there are always others laboring for the good; all you need to do is join that army of wholesome effort.
>I don't have a lot of experience in real, heavy duty horror like that, but I imagine watching people suffer would only make me sadder.
The job isn't watching, the job is doing, improving, helping. It doesn't always work out, but it certainly wouldn't if nobody tried. The only alternative is rolling over and dying. To doubt your own ability to change your own situation and that of others is ennui, malaise, acedia, melancholia, learned helplessness, i.e. having the worst habit of all, the habit of doing nothing, like choosing not to swim when you fall out of the boat.

I think I'd be more dissatisfied if I didn't confront horror.

>> No.12012253

Physician or priest

>> No.12012310

What about a theologic metaphysician

>> No.12012321

I just want enough money to move out so I can buy me a corgi.

>> No.12012331
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>> No.12012335
File: 40 KB, 534x356, clement-le-defunt-welsh-corgi-de-michel_369545b2fddab6dae9b646bc3e74860b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based miserabilist poster

>> No.12012338

what the fuck, are you from /g/?

>> No.12012343

pessoa was not a pessimist he was a dreamer

>> No.12012358

yes /wdg/

>> No.12012363

*Alberto Caeiro

>> No.12012375

Anon pl-
Welp. Go back to your ghetto.

>> No.12012380

I just chose mechanical engineering because I thought it sounded cool and would probably earn me more than the average career. I'll complete my degree, but the idea of doing this for the rest of my life fills me with actual despair.

>> No.12012389

anon you might be able to move out of country with your job

>> No.12012411 [DELETED] 

>Life is limited
>Fading spirits' persistence
>Revealed impulses

>> No.12012419

>Life is limited
>Fading spirit's persistence
>Revealed impulses

>> No.12012447


>> No.12012450

read him