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/lit/ - Literature

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12006289 No.12006289 [Reply] [Original]

What do left-wing theory thots read, aside from Deleuze, Althusser, and Adorno?

>> No.12006300

left wing theory thots dont read these. they read Beauvoir, Foucault, and Bourdieu

>> No.12006303
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>Left Wing
>Implied critical thinking

nice b8 m8

>> No.12006312

How does Bourdieu compare to Althusser?

>> No.12006322

left wing thots read, have you never been in a university library?

>> No.12006323

Don't even need to go to a library to find proof of this, just go to your average hipster cafe.

>> No.12006333

This seems more accurate

>> No.12006337

I went to an academy- where there were almost no left wingers, and the library was for sleeping

>> No.12006340

I have dated a few and they don't read any of these they at most watch Vice; but generally they are reading selections from Intersectional feminists today, a lot of Butler, Hooks and etc.

>> No.12006351


>> No.12006356

i havent read Althusser but ive read Distinction by Bourdieu. i enjoyed it and made me think a little harder about why i do the things i do

>> No.12006379

The left has slowly decided it does not like Camus or Sartre. Absurdism/existentialism are usually understood to be interesting or worthwhile study topics, but Camus and Sartre specifically are heavily criticized for being racists, douchebags, womanizers, or wannabe fascists as the case applies. I don't know anyone who actually read Camus or Sartre, except to look up the quotes that make them look like bad people.

>> No.12006382

Nietzsche, Marx, Spinoza.

>> No.12006403

the tattoo on the underside of my cock


>> No.12006415

/lit/, obviously.

>> No.12006428
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Hegel, Kant and Nick Land

>> No.12006429
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At what point does a book become art, and not just a vehicle for thoughts, or a simple story?

>> No.12006431

>Nick Land

>> No.12006438
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Habermas. Had an ex who wrote her master thesis on Habermas and Deleuze.
She had probably the prettiest face of all the girls I ever fucked, but she didn't shave her pussy. I thought I'd like that, because virtually all girls I fuck otherwise do, but when I experienced sex with her, it was a turnoff.
She's also getting more and more lefty by the day. Of course she likes much of Marx, but I'm in Austria and "the right" is taking power and it pushes all the academics back to le left like no tomorrow.

>> No.12006440

redpill: treasure island is the only good book in that image

>> No.12006447

All books are art. Even terrible ones.

>> No.12006463

Walter Benjamin

Georges Bataille

>> No.12006465
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implying that the communist manifesto is art

>> No.12006468

Either you don't live in a western country, or your definition of "left wing" is a very radical one.

>> No.12006471

>I have dated a few

>> No.12006473

left-wing: hardline democrat, socialist, or worse

>> No.12006479

Both wrong. They just watch Philosophy Tube / Hbomberguy / Contrapoints. And they just might read Chomsky.

>> No.12006487

>democrat, socialist
As opposed to?

>> No.12006489

>le stupid cringe snowflake nazis amiright!?

>> No.12006499
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Bitches love accelerationism and technological singularities

>> No.12006500

You're art, despite being terrible.

>> No.12006508

You know I just kind of let my dick lead me around for a decade of my life

>> No.12006577

Barthes as well.

>> No.12006581

This seems more accurate

>> No.12006591

So what do PhilosophyTube/Hbomberguy/Contra read?

>> No.12006615

Nothing, they are pseudo-intellectuals and also charlatans.

>> No.12006642

Jason Unruhe makes all three of those guys look like Oxford scholars.

>> No.12006679


I don't know who that is but I sure am stupid enough to look him up later.

>> No.12006700


>muh white people and spicy food

>> No.12006705

For what possible reason would you want to know, OP?

>> No.12006738

What if I'm deeply attracted to these kinds of women and want to be on their intellectual level?

>> No.12006893


>> No.12006905

they skim Nietzsche’s wikipedia article and then brag about how into philosophy they are

>> No.12006911

>hat if I'm deeply attracted to these kinds of women
Then I would call you a man doomed to self-destruction, and wouldn't want to encourage you.

>> No.12006912

They don't read any of that, they read Atwood and bell hooks.

>> No.12006920

So just like the average /lit/ poster?

>> No.12006935
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i actually skim the stanford encyclopedia of philosophy

>> No.12006979
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>> No.12006982

What's wrong with theory thots?

>> No.12007050
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My ex wrote her masters on Spinoza and Joyce.

Other than that, your picture reminded me that I can't wait for winter and to snowboard

>> No.12007075

Out of all the textbooks that could have been chosen for the 'art' section, why a math textbook not even aimed at math majors?

>> No.12007151

What did she conclude?

>> No.12007400

what did her anus taste like?

>> No.12007429

Is this pertaining to American "left" or actual leftists who aren't capitalist supporting cuckolds. I ask because if this thread was started by an American I'm going to filter it.

>> No.12007445

But Sartre said Black people shooting white people was justified because colonialism though.

>> No.12007499

There are good works of art and bad works of art.

>> No.12007507

It must be so unbearable being one of those people

>> No.12007589

Yeah, being made of straw is a very shitty thing, as we all know from The Wizard of Oz.

>> No.12007597

By leftists I mean legit anti-capitalists who can see through bourgeois ideology.

>> No.12007605

There needs to be a giant fucking banner on the top of this board that elucidates that Marxists and everybody else use the term 'Leftist' in different ways

christ how many times are we going to have this conversation

>> No.12007606

From my experience, this is totally accurate.

>> No.12007613


>> No.12007636

This thread only pertains to the political norms and tendencies of the Kingdom of Swaziland. I hope I could help.

>> No.12007643

Marxists have a whole different set of jargon that makes it near impossible to have an unbiased conversation with them. I'm not even anti-Marxist but this is objectively true.

>> No.12007675

Whenever a Marxist redefines terms like "Leftist" or "Reactionary" it always reminds me of when American lolbergs use that stupid "The Nazis were really Left wing" argument. It's so transparent that they're trying to bend the meanings of words to win points in some rhetoric game rather than have a productive discussion.

>> No.12007688

Except liberals are objectively not left wing though.

>> No.12007692

Marxists genuinely have tunnel vision about Capitalism
They have an enormously hard time thinking about socio-historical processes that arent reducible to Marxist capital analysis

I dont think theyre being dishonest really, their minds are just memed as fuck

>> No.12007694


You're either left (not a capitalist supporting cuckold) or right (capitalist supporting cuckold). There's no jargon to be used. It's not my fault Americans don't know what left and right are since they're so stupid. The majority of Americans support the right. Democrats are right. Republicans are even further right. Both are pretty far right.



>> No.12007697

The term left wing comes from the French Revolutiion and referred to people you would absolutely consider liberals

>> No.12007701

So, National Socialism is left-wing?
>inb4 National Socialism isn't real socialism.

>> No.12007707


>privatise everything

Do Americans even use their collective fast food bingeing brains?

>> No.12007711

Good job doing exactly what I just said you were going to do.

>> No.12007722

Yes and now the leftists then would have the same ideology of rightists now. Do people even forget that Left and Right are relative terms?

>> No.12007725


>says something completely wrong

When will America collapse even more? Rid of us the stupidity.

>> No.12007771

You're brainwashed.

>> No.12007778 [DELETED] 

quads says you're wrong

>> No.12007801

Don’t worry, those people don’t actually exist. Existentialism went out of favour because people realized it didn’t provide sufficient basis for mass politics, and because it was just pretty navel-gazy. Not because racism or sexism or whatever.

>> No.12007811

Anyone who has lectured at the European Graduate School.

>> No.12007940

chokers and mental illness are attractive in the same way that you sometimes get the urge to step into traffic

>> No.12008007
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>> No.12008128

Pretty sure Adorno thinks theory thots are fascist.

>> No.12008162

Only if they like Jazz.

>> No.12008449
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>> No.12008499

fucking LOL

>anti white namecalling is not good marxism
oh wow jeez stopn the presses LOL

>> No.12008500

Social media feeds.

>> No.12008507

>implying letting your eyes glide across pages of a book is the same as reading
They are all functionally illiterate, just as it should be.

>> No.12008515


>> No.12008821

Beauvoir, Butler, Balibar, Rancière, Mouffe, Zizek, Nancy

>> No.12009172

Maybe this is just my autistic classification-minded brain, but there's an elision of two different categories: art hoes and campus feminists.

Campus feminists are overwhelmingly white and affluent. They geninuely have their eyes on a career; they're conscientious - these are the people that run for activist position in student unions and right for Everyday Feminism or shitty blogs in the hope of being picked up for a one-off piece by a bigger, mainstream media outlet looking to appear hip and down with the kids. If these people are interested in culture, it's fucking Harry Potter or Rupi Kaur or some shit. They're not socialists, although they might pay lip service to the label if it proves expedient (but they will accuse anyone who mentions class of reductionism and marginalising discourse about race and gender). The closest these people get to actual theory is hooks or whoever is memed by a popular blog (they lack the intelligence to read most theory, and, in any case, second-wave theory is rejected by them - without meaningfully engaging with it, of course - as transphobic, racist etc.).

Art hoes differ in interest, temperament and outlook. Because they are or have been students, most of the time they are affluent too, but on average they are less affluent than the aforementioned blog/career-oriented feminists. While their interest in culture varies from sincere and depthy to vapid and appearance-driven, you will certainly find that some are acquainted with culture in a more interesting way than the other category. I mean, yeah - Mac DeMarco, Pulp Fiction posters, chokers, bad female free verse confessional poetry, perhaps, but also other, more interesting film and literature. They might claim to be socialists and intersectional feminists but they're probably not as bothered about actual political engagement as blog/campus feminists. A lot of the art and culture they're interested in pathologises sex and desire in a submissive direction, normally with a pseudo-father figure - Lolita, the music of Lana del Rey, and so on - but this is at least more interesting than someone who only reads blogs about how cafeteria food is structurally violent.

Which do you prefer, /lit/?

>> No.12009219

left wing thots read foucalt, althusser, and deleuze but also sometimes zizek

>> No.12009577

Wtf, Sadler uses 4chan?

>> No.12009596
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>another fucking asian

>> No.12010051

Whatever they want. Unlike right-wing thots, who don't read.

>> No.12010125
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>> No.12010447

Marx's early writings.

>> No.12010525

50 shades of grey

>> No.12010750

>implying they read Beauvour
Greer would seem more up their alley, as would Kate Millet.

>> No.12012407


>> No.12013384
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Traumfrau. Post mal ihre Nummer bitte.

>> No.12013394
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Chokers and Lana del Rey are my weakness so most def the art hoes

>> No.12013396

Derrida, Foucault and

>> No.12014016

>implying hoes understand derrida
nigger, not even philosophy phds understand that motherfucker