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11998270 No.11998270 [Reply] [Original]

ITT books that were better as movies

>> No.11998271

what a plebe opinion. The movie is alright but massively flawed and downright comically out of touch in places.

>> No.11998272

American Psycho, 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Short-Times, basically every Steven King adaption

>> No.11998299

Lord of the Rings trilogy
They messed with Faramir too much though

>> No.11998311

Forrest Gump

>> No.11998440

All of them. Film is simply a superior art form.

>> No.11998460


>> No.11998850

It was also better as a video game.

>> No.11998882
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>> No.11999097
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>> No.11999112

I never saw the film, was it really better than the book?
I quite enjoyed it.

>> No.11999145

The Shining is an obvious choice. I'd argue that Kubrick didn't go far enough in purging the material of King's annoying tropes; he should have made Halloran a mundane character with non-magical worries, and removed any overt talk of psychic powers.

>> No.11999157

In my opinion the movie is miles ahead of the book. The acting, even though Nicholson is the only big star in the movie, is utterly fantastic - they all play their roles so well, it's definitely my favorite movie of all time.

>> No.11999162

phenomenology of spirit

>> No.11999212
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>> No.11999214
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>> No.12000374

Fuck off.

>> No.12000412

Pretty much all of them. Unless the movie is just flat out a bad movie itself.

A good movie is always better than a good book.

>> No.12000414

That book is absolute garbage, op

>> No.12001007

This. I only read it cause spec ops the line blew my little 13 year old mind. The I read it and was pretty disappointed. But to be fair some of it probably flew over my head

>> No.12001011

What are with the complaints of Heart of Darkness? What is so repulsive to people in the novel? That it's popular?

>> No.12001023
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*Blocks your path*

>> No.12001251
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>> No.12001267

Darkness is in regards to civilization and land, not individuals or war. Huge yikes.

>> No.12001277
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>Huge yikes

>> No.12001280

>a good movie


>> No.12001362

If Kurtz couldn't overcome judgement, to transcend being human, what hope do we have?

>> No.12001387

And it works better as a war story at least in a modern setting because soldiers get away with a lot more fucked up shit and have a lot more sympathetic reasons to do said fucked up shit

>> No.12001390

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

>> No.12001434

I think they are both on similar level (by which I mena: Mindblowingly good), but they really are different in approach to storytelling and focus of the story, as well as world's details.

>> No.12001453

Ok, there must be some way we can perform some sort of remote execution of this imbecile.

>> No.12001488

I don't think so, and it doesn't have that much to do with people getting away with fucked up shit. The primary difference is that in the novella, there is no structure, "no method", no authority, no civilization, as is abundantly clear from the outset. Without this, the natives are animals, and even people used to civilization lose sight and change (virtually everybody in the novella). The natives are drawn to civilization and Kurtz gives it to them as well as he can to suit his purposes.

This is directly contrasted with war, which maintains structure and hierarchy (even in Vietnam though Apocalypse Now downplays it). The movie (and probably the video game too, but I haven't played it) downplay the hierarchy and structure of war and turn it into complete chaos and madness, which only can go so far believably.

This is why at the end of the movie, the situation completely drops any notion of being about war and goes back to savages drawn to the only thing that can bring civilization (Kurtz). Because that's the heart of the novella and what's being discussed. The novella isn't about war, and war has nothing to do with darkness in the sense Conrad was discussing it

>> No.12001529

Can anyone give me a redpilled review of 50 shades of grey the movie

>> No.12001636

Came here to post American Psycho

>> No.12001640

like the book but easier to masturbate

>> No.12001674

Spec ops the line is a lot more believable cause it’s not a war, it’s a rescue/humanitarian mission gone horribly wrong. The whole of Dubai is essentially wiped out with only rouge soldiers exploring and raping and pillaging in the power vacuum. What really make it for me is how the plot itself starts unraveling by the end as your sucked into an endless ptsd nightmare. By the end your not even sure what’s real as you confront the person you went in to save and your not even sure if he’s alive or even existed. I guess spec ops gets away with it because it’s more focused on phycology

>> No.12002636

Stephen King adaptions are really a mixed bag; sometimes you get excellent films that do justice to the source material, and sometimes you get The Dark Tower.

>> No.12004229
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And as an A:tLA episode

>> No.12004254

honestly the most boring movie i have ever seen. tried watching it again a few weeks ago, giving igt another chance, feel asleep 1 hr into it. plus they absolutely butcher the ending in the movie, disgusting.

>> No.12004258

Both are terrible

>> No.12004382

Plato's cave

>> No.12004506
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>> No.12004514

Weak b8 m8

>> No.12004520


>> No.12004614
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>> No.12004744

My nomination is Reservation Road, which stars Joaquin Phoenix; the very enunciation of his name brings me an enormus amount of satisfaction

>> No.12004786

most of the books that were later made into movies

while i am american (and can barely read my tattoos), i will continue to insist that this has little to do with my opinion on this matter

>> No.12004791

Most kubrick adaptations are better thbqh

>> No.12005433
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>> No.12005545
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>> No.12005555

The I have no Mouth and I must Scream game was extremely good. I think Harlan had a lot of input on it as well?

>> No.12005568
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The Shining.

>> No.12005578
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>2001: A Space Odyssey
Literal pleb opinion from someone who hasn't read the book. Sames goes for American Psycho.

Books are better in both cases.


>> No.12005981
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>> No.12005997

Sorry senpai but no way. Comparing the prose in the novel to the cinematography in the movie is like comparing a 4chan thumbnail of a landscape to being in the landscape yourself

It's like one of the greatest movies ever directed

>> No.12006011

>Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
Top tier post.

>> No.12006257


2049 was even better

>> No.12006283

ay me too

>> No.12006291

i'm not OP

>> No.12006485
