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File: 13 KB, 220x361, 220px-No_Longer_Human_(Osamu_Dazai_novel)_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12003464 No.12003464 [Reply] [Original]

How does this fag keep getting laid?

>> No.12003468


>> No.12003473

Ugly women

>> No.12003476


This combined with the fact that Japanese culture is screwed

>> No.12003477

What is it about? It It a good read?

>> No.12003485

Osamu dazai is DAMN handsome.

>> No.12003498

Yeah, it's pretty good, it's about this upper class japanese guy being a massive sperg and degenerate, and him just having a general bad time with it.

>> No.12003517

>tfw u relate to everything in this book except the sex

>> No.12003594

I was thinking about this as I read it, it always gets recced as an /r9k/ incel book but not really since he is always effortlessly having sex with women who give him money despite him treating them like shit.
I'm not an incel but it occur to me how painful it would be to read this expecting some sort of comfort and relatability.

>> No.12003622

In a traditional society even spergs get married. If you had been born 100 years earlier you would have been married too. My grandfather was like that; he acted like a sperg and lived with his mother until he was like 30 but still got married. Of course simply being able to fuck women doesn't make your life happy.

>> No.12003682
File: 21 KB, 220x329, 220px-Osamu_Dazai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanese women are sluts

>> No.12003725
File: 27 KB, 225x333, dazai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was pretty handsome, you have to admit, especially if you look at how most japanese guys look

>> No.12003728

Where are you from?

>> No.12003735

/r9lit/ and its modern literary concerns, everyone.

>> No.12003740
File: 64 KB, 422x624, 1539553513230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Japan, women are pursuing men and not the other way around.

>> No.12003751


>> No.12003764

To put it simply, women are attracted to men who have the scent of other women on him. In other words, women are attracted to guys who are attractive to other women. He mentions in the novel, it wasnt until he started frequenting brothels and thus learned about female nature through prostitutes, that he became attractive to regular women.

>> No.12003784
File: 25 KB, 357x459, Osamu_Dazai_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost like having sex doesn't necessarily make you happy or something.

>> No.12003785

that is absolutely false; it's the other way around hardcore.

>> No.12003828

>he doesn't know

>> No.12003831

mongoloids are like that

>> No.12003840

No, you tard. Simply put, what women find sexually attractive is not what men find sexually attractive. (Cause, you know, they're not men, they're women.)

> and thus learned about female nature through prostitutes
You can't learn about female nature through prostitutes. A rubber tits&ass is literally more female and engaged than a prostitute.

>> No.12003843

>In Japan, women are pursuing men and not the other way around.
Protip, women are pursuing men everywhere, not just Japan. Only losers pester women for pity sex. (Makes sense, because women are always the gatekeepers of sex.)

>> No.12003847

He's right that women like men that are liked by other women. There isn't any point disputing that. And of course that is different than men, as you point out. Men aren't attracted to women because other men like them.
>You can't learn about female nature through prostitutes.

>> No.12003961

Imagine being so brainwashed by sexual puritanism and moralism you actually believe this

>> No.12003982

Slightest bit of effort.

>> No.12003984

It's like they have to pretend prostitutes aren't actual women since they can't mentally accommodate their existence.

>> No.12004005

>He's right that women like men that are liked by other women.
So, in other words, most women like the same things in a man? Really? Is this supposed to be mind-blowing or something? Next up: shocking revelation, men like tits&ass!

You're creating tortuous correlations where there are none. There's no magic pheromones that will transfer from woman to woman like cooties. It's simply that the things women like in a man are broadly the same for all women.

>> No.12004056

You're not understanding what's being saide. A woman's attraction toward a man will increase or decrease depending on how much that man is desired by other women; this is something that does not occur with men, where the desirability of a woman by others is irrelevant. One of the things that women are attracted to is "desirability."

>> No.12004063

are you really this dense? It's called preselection. Walk around with a girl on your arm and see how many more women check you out

>> No.12004194

This book is better than I thought it would be. I'm on the "second journal", and it has made me chuckle a few times. My feelings of self-harm have diminished.

>> No.12004450

Don't bother anon. These molemen have never seen the surface let alone tasted sour grapes.

>> No.12004525

What was his problem?

>> No.12005591

I felt this way too, read it in one go. Even though it's a book of a depressed man about a depressed man (and me also having the propensity for recurring depression) I somehow felt so alive afterwards, I stayed up until sunrise and went fucking jogging.

>> No.12005596

i've lived in japan; besides thots liking blue eyes/blonde hair, it's pretty much like traditional america where women are supposed to do fucking nothing and men have to bust their ass to get a girl