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File: 1007 KB, 1547x2261, Killing Commendatore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12002366 No.12002366 [Reply] [Original]

I thought it would take me like two weeks to read because it's 700 pages, but it only took me 4 days.
It was fantastic. From chapter 11 on, it physically hurt every time I had to put it down, and I was lusting for it every second I was working.

That said,
>cucking hard to the hoax of nanking and the holohoax, not to mention the literal cucking
dude is SERIOUSLY trying to get that Nobel. Oh, and speaking of cucking to nanking
>cucks hard to nanking
>china bans it due to sexual content

>> No.12002414

Please tell me there's plenty of gay sex scenes with sensitive japanese twinks it's pretty much the only reason i read murakami

>> No.12002423

I know exactly where you’ve been and what you’ve been up to.

>> No.12002458
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>> No.12003746

No one else has read it yet? Or there's really nothing to discuss?

>> No.12003815
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Meh. I probably had already established an unconscious opinion about what I expected by hearing about it and thus that spoiled my view of it, but: meh. It's certainly good, no h8, but I still can't fathom why most people I talk about it with have raging boners for it (that are not directly related to sexual content, kek).

>> No.12003856

I mean, sure, it's exactly what you'd expect from Murakami. Same old tropes, I guess. But one can't complain about that - a Murakami that reads like a Murakami is nothing to be mad about. And it's not like it has nothing new in it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the first time Murakami addresses family, tradition and legacy, right? Which is a very common theme in latin american magical realism, but as the forefront of modern magical realism, it had escaped Murakami for some reason. Or more like, family in Murakami was something to abandon or be abandoned by up 'til this book, and when it comes to the MC that still applies somewhat, but not for (((his))) child and the extended cast.

As for why I have a raging boner for it... well, it started slow and I was just trudging through it, and then the bell started ringing and I just couldn't put it down. From that moment on, it not only read like water, but it forced me to want to know what was going to happen. It was addictive. And then the underworld chapters hit, and what already felt like a feat blew my mind. And then Mariye's story, bar the commendatore, was rooted in reality, forcing you to land your feet on the ground after the underworld chapters certainly made you feel anything but that, and the epilogue had this realism infused with magic (what with the tsunami hitting exactly where he traveled and all) giving it great closure. I don't know, again, it was just addictive.
I still don't know if it's my favorite Murakami. But I guess it is, because after thinking hard about it, I put 1Q84 instead of Kafka on the Shore in my 3x3, and this feels like 1Q84 while at the same time blowing it out of the water.

>> No.12003910

stop making points I generally agree with lmao. but yeah, it's up there among his best works (I haven't decided on my personal ranking yet it's only been days), it's a bitch to put down, and it's prime murakami to a point it feels like someone did an SNL sketch of him exaggerating what makes him him, if you catch my drift? sry am a wee bit drunk.

but it just feels... I dunno. tryhard, in a way, heaven may smite me on the shitter for even writing that about someone I love more than half of the women I dated. but I can't help but imagine that not he didn't sit down with a coherent story in mind and wrote it, but brainstormed "how to vigorously fondle Nobel balls until they cum" and then made a novel out of what themes, settings and topics he came up with.

>> No.12003952

>stop making points I generally agree with lmao
Right back atcha.

>but I can't help but imagine that not he didn't sit down with a coherent story in mind and wrote it, but brainstormed "how to vigorously fondle Nobel balls until they cum" and then made a novel out of what themes, settings and topics he came up with.
This so hard tbqdesu. Or, the second part hard. The first part not so much.
I do believe he knew the structure of the story from the beginning. When noface dude showed up in the underworld and the MC gave him the penguin, I was almost literally creaming myself because it was tying up with the prologue at long last, and it was just so fucking cathartic. That much makes me believe he had at least the bones clearly planned.
But then, yeah, in between said bones, as you say, he tried to vigorously fondle Nobel balls until they came. But the novel is so good, even if I hated some of that (particularly all his cucking to hoaxes, or at least hard exaggerations, one of which actually makes me feel like he's being traitorous - and literal cucking as in raising other man's child with a smile) - even if I seriously hated some of those Nobel earning points he was trying to score, I can't hate the novel. It was like heroin. I know it's fucking me over (or fucking over the country I get most of my entertainment from, which is still fucking me over), but I still couldn't stop loving it and wanting more.

>> No.12003967


you're have to be 18 or older to post here.

>> No.12003995

please send that entire heroin paragraph to him and report back, he seems like the kind of lad who would appreciate greatly haha
but yes. barebones was there, rest is cucking of the highest sort, both literal, historical, and to Nobel balls.
to drive my point home, if he got a Nobel, but killed himself right after, this wouldn't be his swan song. it would just be an enjoyable if ever fucking weird, I mean, penguin lel book that got him the prize, nothing more and nothing less. it's too perfect to have come from his heart as a storyteller, this was all rational ball fondling under the guise of a widely perceived magnum opus.

>> No.12004024

, he typed with trembling hands and tears in his eyes. His teeth gnashed so hard the pressure was visible across the patchy beard, it even reflecting on wrinkles that formed under his receding hairline.
The annoyance wouldn't subside until later, a few minutes after he started mashing on his Nintendo Switch.

Huh. Yeah, you're making way too much sense there.
I guess that's why he took so long to write it too. Tweaking and tweaking 'til it was Nobel ready. And yeah, if this got him the Nobel, it certainly wouldn't feel right, considering his body of work.
So considering that, I guess it's making me excited for his next work. Maybe he'll uncuck and write what he likes instead of what'll get him the Nobel.

>> No.12004045

>So considering that, I guess it's making me excited for his next work.
the only carrot on a stick truly worth chasing
>Maybe he'll uncuck and write what he likes instead of what'll get him the Nobel.
haha no. he's got the spot on his mantle all cleaned up and ready, betcha 5 bucks. BUT, in a weird somewhat autistic way, I hope he gets it soon and then, with that out of the way, drops a book on us that will blow our brains out our assholes for lack of a better drunk metaphor sry

>> No.12004055

Well, what can I say? Hear hear.
I'm just drinking coke, but here's one for you lad.

>> No.12004064

cheers lad
wew that was a lot of way too coherent typing. I need to read some HuffPost lists to cleanse my eyes now

>> No.12004099

>dude is SERIOUSLY trying to get that Nobel
but Murakami being considered for a Nobel is an ironic /lit/ meme.

>> No.12004139

It's been part of japanese popular culture for at least a decade. Which also counts as an ironic /lit/ meme, but hey.