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/lit/ - Literature

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11991518 No.11991518 [Reply] [Original]

what are your top 10 books /lit/?

>> No.11991522

I haven’t read 10 books

>> No.11991528

Oh am I laffin boy

>> No.11991532


>> No.11991539

this isnt mine but pessoa is great never read deleuze

>> No.11991609

>The Anatomy of the State
>Killing the Host: How Financial Parasites and Debt Bondage Destroy the Global Economy
>Judaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit
>The Killing of William Browder
>Zionism in the Age of the Dictators
>Did Six Million Really Die?
>The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome
>200 Years Together
>The Holocaust Industry
>Fail: "Debunking Holocaust Denial Theories": How James and Lance Morcan botched their Attempt to Affirm the Historicity of the Nazi Genocide

>> No.11991641


>> No.11991690

>origin - dan brown
>artemis - andy weir
>what if - randall munro
>life 3.0 - max Tegmark
>the master algorithm - pedro domingos
>norse mythology - neil gaiman
>frankentein - mary shelly
>on writing - stephen king
> the minotaur - stephen counts
>the hobbit - tolkien

>> No.11991705
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mason & dixon
the unconsoled
fathers and sons
the stars my destination
the waves
invisible cities
war & war
catch 22
moby-dick; or, the whale

>> No.11991715

I haven’t read 10 good books

>> No.11991719

Flowers for Algernon
The Bhagavad Gita
Wuthering Heights
The Thanatonauts series (5 books)
Le papillon des étoiles

Last 6 are untranslated I think.

>> No.11991726

Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow
Book of the New Sun
Culture of Critique
Moby Dick
Book of Disquiet
The Recognitions
The Bible
Behead All Satans

>> No.11991735

In this order
>La Divina Commedia
>The Leopard
>Jerusalem Delivered
>Augustine's Confessions
>The Waste Books
>Pascal's Pensées
>The Monk
>The Screwtape letters

>> No.11991748

The Metamorphosis
A Happy Death
The Death of Ivan Ilyich
The Book of Disquiet
The Stranger
Notes from Underground
The Trial
Blood Meridian
Of Mice and Men

You can spot a pattern.

>> No.11991752

You forgot Stoner

>> No.11991757

The Sound and the Fury
Moby Dick
The Name of the Rose
Anna Karenina
Crime and Punishment
Blood Meridian
The Red and the Black
A Sportsman’s Sketches
Mrs. Dalloway
The Bridge of San Luis Rey

>> No.11991759

That's #11

>> No.11991877

Secret of the Rosary by St. Louis de Montfort
Meditations on the Tarot by Valentin Tomberg
Resentment by Scheler
Ideas Have Consequences by Richard Weaver
The Horse and His Boy by C.S Lewis
Fairy Tales by George MacDonald
Silmarillion by Tolkien
The Hobbit by Tolkien
Divine Comedy
The Bible

>> No.11992026

The Illiad
The Aeneid
The Divine Comedy
Horace's Odes and Epodes
Les Fleurs du mal
The Odyssey
Le Chants de Maldoror
Naked Lunch

>> No.11992041

Human All-Too-Human
The Birth of Tragedy
The Gay Science
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Beyond Good and Evil
Genealogy of Morals
Ecce Homo
Twilight of the Idols
The Anti-Christ
The Will to Power
Pessoa is a narcissistic closet case who breeds narcissistic closet cases, like Proust, that does not make him a bad writer anon.

>> No.11992050

The Odyssey
Fear and Trembling
Sickness unto Death
City of God
The Consolation of Philosophy
The Fall of Carthage
Notes from the Underground

>> No.11992077

liceo classico/10

>> No.11992083

The Book of Disquiet
The Complete Essays of Montaigne
Kornel Esti
The Third Policeman
The Unnameable
Amiel's Journal
Moby Dick
Rashomon and Other Stories

>> No.11992133
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I didn't feel like stopping at 10

>> No.11992138

Il Monaco però spacca le ossa come pochi

>> No.11992178

I've only read like 3 books I really liked so far

>> No.11992204

À rebours
L'arrêt de mort
Le Baphomet
Economie libidinale
L'entretien infini
L'expérience intérieure
Gravity's Rainbow
Nietzsche et le cercle vicieux

>> No.11992246

Non l'ho mai letto. Una volta comprai un "Oxford book of gothic tales" per qualche 50 centesimi in un negozio di libri usati, e tra quelle che ho letto ce ne sono alcune veramente interessanti. La mia cultura a riguardo si ferma qui peró, quindi ho da recuperare

>> No.11992247

I like you anon, if nothing else because of Klossowski and Huysmans

>> No.11992250

Its time to stop reading fiction kids, true scholarship has real world as a subject matter.

>> No.11992252

Eh, se capita. Non dico che sia essenziale, anzi, ma fa parte di quel bel periodo in cui il fascino per il male e l'oscurità pervase, per una volta, dei bravi autori e non degli imbrattacarte. In caso, comunque, Artaud ne ha pure fatto una libera riscrittura

>> No.11992301

Daró sicuramente un'occhiata

>> No.11992377

>You can spot a pattern
That your attention span is fucked?

>> No.11992379


>> No.11992730


>> No.11993385

Tractatus Logico Philosophicus
Way of the Wolf
The Broom of the System
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Technological Society and it's Future
Man and his symbols
Rabbit Run
Rules For Radicals
Tales from Outer Suburbia
Genuinely surprised how many of my favorites are lit memes. Most of these I had read before ever visiting this site. Is this a problem?

>> No.11993391

Ten books in the Bible

>> No.11993744


>> No.11995364

Logically Autistic Philosophy
He's an EXECUTIONER called SEVERIAN. S E V E R ian
How did he survive 10 years in a cave?
[cries internally in Japanese]
[cries internally from below]
There's no way I was the only one who didn't catch the whole paper money revolutioniziation in the second part
sun's out guns out
I've already got one by dostoyevsky, but I guess I should add this one as well
God I fucking hate cripples now

>Is this a problem?
How could it not be?

>> No.11995872

>The Cyberiad
>His Master's Voice
>The Invincible
>Memoirs Found in a Bathtub
>The Futurological Congress
>The Astronauts
>The Star Diaries
>Tales of Pirx the Pilot

>> No.11995926 [DELETED] 

Alida, és tu? Conheci-te na estação de Belém, lembraste?

>> No.11995958

isn't Bernard Werber basically wikipedia on paper ?

that's actually an interesting list. Most people wouldn't even expect to enjoy Tasso. Is it worth reading, apart from the cred value ?

>> No.11995978

Invisible Cities
Don Quixote
Moby Dick
A Confession
Finnegan's Wake (without irony)
Tristam Shandy
On the Road

>> No.11995980

As someone who has read, and loves, many of the books on your list, I want to ask you. Why do you rate skylark so highly? I enjoyed it too but it seems like it did something more for you.

>> No.11995987

How to win friends and influence people Dale Carnegie
the art of worldly wisdom Baltasar Gracian
Meditations Marcus Aurelius
Camus the stranger
Swoon: Great Seducers and Why Women Love Them Betsy Prioleau
Mythology Edith Hamilton
The multi orgasmic man Michael Winn
Seth Loyd programming the universe
Evola The doctrine of awakening
The Way Of The Superior Man David Deida

>> No.11995993

Where do I find a copy of the without irony edition?

>> No.11996012


>> No.11996015


Hmm I wouldn't say so, but I read most of his books in middle school and I've listed them because I really enjoyed them more than based on their quality. The 2nd book of the Thanatonauts series for instance follows the main of the character who became an angel after his death, his task being to watch over 3 humans and subtly guide their lives to ensure they get the best out of it. Succeeding means becoming an actual god, the following volumes are basically God School, literally, they get a planet to play with and people to rule over, basically a game of Civilization. It's kinda weird but I've always been into religious references and those books are choke full of them.

>> No.11996037
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Anna Karenina
Under the North Star
Three trapped tigers
Pedro Paramo
Blood Meridian
Brothers Karamazov
Metamorphoses (Ovid)
Tales of Pirx the pilot

fuckin'.. based anon

>> No.11996465

for me it's a book that manages to get at some extremely real, dark stuff about life in a clear eyed, compassionate, and funny way. it cuts so deep but has such a light touch. made me laugh, made me cry

>> No.11996538

Right on man I definitely get that.

Also, seeing as our top 10s overlap, try Gogols Dead Souls out. It's in my top 10 and a light comedic read.

>> No.11996546

i have already read it but thanks
i will never not be mad about him burning part 2

>> No.11996587
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i never participate in these threads because i am afraid i will lose a writing edge by sharing the best books.

>> No.11996638

If you are insecure about that you probably have nothing to worry about.

Or my judgement on how competitive it is to be a writer fails me.

>> No.11996679

>Swoon: Great Seducers and Why Women Love Them Betsy Prioleau

Have you actually read this? What's it like?

>> No.11996682

I haven't read 10 great books yet, but I can do a top 9
> Cry, the Beloved Country
> Musashi
> The Epic of Gilgamesh
> Lolita
> Macbeth
> Lord of the Rings
> The Iliad
> Notes from Underground
> Les Miserables

>> No.11996721

I don't understand why most people in these threads decide to list off obvious classics instead of using this opportunity, inconsequential as it may be, to try and showcase lesser known works that have had a person impact on them, books that may not perhaps stand the test of time as well as the Comedy or Don Quixote or the Epic of Gilgamesh but that still deserve some recognition.
I refuse to believe people here are really limited to some kind of pathetically restrictive canon in any other way other than by some weird fear of being judged by other people on a manchurian astroturfing site.

>> No.11996727

i like to think that everyone is just being sincere and the reason that well known classics are well known classics is because they're especially likeable

>> No.11996734

I did. It tells what really makes women wet and makes you feel small when you compare yourself to a Casanova or a Byron with all their skills and pursuits. It makes you too realize why women are the way they are.
It does not teach you how to do any of that. So if you want dating advice this is not for you. It's good to sort out bullshit when you re looking for dating advice tho.

>> No.11996755

Thankss, think i'll pick it up.

How's The multi orgasmic man? I've read a few sex books before, and they are terrible.

>> No.11996792
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in no particular order (outside of first 3)
>The Recognitions
>Infinite Jest
>Berlin Alexanderplatz
>Narcissus and Goldmund
>Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72
>Storm of Steel (Michael Hoffman fucking slaps as a translator)
>The Sound of Waves

>> No.11996813

The parts of pt. 2 he didn't burn a were pro-tsarist perversion of the pt.1. I feel like Gogol lost his mind under the pressure of the censors or something. It's a shame he never continued in the spirit of pt. 1. Pt. 1 ended on a high note though and I cab imagine Chichikov going on adventures indefinitely.
Is there any other writer who can go from the hights of absurdist comedy to the absolute depths of the human soul in a sentence?

>> No.11996818

idk i thought the bit with the guy spending hours rubbing his eyes every morning was hilarious

>> No.11996913

infinite jest
finnegans wake
moby dick
gravitys rainbow
fanged noumena
the trial
crime and punishment
the bible

>> No.11996917

Farewell to Arms
The Sound and the Fury
The Myth of Sysiphus
Grapes of Wrath
The Three Musketeers
The Maltese Falcon
Down and Out in Paris and London
Sherlock Holmes collected

>> No.11997012
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Catch Falcon
The Three Dubliners
Farewell to Scherlock Holmes
22 collected Grapes
The Maltese Musketeers
Sisyphus Arms
The Myth of Down
London Fury of Paris Wrath
Out in Sound

>> No.11997029

You're right. And there were also some beautiful passages describing nature. But Chichikov was changed beyond recognition.

>> No.11997046

Ada or Ardor
Dead souls
The street of crocodiles
The Brothers K
War and Peace
Moby dick
Portrait of an artist
The issa valley
White nights

>> No.11997050
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>> No.11997130
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>> No.11997273

Mooie lijst man. Where're you from?

>> No.11997293

Love in the Time of Cholera
In Search of Lost Time
Runaway Horses
Anna Karenina
Ada or Ardor
The Long Goodbye
The Waves
Snow Country
The Remains of the Day

No real order

>> No.11997309
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Iliad + Odyssey
Paradise Lost
Portrait of a Lady
Infinite Jest
Madame Bovary
The Recognitions
Kafka's Short Stories
Mao II
Blood Meridian

I'm a meme I know. But that's okay

>> No.11997318

a lot of people here haven't been reading long enough to have ventured outside of what everyone talks about

>> No.11997383

>I refuse to believe people here are really limited to some kind of pathetically restrictive canon in any other way other than by some weird fear of being judged by other people on a manchurian astroturfing site.
I don't care about /lit/'s judgement of me. I still care about the stuff /lit/ recommends though because so far I've liked the majority of the /lit/core. Don't ignore something so obvious just so you can be cynical anon

>> No.11997502

literal baby taste

>> No.11997766

I(and a lot of others, evidently) am in the same boat. gotta start somewhere anon

>> No.11998591

Currently living in Groningen. How about you?

>> No.11998711

The Buddenbrooks
The Fountainhead
Every Man Dies Alone
The Center of the World
A Little Life

>> No.11998732


Have you read anything by Hermans?

>> No.11998926

Donkere kamer van Damokles
Nooit meer slapen

He's good but not great

>> No.11998966

>The Elementary Particles
>The Possibility of an Island
>The Map and the Territory
>Anatomy of female power: A masculinist dissection of matriarchy
>The Second Sexism
>12 Rules for Life
>Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

>> No.11998969

I'd say that he's the best dutch writer. Especially those two works.

Anyway, who do you think is the best Dutch writer?

>> No.11999071

Based AF

>> No.11999203

Eduard Douwes Dekker?

>> No.11999209

harry potter
james and the giant peach
mlp erotica
mlp erotica
mlp erotica
mlp erotica
mlp eroticamlp erotica
mlp eroticamlp erotica
mlp erotica

>> No.11999239

not a bad list, but if you have to be edgy and include a Nabokov novel that isn't Lolita, why not go with Pale Fire?

>> No.11999277

Couldn't read lolita because I wasn't edgy enough. Couldn't add Pale Fire because I've never read it.

>> No.11999288


This post disgusts me. How can someone be so ignorant?

The fact that you've listed the Iliad and the Odyssey indicates that you know something about literature. You have attempted to understand something about the history of literary expression. You have put in the time (I am giving you the benefit of the doubt) to subject yourself to a culture that is far-removed from your own, and you have appreciated the greatness of those beautiful and influential poems.

And then you go on to rank "Suttree" alongside them. Fucking "Suttree". I am prepared to allow that you have included mediocre books like Infinite Jest and The Recognitions, which are admired only because they are "difficult" (long and convoluted). These books, while hugely overrated, still contain some undeniable merit. Even Blood Meridian, the edgelord's bible, could be viewed as some kind of accomplishment within its own extremely limited aesthetic purposes.

But Suttree. Are you fucking serious? The most blatantly overwritten shitty Joyce impersonation of all time? You really want to rank that shit alongside the works of Homer?

You fucking unbelievable moron. You fucking retarded adolescent subhuman pile of shit. What was going through your mind when you posted this generic fucking catalog of mediocrity? When you cast aside the works of Virgil and Shakespeare and Tolstoy and Dante and Joyce and Proust and inserted two shitty grimederp novels by a Joyce tribute-artist with no sense of irony? What in the hell were you thinking?

What the fuck do you look for in a book? Do you just sit there and imagine what you look like reading it? You obviously have no understanding of what literature actually has to offer. Your bland, generic list is proof of that.

Fucking Suttree. "There is a moon shaped rictus in the streetlamp's globe where a stone has gone and from this aperture there drifts down through the constant helix of aspiring insects a faint and steady rain of the same forms burnt and lifeless." Do you actually think this shit is good? Does that get you going, you fucking turd? That ostentatious bullshit? That utter lack of subtlety?

Read Homer again. Experience again the precision and power of his images. The utter lack of pretentious ornamentation. If you still don't get it, stop pretending to know anything about literature.

>> No.11999304

excellent list.

The Book of Disquiet is mediocre compared to the rest, though.

>> No.11999305

imagine being dabbed on this hard

>> No.11999351
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My Ántonia
Winesburg, Ohio
Cannery Row
At Swim, Two Boys
Amongst Women
The Go-Between
Never Let Me Go
The Counterfeiters

>> No.11999359

not him, but Ada is clearly his best work

>> No.11999382

I found it a little contrived and not very funny in spite of Nabokov's attempts at humor. Not a bad book, but not his best.

>> No.11999409

I guess some people here don't have a taste for it :/
ive read a lot of Pessoa's work (bunch of collectioons of poetry, prose, always astonished, the education of a stoic, message) and the book of disquiet is still my favorite work from him

>> No.11999460

The 10 books I've read

>> No.11999464

I get the impression you read a lot of Italian and Spanish crap, are you a shitskin (spic)

>> No.11999494

Don Quixote
Moby Dick
Beckett’s short prose
JF Powers’ stories
Faulkner’s short stories
Gargantua and Pantagruel
Eclogues and Georgics
Hart Crane’s poetry
F Garcia Lorca’s poems

Have you read any of Emerson’s journals? They’re like the workshop where he refined his essays and addresses.

>The Broom of the System
I couldn’t make it past the first chapter with the girls getting dressed up and the talk of pretty girls’ ugly feet. Is it true he submitted this to a committee?

Have you read any of Cabrera Infante’s other stuff? TTT seemed to me like Tristram Shandy in its play with text and format, and Cortazar’s Hopscotch with the way he weaves different stories together (the Ella cantaba boleros parts).

A year ago I would have ranked TR and JR in the same way, but having just finished reading JR for the third time, I think I can begin to appreciate the steps he took to polish his style. I think Gass calls the young Gaddis a romantic in the sense that he wrote a huge unwieldy book that he wanted the public to embrace and adore, but JR is something else. Everything I liked about TR (the endless dialogue, the direct quotations, the poetic narration sometimes resembling or outright echoing Eliot’s Four Quartets, the mythic mode) he refined to fit a work that is beautiful, funny and downright horrifying.

>> No.11999499

why not post your own list then?

>> No.11999629

because they understand what "your top 10 books" means

>> No.11999658

The Devil Wears Prada
Eat Pray Love
Lean In
Confessions of a Shopaholic
Infinite Jest
Bridget Jones's Diary
Seriously... I'm Kidding by Ellen Degeneres
The Nanny Diaries
The Secrets of My Life by Caitlyn Jenner

>> No.11999718

>Confessions of a Shopaholic
hey i thought we said no "obvious classics"

>> No.11999837

Nice but it needs Call the Midwife and Me Before You

>> No.11999944

Finnegan's Wake
The Waves
The Soft Machine
The Prophet
The Plague
The Pale King
Aphorisms (Kafka)
White Noise
No Longer Human

>> No.11999972


>> No.11999990

>House of Leaves
>At The Mountains Of Madness
>Jurassic Park
>Beyond Good And Evil
>The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
>Pale Fire (I'm midway through Kinbote's notes and can already tell this will be on the list, not sure where yet though)

I know this is all over the place, any and all recommendations are welcome.

>> No.12000012

if you like nabokov read speak, memory next

>> No.12000035

Lolita was also pretty good, but I read Despair and while it was still good it felt kinda self masturbatory at times (even though I know that's the point). I've got Speak Memory and Invitation to a Beheading on my backlog

>> No.12000106

I did >>11992133 even though I kinda caved in and put Spinoza on there

>> No.12000113

in the order that I thought of them (with some discardings), which could either be testament to the quality of my memory or to their writing:

1/2. Homer (Odyssey only in Fagles and some crappy prose translation back in high school, Iliad in Fagles and Lattimore)
3. Shahname (I've read it in all the available English translations, I really liked most of its episodes. Especially Sohrab and Siavush. Wish I could read Farsi, and see if the poetry is as good as the content)
4. Don Quixote
5. One Hundred Years of Solitude
6. Conference of the Birds (see 3. almost impulse converted to Islam after picking it up, then realized that was really fucking dumb.)
7. Piers Plowman (I've read this one a lot. Parallel text of B version at first but also a facsimile of the Douce 104, which is a C-text. really have had a lot of fun with the electronic version. I've only read A through the electronic archive, though.)
8/9. Pearl (not Steinbeck, the medieval alliterative poem) and all the other Cotton Nero stuff (not in facsimile but in the original language at least)
10. Mimesis

other tentative honorable mentions: I discarded Clockword Orange and Lolita because they were the first things I read seriously and not just for school, and I haven't read them since. I don't know how they'd hold up now that I'm a better reader and no longer an edgy teen. I discarded Portrait of the Artist because honestly it's not that coherent, even if some parts are fantastic. I discarded Waiting for Godot and a few other plays (mostly Beckett in general) because they're not really books.

I'll gladly take recommendations. Either contemporary or classical

>> No.12000154
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nice to see another Lem fan

>> No.12000161

>Have you read any of Cabrera Infante’s other stuff?
No, but I'm waiting for Infante's inferno to arrive, together with Hopscotsch and some other books. On a sort-of latin-american spree after reading some Cortazar, Rulfo and Puig now.

>> No.12000221

Pathetic /lit/memeboy

>> No.12000526

Just finished The futurological congress today. Loved it. Have also read Solaris and Tales of Pirx the pilot before. I have Star Diaries and I'm waiting for Chain of Chance and Cyberiad. Any specific ones I should think about adding to my collection?

>> No.12000693

Aside from these I also really liked Return from the Stars and His Master's Voice.
Most of his novels are either pretty great or at least interesting, as are many of his short stories.

>> No.12000738
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Will look them up and see if I can get a hold of them, thanks anon. Have you read Mortal Engines or Imaginary Magnitude? I think those might be next, or More Tales of Pirx, unless the ones you mentioned seem even better!

>> No.12000814

Mortal Engines is similar to the Cyberiad, if you liked one you will probably like the other, though the former is even lighter in tone.
His Master's Voice contrasts heavily with both of these, since it's some of the "hardest" sci-fi Lem has ever written.
Finally, Return from the Stars is more psychological, like Tales of Pirx.

>> No.12000821

pretentious trash

>> No.12000915

Having read some of Imaginary Magnitide in a collection of short stories i can say it's breti nice, you can imagine his chsi of thought and see how he let his thouughts bloom and assume some shaped in an untrimed form or so i imagine. Maybe Summa Technologicais like that too judging ftom the subject or rather lack of consistent one. I'll try to acquire them whenever i can and i guess that's my recommendation.
If you have liked Return from the Stars and haven't tried already you could like novels like Fiasco, Eden, Astronauts or Invincible imo.

>> No.12001003

>Suttree is a Joyce impersonation
It's Faulkner, retard.

>> No.12001197

>Acts of Caine Book 2: Blade of Tyshalle
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>Crime and Punishment
>The Iliad
>Paradise Lost
>The Silmarillion
>Malazan Book of the Fallen Book 8: Toll the Hounds
>King Lear

>> No.12002233

anon who ranked TR above JR here:
I'm a bit more for TR since I'm an arts/art history student so it all resonates with me more. I definitely should read both again--JR was a wild and fun ride that I think from which one could benefit greatly by reading again

>> No.12002386

>overuses compound words
>changed his name to Cormac to sound more Irish
>traveled to Ireland early in his career
>has explicitly mentioned the influence of Joyce on several occasions

>> No.12002456

House of Leaves
The Room
White Noise
The Book of Sand
La Horde du Contrevent
If on a Winter's Night a Traveler
The Plight House
The Screwtape Letters

>> No.12002484

The Tower Treasure
The House on the Cliff
The Secret of the Old Mill
The Missing Chums
Hunting for Hidden Gold
The Shore Road Mystery
The Secret of the Caves
The Mystery of Cabin Island
The Great Airport Mystery
What Happened at Midnight

>> No.12002534

We who are about to...
Right Wing Women
Catch 22
Dangerous Visions
A Tree Grows In Brooklyn
Das Boot
God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater
How to Suppress Women's Writing