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/lit/ - Literature

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11998374 No.11998374 [Reply] [Original]

Admit it, if anyone ever spoke or wrote like some of those faggots do that you guys post on here, they'd literally be told to commit suicide. Philosophers are cringey as shit and spend their whole lives thinking about shit and never end up coming up with better answers than the average norman.

Admit it, if some faggot like Kant or Schopenhauer were wandering around to day they'd be bullied into suicide.

>> No.11998381

What is it with zoomers and calling anything with any depth "cringey"

>> No.11998387

I was born in 95 I'm not a zoomer.

>> No.11998394
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Not all philosophy is how you describe. Going through simple arguments slowly and thoroughly with normies usually grabs their attention and they're constantly trying to keep up or figure out just what is going on

Maybe it's an american thing but people like to debate, and their attitude changes pretty quickly once you show just a little competence in arguing

>> No.11998400


yep, zoomer confirmed

>> No.11998401

While I don't really like the idea of generations, I think most common definitions of gen z starts in 1995

>> No.11998402

>Admit it, if anyone ever spoke or wrote like some of those faggots do that you guys post on here, they'd literally be told to commit suicide. Philosophers are cringey as shit and spend their whole lives thinking about shit and never end up coming up with better answers than the average norman.
>Admit it, if some faggot like Kant or Schopenhauer were wandering around to day they'd be bullied into suicide.

most words in this post are insubstantial memery

>> No.11998410

You're a dumb fucking retard and you made a shit thread.

>> No.11998412

The only thing that is more cringy than philosophy is poetry

>> No.11998414
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>if some faggot like Kant or Schopenhauer were wandering around to day they'd be bullied into suicide.

True, but they were also shit tier philosophers. The chad philosophers are Plato, Spinoza, Aquinas, Hegel, Marx, Wittgenstein, Foucault, etc. Some more virgin philosophers are Aristotle, Descartes, Russell, Locke, Rawls, Chomsky, etc.

>> No.11998415

No, its really anywhere between 95-05. A zoomer might be, at max, 13 year old, going by lets say, the US Census Bureau

>> No.11998419

>Admit it, if anyone ever spoke or wrote like some of those faggots do that you guys post on here, they'd literally be told to commit suicide
Pop-stars, politicians, humanitarians, writers, contemporary philosophers, students, poets, artists, playboys and art whores do this constantly (to varying degrees of success) and often do not seem to induce scorn or hatred from the public
>philosophers are cringey as shit
Well most things humans do are obnoxious and uninteresting anon.
>if someone like Kant or Schopenhauer were around they'd be le "we're all still in middleschool because everyone here was low social status and naturally regressed back to this reference point and we behave like feral children here so this is how actual socializing works irl"
no you retarded autist. Schopenhauer would be wildly popular and if JBP can survive today I believe Kant would do just fine as well. But then again the context of their lives would have to be different.

Your OP is brainlet, you know that but I just want to say it here now so you can process it since the opinions of others seem to have some value to you more than your own (which is depressing but you're not a unique sufferer of this disease).
not a zoomer, he's a millenial by definition.
they do not.

>> No.11998422
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>between 95 and 05
>at max, 13 year old
>>I was born in 97 and am 21

>> No.11998423

The only people worth reading in your "chad" list are Plato and Wittgenstein. Maybe Spinoza

Everyone besides Rawls is worth reading in your "virgin" list

Very weak perspective you have, very sad

>> No.11998426

The argument that philosophy is useless is pretty cringy itself. Any philosophy that has been solved seems to become a science eventually. Psychology, politics, communication, physics, biology. All of these came from philosophers. And even the idea of studying something with experiments and data was developed by philosophers. Context is important.

>> No.11998427

I think it would make sense to just go with the middle. People born in the 20th century, including 2000, are millennials because that's the fucking name

Born 2001 after should be Z, give them the new century

Which means zoomers are just now turning 18

>> No.11998428

>philosphers coming up with answers
in what world

>> No.11998431

A philosopher is just someone who desperately wants everyone to think they're smart but is too stupid for STEM.

>> No.11998433
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You are entitled to your shit opinion, technically

>> No.11998434

the only thing less cool than sincerity is effort

>> No.11998442

leborninwronggeneration zoomer detected

>> No.11998446

t. bugman

>> No.11998447

Can homos be chads?

>> No.11998451

Well put, explains why all my friends think that all poetry is gay. Poetry being the combination of both.

>> No.11998458

I hate you.

>> No.11998462

but poetry is gay, like soccer

>> No.11998465

you are gay

>> No.11998476

Philosophy, literature, poetry, knowledge, these are the facades of the impotent man. Unable to immerse in the flow of life, to exist just as a blossom, he disconnects himself from the world and start to value his sorroundings.

>> No.11998494

>Philosophy, literature, poetry, knowledge
Those are also part of the world. There's no world without these, especially the last one, maybe a planet but not a world.

>> No.11998502

It's people like you that compel me to believe mass literacy is a mistake.

>> No.11998507

Locke is worth reading only so you can see how fucking retarded someone can get while following arguments from flawed premises.

>> No.11998534

Rawls would wreck your arse you stupid NPC

>> No.11998544

As opposed to loosely speaking? Sad

No one cares about your shit meme anon

I agree that Locke is mainly important for his place in philosophy or other secondary reasons. He's like Kant

Rawls is dead and his bones are brittle

>> No.11998545

I don't know what these people are even doing on /lit/. /tv/ might be more their speed.

>> No.11998561

t. failed calc 1

>> No.11998602

I’m the OP and I only lost on /lit/ when I’m banned from /tv/. Not even trolling you.

>> No.11998607

Well, I hope they unban you soon.

>> No.11998610

Never before has human stupidity ever been more transparent than the era of internet text. When one speaks they can disguise their stupidity via the transient nature of the spoken word and with "charisma," but the written word is the great democratizer of communication, making one's thoughts concrete and fully revealing one's ability or inability to organize their thoughts into something coherent when given the full opportunity to do so.

>> No.11998619
File: 76 KB, 640x780, F4D00DD6-5D18-44A7-AA0A-35CB332348F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine somebody says this to you in conversation and is fully sincere about it. You would cringe right? You would think the guy saying it was a fucking weirdo, right? Why do you think philosophers mostly spent their time alone?

When you think about it people obsessed with philosophers (like /lit/ bugmen) are obsessed with the social outcasts of the past. Not only that, you think the world as described by those social outcasts can give you an accurate picture of what life was like during that time period.

Imagine 200 years from now people were venerating the thoughts and writings of our social outcasts, so the ramblings of people who can’t get laid, trannies, depressed losers etc would be the “philosophers” and people would use their writings as if they were an accurate depiction of life in 2000 and the political thoughts we had.

That’s how stupid and gullible people who worship the braindead screeds of “philosophers” are. There’s a reason Normans don’t read this shit, the Norman brain has an impeccable ability to filter out weirdness that is going to cause them to be pushed off track. People that end up depressed, anxious, and socially isolated don’t have that ability, that’s also why their brain doesn’t instinctively filter out the writings of “philosophers” as mentally ill bullshit.

>> No.11998621

Humans don't talk like how they write a book, dumbass.

Philosophy grads have on average quite a high IQ.

>> No.11998625


>> No.11998635

t. deluded sheep created by jewish media

all you’re saying is everyone who lives by the social norms they were indoctrinated into at their most impressionable stage of life and never attempt to think of it themselves are superior to those who invented and/orunderstood said sociL norms? nice troll