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/lit/ - Literature

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11996697 No.11996697[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Internet posts that will join the western canon

>> No.11996708

haha, I watched that wisecrack vid today and now I know what these words mean

>> No.11996714
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>> No.11996756
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>> No.11996796

This one

>> No.11996806

Unironically this, this one tweet justifies the whole of social media and its destruction of humanity

>> No.11996823

It's "Industrial Society and its Future" in under 280 characters

>> No.11996829

i think that was back when twitter had 140 characters

>> No.11996837
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>> No.11996840

we are truly blessed to have this wellspring of memes in our time

>> No.11996843

He's the living proof of such cases.

>> No.11996848
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>people will unironicaly be studying trumps tweets at prestigious universities in the future .... not just in america

>> No.11997043

It's not too different from studying personal letters really

>> No.11997045

more like studying political pamphlets or something

>> No.11997061

someone post that nick land tweet about /lit/

>> No.11997073
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>> No.11997090

I saw an interview where he said he was sympathetic to the idea of god existing. how did he go from that to this?

>> No.11997098

He's a comedian which means he makes jokes for a living - that tweet is one such example.

>> No.11997114
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>> No.11997118

Pretty sure he's serious there.

>> No.11997122

>He capitalize God, he must be deeply religious

>> No.11997138

norm is ascetic volcel and reads russian orthofox lit all day

>> No.11997214
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I don't screencap tweets but have this

>> No.11997234

Still under 280 then isn’t it

>> No.11997240
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my public diary desu

>> No.11997274

>saying tfw outside of 4chan

>> No.11997281

what year are you from? tfw is perfectly acceptable in this tweet, meme arrows aren't unless you're from s4s or something

>> No.11997297

>not calling me a retarded faggot


>> No.11997301

im from the year 2011 and I am staying there

>> No.11997328

he's a spinozan like every bigbrain nigga in history

>> No.11997413

trust me, you don't wanna go back there, it's rather cringeworthy in retrospect
paradoxically if you started going on 4chan back then, you were more of an embarrassing newfag than if you'd start lurking in the current year, so I'm glad we moved past the newfag era into the current year

>> No.11997415

no one has it?

>> No.11997419
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>> No.11997437

I hate this man. I hate this man. I hate this man.
He ruins everything (even Jung, which is pretty fucking impressive that you turn fucking JUNG into even more psuedo-babble than he was before). I don't think there is a single historical figure or philosophic thought that Peterson actually understands.
He's the modern day Martin Luther.

>> No.11997451
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Luther was a hilarious shitposter, Peterson is just a boring PC normal.

>> No.11997457

RIP in peace

>> No.11997460
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HI >:-D


>> No.11997467

nigger should have put a comma after "thus"

>> No.11997477
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>> No.11997519

I don't see how the PSA and the tweet are related.

>> No.11997523

lol, he got 0wNeD

>> No.11997541

Yet you manage to function and communicate? Life is full of mysteries!

>> No.11997548

Just watched it again. I still don't see the relation.

>> No.11997557

Why is he such a faggot? The drugs don't explain this one.

>> No.11997608

Man, Terry can actually write.

>> No.11997615

In the future this will be used as a damning refutation of Land's philosophy.

>> No.11997656
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>> No.11997686

The Hebrew tradition generally imparts an understanding of earning power and wealth, but there's few lessons in how to truly motivate outsiders or sustain influence past points of local or regional continuance. The current Israel-Palestine situation's stalemate with passive-aggressive Israeli settlement strategies being undertaken after their huge territorial gains during the Six-Day War demonstrates this inability.

>> No.11997698

I guess that explains the synagogue shooting, the strong survived.

>> No.11997710

Hes right tho, its the soiboi phenomenon

>> No.11997727

Let's see just how strong they are after we unleash hordes of niggers upon them.

>> No.11997729


>> No.11997748

autists are the next stage of evolution

>> No.11997784

according to new research, autists have malfunctioning cerebellums which probably allow for us to be better suited for intellectually stimulating environments:

>> No.11997786

I unironically respect Peterson as a public "intellectual" (although not a serious academic), but why did he feel the need to bring up Godel? I understnad that not everyone can be expected to actually study a specialized sibject like recursion theory or logic, but in that case dont comment on it. If you really feel that big of a need to publicize commentary on something like the Incompleteness Theorems, then spend the time to study the subject - it wont take that long or be that hard. In fact most decent undergrad math departments probably offer a course on logic that will take you from nlnot knowing anything to being able to understand Godel (along with Tarski, Martin-Lob and others) by the end of the semester.

>> No.11997800

>the left will allow history or studies in the future

>> No.11997927
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This anon right here, I have faith in him. I really want to read his stuff when he gets published.

>> No.11998063
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>> No.11998065
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>> No.11998071
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>> No.11998075
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>> No.11998078
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>> No.11998083

what is going on in that image? idgi. is that supposed to be "good writing" or something?

>> No.11998092

He talked about his religious beleifs at a stand-up show I was at last night. He feels almost positive that there is a creator, but he doesn't feel that any religion is able to actually explain God.

>> No.11998100
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>> No.11998102
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>> No.11998105

its the pesticides that the Republican Party wont ban

>> No.11998107

he ded

>> No.11998111
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When Harris solved ethics.

>> No.11998113

Jordan B. Peterson is rapidly becoming the Christian version of Deepak Chopra

>> No.11998118
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Yeah I love this guy

>> No.11998119

Is that anon a Markov chain trained solely on pretentiousness?

>> No.11998122

I don't think you should mention 4chan outside of 4chan. It's clickbait.

>> No.11998125

Someone calls him a Jew, as though that's an insult.

Peterson tells that person to fuck off, albeit it a more formal, polite way.

How does this make Peterson look bad?

>> No.11998134

so it was this simple all along? some things hurt?

>> No.11998137
File: 2.52 MB, 1579x989, j9vp66uezds11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peterson is a Koch shill:

1) Ezra Levant the founder of Rebel Media began at the Fraser Institute, the Kochs primary Canadian think tank, before that he did his internship at the Charles G. Koch Foundation: https://www.vancouverobserver.com/politics/2012/04/25/charitable-fraser-institute-accepted-500k-foreign-funding-oil-billionaires?page=0,1

2) Peterson has been regularly featured on Rebel Media and it has even raised funds for him after being turned down for a government grant.

3) Others launched by Rebel Media have included Lauren Southern, Gavin McInnes, and Faith Goldy.

4) Jordan Peterson routinely recommends Koch funded groups: https://mobile.twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/968633924724256768

5) Petersons good pal Dave Rubin is Koch funded: progressivearmy.com/2018/04/06/dave-rubins-sudden-political-change-receiving-money-koch-brothers/

6) Here is Peterson at a TPUSA event. TPUSA is funded by multiple Koch funded organisations: https://www.ibtimes.com/political-capital/who-funds-conservative-campus-group-turning-point-usa-donors-revealed-2620325
(NB: the author identifies two of its financiers as Koch funded but missed that Reason Foundation and Foundation for Individual Rights in Education are ALSO Koch funded meaning that FOUR of its sources of funds are funded by the Kochs)

7) Also attending was Rubin, Ben Shapiro who the Koch funded Young America's Foundation fund to go on college lectures, and Kellyanne Conway who is on the board of the Koch funded Independent Womens Forum:

Whats the deal with the Koch brothers and the IDW/Altright?

>> No.11998155


>> No.11998156
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>Muh Soros
>Muh Koch brothers

>> No.11998157

Well you sure proved me wrong with that cutting, incisive, and well researched rebuttal

>> No.11998161

I never mentioned the Soros
Are you trying to make some sort of ad hom?

>> No.11998195

Stephen King's been a druggie? Had no idea, that explains a lot though

Haha good one! No wonder tRump's such a Dotard! (Pro-tip: If you want to talk like a resistance wine mom, go to Reddit)

>> No.11998200
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>> No.11998202

In the late 70s/early 80s he did a lot of booze and some drugs, nothing major just bits and pieces of whatever he could get his hands on

He says he has no memory of writing Cujo because of it and The Tommyknockers was written while was getting off the drugs cold turkey

>> No.11998252

>Stephen King's been a druggie? Had no idea, that explains a lot though
He was at least an extreme alcoholic. There are entire novels he has no recollection writing.

>> No.11998263
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This one is better.

>> No.11998908

I thought this had to do with Balzac's settings being comparable to cyberpunk

>> No.11998942

wow I hate r*ddit

>> No.11998970
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Did we really get this far without mentioning Dril?

>> No.11998975

If only Hume had a stove.

>> No.11999013

extremely overrated
the only genuinely funny (picture of a) tweet I saw from that fuck turned out to be a photoshop and not really a tweet by him at all

>> No.11999020

what's wrong with angry dykes

>> No.11999027

Some Finnish professor is already writing a book on Trump tweets

>> No.11999079
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>> No.11999088


Peterson and Lauren Southern are at the same level intellectually so I'm not surprised at all

>> No.11999095

Yeah, it's really not that funny, it's just lame stream of consciousness musings for uncreative, unfunny people who think they're funnier and more creative than the average person.

>> No.11999119

What an absolute retard I bet this guy sees himself carrying Heidegger's torch. This era needs to end.

>> No.11999166

he's a media pop philosopner, you have to distuingish him from serious academics.

>> No.11999196

So twitter screencaps are acceptable on /lit/?
Always knew you guys were normalfag central.

>> No.11999228

who the fuck is this 13 year old

>> No.11999251

Imagine being perceptive enough to realize you are biologically lesser to other members of your species and there is next to nothing you can do about it. And in fact, its for a good reason you cant actually refute. I dont think anything is wrong with them. If I was a women I would either be as radical as they come and be thrown in prison for killing a man or wouldve just killed myself out of insurmountable insecurity and grief.
Not to say there arent outliers but I mean cmon. You think these people are self-reflective enough to realize why they hate what they hate?

>> No.11999347
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>> No.11999427

Happened to his son Baron.

>> No.11999535
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He's unironically one of the best writers of the Internet Age.

>> No.11999560
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>> No.11999587
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>> No.11999656

i wrote that

i don't even get the polite rejections, i get the rude, curt ones

>> No.11999709

"Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?"

>> No.11999726

Do you ever get the "this is brilliant but we don't know how to market this" ones?

>> No.11999752


But if you had a snizz, you could get that thing gaped on the reg, have untold orgasmic journeys atop penises so grand their imagery causes no small amount of mental anguish to most men who have ever lived.

>> No.11999806

why do people still bother trying to "get published"? it's fucking 2018 niggers. just put your shit up online for free, make a name for yourself. if your content is good you can make money off patreon. if it's shit then tough luck kiddo. publishing is for hacks

>> No.11999826

Is straight up crap

>> No.11999838


lol,I remember "philosophing" like that on Facebook when I was 13yo and thinking I was the shit

>> No.11999912

how the fuck are you supposed to make a name for yourself online? like you said, it's fucking 2018. no looks for new shit online, no matter how good it is.

>> No.11999959

Its Rule #1

>> No.12000177
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>fideistic bullshit

>> No.12000209

refute it

>> No.12000244

Impling there’s more substance than a short horrifying glance into the mind of an egotistical idiot who somehow leads the free world

>> No.12000248

haha you spelled a word wrong fucking idiot

>> No.12000259

>The right will allow history to be taught because they have the majority in All three branches

>> No.12000284

Anyone who thinks themselves fit to take the reigns of America is horrifying desu.
Trump is just the logical outcome of our obsession with celebrity shitposting and false idols. The actual content of his tweets and speeches are not important
Also I doubt the role of President is little more than a distraction figurehead these days. For both the dummy public, and the foreign leaders.

>> No.12000291

so placing your hand on a stove is objectively bad

>> No.12000452

Is it ironic to bring up a rape kit in this way in reference to a case with zero evidence?

>> No.12000459

*creates christianity*

>> No.12000467

If it's not bad then go do it right now

>> No.12000475

doen't this imply that the things we want to do are objectively good? Wouldn't that open a whole host of problems

>> No.12000488

So because it hurts it is objectively bad?

>> No.12000596
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>> No.12000621

Build up a platform somewhere. If you have any presence at all, then you have potential readers. Just share your hobbies in some way, the eventual books don't even have to be related as other people will build an association based not just on your content but on you. That is fame.

>> No.12000624


More like a recovering alcoholic working his way up again. Good for him.

>> No.12000631

Find me a single person who would go voluntarily stick their hand on a stove.
If everyone universally agrees something is bad, then it's obviously bad.

>> No.12000632

asking again: does anyone have the nick land tweet about /lit/?

>> No.12000649

>Find me a single person who would go voluntarily stick their hand on a stove.
i mean these people do in fact exist. I actually have known a girl who did exactly what you're talking about, she put her wrist against the inside of a stove. Granted she was insane but Im not making this story up

>> No.12000659

can anyone confirm if this is real or not?

>> No.12000670

>If everyone universally agrees something is bad, then it's obviously bad.
I assume you can prove this? Nevermind the fact that some people do indeed enjoy hurting themselves

>> No.12000680

Don't give up hope, anon. Ulysses was rejected 22 times before Joyce could get a publisher for it, and that was even with being an already established writer who had all of the literati elite pulling for him.

>> No.12000746

John Green. That's who you want us to be. You want us to be John Green.

>> No.12000751


hue? br?

>> No.12000770

Sticking your hand on a stove could easily serve a purpose outside of it's own single action.

What about ritual torture? What about punishment for nonviolent criminal acts? Or captial punishment?

>> No.12000773

I also want to see this

>> No.12000774

Go sort through his Twitter and post it

>> No.12000859

>What about ritual torture? What about punishment for nonviolent criminal acts? Or captial punishment?

You're just proving my point.

>> No.12000896
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peterson responds like an overly dramatic zog boy which is cringeworthy and proves the other lad's point

>> No.12000898

the massive irony here is that Prots are way more like Jews than Catholics are

>> No.12000927
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academics will have access to gigabytes of boomer bickering

>> No.12000959

assad's wife is way more attractive. melania looks like a freakin alien

>> No.12000974

>castrating incels
for what purpose

>> No.12000977

Useless shit.

>> No.12000978

>im so fucking tired of not mattering
and there it is lol

>> No.12000986

yeah she's qt

>> No.12000990
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putin got side shorties better than both

>> No.12000994

nah, i'd like to flatter myself, but i think they just don't like it

>> No.12001000

epic burn brother, upvoted :)

>> No.12001019


it's real

>> No.12001028
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To be found in the Video game / Gamergate section of the New Harvard Classics collection

>> No.12001031


wow blast from the past man, far out

>> No.12001034

wow, those tweets are quite literally insane. have i stepped out of normal reality into some alternate dimension?

>> No.12001037

I should have clarified—I meant voluntary ritual torture. Like the Plains Indian sun dance, or various rites of passage, coming-of-age ceremonies.

What about "unnecessary" surgery for non life-threatening ends?

>> No.12001046

i love how netanyahu is a full on Fascist. As far as Im concerned the Jews are redeeming themselves with Israel, though I wish theyd stop leeching off the US

>> No.12001058

This thread is pathetic on a board like this, and I feel sorry for every faggot who is so obsessed with social media he actually saves such cancerous posts to share later

>> No.12001071

They're actually completely healthy and indicative of a race willing to fight to protect itself from annihilation. I would encourage the Chinese, Europeans and Hispanics to make similar shows of force verbally and militarily.
Its the most endearing thing about the Israelis. Nothing else is really very interesting, they're unremarkable culturally and economically so at least they are willing to admit that racism is natural and to champion it without any self consciousness.

>> No.12001105
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>> No.12001112


>> No.12001120

I don't get it :/

>> No.12001135

Don't ignore a medium with a direct line into the psyche of the masses. Nothing like this has ever existed before, and your unwillingness to even consider it is a deep, deep failure of your vision

>> No.12001178
File: 103 KB, 750x500, me3_flowchart_by_ruusaarcin-d4tj98q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a whole book worth of stuff to be written about the ME3 drama, but that selection of tweets in particular is about how the ending of the choose your own adventure space opera was just 3 color-coded choices with a single video that changed hues depending on the choice.

>> No.12001191

this may be true (it is true), but its still fucking disgusting. If you can't admit that the twatter is abominable there's something wrong with you, far worse than someone's arrogance preventing them from recognizing it as a saltatory leap in the evolution of the Logos.

>> No.12001202 [DELETED] 

Mass Effect is a game founded on dualistic action: depending on your view of the world and your ways of interacting with it, your character is placed somewhere along a spectrum (not Good/Evil, but more like Egoism/Selflessness, or Impulsiveness/Caution). This spectrum is defined by Blue options ("good") for one extreme, and Red options ("bad") on the other.

The world of the game is shaped by these decisions, and at the very end, depending on where you fall on that spectrum, you will get varying results (your friends die, you die, you end up with various people romantically, the universe is destroyed, etc).

Mass Effect 3 had essentially one ending, and a very unsatisfying one at that. This was unaffected by your place on the red-blue spectrum. I think that's the joke

[Spoiler] I saged, please don't ban me

>> No.12001203

its weird how ladies all seem to think they don't matter because they're women, as if some lowly shmuck janitor white guy is valued by sociey and has a voice

>> No.12001219

I had an ex who burned herself when she was in high school, self-harm is a real thing that you can't easily write off. The people who do it are batshit but they exist.

>> No.12001221

By being women they are categorically excluded from having real value outside of kid making. It's just biologically impossible. Men aren't guaranteed it, but there is at least theoretically potential.

>> No.12001233
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>> No.12001235

that sounds like a good ending