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11993112 No.11993112[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why is /pol/ so fucking dumb, /leftypol/?

>> No.11993121
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Same reason why b is retarded. Its popular

>> No.11993135
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Reality is right-wing.

>> No.11993148

cuz they can't read

>> No.11993163
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>> No.11993254

I think a small % of them are very smart. They could see how the board could cause a tiny influence in the election and just took it for the ride. The others are just new-age hicks or random individuals who are jaded by reverse discrimination and brainwashing.

I recc reading my diary desu

>> No.11993257

fuck off back to leftypol faggot

>> No.11993263
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Closed minds.

>> No.11993313

I want my country to have a certain character. It's not really close-mindedness, it's just pragmatism.

>> No.11993325

leave my bf alone

>> No.11993326

>why is /pol/ so fucking dumb
Echo chamber and conspiracy minded. Its impossible to ever convince someone they're wrong if they have convenient conspiracy theories to dismiss every fact that disagrees with them

>> No.11993328

/lit is right wing, you're looking for /his

>> No.11993329

What makes you certain that your desired character is the ideal?
Why is that character valuable to you?

>> No.11993381

This. /pol/ has mentally constructed the Jews to be some Lucifer-tier trickster with unlimited resources and cunning. The result is that all evidence that contradicts them becomes (((evidence))). They can never be proven wrong, at least not with empiricism.

>> No.11994048
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They would rather fabricate unfalsifiable conspiracy theories in an attempt to explain what they do not understand than critically examine their beliefs and risk radically reshaping their worldview.

>> No.11994237

I wish /pol/ and /leftypol/ just leave to their fucking awful boards

>> No.11994242

/pol/ is dumb because they reject anything that isn't what they already believe in. Just like /lit/

>> No.11994293

/pol/ is 90% astroturfed
prove me wrong

>> No.11994319

/pol/ is a popular board whose theme is a kind of collective effervescence in pissing off normies by being racists, with some serious nationalism and related topics thrown in but discussed by people of mostly average intelligence and education. So mostly they post deliberately crass racism and nationalism, and fade in and out of more serious but unsophisticated discussion.

People who are already buttblasted by racism and nationalism go there to pick the low-hanging fruit of underage posters and working class dipshits toying around with ideologies, and hold this low-hanging fruit up as proof that racists are dumb. Usually in embarrassing cringe ways like posting

It's like getting upset at a pack of teenage boys acting rowdy and sassing passersby. You'd have to be a retard or a histrionic woman to do that. Many leftists and neoliberals are both.

>> No.11994327

> be midrange IQ
> don't sully myself with browsing /pol/
> waste time on /lit/ instead of reading or self publishing

heh.. nothing personnel... zeitgeist