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/lit/ - Literature

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11989776 No.11989776 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any "Lovecraftian" authors, aside from Lovecraft, who are any good? I mean proper cosmic horror, not necessarily booga booga Cthulhu mythos shit, it can be about evil space ghosts for all I care as long as it has the general horror vibe of Lovecraft and deals with actual cosmic/otherworldly phenomena.

Even a good ghost story that really deals with the the terror of the truly otherworldly would be great. I am getting tired of reading stories whose punchline is ultimately "a housewife gets scared" or "a housewife gets scared but it's all a metaphor for her ennui at modern suburban existence."

>> No.11989784

Not reading your thread until you delete the jezebel picture attached to the OP.

>> No.11989785
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>> No.11989787


>> No.11989791 [DELETED] 

Imagine what her toes taste like

>> No.11989793

Clark Ashton Smith

>> No.11989795

I feel bad for people that don't live in Southern California. The women here are so much more beautiful, I almost can't believe that "jezebel" passes for a jezebel in some places

>> No.11989799

Machen's good. Hodgson, too.

>> No.11989800

I live in socal.
1. where do you meet them?
2. how tf do you get them to screw you?

>> No.11989801

If you have any tolerance for manga at all, you can check out Junji Ito, he does some genuinely bizarre shit.

>> No.11989803

I am a virgin. I will die a virgin. My death will be a death that would have been considered sad if it had occurred perhaps fifteen years before. There will be grief, but all the agonies that my progenitors might pass into (and they are the only people in this entire world who even know of my existence) will be underpinned by this indomitable truth: it is a mercy that he is gone. The quantity of my existence stands only as a component for perpetuating the tortuous quality of the cheap jest that constitutes its vapid manifestation. My virginity has become the gorgon against which all my faculties rise only to be turned to stone; but this is no silent stone, this is not the stone of Plotinus that stands as the antithesis of the Intellectual Principle--for while yet stone I still feel the mind's unscrupulous lacerations and all that grieves the very fibers of its being. The spirit is dimmed each time a girl passes before the mechanism of sight that some pitiless god has glued to my body. Even the ugly, unshaven, modernity enthralled women with clowns' hair and bodies desecrated with tattoos which map out upon fastfood fed bodies the vapid cliches that coagulate to form their mind, even these paralyze the life in me. Masturbation has become merely the corpse of a habit that no longer instills pleasure, no longer even succeeds in distracting, but is only the dull libidinal twitch of a mind faced with the irrepressible impossibility of its reality, while lacking the courage to galvanize itself towards rectification. In the end I do not seek repentance. The decimated husk of my ego drifts towards the only gray shore its virginity-shackled mind can still vaguely form, still vaguely know as whisper or faint wriggling worm in an unclear wound--worm's whisper out of a wound that clears: Death. Here is the Telos to which the entirety of my Dasein has been speeding. Here I shall sink at last, unrequited, into the tentacles of Annihilation's amnesia. My humiliation slowly becomes seething hatred for all who embody that element of the opposite sex, and my soul's relentless cry for something beyond suicide slowly twists itself into ever more feverish fetishes that the internet can happily supply an outlet for. At last, the inconsequential blip that referenced Myself whenever it imagined 'I Am' shall find, not rest, but an end to the sequence of caustic images that only ever taunted it into further depths of Hell's sardonic pitch. No prostitute can relieve me of my virginity, for it has become a magnificently metaphysical lesion that I lack the medicine or Savior's name to remove and, like that man at the pool of Bethesda, take up my carpet and walk into the world again

>> No.11989811

Alright kid, I don't who you are or where you live, but that is going to change. Soon. That's right, I'm going to find out where you live and I'm going to fucking KILL you. Why, you ask? Take a look at the picture you attatched to the originel post of the thread. Yeah, notice anything? It seems that you have used JEZEBELS to further aggregate attention to your thread. Big mistake, buck-o. I am going to kill you for many reasons, but the principle one will be this propensity of yours to propagate licentious behavior which is the utter buttress of our society's (and our individual souls') downfall. No no, don't bother trying to delete it, the deed is done. You were dead the moment you attached these scantily whores to your post and filled out the captcha.

You think it's easy being me? You don't know the half of it, kid. You don't know the sort of rejection I've faced. And this is my territory you;re in. I bet you thought you could just come into this board and post whatever you wanted, like /b/ or /r9k/, rite? Wrong. I and many others come here for the specific point of discussing LITERATURE. Read that word carefully, look it up if you have too. And while we were amiably pursing this noble subject of erudition, you came along and decided it was a propitious idea to put a libidinally charge representation of what I, and many others on this board, cannot attain on the front fucking page. You cretin. You sad, dead, little phallus-minded moron.

So in conclusion: prepare yourself. Post whatever jezebels you have left, with the time you have (it isn't very much time). I'm coming for you, bitch.

>> No.11989814

I go to university and am fairly good looking so it's easy enough to meet them. Go take classes somewhere. My university is infested with Asians (who stick to their own kind almost invariably), but the community college I took classes at had a ton of gorgeous girls.

As for screwing them, your guess is as good as mine. At this point it seems like I have to purposely act a fucking buffoon to get a girl to stay interested in me. Talking about literature and all that works as an opener because women like to believe that they are deep, but truthfully your ability to get into a girl's pants is directly related to your ability to make her laugh. If she has fun around you she'll want to be around you, and that's that.

>> No.11989816

Eat my stink

>> No.11989817

Jung, St. John

>> No.11989819 [DELETED] 

I really wouldn't consider the fat 4'11" Mexican she-goblins that make up 90% of the women here "beautiful", but whatever floats your boat, bro.

>> No.11989826

Laird Barron is the real deal

>> No.11989837

>he doesn't live in southern orange county

>> No.11989840

For Horror Ligotti and T.E.D Klein (especially his Dark Gods collection. No one else in horror comes close to these two.

Beyond horror I would recommend Cormac McCarthy. Blood Meridian and No Country For Old Men while not supernatural horror stories both contain that sense of perpetual yet ambient dread that hovers in the background and suggests that all of existence is hostile or malicious. A kind of naturalistic counterpart to Lovecraft's explicit maltheism.

>> No.11989845


Thomas Ligoti

The stories of his ive read make just normal existence seem horrifying, often without even any violence whatsoever. It’s abouf the deeply horrifying which exists just beneath the surface of everyday life.

>> No.11989856

Which story in particular is a great example of this? I'm just getting into Ligotti.

>> No.11989886

I just graduated from a uni in LA. Can confirm about the asians sticking to their own kind. but goddamn is it just me or are girls here extremely fucking basic? i agree about the purposefully acting like a buffoon part but i can't bring myself to do it without being filled with hate that makes me cut contact with them.

what's your experience with international students been like?

>> No.11989914

I dated a German girl I found on Tinder that was a ballet dancer and it was the most "myself" I've ever been in in an intimate relationship (out of three). Probably the hardest I've ever fallen for someone in my life, but she was doing some work visa / education thing (she nannied for a really nice family) and left two months after I met her. She was really into everything "American", like diners and hot rods and dive bars and all that.

Other than that I've gone on dates with a couple Koreans and Chinese (nationals) girls, but I really don't think their culture is very compatible with ours.

>> No.11989923

Like veal.

>> No.11989931

Even talking to korean/chinese girls seems like a chore given their modes of response and lack of shared nuance in a common language.

what about indian?

>> No.11989946

why are her feet so fucking big

>> No.11989966

I've talked to a few in classes and study groups but that's it. I think almost all of the ones I've met are American born (at least they don't speak with a heavy accent). Personally I find them attractive only very rarely.

>> No.11989970

idk. but chief, imagine the smelle

>> No.11989976

>Even talking to korean/chinese girls seems like a chore given their modes of response and lack of shared nuance in a common language.
Yeah, it's hard for me to make them laugh. I just think their ideals for men are completely different than Western ones, so it's basically impossible. I haven't been able to get them to laugh at all the way I get other girls to, and it's hard to figure out what makes them laugh because they talk to each other in Mandarin or whatever.

>> No.11989986


>> No.11989995


>> No.11990000


>> No.11990009

Cute girls should be forced to be barefoot 24/7 desu.

>> No.11990013

same for cute boys only nopants

>> No.11990257


>> No.11990323

that girl is not attractive

>> No.11990430


>> No.11990445

Yeah her face and feet are both gross

>> No.11990449

Feet are the most attractive part of a woman's body.

>> No.11990455

Huh but California isn't in Europe, anon.

>> No.11990463 [DELETED] 

The visual novel Saya no Uta is a Lovecraftian story that is easily on par with Lovecraft's actual work. It's able to use Lovecraft appropriately both in the surface mythos and the underlying themes, and still manages to create something new and original. Don't be put off by it being a visual novel; it's written like a normal story, so just think of the visuals and music as a bonus.

>> No.11990467
File: 373 KB, 400x568, saya-no-uta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The visual novel Saya no Uta is a Lovecraftian story that is easily on par with Lovecraft's actual work. It's able to use Lovecraft appropriately both in the surface mythos and the underlying themes, and still manages to create something new and original. Don't be put off by it being a visual novel; it's written like a normal story, so just think of the visuals and music as a bonus.

>> No.11990524

It also contains lolirape.

>> No.11990546

Saya is an eldritch abomination.

>> No.11990560

Who, let's be honest here, the developers drew as a little girl so regardless of how it affects or doesn't affect the narrative, she could be depicted sexually.

>> No.11990567

Fuminori viewing her as a human is integral to the story.

>> No.11990577

Robert Block, Fritz Leiber

Alastair Reynolds Revelation Space has elements of Lovecraftian horror.

>> No.11990583

But really, we both know that she could have been an older girl and it would have changed the story zero percent.

>> No.11990585
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>The visual novel Saya no Uta is a Lovecraftian story that is easily on par with Lovecraft's actual work.

>> No.11990587
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I disagree. It's important that she appear innocent and in extreme contrast to Fuminori's perception of reality.

>> No.11990592

It is. It's interesting that you can Lovecraft's mythos and themes and use them to tell a meaningful love story, don't you think? It's something Lovecraft could never have done with his own material.

>> No.11990593

Right. And so that the developers could show her in sexual situations, including, but not limited to, rape.

>> No.11990604

>Depicting rape is wrong
Do you have an actual point or are you just retarded?

>> No.11990624

No, anon, I'm pretty much done trying to get you to see what I'm trying to say. Just play a few more visual novels and I'm sure that you'll notice some sort of pattern going on with the medium.

>> No.11990628

I've played plenty. Do you have any actual dispute about what I said about the game?

>> No.11990632

>reading horror
roastie or underage?

>> No.11990637

t. I got everything I know from /pol/

>> No.11990642

Yeah, it is pedobait just like everything Japanese

>> No.11990657


>> No.11990666

Your previous responses reveal that you are rationalizing it.

>> No.11990684

Do you disagree with anything that I said? She deserved getting raped, by the way.

>> No.11990700

I'm just going to reply to your question: I think that it was primarily designed as a product rather than a piece of literature, and that it was designed to appeal to a pathological social construct. That was the first and foremost design choice. By saying that it was necessary to have her depicted as a child in the first place, you are implying that the story needed to show her that way. I'm turning on its head, I'm saying that the story came about as a result of the need to fetishise little girls.

>> No.11990706
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I've always intensely disliked women unable to exhibit proper decorum. I state women as usually improper seating was in times past limited to their sex but I've seen men engage lately as well, so it is no longer an exclusive phenomena.
A seat is for sitting; shoes are for walking; sports clothes are for sporting, etc. Everything is ordained a proper use and place, yet she does not abide by these. By not doing such, she violates the laws prescribed by the universe and nature, and represents an an incongruence in the natural order.

>> No.11990720

Stephen King, but unironically. IT, Desperation..

>> No.11990731

I don't care about why it was written. I care about the finished work, and how the design choices fit together within that. Urobuchi clearly understands Lovecraft and was able to use that to create an original take on the Cthulhu mythos. If he did it for a reason that you think it is distasteful, well, so what? It seems like you're just making a moral complaint, that the story has things in it that you don't like, like how you pointed out multiple times that it has rape scenes, as if that fact is supposed to mean something to whoever is reading your posts.

>> No.11990757

We want to keep cute boy feet soft.

>> No.11990765

kant looks like a hot piece of ass

>> No.11990777

Horrible fucking feet, all y'all niggas are just pretending for the meme

>> No.11990778

saved for incel posting

>> No.11990780

Your coy play at aesthetic amorality is a poor mask for your pedophilia.

>> No.11990787

I went to California one summer for vacation and I was supremely unimpressed.

>> No.11990791

Why is it wrong to depict rape, anon?

>> No.11990794

It was a fun ride, one of my first visual novels.

>> No.11990797

Wrong question. A diversion in to a line of inquiry that you wish to direct the conversation in to and away from the obvious.

>> No.11990800


>> No.11990803

mean for you, not sure no (you) appeared

>> No.11990811

You're the one who specifically pointed it out multiple times.

>> No.11990815
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>you will never sleep in a bed as comfy as this

>> No.11990892

Why do women do this bros?

>> No.11991230

Picked up Songs of a Dead Dreamer today based off this thread. Reading in a comfy cafe lodge now. Thanks /lit/!

>> No.11991242
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Nice LARP, Reddit

>> No.11991290
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The King in Yellow by R. W. Chambers is fantastic and Lovecraftian.

August Derleth deserves a mention.

Ligotti is good.

Clark Ashton Smith is good.

Algernon Blackwood is good.

Robert E. Howard and M. R. James can get a mention.

I guess it kinda' depends on how far your conception of cosmic/otherworldly goes.

>> No.11991683

She gets raped by the MC's neighbour whom she mindraped into seeing her as a girl instead of an abomination and everyone else as abominations instead of people, so he kills his family while perceiving them as abominations and that, out of shock, rapes her. MC then kills him. Yes, she deserved it

>> No.11991778

Haha wouldn't it be funny if she sat on your face and jerked you off with her feet haha

>> No.11991794

Grimscribe is better.

>> No.11991823
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>> No.11993063

Lighten up, Francis.

>> No.11993214

China Miéville is good, though he only gets elements from Lovecraftian horror, but he uses them in a really compelling way.

Alternatively, I think Algernon Blackwood was a better "Lovecraft" than the guy himself. The Willows is better than any Lovecraft story I've read.

>> No.11993225
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>> No.11993314

I feel like he would do better to write role playing game books. PSS feels like it's some sort of Planescape setting.

There were some pretty good horror elements to the book, such as the moths obviously, but I think they were just a little too overpowered. Also the Weaver, he was probably my favorite. but the best scene in a traditional horror sense was probably the mayor meeting with the envoy of hell.
>Those thinly-disguised screams of complete and total agony

>> No.11993367

I can't believe no one's mentioned the authors Lovecraft himself listed as the best in the genre of weird fiction: Lord Dunsany, Algernon Blackwood, Arthur Machen, and M.R. James.
A lot of what Dunsany wrote is more fantasy than horror, and James might fall into the "housewife gets scared" category, depending on what you mean by that (though in his case it's always "Oxbridge scholar gets scared after finding cursed ancient/mediaeval artifact"). But Blackwood (best work: "The Willows" and "The Wendigo") and Machen ("The White People" is GOAT; "The Great God Pan" is good too) are definitely the kind of thing it sounds like you're looking for.

>> No.11993380


my favorite is dream of a mannequin it does the whole reality slipping away feeling really good

>> No.11994562

I've been. I only saw rotten-skinned (from tanning) hobgoblin mutts playing race games. Not sure what the rest of USA is like.

>> No.11994579

you must read the night lands

>> No.11994655

This. I would add R. W. Chambers and Edgar Allen Poe as having been two of the biggest influences on Lovecraft.

That too.

I would also add, that when OP talks about "evil space ghosts," he fails to understand what Lovecraft's cosmic horror is and what it is not.

In Lovecraft, we live in what we perceive to be a world of light and safety and sanity and order, a humanly comprehensible world--which is a tiny mote of dust in a vast black sea full of incomprehensible monsters and secret truths so terrible that learning about them eats your brain.

Cthulhu and his pals aren't evil--they're so far beyond humanity that we are beneath their notice, as ants are beneath us. Humans aren't the center of the universe. Man is not the measure of all things. Humans and everything we do are insignificant. The Elder Gods don't care whether they step on an anthil. It's not personal--they just don't care and you can't communicate with them and there's nothing you can do about it. Each day is a gift. Azathoth could snuff out the sun tomorrow, by eating it as a snack. Yog-Sototh could come by tomorrow afternoon and devour all our souls. It's nothing personal.

The only one of Lovecraft's collection of alien gods who is remotely comprehensible, the only one who'll actually notice you and talk to you, is one of the weakest, Nyarlathotep, who is an asshole who likes to play pranks on entire civilizations that play out over centuries. He's basically Satan with more style. He gives you truths about the universe--truths that are too terrible to bear, that shatter your sanity. He's a dick. It's his nature. You can't do anything about that either. And all the rest? Won't even talk to you, or even notice you, if they happen to scour the Earth clean of all life as they're passing through on unimaginable godly business.

With the exception of Nyarlathotep, there's not even cruelty, no mustache-twirling sadism, and even Nyarlathotep is coming from a place of contempt for all that lives, and it's not really personal with him either.

Some suggest that to Lovecraft these beings were a metaphor for everything else we genuinely fear and try not to think about because we can't do anything about it--disease, old age, death, which are also impersonal.

>> No.11995237
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>> No.11995266


imagine thinking mutts are actually attractive

>> No.11995422
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A novel I read recently was They Took Her to the Mountain. It left me feeling uplifted and defeated at the same time. Its sequel, I Took Down the Mountain, gets...weirder. I'm not sure if I consider it better than the first, but it's intriguing.

>> No.11995450

You sound like a supreme gentleman

>> No.11995458

only one of those statements is correct

>> No.11995470

The Flock of Ba-Hui is a relic from beyond the Great Firewall: http://xynchroni.city/chapter/0
The Gig Economy is a contemporary take on old tropes: https://zerohplovecraft.wordpress.com/2018/05/11/the-gig-economy-2/

>> No.11995515

seconding Arthur Machen, OP. check out The Inmost Light and The Three Impostors in addition to the other ones

>> No.11995740

What a qt3.14, I want to lick her feet.

>> No.11995785

I think Thomas Ligotti is the one author who gets closer to (and often I'd dare say surpasses) Lovecraft's sense of existential dread and meaninglessness. He has written a couple of overt Lovecraftian pastiches ("the sect of the idiot" being about azathoth, and the weird thing that is "nethescurial", which is both a lovecraftian story but also a critique of what you'd call a typical lovecratian story), but dispensing entirely with those he can also make you feel like nothing matters.

But Ligotti is also an oddity in that his main influences aren't horror writers, so I know a lot of people have troubles getting into him because instead of a story that's obvious and spoopy you get something akin to Thomas Bernhard taking his sweet time telling you a nightmare he had.

>> No.11995797

I would have to suggest IT as well, IT is basically Lovecraft under your house instead of under the sea and less "incomprehensible horror"

>> No.11995852


>> No.11995874

show off dem legs

>> No.11995896

I'm 100% sure this is your own book

>> No.11995902

genuinely curious, why do you call Nethescurial a "critique of a typical lovecraftian story"? what makes it such?

>> No.11995912

>anon tries to promote his book in the ‘what Are you currently reading’ threads.

Really pulling a Gregory Berrycone here

>> No.11996058

More like, their feet.

>> No.11996187

The whole first third of the story is the narrator telling a story about a man being called forth to investigate an island where a cult lived and worshipped some eldritch abomination, but all the while he keeps poking at the predictability and almost cliché nature of such type of stories and the twist and turns they usually take

>> No.11996376

>A seat is for sitting; shoes are for walking; sports clothes are for sporting
>laws prescribed by the universe and nature

>> No.11996635

white people are ugly