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File: 21 KB, 220x330, Plato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11991612 No.11991612 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of reading Plato?

>> No.11991616

I dont know, I just finished reading his complete works and either there's nothing there to get or Im to dumb too understand it

>> No.11991618

I have the same feeling. I'm readying Euthyphro but I just don't get it. "We don't know what Piety is" so what?

>> No.11991695

he's a genius that set the foundation for 90% of philosophy

>> No.11991722

The Euthyphro isn't too much about piety itself -- that's just a backdrop. It's more about how we could begin to find an answer to questions like that in the first place

>> No.11991729

By Zeus, Anon, you are right!

>> No.11991756
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What's the point of NOT reading Plato?


>> No.11991766

And what does reading the Apology teach? Or Crito?

>> No.11991785

Street creed on lit

>> No.11991920

To spend that time involving yourself in more practical pursuits

>> No.11991949

too dumb probably

>> No.11991978
File: 23 KB, 383x342, moeborntoeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opportunity cost is a fallacy. Time passes no matter what OP is doing.

>> No.11992051

Does god determine morality, making it subjective to whatever he wants or is it outside of god, making omnipotence kind of weird.

>> No.11992054

By the dog Socrates, it must be true!

>> No.11992060

Crito's primary subject is mans relation to the laws of the city and what responsibilities they have to each other. I forget the big subjects of the apology but its just legit great literature.

>> No.11992078

That's not what it's about though

>> No.11992108


>> No.11992111

Plato's writing are exoteric, and of immense literary quality.
>By the gods, you're right, Socrates!
Yes but have you noticed when reading Plato that one forgets he's reading philosophy and enters in this trance, the literary trance, where you can imagine Socrates, sitting down on a rock and people forming a circle around, eager to hear the powerful discourses and ironies by the old man while the sun beams down behind their backs and the sophists crawl back to their caves in shame. Make no mistake, Plato was the philosopher until the late scholastics decided to prefer Aristotle. The fact that he lay down the foundations of Western Philosophy and was a writer on par with his contemporaries greek playwrights makes reading him an obligation.

>> No.11992475


>> No.11992484


>> No.11992565

It's by the dog, dumbass

>> No.11992588


Haha yeah fuck the guy who basically started Western philosophy

>> No.11992596

nigga how you read the COMPLETE WORKS OF PLATO and walk away with this?

>> No.11992597

lmao, that's Thales. Plato got BTFO by every single thinker after him. you're literally a retard if you read plato or "ancient" "philosophy". if you want to read philosophy then you should get a textbook on logic, mathematics and read Analytic philosophy where the real philosophy tradition is being continued

>> No.11992607
File: 33 KB, 398x471, 1424123123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good fucking god I hate rational egoists

you sicken me to an abnormal degree

>> No.11992609

ah yes there's also this movement called 'logical positivism' you may be interested in, it single-handedly solved philosophy

>> No.11992630

yeah buddy you can keep your "metaphysics" haha brooo what is like being lmao dude what if we're like the one in the universe haha that would be totally cool right? like dude ontology is a real science dude, imagine if like being is being in the world.... and if you think hard bout it, you realise that you can't think about unbeing or nothing because thinking about nothing is thinking about SOMETHING.... yeah i know pretty deep
By the gods, Socrates! You're right!

>> No.11992641

holy based

>> No.11992686

What dialogue is the one to read for Plato's theory of forms?

>> No.11992690


>> No.11992739

Phaedo and republic

>> No.11992813

these two (>>11992739), Parmenides, Theaetetus.

>> No.11993910

At the very least, it establishes an ability to closely and carefully read a text (and even this very least is incredibly important, if Gadamer has anything meaningful to say). Take Republic, for instance, the first two books have such complexity within them that—if taught in the way that Plato likely meant them to be—they'll prepare anyone to think critically about a text, idea, political speech, etc.

>> No.11994079

The Apology is part eulogy for Socrates, but I believe it mostly deals with Socrates's method of advancing knowledge negatively (i.e. discarding wrong beliefs). Sort of spelling out Socratic or early Platonic epistemology.

A lot of the early dialogues end with a sense of anticlimax or confusion, which is most likely intended to make the reader think more deeply about it. I've been reading the early dialogues and paying special attention to how Plato deals with opposites and cognitive dissonance. It never spells it out, but it seems Plato thinks that if there's a way to show false beliefs, there is also some way to bootstrap ourselves into actual knowledge of these things.

>> No.11994950

Phaedo is the apex of philosophy.

>> No.11995084

What's the point of breathing you intolerable faggot? Why don't you take a deep breath and figure it out for yourself.

>> No.11995118

>Time passes no matter what OP is doing.
Isn't that exactly what underpins opportunity cost?

>> No.11995154

Having read much philosophy over many years, this is unironically true. Every question raised in philosophy really finds its origins in Plato

>> No.11995166

It's enjoyable, and he informed a lot of the Canon. It will help you understand what later figures in the arts and sciences are responding to.
There are at least a few ideas in there you probably haven't been exposed to as well.

>> No.11995733

It's an ironic meme, reading is pleb-tier

>> No.11995747


bahahahah rofl