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11990581 No.11990581 [Reply] [Original]

Schizo-core books

>> No.11990582

My diary desu

>> No.11990589

Beginner psychedelic books:

Huxley - Perennial Philosophy, BNW, The Island, Doors of Perception, Heaven and Hell
Leary - The Psychedelic Experience, Psychedelic Prayers, Politics of Ecstasy
Laing - Politics of Experience and the Bird of Paradise
Baba Ram Dass - Be Here Now

History of (mostly psychedelic) drugs in America:

Stevens - Storming Heaven
Lee - LSD Dreams
Torgoff - Can't Find My Way Home
Wolfe - The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
HST - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Science of psychedelics:

Psychedelic Information Theory (http://psychedelic-information-theory.com/pdf/PIT-Print-Web.pdf))
William Richards - Sacred Knowledge
Michael Pollan - How to Change Your Mind
Albert Hoffman - LSD: My Problem Child
Otto Snow - LSD
Uncle Fester's Practical LSD Manufacturing
Strassman - DMT: The Spirit Molecule
Sasha Shulgin - PIHKAL and TIHKAL (recommended for newbs) or Shulgin Index (if you want hardcore chemistry)
Grof - LSD Psychotherapy
Lilly - Programming and Metaprogramming the Human Biocomputer
Frances - Drawing it Out

Plant Medicine / Shamanism:

Pendell - Pharmako Trilogy
T. McKenna - Food of the Gods, True Hallucinations, The Archaic Revival
D. McKenna - Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss
Eliade - Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy
Harner - Way of the Shaman
Pinchbeck - Breaking Open the Head
Narby - Cosmic Serpent

Mystical / Occult:

Castaneda - Don Juan Series
Bergier - In The Morning Of The Magicians
Jodorowski - Psychomagic, Way of the Tarot
Crowley - Book Four: Liber ABA, Magick Without Tears, Book of Thoth, Book of Lies
AOS - Book of Pleasure
Grant - The Magickal Revival, Zos Speaks!
Caroll - Liber Null & Psychonaut
Dukes - Thundersqueak
White - Chaos Protocols

Ancient Mysteries:

Wasson - The Road To Eleusis
Allegro - The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross
Uzdavinys - Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism
Graves - The White Goddess


PKD - VALIS Trilogy
D & G - Capitalism and Schizophrenia
D - Difference and Repetition, Logic of Sense
G - Chaosmosis, Schizoanalytic Cartographies
Laing - The Divided Self
Eco - Foucault's Pendulum
Pynchon - Gravity's Rainbow
RAW - Illuminatus! (Fiction) and Cosmic Trigger (Non-Fiction)
Land - Fanged Noumena
Schreber - Memoirs of my Nervous Illness

Psychedelic "literature":

Baudelaire - Artificial Paradises
Michaux - Miserable Miracle
Benjamin - On Hashish
Pickard - The Rose of Paracelsus

Eight-Circuit Model:

Leary - Info(/Exo)-Psychology, Game of Life
RAW - Quantum Psychology, Prometheus Rising
Antero Ali - Angel Tech

(Psychedelic) Philosophy:

Eliade - The Sacred and the Profane
James - The Varieties of Religious Experiences
Wilson - The Outsider, The Occult
Nietzsche - Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Debord - Society of the Spectacle, Commentary on Society of the Spectacle
Vaneigem - Revolution of Everyday Life, Movement of the Free Spirit
Baudrillard - Simulacra and Simulation, System of Objects, America
Fisher - Capitalist Realism
Tsing - The Mushroom At The End Of The World

>> No.11990596
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>> No.11990617


>> No.11990627
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oh please magickal wizard, please do not hurt me with your superior powers!

>> No.11990639
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>> No.11990645

I mean, I didn't make this list, but it's a pretty decent list. It's silly to call everything "psychedelic" for no reason and there's definitely some garbage in there but I'd read approaching a dozen of these books before seeing this list and I'm proud of that.

>> No.11990659
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schizo books are best books

>> No.11990723

Take the green pill

>> No.11991291
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Anyone read this dude?

>> No.11991349

Have you read any of it? I've skimmed some of what's available online. After I get through some more studious pursuits, I think I'll leisurely go through this.
Seems interesting; theology, drugs, and writing pair really well with each other. However, moderation in faith is equally pertinent to moderation in substances.

I think my style of writing is schizo-tier: If someone close to me were to stumble upon my volumes of rambling nonsense, they'd probably be concerned. However, I just think it's how I work; my issue, though, is it's difficult for me to finish anything. So, how'd these scatter-brained fools manage to pump out a finished product?

>> No.11991771

El Bumpo

>> No.11992539
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>So, how'd these scatter-brained fools manage to pump out a finished product?
Because they're not schizophrenic. I say this as somebody who's not only read a lot of "schizo-core" but also worked with a lot of schizophrenics. "Schizo-core" type writing is purely an aesthetic genre, and further, mostly romanticizes the condition, making it out to be something it isn't and misleading impressionable young bookish types like yourself.

>> No.11992576

ketamine abuse caused schizophreniform disorder in marcia moore as she was writing "journeys to the bright world"

>> No.11992878

I'm not trying to romanticize or exploit schizophrenia; I just share the same aesthetics, and need to figure out how to be more productive in my own endeavors.

>> No.11993001

I've read some of his articles. He's basically just a white guilt Salon tier journalist. Really uninteresting.

>> No.11993125

There's nothing wrong with you anon, once reached certain levels of transcendence it becomes difficult to express one's self with words for other lesser humans to even comprehend.

>So, how'd these scatter-brained fools manage to pump out a finished product?

>> No.11993173

I guess you're right. I'll have to keep hacking at it. Either, the task will be completed; or, I'll leave behind a roomful of manuscripts to be sorted through, posthumously. That could be fun for someone.

>> No.11994768
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I read this whole book becuase someone on /lit/ suggested it. I have no idea what it was about.
I saved this passage because it is the most bizarre thing I have ever seen in a book.

>> No.11995021

lanark, in watermelon sugar, motorman

>> No.11995028

You realize a lot of magic is the intentional inculcation of controlled schizophrenia, right? Hardly less than what they make it out to be.

>> No.11995049

what’s a normal thought anyway? all thought is radical, no matter how mundane for it stands in the face of man’s common enemy: medical demise. how can a person be “schizo” when we all share the same fate of being discarded into the abyss? anyway i’m gonna go jerk off and fall asleep

>> No.11995088

Is the Spear of Destiny schizo?

>> No.11995359

Was Lanark supposed to be so damn depressing?

>> No.11995370

Thanks for the nostalgia anon. Timothy Leary described an "8-circuit" model of the brain. People normally function on the first two, but this passage describes the 8th, which is allegedly an omniscient mode of function wherein one is connected to some sort of universal mind.

>> No.11995595

behold a pale horse can get pretty out there

>> No.11996352

Are you saying you didn't get anything out of it?

I'm reading Cosmic Trigger now. And I think I'm finally going to be able to get some Ayahuasca next week... Wish me luck bros... My grip on consensus-reality is pretty thin as it is.. but I gotta do this

>> No.11996575

Stéphan Mallarmé - Un coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hasard
James Joyce - Finnegans Wake
André Breton/Philippe Soupault - Les Champs Magnétiques
Oliverio Girondo - En La Masmédula
Arno Schmidt - ZETTEL’S TRAUM
Julián Ríos - Larva. Babel de una noche de San Juan
Aristotle's Metaphysics

>> No.11996619


>> No.11996655
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This is the most paranoid read I’ve ever had

>> No.11996970

Be careful dude, don't take the ayahuasca if you're taking a prescription MAOI and take it in a safe, controlled environment where you can't do anything stupid.

>> No.11997137
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>Aristotle's Metaphysics

>> No.11997176

It’s a brief analysis of some common themes and images in Finnegans Wake. He links it to Jungian archetypes and the belief that there are higher levels of consciousness from the viewpoint of which the same patterns are repeating themselves on every scale, from the micro to the macro, and synchronicities link things together.

>> No.11997220

yes. you should watch "the jews fear the samurai" guy's lecture on it. it's amazing

>> No.11997238

Good old Robert Anton Wilson, winner of the "how many times can I write the same fucking book and get them to pay me again?" award.

>> No.11997244

isn't that Stephen King though

>> No.11997506

thanks dude, yea, I did all the research, I'm not taking any risks.

>> No.11998273

Does anyone have the greenpill book chart that oddly ends with three James Joyce books?

>> No.11998356

Are you going to take Ayahuasca by yourself or in a ceremony with a shaman?

>> No.11998389
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>> No.11998397

i tried those before and gosh do they taste bad.

>> No.11998564

>Michael Muhammad Knight
I've met this guy, and he's the worst. He's a white guy whose mom fled his abusive biker dad when he was a baby. As a teenager, he got into Salafi Islam after the rap group Public Enemy rapped about Malcolm X and he read the guy's biography. He studied Islam in Pakistan and seriously considered going to Chechnya to fight alongside Salafist jihadists. His first book was shitty fanfiction-tier writing about Islamic punk rockers. He basically just behaves like an ass and stirs shit up in the American Muslim community. He once notably harassed Asma Gull Hasan, a respectable Sufi woman, and encouraging his musician friends to write a song presenting her as a whore simply because he disagreed with her politics. He does drugs, harasses women, and treats people like crap but then moralizes to everybody else as if he is without sin himself. To top it all off, he does this stupid thing where he styles his hair and beard like a black man so people who don't know him might simply assume he is a light-skinned African-American and not just a left-wing LARPer desperate to be anything other than what he really is---a white kid from American who wants to be anything but that.