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11988218 No.11988218 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best nonfiction conspiracy books?

>> No.11988222

David Icke and Fritz Springmeiers books are decent, Antony Sutton, Lord Manhattan, Webster Tarpley, Lyndon LaRouche too

>> No.11988236
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>> No.11988270

Protocols of the Elders of Zion

>> No.11988276

>>11988218 (OP)
The Unseen Hand: The Conspiratorial View of History by Ralph Epperson

>> No.11988296

Highly recommend books by Philip Agee and David Ray Griffin. Chalmers Johnson's Blowback series too.

>> No.11988314
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Being a big boy means you stop believing in Santa Claus and actually look at the structural factors

>> No.11988341
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>Behold A Pale Horse
>Voyagers: The Sleeping Abductees
>The Aquarian Conspiracy
>Secrets of the Temple
>Prometheus Rising
>Jewish Supremecism
>Bloodline of the Holy Grail
>Mind Control In The United States
>This >>11988270

>> No.11988355
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>> No.11988687

You should mention the author if the title is something as generic as "jewish supremacism"

>> No.11988696

America's Role in the Technetronic Revolution - Zbigniew Brzezinski
The Ghost in the Machine - Arthur Koestler
Tragedy & Hope - Carroll Quigley

Read from the source, the people who actually shape the world. Most "conspiracy theorists" are disinfo agents.

>> No.11988701

It was so weird. I banged a slut in my home and she picked one book out from my shelf and it was that book. She said it was a good book, even though she hadn't read it. Then she said she wanted it in spanish. It freaks me out still when I think about it. Haven't read the book.

>> No.11988708


War is a Racket.

>> No.11988715


>> No.11989452

Cursed post

>> No.11989478

She was a honeypot

>> No.11989487

Well who do you recommend, college boy?

>> No.11989522

Everyone knows that's by Dr. David Duke, you normie NPC cuck.

>> No.11989583

Dark money

>> No.11989805
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>structural factors just manifest in to existence
oh my

>> No.11990485

If everyone already knows it there's no need to enlighten anyone about it, retard

>> No.11990503

I mean it's weird as hell. I was even thinking she was sent here by some agency kind of like you said. Because of the subject of the book, because of what we were doing, because her English was bad so she probably didn't understand the subtitle "sexual liberation and political control" and yet she took that book out of the shelf. Why did she say it was a good book even though she hadn't read it? Why did she have a smug smile? She might have picked that book because of the large title on the spine of the book that is in Latin which is similar to her language Spanish, but still. She claimed to understand what "libido domininandi" meant but she couldn't explain it. I suspect she didn't understand what it meant, i.e. lust for power, but I think the author also used the phrase because it has libido in it which for English speakers probably is more associated with sex. Anyway she was a total bitch and I regret that I didn't tell her to leave my apartment after she was a bitch.

>> No.11990510

Nobody believes in Santa Claus, retard. Being a big boy means you see the vagueness in definitions of words like "conspiracy", although I share your sentiment towards many people who talk of conspiracies, retards like David Icke for example.

>> No.11990511

Programmed to Kill

>> No.11990519

conspiracy books are fiction by default

>> No.11990531

They may contain speculation. That's not what I meant by nonfiction, I meant they're not written as a story.

>> No.11990539

the matrix books by val valerian. no further.

>> No.11990551
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>Being a big boy means you stop believing in Santa Claus

actually when you grow up you disbelieve but act as if you believed for the sake of the children, while the children disbelieve and act as if they believed for the sake of the parents.

>> No.11990579

I think he's right that some people who believe in conspiracies are retarded. But to me "conspiracy" is as vague a term as "corruption", when you start to think about it philosophically it's very unclear what it really means. When I talk about conspiracy I just mean anything that's hidden really, whether it's hidden on purpose or hidden because of limitations of perception on the part of the reader, or hidden for other reasons. For me it's about looking beyond face value of things. For example politicians might tell the public a certain thing and then when you look into it you realize it wasn't quite true. Did they say it that way to fool people, or because people in general are to dumb to understand, or because there's no time to flesh out exactly what it is when making statements of a few sentences etc.

>> No.11990608

>They think Santa isn't real

>> No.11990633

The Crying of Lot 49 is obviously non-fiction

>> No.11990750
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>> No.11990820

>big boy means taking what you're fed by the mainstream intelligentsia as gospel
Enjoying your political science program?