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11983429 No.11983429 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven’t people lost faith in God /lit/?

Can you provide better answers than these scholarly men?

>> No.11983442

Because god is the best and if you don't believe in him, you're a faggot atheist.

>> No.11983468
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>Religious skepticism claims that it is the guardian of human happiness. But in fact it stems from the fear of making a mistake, and is based on its own form of spiritual paralysis and even despair. The human being is alive in seeking the truth and finding new and creative ways to love selflessly. Imprisoned in our pleasures and limited sense of understanding, we grow old and self-referential.

>Reasonable openness to God, then, is a source of spiritual youth in any person or culture. It maintains in us a sense of investigation, wonder, cumulative wisdom, and knowledge in the service of love. Refusal of the mystery of God makes us the unique masters of ourselves, but also imprisons us within the ascetical contraints of our own banal finitude.

>The privilege of the educated and wealthy is to be able to control their sense of wonder before the mystery of human existence, and to retreat into their own domain of competency and control. Often their inferiors do not have this luxury and are therefore more innately disposed to accept dependence upon God.

>> No.11983479

Believers in Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, don't have a choice. God draws us to him.

>No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.

>> No.11983489


>> No.11983503

>Why haven’t people lost faith in God /lit/?
Because it would take an enormous amount of pride to believe otherwise.

>> No.11983508

We're gonna make it, pals. Pray for this anon >>11983489

>> No.11983515
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>he hasn't done anything in 2000 years
Not true. Orthodox Church has had and continues to have up until the present day many prophets and wonderworkers

>> No.11983520

Those don't count

>> No.11983521

Idk because some people need a higher power and some don’t. I don’t like the idea of an omnipotent Brian watching jack it to ethically questionable stuff but some people might like that whole “everyone’s dad” type of feeling

>> No.11983532

>people did magic

No they didn't. I don't even care that I misused >

>> No.11983536

So you do something immoral and naturally feel guilty about it, but instead of acknowledging where that natural guilt comes from you try and convince yourself it doesn't matter?

>> No.11983560

kek basically this

>> No.11983566

You can still believe in god and not necessarily hold all the moral views typically ascribed to in religions that are characteristically hyper-moral, like Christianity and Islam.

>> No.11983567

fedora detected, read KJV my dude

>> No.11983569

Because I want to believe that people who do terrible things in life and get away with it will have to answer for their actions eventually.

>> No.11983573


>> No.11983578

protestant detected, read DRB my dude

>> No.11983765

>he got brainwashed by the alexandrian cult

>> No.11983815

>natural guilt
That comes from social conditioning, you could make someone feel guilty about sneezing with the right pressures.

>> No.11983821

In the civilised world people basically have. The average American "Christian" doesn't even attend church regularly. The people who do tend to be either very old or recently arrived immigrants from countries where missionaries have been successful. I've driven past several "churches" that proudly displayed a rainbow flag. The largest Protestant "church" in Canada actually has a female, atheist, "minister." I wish I was making this shit up.

>> No.11983822

>Its all social engineering
You're right, but it is God is the social engineer. not humans

>> No.11983835

Protties aren't christians. They are materialist literalists with no conception of ontology or the divine.
I say this as a humanist atheist who has happened to study the various branches of christianity. I honestly wish we hadn't guilted the Catholics into not burning the heretics anymore, because that's all protestants are, a heretical branch and a highly uninformed one at that

>> No.11984073


>> No.11984113

I suggest studying Church teaching and realizing that they were pretty much right on every topic of importance.

>> No.11984120

It's not like it just happened for no reason. Kings promoted Protestantism because it reduced the power of the Church. Maybe the Church should've toned down its exercise of temporal power as Europe started to rebuild from the collapse of the Roman Empire.

>> No.11984131

based protestant hater

>> No.11984150
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>The largest Protestant "church" in Canada actually has a female, atheist, "minister."



>> No.11984159

>looking for evidence of God when proof in inherit in existence

>> No.11984165

>I believe in god but he doesn't exist.

These people are worse then agnostics.

>> No.11984173
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based african priest

>> No.11984176
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>hijacking the mystical tradition to promote a limp liberal pluralism

Do these people not realise that some of the most exemplary mystics were dogmatic counter-reformers?

>> No.11984190

Based and UnconditionalElectionpilled

>> No.11984193

>Atheist Minister

You mean Greta Vosper? My mom is friends with her.

>> No.11984202
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Why didn't you listen? You could have prevented this

>> No.11984208

Jesus, that’s cringe. Kill all Redditers.

>> No.11984219

Why does your mom have such poor tastes in friends.

>> No.11984225

It's very, very difficult to listen to anglos ramble on without ever making a real point even though they all very clearly think they're right and clever. Anglos are truly the jews of Europe. Honorary Jews they are. Disgusting.

>> No.11984241
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>> No.11984242

Peter Hitchens made a good point

>> No.11984268

Jesus is a baptist.

>> No.11984279

No, he didn't. "All religious opinions are choices about the unknowable. We choose what we believe." I fundamentally disagree with this point. It is true to some extent for those who have never had any sort of religious experience, but those who "know", they're no longer making a choice. They're compelled to belief. God and higher states of being are knowable is my contention.

>> No.11984284

>religion is comforting and not terrifying

>> No.11984285
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>Europeans and their NA colonies lived long enough to seem themselves become the villains
Asia and Africa are gong to save the church

>> No.11984295 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11984322


>> No.11984337

East Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa are all practicing a form of Christianity brought to them by Western European colonial "Christians". The true heartland of Christianity, where the real faith exists was, is, and will always be the Mediterranean basin.

>> No.11984345

wrong, there are very few solid african christians. very few. i'd say 0.001% of the continent. they go to church because they like to sing and dance. but once they go home they fuck babies to avoid getting AIDS. i've met some good asian christians but they're small minorities in their countries. christianity doesn't belong in asia and it'll never really take root. the asians ultimately need something more "metaphysical" and less "religious", they like puzzles and mysteries, even paradoxes. christianity doesn't suit their palette. the chink needs a little more "i am holding my finger up and down at once" type shit. the indians already developed the purest and greatest metaphysical doctrine ever. and the japanese are westerners. south koreans have produced some good christians though.

>> No.11984354

this. too bad socialists, liberals and marxists infiltrated the catholic church and damaged the mediterranean region.

>> No.11984400

What is Latin-America like?

>> No.11984425

Mostly a Catholic bastion, probably legitimate as they derive from Spanish/Portuguese Christianity. Their relative poverty has kept them from embracing memes like secularism and nationalism that might harm their faith. If the countries become more prosperous, they might start abandoning Christ for cultural gods like Santa Muerte or attempt to revive extinct Native American religious systems.

>> No.11984436

i can't answer this. latin americans are always a question mark with regard to all question due to widespread racial mixing. want to guess the IQ of someone based off race? asian? probably high. afronog? probably low. latino? uuhhhh. the same applies to religion there. you can find niggers in the brazilian favelas who are some of the worst, dumbest people ever but still believe in christ. and you can go to rural mexico and meet humble, simple, god-loving people. conversely you can go to a major argentinean city and meet with the same degeneracy of liberal niggerdom spreading across the west, even among the so-called christians. basically, it's hard to categorize the latinos, which is why i avoided it. it's similar in north america i'd say. are americans good christians? at first sight, fuck no. but you look a little closer, and in some areas some people are passably okay. in general tho, i'd say latin america is pretty busted as far as christianity goes, and has been since the 20th century. same liberal and marxists cunts that fucked up the mediterranean fucked up latin america.

>> No.11984443

I disagree about Asia. I live in a region with a lot of South East Asian migrants, particularly from Indonesia and Malaysia and they are some of the most devout Catholics I know

>> No.11984448

The Filipino women I knew were very honest and sincere with their belief too.

>> No.11984451


>> No.11984457

very wrong. secularism and nationalism are both common memes in latin america, did you ignore the entire 20th century? chile, pinochet? socialist argentina? socialist brazil? sandinistas in nicaragua? communism in cuba? no one got hit harder with the marxist memes than latin america and the remnant is still strong. nationalism comes up once and awhile (chile, brazil now). latin america has always been a war zone for these memes. it's still hard to classify latin america due to different racial and culture admixture

>> No.11984466

you might be right, i was speaking specifically about china, india, japan and south korea. i kind of ignored the rest because i don't know much about them.

>> No.11984536

I defer to your comment, anon. Mine was no doubt heavily twisted by comparing that region to my country, Australia.