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11972444 No.11972444 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone keep a journal/diary? What do you write in it?

>> No.11972447

some shizo stream of consciousness

>> No.11972453

Dreams and my gay crush. Those are the only things that I can write in a diary, writing anything else down feels perfunctory and insincere.

>> No.11972455

Care to share any excerpts?

Tell us about your gay crush. Are you bi or full on gay?

>> No.11972456

My gf got me a journel to write my thoughts on books I'm reading :)

>> No.11972462

not really
and it's all in russian anyway

>> No.11973660
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I'm interested in pursuing a writing as another hobby but lack experience to do so. Is writing a diary a good starting point?

>> No.11974130

I write in it around once a month and its usually just what I'm thinking about

its a good thing to have to get around writer's block

>> No.11974164

i share details about fucking your dad

>> No.11975128

I write in my journal (i-it's not diary, dad, stop making fun of me!) every night before I sleep, even if it's just 2 or 3 sentences. Sometimes I just write banal crap that I did that day, sometimes I'll record some emotional insight I had. Nothing terribly profound. Occasionally I'll be possessed by some idea and write out about a page or so as fast as I can move my hand. Overall it's not terribly interesting but I have some bizarre sense of duty to record my life in the extremely slim chance that centuries from now an archivist might somehow come to possess it and use it for insights into life during this time.

>> No.11975209
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I've developed an unhealthy habit of writing in a journal as a way of emotionally venting when things are troubling me, because I realize that nobody really wants to hear that shit from me, and its a way of physically getting the thoughts outside of my head so I can sleep.

The only time I really enjoy my journal is during the summers when I'm not in university and get togo back to my dream job, where I get to travel a lot, live outside, go on actual adventures where I meet interesting people and actually do something goddamn useful with myself. Those writings about life are actually somewhat interesting.

Pic related. I get to work here sometimes.

>> No.11975285 [DELETED] 

>some shizo stream of consciousness

>Care to share any excerpts?
>Proximity is everything, denial of the distant is meaningless. It is not virtue to forsake a certain future if it is far, and it certainly isn't difficult either. It takes very little to dim demand, only the immediate denied has any weight. Consider the fat person, none reasonably wish to be so,
none lack the means in some technical or abstract sense to not be so, the problem is after all a surfeit of stuff. Yet the fat person exists, for contrary to adage we have stomachs bigger than our myopic downcast eyes, for gluttony satisified is ever within stubby arm's reach and tomorrow....Abstinence is much the same, there is no moral significance to scorn what you don't readily have. There is an abundance of tomorrows, and gradually we cheat ourselves, each new sunrise and sunset obscured by comforts and pretences unconsidered. In time even comfort is obstructed by readiness itself, habit becomes constancy, and constancy becomes meaningless unconscious acts collected about us, which reflect nothing. In the blinkered dark time is lost, there is no count, and no-one counting. Potential is meaningless, onlyn this acknowledged can redeem the future, for near all impossibility lies in the attempting; only what is can be.

>> No.11975328

i write down my thoughts about things that i'm reading. sometimes i out together little aphorisms

>> No.11975331


>> No.11975332

how is that an unhealthy habit

>> No.11975375

Just whatever is on my mind
Usually every night, but I don't freak out if I miss a day or more.
I find it helps me be more coherent in my feelings and helps me analyze myself better. Like writing down my thoughts, opinions, feelings, etc, helps me solidify what those actually are instead of just saying them if I think of them during conversation
If that makes sense

>> No.11976118

> another wasted day of life

>> No.11976122

Political polemics and entries about being sad and unsuccessful.

>> No.11976123

I just started one this morning and I already sound suicidal in it so that's not good. I obviously am going to continue to write in it, though.

>> No.11976168

alcohol vomit and half forgotten dreams.

>> No.11976182

I keep count of how many anime posters I tell to eat shit and fuck off.
So far it's 47

>> No.11976212
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Every time I've ever tried I was so embarrassed by my own writing and my own self that I had to stop and get rid of it shortly after even knowing that nobody would ever care to read it but me.

>> No.11976222

Yuri is the purest form of love.

>> No.11976225

sometimes i bait my jewish coworkers into conversations about absurd what-if disaster/politically dystopian etc scenarios to get a picture of what their crisis-mode problem solving looks like, then write my thoughts about it.
other times i just write my thoughts about the meaninglessness of most labor in the post-industrial world, relations between the sexes, our culture's spiritual death, hyperborea, atlantis, thule, whatever.

>> No.11976352

based. post excerpts.

>> No.11976391

Would read

>> No.11976402

post please

>> No.11976430

Yes, keeping a journal is one of the most productive things you can do for hiw little time and effort it takes. It's a great way to organize/explore your thoughts, set goals, or to just emotionally vent.

>> No.11976439

You didn't write any of that did you ?

>> No.11976615

i write on it sometimes.
mostly commentaries on stuff i read, bad attempts at prose/poetry, and >>11972447

>> No.11976957

I usually write between 600-6000 words a day, same as >>11976615, as well as ideas for novels/stories/scripts, just beginnings or episodes or whatever I feel inclined to write.
The first 40k or so words were completely banal, but it's been steadily getting better, I think.

>> No.11976991
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Shit that's worrying me, reflections on books I'm reading or films/series I'm watching, thoughts about family and friends, thoughts about my future, or politics, or history. Anything that comes to mind, really.

>> No.11977166

what's your job?

>> No.11977793

I envy you.

>> No.11977890

I run canyoneering trips for highschoolers, it's fun

>> No.11978534

these are pretty rough, i might publish some essays at some point if i muster up the energy and inspiration. these are mostly just to blow off steam
>Preach any doctrine of self-sufficiency to a Jew and he will lash out. He fears the goy who sees no need to serve him because he fears most a society where goyim outright refuse to serve him. Partially because he fears he cannot build anything of his own or fend for himself, but also because he fears losing absolute control over "his" goyim.
>There is no longer a place in the post-industrial world for the man whose primary virtue is his work; he has been replaced by the woman whose establishment-endorsed virtue is her desire to work. In a climate where work is often little more than a leisure activity, it is of little material importance who performs that work. The symbolic importance however of the "working female" in our age where work is meaningless is woman's voluntary submission to the global capitalist order, to the extent that it takes primacy over any other loyalty. She has been trained to believe this system, which has enslaved her more brutally than any that has ever existed, has liberated her completely.

>> No.11978548

> What is manifest in woman's collective mind as "male privilege" is in reality the power that man has over woman by virtue of her biochemical reaction to man. What woman seeks is not equality, but to exert power over man; to make man feel the way man makes her feel, just by existing in her presence. The tragedy is that the sort of power woman actually has over man - the power that ultimately, drives men to war for no reason other than woman - is rejected by modern woman as a low form of servility, when it is in fact the highest power humankind has access to; the most sophisticated form of delegation.

>> No.11978579

absolutely based and quite possibly redpilled

>> No.11978895

Ted my guy, you're still alive?

>> No.11978973

the moment i wake up i record any details of dreams i remember before they slip. feel that patterns gives some insight to subconcious. either way interesting read every few months even if handwriting terrible

>> No.11978997

I report what I do briefly

>October 23rd - worked, Had a meeting. Talked about pension funds with a saleswoman. Checked my aunt's lawsuit in state court. At home I studied.

>> No.11979249

>Same shit different day

>> No.11979404
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I log the events of the day. If I don’t leave the house then I just ramble about something. Here’s an excerpt from today.
The alarm failed me this morning resulting in 30 minutes of lost time. I chugged my morning coffee and left home on an empty stomach. It was peak rush hour and I had to take the train. People packed together uncomfortably close. On account of this, a woman stood mere inches from my face. The ends of her soft palms were carressing the ends of mine as she held on to the metal pipe trying to balance her self amidst the hustle and bustle. The scent of her freshly shampooed hair gently streamed into my nostrils granting me a brief respite from the foul odor of piss and shit emanating from the drug addled bum sleeping directly behind me. Her hushed breathes cascaded off my cheeks and warmed my soul. I must have stood next to her for at least an hour. I stared at my shoes the whole time and had not once dared to look at this woman’s face. In my mind she was angel, the pinnacle of purity. My salvation. Once her stop arrived she hastily made her leave, fighting her way through the rabble. I chanced to glance at her face as she was leaving. To meet my maker, to see the lord’s ethereal light made flesh. I stared into the sun. I wish I hadn’t. It was a man. A long haired middle aged hipster with a man bun. My mouth agape. My dreams shattered. I am a broken man. Courtesy of a hipster with delicate hands...
It goes on to describe the rest of my day.

>> No.11979421

Are you a donkey wrangler?

>> No.11979439

It's good, just needs some slight tweeking on the order of reveal

>> No.11979446

what pension provider? i work in the industry.

>> No.11979486

One from the Third World, run by the state.

>> No.11979492

my diary desu

>> No.11979738

you could call it that, I certainly feel like it sometime

>> No.11979748

Ive a diary where I try to track my productivity.

>> No.11979775

plus it's good for when democrats accuse you of being king pin of a yale rape squad

>> No.11979896
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that's cool anon :)

>> No.11979949

comfy post

>> No.11979983

Puns, poems and aliterations.

Kept a diary of my last holiday but in the last few days I figured it was pointless to write down every detail. Now I also try to write in my notebook instead of my writing app, though it's hard because my phone is always in reach and there's little chance of losing thoughts/jokes. Which happens sometimes and is quite frustrating.

Same here, got a special book for that. Though I don't write down everything. Just the really odd ones that would hang around my mind for a few days. You should drink applejuice before you go to sleep, makes for grandiose and detailed dreams.

>> No.11980579

I write "I'm a piece of human garbage" every line in my journal. Why do you ask?

>> No.11980605

Dude same

>> No.11980623

I use it to draw and write down my dreams.

>> No.11980638

I'd really like to but the thought of how I'll lug it around gives me anxiety.

>> No.11980714
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wow a self loathing millennial desperate for sympathy. just kill yourself already.

>> No.11980733
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I thought that was more of a zoomer thing, especially with all those emo rappers like lil peep

either way I prefer suffering

>> No.11980738

>either way I prefer suffering
it isn't suffering if it is preferable

>> No.11980761

Do you ever stop and think about what you say? That statement is so painfully incorrect, I mean do you posses even the basic level of critical thinking or do you just say whatever you feel?
If I told you you had a choice between getting your dick chopped off and being roaster alive, would you preferring one of those options somehow make what you go through "not suffering"? I'm not even using this metaphor to explain my own situation, so don't put words in my mouth.

>> No.11980769

are you pretending to misunderstand or are you just dumb?

>> No.11980770
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that's depressing better get rid of the stain in your heart. You should expect more of yourself write about your potential and how you are doing getting there.

>> No.11980776

>no u
kek, the last bastion of desperation

>> No.11980780
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but that wasn't "no u". how is it that someone on a literacy board can be so poor at understanding text.

>> No.11980790
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I just dictate aphorisms to Siri sometimes during my cyclo-flâneurism.

>> No.11981171
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tell me more

>> No.11981277
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The leisurely aimless wandering of regular flâneurism but on a bicycle instead. It gives you a wider radius of action so there is more to see, and the pace of riding a bicycle is ideal because it is fast enough to provide more novelty than a walk without the hastiness of a run or the crudeness of a motorised vehicle. It's quiet and nimble. It's a leisurely, effortless swiftness. You're not really part of the world on a bicycle, just passing through it. There's a sort of gentle detachment that makes it more pleasurable.

>> No.11981366

Damn that makes me want to ride my bike. Where do you live? I'm in a pretty boring suburb so I feel like there isn't much to see. And usually the only people riding bikes are day laborers or actually cyclists. And the occasional middle schooler.

>> No.11981409

I'm a eurofag in a residential neighbourhood where walks would be mostly boring but my bike takes me to medieval town centers and forests and villages and the countryside. It's the perfect escape.

>> No.11981479

Do you ever ride your bike on LSD

>> No.11981487

Seconding this. For inner city dwellers it probably won't do much but if you're anywhere remotely suburban or rural a bicycle will open the place up to you in ways you couldn't imagine on foot. You might even come to love where you are.

>> No.11981492

United States is like a giant, boring parking lot, designed for cars and not for cyclists.

>> No.11981566

>You might even come to love where you are.
That's what happened to me. I went from disliking where I live to feeling eager to go out to see how the trees change on my regular routes.

>> No.11981596

No, I suspect I'm part of the demographic that should not play around with psychedelics at all.

>> No.11981605

It worked for Marcus Aurelius. Might take a while though...

>> No.11981618

Goonposters are endlessly entertaining.

>> No.11981621

I've kept a writer's journal for the past 14 years. I would rate it an essential component to my growth and maintenance as a writer. Because if I'm not writing anything else because I have no ideas or i'm bored with a project at the moment, the journal is the place to put my thoughts and impression about absolutely anything and everything.

If anything my journals are my most impressive literary legacy and contain some of my choicest bits of philosophical reflection, emotionally resonant confessions and the like.

If I didn't keep a journal my writing output would probably be about 75% less and that would be a bad thing on all counts.

>> No.11981649

Anyone writes a journal/diary in their laptops instead of a notebook?

>> No.11981664

goon? as in SA? last time I remember this website was an offshoot of the teenage guro poster from SA, his name was moot or something

>> No.11981679

I keep a diary but it's incredibly banal. I mostly note important things that occur throughout the day. My memory is garbage and I sometimes have to check my diary to remember if I promised someone something, ordered something from Amazon, etc.

Looking forward to seeing these in court transcripts as part of your mass murder trial in 2020

>> No.11981728

Just smoke weed man

>> No.11981732

sounds gay

>> No.11981736

I use a word document

>> No.11981745

been writing journals since 2014, just banal stuff about what's going on in my life
its fun to look back at them but i mostly write when i feel down to lift the burden so it's mostly pretty negative stuff, i need to get better at writing down the positive parts of my life

>> No.11981749

yes, but I write very seldom, need to get on top of it come to think of it

>> No.11981752

Writing down your feelings and anxieties is useless and unreadable. I write down things I learned that day, or what I found interesting, just anything that might be useful. Sometimes I also write down what I don't want to forget.

>> No.11981769

Almost exactly the same problem, and I've made note of that in my own journal before. And now that I'm not suffering quite as much, I don't know what to write about.

Also I've been writing in it for 11 months and I have 500 pages (it's a .doc). Some days I would just sit and write about things for a few hours. Accomplished in all likelihood very little and allowed me to be self indulgingly depressed and bitter without coming to any executable plans to fix anything.

Not sure I can recommend a journal to anyone. If you do, don't indulge in your negativity, just write down the most important events of the day and some of the little things that made you smile (especially people in your life).

>> No.11981791
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>little things that made you smile
>(especially people in your life)

>> No.11981808

Nowadays poems, spells, and travel notes
I learned not to write stories with characters similar to people I've met for a while. One girl that made it into a story about cheating boyfriends having to kill every girl they ever cheated on to keep their rotting genitals because the main characters girl was this art witch. Then they had to incorporate the dead bodies into the witches art work and open it in a gallery inviting all the families of the dead

Never finished it yet, but the first mistress that was modeled after a real girl in my life died in a motorcycle wreck a whole lot similar to what was wrote in the book.

But if you'd like somee spells
"cacoethes scribendi" makes it easier to pass writers block
"fietum kerro" makes you hear someones sexual secrets
Usually after I figure out a spell a story comes with it, just to keep the train of thought moving and leave plastic cased papers around town and bathrooms for someone to find

>> No.11981816

I always write cringeworthy shit and my handwriting is bad enough to bother me
Anyone else in this dilemma?

>> No.11981818

I came

>> No.11981825

Another good one, this blocks out depressing thoughts, voices, characters etc. I have to use it a lot when I try writing in places around my city, and have to go 2 cities over to this lone tree along a hill. The inner voices are interesting there, but If ound a hollowed out tree with 3 human heads in there. Makes me wonder if any of them made it into a poem or story I've written
"qu sa vi depressio silencio"

>> No.11981829
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what is this gay harry potter shit

>> No.11981830

Well, I am gay, so I don't see a contradiction in that. Proust was gay too. Get on our level.

>> No.11981838


It's ok, I was like that for a while too ("a while" being measured somewhere between months and years.) Intermittently am still like that. Keep at it and keep looking is all I can say.

>> No.11981846

i think atlas obscura is a good complement to the sprawled, driving nature of the usa

>> No.11981859

do you prefer to write things out with a pen and paper or type things out? I find that if I type, I go so fast that I can get exactly what I'm thinking down on the document, but I write so slowly that I take forever thinking and considering other things and daydreaming. And pretty much anything I've written down myself I haven't gone back to after writing, on paper on a computer, is that bad? and what do you think about making your stuff public? like just tweeting whatever is on your mind on an anonymous twitter?

>> No.11981879

>implying the United States isn’t one of the most ecologically diverse and geologically interesting countries on the planet with vast expanses of gorgeous wilderness waiting to be explored

Fucking cityfags please die

>> No.11982183
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thnks for the advice