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/lit/ - Literature

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11970469 No.11970469 [Reply] [Original]

>fun fact about yourself
>current book

>> No.11970473


19, I just moved to Hanoi and am very lonely, Journey to the end of night

>> No.11970475

>Whenever I go outside the house I imagine what the perfect spot to hang myself would be and envision my lifeless body swaying to and fro as onlookers react
>Whatever, 100 Years of Solitude, Contract with God, Maus, Kill All Normies

>> No.11970487

>Nearly froze to death in the mountains of Wyoming when I was 11 because my Dad's friend left me to hunt Bison
>Book of the New Sun

>> No.11970492

Living in Saigon and am very loney, despite being surrounded by people and having many "friends".
Hunter S. Thompson: Generation of Swine

>> No.11970494

>I ran a 2:43 marathon when I was 17
>Reading: Julius Caesar's "The Gaelic Wars", Hayek's "The Constitution of Liberty", and an anthology of Kafka's short stories concurrently.

Is Vietnam nice? I'm teaching English in Korea but thinking about moving to Japan or Vietnam when my contract runs out.

>> No.11970504

Also, working on something at the moment.. it's by far the most complete piece of work I've assembled thus far. Came upstairs last night though, after doing a line of "chinese coke" and half a line of ket.. and realised the thing might be terrible. I'm reluctant to reread now and think I need to just keep pushing it forward. But feels bad man.

>> No.11970507

Vietnam is alright

>> No.11970508

Just keep pushing anon, if nothing else it'll be a learning experience.

>> No.11970513

Why Saigon? Hanoi is way more /Lit/

>> No.11970522

49, I'm a transvestite truck driver and I sometimes tell lies in these kind of threads incase you fuckers are collating, Lolita

>> No.11970534

>i always lie a little when answering posts like this on 4chan
>les miserables

>> No.11970535

I was homecoming king
Maistre - On god and Society

>> No.11970536
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Age: 19
Fun fact: I'm a pretty good leatherworker
Current book: Inspector Minahan Makes a Stand

>> No.11970537

>once slapped Bob Costas on the ass and he ended up giving me and my dad tickets to the gold medal hockey game olympics 2002
>Boris Pasternak's My Sister - Life

>> No.11970550

I guess I started in Saigon, made a heap of local friends. I didn't make it to Hanoi until about 7 months after my arrival here, and by that time Saigon just felt like home I suppose. I really did like Hanoi, but I found the people to be less approachable (honestly don't know if this is just because I didn't put myself out there the same way I did when I first arrived in Saigon and/or because I'd gone there with this preconception already in mind).

But yeah, by my arrival in Hanoi I was already pretty over the country, in a shit place. In a sort of "retake control of where you are" move, after spending days in a really bad head space, I just booked a hard-seat train ticket back down to Saigon. Honestly the best thing I could have done, I think. Those thirty five hours with the toothless farmers and livestock really gave me some time to sort things out. At the moment I'm just staying in this big "resort" full of freaks (see previous post about chinese coke and ket) in a room on the rooftop. Luckily none of these idiots stay up here, so I sorta have the roof to myself along with this one other indian guy, but he's super sound. Decided to spend the month here and commit to working on a project I'd been mulling over for some time.

Anyway, feels good to talk about it. I haven't really told any of my friends what I'm doing, nor the people here. I'm really over talking about doing things and not actually them through, so in a way I suppose it will be real nice to have a completed first draft together, regardless of the final product.

And thank you >>11970508, you're exactly right.

>> No.11970554

>i spend 30+ minutes per day plucking the hairs off my genital region. i've been doing this for about 7 years now. I've got it down to a science, doing it in patches, which I learned from reading about farmers patching their crops. I'll pluck one section til it's smooth as an egg, then the next day pluck a different section, and so on, so that there is always one section growing enough to warrant plucking. Otherwise you begin splitting hairs, quite literally, but digging too much into ingrown hairs or pluck bumps you wrongfully suspect of being ingrown hairs and it causes some weird pimples. The first 2-3 years were a constant trial and error process with many bumps, scabs from digging into ingrown hairs and pimples growing over them, but now i'm very professional with it and it almost looks like i had laser hair removal (which i've considered but the actual act of plucking is like a form of meditation for me).
>Montaigne's Complete Works

>> No.11970563

Vietnam is a human trash can. The ex-pats are almost exclusively, the worst of their respective countries. This annoyed me a lot at first, but after a while I've just come to view it as field work for a novel I know I'm never going to write.

>> No.11970568

>I was in a Chuckle Brothers episode
>The Woodlanders

>> No.11970570
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>Since moving to another city five years ago I haven't had any friends
>Seven Pillars of Wisdom

>> No.11970579

>I got the flu
>In Malibu

>> No.11970582

I suffer silently from gender dysphoria.
I, Claudius

>> No.11970586

22, I had sex with a woman before I even kissed one, Imaginary Lives.

>> No.11970588

>>Seven Pillars of Wisdom
Nice I've been wanting to read this. Is it readable without knowing much about the arab revolt and only having seen Lawrence of Arabia?

>> No.11970625

I barely sleep at all anymore, average 3 hours a night. My productivity has not improved.
Blood Meridian

>> No.11970645

Yes. It's an amusing insight into Arab culture despite it being at times historically inaccurate.

>> No.11970646

>I was named after my father's favorite host
>The Magic Mountain

>> No.11970648

unironically planning to write books but not for living
A compilation of Lord Byron short stories

>> No.11970649

Radio host*

>> No.11970670

>i design skyscrapers
>50 Shades of Grey

>> No.11970678

Lord Byron wrote short stories?

>> No.11970691


I'm starting to think your job should never be your passion. No matter what it is your passion will only be tainted and sullied by the daily grind until nothing's left.

t. a disillusioned physics major

>> No.11970693

The original is made in verse which is a shame as I got a translated version which is more akin to a short story. It's The Corsair by the way.

>> No.11970697

>unironically studying physics after jews ruined it

holy moly how could you fall for this meme? go into pure maths while you can still switch.

>> No.11970705

Maybe you shouldn't have picked the dullest field to work in that there could possibly be.

>> No.11970710

nine teen
i cannot stop watching cat videos i love em! im also not white
tartar steppe

>> No.11970773
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>There's a small window in my shower that overlooks a courtyard behind my apartment building. The courtyard is surrounded by adjacent residential buildings. Some of the windows in these other buildings lack curtains, privacy. My bathroom window, situated in such a way, faces a bedroom in the apartment directly across it. A few months ago, on one particularly hot summer night, I took a long, cold shower, with my little window raised, a first. In the corner of my eye something caught my attention. Could it be? There was a woman in a black dress, hips swaying, facing me from her window. Shock. Was she looking my way? Incredulous, I bent over, peering into her apartment. Yes, there was no doubt now. She was staring right at me. Captivated and unable to look away. The woman undressed down to her underwear, exposing a pair of pear-shaped breasts. I began stroking my sex. I watched until she turned away and turned off the lights, leaving me with a sense of dread at not having finished in time. Did this really just happen? Naturally, the following day I showered around the same time again. It was no coincidence. There she was, waiting. Since then, I take long showers, in hopes of seeing her and whatever she's willing to expose that night. I often see her naked, and her me. I've even seen her on the street before in passing. I wonder if she recognized me.
>Sketches from a Hunter's Album

>> No.11970786

Do you have to know Korean?
How did you find the contract?

>> No.11970793

I don't think you have to know the other language. My dad was offered an English teaching contract in Japan when he was young and he can't speak nihongo

>> No.11970909
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I want to kill myself
>Aristotles Ethics

>> No.11970943
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>I'm not the original tripfag, I believe there are several of us
>The Tunnel

>> No.11970958

I started Ulysses in 2007

>> No.11971076
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>Crew Chief on an MH-60L Black Hawk helicopter in the US Army
>have done two tours in Afghanistan, flew a couple of MARSOC teams around
>Diary of Anne Frank

jk on that last one (am reading The Killer Angels right now), I did read her diary during my first tour when I wasn't working on the chopper or flying missions though.

Some recommendations on decent fiction about Anne Frank would be nice though so I don't kill myself out of boredom on my next deployment would be appreciated.

>> No.11971117
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>I'm getting married on first snow this year
>Other Losses. An investigation into the mass deaths of German prisoners at the hands of the French and Americans after World War II by Basque

>> No.11971131

>i have a large penis

>> No.11971139

seen one of my balls outside sack
three cornered world

>> No.11971145

>loves yo yos
>green eggs and ham

>> No.11971161

dude I hope your fiance dies

>> No.11971167

>I have trouble imagining humans but i am obsessed with the aesthetics of different races

>> No.11971169
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She'll have many cute germanic kiddos and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.11971192

no she'll die in childbirth and ur first born will look like Kant. You'll have to look after him alone

>> No.11971214
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She has wide childbearing-hips and will drop a whole /fitlit/ battalion.

>> No.11971218

unfortunately your testicles will be ripped off in an industrial accident before that happens

>> No.11971220

>cute germanic kiddos

>> No.11971230
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That one is easy, I don't work as a slave ant.

>> No.11971232

>I collect stuff from the 70s
>Against Interpretation and Other Essays

>> No.11971234

Why did you move to Hanoi? Where are you from initially?

>> No.11971235

I like to rub the space between my butthole and my scrote - otherwise known as my "krundle" region - and pretend it's a clitoris
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.11971238

Why would you collect stuff from the most boring decade of the 20th century?

>> No.11971243

>can solve a rubik's cube in 11 seconds
>Restaurant at the end of the Universe

>> No.11971255

> I reluctantly work at Disney.
>For Whom the Bell Tolls

>> No.11971258


>> No.11971285

Im from Denmark, I got an internship here and figured why not

>> No.11971288

I'm surprised they'd grant a work visa without you holding a university degree. I'm also surprised they'd hire a 19 year old. I suppose they want a western face in their organization. Much like 1950s-1990s Hong Kong.

>> No.11971291

No, the Host was Andrei Gheorghe and he died early this year.

>> No.11971296

>A virgin, holding myself for my wife
>Divine Comedy, Frigate Pallada

>> No.11971297

I did a lot of EC uni during High School and have work experience from places all over the world. Im moving to Moscow in 6 month to work in the ministry of culture in spite of my lack of education. Being white is definitely a plus, but just being ambitious, polite and charming is enough to score any job you want.

>> No.11971314

>fun fact about yourself
I hold my liquor like a small child, even though I possess incredible resistance to other drugs (and admittedly, poisons and medication)
>current book
Pierre Chavagné's "Les Duellistes"
it's incredibly good, but I doubt there is an English translation

>> No.11971341

There's an awesome movie based on that book.
A favorite of mine.

>> No.11971367

the movie "Les Duellistes" is really great, but it's not based on that book
the inspiration for it is the novella "Le Duel", by Joseph Conrad
while both are set in France, the Ridley Scott movie (and original novella) is set in napoleonic era; the one I'm talking about takes place near the end of the french wars of religion, under Charles XIII (and was only published last year)

>> No.11971371

I see, must have mixed up the names, my bad

>> No.11971376
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>being ambitious, polite and charming is enough to score any job you want
Provided you make it past the "AT LEASTs", "YOU MUSTs" and "REQUIREDs" in order to make it to the interview. If you have any outstanding debts, are obviously destitute, or if they already have their nephew's friend lined up and you're a formality, even a successful interview can be to null effect. There are many people I've met who resent kindness and ambition and just want to shoot you down before you even have a chance. I'm glad this has not been your experience. In someways, it's even more disheartening to possess politeness, charm and ambition and fall shy of your potential as people see you as competent and place the entire blame of joblessness or menial employment entirely on you.

>> No.11971407
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As gay as it sounds - stop blaming everyone else. Self-hate is a great engine if you utilize it correctly, find only fault with you self and do anything you can to fix it. This works for me so far, but perhaps I'm just born under a lucky star.

>> No.11971408

age: 22
fun fact: I’m a tranny
book: The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea,- Yukio Mishima

>> No.11971414

26, no faith in the future but Quantum Immortality makes suicide a waste of effort, The Golden Age

>> No.11971417

>i can down a bottle of red wine in about a minute and a half at no great expense to my sobriety
>The History of the Siege of Lisbon

>> No.11971526
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>I have one leg
>Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.11971530
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>> No.11971532

Poor bastard.
Do you have a prosthesis

>> No.11971535

Yup. You can probably understand why I turned to books for meaning.

>> No.11971538

Good choice, found any relief or answer in your reads ?

>> No.11971544

>I only drink alone and only every couple months but I love it every time and am always looking forward to it. Last time was in April and next time will be around Christmas
>The Magic Mountain and stuff for uni, the latter of which unfortunately occupies most of my reading time

>> No.11971550

no. And kids say 'ar me hearties' to me

>> No.11971556

Mean cunts.
Stay strong anon

>> No.11971562


>> No.11971566

>average 3 hours a night. My productivity has not improved
no shit.

get some rest. you'll perform a lot better

>> No.11971571

>Been jelqing, clamping, and pumping my dick for the last month and its legit getting bigger
>A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.11971576

I was born with one testicle and this makes me incredibly sexually insecure
The short Oxford history of English Literature

>> No.11971582

>was born with a testicle
My dog too kek

>> No.11971584

>When I was younger girls used to pass around my dick pic to each other and every time a new girl would see it she would ask me for sex. Several times this would happen because the girl I was actually dating wanted to share the pic to get friends to brag. Once a girlfriend shared it in person to two mutual friends while I was also standing there and while the tell friends looked both texted me asking to give it a try. At one point I showed it to a mixed group at a party of coworkers and one of my coworkers girlfriends. A female co-worker said she didn't think she could handle it and the non-co-worker asked for me to fuck her that night so we had sex on their back porch while my coworker played in the room attached to the porch. Now I wear don't jeans, grey sweatpants, basically pants that show off my dick print and just try to catch girls staring. It happens quite a bit. When I worked retail I actually would get girls asking to take my picture, one time a coworker saw two young girls maybe twelve or thirteen trying to sneak a picture of me from behind a small support column. When I decided to settle down I married a plain doughy looking girl who is in no way traditionally attractive and I don't know why.
>Blood Meridian

>> No.11971590

Thanks that's really comforting

>> No.11971621
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hahaha fuck you

>> No.11971647

>I can throw a 92mph fastball
>'Crime and Punishment' and 'Wealth Poverty and Politics'

>> No.11971648

>I've never had a Girlfriend
>Tonio Kröger

>> No.11971658

12. I wanna kill myself. Blue Bamboo.

>> No.11971659

Lol I assume you're a male? Cos that'd be funny if you were female.

>> No.11971663

Holy shit dude

>> No.11971667

>I've taken 5 different martial arts: traditional kung fu, pong lai, wing chung, Shaolin kung fu, and hapkido
>i'm not higher than a purple belt in any of them
>This Side of Paradise, about to start Catch-22

>> No.11971669

I wish I were a girl.

>> No.11971672

You're halfway there

>> No.11971674

It shouldnt, its no big deal

>> No.11971676

But I'm a disgusting hairy monster that hates himself

>> No.11971677

>I was once chased at night by a gothic prankster
>Anatole France, Les Autels de la Peur

>> No.11971686

...you're halfway there.

>> No.11971687

I've lived on multiple tallships.
The Discarded Image C.S. Lewis.

>> No.11971750

Always remember, the whole needed to combine their arms to fight the one testicled Hitler. Odin sacrificed his eye, once you accept it, worlds of possibilities will open up.

>> No.11971760


>> No.11971764
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>> No.11971795

So lucky, Vietnam is a dream for me

>> No.11971837

I used to want to be a palaeontologist until I realized I’m terrible at math
Storm of Steel

>> No.11971862


It's Gallic Wars mate not Gaelic

>> No.11971954

>I don't have one
>Crome Yellow by Aldous Huxley

>> No.11971969

>i'm dying but still looking almost healthy
>ecce homo

>> No.11971980
File: 16 KB, 320x230, Yui8hp5EMwvzLpeL3UiQP5TIYHFMoOgy5mFeRRvugJo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ran an online cult for a year after watching the Ass Kickers episode of Always Sunny
>Name of The Wind

>> No.11972006

>I'm dying
We all do. Slowly.

>> No.11972011

yeah, but i'm pretty damn fast at it. multisystem organ failure sounds badass tho

>> No.11972017

Did you fuck up yourself or were your parents siblings?

>> No.11972027

audibly kek'd

>> No.11972033

>back when i was 16 i was declared (unoficially) a persona non-grata in a small town of italy
>the illiad

>> No.11972035

what did you do?

>> No.11972060

made normies mad

>> No.11972104
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>> No.11972147

>i had multiple experiences with incest when i was younger. i lost my virginity with my aunt (she was only 4 years older than me) and eventually end up fucking one of my cousins and receiving a blowjob from another one. i never talked to any of them about it. i don't feel any guilty tho.
>the sound and the fury

>> No.11972202

Sucks. Go with a blast and take some deserving faggot with you. And ffs don't forget the livestream.

>> No.11972209

Groped my first titty last Saturday night.
Moby Dick

>> No.11972216

>I ironically took photos of nothing on instrgram and it turned into a real art show where people spent hundreds of dollars on “art”
>Kafka’s collected works

>> No.11972231

>The Little Prince
I don't get what the hype is about.

>> No.11972233

I admire your past though I'm not one for incest.

>> No.11972242
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>I'm not 69 lmao
>The Martian Chronicles

>> No.11972271

>If i think a poo is going to splash i do it into my hand and lower it into the toilet. It''s taken months of therapy to just get to this point.
>Cosmic Shift: Russian Contemporary Art Writing, Stoner, Principles of Mathematics
Who only ever has one book on the go?

>> No.11972317

I know a guy who admitted he had one testicle who used to get stupid amounts of pussy in college. His car would always certainly smell like it. You’re probably good m8.

>> No.11972325

pic or it didn't happen

>> No.11972330

What does pussy smell like? I don't reckon my penis has a distinctive smell, unless I haven't showered for a while.

>> No.11972361

He means "after sex" smell. Which is pheromons and stale sweat. Clean pussy doesn't smell, like fresh fish. Only once the woman doesn't soap the labia up daily (some freaks don't wash itat all with soap, because they think the vagina is just like the labia and souldn't be cleaned extenally) it starts to stink like rotting raw fish.

>> No.11972474

I don't have any on this phone. It's also not really that large desu I think it's just very aesthetic

>> No.11972484
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>Even though I am practically a virgin I have turned down sex multiple times which has resulted in them either getting very mad or break out in tears. Seriously, what the fuck
>Charlotte Delbo's Auschwitz and After

>> No.11972504
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Yeah, that's what I like to believe too

>> No.11972519

>I practically live the life of an agoraphobic, when I'm in public people always get along with me swimmingly and then slowly start to realise my small quirks are actually vast reckless inefficiencies. I would go out, but modern life looks even worse, I've always been told I am extremely observant (if I believe that is another matter) which makes me wonder why I'm so shocking at developing relationships with people.
>I usually re-read Wuthering Heights at this time of year

>> No.11972533

>it's just very aesthetic
pic or it didn't happen (x2)

>> No.11972537

>I have turned down sex multiple times
why did you do it

>> No.11972558


My dick is a little below average but mainly I ejaculate very, very quickly. Not only do I feel incredibily insecure about this, it also made me unable to get an erection when i'm with somebody out of pure shame. Funnily enough, most people see me as a full-blown chad because I rejected all these women. Only if they knew...

>> No.11972568

sorry m8

>> No.11972707
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Cheers. Drinking copious amounts of alcohol definitely helps.

>> No.11972810

25, currently in STEMs course eventhought i would rather read and write books. Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

>> No.11972815
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>I can get sub 1 inch groups with a 1911, one handed, at up to 25 yards now
>Condensed Chaos by Phil Hine

In case you're a woman, this is what a 1911 is.

>> No.11972821

>I play 4 instruments
>Finishing War & Peace soon, just started a history of the House of Representatives.

>> No.11972824

Always sad to hear, anon.

>> No.11972827

You're an alcoholic

>> No.11972932

I accidentally went into a thing for graduate students and professors as an undergrad and when they asked me what my research was I froze up and couldn't talk. Worst part is that I could have just bullshitted them by saying 'foodways in medieval England' or something and then they would have accepted me as one of them
Reading Siddhartha right now tho

>> No.11972958
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I have been hitchhiking America for over 10 years
im on scroll 23rd of iliad.This is the 7th time reading iliad.

>> No.11972967

based and redpilled

>> No.11972997

>i spent a summer studying in depth water beetles
>infinite jest

>> No.11973000 [DELETED] 

>18 (-1) don't wanna get banned lol
>I just broke a bottle of somewhat expensive cologne and feel like shit. I use that shit everyday and I like smelling good. Will probably have to ask my mom for a cheap bottle, but I don't think people can really tell the difference.
>The Eternal Husband, Dostoevsky.

>> No.11973186

>I'm past the deadline on almost all my writing and everything I read is only tangentialy related to my assigments
>philosophy of marquie de sade, by timo airaksinen, collection of essays by deleuze and kants foundations the metaphysics of morals

>> No.11973299


35, I use the holocaust for masturbation material, currently reading "Night" by Ellie Wiesel.

>> No.11973306

I have a hard time believing you use the holocaust for masturbation material. Would you believe me if I said that I masturbate to my issues to conquer them?

>> No.11973339

>I'm a white American who was in Kazakhstan for most of this past September
>Omon Ra by Victor Pelevin

>> No.11973351

19 I have vitilgio I'm reading a state produced book about the history and culture of china

>> No.11973353

I'm not advocating you do it but whats stopping you right now?

>> No.11973360

drugs are bad for you

>> No.11973369


>> No.11973491

How are you liking Mishima so far?

>> No.11973689

>I've been in all your heads
>I write books in my head and then read them with my "alter", they are pretty entertaining

>> No.11973710

I have PTSD and will never work again.
The House of Government

>> No.11973724

>If i think a poo is going to splash i do it into my hand and lower it into the toilet

By far the most interesting thing I've ever read on 4Chan.

>> No.11973747

what the fuck I'm never having sex

>> No.11973773

pls be a girl

>> No.11973777

>If I don't immigrate by the time I'm 30 I will kill myself
>The Forty Rules Of Love

>> No.11973780

>Which is pheromones
humans don't have pheromones pseud

>> No.11973785

Who is this Jewish tweaker?

>> No.11973811

where are you from m8... is it so bad

>> No.11973819


>> No.11973822

Egypt, yeah it is that bad to me.

>> No.11973828

why not walk out into the Sinai and die

>> No.11973839

Because there's hope that I might make it out

>> No.11973893

I see

>> No.11973995

Fuck you, I’ll try to sneak a picture and post it here.

>> No.11974018

>once wrote a Suicide Mouse style creepypasta that appeared in the news of another country years later
>Modern Man in Search of a Soul

>> No.11974027 [DELETED] 


Based. How do you feel about people who identify under the gender attack helicopter? They have been historically oppressive to the Vietnamese. Does this bother you? Want to talk about it? I just want you to know I'm your ally.

>>11972060 (!!!)
>>11972271 (!!!!!)
>>11973299 (good doubles)
>>11973777 (good doubles)




This post took 45 minutes to create
The Function of the Orgasm by Wilhelm Reich (second reading of it)

>> No.11974043

>practically old enough to be on 4chan
>I'm a physics major and have been able to do calc since I was but a young brainlet
>The Day of the Triffids in English and The Alchemist in Spanish

>> No.11974106

>was raised by a woman i thought was my mother, but was really my grandmother (late sister was really my mother)
>The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.11974135

I’m in college but besides that I don’t leave my house. I began to find some comfort in cooking.
The Elementary Particles

>> No.11974148

>I don’t feel feelings anymore
>Death on Credit

>> No.11974149

I've read that book

>> No.11974190

>I actually like China, problems and all. I loved my time there and would gladly live there again.
>Killing Commendatore (I know..) and Chuck Palahniuk's Pygmy

>> No.11974228

Going on vacation to TN on Friday
Mona Lisa Overdrive - William Gibson

>> No.11974275

I want to hate you for your posting, but you did call me based...

>> No.11974297

damn, that must be pretty cool. do you write about it? if yes, care to share something?

>> No.11974491
File: 260 KB, 708x642, Screen Shot 2018-10-15 at 1.27.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I was in a coma for more than a week and survived with very unlikely chances of doing so.
>The Idiot

>> No.11974715

holy fuck lol

>> No.11974760

>Some Russian guy asked me to hold on to his mosin nagant a few days... that was 2 years ago. He hasn't been back to pick it up, not sure what I'm going to do with it.
>Sharpe's Company

>> No.11974762
File: 15 KB, 360x253, chinese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After I survived 3 years of acute malpractice-induced withdrawal from a chemical cocktail made by a now jailed psychiatrist, I left my home in New England and wandered the deserts of Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico for three years
>Tao Te Ching

>> No.11974814

>isnt a prole

hopelessly pleb

>> No.11974825

i don't use soap/shampoo
the book of disquiet

>> No.11974841

>Temeraire book 6

>> No.11974846

based & redpilled

>> No.11974858


>> No.11974867

What do you dislike so much about it? Where would you like to move? Are you Sunni or something neat like Coptic or Sufi?

>> No.11974870

My ancestors owned slaves in Georgia.
Mason & Dixon

>> No.11974894
File: 76 KB, 353x544, anthills-of-the-savannah-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I remove asbestos for a living. I lived in Ghana for the first 6 months of this year.
>Anthills of the Savannah. I was worried Achebe would be just a token western liberal's choice of African writer but he's actually very good, this is the 3rd book I'm reading by him

>> No.11975342

Human oilfactoriably detectable sexual clues in any other name. People will find genetic clues through smell, thinking that humans are the only ones without is silly, when simply oilfactory tests show that we actually do respond acordingly to smelling those indicators.


>> No.11975347

>no mechanism of action
>no rigorous studies on the physiology underlying these nonexistent steroids
>no isolated pheromones
>random sociobiology studies and reviews
lol kys

>> No.11975355

It can be hell if you're not very rich. It's a brutal dictatorship, the people are backwards and uncivilized, the streets are broken, dirty, and depressing, the air is heavy and causes chest pains, noise pollution, lack of freedom, poverty, incompetence of most workers, terrible education, intolerance, racism, uncleanliness, absolutely nothing goes smoothly in the country without having to resort to bribes, and I mean nothing. Insanely and unbelievably low salaries, increasing prices, extremely shit quality of life.

Oh and I'm an atheist.

>> No.11975365

>X happens
>X can be found in every mamal in existance
>we don't know yet how X happens in humans
>STEM first semester fag: "Clearly X don't exist in humans"

There is beeing sceptical and there is beeing autistic. Humans are simply more complex and that's not an area where tax money flows over itself for studies to be done. It's very probable they exist and the mechanisms of oilfactory attraction should be considered either way, no matter if you call it pheromons or sex smell.

>> No.11975367

Oh and ideally I'd like to move to Canada. I feel I can integrate into society there with ease, and it just seems like a beautiful country all around. It's very expensive, but I don't mind leading a very low class (by Canadian standards) life in a clean and civilized country. I'm a STEM major btw.

>> No.11975371
File: 26 KB, 1118x617, Natalija.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I moved to Los Angeles to work in movies and I hate my job and have no friends
Thus Spoke Zarathustra, will probably read Le Pere Goriot next

>> No.11975373

>slight behavioral response to smells that correlate with a range of positively selected traits
>oh we must have musk and pheromones anon you’re so immature

>> No.11975376

I'm actually travelling to Egypt in a few months for a holiday. Maybe I'll see you there.

>> No.11975377

You can't. Read into brain drain. You loe your culture, as much as you might dislie it now, your family and heritage just to imix up with a foreign ethnic in a foreign county instead of doing your best to make your shit country better. If all the smart ones leave and fuck up through Regression to the mean (read up on it) the new jost country, neither your origuinal one nor your dream country will get better, only worse.

>> No.11975379

I know how to weld
Butchers Crossing

>> No.11975388

There have been blind studies on sexual hormones and ovaluating women, and no visual clues are necessary for women to find the man witzh most attractive features, genetically speaking (health, facial symmetry etc).

You'er not working on a scientific base if you simply deny their existance despite all those indicators. And I seriously don't know why you would. Angst of beeing "just another animal"? Angst of finding Stasi deep down more attractive than some used up sterile punk?

>> No.11975402

>look anon my t-shirt studies
they’ve been challenged many times and that’s not even what im making fun of you for friend.
>i don’t know why you won’t except this unproven idea which I asserted as biological fact
God isn’t real and I instinctively disregard the “scientific intuition” of anyone who thinks that anything like that is real, humanism is a pernicious extension of that abortion of a world view. You are asking why, as if maybe it might hurt my feelings? I’m doubtful because its an idea promoted by perfume companies and by TRP faggots, and there are no isolated pheromones identified. We don’t even know if Chimps actually have pheromones. I never said that smell wasn’t an essential element in mate selection, I said pheromones don’t exist in humans (or any primates from what I’ve seen). There are countless men and women whose natural scent is superior to mine, though ive never had any complaints in this regard and don’t really find anything like cologne to be a good use of money. Please consider if you’re not being unrigorous.

>> No.11975420

You won't understand, you've live your whole life amongst a certain society and in certain conditions, you can't encompass just how bad things are. There is no hope here. There legitimately isn't. Any and all efforts will be wasted. And the people are not worth helping. The people would instantly hate me due to their intolerance. Also, I grew up abroad and is mostly isolated while living here, I have no attachments to Egyptian culture and people.

I don't understand how I'd make Canada worse, I study hard and I genuinely try to put effort into most things I do and do them well. I have radical or particularly hateful beliefs. I feel like you're regurgitating cookie cutter political beliefs.

>> No.11975426

*No radical

>> No.11975445

don't you have family and friends you'd be leaving behind

>> No.11975450

>God isn't real
I'm an agnostic but no one working in STEM would make such a claim, as it can't be proven or disproven either way. So your scientific intuition yourself might need to be checked, as you just made a claim out of personal believe. And don't even try to come up with the intergalactic tea cup, desu. That's not how mathematics work.

> I’m doubtful because its an idea promoted by perfume companies and by TRP faggots
I highly doubt the industry can copy such smells, when they even fails at making synthetic vanilla complex enough or even "old book smell". Don't even know what TRP means, desu.

> I said pheromones don’t exist in humans
And I said, that funding is key. If you wok in STEM you should know how this game is played.

>There are countless men and women whose natural scent is superior to mine, though ive never had any complaints in this regard and don’t really find anything like cologne to be a good use of money.
I don't use parfums, cologne or deodorants with any small at all, so no personal interest in that area. I'm simply arguing from biologcal probabilities, evolutionary benefits and the fact that modern research rather blows money on claiming a bleeding hole is a vagina instead of sexual differences as pheromons.

You might want to read "My inner fish" (badumtsch) if you're not actually a first semester STEM fag to understand why it is very likely that, if our forefathers had it, we will still have it.

Additionally you might be interested in the fact that women on hormornal birth contol will find different men oiclactory attractive than those off it, another indicator that those deep hormornal additions change how we perceive sexual hormones through smell, meaning that their existance, be it pheromones or a higher evolutionary complexity, do exist. So pleae stop this autism.

>> No.11975460

It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make, and one my family encourages me to make. My father would weep the day I leave, but he'd push me to keep going and never come back.

>> No.11975464

I'm sorry to hear it anon. I hope some day things in your home country can be improved and it can be a place to be proud of, but I wish you all the best in getting to Canada and making a decent life for yourself.

>> No.11975465

4chan turned me into a sissy faggot crossdresser
The Temple of the Golden Pavilion-Mishima

>> No.11975466

watch me hit these doubles

>> No.11975471

I'm lived in communist poland, my grand-grand parents got slaughtered by nazis and jewish bolschewiks as most of our intelligenzia. I know how shit counties can be, and I was ashamed of it when living abroad. Now I'm 40 and want nothing more than find a polish wife and live in my home country instead of beeing a parasite in a foreign genpol, which can only pick between standing out like a sour thumb or giving up millenia of heritage to a foreigner.

I don't understand how I'd make Canada worse
Regression towrads the mean. Most first generation immigrants are smart and well adjusted, but genetics don't care. You are more likely to get a brainlet child than one of your kind. Those children themselves will again, if they aren't 1 in a million, get kids more similar to the egyptian average than you. Now, 50 years down the line, you have an egyptian community in canada demanding sharia law there. Just like they do in germany, france and britain. You are only thinking about yourself, not seeig the bigger picture. Self sacrifice for your fellow people is what you were born to give. Especially if you rather kill yourself. DOn't be a coward and behave like a fleeing woman.

> I have radical or particularly hateful beliefs.
Guess what, I too. But if you'Re not a brainlet you will find more adequate words till your views are in the majority. You'Re still in puberty, so you prolly not even able to comprehend this, but this will be the way. If I would speak my mind openly I would unironically lose everything and probably even my freedom, with a high probability of getting killed or injured by a mob someday. You'Re nothing special.

>> No.11975512

Fatwa sex is real??!

>> No.11975547

I like eating ass.
The Insufferable Gaucho by Roberto Bolaño. It's a collection of short stories and a couple of essays.

>> No.11975550

Firstly, I corrected it as *no radical or particularly hateful beliefs. I was speaking about the possibilities of me directly making Canada worse. My argument was the exact opposite of claiming am something special.

Before going further, my mother is a European descended Syrian. I'm mixed race, are you saying that me not being "a brainlet" (well, at least I don't feel I am haha) makes me a one in a million child?

Now, are you claiming that it is genetically encoded in egyptian dna to demand Sharia law, and that urge can only be suppressed for so long? I know you're probably not, but there isn't a reasonable alternative to this argument. I don't see it. I don't see how my children will do that, I will raise them irreligiously, I will likely not ever bring them to Egypt. I will likely not teach them Arabic. You don't seem to understand my intentions. Maybe my view will change as I get older, maybe not. Don't currently see how it would.

You want a Polish wife because you're attached to the culture. I am not. I haven't convinced myself am not, I genuinely am not. Deep inside, at a subconscious level, I despise this place. Once my direct family dies and if my limited friends here immigrate, I'd completely cease to care about this place.

Maybe my view will change as I get older and I'll realize something I currently don't see, a true brainlet decision would be stop working towards my goal over this future possibility that I know is highly, nearly fully, unlikely.

>> No.11975555

I can totally relate to this, anon. I have an advanced physics degree as well and I have no passion left for physics. Every time I hear someone say the word "quantum", I lose my shit.

>> No.11975567

Thanks for the kind words anon. I believe pride should mostly be derived from personal achievement. I am not ashamed of being born in Egypt, because I am my own person, with my own beliefs and actions.

>> No.11975576

>depressed kind of, realized everything I truly want to do in life career wise also puts me at odds with everything I want to do relationship wise. Not sure what to fully do, but I'm just going on.
>Runaway Horses, In Search of the Miraculous

>> No.11975577

>I'm mixed race, are you saying that me not being "a brainlet" (well, at least I don't feel I am haha) makes me a one in a million child?
The probability of you beeing significantly smarter than the average egyptian is very low and if you are, your children will tend to be moer average egyptian than not.

>Now, are you claiming that it is genetically encoded in egyptian dna to demand Sharia law
90IQ is the gate which closes off democratic states. Below this the populus is too stupid to be able to function within democratic means and needs a strict law (sharia or otherwise).

>I don't see how my children will do that, I will raise them irreligiously, I will likely not ever bring them to Egypt.
Most european born turks were raised in western values and never been to turkey. Tribal thinking and longing for belonging is deeper than some teachings. Your children will never be fully canadian and the day will come when they will want to have a society with their own people instead of beeing an eternal minority. That's why thrid generation is the most radical regressive one. They are neither fish nor flesh. You are making the coice for them and they will recent your liberal values just like they resent the western world. You are robbing them of everything which makes them egyptian while not beeing able to give them anything which would make them canadian. A piece of paper stating this doesn't make it any better.

>. Deep inside, at a subconscious level, I despise this place.
Your firstly far too young to know that and secondly this would mean that you better not reproduce at all, because, you hate verything which makes you and millenia of your forefathers. Ihope it's only puberty.

Either way, you want something which will destroy the country to flee to and make egypt only shittier. This is the coward decision, nomatter what you tell yourself. Europeans fought to death for their soild and betterment of their countries, while you can't even fathom to sacrifice even luxuries to better yours. This is the simple truth and the reason why your country is shit. It's not that you people are too stupid, it'S that the smarter ones don't give a fuck about their country.

>> No.11975746

> The probability of you beeing significantly smarter than the average egyptian is very low and if you are, your children will tend to be moer average egyptian than not.
> 90IQ is the gate which closes off democratic states. Below this the populus is too stupid to be able to function within democratic means and needs a strict law (sharia or otherwise).

I'm not particularly well informed on this calculation, so correct me if I'm wrong, but if I marry a Canadian, my children's grandfather will be the only pure (mostly pure) Egyptian in their direct descendance (like I said, mother's a European descended Syrian) Things will likely not work out as you're prophesizing, genetically speaking. Also, genetics are a large factor towards intelligence, but they're not everything.

> Your children will never be fully canadian and the day will come when they will want to have a society with their own people instead of beeing an eternal minority.
> You are robbing them of everything which makes them egyptian while not beeing able to give them anything which would make them canadian. A piece of paper stating this doesn't make it any better.

My children will grow up as Canadians. My children will likely look Canadian (am white). My children will speak like Canadians. At every aspect my children will be Canadian, save for genetics perhaps. But, what the fuck are Canadian genetics? What the fuck are American genetics? They're nations of immigrants. I don't worry about my children feeling like they don't belong.

>Your firstly far too young to know that and secondly this would mean that you better not reproduce at all, because, you hate verything which makes you and millenia of your forefathers. Ihope it's only puberty.

My mother isn't Egyptian. I didn't see my father much while growing up, and I grew up abroad.

> Either way, you want something which will destroy the country to flee to and make egypt only shittier.......

I don't care about Egypt brain drain, and you have failed to convince me I'll make Canada shitter.

>> No.11975758

20, I sometimes like to think I’m the resurrection Princess Diana, and reading Sartor Resartus- pretty good fun

>> No.11975759

>fun fact about yourself
i want to die
>current book
Brothers Karamazov

>> No.11975764


>I hate myself , hate my family and hate my country: The (teenage) Post

>> No.11975776

Did you mean to reply to me (the Egyptian)?
I don't hate my family nor do I hate myself.

>> No.11975787


No. The guy is projecting his self-hate and feeling that he "doesn't belong" onto his grandparents decision to immigrate into a country that he hates and advising you not to do the same because otherwise your grandkids will be full of teenage hate just as he is.

>> No.11975789

I see, makes sense. His arguments seem more like mere prophecies.

>> No.11975791

Why do you think I hate my country? You did read the part were I stated that I'm curently moving back, am a boomer and marrying a woman of my home country? Maybe stop trying to disregad actual points by "lol puberty dude".

I'm first generation myself, so again, you're wrong. I'm telling him those things because they are statistically and biologically true. You might not like them, but that doesn't make them disappear.

>> No.11975819

>I'm not particularly well informed on this calculation, so correct me if I'm wrong, but if I marry a Canadian
Yes, biologically speaking you are destroying both, your and the genetic patterns of your partners uniqueness and specific adaption by mixing it up. Sure, you are still caucasian, but that doesn't mean there are no differences. One of you will get the shorter end of the stick and your kids still won't be europeans and be "off". Your children therefore, and that'S as well statistically true, will be more keen in promoting policies which make canada into a country were they aren't off (more immigration). This leads to a white minority making everything you like about canada to disappear with them, as has been the place of every multicultural experiment, see France or Britain or Germany.

>Also, genetics are a large factor towards intelligence, but they're not everything.
True, but they ae 80-90 percent, while nurture is still unchangable for the better with our current understanding, meaning you can fuck the IQ up by multiple means but we still don't know how to effectivly boost it beyond puberty (IQ raising is possible but will be averaged out after hitting puberty showed in twin studies).

>My children will likely look Canadian (am white).
I don't want to be rude, but just because you are caucasian doesn't make you white, let alone anglo-frence. Look into human phenotypes. Your facial features are very much different from those of northern europeans, which make canada canadian, just like my western slavic features are very distinctivly eastern european and different from the germans right across the border. Your children will be a "mutt meme". Neither fish nor flesh.

>save for genetics perhaps
Anon, genetics is the one most important thing. Gens make culture, just like everything else. It's like claiming a good faked MTF tranvestites is a woman on all levels but genetic. It's not a woman, it's a man with psychological problems denying its real nature.

>hey're nations of immigrants
Northern european immigrants till the 60s. The america you think off is western european culture, not a real melting pot as they like to claim. With non-western european immigrants you get things which aren't "american" and don't blend in.

>I don't care about Egypt brain drain, and you have failed to convince me I'll make Canada shitter.
You don't cae about egypt just like you don't care about canada. You only care about the short term benefits for yourself and you wont really look into the points I made, because those might pop up a guilty conscience. That'S okay, I know that most people aren't able to fight off their greed for higher goals. I honestly wanted to prevent you from fucking up, but it's not my problem. I hope you get around before it'S tolate, otherwise good luck, you have been warned.

>> No.11975904


Sorry, did misread.

>> No.11975936

Enjoy your male roasty, a "shower" which is a penis that loses its ability to fully contract. Leakage, undesirable arousal and more prone to damage. The flaccid penis should be 1/8th the size of its erection after exercise or when concentrating. You're ruining the comfort of the organ throughout the rest of the entire day so your 15 minutes of fun can be enhanced. It's not worth the trade off. If it's bad, even the motion of walking can cause undesirable stimulation.
I have the same thing from a decade of pornography habit. The penis lost its ability to fully detumesce. Even a cold shower, it's not as small as it's supposed to be. It has improved but it bothers me. When I used to play chess or do any cognitively demanding task, it would shrink to it's fullest extent.

>> No.11975944

>Regression towrads the mean. Most first generation immigrants are smart and well adjusted, but genetics don't care. You are more likely to get a brainlet child than one of your kind. Those children themselves will again, if they aren't 1 in a million
This is wrong by the way. Regression to the mean only occurs within the family, that is, the child regresses towards the family mean. If his family mean is 100IQ, which is very possible, since he's an immigrant (has money to travel and support himself in another host country) his kid will either maintain (suppose he's 120IQ or something) or regress to his mean, and not the average nation mean (that wouldn't make any sense, races are not inbred). Just think if people regressed towards the nation mean, the high class wouldn't simply exist at all since their kids would always be regressing towards the national mean, and selection wouldn't be possible which is just ridiculous. The rest of your post is just cuckery.

>> No.11975967

>his mean
Meant his family mean.
Also to add, it's possible that the high class, isn't even that much selected by intelligence, because enviroment still takes part. Take the pessimist expectative of inheritance, like 0.8 or 0.85, the enviroment still accounts for maybe a half or a entire SD. The high class might be just individuals with 115-120IQ who get boosted to 125-130 by their exceptional enviroment.

Not responding to data mine bullshit, but i'm rereading Petersburg by Andrei Bely. Just absolutely fantastic, at every page it gets clearer that this is my favorite book of all time.

>> No.11975969

There is no family mean. You have to consider the bell curve of the sexes (averages for females, extremes for males).

> the high class wouldn't simply exist at all since their kids would always be regressing towards the national mean
You missunderstood. Of course, for genetic heitability to be a thing, not everyone will be average of X country again. Regression towards the mean only means that his children, if he reproduces with a women of his own standing and heritage will most likely be below him in IQ terms, not the average. Over generations this can be lifted up, but extraoridnary individuals will not produce just as extraoridnary offspring (besides the one in a million). Just like I know that my kids won't have my 134IQ either, but they can still be much higher than the average when my wife is even more rarely above the 120.

> The rest of your post is just cuckery.
It's literally the opposite of cucking my heritage to larp as another group. Fucking an anglo to deny ones heritage is the cuckery, like letting jamal inpregnate your wife, so your kids ain't becomming manlets.

>> No.11975989
File: 168 KB, 404x416, 2f5dc28b55909fe6e26a462a65bf019d98eb8cb13ae73a400d3b172c84da7b64.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got worsening mental health and struggling with college but I still want to be a historical linguistics PHD
>the iliad, again

>> No.11976018

>historical linguistics PHD
Pseud, the profession.

>> No.11976031

Im an idiot and don't know what to do about it.
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

>> No.11976035

>There is no family mean.
Wrong. Breeding in the west (actually the whole world, most parts of Africa to this day) weren't heterogenous. Aristocratic families for thousands of year intermarried between, setting themselves apart from the general population. Most of societies were structured within hierarchies and people married with their own hierarchy, setting themselves apart from the bottom and the top. You can search for this, having Aristocractic DNA makes you more likely to have higher than average IQ, income and opportunities in life. Social mobility basically doesn't happen and it's not a coincidence. So if he's from a distinguishable family (assuming he's not someone who hit the genetic lottery), his kid won't be dumb as the average, but not as smarter as him, in the end it makes no difference.
> You have to consider the bell curve of the sexes (averages for females, extremes for males).
Irrelevant. A family already pressuposes male plus female, their bell curves are already accounted.
>Regression towards the mean only means that his children, if he reproduces with a women of his own standing and heritage will most likely be below him in IQ terms, not the average.
I'll say that i couldn't be bothered to read the rest of your exchange with him (so i don't know the details), but suppose he's from africa or something, and is from a distinguished family, maybe he's 130 IQ, so he wants to immigrate to the west. Who gives a shit if his kid won't be of the same IQ of him? They'll probably be smarter than average because of the enviroment boost plus genetics. He has nothing to worry about, nor his kid, assuming he'll also marry a woman with similar genetic material.
>t's literally the opposite of cucking my heritage to larp as another group
It's cucking because you're denying your children a better enviroment because of some retarded infographic you've read on /pol/. If you're a high IQ in a 3rd world nation you're simply a retard and an irresponsible faggot for not immigrating to a better country and giving a better enviroment for your children.

Cultures aren't only a matter of genetics. The enviroment matter as much or maybe more because the enviroment is the sphere of action that the genetic material can't express itself. Thus, if it were only genetics, change would be minimal (in our time at least, maybe in millions of year something would change) because it would be always expressing itself fully, with minimal mutations.

>> No.11976041

Can't get enough of those proto indo-europeans amirite?

>> No.11976050

>because the enviroment is the sphere of action that the genetic material CAN express itself
Meant "can".Basically, if a culture is genetically predisposed to eat a lot of carrots, but their enviroment has no carrots, then the genetic material can't express itself, thus, they'll have to find something else to eat, not being a carrot eater civilization anymore. So no, cultures can't be reduced to simple muh genes, the matter is infinitely complex.

>> No.11976052

>I have an unhealthy amount of murder fantasies but am too much of a pussy to actually do it
>The butchering art

>> No.11976054


>> No.11976070

My garden used to be a cemetery 100 years ago
Snow Crash

>> No.11976074

any /x/ stories?

>> No.11976239

>Who gives a shit if his kid won't be of the same IQ of him?
The country which takes him should and his conscience if he gives a shit about the opportunity if living there. If he moves to a country which mateches his average IQ but his offspring and their children aren't on that level, they will not integrate and become losers in this society, where they would still be th percent in their home country. Again that's brain drain, which hurts the ntive country because it skims all upper IQ indidivuals and hurts the recipient country through lowering wages in industries flooded by foreign immigrants.

At this point it's obvious that you don't really understand the consequences and can't comprehend reasons against such actions which don't revolt around the individual.

>t's cucking because you're denying your children a better enviroment
So, you argue that it's ehically right to displace canadians because you want what they have build? Would you support the displacement of syrians and egyptians for american imperialism? Because I do neither and ressources are finite. Making ones envoirement better is also the long-term supperiour path than to wash your genes into some creatura not resembling anyone anymore. You are giving up your genetics which millenia of people killed for o be sure it's theirs just for short term gibsmedats. It doesn't get more cuckery than that. After a generation you lost everything you thought to gain.

>Cultures aren't only a matter of genetics. The enviroment matter as much or maybe more because the enviroment is the sphere of action that the genetic material can't express itself.
Genes express always in the same way (and if you mean prenatal or epigenetics, it's still the same genetic base unique to the group). Your desire for carrots (the nutrients they harbour, will seek out food which is adequate to give you the desired nurtients. This will still happen in the cultural frames of your subgroup. That's why caucasians as such, if you neglect such subtle differences still are pretty much culturally the same. The codes hamurabi otherwise wouldn't still be considered just, in the historical context.

Meanwhile unrelated groups will completly disregad such ideas as their genes require a different network of societal rules to flourish. Just take r- and k-selective breeding.

Please don't fall into the Guns, Germs and Steel autism.

>> No.11976260


>> No.11976286

>uhh, hate kikes, like girls also movies
>the second witcher book something sword i think sword of destiny

>> No.11976295
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>hate kikes
It always makes me smile seeing zoomers breaking the conditioning. Keep question the narative.

>> No.11976312

I did find a bone

>> No.11976317

Gypsies are a minority in our country, as blacks, indians or chinese might be in yours.
The fact some of them might speak your language doesn't make you one of them.
Their culture is quite different from our as well and neither wants to make an effort to get along.
Not to mention they're overall disliked and looked down on if not hated .

>> No.11976337

>I'm a freshman student at UM, but because of my enrollment in a dual enrollment program I am technically a junior (81credits). I'm actually kind of scared about my future because of how soon I'm getting my degree.
>The Secret Teachings of all Ages by Manly P. Hall, also V. by Pynchon, but it's kind of the back burner for now.

>> No.11976347

Your first paragraph makes no sense because in the original we were assuming he comes from a distinguished family(supposing he's 120IQ or something), and he himself is a distinguished individual among his nation, so his kid won't fall below average into the other nation (just as Chinese kids don't fall behind on western countries). Do you think the average 85iq 3rd worlder is here, speaking decent English, arguing on 4chan? By that matter alone i can say he isn't your average guy from whatever 3rd world nation he is, though i can't say anything of his genetic line, if he's just a guy who hit genetic lottery or comes from a 100iq family. If he comes from a line of 100IQs, and gets married to an 100IQ (with a genetic line of 100IQ) there's no way for his kid to be regressed or fall behind. If anything, his kid will be on a higher IQ because of the enviroment boost now being on a 1st world nation.
>So, you argue that it's ehically right to displace canadians because you want what they have build?
Whites are genociding themselves by not breeding enough. He is only an individual, even if he produces a mixed race kid, it's not statistically relevant, and at worst he'll lose phenotype, but nowadays no one cares about that. Race mixing isn't that common in white nations, whites are "dying" because they themselves don't breed.
>Making ones envoirement better is also the long-term supperiour path than to wash your genes into some creatura not resembling anyone anymore.
He's only an individual. There's only so much he can do to improve his 90IQ nation. Even with sustained efforts will take up decades for a 90IQ nation to catch up (and that assumes birth control policies to allow the 100iq middle class to breed more than the poor). You'd have to a retard to not take up the opportunity and get out. As for the other matter, it's up to him if he wants to race mix, he doesn't need to.
>Genes express always in the same way
If genes expressed themselves in the same way, then Twins would be identical in personality. Sure thing, in heavy hereditary traits such as Intelligence, height and so on they turn out to be the same, but if you ever met twins in real life you'd see how much they differ in personality, most of the times, because the enviroment isn't the same. Victor of Aveyron and other kids also shows that without enviroment, you're almost not even a human being. As to your conclusion about whites, they are literally killing themselves for thousands of years because of different cultures.

>> No.11976358

it doesnt you dumbaassss

>> No.11976374

youre in college at 18?

>> No.11976380

greentext now

>> No.11976394

>I'm incredibly insecure
>The Hobbit

>> No.11976398

What is the work like? What do you do?

>> No.11976401

Fuck I meant 18

>> No.11976412

>Whites are genociding themselves by not breeding enough.
Whites literally can't affort to breed thanks to taxation which is insane to support the offspring of immigrants which for the most part don't work. And those in power support this, for whatever reason.

>He is only an individual, even if he produces a mixed race kid, it's not statistically relevant
Individuals constitute the society. The individuals shows that he is asocial by not giving a fuck about what he promotes through his own deeds and should be shunned and excluded in a healthy community.

> and at worst he'll lose phenotype
It's the exteriour representing the lost genetic material ones ancestors fought with their life for. Race isn't only skin deep. People arguing for racemixing are indoctrinated beyond help, when even the most natural desire to procreate with ones own is reduced to looks.

>You'd have to a retard to not take up the opportunity and get out.
The worth of a society can be measured by the willingness of men to plant trees in which shade they will never sit. Your and his mentality is the reason why shit countries will never get better and good ones get run down.

>If genes expressed themselves in the same way, then Twins would be identical in personality.
If we are speaking about identical twins, then yes. There has been enough research showing that even those which never knew each other work in a similar envoirement, marry similar spouses, like similar food etc.

>but if you ever met twins in real life you'd see how much they differ in personality, most of the times, because the enviroment isn't the same
I have two pairs of ident twins in my family. Even they fetishes, while they differ on the outside, come down to the same likings.
You seem to confuse twins and identical twins.

>without enviroment, you're almost not even a human being
More like, without nurture you die and at best become an ape. Socialization is obviously important, as in you can fill a glass only with drops (of culture to raise the expressed IQ) but you can never raise it above the (genetic) brimm. As I said in the beginning, one can fuck up the nurture part but not raise it above what is genetically determined to be expressed. But for this expression there is no need to move to fucking canada and dillute ones genetic line.

>As to your conclusion about whites, they are literally killing themselves for thousands of years because of different cultures
War is never about culture and always about profit.

>> No.11976476

>I've only broken one bone in my life since far
>Things Not Seen

>> No.11976483

>work as a teacher and fantasize about fucking some of the more mature 15-year-old girls in my classes but every now and then they reveal that they're actually children and I get turned off and ashamed
>Cathechism of the Catholic Church

>> No.11976487

Stop larping, no one reads the Cathechism for more than single paragraphs.

>> No.11976569

this is how I imagine most male teachers experiences of working in a high school work honestly
implying genes matter when the world will fuck itself within the next 500 years minimum.
None of this matters, the only thing you can control in a democracy without being deluded is your own life.
The reason religious sects have loads of kids is because they genuinely believe in the afterlife and the earth lasting infinity years. Caucasian agnostics / atheists realise the bargain it is having kids when they cost so much and practically give nothing back until they're 50 or so. Unless you've found a loving wife (which past the sexual revolution, I doubt) having kids is the most expensive way to produce obligated company, much like how Burt Reynolds said getting married is the most expensive way to do your laundry.

>> No.11976579
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>pear shaped breasts

>> No.11976589
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>infantilized antinatalist egoist trying to argue his way out of beeing called an asocial parasite unable to fullfill his evolutionary reason for existance tho nobody asked

I am sure it's not a cope, senpai.

>> No.11976605

>I train with Conor McGregor
>Flowers for Algernon

>> No.11976612

That's neat breh. I've trained with OSP, live a couple blocks down from his gym. The facility is super barebones though, it's kind of sad to walk into.

>> No.11976625

sure, shouting "projection" is an easy way to get out of others not speculating that you might be the one "projecting" your "doomed, infantile romanticism of what you think a family is, versus how a family is", I bet you take pictures of white kids next to pitchers of whole milk too.
Also, I'm not an antinatalist, your comprehension is wrong, having kids is wonderful with the right wife, however it is nigh on impossible to raise a family of more than 2 children nowadays without losing all your mobility, which non-religious families care about more often. Religious families don't give a shit about their own lives because they serve "God" and shack up and have as many kids as they want, their lives are lived in servitude for the sake of resolving their necrophobia.

>> No.11976641

Who cares about mobility? I'm non religiuos and still down to sacrifice my luxuries and easy life for my kids. You have no idea what you are talking about and simply think that religion is the only reason people would give up the pleasures of modernity, while iit's obvious that you simply aren't willing to do it. That's the projection.

>> No.11976666

>You have no idea what you are talking about
>This isn't projection

>> No.11976691
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>repeading quotes to imply there is a good argument hidden within is a good comeback

>> No.11976799

Blackpill me on Achebe. Should I start on Things Fall Apart or something else?

>> No.11976897

... I'm not fun
Spring Snow

>> No.11976903

Depends what Africa you're more interested in. Achebe is famous for his depiction of precolonial Igbo life in Things Fall Apart, and it is really excellent. But if you're more interested in contemporary African stuff then Anthills of the Savannah might be a good way in, since it's about an archetypical corrupt West African military state, and notably about the important players in the government instead of a repressed citizen.

>> No.11976921

>i repair dentures
>butchers crossing

>> No.11976941

>being satan

>> No.11976971
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I used to live in Ripton and sled near Robert Frost's cabin as a kid. Other than that im a boring nothing of a human.

downloading lots of epubs on yoga and meditation, don't know what fiction im going to read next either.

>> No.11976974

>I struggle with removing porn out of my life but I keep using it when I feel down, which is quite often
>Just finished Zarathustra, will probably finish Conspiracy Against the Human Race despite clearly not being in need of an anti-life book

>> No.11976988

>Even though I'm currently unemployed, then in febuary I will serve the military service in my country for 4 months.
>heart of darkness

>> No.11977074
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>be 8
>anxious kid with neurotic family
>turbo-boomer parents fill me with drugs and shove me off to class
>sister is severely mentally ill, suicidal, and abusive
>perpetually in and out of mild withdrawal throughout my entire adolescence
>constant symptoms
>sweating, freezing, shaking, mood swings, fatigue
>barely able to function and I'm just a zombie
>somehow make it through first semester of college
>body starts falling apart
>start going insane
>reach tolerance threshold for about 5 different types of drugs
>sue doctor for almost killing me
>take the money they would've spent on school and drop it on a 4 month wilderness therapy program instead
>live in the desert for 4 months hiking, backpacking, and learning to navigate
>get stronger
>once I finish school I want to live and work out in this region
>go home back east to finish degree
>still on 3 of the 8 drugs I was put on as a kid
>finally get a scholarship and can go back to school
>new great job, make a bunch of friends, and I'm doing well in school
>have a qt gf for the first time in my life
>this lasts about 6 months post-wilderness
>still on a couple of "anti-anxiety and depression" drugs
>body and mind begin to fall apart again
>every medical professional I see tells me I won't live through this
>I'm 19
>having trouble walking, breathing, thinking, and sleeping, everything is just falling apart
>have to quit my job
>have to drop out of school again
>have to say goodbye to my friends
>have to split with gf because I don't want to drag her through the process of watching me die
>move home
>spend the next three years in acute withdrawal
>lie in my bed shaking and burning, remembering the desert, my mountains out west, and the girl I left behind
>this goes on for three years but I survive somehow
>parents feel so guilty about their role in making me this way that they can barely look at me anymore
>relationship with family and home completely destroyed
>hearing is permanently damaged (I can no longer hear low frequencies)
>muscle spasms and contractions from withdrawal have curved my spine and collapsed my pelvic girdle
>slowly get stronger
>work a little and save up for a car
>drive back out to Utah where I work logistics and construction jobs here and there, just sort of a wandering vagrant living out if my car
>completely perscription drug free now
>feel clearer and freer than I ever have in my entire life
>read lots of naturalist writings like Sigurd Olson, Aldo Leopold, and Craig Childs.
>backpack, rock climb, and meditate in the desert while I'm not working, taking shelter in the quiet empty stillness of the desert, taking in the stars and the massive silent things around me
>currently work as a backpacking guide and outdoor educator as I slowly gather the skills / certifications I need to become a wilderness therapist

I don't talk to my family very much. I am old and tired.

>> No.11977091

Damn and I was excited because I have a friend who trains with a guy who has fought Khabib

>> No.11977119

aight playa, thanks.

>> No.11977125
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Who do you do backpacking and guiding for? I've been on some trips out there it's possible I've heard of them.

And I'm really happy for you anon. I know life currently being better doesn't make up for the trauma of the past but you sound like a genuinely impressive person. If you have any writing I would love to read some, and if not I think you should try and write something.

>> No.11977338

>Combined type ADHD
>Crime and Punishment

>> No.11977344

>I once hobbled on a broken leg for a year before I got any treatment

>> No.11977420

>The first time I masturbated was when I was 17
>The Foundation Trilogy

>> No.11977673

>I've broken my legs over one hundred times
> The Meditation's by Marcus Aurelius and Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk

>> No.11977701
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I love the movie Billy Madison
pic related

>> No.11977704

>I have made a lot of art in a bunch of different fields, none of it extraordinary but decent.
>The Lonely City by Olivia Laing

>> No.11977720

>being a faggot

>> No.11977727

>i know how to knit
>the book of disquiet

>> No.11977744

I used to sing in a choir and we gave concerts in Japan (I'm from Europe)
Les Chants de Maldoror

>> No.11977848


>> No.11978296

How long ago were you diagnosed with schizophrenia?

>> No.11978316

Why the fuck are we acting like it's the first day of classes?

>> No.11978332

/lit/ doesn't show up on the first day of classes

>> No.11978356


>Never had a great
>Unbearable lightness of being

>> No.11978443

>I'm an English tutor at a community college
>I, Claudius

>> No.11978452

I guide for Deer Hill Expeditions. I’m working on a book right now. Your kind words and apu are appreciated.

>> No.11978468

is 120 a lot?

>> No.11978498

thanks for writing this, interesting stuff
how the fuck did this
>having trouble walking, breathing, thinking, and sleeping, everything is just falling apart
Just out of the blue? I mean, im assuming its the drugs but were you feeling shitty for some time or did it all just come at once?
Also, are you like disfigured cause of this?
>muscle spasms and contractions from withdrawal have curved my spine and collapsed my pelvic girdle
is that stuff permanent?
Did you talk to the girl again?
also, good job actually living through this mate

>> No.11978513

>The first time I masturbated was when I was 17

>> No.11978607
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>I work at a Taco Bell in the middle of buttfucking New Mexico
>The Traveler and His Past-Self

>> No.11979137

I'd say fuck off we're full but all the Egyptians I've met here have been pretty decent. Still though, it would be better if you instead found a way to make Egypt better instead of leaving all your people behind to suffer. Canada is great but coming here doesn't solve the root of the problem brother.

>> No.11979139

>I didn't have serious mental health problems until like a month ago, now I suddenly have anxiety bad enough for me to be medicated for
>Metalion: The Slayer Mag Diaries

>> No.11979151
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>how the fuck did this happen?
Assholes at Massachusetts General Hospital decided to try using pregabalin (Lyrica), a volatile medication used for diabetic nerve pain) on kids because they thought it might have anti-anxiolytic properties. Legislation created by drug companies allows for nondisclosure of all the effects of patented molecules, so not even the doctors who prescribe them fully know what they're giving you. Also it's legal to experiment on children. What they didn't know is that when nerve medication is combined with an SSRI like Zoloft (the one that made Columbine shooter Eric Harris extremely aggressive), it causes bad things to happen. Add in that I was prescribed clonazepam for 8 years, a drug that all prescribing references (MERC/PDR) warn against taking for more than 2 weeks (because klonopin functions as a GABA-pathway depressant developed in the 50's to act similarly to the alcohol molecule, and is therefore "habit-forming"). Addiction is a chronic abnormality causing an out-of-control triggering of the nucleus accumbens, while dependence is an artificial rewiring of the brain's threshold of foreign chemicals, convincing neurons that they need a foreign substance to send signals. It can be reversed, but not without damage.
>did it all just come at once?
Brain chemistry changes during puberty combined with the above statement about clonazepam is what exploded my frontal lobe.
>Also, are you like disfigured cause of this?
Since clonazepam is a muscle relaxant you get these awful muscle spasms while in withdrawal, like insects biting you under your skin, but what's really happening is that your muscle fibers are firing randomly, crisscrossing when they should be lying side by side. This creates these awful hard knots that pull entire muscle groups in directions they shouldn't go. It took 2 years of intense physical therapy exercises and a muscular rehab specialist jabbing her fingers into the knots like a hot steak knife to disrupt them and heal. Many of the tympanic cilia in my ears which make their way to the auditory nerve were uprooted a common "symptom" (it's a fucking disfigurement) of long-term SSRI use. Because of this, I have hearing damage that makes detecting low frequencies very difficult.
>is that stuff permanent?
I need to keep myself built through exercise, maintaining a stretching routine in order to keep everything in place and feeling good. Lots of aches, pains, and intercostal tissue soreness between my ribs, the hearing damage, and I can't drink anymore due to the molecular similarities between clonazepam and alcohol. Also just the trauma of it all. I'm lucky to be alive.
>Did you talk to the girl again?
I think that would have been cruel
>good job actually living through this mate
I read a lot of psychopharmacology books when I got sick, which allowed me to invent my own titration system. Knowledge is power and survival.

>bad enough for me to be medicated for

>> No.11979158

>Currently live in rural Japan and am seriously considering never returning to my home country.
>Killing Commendatore

>> No.11979420

The human mind literally cannot make an original face, if you imagine a person it'll always be someone you've seen.

>> No.11979438

Yes, alcoholics are known for drinking rarely.

>> No.11979441

>Would you believe me if I said that I masturbate to my issues to conquer them?
wish I could do this, just can't cum to my childhood

>> No.11979461

>I can literally spend all say lurking online constantly hating myself for wasting my life and I still manage to make no changes, nevertheless retaining the pathetic vestige of the hope that I will kick of my cliched bad habits and become a person interesting enough to be worth existing

>> No.11979685

>I'm pretty sure I have synesthesia. It makes music infinitely more enjoyable, especially as an often-needed coping mechanism
>Gravity's Rainbow; Between the Woods and the Water; The Dog of the South

>> No.11980062

Would you suck Trudeau's dick to get Canadian citizenship?

>> No.11980609

That easy? Seems like a good deal

>> No.11981133

that's awesome.
do you know the language?
and do people accept you?

>> No.11981332


>> No.11981344

>last night some random guy from grindr sucked my dick in the car
>letters from Mário de Sá-Carneiro to Fernando Pessoa