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/lit/ - Literature

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11970435 No.11970435 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11970447


>> No.11970464
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>> No.11970471

Your spacing and size would make it really ledgable if I could read anything other than English.

>> No.11970495
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>> No.11970518
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>> No.11970564
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>> No.11970571
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>people make fun of me for writing in cursive
How do I cope, bros?

>> No.11970590
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>> No.11970595
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>> No.11970627
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NOT enough replies are ridiculing this spelling of legible. Improve, /lit/.

>> No.11970639
File: 22 KB, 663x154, handwriting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An older picture for a previous handwriting thread.

>> No.11970654

The medium is the message. And your message is that you don’t care about your audience.

So either don’t handwrite anything for other people or move to print when writing for other people.

>> No.11970664

Good hand writing means a slow brain. All the intelligent doctors have terrible hand writing.

>> No.11970689

>that 'o'
Ah, so it's not just me whose cursive strokes "cut" into adjacent letters. I've tried so hard to fix mine but it just never sticks unless I'm writing super slow.

>> No.11970699

Not that guy, but I’ve tried so many ways of trying to improve my writing. The only things that seem to have a lasting effect are changing things that broadly change the writing. Like using the arm instead of the fingers to articulate letters. What pen or angle I’m writing at. These things are easy enough to keep in mind when writing, as opposed to focusing on letter shapes and such. Those I think just take repetition.

>> No.11970701

Fuck it, there's nobility in sloppy cursive, go read old letters, etc., and you'll find unless the writer went through a secretarial program or was trained in a formal hand to act as a clerk, etc., it'll look like that. That's what working cursive ought to look like, at least if you're a male.

>> No.11970734

Pushing a little hard there wouldn't ya say

>> No.11970755

I swear

>> No.11970812
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It usually looks worse than this if I've been writing for longer than ten minutes but I can't be bothered to provide an example of that.

>> No.11970865

My handwriting is absolutely horrible. So much so that I write in all capitals to make it more readable for others.

>> No.11970875

This is a technique used to imprint two layers of information on the same page. He is beyond reading one piece of information at a time.

>> No.11970887
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>> No.11970892
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A simple reflection on the current weather

>> No.11970893
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>> No.11970906
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What's your beef with hippies?

>> No.11970926
File: 1.97 MB, 4032x3024, 1EA4A69D-9BF9-48A2-AF93-7297CABB3BC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, it’s upside down.

>> No.11970935
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LED gable

>> No.11971026

How do you write vertically so well?

>> No.11971135
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Still learning shorthand, I'm a bit sloppy

>> No.11971138
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It's pretty fucking hard to be honest

>> No.11971187

Is there science to this? Or is it pseudoscience bullshit? Virtually all of the physics and maths PhD candidates I've met have had chicken scratch for handwriting, though. There's probably a bit of truth to your statement.

>> No.11971327

WTF, everybody in my country writes in cursive. Where are you from?

>> No.11971329

Cursive is about being fast, so most people have few letters that look similar to others in cursive. For me, it's O and A. It doesn't block anyone to understand.

>> No.11971347 [DELETED] 

2018/10/22 17: 38 ● Hell jailbreak? ! Invincible? Image of Dogeza! Are you happy? Ho Chi Minh? Giga Town? Kossai? Ebenki?
17: 37 Dogeza? * Much inbake? octopus? Abramerine? ● Die cutting? Invisi (transparent)?
17: 32 Lupine? Konchi Invincibility? Abramerine? Despair? Spiral line? mulatto?
17: 17 I do not care? Baby's voice! Right shoulder inbake? Despair? 17: 21 Are you happy? Despair? Mariko ??
17:13 Crouch? Are you happy? Multiple man? octopus? Invincible? Bamboo smell! Spiral line? Konchi F-ZERO

>> No.11971370

no. it's b/s

>> No.11971375

Improve your handwriting with the Patrician Italic Hand:

>> No.11971381

Emotional dismissal and not an argument.

>> No.11971384

>not understanding that correlation does not imply causation

>> No.11971410

>being a pseud and using a what fancy sounding concept (to an undergrad) that you don't understand
There is no correlation in this case, there was not a statistical relationship presented; there isn't any correlation to imply a causation to begin with.
If you were actually intelligent, you would have tried instead to cart it off as 'confirmation bias', built only on anecdotes. But you aren't. That's why you right away said "it's bullshit" from square one, and rather than iterate your reasons for why you left it blank. It's a reasonable hypothesis that increased brain processing speed results in slower motor functioning. You just don't like it probably because you've handwritten well your entire life and do not like the implication that this reflects you may be a dum-dum.

>> No.11971426 [DELETED] 

Scientific/philosophic thought is dead, people are all about fake news and pseud-shit. Yesterday we had a thread by an anon talking how he doesn't read the news and only gets info by reddit and pol, see? We're doomed, post truth is the new core now. I'm not talking about young people only, old people has gone crazy too.

>> No.11971452

postgrad here. you're obviously not short on intelligence, but much worse than being dumb is being full of bad faith: let's think about this, doctors habitually just scrawl their signatures on a prescription, they're typically in a hurry to get through as many patients as possible. I wonder if thee's any possible relationship there?
Also, doctors are not the only ones with notoriously bad handwriting: add teachers to that list. And teaching is a lot easier to get into as a profession than medicine, right? You are going to have to revise your little hypothesis.
My handwriting was absolutely atrocious until a few years ago when I made a conscious effort to make legible, attractive, and dare say stylish? using the materials linked to earlier.
Incidentally, I liked your last comment, since we find the classical authors (and Shakespeare and Orwell) mocking those wth good handwriting as a sign of low breeding. But that's fine.

>> No.11971473

>since we find the classical authors (and Shakespeare and Orwell) mocking those wth good handwriting as a sign of low breeding.
Shakespeare and Orwell clearly trying to cope with their bad handwritting lmao
muh mommy they're stupid bc muh i have ugly handwrite but i'm perfect right mom muh

>> No.11971482

It does suck, tho. That's ugly and irregular cursive. But Op probably does thin it's "nice" because he's a mutt which just learned it.

>> No.11971490

It's bullshit. Medicine also doesn't take much IQ, it'S more about remembering shit. An uggo handwritting is just an uggo handwriting. Look back 200 years and you will see that those which could write, wrote beautifully, because they wrote more than people today and getting a letter was quit something. You put effort into it because it took long to send and receive, and you hold on to those letters for years if not life.

Uggo handwritting is just lazyness.

>> No.11971494

you clearly need to improve your reading comprehension; my handwriting is now quite nice, which is what amuses me about both your comment and those remarks I made.

>> No.11971495

Why authors always do that? Like
*I don't like something or i'm incapable of do something*
*Mocks about it and about people who does it in childish ways*
It's so childish. Actually, why people do that at all? My dad is also like that and he's mediocre. How come smart people have those childish moments? It's like they lost reason from nothing, arbritarily hating some irrelevant shit that you see that the author is just doing bc he's mad at something silly. Is it narcisism?

>> No.11971497

read spinoza

>> No.11971564

neither of you have understood the aristocratic disdain for a learned 'trade'. But yo may have a point insofar as the modern world is concerned.
>Shakespeare: "I once did hold it, as our statists do, A baseness to write fair"
>Orwell: ""Winston found and handed over two creased and filthy notes, which Parsons entered in a small notebook, in the neat handwriting of the illiterate."

>> No.11971768

>everybody in my country writes in cursive

Where do YOU live? The idea of cursive here is dead; no one here writes in cursive anymore.

>> No.11971782

Not him, but whole of europe learns to write in cursive the second kids understand the basic alphabet. With individual variations everyone writes cursive as standard.

>> No.11971933

That looks like shitty italics, not shitty cursive. Can you even read?

>> No.11972161
File: 2.57 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20181022_113309312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was writting some anon's recs. I personally don't like my handwriting bc i find it very cheesy-cutesy-tiny-bullshit.

>> No.11972573

Show the fucking instrument you used as well /g/
our threads are very rare

>> No.11972578

>fountainpennetwork friend

>> No.11972590

You use FP for daily notes? I only use it at home for journals because it's too hassle to bring it around with ink and all that. I cycle so what I bring is a gel pen instead.

>> No.11972593

not exactly cycling around, but mostly journalling (at home) so on a daily basis, yeah.

>> No.11972607

Nice to see that you wrote down my recommended german books.

>> No.11972608
File: 3.72 MB, 2920x2768, 20181022_132550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please be nice

>> No.11972653

Tilt it a little bit, then draw the angles a bit sharper and you've got the "EN ISO 3098" Norm.

Is a former prussian writing norm for architects and engineers. The prussian norm became a german norm later.

In this century the german writing norm for engineers and architects became a european norm.

Some may say it's characterless. But exaclty there lies the beauty.

>> No.11972674

why can't all english faggots write like this?

why do you have to do this:

>> No.11972694

Yo, >>11971138# is short hand (or "Steno" for my german fellows). It's mostly used by journalists to keep up with writing while interviews. Its a whole new character set.

>> No.11972801

what's the fountain pen?

>> No.11973289
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>> No.11973330


can you even read that afterwards?

>> No.11973331

The fountain pen is a kind of pen that has an internal container of ink, which is usually refillable, and uses a nib rather than your standard ballpoint.

>> No.11973346
File: 251 KB, 1040x780, 20181022_151615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I write very quickly, and slowing it down just makes it worse it seems.

>> No.11973354
File: 11 KB, 225x225, Shut_it_You_Slag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11973358


Funny thing is, most of the people who write cursive like this can't even read their own handwriting afterwards.

>> No.11973364

Don't use your fingers to articulate detail. Practice using the entire arm to do the fine motor detail. This takes some time, but the arm tires less and has more control over movement than fingers/wrist.

Also practice making forward slant then down strokes all along a page in the lines.

>> No.11973366

you put too much effort into this post

>> No.11973381

What part of OP's post is cursive?

>> No.11973389

Here here.

>> No.11973398


obv not op you fucking kike

>> No.11973407


unreadable and hurts the eyes

>> No.11973457
File: 1.56 MB, 3264x1836, 20181022_231829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I somewhat took my time writing this, it usually is worse when i have to go faster.

>> No.11973466

You forgot the word 'quick' before brown.

>> No.11973476


cant read it, is this a poem or omethign?

>> No.11973478

Also it's 'jumps' so you get the s in there.

>> No.11973515
File: 1.48 MB, 3264x1836, 20181022_232728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed ,I should have looked it up before writing it instead of copying >>11972608

my bad, like I just said, I should've looked it up, but I've written 2 "s" under the sentences. Sometimes I write the "s" in cursive, but i don't like how they look at all with my handwriting.

>> No.11973652

WoodRiver - The Rinehart Fountain Pen Kit Chrome

>> No.11973658
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>Using a pseud pen
>lol my handwriting sucks

>> No.11973827
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Legibility is a spook

>> No.11973860

I really blotted your inkies, didn't I?

>> No.11973875

Yes. People with bad handwriting have bad handwriting in most cases because their brain thinks faster than they can write. Obviously a smart person can learn good handwriting and obviously a dumb person can have bad handwriting. It's just a rule of thumb.

>> No.11973896

post feet plz

>> No.11974536
File: 2.43 MB, 2584x3512, notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is mine, obviously it looks better if I slow down and out effort in but this is what I get when I'm at a reasonable pace in class
I've never liked writing large amounts in pen, I use a 0.5mm mechanical pencil because I like the feel