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/lit/ - Literature

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[SPOILER] No.11969881[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you will never be a wild Fremen
>tfw you will never ride a sandworm
>tfw you will never participate in the sietch Tau or the water of life orgie
>tfw you will never fight for a great house
>tfw you will never fight in Muad'dib's jihad
>tfw you will never be a Sardaukar
>tfw you will never be a Mentat, a Swordmaster, Bene gesserit, Suk doctor or even a guild steersman
>tfw you will never take the spice
>tfw you will never have ancestral memories or prescience
>tfw you will never serve the Barron Harkonnen's evil plots (or his nephews)
>tfw you will never fly a ornithopter
>tfw you will never travel fold space on a high liner
>tfw you will never be part of the golden path
>tfw you will never be a facedancer
>tfw you will never have legions of fish speakers begging you to impregnate them
>tfw you will never step foot on another planet
>tfw you will never shoot a lasgun
>tfw you will never know that sands that are Arrakis

why even live?

>> No.11970077
File: 105 KB, 500x431, fremen-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more importantly, why did you spoiler the image?

> tfw you will never die of thirst
> tfw you will never be gang-fucked by twenty Harkonnen bravos at once
> tfw your spice allocation is short for that month so Rabban orders your village destroyed

>> No.11970108

I love this cat, so much :^)

>> No.11970114

Didn't want to spoil it for the younglings

>> No.11970159

>you will never be a dumb faggot like op
Life is good

>> No.11970169

You hate the Harkonnens more than Gurney


>tfw you will never be crushed for answering Lord Leto wrong
>you will never have you guys spilled by a bene gersserite foot
>tfw you'll never be melted by lasgun fire

>> No.11970970
File: 121 KB, 800x407, Butlerian_Jihad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spoil what? that this is a Dune thread?

the only way you could spoil things is to say "the prequels were pretty good".

>> No.11970973
File: 45 KB, 1015x432, lol_rabban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate Jodo more than i hate the Harkonnens.


>> No.11970982

Please don't take science fiction so srsly.

>> No.11971560
File: 78 KB, 500x352, Chris_Foss_-_Dune_-_Guild_Tug_1255706586_crop_500x352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf was Jodorowsky's problem? Did he even READ the book? Or understand it's subtleties?

I've not read much of Brian's work except for the preludes which were pretty okay, they're written in almost a completely different style from Frank's Dune

>> No.11971712
File: 459 KB, 998x699, 2132132313n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw there will be Butlerian Jihad in your lifetime

>> No.11971901

Can't wait

>> No.11972295

>Wtf was Jodorowsky's problem?
It would have been an interesting movie for sure, but an even worse adaptation than Lynch's (which I thought was fun in it's own way)
iirc there's a quote where Jodorowsky mentioned wanting to "rape Dune with his love" or something along those lines.

>> No.11972770

I'm so excited for this. Smash the machines.

>> No.11973428

Although I don't think dune would every be a good move id like to see a new game of it.

And yeah Jodo was pretty weird I don't think he every invisioned a dune movie tho. It would have been more akin to an adult star wars.