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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 68 KB, 732x549, AN79-Green_tea_on_wood-732x549-Thumb_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11967412 No.11967412 [Reply] [Original]

what beverage do you drink while reading, /lit/?
for me, it is green tea or coffee

>> No.11967416

Tonic water.

>> No.11967419

my urine

>> No.11967429

usually bang's root beer

>> No.11967450
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All bitter drinks from black coffee to tonic water are patrician beverages.

>> No.11967469

i've never had tonic water, what does it taste like?

>> No.11967550

Bitter. It's an acquired taste. You may repelled at first but you take another sip, it grows on you. Before long, you start to prefer it to other cold beverages.

>> No.11967561


>> No.11967563

What’s the point of these threads?

>> No.11967567

To let those who don’t actually read feel like they belong here

>> No.11967570
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There goes another one.

>> No.11967580

Nice post

>> No.11967588
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I've already told you guys!

What's on all of your reading lists today? I'm going to check out some Name of the Wind.

>> No.11967594

i'm going to read a clockwork orange

>> No.11967612
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How do you drink mouthwash? Also I’m juggling a lot of books which is really annoying

>> No.11967617

Black coffee from the local coffee shop, friend.

>> No.11967664

Cool. I've never actually sat down and read it, but my friend has talked it up.

Well that's easy. I'll either drink it straight or make a cocktail out of it. I believe I gave this recipe in a thread I made. I'll make the drink a mix of Cool Mint Listerine, Strawberry Daiquiri Seagrams, sugar, honey, a bit of lime juice, and coconut cream. It tastes better than some would think.

>> No.11967971

Cold brew coffee with salt. I don't read.

>> No.11967979

Any alcoholic drink, the stronger the better

>> No.11967991

Never realized you could add salt to cold brew. Does salt only taste good with cold brew, or can you add it to any type of coffee? What does it taste like?

>> No.11968049


More savory. Salt makes everything better. I don't read.

>> No.11968057

cheap red wine

>> No.11968217

I used to have a place that would pretty much give Spanish red wine away. I got 10 bottles for 20$.

>> No.11968337
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Black Coffee.

>> No.11968442

hey that's cool. I'm currently enjoying one for 3/bottle. I tried some of the more expensive ones but they all taste like shit so staying with the one for 3 per bottle ("el caseron" is the name)

>> No.11968511

diet pepsi

>> No.11968592

dip spit

>> No.11968605


>> No.11968612
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Kratom tea

>> No.11968977

Delsym if I'm feeling extra extravagant.

>> No.11968993

>not drinking someone else's urine
fucking incel

>> No.11969005

coffee with a few spurts of my femboy girlfriend's cum

>> No.11969026

i drink this anon's urine

>> No.11969029

how do you guys feel about kambucha

>> No.11969043

It smells like vinegar shit and tastes like salty feces.

>> No.11969081

I really love ginger kombucha, but overall I could live without it

>> No.11969106
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my man

>> No.11969113

book juice...if you know what i mean ;-)

>> No.11969119

Books don't have juice you little scattered man.

>> No.11969130

coffee and yerba mate maxes me too hyped to read
yes nice book juice

>> No.11969160

I'm behind you

>> No.11969164

No you're not dude my wall is. Are you joking or stupid or both?

>> No.11969208

sheesh, you're deep, boy

>> No.11969212

I'm a grown ass man and I'd like to be addressed as such.

>> No.11969322

whisky with milk

>> No.11969547

Go back

>> No.11970616

Tastes not that great but I drink it because it's good for you. It grows on you like tonic water.

>> No.11970628

Monster Zero Ultra

>> No.11970668

Nothing. If I get thirsty I put the book down and drink from the tap.

>> No.11970671
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>> No.11970698


>> No.11971306

I'd never had it before but my grandfather offered me some the other day, I was initially repulsed but obviously I'm not going to not drink it given the social circumstance, it was alright but had an unpleasant aftertaste that wasn't just bitter but somewhat like vomit. I drank it quite quickly though, it probably would've been nicer if nursed.

>> No.11972164
